Hidden Research Facility, Outer Rim
The halls of the clandestine facility were filled with the living dead, monsters reborn through twisted science in a sick parody of life.
And they were cut down in swathes as the Silencer moved through the facility, stopping only to reload as he pushed through the hordes of the undead.
"Looks like you're getting closer to a larger room, might be the control center that we're looking for."
The Silencer didn't respond, but simply nodded to himself as he shot the last of the infectees and advanced forward into what appeared to be a large control center filled with computers and viewscreens displaying various biological data.
"Yep, this is definitely the place. Now get a connection started-"
"Well, I must say I am impressed, though I would expect nothing less from one of Ciaran's people," a voice that came in over the loudspeakers said in a condescending tone. The Silencer quickly snapped his head around, searching for any potential targets or viewpoints. "Do not bother with trying to find me, I've already left the facility. But since you were likely to find more information about me despite my best efforts I decided I would rather introduce myself to you...or rather, to whoever is operating as your commander."
As the voice continued to monologue, the Silencer crossed over to one of the servers and placed a remote access unit on it, connecting it to the Abyss Watchers ship in orbit.
"Downloading now," Silas said.
"You see, if you push the galaxy hard enough, there will inevitably be forces that will push back," the voice continued. "Ciaran has been testing her limits for far too long, and as such I have taken it upon myself to remind her of the consequences of interfering with matters she has no place in."
At those words sirens began to blare throughout the facility.
"Dammit, I don't know what the hell he did, there's another room somewhere-" Silas' voice came in.
"However I am fully aware that words can only accomplish so much, so I will have to give you a more practical lesson."
Suddenly a deep, menacing roar echoed in the distance.
"Now then..."
The roar came again, closer this time.
"Let us see which is superior, you..."
The Silencer fixed his sights on a door that was visibly denting from the force of the creature's attacks.
"...or Nemesis."
At those words the monster finished breaking through the door and burst into the room. It was humanoid in shape and seemed to resemble a man with the gigantic coat it wore, but it's hideously mutated face indicated that it was anything but human.
Without hesitating, the Silencer quickly threw a grenade right at Nemesis' feet, though when it went off the monster was able to withstand the blast as it staggered backwards before beginning to advance on the Silencer. The mercenary opened fire with his assault rifle, but Nemesis was completely unfazed, continuing to advance despite the holes constantly being burned into its body.
"Wha-what the hell is that thing!?" Silas yelled over the comms.
Suddenly Nemesis stopped, reared back, and with a roar thrust forward with its right arm, fleshy tendrils coming out of the sleeves and attempting to grab a hold of the Silencer. He quickly rolled out of the way, switching from his rifle to a grenade launcher as he recovered. As he began to fall back he emptied grenade after grenade at the monster in front of him, which stunned him for a moment but still didn't seem to inflict any meaningful damage. However it did give the Silencer time to break away into one of the hallways, and he entered into a dead sprint.
"The target's too resilient to conventional weapons. Is there a reactor core nearby?"
"Are you cra-dammit all you're probably right," Silas' voice shakily came in over the Silencer's comms. After a few seconds Silas came back on. "Okay, got something here, uploading the coordinates to you now-"
A roar from behind the Silencer interrupted Silas, and the Silencer quickly glanced back to see Nemesis was now carrying what appeared to be a rocket launcher.
"Oh, you've got to be kidding me-" Silas said as Nemesis launched a trio of rockets at the Silencer, then returned to its menacing advance. The Silencer quickly wheeled around, whipped out his rifle and fired at the rockets, managing to shoot them out of midair before they impacted. With that, he continued running towards the reactor room as Nemesis continued his relentless pursuit.
A tense moment later, the Silencer managed to outpace Nemesis and reach the reactor room he was looking for. Quickly holstering his rifle, he moved to a nearby console and began to slice into it, priming the reactor to explode.
"Is the data recovered?"
"Oh, now you ask!? Well we've got everything we need from the looks of it."
The Silencer was about to finish his sabotage before he heard Nemesis' roar coming from the doorway. As it leveled his rocket launcher at him, the Silencer whipped out a pistol and shot directly into the launcher's barrel, causing the rocket in it to explode in Nemesis' face. As it roared in fury, the Silencer finished his work, and hit the button that would initiate the meltdown causing sirens to begin blaring.
"Warning, reactor meltdown in progress. Please evacuate the facility immediately," came a robotic voice over the speakers.
With that, the Silencer turned to the door he had come in through, which was blocked by Nemesis. Unfortunately for him the monster was content to remain there and began to throw its tendrils at the Silencer again, who continued to dodge out of the way. After it became clear that the monster was not going to move, the Silencer grabbed an incendiary grenade and threw it at Nemesis, igniting him in flames. It roared in a mixture of pain and fury as it tried to beat down on the flames consuming it before the Silencer launched another conventional grenade at him. Already off-balance, the blast caused Nemesis to stagger backwards, giving the Silencer a small opening that let him dodge past the monster and run as fast as he could toward the facility's exit. As re ran, he threw more incendiary grenades behind him, covering the hallway in flames and hopefully slowing down Nemesis.
"If you keep moving at that speed you should be just outside the blast radius of the reactor explosion!" Silas yelled over the comms. The Silencer sprinted towards the exit, the hallways of the research facility blurring past him as Nemesis' roar echoed distantly behind him. Finally, he burst out of the facility and continued to sprint until he heard the sound of a massive explosion behind him. On reflex he dived to the ground as the shockwave from the blast rolled over him, rattling his armor. Turning around, he saw that all that remained of the facility he was in was a large crater, with no sign of the monster he had fought.
"Mission complete." The Silencer calmly responded over his comms as he stood up and activated a transponder. "Requesting extraction."
Mission Report:
Records retrieved from the facility have allowed us to determine that the synthetic plague has been created by one "Albert Wesker," a human, though no further data on him is currently available. While the data indicates that he may have been initially supported by the Separatists in the hopes of creating a biological weapon for them, it is currently unclear as to whether he is still receiving support from them. Analysis suggests that he is highly proficient in biological research and weaponization, as well as an ability to remain undetected. We are currently uncertain as to why he may hold a grudge against Lady Ciaran as we have no records of him or persons resembling him from any of our operations.
Recommendation: Subject is to be classified as a major threat, requesting additional intelligence teams to be assigned to this matter.
Rewards from RESI II: New plague ended, data on plague creator gained
AN: I had to throw in Nemesis somewhere. I had to. And that bare success gave me the perfect excuse to do it.
Hopefully you enjoyed this, the next interlude will involve much more talkiness and things not exploding. Should be a good wind-down.