Galactic News:
Republic Victory At Kamino: Despite an overwhelming attack force from the Separatists, the Republic was able to maintain control of Kamino and prevent them from doing any meaningful damage to the planet's clone production facilities. This victory has resulted in a significant boost in morale for the Republic, who have managed to stymie the Separatist advance.
Satine Kryze To Represent CNS Diplomatically: According to recent reports from the CNS Duchess Satine Kryze has been designated as the official representative of the Council for matters of diplomacy. This announcement has eased tensions with the Republic and CIS as she has been working to reassure the galaxy that the CNS will not attempt to interfere in the war.
Underground News:
Synthetic Plague Returns: Reports from the Outer Rim have confirmed that the synthetic plague similar to the one encountered during Operation RESI has broken out in the region once more. However, this variant of the plague has proven to be considerably deadlier as the infectees have reportedly displayed increased intelligence, inflicting even greater casualties.
Rotta the Hutt MIA: Jabba has requested the aid of the Abyss Watchers in locating his son Rotta who has recently gone missing after an attack on his forces. While the evidence seems to point to the Jedi being behind the kidnapping, the crime lord would greatly prefer that this be kept quiet if possible and would only publicly accuse them if he had no other choice.
Organization News:
Asajj Ventress and Grievous Terrify Everyone: While the recruitment of two of the deadliest beings in the galaxy has been a massive boon to the Abyss Watchers, many of the grunts have gotten a lot more nervous with the fight-happy Kaleesh and the Sith assassin around, especially since Grievous has been trying to get the Silencer to spar with him whenever possible.
On Lookout For Would-Be Assassins: All members of the Abyss Watchers have been advised to keep an eye out for any potential assassination attempts on Ciaran. Reports of this are to be forwarded to the intelligence division immediately.
Asteroid Base Claimed With Trepidation: While the move into the asteroid base located during Operation RESI has gone smoothly, many of the people now working there have been rather nervous about being there due to the dim lighting, ominous creaking, and other slightly demoralizing factors. As such renovation teams have been dispatched to the base to liven it up and increase morale.
AN: Turn should be up relatively shortly after this.