man, if the cis were a legitimate thing instead of a sith puppet i would love that, cause the cis were RIGHT about pretty much all of their problems.
man, if the cis were a legitimate thing instead of a sith puppet i would love that, cause the cis were RIGHT about pretty much all of their problems.

CIS has a serious problem though. Aside from being a Sith puppet, it was also used by numerous mega corporations as a puppet state to enact there own desired forms of law. It Tried to be its own government, but the mega corps wouldn't let it really.

So dealing with Them is the one of the big things necessary to make the CIS an actual legit government.
CIS has a serious problem though. Aside from being a Sith puppet, it was also used by numerous mega corporations as a puppet state to enact there own desired forms of law. It Tried to be its own government, but the mega corps wouldn't let it really.

So dealing with Them is the one of the big things necessary to make the CIS an actual legit government.
We have taken one of them out in Wat Tambor, and are going to ice a second. Also the banking clan has pulled out of the CIS so the corporation influence is going to be decreasing.

1st: THATS GOD DAMN GLORIOUS! Also, I approve of having Dooku as ally. I like that guy.

2nd: Well, things are slowly but surely hurling towards the point where Palpatine can be gotten rid off.

CIS has a serious problem though. Aside from being a Sith puppet, it was also used by numerous mega corporations as a puppet state to enact there own desired forms of law. It Tried to be its own government, but the mega corps wouldn't let it really.

So dealing with Them is the one of the big things necessary to make the CIS an actual legit government.

Just threaten their profits enough and they will back down. Maybe pull enough strings. Its what Ciaran and her entire organisation are good at.
ok damn that amazing series of events known as the end roll we got for this was totally on point
man, if the cis were a legitimate thing instead of a sith puppet i would love that, cause the cis were RIGHT about pretty much all of their problems.

That the Republic was a corrupt, uncaring system that taxed high and was bias towards the Core Worlds and before the war only ever cared about the Outer Rim for resources or if someone was stir up trouble that directly harmed the Core.

Also I just realised why Thrawn was obsessing over the Devastation. It's not just a way to permanently kill Mnggal-Mnggal, it's how he could get his exile status revoked. Let's face the Chiss Ascendancy is the closest thing to the right hands for that type of weapon, they don't believe in striking first and every action is measured and calculated to a T. They're the one group that wouldn't use it in a warmongering fashion because they're comfortable where they are.
Also I just realised why Thrawn was obsessing over the Devastation. It's not just a way to permanently kill Mnggal-Mnggal, it's how he could get his exile status revoked. Let's face the Chiss Ascendancy is the closest thing to the right hands for that type of weapon, they don't believe in striking first and every action is measured and calculated to a T. They're the one group that wouldn't use it in a warmongering fashion because they're comfortable where they are.

Yep. They are utterly isolationistic and largely don't care about the rest of the galaxy aside from wanting everyone else to buzz off.
Darth Traya: A title given to you by its past owner, for there must always be a Darth Traya. It represents how you have "betrayed" the teachings of both the Jedi and Sith in favor of your own philosophies as well as a symbol of the trials you overcame on Malachor II. As time has gone on you've also become more adept at using Traya's weapon of choice: words. Your time on Mortis and your "discussion" with Dooku have certainly proven that. +8 Diplomacy, +6 Lore, +4 Learning
Upgraded our diplo
I don't know about the rest of you, but I am looking forward to the next Anti-Palpatine Report. We might even have a 1% chance of victory now! :cool:

Edit: Almost forgot. Thrawn is finally wearing his iconic white uniform. I am surprised he did not get a trait for that. :lol
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Didn't See That Coming: Forge an Alliance with Count Dooku.

As a side note Ciaran should be careful about explaining what happened to Asajj (who is likely to do a reversal-role and bug Ciaran until she finds out what happened). We're still buffing out the people sized dents from the Oracle after she got back from the surgery.
i thought that she didnt care about dooku or revenge anymore.
but maby she do, i forget.
Ciaran was silent for a moment. "...Okay, normally I'd make a pithy comment about how predictable that was but I can tell now's really not the time. So...why are you worried about it?" she said, prodding Asajj, who was silent for a long moment before replying.

"...I realized that I still want revenge on Dooku and Sev'rance."


Asajj blinked confusedly. "You did hear that, right?"

"Yep. Don't blame you in the slightest," Ciaran said flatly.
Okay, before I even start saying in foresight Sage...

Sometimes, Sage Dice can make things more... complicated.

So on one hand, we have Deku Dooku as a hijacked 'pawn', and if nudged in the right direction outside of Palpatine's notice, can lead to quite a few sabotage actions before we end up wih the nice scene of the master.... grovelling to Ciaren with that magic thing called 'respect', and 'capitalism.'

Now, the fun parts...

A, Asajj is probably going to have a migraine on how simple vengeful wishes are.... likely blue balled at the moment. Might risk loyalty, unless we take post Dinner Action Drama events.

B, my gut feeling is in spite of Dooku potentially being the '11th ranger' if played right. I don't think he can reliably increase our odds of success in the long term, as he'd eventually be pawned off by a more younger tool.

That aside, if we handle him with care, he'd hopefully at least last as a medium term asset, an additional delay to Palpatine schemes to a degree, and if played just right...

... might ironically survive a derailed Star Wars, over one hell of an Achievement. Or maybe... might become a stalwart Grey Jedi.

Like Saruman of Many Devices.


Still, at the very least we now know IC a few additional threats we should be on the lookout for. Especially if an over investment might lead to ruined assets... or ironic bait to steal more assets if played around.
Wow, ok if we manage to seperate Dooku from Sideous then we've basically already won, Sideous will not be able to control the Seperatists anymore.

Well, we aren't in it for the altruistic reasons and Sidious could still kill us all with his remaining assets (and himself). If we destroyed his control over the Alliance we could say we destroyed his plan A, Plan B-X could still exist.

The .01% chance of winning is telling...
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Asajj is probably going to have a migraine on how simple vengeful wishes are.... likely blue balled at the moment. Might risk loyalty, unless we take post Dinner Action Drama events.
I doubt that. She's a smart woman. I think she will understand us wanting to use him against Sidious, and would only start to get bothered by it after he's dead. At which point we honestly should let her at least talk to the man and figure things out if she hasn't already. And if she still wants his head...well it's not like she doesn't deserve it.
Awesome update (yes, I know I'm late, but its' too good to stay silent)
mole within the Jedi Temple.....
Sora Bulq.
OK, will need to pull some strings but this is possible, especially....
Second is my new apprentice: Quinlan Vos. He is a Jedi spy.
The instability is known, so now we have some thing we can use against Maul and Savage without overly alerting Talzin.....
the Devastation. — It is a planet-killer.
.... Separatists have a "mini-Death Star" before they build the Death Star...... Let's Naboo it! :D at least then
we have something to trade/bargain with Mitth'raw'nuruodo people (they'd be MASSIVE addition to any galactic power even as just nominal allies).
Also I just realised why Thrawn was obsessing over the Devastation. It's not just a way to permanently kill Mnggal-Mnggal, it's how he could get his exile status revoked. Let's face the Chiss Ascendancy is the closest thing to the right hands for that type of weapon, they don't believe in striking first and every action is measured and calculated to a T. They're the one group that wouldn't use it in a warmongering fashion because they're comfortable where they are.
And right you are.
B, my gut feeling is in spite of Dooku potentially being the '11th ranger' if played right. I don't think he can reliably increase our odds of success in the long term, as he'd eventually be pawned off by a more younger tool.

I am decidedly in favor of a Strong, Independent Dooku Who Don't Need No Sidious
Assajj? She has considerable grievances with dear Count, so.....
B, my gut feeling is in spite of Dooku potentially being the '11th ranger' if played right. I don't think he can reliably increase our odds of success in the long term, as he'd eventually be pawned off by a more younger tool.
That and Force (at least for the Sith and Jedi) is partially like drug: once infected its REALLY hard to get out of. Yes he'll be useful for mid-terms max, but after....
That and Force (at least for the Sith and Jedi) is partially like drug: once infected its REALLY hard to get out of. Yes he'll be useful for mid-terms max, but after....
Before I go on drug analogues, I'd likely expand on another reason why Dooku is More of a mid-term asset I'd properly handled.

One, that mid term is if we keep suspicion from Sidious low enough for him to survive until an eventual backstabbing. If we ask too many 'nudges' or if he isn't careful, then Dooku could be 'sacrificed', or dealt by Palpatine sooner. Especially when he gets his paws on an Anakin analogue (butterflies be damned.)

And second, if and when he plays his finale, it'd likely either be death by a shocking Sith Lord... in shock, or likely Asajj dealing with grievances.

Dooku surviving past both those likely events, and proving reliability to deal with Palpatine (under contexts of being a more... manageable "Sith Lord"), on top of his other issues. Would probably then lead to him of all things, being a 'Hero' Unit.

But by that point, it's almost like a hypothetical "if only we had Albert Wesker as a Hero Unit?" Which would have totally lead to hypothetical clone Palpatines beige in a worser state of condition.


But that aside, longer term... given the presence of Teron dice, I'd likely say if we keep on critting insanely, then Dooku might evolve to a potential longer term asset.

But that's dependant on things like surviving the Asajj express, still not get traitored by Jedi, survive Palpatine... and learn the fine wine that is business management.

But by that point, it'd likely be a case of Dooku siding on... the Sage Dice of the force, and secretly feeling ironic relief over us being like Hank Scorpio in contrast.

Or worse, him having a drug high revelation on balance of excess... and go Grey instead. But by that point, it'd be like Light trying to mold Dooku to be more like Obi Wan.
Oh yeah and the main chance of someone detecting "Wat" has just gone and shrugged so all of that data is ours :D
More likely, I'll throw a bet on the WHOT factor.

Say, the moment we steal a number of (but not all of his) contingency plans involving blowing up planet's, fuel the corruption engine, est. Is the moment Sheev is probably going to lose some hair in dark side ire.

And the moment say, his eventual "clean up" on Dooku ends with him with a smuggled escape plan from say; "Kylo Ren", and Palpatine 'suspects' by that point that Dooku might be in collaboration with Ciaren.

At most, one turn of complete foaming NÒOOOO! Followed by Sith tier escalation.


But sincerely, so long as we play the Cold War on ice, without putting Sheev under paranoia over another darth plotting to ruin ALL of his schemes against Ciaren and world conquest too badly. We'd be good.

At least, until Sheev begins to panic over when he finds out how Ciaren may have went from a failed apprentice project, to Darth Traya.

I know a lot of you guys hate the prequels but this video besides being a decent song shows the level of thought some scenes might have had behind them. I at least appreciate them a little more after watching this
this one is good too

OT: well that happened and it was awesome, another ripple is made in the pond of canon
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OT: well that happened and it was awesome, another ripple is made in the pond of canon
In response to the ideal case scenario of Anakin going full rebel against his apparent fate to become a Darth Vader, and potentially deal a crippling blow against Sidious.

Remember, there's likely 'more' than enough contingency plots in motion by Sheev Palpatine, that my joking of a "Kylo Ren" tier counter-part. Or given a likely Soulsborne derailer, possible "Ludwig" lunatic, with a "Holy Moonlight Sword". But by that point, it'd be likely a matter of Sheev potentially plotting to try and do to the Watchers, what he's passively trying to stir with the Jedi.

Or worser case, Sheev having a "Kylo Ren" minion apprentice, who's an even older King's Field shoutout, like say; Devian Rosberg (KF4, deals with a cursed idol), or even one "Jean Alfred Forrester" (KF1, who ends up possessed in the end.) Possibly with some "Northern Regalia" Lightsaber counterpart, and depending on rails of FUBAR, a plot for Mother to returnth.


Eh, possible Murphy Card ideas aside. :p Just going to wait and see how the Temple horizon event get's derailed. Maybe instead of all those children being butchered later on by some apprentice plot, they were instead saved by a charity organisation, possibly smuggled... And potentially 'protected' as future investments, Watcher sensitive Force User indoctrination wise. :p
Eh, possible Murphy Card ideas aside. :p Just going to wait and see how the Temple horizon event get's derailed. Maybe instead of all those children being butchered later on by some apprentice plot, they were instead saved by a charity organisation, possibly smuggled... And potentially 'protected' as future investments, Watcher sensitive Force User indoctrination wise. :p
We're not allowed to call it indoctrination any more, Marketing says we have to say orientation now. :p