Battle Meditation can be sooooo bullshit if you're powerful enough, and even for a weaker person it's nothing to sneeze at. Canon, +10.
Weak But Skilled seems to be the shtick Riphath's going for. At some point, "skill training" probably outweighs "raw power", but that takes a while and Riphath's only just started the whole Force-User thing. Learning, sure; practice, definitely. Maybe a bit of gambling on sports he's Battle Meditating on. It seems (to him) like a great way to accomplish a lot of goals at once: getting better at Battle Meditation (perhaps his best means of being bullshit), making money, and making the galaxy a stranger and more entertaining place.
Perhaps Ciaran for a laugh actually heads the Union or Organisation of Ciaran Impersonators and often sends them to some appearances that she doesn't want to make, boring but safe ones so that they're not in trouble or anything.
I'm imagining Ciaran with a four year old version of herself.

When asked:

"If your plan has problems that a four year old can see, you change your plan. What better four year old than myself?"
You know, for all of Ciaran's flirting and teasing, has she ever actually been in a relationship?
Despite all the jokes I make about her seducing Padme, Ciaran has always come off as asexual to me.
If she hasn't, then we better hope Obi-Wan doesn't ever find out. Because he's gonna exploit the shit out of that to counter-troll us.
"Oh sweet naive Obi-Wan. Half the reason I'm so good at this, don't scoff it's actually my job and twenty three different senators owe their grandchildren directly to me, is my ability to offer a truly unbiased opinion on the subject."

Weak But Skilled seems to be the shtick Riphath's going for.
Why wouldn't he? That's what Ciaran did and look how it turned out for her.
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"Oh sweet naive Obi-Wan. Half the reason I'm so good at this, don't scoff its actually my job and twenty three different senators owe their grandchildren directly to me, is my ability to offer a truly unbiased opinion on the subject."
We need an excuse to say this. I can't think of a good way to do so, but we need to.
What would you call a group of..her?

A gathering?

...A murder?

a murder of ciarea sounds good
or a Parliament of ciarea?

A conspiracy?

An abyss?

I'm sorry guys, but a group of Ciarae are a charity.
You are all WRONG. there is only one thing you can call a group of Ciarae and that is "a Trolling".
You know, I can just imagine that in an Anakin Quest Negaverse, there was at least a couple of idiots who wanted to attack HK-47, not understanding why the others were panicking (and swearing and insulting the QM) at his presence (and then at their proposal). And those same idiots, even after long explanations and a few videos, still wanted to destroy (read: attempt to) the droid "for the exp".

In their words (condensed): "It's just an old and obsolete droid, we did most of the work with Bulq anyway and it took advantage of it. We can destroy, steal the pieces to either sell or use (R2 could use some lethal upgrades, even if he is godly at his job) and get a ton of XP from killing the old robot if what you guys said is true. Hell, we may even get titles and bonus from doing this. You know, taking down the assassin droid of a legendary Sith Lord. Beside, it's not like we don't have experience killing droids."

Lots of players were happy to outnumber the idiots by far.

Meanwhile, in the Palpatine Quest Negaverse, some players were wondering if they should either submit to Ciaran or off themselves now because one of their enemy has Darth Revan's personal assassin droid on their side (along with Mandalorians). Paranoia is high among the less arrogant ones.

"Dude, that's the assassin droid who can make a freaking book about killing Jedi and most likely another for the Sith. HK enjoys killing, even more when it's Force sensitives. And he got experience fighting Sith Lords."
"Hell, we don't even know what he was doing for the past 3000 years. He could even had upgraded himself with Beskar plating just to f*** with enemies and laugh at their misery."
"Wait, QM, was the HK-51 or HK-50 factory destroyed by HK-47 or did he keep it? Hell what about the Foundry? Could it have repaired the Star Forge? Is that why HK wasn't seen in three millennia?"

"A droid is nothing compared to our power!"
"Dude, you really don't get it."
"With the size of egos that are around, we are screwed. We are the little voice in the back of the head that Palpatine sacrificed for more power."
"That explains a lot."

"You know, the kind of Party that Ciaran is revealing makes me think of the KOTOR games. We know she has HK-47 (who appears in both games) and Jango Fett in place of Canderous Ordo (both are Mandalorians). We're missing a few Force Sensitives and a few more that vary depending on the game."
"We're even more screwed, this is just proof she is the Protagonist and not us!"
"Who let the tin foil hat in?"

Dooku Quest Negaverse, after the initial panic has died down.
"So... Hk-47?"
"We really skipped the bullet. I bet twenty he was in wait with a sniper rifle or something when we met Ciaran and joined her."
"That's a fool's bet."
"Palpatine is dead."
"Of course he is."

Padme Quest Negaverse, at the same time
"Do you think Ciaran has HK-47 protect us from afar?"
"Don't be ridiculous."
"Thank god."
"She obviously has more important tasks for HK. No, it would be either lesser droids or people she would have assigned, not that Padme could know it."
"How do you know this information anyway?"
"I have access to the other quests."
"What quests?"
"I said too much."

Anyone who wants to use this, feel free.
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