How to get her to listen to Vectivus's philosophy rather than his techniques?
i'm pretty sure Ventress would react to us trying to teach her philosophy by returning the favor in kind. AKA beating us half to death in Lightsaber practice, in a show of her philosophy. She's a lot better then us with the blade, we just cheat. But it's not like we can spar with Dooku anymore given the whole blackmailed minion deal.
i'm pretty sure Ventress would react to us trying to teach her philosophy by returning the favor in kind. AKA beating us half to death in Lightsaber practice, in a show of her philosophy. She's a lot better then us with the blade, we just cheat. But it's not like we can spar with Dooku anymore given the whole blackmailed minion deal.

Trying to be better than her doesn't work either.

Ventress has a character perk that allows her to increase both her martial ability as well as her lore to match Ciarans if Ventress is lower in either of those scores.
training from hell, that's what we've been doing anyway. We started not being able to fight at all. I fully expect the questors not to be satisfied until we can compete with Yoda and Palpatine.
training from hell, that's what we've been doing anyway. We started not being able to fight at all. I fully expect the questors not to be satisfied until we can compete with Yoda and Palpatine.
Um, both of those individuals are reliant primarily on their force abilities and are actually quite weak when it comes to their bladework from what was seen of them. However, that might have more to do with their advanced age, rather than lack of skill on their part.
Um, both of those individuals are reliant primarily on their force abilities and are actually quite weak when it comes to their bladework from what was seen of them. However, that might have more to do with their advanced age, rather than lack of skill on their part.
I believe you are greatly underestimating their prowess in the use of a lightsaber.
I think it's irrelevant. We won't rest until Ciaran has max rank in every stat, and has completely taken over the galaxy. Then we'll go and takeover other galaxies.
Um, both of those individuals are reliant primarily on their force abilities and are actually quite weak when it comes to their bladework from what was seen of them. However, that might have more to do with their advanced age, rather than lack of skill on their part.
Pfffffahahahaha ?! Are you serious ?! Have you actually seen those two crazy bastards fight in the Clone War series ? Their bladework is anything but weak. Palpi's fighting style is all sort of crazy awesome.

This is, quite literally, the complete opposite from "weak bladework" as far as I'm concerned.
i'm pretty sure Ventress would react to us trying to teach her philosophy by returning the favor in kind. AKA beating us half to death in Lightsaber practice, in a show of her philosophy. She's a lot better then us with the blade, we just cheat. But it's not like we can spar with Dooku anymore given the whole blackmailed minion deal.
who said "give it to her"? just place it (the modified holocron record) ina visible place in the Library, have something (talk, tour, whatever) with Asajj in Library, and she'll do the rest. Not even that, just do something in the Library and she'll find the "educational"Holocron there and do the rest...
Turn 21 Rumor Mill
Galactic News:
Republic Victory At Kamino: Despite an overwhelming attack force from the Separatists, the Republic was able to maintain control of Kamino and prevent them from doing any meaningful damage to the planet's clone production facilities. This victory has resulted in a significant boost in morale for the Republic, who have managed to stymie the Separatist advance.

Satine Kryze To Represent CNS Diplomatically: According to recent reports from the CNS Duchess Satine Kryze has been designated as the official representative of the Council for matters of diplomacy. This announcement has eased tensions with the Republic and CIS as she has been working to reassure the galaxy that the CNS will not attempt to interfere in the war.

Underground News:
Synthetic Plague Returns: Reports from the Outer Rim have confirmed that the synthetic plague similar to the one encountered during Operation RESI has broken out in the region once more. However, this variant of the plague has proven to be considerably deadlier as the infectees have reportedly displayed increased intelligence, inflicting even greater casualties.

Rotta the Hutt MIA: Jabba has requested the aid of the Abyss Watchers in locating his son Rotta who has recently gone missing after an attack on his forces. While the evidence seems to point to the Jedi being behind the kidnapping, the crime lord would greatly prefer that this be kept quiet if possible and would only publicly accuse them if he had no other choice.

Organization News:
Asajj Ventress and Grievous Terrify Everyone: While the recruitment of two of the deadliest beings in the galaxy has been a massive boon to the Abyss Watchers, many of the grunts have gotten a lot more nervous with the fight-happy Kaleesh and the Sith assassin around, especially since Grievous has been trying to get the Silencer to spar with him whenever possible.

On Lookout For Would-Be Assassins: All members of the Abyss Watchers have been advised to keep an eye out for any potential assassination attempts on Ciaran. Reports of this are to be forwarded to the intelligence division immediately.

Asteroid Base Claimed With Trepidation: While the move into the asteroid base located during Operation RESI has gone smoothly, many of the people now working there have been rather nervous about being there due to the dim lighting, ominous creaking, and other slightly demoralizing factors. As such renovation teams have been dispatched to the base to liven it up and increase morale.

AN: Turn should be up relatively shortly after this.
We are kicking the galaxy's butt and we still do not have a capital ship to our name!

We need a big ship to joyride around!
We are kicking the galaxy's butt and we still do not have a capital ship to our name!

We need a big ship to joyride around!
Nah, we just need to get the Scimitar's interior redone in suitably ultra-luxurious fashion.

And repaint it something not-dull-grey, if that won't interfere with the cloaking.

And then leave it in a hangar with a conveniently-well-stocked toolshop for Anakin to stumble across next time he's on leave...?
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Galactic News:


Asteroid Base Claimed With Trepidation: While the move into the asteroid base located during Operation RESI has gone smoothly, many of the people now working there have been rather nervous about being there due to the dim lighting, ominous creaking, and other slightly demoralizing factors. As such renovation teams have been dispatched to the base to liven it up and increase morale.

For some reason, this is the part that has me the most pleased. We are bucking genre trends and making our space stations comfortable to live in for our workers. We are such a nice, wholesome employer.
So canon wise in star wars does Jabba the Hut have a son that is kidnapped by the Jedi?
We would probably be the only functioning Lucrehulk by the time the original trilogy comes around, if the whole Empire thing still kicks off.

.....We should totally try to trick that thing out when we have time, money and stuff to do it with.
Hey, so I was looking over the relationships/opinions tab, and was wondering, what happened with Darra? Why does she think we're a criminal mastermind? Last I remember we were trying to recruit her after she lost a limb or something like that.