As the guy who made the suggestion: that isn't even remotely my intent with that write-in. My goal was to streamline our Learning actions, and beeline for industrial applications. I don't want Galen Erso to work on military applications directly, even if some of his research can be converted into that down the road (any sufficient energy source can be used as a weapon, after all).

Still, it can cause more trouble than it's worth. His canon example clearly shows that and our world has seen scientists who fought against using their own inventions. Even if they had understood before they finished their research where exactly it would be used.

Asked and answered. Mostly: bordergore on the end-of-turn map. Also: set up the CNS as a quasi-autonomous polity by establishing diplomatic ties with other quasi-autonomous polities.

But what about-...

I've been persuaded it's not worth the risk.

..oh, okay.
You might be right in an objective sense, but a single production line that can produce 60 or even 10 droid squads per turn would be insane and pretty thoroughly game-breaking. My hope is, by lowering the bar for what the Foundry can produce, @Dr. Snark will be more willing to leave it in play without considering it a 'big red button'.

That's why they call it a BRB. I am quite happy getting one group per line that we can actively use, as long as we are stockpiling the rest of what the Foundry is producing elsewhere.

My impression is that the Foundry is a Rakatan construction, so no one really understands it or knows how to expand it. We can strap on a couple hyperdrive engines to move it from point A to point B if we really need to, but that's about it. OTOH, given that we have control of the Foundry system, we could probably build the 'Box' as a separate space station that's located nearby.

It has a docking Bay and airlocks, so surely we can expand those? Although a separate station would also work, and at worst we can cut a hole in the station and add more space.

I definitely want listening posts, heavy system defences, and probably a fleet to defend the place, though. We have a superweapon. Let's make sure no one can find it without us knowing and that we can protect it if they do.

Edit: I would also like to point out the synergy between Mandalorize the Nova Guard and Standardize Militia Training. We could have small cadres of elite mercenaries training our Militia. Kind of like star wars green berets.
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New Bases:
[] Tython -- set up a training facility (for other Force sects) or embassy (for CNS) with annex for Abyss Watcher activity (archaeology teams!)

[] Pantolomin: tourist/resort world with luxury starshipwrights to invest in, and a massive entertainment-based space station that used to belong to a Tarisian corporation.

[] Mrlsst: homeworld of scholar/scientist specialist species, center for major under-funded university and scientific organizations to invest in

[] Nubia: they made R2-D2, as well as the cruiser Padme used as queen of Naboo. There are many corporations to invest in, the headquarters of the Intergalactic Gravball Federation, and a lot of other worthwhile planets in the same system and sector.

[] Woostri: specialist-species tech researchers to recruit, massive research center to invest in/infiltrate, corporations and tourism centers to invest in.

[] Nimban -- the best bureaucrats in the galaxy just joined the CNS; maybe they'll let us set up a recruitment center on the planet. Also, Hoersch-Kessel Drive is headquartered here, and we'd love to buy it before it gets liquidated in bankruptcy court

[] Cularin: it has all the things. Force nexus, archaeological sites, local Jedi enclave, local Force-sensitive native species, asteroid belt with Force crystals, asteroid belt with 'anomalous material' metals, and a lot more.

[] Endor: like Cularin, it's also splendidly weird. It's also a 'black box', due to a local wormhole that occasionally sucks things from elsewhere in the galaxy and spits them on the surface of the Forest Moon. Depending on how far Dr. Snark's willing to go, there might be a few sentient mountains on the planet. Maybe an avatar or two of nature gods. And lava rivers flowing through the forest. ...Endor is weird.

[] Obroa-skai: no kidding, this is the academic center of the galaxy. Between the Celebratus Archive, a Jedi Academy dedicated to data analysis, the Obroan Institute for Archaeology, and Aurora Medical Facility (specializing in cutting-edge techniques, including memory implantation and anti-aging treatments), there are a lot of possibilities for expansion here.

[] Fondor: an ecumenopolis specializing in ship-building (the Fondor Shipyards are some of the biggest in the galaxy) and engineering (Fondor Academy is responsible for most of the engineers who work for Techno Union and Kuat Drive Yards), this base could specialize in ship design and heavy industry.

[] Byblos: like Fondor, an ecumenopolis with a large ship-building industry (the Byblos Drive Yards date from the Old Republic). Unlike Fondor, Byblos specializes in corporate governance: most of the megacorporations of the galaxy (like BlasTech, SoroSuub, and Sienar) own corporate towers on the planet.

[] Zeltros: the galaxy's best-known resort world and pleasure planet, inhabited by red-skinned empaths. Not a bad place to set up shop.

[] Telos: a terraformed agriworld devastated by the Jedi Civil War, Telos was mostly restored with a series of Dark Jedi destabilized the planet and strip-mined much of the raw materials. Now the Dark Jedi are gone, but the Clone Wars have done the planet no favors. Fortunately, there's plenty of archaeology to do here, so we have reasons more than merely economic to build a base here.

[] Manaan: a waterworld best known as the source of kolto -- a miracle cure for most wounds and illnesses, less effective than bacta but much less like 'blood diamonds' in terms of corporate ethics. Plus, the Order of Shasa is found here, so we might set up a recruiting center and academy.

[] Dac : also a waterworld, best known as the home of the Mon Calamari (notably Admirals Raddus and Ackbar), with a massive ship-building industry above and below the surface.

[] Empress Teta: this ecumenopolis and capital of the Deep Core has a long history with the Force, a thriving black market, headquarters for the Hyperspace Navigators' Guild, Great Library of Cinnagar, and archaeological ruins of the Iron Citadel (palace complex rumored to contain an intact Basilisk droid...!)

[] Cormit, Chiss Ascendancy: the planet itself may be a nothing-burger, but this base would give us a foothold in the Chiss Ascendancy and the start of positive relations with the powers of the Unknown Regions.

Dac, Cormit, Manaan, Telos (IV), and Cularin are 100% guaranteed. Tython requires more interaction with the local Order. I...honestly don't know about Endor, isolation is a legitimate issue with that one. The rest...if I can get a decent upgrade tree for those planets I might relent, but they don't seem like...


Okay, let me be clear here; my main screening process behind bases is me asking these questions:

"Can there be interesting stories told about its development?" (Kalee, Kiln, Taris especially, Tibannopolis, Ord Mantell, Muunilinst to a lesser extent)
"Is there something fascinating here that could potentially influence or be influenced by the greater narrative in interesting ways?" (Arkania, Lorrd, Mandalore, Castell, Cato Nemoidia)
"Are there canonical reasons for a planet to be specifically singled out for more unique interactions?" (Telos, Thyferra, Manaan, Cularin, Cormit, Mustafar sort of)

The rest of those planets just don't seem to have that pull the rest do - sure there's stuff there, but there's stuff everywhere in the galaxy, and there's only so much I can do in the Vectivus Corner - an invention I used specifically to bring out those narratives more prominently - before it's just a wall of text like it used to be.

Anyway. Just keep that in mind before you start posting potential upgrade trees. I'll freely admit that in some cases I might be wrong but there are so many planets in the galaxy that I just have to cut corners somewhere - I just try and make sure the more interesting ones stay in.

Moving on:

Coruscant Base:
[] Rolling Takeover:
-[] Rolling Strongholds: now that we're consistently expanding our territory, we should 'automate' the process of solidifying our control and defense of that new territory. Upkeep: 100 Reward: Controlled territory heavily fortified against attack
-[] Rolling Karada: with more territory, comes more people in need of medical care. Expand our outreach to the poorest and lowliest. (Reward: +10% income for planet?)
-[] Rolling Aegis: with more territory, comes more recruits and more need for bodyguards and private security. Expand our operations in the Underworld
-[] Rolling Wiretaps: with more territory, comes more opportunities to spy on everyone and everything. Expand our surveillance infrastructure
-[] Rolling Salvage Teams: with more territory, comes more junk... and more treasure (Reward: +1 salvage roll per 2 territories?)
-[] Rolling Smugglers: with more territory, comes more nooks and crannies for smuggling things in and out.

[] Coruscant Media Group: expand our new media network and ramp up the anti-Palpatine messaging. Let our Taris media prop up support for the CNS; use this media outlet to undermine opinion of Palpatine

These are legit, though I'll have to figure out how the rolling everything works because if I'm not careful those could spiral out of control fast.

Lordran, Kiln:
[] Farming Investment: now that Kiln has more workers, can we increase the quantity (and quality) of home-grown food
[] Mining Investment: now that there are more factories, we should ensure we have more raw materials to build with
-[] Industrial Development: expand the size of the industrial district, so we can build more factories of the same type.

I'll be nice and say Industrial Development can boost the output of all factories because individual upgrades would be a pain.

Nar Shaddaa Property:
[] Sith Academy: I have no idea what we can do with this, but presumably we can restore it as another site for training our Abyss Agents. We might use it for recruiting on the planet, or for cross-training with dark-aligned Force Sects (such as the Blackguard or Nightsisters)
[] Guardian Corps Barracks: now that that Mandalorian Guardian Corps can recruit across the galaxy, let's start recruiting. There should be plenty of warriors and bounty hunters on Nar Shaddaa who might be willing to fight for an ideal. And that's not to mention the Gank and Evocii natives.

Academy will boost Agent recruitment rates.

Castell Facility:
[] Aegis Security Expansion: we have a defense grid, but let's expand our security teams on the planet before we launch a coup attempt...


Taris Property:
[] Mercy Medical Campus
-[] Specialist Recruiting Center: focus on hiring medical-specialist species (Arkanians, Carosites, Lurrians, etc.) to improve every aspect of Karada's operations (Upkeep: High Reward: +20% for all Karada income?)

[] Promised Land: time to bring the Nekghouls into the fold
-[] Karada Campus: expand our medical outreach to the new citizens of Taris
-[] Silver Cross: expand our charitable outreach to the new citizens of Taris
-[] Force Academy: the nekghouls are able to wield the Force. Show them how to do better, and ask them to show our agents some of the tricks they've picked up.
-[] Salvage Teams: the original colonists to arrive in the Promised Land originated in the Old Republic. Perhaps we might discover some valuable artifacts or long-lost tech by combing through what they threw out? (Reward: +1 salvage roll for Taris)

[] System Defenses
-[] Rapid-Response Fleet: in case of attack, set up droid starfighters to sortie and defend the planet
-[] Planetary Shield Reinforcement: set up more generators or energy sources, so it will stand up to bombardment

[] Private Retreat: Buy some land on the far side of the planet, and build a retreat for Ciaran and her closest friends to use while she's on the planet. It's purely coincidence if tourists are allowed to visit (for a nominal fee) when she's not in residence. No really.

[] Ojostor Media Group:
-[] Lellish Marketing: recruit Lellish from local space to run the marketing/advertising side of our media group -- they are the best PR specialists in the galaxy, after all, and can drastically expand our outreach and improve our appeal as the center of Neutral Space (Reward: better odds for CNS recruitment?)

These are fine, though I'll reskin that Salvage Team upgrade to "Nekghoul Guides" and boost the odds of finding better loot/special events.

[] Tibanna Gas Refinery
-[] Weapons Factory: tibanna gas is particularly useful for making more powerful blasters. With a refinery on site, a factory here would be much easier to operate.


Chu'unthor (Mobile Base)
[] Research Complex: the Chu'unthor was designed with space for various universities and research facilities to join the Jedi in studying the Force. We'd only extend invitations to groups we implicitly trust, such as: Adascorp (Arkanians), Lorrd University (CNS), Karada Corporation (we own it...), etc.
[] Vianist Quarters: make room for Lorrdian pilgrims on their way to/from Force-powerful sites and nexuses. They might also provide new insights and artifacts...
[] Archaeological Teams: as the Chu'unthor traverses the galaxy, serving as our mobile embassy to other Force sects, we should include archaeological teams to go exploring whatever planet or system it travels to. (Reward: +1 archaeology roll)

Archaeological teams are okay, but the rest have too high of a risk of breaching OPSEC. Don't forget that the Chu'unthor is for all intents and purposes a stolen Jedi vessel.

NEW: Yavin Outpost
[] Defense Grid: set up our security forces to defend the base. No real income here, unless we find other explorers and archaeologists who would pay for our protection.
[] Orbital Trading Post: we want to keep inquisitive eyes away from the planet surface, but there's plenty of trade within the Gordian Reach, and a trading post/supply port would take advantage of that.
[] Probe Droid Supply: send reconnaissance droids to check out the surface of Yavin IV (and other planets in the system!) to look for anything interesting, so our archaeology teams know what to look for (Reward: bonus to Yavin archaeology rolls, rolls apply to entire Yavin system?)
[] Farming Investment: Yavin is a lush jungle planet, but there are plenty of clearings around the planet. Hire a few Ithorians to design and build farms, so that planet can grow its own food.
[] Ecological Exports: forget the 200-meter-tall massassi trees. Yavin's jungles produce grenade fungi -- literal explosives that grow on trees. You don't think any of the arms dealers in the galaxy might be interested in that? Hire a few Ithorians to cultivate such rare creatures, so exporting them does not disrupt the local ecosystem.

[] Gem Diving Station: corusca gems are produced by the intense atmospheric pressures of Yavin Prime, and are collected by 'gem diving' ships that enter the gas giant's atmosphere and scoop out whatever gems can be found. The technological requirements are high, as is the cost of setting it up, but this would provide us with a regular supply of ludicrously valuable corusca gems. (For reference: in canon, a single gem was traded for an entire city block on Coruscant. One gem.)
-[] Svivreni Jewelers: recruit Svivreni geologists to analyze Yavin Prime to identify where gems are likely to exist in high concentrations, and to prepare the gems for sale. (Reward: increased income?)
-[] Luxus Resort: the atmosphere of Yavin Prime is known across the galaxy for more than corusca gems. It is also the site of the Prisma Storms, an atmospheric phenomenon that resembles rainbow-colored lightning, a unique Wonder of the Galaxy. Set up a resort for tourists.
-[] Aegis Security: given how valuable the gems are, we'd definitely want to have our security forces operate on site to prevent vandalism or theft.

Hm...the farming and ecology things are a bit counterproductive. The Gem Diving Station and the rest are fine (plus the idea of creating a tourism/mining station is legitimately an interesting concept), but don't forget that the Yavin IV base is largely meant to explore Sith Temples and hopefully not get too many people killed in the process - meaning it's best if people don't ask too many questions about it or the area of the moon it's at. That being said, exporting literal grenade fruit does sound hilarious so I'll try and see how I can work that one in.

NEW: Thyferra Facility
[] Aegis Security Facility: set up our security forces to defend the base and earn some income on the side
[] Trade Port: Thyffera is the sole source of bacta in the galaxy. There should be a lot of potential in increasing its shipping capacity
[] Large-scale Wiretaps: time for some corporate espionage.
[] Karada Clinics: bacta is practically a staple crop of the inhabitants of Thyferra, but that doesn't mean there aren't ailments and injuries we can help with, especially since the natives of the planet are practically enslaved to the Zaltin and Xucphra corporations.
-[] Karada Research Complex: Zaltin and Xucphra don't like other groups trying to reverse-engineer their main product. However, our corporation has the best spynet in the galaxy backing them up, so it should be possible to set up a research facility without their finding out (Reward: action unlocked, less turns?)
[] Smugglers Den: with so much bacta circulating around the planet, it'd be easy to ensure some slip through the cracks.
[] Re-found Ashern: the 'Black Claw' rebels overthrew corporate rule a generation ago, when it was revealed that Xucphra Corporation had engaged in price-fixing during the Stark Hyperspace War. Now Xucphra is back, and the native vratix were once again reduced to corporate slavery. Re-found the old Ashern rebel movement, rebuild the Black Claw, and prepare Thyferra for independence.
[] Re-build Xozhixi: the original capital of Thyferra was the Vratix city of Xozhixi. Now the capital is the corporate-owned Zalxuc City, and the native vratix are relegated to living in gloan trees and working in alazhi fields. Offer under-the-table support to rebuild the old capital, and prepare Thyferra for independence.
[] Guardian Corps Barracks: the vratix are the weak and vulnerable, so a paramilitary unit dedicated to protecting others would certainly interest them. It'd also be a convenient excuse to give them military training, away from the prying eyes of Xucphra and Zaltin.

Hmm...I do think after the trouble Xucphra and Zaltin gave her Ciaran wouldn't be too adverse to seeing a changing of the guard. That being said I might end up folding the Ashern and Xozhixi into an action. Maybe. I'll have to consider that. Aside from that the rest are fine.

NEW: Mustafar Facility
[] Aegis Security Facility: set up our security forces to defend the base and earn some income on the side
[] Karada Facility: despite the volcanic/deathworld ambiance, there's a surprising population on Mustafar, including Blackguard, corporate officers, and a native species. Expand our medical outreach to each of them.
[] Large-scale Wiretaps: time for some corporate espionage; there are Klegger Mining Corps facilities, Techno Union foundries, and for whatever reason an accounting firm belonging to Damask Holdings...!
[] Lava Refinery: Mustafar attracted so many corporations because the lava fields are filled with valuable metals and minerals, such as mirkanite. Set up a refinery to provide such materials for sale or use.
[] Luxus Resort: Berken's Flow is the largest 'lavafall' in the galaxy, an awe-inspiring sight. Set up a tourist resort overlooking it.
[] Svivreni Crystal Mines: the Crystal Flats region is known for all kinds of crystals, including some that can be used for lightsabers (according to the Blackguard). Invite our Svivreni geologists to set up a crystal mining facility in the area.

[] Blackguard Enclave: the Blackguard operate out of the nearby lava fields. Offer to build them a temple/academy/enclave, with more creature comforts that the Southern Jedi Ruins would permit.
[] Salvage/Archaeology Teams: there are plenty of Jedi ruins on the planet, and plenty of artifacts to find. This is, after all, the same planet where we originally discovered HK-47, and he was not here by accident. (Don't forget to check out the Old Republic Hammerhead cruiser crash-site).

This all is fine.

NEW: The Foundry
[] Prototyping Station: fully fund a research station for Cheriss and her assistants, to reduce the cost/time required for certain Learning/Stewardship actions.
[] Hyperdrive Engine Boosters: we may not understand Rakatan construction, but we can also build or buy a few hyperdrive engines (we have a major shipyard over Taris, and Corellia is known for hyperdrive engine manufacturing) and attach them to the exterior, allowing us to move the Foundry to a more secure location (like the Kiln...)

Getting those hyperdrive engines installed is going to be a Stewardship action. That's a serious undertaking, partly because of the scale of the operation but mostly because of how much of your tracks you have to cover with it. Once the Foundry is moved to Kiln it's upgrades will be folded into that.

The rest of the production lines don't even need a start-up cost - that's kind of the point to the Foundry. That being said don't forget the BRB protocol is a thing and there's going to be a lot of in-universe aversion to any mass production with the Foundry period for reasons that have been discussed for the past few pages. I will however point out that it would be perfectly possible to install a doomsday bunker on Kiln to contain an army for initial deployment should things go to hell, but aside from that, as I've said before I'm putting my foot down.

Also as a reminder the station's still going to be used to instantly build any prototypes Cheriss comes up with as a Hero Action for her.

In general all of the Guardians' stuff is fine.
Foundry Action:
[] The Endless Horde: Xruk payed attention to the results of the Foundry assaults. The men were injured, the droids damaged, equipment lost... And it was still the single greatest combat experience many of them have had so far. Now, with a bit of tinkering and some adjustments to a section of the Foundry, Xruk has finally aquired Proper training instruments. Ignore the idiots screaming in the background, they lack Proper Training.
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I don't agree with lying to Galen and misusing his research. Can we respect his wishes, please?
Let's just make sure we're a lot more subtle about misusing his research.
Let's be better than Krennic.
Let's be better at it than Krennic.
You've got another engineer fully willing to work with weapons, so if Galen wants to stick with civilian applications it's really not the end of the world.
We could even task Galen with trying to find civilian uses for some of our military technologies. That should be much less bitter a pill for him to swallow. And will help us expand our military production while keeping civilian camoflage on it.
Let's just make sure we're a lot more subtle about misusing his research.
Let's be better at it than Krennic.
We could even task Galen with trying to find civilian uses for some of our military technologies. That should be much less bitter a pill for him to swallow. And will help us expand our military production while keeping civilian camoflage on it.

How would you take it if you were Galen in that situation?

I think he'd eventually find out, and won't be happy. It reminds me of what happened with Darra...
This is something I was hoping to get done earlier in the quest:

Stewardship: [] Purchase MandalMotors and expand.

I think investing in mandalmotors might actually be a cool base upgrade, actually. Some orbital defenses would also be a good idea.

The rest of the production lines don't even need a start-up cost - that's kind of the point to the Foundry. That being said don't forget the BRB protocol is a thing and there's going to be a lot of in-universe aversion to any mass production with the Foundry period for reasons that have been discussed for the past few pages. I will however point out that it would be perfectly possible to install a doomsday bunker on Kiln to contain an army for initial deployment should things go to hell, but aside from that, as I've said before I'm putting my foot down.

Can we get a little bit? Like one group per production line per turn? And then store the rest in the doomsday bunker? That lets us use it at least a little bit while also keeping it from being gamebreaking, I think.

Also, the Doomsday Bunker is a great base upgrade for Kiln.

Finally, I have a suggestion for a Raith design:
[] Sienar Custom Vessel:
-[] Miniaturized interdictor vessel, smaller and easier to construct than those used by the republic.

Reasoning: interdictor ships are extremely useful against pirates, as they prevent targets from fleeing into hyperspace. They are also useful for pirates for exactly the same reasons. They also allow deep space ambushes and assassinations, and they enable Canon Thrawn Hyperspace Shenanigans.

Edit: Basically, we can quite easily justify production of interdictor vessels in large quantities for the CNS as anti-pirate vessels. We can then repurpose them for any of the mentioned missions. I am particularly fond of deep space assassination: with our Intel we should be able to track targets and destroy them from anmbush.

The Detainer CC-2200 was in use by the end of the Clone Wars, and the CC-7700 frigate only five years later, along with the Immobilizer 418 Cruiser. It seems well within Raith Seinar's abilities to design such a ship for use, especially as the 418 was produced by his company.
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How would you take it if you were Galen in that situation?
"We've got this technology that's being weaponised by the military, here it is, can you come up with any non-military uses for it? We'd like to apply it more broadly in civilian applications if possible."

He should be happy to provide ideas and help advance those non-military applications. And by "camoflage" I mean that it's a public reason for us to be studying and producing those technologies if and when our interest in them becomes more widely known. He may be unhappy to be working on weapon related tech, but less so if we're actually using those non-military applications. Especially given we won't be asking for anything with direct military application.
[] Tython -- set up a training facility (for other Force sects) or embassy (for CNS) with annex for Abyss Watcher activity (archaeology teams!)

Unofficial embassy might be a better shot. Then again, Riphath is kinda the unofficial ambassador, so...

[] Byblos: like Fondor, an ecumenopolis with a large ship-building industry (the Byblos Drive Yards date from the Old Republic). Unlike Fondor, Byblos specializes in corporate governance: most of the megacorporations of the galaxy (like BlasTech, SoroSuub, and Sienar) own corporate towers on the planet.

Byblos Academy of Medicine was a thing. One of seven listed medical schools in the galaxy. (Presumably there's more than just seven for a whole galaxy, but being a big name is still a pretty big deal).
Re: not lying to Galen Erso

Given the pants-on-head stupidity of certain Imperial designs (AT-ATs have a terrible turning circle, minimal firing angle, and no guns on the back), the group I run Star Wars tabletop for has suggested that there are Rebel Spy Engineers designing these things to get the Imperials killed.

It's probably the same spy engineer folks responsible for this ledge that has no railing.

Translation: Industrial and civilian applications for the man, kay?
Another possible CNS action:
[] Reinforce planetary defense fleets: with the covert support of KDY, they shouldn't have any reason to refuse the CNS licensing the design for the Nebulon-B Frigate and producing it as an anti-pirate measure. Distributing a few-or a lot-should blunt pirate attacks further and provide ships to be drawn into the CNS navy in the event of war.

Basically, further strengthening the CNS while justifying preparation for palpatine's inevitable strike. @Dr. Snark, is this okay? Or could it be a more general action, maybe get some Carracks, Z-95s, etc.

@Publicola, do we have Esseles in the CNS? The Damorian Manufacturing Corporation is located there and they made a badass ship design in the Carracks.
Well, lets see of any other ideas come to my mind...

[] Making Inroads In The Republic Military:
-[] 327th Star Corps:
-[] Special Operations Brigade: Oh my, a small army of elite Spec Ops troopers under the command of a few Jedi, completely independent from the Senate, Chancellor, and Jedi Council. Why, it would such a shame if all the elite clones there lost the chips, wouldn't it? It even has Delta squad, Omega squad, and the The Muunilinst 10 under its command.

[] Sienar Custom Vessel:
-[] Dedicated starfighter carriers: Starfighters are a VERY important part of space combat, yet, we currently don't have a dedicared starfighter carrier. Let's change that. We can also convert it into a "transport carrier" allowing us to launch additional transports to either drop off troops or for use in our Silver Cross orginization.
-[] Next Gen Troop Transport: While the Republic LAAT may be pretty useful, it does have its drawbacks, like the fact that neither of the sides the troops exit from have shields, allowing enemies to pick off troops as soon as the doors open. Why not create our own version of the LAAT which doesn't have this problem?

Hero Units


[] Hunting partners: You've heard a lot of good things about Jar Jar from Grievous, most of which are probably exagerated. Still, you could be nice and let Grevoius take Jar Jar on another hunting trip. Could be combined with "One Last Ride".

[] Gungan Embassy: Grievous managed to convince Boss Nass that it would be a good idea to build a embassy on Kaleesh.
+Might boost "One Last Ride". Or at least have Jar Jar participate in it.

[] Gungan/Naboo hybrid city: The Gungas and the Naboo have never been the best of friends, but building a bombad city combining the architect of the Naboo and Gungans, and building it next to the water, would help the Naboo and Gungans to slowly become more accepting of each other's presence.

Cato Neimoidia Mansion

[] Guardian Barracks: While very, very few Neimoidians would ever consider joining the Guardians, they would appreciate the extra protection that having a small group of Guardians on planet would bring.

Ord Mantell Compound
[] Fort Garnik
-[] CNS officer training: Besides Thrawn, Grievous, and a few others the CNS military is sorely lacking in competent officers. Why not start up our own training programs in Fort Garnik? That we'd also be training officers for the Abyss Watchers as well would only be a bonus.

[] Guardian Barracks: We can't build a large amount of defences on Tibannopolis, but we can send a few Gaurdians to watch over it.

Thoughts? Not my best ideas, but, I might as we also contribute.
@Dr. Snark, I have a question. What are your estimates on fleet sies for this game? Because there are some ludicrous numbers tucked away in the wiki. Stuff like 3-4 CIS cruisers being equivalent to a Victory, and then turning around and saying it would take thousands to defeat a Mandator-II star dreadnaught (which is only 8x the size). And apparently they were just able to throw literal thousands of frigates into the battle of Coruscant.

And then there is the note about the corporate sector authority just buying 520 Victory-IIs from the Empire...

What are your thoughts? I tend to assume much smaller numbers, but I am interested in hearing your take on it.

Also, could I get a ruling about using the Foundry for a trickle of production? Like, one group per turn per level of whatever that level is producing, with the rest going in the bunker. Is that okay?
<cracks knuckles> Let's do this.
"Can there be interesting stories told about its development?" (Kalee, Kiln, Taris especially, Tibannopolis, Ord Mantell, Muunilinst to a lesser extent)
"Is there something fascinating here that could potentially influence or be influenced by the greater narrative in interesting ways?" (Arkania, Lorrd, Mandalore, Castell, Cato Nemoidia)
"Are there canonical reasons for a planet to be specifically singled out for more unique interactions?" (Telos, Thyferra, Manaan, Cularin, Cormit, Mustafar sort of)
I've tried to keep these criteria in mind as I detail the unique upgrade options for each planet.

[] Pantolomin: tourist/resort world with luxury starshipwrights to invest in, and a massive entertainment-based space station that used to belong to a Tarisian corporation.
This one is fairly empty, but I picked for a base due to the immediate historical tie to Taris.

[] Rebuild Jervo's World: a derelict space station in orbit above Pantolomin, once owned by Lhosan Industries and used as the center of galactic swoop-bike racing and 'swoop dueling' sports. We've already resuscitated the swoop-bike industry,; this is our chance to establish a permanent center for the sport, and profit from it. (The nearby planet of Caprioril used to be the center for racing, but it recently suffered a massive terrorist attack with 20,000 fans and multiple high-level racers killed, so there's an opening if we want to take it).
-[] Hall of Champions: once we rebuild the station and revitalize the sport, turn the site in a galactic 'hall of fame', comparing the records set during the Old Republic with new records set by current champions.
[] Luxus Towers: the coral reefs at the poles were considered for inclusion in the official 'Wonders of the Galaxy' list. Set up an underwater skyscraper to offer the best view of the marine ecosystem.
[] Pantolomin Shipwright investments: this family-own shipwright builds custom luxury ships for sea and space. Offer to invest, expand their shipyard facilities, and recruit more shipwrights so they can sell such crafts to other waterworlds, such as Dac and Manaan.
-[] Luxus Shipwrights: invest in a line of submersible resort-vessels, that can travel the stars and deliver the occupants to any of the wonders of the galaxy, even the inaccessible sights far below a planet's surface. (OR wait until unlocked by Sienar action?)

If we allow base upgrades related to nearby planets:
[] House Paramexor expansion: this chapter of the Bounty Hunters Guild only tracks and targets known murderers with a price on their head. Paramexor membership is exclusive, and the guild provides numerous luxuries to its hunters, including custom-made Squire 'armorer droids', to supply and repair weapons, and guard the base of operations while the hunter is on a mission. (I see this as become comparable to House Benelex; this is the type of bounty hunters guild we want to support)

[] Mrlsst: homeworld of scholar/scientist specialist species, center for major under-funded university and scientific organizations to invest in
From the wiki:
Mrissi of Mrisst, in the Fakir sector, should not be confused with the Mrlssi of Mrlsst, in the Tapani sector, who were also a small, scholarly race of flightless birds
Personally, I'd be inclined to hand-wave the two planets as being the same, because it's kinda ridiculous. Still, either planet is interesting enough to deserve consideration.

[] Mrlsst Recruitment Center: they may be flightless, but the Mrlsst have a long and colorful history of academic excellence, valuing knowledge more than any material possession. We're doing a lot of cutting edge research, so I imagine they'd like to work with us.
[] Mrlsst Trade and Science Academy endowment: regarded as the best university outside the Core Worlds, responsible for some of the most advanced technique of the Imperial and New Republic era (including 'phantom cloaking' that does not rely on stygium or other rare materials).
[] Mrlsst Center for Linguistic Studies: has the most comprehensive collection of languages in the galaxy, with a record and translation of every form of verbal communication in the galaxy. Its funding was just cut by the Republic to pay for the Clone Wars; private donors have stepped in, but they'd be very grateful for the help, and their data would give us an unbelievable advantage in designing better protocol droids or making contact with lesser-known species.

If we're hand-waving the two flightless bird-scholars as the same, we also have:
[] Spirepine Exports: Mrisst is known for 1000-meter tall trees, similar to the wroshyr trees of Kashyyyk. Hire a few Ithorians to cultivate them for export.

If we're allowed base upgrades related to other planets in Tapani Sector, then:
[] Pelagian Shipyard expansion: House Pelagia is one of the Jedi's strongest allies in the southern Colonies, and they're on the decline. Invest heavily in their shipyards, both to prop up their position against the Sith-aligned House Mecetti (and their pawns, the Mecrosa Order of assassins) and to gain access to Pelagian tech: for the shipyards are able to construct super-capital ships, nearly twice as long as Imperial-II Star Destroyers, bigger than any other ship found before the rise of the Empire.
[] Soterios Swoop-Biking: Soterios is one of the major sporting centers of the Colonies, and we run the biggest swoop-bike business empire in the galaxy. Encourage more sporting events, and include the planet in the Galactic Circuit races.
[] Procopian Embassy: Procopia is the capital of Tapani sector, and Estalle Island is the center of government. Real Estate is incredibly expensive, but an estate here gives us access to every noble house in the sector, and all kinds of political and economic opportunity.
[] Shey Tapani University endowment: the ancient (7000-year-old) university and academic center of Tapani sector, specializing in political education for aristocrats. There is no explicit confirmation in the sources, but my personal headcanon is that this university is also the center of the Jal Shey Force sect, that specializes in diplomacy, philosophy, and Force Imbuement....
[] Tapani Exchange: it's the financial center of Tapani sector, where stock in companies is bought and sold, and the fate of noble houses rises and falls. Get in on the action.
[] Alaphoe Luxus Resort: it's the most beautiful garden in the sector -- some say in the galaxy -- and it includes the legendary Hanging Gardens as its centerpiece. Build a Luxus Resort nearby, even if you have to build a seascape-island to find the space.

[] Fondor: an ecumenopolis specializing in ship-building (the Fondor Shipyards are some of the biggest in the galaxy) and engineering (Fondor Academy is responsible for most of the engineers who work for Techno Union and Kuat Drive Yards), this base could specialize in ship design and heavy industry.
Fondor is also in the Tapani sector, so it's another option if you want to allow base upgrades to cover the whole area.
[] Fondor Shipyard expansion: Fondor has some of the largest shipyards in the galaxy, able to produce multiple capital ships at once, in almost continuous production. (It became a center of Imperial power, continuing even after Palpatine's death). Invest in the shipyards and draw them into our orbit.
[] Fondor Academy of Engineering and Design endowment: Fondor educates most of the engineers who work for Techno Union and Kuat Drive Yards -- in other words, the most competent designers and shipwrights and droidsmiths in the galaxy. Support the academy, and try to recruit the best and brightest for ourselves.
[] Factories: Fondor is a foundry world, lots of pollution and low-level crime, so it should be easy to build or finance different factories on the surface.

Alternately, you could let us plant a base on Procopia, the capital of Tapani Sector, and use that as the jumping-off point for expansion onto both Mrlsst and Fondor (and hopefully the rest of the sector). Frankly, now that I've re-read how much cool stuff there is in Tapani, that'd be my strong preference. Plus, you can justify it, since buying a base on Procopia would be really expensive (400 credits at least) .

[] Nubia: they made R2-D2, as well as the cruiser Padme used as queen of Naboo. There are many corporations to invest in, the headquarters of the Intergalactic Gravball Federation, and a lot of other worthwhile planets in the same system and sector.
[] Nubian Design Collective investment: NDC is a worker-owned cooperative starshipwright and designer, best known for beautiful luxury vessels (they built the Naboo Royal Starship, and the luxury model is why it was so hard to replace the hyperdrive). Invest and draw them into our orbit.
[] Industrial Automaton investment: they build the R2-series astromech, the most popular droid in-universe and out-of-universe. They're also known for labor droids, protocol droids (specifically designed for use by insectoid races), and security droids -- pretty much anything for the civilian market.
[] PharmCorp investments: the largest corporation on the planet, PharmCorps dominates the pharmaceutical industry in the Core Worlds. Surprisingly, it's owned by a fairly young Hutt named Prall, though that fact has been kept from the general public. Perhaps Borvo could help us work out a deal
[] Intergalactic Gravball Federation investments: the center of the biggest sport in the galaxy is here. Perhaps our investments might persuade them to bring their business (and their many many fans) to Taris.

If we're allowing base upgrades from the other planets nearby:
[] Frozian Recruitment Center: 3-meter-tall furry humanoids with a tendency to mild depression, Frozians are known for their absolute honesty, which makes them ideal as civil servants.
[] Frozian Scouting Supplies investments: the sole producer of Frozian scout belts, known to improve the dexterity and agility of anyone who wears them. Let's give them money so they can produce enough for us to use.
[] Keral Firegem smuggling: beautiful gemstones that can serve as industrial energy source... that have the ability to utterly wreck a hyperdrive core. Their export is banned for a reason, but we're expert smugglers, and I can think of quite a few possibilities for such tech.
[] Rubat Crystal smuggling: Phemis is the sole source of rubat lightsabers crystals, that burn more powerfully than other crystals, and the Jedi have a legal monopoly on all crystals mined on the planet. Still, we have Svireni geologists in our corner, and the best smugglers in the galaxy. We can find a way.

(Incidentally, if we are allowed to write-in base upgrades from nearby planets, there are a number of upgrades from the 'Five Brothers' sector that could be attached to Corellia... @Dr. Snark, let me know).

[] Woostri: specialist-species tech researchers to recruit, massive research center to invest in/infiltrate, corporations and tourism centers to invest in.
This one seems pretty solid to me:
[] Woostoid Recruitment Center: the native population are innately analytical and gifted with technology. Put them to work on any number of technical projects and pursuits.
[] HoloScan Database investment: a single building, hundreds of stories tall, the length of Europe. Thousands of kilometers of research stations and databases, covering just about every topic you care to name. No wonder the HoloScan Database is a Wonder of Galaxy. And all of that information could be ours, for a price. Pay for a membership, and go to town on the research.
[] Luxus Resort: the HoloScan Database is more than a research library; it's a tourist destination. Set up a resort so visitors can come to the Database in luxury.
[] Neuro-Saav investments: not quite a medical corporation, nor quite a pure technology corporation. Neuro-Saav specializes in any sort of technology that interfaces with organic senses. They produce scanners and binoculars, cybernetic implants, artificial organs, medical imaging and biotech, even military encyprtion. They recently founded BioTech Industries, which specializes in experimental full-integration cybernetics and the creation of cyborgs. Their tech is so cutting-edge, some of it been preemptively declared illegal in multiple systems and sectors.

[] Nimban -- the best bureaucrats in the galaxy just joined the CNS; maybe they'll let us set up a recruitment center on the planet. Also, Hoersch-Kessel Drive is headquartered here, and we'd love to buy it before it gets liquidated in bankruptcy court
[] Nimbanel Recruitment Center: the whole species specialize in problem-solving and analysis, and are galactically notorious for their insistence on proper paperwork. Needless to say, that makes them ideal bureaucrats. Hire them to streamline our organization and make everything more efficient (+5% bonus to income)
[] Puzzleflower Exporters: one of the reason Nimbanel are so good at analysis, is because one of their staple foods is the puzzleflower -- a high-calorie fruit whose petals must be 'unlocked' to access the edible part. Hire a few Ithorians to cultivate it for export -- this sounds like something that would sell very well as a childhood toy, especially if the fruit is sweet (and if not, we have the researchers who can genetically modify it to make it so).
[] Delban Faxicorp investments: this company also owns Serv-O-Droid, known for civilian droid models like the DUM-series pit droid and various labor droid models commonly seen in Hutt Space. Unfortunately, they're going bankrupt. Fortunately, we have a lot of money to bail them out, and a lot of factories to ramp up production.
[] Hoersch-Kessel Driveworks investment: this company was owned by the Trade Federation, and produced their fleet of Lucrehulk freighters and battlecruisers. After Naboo, the company was sold, first to Duro, then to Nimban, where it has dwindled ever since. Luckily, we have plenty of money, and plenty of shipyards, and a need for a super-sized heavy freighter to transport goods (and droids) across the galaxy. Oh, and Hoersch-Kessel also owns the rights (or at least, the blueprints) to most of the major frigates and cruisers used by the Separatist navy.

[] Obroa-skai: no kidding, this is the academic center of the galaxy. Between the Celebratus Archive, a Jedi Academy dedicated to data analysis, the Obroan Institute for Archaeology, and Aurora Medical Facility (specializing in cutting-edge techniques, including memory implantation and anti-aging treatments), there are a lot of possibilities for expansion here.
[] Celebratus Archives: so PR-1 has been using a backdoor to the Archives for several years. Still, nothing beats direct access, especially when it's a Wonder of the Galaxy with the most comprehensive records of any library or archive anywhere (even the HoloScan Database).
[] Luxus Resorts: it's a Wonder of the Galaxy, which makes it a tourist destination. Set up a resort for intellectual tourism.
[] Obroan Institute for Archaeology endowment: they have a long history of working with archaeological sites. Set up funding and cooperative expeditions (Reward: default bonus, or increased odds of a critical success?)
[] Aurora Medical Facility: they sit on the cutting-edge of medical research, stuff that not even the Arkanians are working on, like memory implantation and anti-aging. Provide funding, and perhaps they'll let Karada work with them, and perhaps expand their facilities to Taris and Neutral Space.
[] Museum of Applied Photonics: they specialize in holographic technology, which might be useful for entertainment and other civilian products.

[] Byblos: like Fondor, an ecumenopolis with a large ship-building industry (the Byblos Drive Yards date from the Old Republic). Unlike Fondor, Byblos specializes in corporate governance: most of the megacorporations of the galaxy (like BlasTech, SoroSuub, and Sienar) own corporate towers on the planet
[] Byblos Academy of Medicine: one of the best medical schools in the galaxy, and Riphath's alma mater. Fund an endowment, to drive more of their graduates to work at Karada Corporation.
[] University of Byblos endowment: another premier university, with two million students and one-hundred thousand professors. They're known for their school of physics (hyperspace and gravitics), along with xenolinguistics and archaeology.
[] BlasTech investments: one of the premier weaponsmiths and arms dealers in the galaxy, responsible to supplying the GAR with its standard-issue blaster. Fund them and arrange for a ready buyer of our tibanna gas and other raw materials from CNS members.
[] Byblos Drive Yards investments: one of the largest civilian shipwrights in the galaxy, specializing in heavy-duty freighters, asteroid mining and construction ships. They're responsible for constructing most of the asteroid space stations in the galaxy...
[] Corporate Espionage: most megacorporations in the galaxy own skyscrapers or space-scrapers on the planet, as Byblos is known as a haven for corporate administration. Set up some surveillance.

[] Zeltros: the galaxy's best-known resort world and pleasure planet, inhabited by red-skinned empaths. Not a bad place to set up shop.
...Honestly, now that I look at it, there really isn't much here. We might set up a Zeltron Recruitment Center (empaths can be useful diplomats or spies), and there's plenty of opportunity for casinos/cantinas/Luxus Resorts, but that's about it. Oh, there also a few companies trying to synthesize Zeltron pheremones, to create love potions and perfumes and the like. Up to you.

[] Empress Teta: this ecumenopolis and capital of the Deep Core has a long history with the Force, a thriving black market, headquarters for the Hyperspace Navigators' Guild, Great Library of Cinnagar, and archaeological ruins of the Iron Citadel (palace complex rumored to contain an intact Basilisk droid...!
[] Salvage/Archaeology Teams: lots of history here, especially in the Iron Citadel.
[] Hyperspace Navigators Guild: they're somewhat defunct nowadays, but they have remarkably comprehensive records of the Deep Core and Unknown Regions, dating back multiple millennia. Offer funding in exchange for access.
[] Mining Guild: the planet is a major supplier of carbonite, which is useful for more than freezing future Han Solos. Provide funding in exchange for mining income.
[] Tradeport: Empress Teta lies on the sole hyperlane linking planets like Prakith and Byss to Coruscant and the rest of the galaxy. Set up a tradeport for fun and profit.
[] Great Library of Cinnagar: this museum contains the most comprehensive records of the Great Hyperspace War and the pre-Revan Old Republic to be found in the galaxy.
[] Smugglers Den: the planet has a thriving black market. Carve out a share for ourselves
[] Krath Enclave: recently, a group of young noblemen re-founded the Krath, a dark-side Force cult/sect with roots in the Old Republic. Offer to build them an enclave/academy, and exert our influence so they don't go full idiot!Sith like their forebears.
[] Koros Spaceworks investments: a shipwright with blueprints and working models of Old Republic shipbuilding technology. Invest so we get to take a peek of the paleotechnology!

<exhausted wheeze> Done! Let me know which ones are acceptable base purchases.
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Also, I am curious as to whether anyone has an idea of how Palpatine is going to attack us next. He absolutely needs to curtail the CNS rate of expansion and try to split member systems off. The Republic cannot afford to attack us, as that will drive us into the arms of the CIS, so that leaves using the CIS to attack us. He doesn't know about our relationship with Dooku, so we should have warning of anything he tries there.

More taxes are also likely.

But basically, he needs to show the CNS that being part of the Republic is better than being neutral, and the easiest way to do that is to show the CNS can't defend itself.

To counter that, we need to be able to defend ourselves with more than the Oracle and the Invisible Hand, which is why I have been so focused on improving the CNS military.

Any other suggestions for his moves?
In advance, on the front page that had attitudes from various people. I think Palpatine's 'view' hasn't been updated...
Palpatine: Plotting. Considers you an annoyance.
May I suggest...

"Considers you a growing annoyance?"

Or "Growing Menace" (if wanting to hint at 'Dennis the Menace'.)

Not 'quite' threat at most? But more 'uuugh' sort of hate. Or alternatively...

Considers you an annoyance. You suspect that annoyance is growing...


There's one more, but then it'd be.

"Considers you a minor threat".

But that'd likely be when we know beyond a doubt he's going passe aggressive here, beyond mere 'nudge backs'.

EDIT: PS, if Foundary ever get's discovered...

"Considers you a 'weak' willed threat, who has an even bigger 'Death Star' due to discovering you own the Foundary."
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In advance, on the front page that had attitudes from various people. I think Palpatine's 'view' hasn't been updated...

May I suggest...

"Consider's you a growing annoyance?"

Not 'quite' threat at most? But more 'uuugh' sort of hate. Or alternatively...

Considers you an annoyance. You suspect that annoyance is growing...


There's one more, but then it'd be.

"Considers you a minor threat".

But that'd likely be when we know beyond a doubt he's going passe aggressive here, beyond mere 'nudge backs'.
At this point we are a pretty major threat, because we threaten his war and the war machine he is building.
Is this the actual word? 40k led me to believe it was archaeotechnology.
Yes it is...kinda. Paleotechnology seems to refer to early personal computing, around the 80s or so. On the other hand, it's also used in describing attempts in reproducing early stuff, like Yucca Sandals. However both uses of the word seem to be extremely casual and I haven't found any dictionary entries, even on Urban Dictionary (yeah, yeah, I know) only had Paleotech:
A Information Systems technician capable of only working on old ass equipment.
So basically, English English'ed again and shipped a prefix (greek) to a word (greek+french) so that people could use the newborn term to describe something they needed to describe at that exact moment. It will likely be added to the dictionary at some point 5-8 years down the line if we go by the example of "bootylicious".

In this case, it makes perfect sense as it can denote a study of ancient as fuck technologies, since as it is, Star Wars' In-Universe history is older than the written history of Humanity as a whole.