One more step onto the path to ruling the galaxy. The next steps?

1. Defusing the separatist threat(make them wholely on our own side.
2. Defusing the Republic threat(cripple and kill off Palps authority and power)
3.Killing palpatine
4. Unite the galaxy while shoving as much galaxy reforms as we can to make trade, and business be as profitable as possible while being morally profitable.
5. ?????
6. Profit off galactic conquest.
Soo, I don't think Vos and Bulq know the other is spy for the other side, so I propose this: we have Maul and Savage kill Bulq and then have Vos fight them to earn Dooku's recognition; whoever win gets killed by our Watchers.

For the Devastation we enlist the Chiss as a cat's paw/client.
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imagine someone within it spreading ideas that the Council is leading the Jedi down a dark path and so on to more volatile members of the Order."
"Sora Bulq.
Yeah, he's going down. Also, is it just me, or does that sound like exactly the reasoning that led Barriss Offee to decide to bomb the Temple...?

"Second is my new apprentice: Quinlan Vos. He is a Jedi spy."
Let's Naboo him. "Vote for Quinlan Vos: Not The Hero We Deserve, But The Hero We're Going To Get"!

"Mugg Fallow. If the Ascendancy had that ship they could erase it and every world Mnggal-Mnggal has consumed."
Yeah, Thrawn has the right idea -- that sounds like exactly the sort of thing we could use to wipe Mnggal-Mnggal off the face of the galaxy. Good to set the pieces for the post-Palpatine world.

"Shu Mai. She is also an obstacle; she speaks of rebellion against me when she believes I cannot hear her. Deal with her as well if you can, though she is not as high as a priority as she's far too cowardly to fully commit to a rebellion."
:eek: We got Dooku's PERMISSION to take out Shu Mai?! Time to Metalorn the Commerce Guild! (I love our quest-specific verbs).

Rewards: Alliance forged with Dooku, intel on various targets of interest, Ciaran's "Darth Traya" trait improved
Here's the current Trait, for comparison when it gets updated:

Darth Traya: A title given to you by its past owner, for there must always be a Darth Traya. It represents how you have "betrayed" the teachings of both the Jedi and Sith in favor of your own philosophies as well as a symbol of the trials you overcame on Malachor II. Whether it is intentional or not you have also come to quite effectively use Traya's ultimate weapon: words. If anything your time on Mortis has demonstrated just how terrifying it is for you to able to just speak. +6 Lore, +4 Diplomacy, +4 Learning
Wow, ok if we manage to seperate Dooku from Sideous then we've basically already won, Sideous will not be able to control the Seperatists anymore.
Even better, it's setting up the Separatists as a legitimate and independent organization -- it would be controlled by Dooku, who's kinda a Sith but one who had legitimate grievances against the Jedi and the Republic, and who has the political chops to survive as a head of state.

That means that Palpatine's influence -- and ability to cause chaos after his death -- would be severely limited to the worlds he controlled directly. That would affect the final calculation for the Anti-Palpatine Report, since between the CNS, the Separatists, and the anti-Palpatine faction in the Senate, we're laying the groundwork for what the galaxy will look like once Sidious is out of the picture.

AWESOME story update, @Dr. Snark. I only regret, I have but one 'like' to give...
And he doesn't know that.

She's probably doing it deliberately. I mean, it's "ridiculous" to think she can see, so it's probably a lame joke, based on how often people forget that miraluka are blind right? The fact that she can see, and that she's hinting at it, and people dismiss it would give her a big kick, yeah?
She's probably doing it deliberately. I mean, it's "ridiculous" to think she can see, so it's probably a lame joke, based on how often people forget that miraluka are blind right? The fact that she can see, and that she's hinting at it, and people dismiss it would give her a big kick, yeah?

But we're talking about Dooku here. He's not simple minded.
Soo, I don't think Vos and Bulq know the other is spy for the other side, so I propose this: we have Maul and Savage kill Bulq and then have Vos fight them to earn Dooku's recognition; whoever win gets killed by our Watchers.

For the Devastation we enlist the Chiss as a cat's paw/client.

I mostly agree. I'd have Maul and Savage kill Bulq. Tell them he's an influential Jedi with the ear of the Jedi High Council and that slaying him will send the Jedi into panic. I'd Naboo Quinlan Vos and have him fight Maul and Savage. Maybe with a little help from a friend or two, or maybe one at a time. I'd Metalorn the Commerce Guild, and then offer the Devastation as a gift to the Chiss in their fight with Mnggal-Mnggal. With any luck, the Chiss would grab it themselves and we wouldn't even need to fight for it to give it to them.

Turning the Separatists from THREAT TO THE REPUBLIC into "We have political grievances with the Republic but we'd rather come to the bargaining table than fight over things" sounds like a plan to me.

I am decidedly in favor of a Strong, Independent Dooku Who Don't Need No Sidious
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It's not that big of an advantage to give up either. Distracting him about wondering if Ciaran has eyes or not means him devoting some brainpower to that instead of paying attention to what else Ciaran is doing. *shrugs*

It's still a rookie mistake as @Stroth said. Besides, you don't give up advantages. You trade them. Before that, certain people could underestimate her by placing information in colors or remove the Force in some way to make us blind. It's just not a good enough trade and such a simple talk, even before the real stressful argument and then fight.

I mean, sure, she could have made a mistake or just not cared (that works too), but it's still something that could have been keep when talking with a known threat.
Wow, this is downright awesome and amazing and all things!!!! If only I could give more than 1 like. This is big, Dooku always struck me as a poor Sith so we can potentially offer him the path to redemption and a place in our service once this is done, maybe out on the Outer Rim or Unkown Regions. And really if we can gain him as an ally versus Sidious that makes it a lot easier to fight him, granted Sidious can take him but at the very least Dooku can match any of Sidious reinforcement and throw enough quality jedi masters at some one and they can overwhelm him. Plus we can get Master and Student (Yoda and Dooku) fighting against Sidious! I love that idea.

By the way what do people think his reaction will be when he finds out Assajj is alive and well? He actually seems to have cared about her well being.
If only one of his grievances against Sidious was having to have Ventress killed. Oh well, no reconciliation between them means she remains a trump against his sudden but inevitable betrayal.
Well this is interesting. Got an alliance of sorts, gonna have to see how long it lasts because that's very debatable, but best case scenario is likely to be sending Dooku against Sidious and having him die in that fight. Asajj is going to be interesting to deal with now, but she's also a lot more stable than she was when she arrived, so she can probably deal with the fact she'll have to postpone getting even at least until we're done squeezing usefulness out of Dooku. And that's likely to last for a while.

I'll note that I am surprised just how much information he volunteered, but I guess he kinda had to in the case of the spies. He didn't ask any questions but then he probably still underestimates us just a bit, or rather he just can't possibly guess at some of the stuff we're hiding, because it's that unbelievable. The fact he'll likely never put together we caused his Maul and Savage problem (since we're allied with him and helping him with it now) is hilarious. Now if only I was this certain on Talzin never putting together we got Maul and Savage killed when we do it, I'd be very happy.
uh ya the AV versus dooku thing? that might be a problem..
voss could be a thing that needs some finesse

not sure what we can do about the other one seeing we don`t have all the many jedi that trust us.
and anything that might be linked to us would be bad.

fleet killers fun, planet killer useful. star killer hey wait he wasn`t born yet (jk)
may you like in interesting time in deed
I'll note that I am surprised just how much information he volunteered, but I guess he kinda had to in the case of the spies. He didn't ask any questions but then he probably still underestimates us just a bit, or rather he just can't possibly guess at some of the stuff we're hiding, because it's that unbelievable. The fact he'll likely never put together we caused his Maul and Savage problem (since we're allied with him and helping him with it now) is hilarious. Now if only I was this certain on Talzin never putting together we got Maul and Savage killed when we do it, I'd be very happy.

If you look at the information he gave out, very little of it is solely of use to us. The vast majority of it benefits either both of us to a degree or him significantly if we act on it.

Wonder if we could get Maul to try and personally kill Dooku. I think he'd appreciate the chance at revenge.