Teron has apparently been having a rough time and thus drowns himself in tea. Tea seems to make him hyper. Apparently when he's hyper, he writes. The last time this happened he wrote like ~6-7 omakes of about ~200-400 words each within 3-5 hours. i forget exactly. Everything else is also in CAPS AND EXCLAMATIONS!
Better known as "QM and quest rolls, prepare thy anus." and "......what are you damnit?! You ain't human!"
Teron has apparently been having a rough time and thus drowns himself in tea. Tea seems to make him hyper. Apparently when he's hyper, he writes. The last time this happened he wrote like ~6-7 omakes of about ~200-400 words each within 3-5 hours. I forget exactly. Everything else is also in CAPS AND EXCLAMATIONS!

Won't be as bad this time though. I'm commiting HIGH TREASON at the side since I'm playing Star Trek: New Horizons at the same time (the Stellaris mod), so I'm a bit distracted.

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Abyss Watchers Organization Functions (Canon Info)
Abyss Watchers Organization Function
Note: Continuitation of the explanations from Abyss Watchers Organization Composition

Abyss Watchers (Core)

The Core of the Abyss Watchers consisting of the Council which runs the entire organisation and therefore controls and manages every other branch. Due to the size of the Organization its often a case of macromanagement instead of micromanagement, but for that they delegate a lot to competent subordinates. In addition the Core directly controls and utilizes every asset directly dedicated to countering the Sith-conspiracy.

Abyss Watchers (Intelligence)
The Intelligence branch of the Abyss Watchers personaly handles the gathering of information, espionage and extensive data-analysis and evaluation of informations provided by the other branches. They are also in regular contact with the Bothan Spynet which is a quite... awkward cooperation since it often devolves into cases of 'I know, you know, I know, that he knows, that they know, that you know, that I know...'. They are essentially the most important branch of the entire organisation, just below the Core itself.

Abyss Watchers/Duskblades/Nebula Hoppers/Krayt Claws/Nerf-Herders*/Free-Traders**/Etc. (Crime)
As previously explained the Criminal branch of the Abyss Watchers consists of seperate, semi-independent gangs that work for the Abyss Watchers and are acting according to guidelines which restrict the criminal activities they are allowed to engage in to lesser crimes. Usually, if the Abyss Watchers require influence in a local criminal underworld they have three different approaches.

1. They outright BUY a gang, evaluate the members, train them and put the best and most reliable member in charge.
2. They infiltrate a gang, arrange for shifts in the hierarchy before they have their own men take over.
3. They send someone with sufficient leadership skill to the planet/system where they need a gang and build one form the ground up.

Abyss Watchers (Mercenaries)

Not much more to be added that hasn't been mentioned allready.

Ciaran Holdings (Economy)
Neither Ciaran nor her proxies ACTUALLY fully owns any corporation (with Karada Corporation being an exception), instead prefering to invest enough and buy up enough to own sufficient shares in a corporation to both be able to claim cuts of the profits and be allowed to have part in the decision making of the Corporation. In theory its a complete mess to handle, but thats why Ciaran uses competent subordinates to act as proxies where officialy THEY own the shares which allows her to cut down on the required attention and also ensures a sufficient degree of seperation between her and such 'unpopular' businesses as weapons manufacturing. The corporations Ciaran officialy owns shares off are allways related to medicine, food, luxury goods, transportation, media and various other, Essentially everything that reflects well on her.

- Karada Corporation (Medicine)
As previously mentioned the Karada Corporation is split in two groups. The official one that produces medical supplies and equipment and either sells it or provides it as charity to various humanitarian groups which allows Ciaran to take credit for it. The unofficial group meanwhile handles the questionable research dedicated to furthering the cause of the Abyss Watchers. Analysis of the biochips, genemodding, medical treatments for Abyss Watcher personel, bioweapon research during the Synthetic Plague crisis in the Outer Rim, etc. etc. The greatest problem Ciaran has with the Karada Corporation is gauging how much she should let the Arkanians take credit for the actions of the official group of Karada since the reputation of the Arkanians is... iffy at best. On one hand they are undoubtedly some of the best biologists and geneticists in the galaxy, but on the other hand they are infamous for their severe lack of ethics and superiority complexes. One on hand, letting them take credit for various actions pleases the Arkanian species as a whole, but on the other hand it makes people suspicious.

Ciaran Foundation (Charity)
The Ciaran Foundation is assigned a generous budget to aid charity/humanitarian organisations and events for Ciaran. In addition though they also organise various events dedicated to raising funds, draw attention to the situation of refugees, the poor, the sick and others (since they usuall don't get ANYWHERE near the upper crust of society... so the Ciaran Foundation just brings them along themselves) or other things on their own. They also inform Ciaran of events she should appear at herself to garner goodwill.
- Silver Cross (Charity)
The Silver Cross provides humanitarian aid to essentially everyone who needs it as they can be found in both warzones and the slums of more heavily populated or particularly poor planets which allows Abyss Watchers informants to do their job without drawing any attention or having to endanger themselves which is particularly usefull to observe the battlefields of the ongoing war. They receive credits and equipment from the Ciaran Foundation, Karada Corporation and through donations.

Versuch Labs

The Versuch Labs are as mentioned semi-legal since they actively experiment on their patients to develop treatments of uncommon diseases. Their patients are generaly too poor to receive professional help and are so ill that the Silver Cross is not equipped to help them since they would require extensive longterm care. There the Versuch Labs come in as they offer free aid to those who seek their aid in exchange to be allowed to try experimental treatments. In fact, they even offer hefty monetary compensation to their patients for undergoing the treatments in addition to promising to do their very best to cure them which is not a hollow promise. The main intention may be to gain research data and profit, but as is typical for Ciaran they ARE dedicate to the wellbeing of others to at least some degree. Ultimately, any developed treatments are then forwarded to Karada who then 'create' it officialy and start production. By the way, there exists a silent understanding between the Versuch Labs on Coruscant and Nar Shadaa and the local groups of Silver Cross that the later send possible patients to them, but the Silver Cross expects them to take particularly good care of the ones they send.

((Last time we had: What groups does the Organisation consits off. This time have, what do they actually do?))
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Training Days (Canon)
Coruscant - Ciaran sponsored Sports Trainingfield
It may have been years by now since the last Galactic Games which Ciaran used to boost her popularity by sponsoring them and hiring a good trainer so they actually win something for once in what felt like an eternity, but just because it has lost importance to her for the time being it didn't mean that she stopped paying. Quite the opposite, she called a competent subordinate, assigned him a budget and then let him handle it for her which likely is one of the best jobs in the entire Organisation. At least thats what Colman thinks it is as the simply has to make sure that the various sports teams sponsored by Ciaran get the equipment and training they need.

"So, how are the kids doing?" The 'kids' in question being the future 'sports stars' to be which Colman has been taking care off recently together with the actuall trainer of one of the teams. As it happend, Colman actually had a chance encounter with his boss Ciaran herself when she was prowling the Coruscant Undercity where they met a bunch of young kids, some of which orphaned... which nearly ended quite badly as Ciarans attempt to hand them a few credchips backfired as the kids actually got into a brawl over them with some even trying to kil each other.

Ultimately Colman and Ciaran had to restrain and beat up a bunch of kids, called the local Silver Cross ot take care of them and Colman himself later checked up on them and did some talent scouting for his sports teams.

"Good enough. You would be surprised how much of a difference some good food, a proper bed and... Ah, what am I saying. They get their basic living standard provided so they stopped being half-dead. In exchange they put a lot of effort into training. Its all fine."

"Allright. I also went ahead and hired a teacher for them. Before I forget it... I saw the recording you sent me. Are you sure that letting that 'Bulldozer' onto the field isn't actually some kind of warcrime? He pretty much just smashed through the entire enemy team." The recording in question looked more like a giant brawl as some large guy ran over half the field and knocked over absolutely everyone who got into his way... after the enemy team spent most of the gametime more or less torturing everyone else. Colman had decided to let the younger backup players take the lead during that game which the enemy sadisticaly took advantage off.

"Its fine, its fine. People expect things to get rough enough that him essentially knocking the enemy players silly is not a breach of the rules."

"Huh... Guess we got at least a few wins guranteed during the next Galactic Games then."

((Anyone who can guess who the mentioned 'Bulldozer' wrecking a lot of people is a reference to... GETS TEA!))
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The Return of... HANS AND HERR DOKTOR!


The two Arkanians who are downright infamous for having managed to revive and genemod Ciaran at the same time following her assassination had been given a considerable raise in payment the last few years and kept on hand for the more problematic and questionable procedures.

"Gut. Zhe next subject vill be problematic. We have been instructed to add a Miralukan genemod and we have no idea what vill happen. You understand zhe problem, ja?"

"Species reliant on force ability, ja? No idea how it vill react to a normal organism."

"Ja, that is ze problem. Fortunately I have a genemod of someone whose genes are very good. Not that zhe subject vill appreciate it, but Ciarans remarkable regeneration after zhe essentially lethal assassianation makes it perfect and zhe human genetics vill reduce athrophy of zhe subjects eyes. Now, prepare the tools Hans!"

"On it, Herr Doktor!"

"Ha! They called us mad, but who is now doing all zhe medical miracles? WE DO! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA~"

Of course, as comedic timing demands it was at this moment that Asajj entered the room and looked at the two Arkanians with more than just a bit off doubt.

"So... 'Lady' Ciaran forced me to show up here to receive a genemod. Lets just get it over with before I reconsider."

"Of course, of course. Please, lay down on zhe surgical table and we vill begin. Zhe procedure will be entirely painless and not take too long. HANS! Prepare the anesthetics!"

It was at this moment that Asajj was more than sure that she REALLY should have reconsidered...
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The Tailor (Canon)
The Tailor

Ciaran wasn't quite sure what to expect when she was told that the wife of the Oracles chief weapons engineer is a capable tailor who would be willing to make her a few new dresses for a lot less than the professional designers (who more often than not had a tendency to have... strange ideas when it comes to fashion, Padmes more extravagant dresses being a perfect example). What she did not expect was to be invited to the appartment of that supposed tailor on Coruscant, who turned out ot be a woman quite a bit older than herself... and who immideately glared daggers at her while giving her no chance to even say anything.

"I'll make the following things quite clear. You do not get to act up like you allways do in public, you pay for the fabric, you hold still while I get your measurements and you aknowledge that in this house I'm god. Also, you stay in the living room. You bother my family, I'll strangle you. They are the only reason why I'm doing this anyway since they 'insisted' that I do it. Mentioned something about some of their friends and colleagues getting bored of your wardrobe."

Definitely not someting Ciaran expected and also not someone she wanted to annoy since she was quite sure that she couldn't snark or charm her way out of this.

"Of course. I'll behave?"

"Good, my husband is allready causing me enough trouble so I don't need you to be another one to cause even more. I'll take your measurements now, then we two will take a look at some of the current fashion and you tell which aspects you want in your dress, I'll then combine what you want and get to work."

At the end of the day Ciaran was quite sure that this encounter was more than surreal as she did not expect that some lady over two decades older than her would be able to intimidate her simply by being no-nonsense even before she got ANY word out. At least she is quite sure that the dresses will be nice as the woman put A LOT of effort into the planning.
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The Chosen One Doubts (Canon)
The Chosen One... doubts.

Anakin was not having a good time for... a long while by now. He should be blaming Ciaran for it since her influence and arguments gnawed at his confidence in his own actions and the Jedi Order, but she kept having a point more often than not and the fact that he was in a relationship with Padme didn't help as the Jedi Council would not tolerate it if it ever became known. There were also the visions of his future as Sith and the visions of Padmes death and it was of course once again Ciaran who offered to help him... not to mention that she got him to talk with Padme about the later instead of keeping silent about it as he intended.

Now, he had to deal with the great question. What was he supposed to do? Being a Jedi was his greatest ambition and he defined himself extensively through it, but Ciaran constantly pointed out that contrary to claims to the contrary he can just decide to walk away and figure out what to do with his life on his own without the Jedi or Sith ruling over his life. A tempting idea, but he has spent a long time as Jedi and he can't really figure out what to do with himself if he would just... stop... being one.

Still, as long as the war kept raging, the Sith were active and Ahsoka is his Padawan that was a question for another time.

... Especially considering the bad feeling he was having and... Was that an explosion?! This isn't good.