I'm not going to lie - that is unquestionably the example she'd bring up in that context. And then she'd probably go on an hour long lecture about the Sith Triumvirate for good measure, berating Obi-Wan about not understanding history better the whole time.

In short - fear the Ciaran Nerd Rage.
"Who are you who do not know your history?"
@Dragontrapper, something I wrote the last time you were given this choice:

The quality of that 'questions' option really depends on the quality of the questions being asked.

Let's see, two questions...

1) What is the most important currently-unknown threat the Abyss Watchers face?
2) What should we be doing over the next five turns to address it?


1) In your opinion, what is the biggest missed opportunity that's still available to us in this quest?


1) What steps should we take to ensure that Order 66 never happens?


1) Are there any write-in actions that you would suggest for this quest?

Or for that matter:

1) What steps should we take to recruit other awesome Hero Units like Quinlan Vos?

Anyone else want to brainstorm what questions we could ask...?
Also, @Dr. Snark, would the questions take place immediately, or would they wait until the Turn 29 Rumor Mill (so we get the info shortly before we're called upon to make decisions)?
You know, there maybe a good thing that comes from giving out hints to the X-Wing 20 years early.

It'll hopefully give Incom a few years to get close to a mass production model, so if everything hits the fan, it would be easier for the Rebels to get their hands on the X-Wing.
So, off topic from the current discussion, but does anyone else feel like discussing what to bring for the Foundry Raid right now?
So, off topic from the current discussion, but does anyone else feel like discussing what to bring for the Foundry Raid right now?
Sure. We gotta bring the house because there's no room for chumps (both in terms of the high dice bonuses needed and because we literally have a unit cap). Here's the rules from last time.

Notable changes:
We have more Walkers (and this time we need them).
The Equus was approved for mass production and the Foundry was where it first proved its worth.
There are also more STAPs available.
We have Droidekas and more B2s with Sair Frames.
We still have repopulating Wookiees that a pragmatic tactician would consider acceptable cannon fodder.
We also (I think) had Personal Shield research finish this turn so those might be available.

Small unit tactics are my bailiwick, far more than the usual organization-level stuff we play with here.
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What I personally think should be prioritized when it comes to the Units we bring with us is high Attack bonuses, because if we can do enough damage in one round, there's a chance HK can disable the floor before the kill-bots can return fire.

With that in mind, until we see what the new additions to our forces bring to the table, I'm in favor of bringing the Walkers (minimum of +35 Attack), the Dwarf Spider Droids (+35 Attack, probably more for the Hive), the Kaleesh (+35 Attack as long as Grievous is still standing), the Commando Droids (+30 Attack), and any Veteran Guardians we still have room for (+25 Attack).

Note that this is, again, without knowing what the new units have in terms of stats. This will probably be adjusted to account for that knowledge when we actually get to the Foundry.
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Wookies no longer have a cap thanks to the system defenses, still they are a very tough unit. We did finish personal shields and I the droidekas we have should be effective.
What I personally think should be prioritized when it comes to the Units we bring with us is high Attack bonuses, because if we can do enough damage in one round, there's a chance HK can disable the floor before the kill-bots can return fire.
Let's see what the stat workup on the Droideka's is. We have 5 of them, after all.

Agree with both. Having tactical and strategic initiative, Scorch's first rule ("Rule #1: Kill them before they kill you") is very strongly in effect. High attack is valuable. When necessary, good defense is also valuable.

Last time we did this, our owlish friend @Kinruush compiled the total bonuses units brought to the table, which was a very valuable element in planning which units to bring. I'm not sure how things will change, but I am sure that this will still be tremendously valuable.
Agree with both. Having tactical and strategic initiative, Scorch's first rule ("Rule #1: Kill them before they kill you") is very strongly in effect. High attack is valuable. When necessary, good defense is also valuable.

Last time we did this, our owlish friend @Kinruush compiled the total bonuses units brought to the table, which was a very valuable element in planning which units to bring. I'm not sure how things will change, but I am sure that this will still be tremendously valuable.

Oh, hey, I've been mentioned. I pared it down to the most useful units, if I recall correctly, rather than do them all, but I'll probably do it again if nobody else does first when Dr. Snark tells us what's up.

You're right about the value of attack, though I think you're underselling it. The way the last attempt worked, no stat except attack mattered, and any way of getting more attacks would have been better. This isn't just because we never had to defend; defense just lost value too rapidly as we went through the floors. If we ever had to have a defense phase, it could well have been a complete wipe from a series of cascading failures as the majority of our remaining troops would have died each defense phase, and then we'd be less capable of succeeding at the floor, so we'd risk another defense phase, and so on and so forth.

Anyway, my point is that if the mechanics are the same this time around, attack is literally the only stat that matters.
Main warning is that the bottom floors are virtually guaranteed to get harder and harder. Don't get cocky, kid.
Survival checks do not increase if I recall so attack then survival checks is the priority we want. Also I either posted here or in the rolz room about what we would face on a counter attack and we get hurt bad there.
I'd thought of that, but I don't really feel competent to choose useful questions - and, as @EVA-Saiyajin said - better stats could become real useful soon.

My friend, you're talking to a QM who blanked on a possible third cool thing to give you and more often than not lets things get away from him while he's writing things.

Don't let things like "competency" or "coherency" get you down. If you choose to ask a question of any kind, I'll do my level best to make sure it's answered and made perfectly clear.