Fate Comparision: Quest - OTL (Now and Near Future)
Quest - Mentaly stable, healthy relationship with Padme, less likely to fall to the Darkside
OTL - Mentaly unstable, dubious relationship with Padme, bound to become Vader
Quest - All significant others in his life are alive, has to endure CIarans constant trolling
OTL - Lost Siri and Satine, bound to nearly kill Anakin and end up in Exile in the near future
Quest - Largely aware of Palpatines shemes, healthy relationship with Anakin
OTL - Unaware of the true extends of Palpatines shemes until its too late, dubious relationship with Anakin, bound to die
Quest - Alive, gets to spend time with Obi-Wan occasionaly
OTL - Dead
Quest - Alive, vastly successfull with the CNS and Mandalore, gets to spend time with Obi-Wan occasionaly
OTL - Dead
Quest - Alive, although with some cybernetics
OTL - Dead
Quest - Became Mandalor, joined Ciaran, has essentially regained a lot of what he lost
OTL - Dead
Quest - More or less redeemed, happy with her fate, has friends
OTL - Bound to die in the near future, only ever gets to bond with Quinlan Vos
Quest - Still in one piece, leads the Kaleesh who have recovered from the Huk War, legendary warlord
OTL - Insane Cyborg, Kaleesh are doomed, bound to be killed by Obi-Wan
Quest - Recruited by Ciaran and opposes Palpatine, has contact to his brother
OTL - Still stuck in Exile, bound to be found and recruited by Palpatine, brother is dead
Quest - Rescued from imprisonment, supports Ciaran against Palpatine
OTL - Stuck in imprisonment for decades
Quest - Supported in his search for Knowledge by Ciaran, probably more stable than OTL
OTL - Disappeared into the Unknown Regions until he someday was recruited by Palpatine as Inquisitor
Etain Tur-Mukan:
Quest- Left the Jedi Order and the GAR way earlier than in canon, told Darman about their child immideately and left to Kal Skiratas hideout
OTL - Left the Jedi Order and GAR relatively late, told Darman about their child rather late, bound to die during Order 66 on Coruscant
Quest - Upgraded and active
OTL - Stuck on Mustafar
((CONFOUND THIS BOREDOM! IT DRIVES ME TO WRITE!... Also, I present you a reminder at how utterly derailed some things have been.))