I've highlighted the few remaining systems with ties to the IGBC, plus any planet associated with our assets (including Mustafar, given the Blackguard connection, and Sucharme as the local navy is led by one of Jango's
Cuy'val Dar).
Every item on here has some reason to join the CNS -- ties to our medical work (via Arkania or Karada) or our political maneuverings (anti-Palpatine) or our military operations (anti-slavery, anti-piracy) or our criminal elements (smugglers, mercenaries).
The list is still as 'granular' as before, so each roll corresponds to a system or small sector:
#1 -- Brodo Asogi (home of E.T. and another anti-Palpatine senator)
Perinn sector
- Brodo Asogi: homeworld of Asogian race [NB: E.T.], home of Grebeips (anti-Palpatine Senator), pro-Jedi, plans for extra-galactic expedition
#2 -- Guiteica (neutral planet in Wild Space near Kalee; OTOH, they hate Kalee...)
Wild Space
Kadok Regions sector
- Guiteica: homeworld of Bitthævrian race (warlike), rich in yttrium, feldspar, & Bal'ta'ran crystals, conquered by Republic but prefers isolation/neutrality
#3 -- Revyia (sentient planets with a light-side Force sect)
Veragi sector
- Revyia: homeworld of Revwien race (plants), center of 'Tyia Adept' light-side Force sect, site of 'Revyia Temple'
#4 -- Demesel (trading hub in 'great white north', strong commercial ties to CNS via proximity and via friendly corporations)
Meram sector
- Demesel: steppe world, trading hub for consortium of Core World corporations
#5 -- Bosph (isolationist planet with light-side Force sect)
Bosph sector
- Bosph: homeworld of Bosph race (isolationist nomads), primitive steppe planet, center of "Ela b'Yentarr" Force sect (precognition & healing)
#6 -- Toprawa (HQ of Jedi-friendly Antarian Rangers, with several industrial neighbors on Hydian Way)
Kalamith sector
- Toprawa: forest world along Hydian Way, headquarters of Antarian Rangers (paramilitary support group for Jedi Order) with underground bases
#7 -- Drewwa (trade hub, HQ of training droids for lightsaber dueling)
Almanian subsector (Mortex)
- Drewwa: moon of Almania, headquarters of Trang Robotics ('Duelist Elite' training droids) and Lyster Innovations ('environmental design' consultants), site of Drewwa Spaceport and Crossroads Business Habitat [NB: location of 'Amulet of Kalara' dark-side Force artifact (Buried Presence)]
#8 -- The Commonality (major political alliance in Outer Rim, pre-date Separatist movement)
Vorzyd sector
- Columex: trade world on Perlemian Trade Route and Salin Corridor, capital of the 'Commonality' (political alliance between nine nearby sectors)
#9 -- Belderone (trade world with anti-piracy fleet we funded...)
Belderone sector
- Belderone: sector capital and trade world on Salin Corridor, site of Kuat Drive Yards factory, headquarters of regional anti-piracy fleet (funded by Ciaran)
#10 -- Bal'demnic (IGBC-affiliated cortosis mines, near Ossus)
Auril sector
- Bal'demnic: rich in cortosis (anti-lightsaber), mining facilities operated by Damask Holdings, site of Darth Tenebrous's trapped Force-spirit
#11 - Dac (Calamari homeworld, loyal to Republic but anti-corruption, major shipyard)
Calamari sector
- Dac: homeworld of Quarren & Calamari races (aquatic), childhood home of Gial Ackbar, headquarters of Mon Calamari Shipyards (all capital ships)
#12 -- Lothal (isolated agriworld near Dac, site of Sienar labs)
Lothal sector
- Lothal: agriworld rich in greel wod (luxury) and kyber crystals (lightsabers), home of Cikatro Vizago (Devaronian crime lord), Rask Odai (Calamari crime lord) [NB: and Ezra Bridger (
Rebels)], headquarters of Twin Horn Storage (smuggling front company), Broken Horn Syndicate (smuggling), site of Monad Outpost (mines), Tangletown farms, Easthills research lab (BlasTech Industries), Sienar Advanced Projects Laboratory [NB: designed 'Twin Ion Engine' for TIE fighter], Old Republic Senate Building (capitol), Phelarion School (elite business academy), and Lothal Jedi Temple (ancient megalithic Force vergence, subterranean chambers with hidden entrance) [NB: site of tomb of Master Lodaka (Jedi artisan), location of
Lodaka lightsaber (resists cortosis)]
#13 -- Gand (home of our advisor Xruk and a bounty-hunting Force sect)
Shadola sector
- Gand: homeworld of Gand race, childhood home of Xruk, center of 'Findsmen' Force sect (bounty hunters), site of five orbital tradeports
#14 -- Af'El (homeworld of 'wraith' assassins, sole source of meleenium, affiliated with Borvo the Hutt)
Periphery subsector (Tharin)
- Af'El: homeworld of Defel race (literal wraiths), only source of meleenium (mineral used for durasteel), headquarters of Toxis Metals (mining)
#15 -- Jabiim (mining planet, local anti-piracy fleet funded by us)
Suolriep sector
- Jabiim: valuable mining planet, anti-piracy fleet supplied by Lady Ciaran, government divided by civil war
#16 -- Kashi (HQ for a luxury starship corporation and a friendly Force sect)
Phelleem sector
- Kashi: in Orixon Nebula, center of 'Guardians of Breath' Force sect (healers, pre-date Jedi), headquarters of Eleaor Propulsion (star yachts)
#17 -- Iridonia (the second-most interesting lava planet in the galaxy)
Glythe sector
- Iridonia: homeworld of Zabrak race, childhood home of Maris Brood and Agen Kolar (Jedi), site of Sith Academy, urbanized lava planet with valley-farms
#18 -- Ord Varee (trade world with strong ties to Silver Cross & refugee settlements)
Belshar sector
- Ord Varee: thriving and heavily populated trade world, site of major Refugee Relief Movement settlements
#19 -- Ansion (minor agriworld with huge diplomatic footprint)
Churnis sector
- Ansion: homeworld of Ansionian race, minor agriworld, home of Mousul (pro-CIS Senator) and Tam Uliss (pro-CIS industrialist, killed by Shu Mai in 22 BBY), signing member of 'Malarian Alliance' and 'Keitumite Mutual Military Treaty' [NB: if Ansion secedes, so do a dozen other sectors...]
#20 -- Dorin (center of Force sect with light-side Force lightning!)
Deadalis sector
- Dorin: homeworld of Kel Dor race, childhood home of Plo Koon (Jedi), center of 'Baran Do Sages' Force sect (meditation), site of Jedi Enclave
#21 -- Merr (major weapons manufacture, neutral!)
Ploo sector
- Merr: headquarters of Merr-Sonn Mil/Sci (megacorporate conglomerate, sponsor of Corporate Sector Authority), Merr-Sonn Munitions (top 3 military supplier, produces
all the weapons), MerrWeapons, and Merr-Sonn Industrial Equipment (mining/construction), neutral!
#22 -- Khorm (Anomalous Material mining planet occupied by CIS, on border with Neutral Space)
Halori sector
- Khorm: homeworld of Khormai race, rich in agrocite (very rare, can boost turbolaser blasts), slave mines run by warlords, under CIS occupation
#23 -- Roche (engineer specialist species in asteroid field shipyards)
Roche sector
- Roche: asteroid field, homeworld of Verpine race (starship engineers), headquarters of Roche Industries (droids) and 'Slayn & Korpil' (starships)
#24 -- Abhean (Jedi-affiliated shipyard controlled by CIS; neutral neighbors including Jedi-friendly hospital world)
Maldrood sector
- Abhean: headquarters of Republic Fleet Systems (ancient shipwright, affiliated with Jedi, produced Aurex-class A-Wing tactical strikefighter) [NB: nationalized c. 22 BBY], site of Abhean Shipyards (massive orbital drydock, built Chu'unthor praxeum-ship), CIS foundry world
- New Holstice: hospital world, homeworld of 'memory moth' species, site of 'Jedi Monument to the Fallen', neutral!
#25 -- Charros IV (best starship engineers in galaxy, CIS foundry world
Taldot sector
- Charros IV: homeworld of Xi Charrian race (cathedral-factories), headquarters of Haor Chall Engineering (starfighters, e.g., vulture droids), CIS 'Foundry'
#26 -- Sermeria (very friendly agriworld with unfriendly pro-Palpatine Senator -- they'll join us after a recall election...)
Locris sector
- Sermeria: major mining & agriworld on Perlemian Trade Route, current Senator is Ister Paddle (member of Loyalist Committee, opposes neutrality)
#27 -- Arkinnea (CIS-occupied planet
near Kashyyyk and Onderon, resistance movement can be easily supplied from Neutral trade lanes)
Axion sector
- Arkinnea: homeworld of Yuru race, site of 'Hidden Temple' (Jedi outpost), under CIS occupation
#28 -- Nouane Allied Region (Telerath banks with
ties to Arkania (
and possibly to IGBC), plus Phateem's non-partisan Halls of Knowledge)
Nouane Allied Region sector
- Telerath: resort & banking world on Vaathkree hyperlane, headquarters of Telerath Interstellar Banking Initiative (customer service) owned by Adascorp
- Phateem: site of 'Halls of Knowledge' (abandoned Jedi library/artifact repository and 'Wonder of the Galaxy')
#29 -- Zeemacht Cluster (major library like Obroa-Skai, plus huge trade hub with ties to various smuggling gangs).
Zeemacht Cluster sector
- Koaan: steppe planet, site of Galactic Research Academy (massive underground library, e.g. records of all new planets discovered by Republic scouts)
- Tirahnn: heavily populated trade hub on Perlemian Trade Route, site of Great Fair (galactic bazaar), headquarters of Osaji Syndicate (smugglers)
#30 -- Berchest (Wonder of the Galaxy, strong ties to Lady Ciaran thru Silver Cross & refugee settlements)
Anthos sector
- Berchest: trade hub, site of Calius saj Leeloo ('City of Glowing Crystal', tourist destination and 'Wonder of the Galaxy') and Refugee Relief settlements
#31 -- Hapes Consortium (isolationist region near Onderon, may be willing to 'ally' with other neutral parties)
Interior Region subsector (Hapes Cluster)
- Hapes: homeworld of Hapan race, capital of Hapes Consortium, rich in ditanium, site of Palace of Per'Agthra, port of call for Star Home (flagship)
#32 -- Manaan (isolationist water world with light-side Force sect)
Pyrshak sector
- Manaan: homeworld of Selkath race, water world, sole source of kolto (proto-bacta), headquarters of Order of Shasa (Force sect)
#33 -- Ailon (HQ of 'Nova Guard' mercenaries, a
very useful ally that would otherwise fight for Palpatine)
Elus sector
- Ailon: homeworld of Ailon race (militaristic faith), headquarters of Ailon Nova Guard (massive 1-billion-strong mercenary outfit) founded in 13,000 BBY
#34 -- Denon (commercial ecumenopolis, ties to Rodia (pro-Republic) and Mining Guild (pro-CIS), near southern front-lines of war, neutral?)
Iseno sector
- Denon: ecumenopolis and ancient Rakatan colony, trade hub between Corellian Run and Hydian Way, HQ of Republic's Second Sector Army
#35 -- Mechis III (biggest droid-production factories in galaxy, works for Republic and Separatist corporations....)
Arakyd sector
- Mechis III: headquarters of Trilon (starships), automated droid factories (Arakyd Industries, Veril Line Systems, Genetech, SoroSuub, and Techno Union)
#35 -- Wroona (colony of Pantora, grateful to Ciaran for saving them from blockade, home of anti-Palpatine Senator)
Keller's Void sector
- Wroona: Pantoran colony world, home of Chi Eekway Papanoida (Senator), heavily populated trade hub, headquarters of Palestro's Wholesale Firearms
#36 -- Dweem (homeworld of 'Iron Knights' Force sect)
Calaron sector
- Dweem: ice world, home of Master Aqinos (Altisian Jedi), center of the 'Iron Knights' (Force sect for Shard race)
#37 -- Kurosti (trade hub with ties to Corporate Alliance (now part of CNS), on front-lines between Republic/CIS/Hutt Space... very easy sell)
Kurost sector
- Kurosti: trade hub, headquarters of Kurosti Merchant Fleet (Corporate Alliance), currently under CIS occupation
#38 -- Nimban (best bureaucrats, client species of Hutts, HQ of Hoersch-Kessel Drive that built our Lucrehulk)
Pabol Sleheyron region
- Nimban: homeworld of Nimbanel race (best bureaucrats), headquarters of Hoersch-Kessel Drive (starships, e.g. Lucrehulks), Delban Faxicorp (droids) and Delban Serv-O-Droid (
utility droids, e.g. DUM-series pit droids, CZ-series comm-droids, salvage droids, etc.)
#39 -- Hutt Space (the Hutts are already 'neutral', independent of both CIS and the Republic; would they join Neutral Space officially?)
Ganath Cloud region
- Nal Hutta: original homeworld of Evocii race, capital of Hutt Space, massive industrial trade hub, site of Gardulla's Palace and Hutt Council Chamber
- Nar Shaddaa: 'Smugglers' Moon' of Nal Hutta, homeworld of Gank race (high-tech bounty hunters), crime-ridden ecumenopolis, extensive Undercity
#40 --
Sucharme (headquarters of anti-CIS/anti-Trade Federation paramilitary group,
led by one of Jango's Cuy'val Dar)
Grohl sector
- Sucharme: childhood home of Kligson (Cuy'val Dar), headquarters of Grohl Liberation Front (anti-CIS), agriworld invaded by Trade Federation pre-Naboo
#41 -- Arkanis (trade hub in Outer Rim, controlled by Hutts but infiltrated by CIS; sector includes Geonosis (isolationist...) and Tatooine (Silver Cross)
Arkanis sector
- Arkanis: sector capital and major trade hub, site of Arkanis Academy (Republic military) and Scaparus Port, former capital of Regency Worlds
- Geonosis: homeworld of Geonosian race (isolationist flying insects); childhood home of Poggle the Lesser (Archduke, member of Separatist Council), Gizor Dellso (engineer), Gorgol (aristocrat & gifted mechanic) [NB: and Karina the Great (Queen, Stalgasin hive)]; headquarters of Gordal Weaponsmiths (sonic guns), Geonosian Industries (Techno Union, battle droids), and Huppla Pasa Tisc Shipwrights (produce Nantex-class beak-wing fighter, Punworcca-class solar sailer, and Ginivex-class starfighter); site of Petranaki Arena, Progate Temple, and Stalgasin Hive (capitol-spire)
#42 -- Ryloth (homeworld of Twi'lek race, 'Rim faction' Senator, friendly to Lady Ciaran and to Neutral neighbors)
Gaulus sector
- Ryloth: tidally-locked homeworld of Twi'lek race; childhood home of Aayla Secura (Jedi Master, padawan of Quinlan Vos), Orn Free Taa (corrupt Senator, leader of Rim faction), Bib Fortuna (majordomo to Jabba the Hutt), Amada Lakhasa (scout), Cham Syndulla (led 'Freedom Fighters', distrust Orn Free Taa), Xiaan Amersu (Jedi Knight), Vhiin Thorla (anti-slavery Jedi Master), and Kh'aris Fenn (anti-Jedi terrorist, allied with Dooku); headquarters of SchaumAssoc (PR firm, Corporate Sector sponsor), Galactic Exotics (rare plants), Lakhasa Caravan (scouts), Graxol Kelvynn's slaver empire, and Hunvar the Hutt's slaver empire; rich in ryll (spice); center of 'Freedom Fighters' (anti-CIS paramilitary); site of Floating Rock Gardens of Ryloth, Kala'uun Spaceport (hollowed-out mountain), Ryloth Archives, Secura Estate, Hunvar's Spire (slave-ring headquarters & gladiatorial arena), The Enclave (Jedi-run refuge for freed slaves), and abandoned Sith Academy (trained assassins)
#43 -- Vohai (ecumenopolis with strong ties to Arkanian geneticists)
Parmel sector
- Vohai: semi-ecumenopolis, headquarters of Arkanian Microtechnologies (genetic engineering), site of Churhee's Riflemen compound and Vohai Unirail
#44 -- Kal'Shebbol (isolationist agriworld, trade hub at terminus of Rimma Trade Route)
Kathol sector
- Gandle Ott: terminus of Trition Trade Route, heavily populated industrial center, site of Jedi chapterhouse and Corellian Merchants Guild offices
- Kal'Shebbol: Twi'lek colony world, pastoral agriworld (chollas and rice), major trade hub on Trition Trade Route, site of Kal'Shebbol Starport
#45 -- Utapau (officially neutral Pau'an homeworld, secretly controlled by CIS, may request Neutral support to peacefully oust Separatist presence)
Tarabba sector
- Glova: former precious-metal mining colony, now major agriworld, site of Orchid Hotel and Drepplin Starport
- Skustell: homeworld of Ongree race (diplomats), childhood home of Pablo-Jill and Coleman Kcaj (Jedi Masters), waterworld [NB: with treasure cave!]
- Utapau: homeworld of Pau'an (long-lived) and Utai (miners) races, home of Tion Medon (Chairman), sinkhole-cities, neutral [NB: under CIS occupation]
#46 -- Sluis Van (major shipyards allied to CIS but under Republic blockade -- may join Neutral for profit's sake)
Sluis sector
- Sluis Van: homeworld of Sluissi race (technologists), site of orbital Sluis Van Shipyards (largest in Outer Rim), CIS Foundry, under Republic blockade
#47 -- Sullust (homeworld of navigator specialist-species, HQ of SoroSuub, friendly ally within Commerce Guild)
Brema sector
- Sullust: homeworld of Sullustan race (best navigators), home of Beolar Bribbs, headquarters of SoroSuub Corporation (Commerce Guild)
#48 -- Mustafar (lava mining planet, site of
IGBC-affiliated accounting facilities and
Blackguard homeworld)
Atravis sector
- Mustafar: homeworld of Mustafarian race, lava mines, rich in mirkanite and dolovite; headquarters of Klegger Corp; center of 'Blackguard' Force sect; site of Techno Union droid foundry, Damask Holdings facility, Black Sun fortress, and Southern Jedi Ruins; location of HK-47 and Chu-Gon Dar cubes
#49 -- Airam (home of several scavenger specialist-species)
Airam sector
- Paradise: homeworld of Ugor race (monocellular scavengers), junkyard, headquarters of Ugor Salvage (garbage disposal & starshipwright)
- Skor II: homeworld of Squib race (traders), headquarters of Fegegrish Heavy Industrials (tensor guns) and Squib Merchandising Consortium (scavenging)
#50 -- Belsavis (Old Republic prison world with lots of history (...) and Jedi enclave, on front-lines near CIS space)
Bozhnee sector
- Belsavis: ice planet with lush canyon-rifts, home of Plett (Ho'Din, Jedi botanist), site of Plettwell (rift-city, with Jedi enclave, research lab and greenhouse caverns) and Belsavis Prison (massive rift-prison complex, used by Old Republic), [NB: location of many Rakatan teleportation devices!]
#51 -- Cosmatanic Steppes (agriworld suspended in atmosphere of gas giant, ties to galaxy's archaeologists)
Seitia sector
- Cosmatanic Steppes: solid ground suspended in gas giant atmsophere, headquarters of Archaeological Association, site of Archaeo-Prime (space station)
#52 -- Pacanth Reach (homeworld of mind-trick immune race, center of gray-aligned anti-Jedi Force sect)
Pacanth Reach sector
- Bunduki: Epicanthix colony world, center of 'Followers of Palawa' Force sect (anti-Jedi, study midichlorians, developed Teräs Käsi martial art)
- Panatha: homeworld of Epicanthix race (humans with genetic immunity to Force mind tricks & telepathy), sector capital with mining economy
#53 -- Monastery (center of faith teaching non-violence, site of Silver Cross refugee settlements)
Haserian sector
- Monastery: homeworld of sabercat species, center of 'Order of the Sacred Circle' faith (nonviolent), site of CIS refugee settlements
#54 -- Nexus Ortai (peaceful trade hub, neighbor of Bothawui)
Hertae sector
- Nexus Ortai: peaceful trade hub on hyperlane nexus between Bothawui and Druckenwell, site of major battle between Republic and CIS
#55 -- Andoan Free Worlds (Ando and Secundus Ando are diehard CIS, but their neighbors are all Loyalist or neutral)
Lambda sector
- Ando: homeworld of Aqualish race and mineral-fish species (sedrellium), headquarters of Hyper-Communication Cartel (CIS Council), home of Po Nudo
- Ando Prime: homeworld of Talid race, rich in vonium, headquarters of Elesa Mining Union, center of 'Order of Dai Bendu' Force sect [NB: pre-date Jedi]
- Andosha II: Aqualish colony world, home of Gorothin Vagger (Senator), capital of 'Andoan Free Worlds' (Republic loyalists)
- Argus: site of Celestial School of Spaceflight Engineering [NB: forced to close by Emperor Palpatine for unknown reason], home of Professor Maggis
- Mon Gazza: shadowport and major trade hub on Llanic Spice Run, spice mines controlled by Galactic Spice Mining Guild, site of pod-racing circuit
- Rintonne: sector capital, urbanized industrial planet, home of Rasit Brun (anti-CIS Senator)
- Secundus Ando: homeworld of Harch race (bipedal spiders), childhood home of Trench (CIS Admiral)
- Thape: [NB: original center of 'Order of Dai Bendu' Force sect (grey-aligned, non-confrontational, merchant-monks, fifth day of week named 'Benduday')]
- Zolan: homeworld of Clawdite race (changeling), childhood home of Zam Wesell (bounty hunter), center of 'Mabari' sect (Jal Shey warrior-knights),
#56 -- Ado (neutral shadowport & shipyard)
Ado sector
- StarForge Station: massive mobile shadowport in StarForge Nebula, site of Starwind Chandlery (supplies) and StarForge Shipyard (repairs), neutral!
#57 -- D'Aelgoth (every planet has reason to be neutral: one's a trade hub ravaged by a recent battle, the sector capital is home to an anti-Palpatine Senator, there's a literal teddy bear hivemind that get no respect, and there's another major trade hub (with merchant specialist-species) that's avowedly neutral. Prime recruitment targets, here).
D'Aelgoth sector
- Argul: homeworld of Argullian race, prosperous commercial center, site of fiercely-fought battle in Clone Wars due to Separatist blockade
- Feenix: sector capital, home of Tanner Cadaman (anti-Palpatine Senator) [NB: arrested immediately after Declaration of New Order]
- Mima II: homeworld of Bilars race (hivemind teddy bears -- groups of two are roughly 'trained pet' level, groups of seven are genius-level), agriworld
- Ogem: homeworld of Ogemite race (traders & smugglers), major trade hub, non-political & neutral!
#58 -- Corbett Cluster (isolationist Force sect. Or a mercenaries organization? -- the wiki is unclear)
Corbett sector
- Corbett Cluster: center of 'Solar Guard' Force sect (isolationist, defensive-oriented, neutral!)
#59 -- Cerea (super-smart low-tech pacficists who are already declared neutral? Easy pick-up)
Semagi sector
- Cerea: homeworld of Cerean race (binary brain), childhood home of Ki-Adi-Mundi (Jedi), sole source of guilea (spice), tech-free agriworld, neutral!
#60 -- Zirulast (another scavenger specialist-species; they don't care who wins the battle, so long as they get to keep the scrap)
Belasco sector
- Zirulast: homeworld of Temolak race (scavengers), headquarters of Temolak Salvage Consortium, desert planet, water harvested from orbiting ice rings
#61 -- Farfalla (they're not Bothan, properly speaking, but they are 'half-Bothan', and if there is a link then they might be swayed to join us too...)
Indra-su-Mar sector
- Farfalla: homeworld of 'half-Bothan' race (ungulate humanoids), home of Valenthyne Farfalla (long-dead Jedi Lord who commanded at Battle of Ruusan)
#62 -- Iktotch (another race of precog telepaths. Mostly I just want all the species in the galaxy who are able to see the future, to join the CNS, just so everyone else asks "why?")
Narvath sector
- Iktotch: moon of Iktotchon, homeworld of Iktotchi race (precognitive telepaths), home of Saesee Tiin (Jedi), site of Jedi Temple, [NB: Force vergence]
#63 -- Sarrahban (neutral mining planet in a mostly self-governing sector)
Cyrillian Protectorate sector
- Cyrillia: homeworld of Cyrillian race (tall reptiles), headquarters of Serv-O-Droid Inc. (utility droids, e.g. DUM pit droids and TT-8L gatekeeper droids)
- Sarrahban: homeworld of Sarrahbanian race, mining planet rich in ytterbium (explosive compound used for laser cannons), neutral!
#64 -- Ropagi II (telepathic jellyfish and high-tech pacifists. Their neighbor Kerkoidia is diehard CIS, but the rest of the sector might be willing to join us)
Kira sector
- Ropagi II: homeworld of Kalduu (symbiotic telepathic jellyfish) and Ropagu races (pacifists), site of Great Library, high-tech foundry world (electronics)
#65 -- M'haeli (Force-sensitive camels that specialize in precognition...)
Majoor sector
- M'haeli: homeworld of H'drachi race (Force-sensitive camels), center of 'H'Drachi Seers' Force sect (precognition), rich in dragite crystals (lightsabers)
#66 -- Grange (childhood home of galaxy's best polymath aside, it's a strategically located agriworld that's under CIS siege. We have a good track record here...)
Rocantor sector
- Grange: childhood home of Galen Walton Erso (polymath, energy research, foremost expert on kyber crystals...), strategically placed agriworld, CIS siege
#67 -- Bes Ber Bikade (officially in CIS space, but lots of internal division between pro/anti Republic and pro/anti Palpatine. Might be looking for a compromise solution...)
Bes Ber Bikade sector
- Arquata Station: neutral diplomatic meeting ground (in CIS Space), location of Arquata Amendments (expanded protections in galactic bill of rights)
- Epica: lush resort world, site of Lord Lestra Oxic's estate (fantastically wealthy Coruscant defense lawyer, very anti-Palpatine, ties to Republic Group!)
- Kinyen: homeworld of Gran race (three eyes), home of Kharrus (pro-Palpatine Senator), center of 'Doellinist' faith (peaceful), lush agriworld, CIS member
- Roona: homeworld of Roonan race (punctilious), home of Aang (Senator, Rim faction, swing vote on Military Oversight Committee)
- Troxar: homeworld of Troxan race (neck gills), headquarters of Bureau of Patriotic Defense ('neutral' but Separatist-funded), CIS member
#68 -- Montitian Grant (officially neutral sector in isolated Western Reaches)
Montitian Grant sector
- Montitia: homeworld of Montitian race (saved by Jedi in 'Montitian Extraction'), poverty-stricken population (subject to slave raids), neutral!
#69 -- Fakir (
ties to IGBC and to Jedi, controlled by Corporate Alliance, some isolationist planets, some shipyards, some educational centers, some trade hubs that prefer neutrality...)
Fakir sector (Bakchou Arm)
- Abonshee: homeworld of 'Anointed People' race (feudal reptiles), home of Trisstan ('Godking' monarch), low-tech and isolationist
- Doneer'so: homeworld of Doneer race (insect technologists), headquarters of Tokks'vik Starshipwrights (starship design), site of Tokks'vik Shipyards
- Fakir: sector capital, controlled by Corporate Alliance, member of CIS
- Halowan: headquarters of Halowan Laboratory (IG-88 assassin-droids) and Halowan Mechanicals [NB: MagnaGuards), site of Trans-System Data Library
- Mrisst: homeworld of Mriss race (scholarly birds), headquarters of Mrisst Trade and Science Academy (galactic renown), site of spirepine (1-km tall tree)
- Mycroft: headquarters of Intergalactic Zoological Society, site of Jedi chapterhouse (Exploration Corps), location of Titavian IV (menagerie capital-ship)
- Palanhi: major trade hub & commercial center on Shwuy Exchange and Namadii Corridor hyperlanes, headquarters of Palanhi Central Bank
#70 -- Wakeelmui (site of Sienar factories. Might be willing to join us openly)
Nara sector
- Wakeelmui: industrialized forest planet, site of major Republic Sienar Systems manufacturing plants (weapon systems)
#71 -- Carida (mercantile economy with a renowned military academy)
Caridan sector
- Carida: homeworld of Caridan race (merchants), site of Carida Academy (best military college), site of ancient city ruins inTarkin's Teeth mountain caves
#72 -- Hok (home of anti-Palpatine Senator; Gran colony, that doesn't approve of homeworld's membership in CIS)
Binarran Cloud sector
- Hok: Gran colony world, childhood home of Philo (anti-Palpatine Senator) and Mawhonic (podracer), tidally locked crystal-rich mining planet,
#73 -- Resht VII (HQ of the premier bounty hunter guild; Jango Fett presumably knows these guys pretty well)
Xobome sector
- Resht VII: headquarters of House Salaktori (chapter of Bounty Hunters Guild, preeminent chapter for most elite bounty hunters)
#74 -- Commenor (Humbarine is giving us under-the-table support, but its colonies might be willing to be more open about things)
Rachuk sector
- Commenor: Humbarine colony world, childhood home of Jan Dodonna (general) and Ahalas Svindren (scholar), heavily urbanized commercial center
#75 -- Loronar (ecumenopolis producing military gear; might join for profit's sake...)
Black Nebula sector
- Loronar: ecumenopolis,, headquarters of Loronar Corporation and Loronar Defense Industries (military gear), site of Loronar Shipyards (starships)
#76 -- Enisca (trade hub with anti-Palpatine Senator)
Varvenna sector
- Enisca: sector capital, trade hub on Corellian Trade Spine, senator is strongly anti-Palpatine [compared to Sern Prime and Kashyyyk by Mon Mothma!]
#77 -- Shotem (isolationist lobsters and little-known/isolationist Force sect)
Shotem sector
- Hjaff: homeworld of Tarc race (isolationist lobsters), waterworld with desert landmasses
- Shotem: rich in Shotem lightsaber crystal (powerful pulsing blade), center of 'Shotem Jedi' Force sect [NB: conscripted in Jedi Order post-Ruusan?]
#78 -- Salliche (primary agriworld sector supplying food to Coruscant and Core Worlds, home of anti-Palpatine Senator)
Salliche sector
- Salliche: agriworld, home of Selnia Harbright [NB: anti-Palpatine Senator], headquarters of Salliche Agricultural Corporation and House Harbright
#79 -- Kar'a'katok (homeworld of fiercely isolationist race)
Krenher sector
- Kar'a'katok: homeworld of Shimholt race (long-lived purple skeletons), fiercely isolationist
#80 -- Tanjay (sector capital with reason to dislike both the Republic and the CIS)
Tanjayan sector
- Tanjay IV: sector capital, homeworld of Tanjayan race, home of Nemrileo irm-Drocubac (pro-CIS Senator murdered by Shu Mai in 22 BBY)
#81 -- Shawken (officially neutral commercial center)
Shawken sector
- Challon: headquarters of Assassins Guild (controlled by 'Elite Circle'), neutral!
#82 -- Alsakan (ecumenopolis with
long history of opposing Coruscant power-grabs; currently loyal to Republic, but unhappy with Palpatine...)
Alsaka sector
- Alsakan: ecumenopolis, former Killick colony world, former capital of 'Axis Coalition' (limited-government faction, fought Coruscant-led 'Spin Coalition' in seventeen 'Alsakan Conflict' wars, spanning 17,000-3017 BBY), home of Mirkovig Hirken (Corporate Sector 'Viceprex of Security'), site of Alsakan Mosaics ruins (Wonder of the Galaxy), Xenvaer Civic Auditorium, original location of 'Alsakan Tessent' (long-lost artifact) [NB: now in Moddell sector]
#83 -- Grizmallt (ecumenopolis that originally colonized Naboo and Centrality, both of which like us quite a bit)
Grizmallt sector
- Grizmallt: industrial ecumenopolis (colonized Naboo, Nam Chorios, Centrality), home of Tashrikam (loyalist Senator), site of massive Grizmallt Shipyards
#84 -- Darpa (the sector capital Esseles has an anti-Palpatine senator/spymaster, Ralltiir is an openly neutral trade hub, and Rhinnal has worked extensively with Karada. An easy sell for all three)
Darpa sector
- Esseles: sector capital ('Esselian Empire'), home of Gabrial Atanna (Senator, low-profile anti-Palpatine spymaster) and Dezono Qua (rich slaver/serial killer), center of Algaran Faction (terrorists), headquarters of Caldrahlsen Mechanicals (e.g. 'litigation droids'), DynaCorp (mining), Trinkatta Starships (automated factories), and Damorian Manufacturing (e.g. Carrack-class gunships), site of Curamel Intergalactic Spaceport, Togatto Speedway (podracing), Esprix Estate (Senatorial residence & headquarters of 'Esselian Spynet'), Nurumbal Shrine, and Fort Cravus (museum with Old Republic artifacts) [NB: and hidden vault of Old Republic battledroids!]
- Ralltiir: financial center, childhood home of Alexi Garyn (Force-sensitive Vigo of Black Sun, killed by Maul in 33 BBY) and Pharl McQuarrie (Naval captain)[NB: Rebel Alliance general]; former headquarters of Black Sun (galaxy-spanning crime syndicate); headquarters of Regency Spires Republic Trust (bank), Cambriele SolidState Corporation (power cells), The Herd (Ithorian smuggling gang), Kalmec (pro-CIS Wookie spynet), XwiziMarble and Ralltiir Consolidated Marble (quarries); site of Grallia Spaceport, High Ontis mountains (rich in marble), Cambriele Exploration Auditorium (museum), Obohn Gallery, University Faculty Medical Center (research hospital), Bartokk Assassins Guild hive, and abandoned Black Sun Fortress; neutral!
- Rhinnal: medical center, headquarters of Athakam Medtech (biotech & medical supplies), site of Rhire Medical Academy (best medical university in galaxy), Rhire Concourse of History (museum), Zirfan Glacier, and Jedi chapter-house (Jedi MedCorps, academy for Jedi Healers)
#85 -- Alderaan (should limit themselves to under-the-table support, so we can position Bail Organa as a candidate for the Chancellorship)
Alderaan sector
- Alderaan: homeworld of nerf and thranta species, [NB: former homeworld of Killik race (Celestial-enslaved insects)], childhood home of Bail Organa (anti-Palpatine Senator) Halagad Ventor (Jedi Knight), and Christoph Jam (spymaster); former home of Jorus C'baoth (Jedi Watchman from 32-27 BBY, before 'Outbound Flight') and Ulic Qel-Droma (Sith Lord c. 4000 BBY); center of Alderaanian Diplomatic Corps (peacemakers during Clone Wars) [NB: and Justice Action Network (post-Clone Wars terrorists]; headquarters of Alderaan Royal Engineers (founded c. 20,000 BBY), University of Alderaan (affiliate campuses across galaxy), AlderaanMotors (drive systems), Descorp (restaurant supplies), Alderaan Biotics (hydroponics), ; site of the Castle Lands (abandoned Killik hives), Crevasse City (Wonder of the Galaxy), Terrarium City (underground pods), Belleau-a-Lir (island resort, artistic center of Core Worlds), Eeseen Spaceport, Galactic Polysapient Medical Center (can treat halogen- and silicon-based life-forms), Okonomo Retreat ('Royal Pavilion', site of Okonomo Tragedy terrorist attack in 32 BBY), Alderaanian Biological Research Institute, and many Refugee Relief Movement settlements
#86 -- Demophon (openly neutral commercial center)
Demophon sector
- Demophon: sector capital, primary star due for imminent supernova (50 years away, per 22 BBY measurements by University of Sanbra [NB: occurred 1 BBY...], irradiated surface with industrialized bio-domes, rich in rare ores; home of Elena Ray (researcher) and Rigis Corazon (business magnate); center of G'uotr Network (black market) and 'Jhonterius Park' cult; headquarters of Corazon Industries, Shankti Drive Works (hyperdrive research), TransGalMeg (starships), Tumleh Navigation (hyperspatial astrogation), and Vortex Corporation (weapons); site of Bryneport, Stellar Monitor Station, The Block [NB: Imperial slave market], and Network Shipyard; neutral!
#87 -- Leria Kerlsil (homeworld of Force parasites. Yeesh. But they've worked extensively with Silver Cross for refugee settlements, so...)
Vuma sector
- Leria Kerlsil: homeworld of '
life-bearer' race/Force sect [NB: basically 'black widows' -- long-lived women who marry and 'Support' their husband's life for 3-5 years; husband dies when Support is withdraw & wife inherits], site of many Refugee Relief Movement settlements (only wealthy single men...)
#88 -- Duro (home of Cad Bane, known for pilots and shipyards, openly neutral system near Corellia)
Duro sector
- Bburru Station: largest orbital city over Duro, capity city, headquarters of CorDuro Shipping (merchant fleet), site of Bburru Arboretum and Port Duggan
- Duro: homeworld of Duros race (gifted pilots), childhood home of Cad Bane (bounty hunter), Felanil Banks (Jedi lightsaber artisan), and Cei Vookto (Jedi elementalist), headquarters of Pri-Andylan Propulsion Systems (repulsorlifts) and Duro Shipwrights Guild (massive string of orbital shipyards), site of Pri-Andylan Shipyards, Tayana Ruins, Valley of Royalty (Wonder of the Galacy), legendary Queen Rana's Vault, Ranadaast ('City of Ashes'), and 20 orbital cities
#89 -- Andara (local Senator is mainly motivated by a loathing for corrupt pro-Palpatine senator; should be an easy sell to draw him into the CNS)
Andaran sector
- Andara: sector capital, home of Berm Tarturi (Senator, rival of Sano Sauro), headquarters of Leadership School (caters to children of Core Worlds elite)
#90 -- Illodia (openly neutral sector capital, Senator is friendly to Bail Organa, though not anti-Palpatine himself)
Illodia sector
- Illodia: sector capital, ruled by Five Families, childhood home of Doman Beruss (Senator, friend of Bail Organa), site of Illodian Officer Academy, neutral!
#91 - Prakith (controlled by Mining Guild, which is one of our allies within the Commerce Guild)
Prakith sector
- Prakith: semi-volatile volcanic planet, controlled by Mining Guild; adopted homeworld of Stereb race (subterranean hairless Wookies); childhood home of Myrum Geddis (mine owner); headquarters of Prall, and Thaarke Corporation (mining); site of Asonel Caves (rich in gemstones), Geddis mines, Herkeath mines, Prak City (plateau spaceport), Rilkean mines, Skoth riverbed (rich in ores); [NB: site of Citadel Inquisitorius (center of Imperial-era spies and Jedi hunters) and Andeddu's Keep (ancient Sith fortress, center of Malevolence dark-side cult); original location of Holocron of Heresies (includes 'transfer essence' Force technique and lightsaber crystal of Darth Andeddu), current location of Andeddu's Tomb)
#92 - Empress Teta (biggest planet in the Core, thriving black market, also controlled by Mining Guild)
Koros sector
- Empress Teta: ecumenopolis, primary source of carbonite and andris (spice); commercial center with thriving black market; monarchy controlled by Mining Guild; childhood home of Teta ('Warrior Empress' c. 5000 BBY), Jori Daragon (explorer and hero of Great Hyperspace War), Satal and Aleema Keto (original co-founders of Krath), Duke Teta (300 years old) and Duchess Koyi Mateil (young Twi'lek consort), Emperor Alor Keto (reigning monarch, puppet of Mining Guild), Serra Keto (Jedi Knight, best student of Battlemaster Cin Drallig), Sebban Keto (quietly refounded Krath during Clone Wars era), Sargo VenHalgon (aristocrat), Sianna Sekko (noble orphan trained as Krath Death Witch, hunted Jedi during early Empire); former [NB: future] center of Krath (dark side Force cult); headquarters of Brotherhood of Navigators (hyperlane explorers in Deep Core, Wild Space, and Unknown Regions) and Koros Spaceworks (Old Republic starship manufacturer, e.g. CX-133 Chaos fighter, Tetan interceptor, and Supremacy-class attack ship); former headquarters of Aarrba's Repair Dock and Carbonite Guild; site of Hyperspace Navigator's Guildhouse (hyperlane archive and Monument to Lost Navigators), Mining Guild regional headquarters, Core District (commercial center, architecture of each building in style of different Core Worlds culture), Great Library of Cinnagar (museum of Great Hyperspace War), Cinnagar Royal Palace (seat of government, massive complex of nine spires); former site of Iron Citadel (ancient legendary palace complex, rumored location of lightsaber of Ulic-Qel Droma, translation talisman of Satal Keto, and operational Basilisk war droid)
#93 - Ojom (Besalisk homeworld, with mining-rich neighbors)
Treskov sector
- Ebaq IX: moon of gas giant Ebaq, barren planet rich in bronzium, mining facilities controlled by Deep Core Mining Corporation
- Ojom: frozen waterworld, homeworld of Besalisk race (four arms), childhood home of Dexter Jettster (Coruscant cook), Pong Krell (Jedi Master, dual-wield double-bladed lightsabers, CIS traitor, died 21 BBY on Umbara) and Xerius Ugg (CIS admiral and slaver, died 21 BBY on Kiros)
#94 - Constancia (telepathic race, anti-Palpatine activist, Zeltron colony affiliated with new CNS member)
Lialic sector
- Constancia: homeworld of Constancian race (orange telepaths), [NB: childhood home of Gamine (anti-Empire activist) and Sharlee (battle-armor specialist), site of Outpost 8 (Sharlee's base) and Zeltron colony (red empaths)