As per usual, a perfect combination of hilarity and awesomeness. I didn't know that Thanos was behind Plagueis' death, or that Mother was

Also, @Dr. Snark can we 'upgrade' HK to have skeletal hands, a cloak & scythe? I want this because of reasons.

I think HK would appreciate the symbolism, but the cloak would keep catching on fire from jetpack use and a scythe is just so impractical in comparison to a good-old-fashioned high powered sniper rifle. :V

to be fair, just the portion you have written is 700k.

a 1 to 100 summary is respectable.



oh god, didn't I hate writing once? How did I write several novels worth of content in the past two years? I mean I've enjoyed every minute of it but fuck that's a lot of words

Summary's nice. People are going to miss a lot of context if that's all they go off of though.

That's why it's a summary. If I tried to add in the extra context it'd probably add on another 7 thousand words.

Omake: Piebald's Plan

Funny, but I gotta say it's non-canon. Remember HK's lectures on how big, calculated plans like that have a bad habit of being picked up by a Jedi's precognition? Yeah...

Accurate. Canon info, +10

Achievement Train broke, had to lug this here on foot.

Still tho, hope you guys enjoy it~!

P.S @Dr. Snark This is the 7th batch, you mis-labelled the previous one as the 5th batch :p

Favorite: "Dude, Where's My Ship?" Obvious, but still

Summary post? Have another achievement post!

@Dr. Snark This is part 8 of 11/12, the reroll is approaching soon :3

Favorite: Damn there's a lot of good ones here, but I gotta go with "Do You Fear Death" if only because I never realized that Plagueis getting Dusted would fit so well for it~
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weird idle thought... The dagger of Mortis is capable of closing a wound in the force, theoretically. Never been used to do so, But it ability to "cut" the force would be used to "cut" the wound in the force from the force, destroying it.
weird idle thought... The dagger of Mortis is capable of closing a wound in the force, theoretically. Never been used to do so, But it ability to "cut" the force would be used to "cut" the wound in the force from the force, destroying it.
Interesting theory. It seems like that would leave a larger wound around where the wound used to be wouldn't it?
oh god, didn't I hate writing once? How did I write several novels worth of content in the past two years? I mean I've enjoyed every minute of it but fuck that's a lot of words

Well, you seem to enjoy the showmanship and interaction of running a quest.

I think your sanity is safe. Unless of course, you are secretly writing a novel as well, and enjoying that too.

Interesting theory. It seems like that would leave a larger wound around where the wound used to be wouldn't it?
But the larger wound would be an untainted one, much more likely to heal quickly. Same principal as cutting out infected flesh or a tumor.

Might not work well at the temple, where it could quickly become reinfected. But melcor which is rarely visited?(dang auto correct the planet that was eaten by that smith dude).

While I do need to reread this entire quest now that I've seen that summary, I was just rereading our Assetts Page in the OP and had a question.

Why do we only have a Landing Craft construction slip in orbit over Lordran?

Where's the planetary defense station? A few Golan V platforms seems like a must have, Or hell, slipways for fighters, frigates, cruisers, Star Destroyers even?

Why isn't our private planet being utilized extensively in creating an even bigger army with which to try and smack down Palpatine?
But the larger wound would be an untainted one, much more likely to heal quickly. Same principal as cutting out infected flesh or a tumor.

Might not work well at the temple, where it could quickly become reinfected. But melcor which is rarely visited?(dang auto correct the planet that was eaten by that smith dude).
I'm really uncertain that this is a good idea. You don't treat a stab wound by cutting out the meat around the stab and even assuming you're right and wounds aren't dangerous unless they're tainted, its possible that the Jedi's negativity would just reinfect the wound.
Given that Bluq didn't 'cut' the force as this would I'm worried that we're both reading it far too literally.
Also, we'd have to explain exactly what Ciaran is doing, not like the Jedi wouldn't notice her wandering around cutting the force.
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That sounds dubious. It would be like mending ripped cloth by trying to stab the hole away
Metaphysics is complicated. (I'm reminded of Doctor Who: "a big ball of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff").

The Dagger of Mortis is, in simplest turns, a physical manifestation of the concept of Death. Anything it cuts, it ends, permanently. That's why we were able to use it against Mother Talzin, and why whenever it touched her 'magical ichor', the ichor faded away. That's also why we're bringing it to the fight with Palpatine -- kill him with the dagger, and that ends the threat of his constant resurrection/clone backups.

I think @TerrisH might be on to something, frankly. In-universe, there is no known way to remove a Wound in the Force. Using the Dagger to conceptually end the Wound, has the possibility of working. At this point, we either have to try something unprecedented to heal the Wound, or force the Jedi Order to abandon Coruscant entirely.

Where's the planetary defense station? A few Golan V platforms seems like a must have
Security through obscurity. No one outside our organization knows about Lordran, so it's safe from attack. Forcing too much industrial development -- to the extent that it would require significant resources brought in from outside -- would imperil that obscurity, and increase the danger of attack. That's why we upgraded the agricultural sector this turn, and expanded our mining operations, to provide more resources on-planet for future development.

Or hell, slipways for fighters, frigates, cruisers, Star Destroyers even?
Why isn't our private planet being utilized extensively in creating an even bigger army with which to try and smack down Palpatine?
Until this past turn, we only had access to Trade Federation droid designs -- the only ships we could make were their landing craft to transport droids, and vulture fighter-droids and hyena bomber-droids that lack hyperdrives.

This turn, we obtained majority ownership of Hoersch-Kessel Drive, which means we finally have access to many of the capital ship designs that they own. Next turn we'll upgrade Lordran with slipways for some of those designs, and start churning out our navy.

OTOH, this would necessarily be a reserve -- we'd still rely on CNS fleets and pre-existing ships, because showing our hand too soon would give others (like Palpatine) an idea that we have a secret industrial base somewhere. But if it's down to a choice between our survival and revealing our fleet's existence, survival takes precedence.
I agree useing the dagger on the wound would be a risk. And I don't suggest useing it as the primary or even secondary plan. But as a plan c through z, it's worth considering.
Might try it on an out of the way old wound first though.
I agree useing the dagger on the wound would be a risk. And I don't suggest useing it as the primary or even secondary plan. But as a plan c through z, it's worth considering.
Might try it on an out of the way old wound first though.
If by considering you mean asking the canon characters 'How desperate do you have to be before this sounds like a good idea' then yes I agree.
weird idle thought... The dagger of Mortis is capable of closing a wound in the force, theoretically. Never been used to do so, But it ability to "cut" the force would be used to "cut" the wound in the force from the force, destroying it.

To be honest, I suspect even killing Palpy with the dagger is a reckless idea.

It's made to be a weapon against the Mother, so against Palpatine, it's like using a nuclear weapon against a bacteria... Against the wound in the temple... Well... The alternative is to just fence off the area for a few centuries or millennia and let it heal on its own.

Security through obscurity. No one outside our organization knows about Lordran, so it's safe from attack. Forcing too much industrial development -- to the extent that it would require significant resources brought in from outside -- would imperil that obscurity, and increase the danger of attack. That's why we upgraded the agricultural sector this turn, and expanded our mining operations, to provide more resources on-planet for future development.

Until this past turn, we only had access to Trade Federation droid designs -- the only ships we could make were their landing craft to transport droids, and vulture fighter-droids and hyena bomber-droids that lack hyperdrives.

This turn, we obtained majority ownership of Hoersch-Kessel Drive, which means we finally have access to many of the capital ship designs that they own. Next turn we'll upgrade Lordran with slipways for some of those designs, and start churning out our navy.

OTOH, this would necessarily be a reserve -- we'd still rely on CNS fleets and pre-existing ships, because showing our hand too soon would give others (like Palpatine) an idea that we have a secret industrial base somewhere. But if it's down to a choice between our survival and revealing our fleet's existence, survival takes precedence.

Oh huh. Surprised we didn't just purchase the rights to starship designs earlier. Pretty sure they sell those.

Also don't Trade Federation have the Lucrehulk's, alongside there Star Destroyer equivalents? I can't recall the name, the ship that was Greivous flagship?

Why couldn't we just build an expanded droid Foundry, an on planet Extraction and Refinery for raw materials, and then just crank out a droid labor force to build and maintain industry that way?


Okay, so Golan V's would be pretty hideously personnel heavy platforms. My bad.

I still want to get some super heavy orbital defense stations going someday soon, plus potentially a Shadow Port for our Abyss Watchers to Use whenever they come into the system.

Or hell, if not here, set up a Shadow Port somewhere in the literal middle of nowhere. Find a spot in dark space between stars and drag a port facility there to act as a secret Resupply station.


Huh, y'know, if we were to set up an entire Series of hidden Resupply stations across first CNS space, then out into Republic and CIS territory, we could theoretically have a full on Shadow Port network. Perfectly hidden Resupply bases in areas literally no one would think to look, and even if they did without knowing where it is they'd take centuries to find it.
By liberally threadmarking other peoples' posts? I'm pretty sure the word count includes all threadmarked posts, not just those of the author.
As I once pointed out: Dr. Snark's updates for the last turn alone made up the equivalent of a full length novel.

I'm pretty sure he's written more than one turn, though it's been so long that we may have to accept that it's lost to the mists of time.

weird idle thought... The dagger of Mortis is capable of closing a wound in the force, theoretically. Never been used to do so, But it ability to "cut" the force would be used to "cut" the wound in the force from the force, destroying it.
Kreia approves of this plan.
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Anybody know about any mega projects Ciara and co can get started on any time soon?

I mean, we've already started moving to try and take over the Entire Courascant Undercity, which could take a while, but I'm wondering if there's some other major undertakings we could perform.

Like, for instance, setting up and maintaining our own Shadow Port Network across the galaxy. Hidden ports for Abyss Watcher use only, giving our people hidden bases and reinforcements everywhere in the galaxy.

Second idea, everyone know the Holonet? Why not develop and deploy our own version of the Shadow Net? The CIS has one, pretty sure we can make our own as well.


Honestly, I'm just spitballing here. Anyone got any crazy ideas for big huge things that Ciara can do to make her and hers more powerful?

Hell, launch an expedition to Dromond Kass and see if there's anything left there. Might be fun!

Anybody know about any mega projects Ciara and co can get started on any time soon?

I mean, we've already started moving to try and take over the Entire Courascant Undercity, which could take a while, but I'm wondering if there's some other major undertakings we could perform.

Like, for instance, setting up and maintaining our own Shadow Port Network across the galaxy. Hidden ports for Abyss Watcher use only, giving our people hidden bases and reinforcements everywhere in the galaxy.

Second idea, everyone know the Holonet? Why not develop and deploy our own version of the Shadow Net? The CIS has one, pretty sure we can make our own as well.


Honestly, I'm just spitballing here. Anyone got any crazy ideas for big huge things that Ciara can do to make her and hers more powerful?

Hell, launch an expedition to Dromond Kass and see if there's anything left there. Might be fun!

We could build a moon sized space station, with a powerful superlaser attached to it. What could possibly go wrong?
We could build a moon sized space station, with a powerful superlaser attached to it. What could possibly go wrong?

We don't have the plans for it. Genosians didn't give us those plans.

Also it would take something like, what, 20 years to build? How long did it take to build the first Death Star? And that was With Palpatine diverting damn near everything he could to get it built.
We don't have the plans for it. Genosians didn't give us those plans.

Also it would take something like, what, 20 years to build? How long did it take to build the first Death Star? And that was With Palpatine diverting damn near everything he could to get it built.

Geeze. You're going to be kill joy like that.

How about we terraform Tatooine? Return it to the state it was 25000yrs ago. Make it a proof-of-concept, and then use the technology to make money elsewhere.