In turn 27, Sair Frame Integration turned our infantry droids into something competent. Does anyone want to see what Cheriss can do to the Vulture droids next turn?

Effective droid ships could be a major boon.

Fate Comparisons as of 20 BBY (For Those Curious)
Fate Comparision: Quest - OTL (Now and Near Future)

Quest - Mentaly stable, healthy relationship with Padme, less likely to fall to the Darkside
OTL - Mentaly unstable, dubious relationship with Padme, bound to become Vader

Quest - All significant others in his life are alive, has to endure CIarans constant trolling
OTL - Lost Siri and Satine, bound to nearly kill Anakin and end up in Exile in the near future

Quest - Largely aware of Palpatines shemes, healthy relationship with Anakin
OTL - Unaware of the true extends of Palpatines shemes until its too late, dubious relationship with Anakin, bound to die

Quest - Alive, gets to spend time with Obi-Wan occasionaly
OTL - Dead

Quest - Alive, vastly successfull with the CNS and Mandalore, gets to spend time with Obi-Wan occasionaly
OTL - Dead

Quest - Alive, although with some cybernetics
OTL - Dead

Quest - Became Mandalor, joined Ciaran, has essentially regained a lot of what he lost
OTL - Dead

Quest - Rescued from Valorum Center earlier, considerably more stable thanks to Jango
OTL - Rescued from Valorum Center later, so utterly unstable that even medication wasn't sufficient to the point that it was offered to erase her memories

Quest - More or less redeemed, happy with her fate, has friends
OTL - Bound to die in the near future, only ever gets to bond with Quinlan Vos

Quest - Still in one piece, leads the Kaleesh who have recovered from the Huk War, legendary warlord
OTL - Insane Cyborg, Kaleesh are doomed, bound to be killed by Obi-Wan

Quest - Recruited by Ciaran and opposes Palpatine, has contact to his brother
OTL - Still stuck in Exile, bound to be found and recruited by Palpatine, brother is dead

Quest - Rescued from imprisonment, supports Ciaran against Palpatine
OTL - Stuck in imprisonment for decades

Quest - Supported in his search for Knowledge by Ciaran, probably more stable than OTL
OTL - Disappeared into the Unknown Regions until he someday was recruited by Palpatine as Inquisitor

Etain Tur-Mukan:
Quest- Left the Jedi Order and the GAR way earlier than in canon, told Darman about their child immideately and left to Kal Skiratas hideout
OTL - Left the Jedi Order and GAR relatively late, told Darman about their child rather late, bound to die during Order 66 on Coruscant

Quest - Upgraded and active
OTL - Stuck on Mustafar

((CONFOUND THIS BOREDOM! IT DRIVES ME TO WRITE! *Backslides out of here in Roundabout*... Also, I present you a reminder at how utterly derailed some things have been.))
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((BORED. May write more later.))
Soldier voice: I've done nothing but binge this quest for three days!
((CONFOUND THIS BOREDOM! IT DRIVES ME TO WRITE!... Also, I present you a reminder at how utterly derailed some things have been.))
If you find yourself looking for something to read, you can always check out the Star Wars quest I'm running: Gray Paladin. :cool:
Fate Comparision: Quest - OTL (Now and Near Future)

Quest - Mentaly stable, healthy relationship with Padme, less likely to fall to the Darkside
OTL - Mentaly unstable, dubious relationship with Padme, bound to become Vader

Quest - All significant others in his life are alive, has to endure CIarans constant trolling
OTL - Lost Siri and Satine, bound to nearly kill Anakin and end up in Exile in the near future

Quest - Largely aware of Palpatines shemes, healthy relationship with Anakin
OTL - Unaware of the true extends of Palpatines shemes until its too late, dubious relationship with Anakin, bound to die

Quest - Alive, gets to spend time with Obi-Wan occasionaly
OTL - Dead

Quest - Alive, vastly successfull with the CNS and Mandalore, gets to spend time with Obi-Wan occasionaly
OTL - Dead

Quest - Alive, although with some cybernetics
OTL - Dead

Quest - Became Mandalor, joined Ciaran, has essentially regained a lot of what he lost
OTL - Dead

Quest - More or less redeemed, happy with her fate, has friends
OTL - Bound to die in the near future, only ever gets to bond with Quinlan Vos

Quest - Still in one piece, leads the Kaleesh who have recovered from the Huk War, legendary warlord
OTL - Insane Cyborg, Kaleesh are doomed, bound to be killed by Obi-Wan

Quest - Recruited by Ciaran and opposes Palpatine, has contact to his brother
OTL - Still stuck in Exile, bound to be found and recruited by Palpatine, brother is dead

Quest - Rescued from imprisonment, supports Ciaran against Palpatine
OTL - Stuck in imprisonment for decades

Quest - Supported in his search for Knowledge by Ciaran, probably more stable than OTL
OTL - Disappeared into the Unknown Regions until he someday was recruited by Palpatine as Inquisitor

Etain Tur-Mukan:
Quest- Left the Jedi Order and the GAR way earlier than in canon, told Darman about their child immideately and left to Kal Skiratas hideout
OTL - Left the Jedi Order and GAR relatively late, told Darman about their child rather late, bound to die during Order 66 on Coruscant

Quest - Upgraded and active
OTL - Stuck on Mustafar

((CONFOUND THIS BOREDOM! IT DRIVES ME TO WRITE!... Also, I present you a reminder at how utterly derailed some things have been.))
Do you think if we throw this list at Darra she'll forgive us.
Did we have that much of an influence on Jerec? I thought he was just an occasional acquaintance and archaeologist partner.
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Hello you people! Update's taking a biiit longer than expected since apparently trying to preserve the core themes of a story arc while adding your own in and trying to make sure things stay recognizable while putting your own spin on things is apparently hard to write, who would have thought!?

I am working on it though, and it's going to be...interesting. As proof, have a scene from the start of Side Anakin:

Anakin Skywalker was not a happy man right now. Everything that had happened to Ahsoka so far had been bad enough, but then Tarkin had insisted on directly calling the Jedi Council and going on a tirade about Ahsoka's "treasonous activities" or whatever he could throw at her. To his misfortune he happened to be in the room at the time delivering a debriefing on Ahsoka's escape, meaning he got roped into Tarkin's posturing.

He honestly was wondering how he ever respected the man in the slightest before. Sure Anakin had agreed with him in the past that the Jedi Code did limit the Order's ability to act as military leaders, but it was becoming increasingly clear to him as Tarkin went on and on that his opinions were grounded in petty grudges and ambition rather than legitimate concerns about the military.

"Padawan Tano's activities are nothing short of treason, and it is appalling that the Council was unable to find out about them before the bombing occurred. Instead-"

Anakin's eyes narrowed as he glared at Tarkin's hologram, though he didn't seem to notice as he continued-

"You may fire when ready," Tarkin coldly said, announcing the death of Alderaan and all of its people with no remorse as he stood by, silently watching and gripping |||| ||||||'s shoulder. ||| could only helplessly protest and watch as ||| world was obliterated by the Death Star-

"And as for you, Master Skywalker-"
Tarkin said to him as he came out of his sudden vision-

"Are you done gloating or is there a point to this call?" Anakin snapped almost reflexively as the rest of the Council looked at him with various levels of shock and surprise on their faces. "If you don't have any more relevant information, then perhaps you should focus your efforts on more important matters instead of wasting our time."

"Hmph. I would suggest you watch your tongue in this matter, 'General,'" Tarkin said haughtily before the transmission ended. As it did Anakin glanced around the Council Chamber. "...You all wanted to say that, didn't you?" he said casually.

"We cannot afford any more tension between the military and the Jedi in this matter," Mace said as he glared at Anakin. "That was entirely uncalled for."

"Given that Tarkin seems bound and determined to inflame those tensions no matter what we do, I'd say it was very much called for," Anakin calmly responded.

"Anakin, you must admit that was out of line," Obi-Wan said with one of his 'I know you've done something wrong' expressions on his face that Anakin was all too familiar with. In response he sighed resignedly before replying "Yes, yes it was. I apologize for not voicing my issues with Tarkin in a more private environment."

Obi-Wan visibly frowned at that though Mace was far less conciliatory about the matter if the look on his face was any indication. "Nevertheless, it's clear that you're not acting with a clear mind in this matter. As such you will have be confined to the Temple for the duration of this matter as a disciplinary measure."

"Master Windu, this is my Padawan we're talking about!" Anakin shot back, though internally he was glad he was getting an ironclad excuse to not try and hunt down Ahsoka. "If anything I should be-"

"Clouded, your mind is," Yoda said as he interrupted Anakin's response. "Too close to your Padawan, you have become."

Anakin started to open his mouth but held his tongue, realizing that now would definitely not be the right time to debate Yoda himself on the nature of attachment in relation to the Jedi.

And more importantly...

Without a word Anakin stormed out of the room, doing his best to look angry for at least a few moments then letting his mind focus back in on the vision of Tarkin and - and -

Who else was there?
Oh my!
Is it me, or did Anakin subconsciously block the identity of his own daughter?

Well it's not like Anakin would want to know that particular detail... or even if he's given thought to having children with Padme as he's still in awkward dating mode. The only other time we've seen those /// was when fighting against Shade!Nihlus, so perhaps there are some things the Force doesn't want anyone to see.

Though if he's getting visions of the Vader timeline that opens a whole new can of worms... I just realised that Tarkin is the closest thing Vader has to a friend.
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Well it's not like Anakin would want to know that particular detail... or even if he's given thought to having children with Padme as he's still in awkward dating mode. The only other time we've seen those /// was when fighting against Shade!Nihlus, so perhaps there are some things the Force doesn't want anyone to see.

Though if he's getting visions of the Vader timeline that opens a whole new can of worms... I just realised that Tarkin is the closest thing Vader has to a friend.
Given that Anakin finds him perfectly loathable now, all the more reason for Anakin to avoid that future.
We're going to be going into a "mini-"arc here

Hello you people! Update's taking a biiit longer than expected since apparently trying to preserve the core themes of a story arc while adding your own in and trying to make sure things stay recognizable while putting your own spin on things is apparently hard to write, who would have thought!?

You should know by now that you are not really capable of writing a 'mini-arc' for anything that involves canon things. At all.
I'd like to point out a flaw in that video. The super-laser star destroyer that is mentioned is 'The Silencer' wasn't actually able to destroy planets, merely fleets. It was also a prototype and needed rare parts to work, including Kyber Crystals to increase the power output.

In 'modern times' the Jedi Order has claim over those crystals recognised by the Galactic Republic and prevents others from researching them (its mentioned in the Rogue One backstory that Galen Erso was originally on board with Krennic because he thought he was creating a more powerful energy source that the Jedi Order had horded for themselves from the rest of the Galaxy).

Hold on, hold on. Giant stupid wars are giant but stupid? Sometimes the destruction of technology and plunging the galaxy into a technological and culture dark age is its own reason.

Yeah, I agree.

The Collapse of the First Republic (pre-Darth Bane) through the combination of a Galactic Plague on the Scale of Black Death, The Collapse of the Holonet, Civil Unrest within the Republic and a fractured Sith Order that nevertheless nearly wiped out the Jedi through throwing themselves at them, would have caused a Dark Age and the loss of a lot of important knowledge.

That's not to mention the possibility of editing of Galactic History by the Jedi Order and the various Sith Orders to prevent other groups from getting their hands on the technology (the story of the Eternal Empire makes sense to be erased as its technology is never reverse engineered and the truth of Revan's death is not known as it would have to lead into the rise of the Eternal Empire).
Oh sweet Eris, That took to long - I lose internet access for a few months and you lunatics add nearly three hundred pages. Though the whole Metalorn thing was cool. As was getting the flying Academy working. And Everything with Reaper. And the Foundry. And the Lightsabers.

Okay - it was pretty much all awesome.
Oh sweet Eris, That took to long - I lose internet access for a few months and you lunatics add nearly three hundred pages. Though the whole Metalorn thing was cool. As was getting the flying Academy working. And Everything with Reaper. And the Foundry. And the Lightsabers.

Okay - it was pretty much all awesome.

My first thought on seeing this post:

Watcher Team Lead: Ma'am... the dragon turned into a maid... with a dragon tail.
Ciaran: wait what?
Team Lead: My thoughts exactly.
Tales Of Naboo (Canon)
OOM-9, Naboo, Grassplains - ??BY


"Jar Jar Binks, has been eliminated. Proceed at moderate pace. Beware of artillery."

For OOM-9 it was a good day as his army advanced across the battlefield, cutting down any Gungan foolish enough to put up any kind of resistance. Not to mention that personaly eliminating Jar Jar Binks made the entire day even better. Now it was only a matter of time until his revenge would be complete.

Now, where is Captain Tarpals? He too needs to--

OOM-9, Oracle, Tacitcal Command Center

"OOM-9? What are you doing? Everyone is waiting in the meeting room!"
ABORT! ABORT! Lady Ciaran is calling! Cancel Alternate History Simulation A791-PM! WHERE IS THE CANCEL BUTTON?!

"Uhm... okay. Well, then deploy yourself down the hallway. Also, see if you can find PR-1 on the way. He went to get us some tea."

Borvo, Coruscant, Borvos Palace
"That Max Rebo is pretty good. Also very cheap to pay, although he eats nearly as much as I do. Ain't that right Adela?" Borvo was evidently having a good day, going by the cheerfull music being played in his Palace, the available feast for his employees and especially his personal (and due to Borvos expanded criminal empire quite overworked) pilot Adela Tyché.

"Definitely. I had to tell our bookkeepers to actually pay his bandmembers though since Rebo was content to only work for food... and wanted to extend that to everyone else. Sy Snootles would've probably shot someone if he did that." The fact that Sy Snootles was glarind daggers at Rebo during any break between the songs did nothing to disuade that claim.

"Likely. She actually complained that she didn't get to kill Ziro herself or at least dance on his grave. Too bad, Jabba probably fed his remains to the Sarlaac."

Sabe, Naboo, Ciaran Holdings Security Office
Its been a while by now that Naboo joined the CNS in direct defiance of Palpatine. A matter not everyone is happy with as some people either scorn Senator Amidala and Queen Neeyutnee for the precarious situation Naboo is in now or simply for defying Palpatine who as a Noble of Naboos very own House Palpatine still has some supporters despite the Abyss Watchers attempts to manipulate the public perception of events in favor of the CNS and towards Anti-Palpatine sentiments.

Fortunately its nothing the Abyss Watchers (or their 'legal and official' branches) haven't handled in the past. Besides, having Padmes friend and former double Sabé available to help coordinate security is a plus.

"Senator Amidala will arrive tomorrow morning at approximately eight in the morning. We will be adding another half a hour where we will keep her ship in waiting position to check the landing pad another time. That allright Sabé?"

"I think so. That gives me and the security forces some more time as well. She may not like the heavy security and especially not visible security but I've been told that she has to report on Palpatines taxes which currently is a unpopular topic. Way too likely that someone would try something, even if its just running up to her and insult her if she has no visible security. I miss the days when she was only overworked from paperwork and not from... Well, you know..."

"Don't remind me. My colleagues all across the galaxy are increasing security or cutting through endless redtape to even keep day to day business running and secure and I have the feeling that its just going to get worse."
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I'm the evil that lurks at the edge of the quest. Waiting for Dr. Snark. Eternaly. With omake snippets. UNLIMITED OMAKE SNIPPETS!

Alternate reading: I'm the terror that flaps in the night, I'm the writer that spams your quest with omakes, I'm Darkw... Wait. Wrong text.
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Naboo, Grassplains - ??BY


"Jar Jar Binks, has been eliminated. Proceed at moderate pace. Beware of artillery."

We all have our dreams, only OOM-9 can have the dream we all want to have every night.

I'm the evil that lurks at the edge of the quest. Waiting. Eternaly. With omake snippets. UNLIMITED OMAKE SNIPPETS!

I have another AU with Imperial Ciaran.
You know, when you stop writing a quest, I'm pretty sure you're supposed to actually stop writing that quest.

NEVER! THERE IS NOTHING THAT CAN STOP ME EXCEPT FOR DR. SNARK! Also, he is the last authority on canon and non-canon so no harm done except for various peoples sanity (including my own). Besides, I LOVE this quest and so far I have only 12 threadmarks. Panory has 61. I'm harmless in comparision!

Edit: Actually... give me some ideas and/or people to write snippets about. You know, in the length like up there or my usuall omakes and I'll see what silly and/or serious things I can come up with.
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NEVER! THERE IS NOTHING THAT CAN STOP ME EXCEPT FOR DR. SNARK! Also, he is the last authority on canon and non-canon so no harm done except for various peoples sanity (including my own). Besides, I LOVE this quest and so far I have only 12 threadmarks. Panory has 61. I'm harmless in comparision!

Edit: Actually... give me some ideas and/or people to write snippets about. You know, in the length like up there or my usuall omakes and I'll see what silly and/or serious things I can come up with.
Write the Hutts' perspective on how the galactic crime has changed. The Black Sun, their former great rival, is gone. Or is it? Hunting down trandoshan slavers may be affecting supply, which might provide incentive to invest into other products and services. I wonder how the war looks for profiteers not aware of the sham. Have there been attempts to expand their sphere of influence while the Republic is divided and distracted? Have any of those attempts succeeded?