The amusing thing about Kygetsu is that she indoctrinated herself to the point of total fanatism all on her own without anyone actually being involved in the process. She is THAT crazy.
With what Ciaran has accomplished, a certain amount of reverance is almost guaranteed. I mean, if she learned there was a cult outright worshipping her, would she really try that hard to stop it?
With what Ciaran has accomplished, a certain amount of reverance is almost guaranteed. I mean, if she learned there was a cult outright worshipping her, would she really try that hard to stop it?
Depends on what they are worshipping her for I imagine and what they are trying to do with their worship. If they are causing trouble in her name, and not the good kind of 'trouble', she might have to step in and take control of the cult.
I'm pretty the Kaleesh do in fact worship Ciaran as a goddess just like Grievous is a god of war.

I'm not sure what she's a goddess of however.
My guess would be something like the Goddess of Fortune. In both the sense of luck and wealth, since we've got them both in spades.:p
Probably not, since the Kaleesh only deify people once they're dead. It's a forgone conclusion that she's going to be in the pantheon eventually, though.

Ah is that how they do it? I thought they deified still living people.

Still, I wouldn't be surprised if some folks are getting an early start on the veneration process.

Huh, I wonder if Force Users are in anyway aware of prayers and worship made to them?
Try: Falling to the Dark Side and turning into a mockery of your former self and being completely destroyed are both bad because Lady Ciaran said so!

Among every Star Wars (and Star Wars-adjacent) character I've got the slightest knowledge of, there's something especially terrifying about Kygeetu san Torgh. That level of devotion, the total lack of a true ego or super-ego beyond "being whatever makes Lady Ciaran happy" is disturbing on so many levels. Bloody well done, @Dr. Snark.

By the way, is it a hard or soft 'g' in Kygeetu?

You should be thanking @Panory for creating such a fascinating character to work with. They did most of the work.
... Ky-'j'eetoo? ... If it was a soft 'g', why not use 'j'?
Because the "Star Wars Name Generator" I used spelled it with a g. Not a lot of effort went into naming her. For what it's worth, I always pronounced it like Ky-gi-too.

She may have evolved far past it, but Kygeetu was created for a really basic joke about the juxtaposition of Ciaran being famous and skilled but still learning the basics of things like Blazing Chains, presumably with the rest of the recruits who see her as someone famous and skilled. I legitimately don't recall if I did anything with her until she got promoted.
It just occurred to me that Ciaran is one of the only examples of a non-entertainer/artist mononymous person I can think of. Certainly being known galaxy-wide by a single name for philanthropy is rather more worthy.

And it also strikes me that I'm not sure we even know her surname (do Miralukan cultures have surnames?).
Her family, except Silas... is not a good family to her, if I remember right, so I think she doesn't take the surname as a result.
And it also strikes me that I'm not sure we even know her surname (do Miralukan cultures have surnames?).

Unless I'm misremembering things, I don't even think we know her first name, either; I recall Silas saying something along the lines of "that's what you're calling yourself these days" during their reunion.

Edit: In fact, here's the quote:

Another few Minutes later, Secret cellar under the Mansion
The reinforced, concelead blastdoor somewhere in the actuall cellar of the place made it rather obvious that your grandfather has been actually in this place, not to mention that you think that you can spot him through a few walls... which turns out to be true when you turn a corner to enter what appears to be a quite decent surveillance room and a certain old geezer jumps up from a seat next to the consoles, runs at you and immideately hugs you. No, you totaly not went 'Eeeeekkk...' as he did so. Not at all.

"Ciaran... thats what you call yourself these days, right? It has been years, kid!" Well, he hasn't been as jovial as this for years, thats for sure. You just wish he wouldn't have a grip like a Wookiee and a compareable hug.

"Gramps, let me down before you break my ribs, will you?" Going absolutely red in the face he abruptly lets go off you. "Time really seems to be avoiding you, considering that you can probably still break people in half. Anyway, what was this whole matter about? Your... friend... mentioned something." As if on cue the just mentioned Weequay waves somewhere behind you. "She allready knows the majority of it!"
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It just occurred to me that Ciaran is one of the only examples of a non-entertainer/artist mononymous person I can think of. Certainly being known galaxy-wide by a single name for philanthropy is rather more worthy.

And it also strikes me that I'm not sure we even know her surname (do Miralukan cultures have surnames?).
Her family, except Silas... is not a good family to her, if I remember right, so I think she doesn't take the surname as a result.
IIRC if she appears legally inscribed as Ciaran Cata (instead of Parsa like her father), but she only ever uses the surname to sign contracts or other legal stuff, she doesn´t think of herself as anything else than Ciaran.

But it would be best for the fathers of the creature @Teron and @Dr. Snark to clarify it...