From what I can tell, she thinks their sticks are too far up their asses, and that they've been on their high horse for too long, but ultimately doesn't view them as bad. They're just too rigid, restrictive and passive for her liking. She likes plenty of them on an individual basis, though. Anakin and Obi-Wan, of course, but really she's gotten along with most Jedi she's met.

However, she recognizes them as something of an obstacle. After killing Palpatine, even with major backing from the Senate after we install Bail or Seti or Padme as the new Chancellor, the Jedi are gonna want some real answers. Of course, the "we just saved you from extermination" line will be a good way to cut them off when needed, but the Jedi are still politically and culturally influential, and working around catching their ire is an annoying reality. Still, sidelining the Jedi is completely preferable to killing them off given that, when properly deployed and led, they can provide some real good for the galaxy. And genocide is bad, kids.
basicly she's revan with no mandalorian invaders
basicly she's revan with no mandalorian invaders
. . . We have Mandalorians :oops:

From what I can tell, she thinks their sticks are too far up their asses, and that they've been on their high horse for too long, but ultimately doesn't view them as bad. They're just too rigid, restrictive and passive for her liking. She likes plenty of them on an individual basis, though. Anakin and Obi-Wan, of course, but really she's gotten along with most Jedi she's met.

However, she recognizes them as something of an obstacle. After killing Palpatine, even with major backing from the Senate after we install Bail or Seti or Padme as the new Chancellor, the Jedi are gonna want some real answers. Of course, the "we just saved you from extermination" line will be a good way to cut them off when needed, but the Jedi are still politically and culturally influential, and working around catching their ire is an annoying reality. Still, sidelining the Jedi is completely preferable to killing them off given that, when properly deployed and led, they can provide some real good for the galaxy. And genocide is bad, kids.
The best outcome would be Jedi reformation to change their current stagnation and make them less *gesturing at jedi everything* this.
Other wise we have our Akatsuki { "noun (ah*khat* ski) day break or dawn red moon" .. might work} that forces the to adapt thus change over longer periods of time.
True, but in the whole Galactic history how many Mandalorian allies there are? Sooo little that the Galaxy does not now how to react, and history can color your worldview.

I think the Mandos need to rebrand themselves a little. The galaxy needs to learn that they are not a bunch of meatheads who shoot first and ask questions later. They should show the galaxy their cultural side as civilized being in the galaxy.

I am certain their PR will improve massively when they revitalize one of their most famous cultural icons in droid technology. What is the worst that could happen?
I'm pretty sure Ciaran still doesn't want the Jedi to reform, given that at the moment they're good at maintaining overall order and peace but terrible at handling high level corruption, which suits Ciaran just fine.

Remember that any changes that let the Jedi better deal with threats like Palpatine also makes them better at dealing with Ciaran.

The Jedi reforming is BAD for Ciaran, especially once Palpatine's veil of the Dark Side is gone.

It's like a mafia boss supporting honest and capable detectives and prosecutors.
I'm pretty sure Ciaran still doesn't want the Jedi to reform, given that at the moment they're good at maintaining overall order and peace but terrible at handling high level corruption, which suits Ciaran just fine.

Remember that any changes that let the Jedi better deal with threats like Palpatine also makes them better at dealing with Ciaran.

The Jedi reforming is BAD for Ciaran, especially once Palpatine's veil of the Dark Side is gone.

It's like a mafia boss supporting honest and capable detectives and prosecutors.
You have a point. I am now completely on board with Anakin leaving the Jedi.
Personally, I'm all for us turning the CND into it's own self sufficient power that can cut itself off fully from both the Republic And the CIS. The only real stumbling block we, the Abyss Watchers, haven't already begun addressing is getting the CNS governments to amalgamate into a single system instead of an alliance, much less grasp and accept that they not only don't need the core and Republic, they're doing a better job running and policing themselves than the Republic and Jedi have for a good while.
Personally, I'm all for us turning the CND into it's own self sufficient power that can cut itself off fully from both the Republic And the CIS. The only real stumbling block we, the Abyss Watchers, haven't already begun addressing is getting the CNS governments to amalgamate into a single system instead of an alliance, much less grasp and accept that they not only don't need the core and Republic, they're doing a better job running and policing themselves than the Republic and Jedi have for a good while.
im sure we could do it, we kinda own the whole thing.
So, been looking at the (EU of course) history of the Jen'daii and its pretty interesting. For one, back on Tython they were actually balanced in the real sense of the word. Not Light, with the ability to feel and use emotions, but true use of equal parts Light and Dark, without falling to either. Of course, as The Chosen One, you'd think Anakin would return the order to its old days before Sith were even a thing. He kinda didn't, so personally I find the whole prophecy by the known-to-be-biased Jedi as kinda doubtful. He's just an extra powerful product of Plagius faffing about as far as I'm concerned.

Anyway, back to Typhon. Most of its wasteland and thoroughly combed over, but that'd be another good place to check out, and probably the best direction to turn our Watchers too. They were all about learning the Force (acquiring all the shiny techniques), and remaining clear minded and balanced between Light and Dark (none of the Megalomania of Sith, and none of the Duty/Greater Good of the Jedi). And it cares exactly jack about things like stealth, or selfish motives, be they monetary or academic in nature.

It's like a mafia boss supporting honest and capable detectives and prosecutors.
You do when all the corrupt and incompetent cops can't catch the mass-murdering terrorist (who kills all your business). Well, really you'd call in the Feds (Us), but if the Feds don't work, you might as well call in everything else. Basically, it might be a pain, but even competent Jedi are better than not-annihilated Darth Sidious.
Personally, I'm all for us turning the CND into it's own self sufficient power that can cut itself off fully from both the Republic And the CIS. The only real stumbling block we, the Abyss Watchers, haven't already begun addressing is getting the CNS governments to amalgamate into a single system instead of an alliance, much less grasp and accept that they not only don't need the core and Republic, they're doing a better job running and policing themselves than the Republic and Jedi have for a good while.
As @dredloki said it's possible... BUT we need to do it subtly without tipping our hand to CIA and Republic, in addition to extensive changes to Council of Neutral Systems themselves to make them a sustainable, stabile, successful and accepable alternative to extremes of Reps and Seps.
Basically, it might be a pain, but even competent Jedi are better than not-annihilated Darth Sidious.
Amen. Besides what's the point of living without some challenge?

So we're the Zootopia Mafia?
:eek:OMG it true, Ciaran is Mr.Big! Crossover confirmed!
No. We are the Batmen of Star Wars if we do that.

I take offense to that... the Abyss Watchers actually make sure the problem gets solved. To quote the LEGO Batman Movie, "he's been around for many, many years. And Gotham is still the most crime infested city in the world."

:eek:OMG it true, Ciaran is Mr.Big! Crossover confirmed!

Wait. Then which one does that make Anakin, Judy or Nick?
I take offense to that... the Abyss Watchers actually make sure the problem gets solved. To quote the LEGO Batman Movie, "he's been around for many, many years. And Gotham is still the most crime infested city in the world."

Then we're Konrad Curze and his Night Lord from Warhammer 40k then. Just a lot less bloody. . .and less insane.
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Wait. Then which one does that make Anakin, Judy or Nick?
Nick, when young he was all wide eyes and optimistic before suddenly the whole galaxy catches fire and no one seems to be able to solve it and suddenly there's a gray and grey morality and the only person who is on your side is Darth Traya, and possibly one of the most powerful Crimelords in the galaxy.

He just hasn't sold us a skunk butt rug yet, so we aren't furious with him.
Yes we are, at least compared to Konrad. From what I remember, he makes the Empire look tame.

Yeah. He kinda, skinned a lot of people while they were still alive. Strung their bodies in the middle of the street. And then he did it again and again. He made everyone so terrified that crime actually became nonexistent since everyone was to terrified to do anything.
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To be honest, everyone Ciaran and the Watchers went out of their way to wreck either were or were in the process of actively ruining the Galaxy at large. The Black Sun were trying to kick off an Underworld War with the Hutts to get back on their feet as a player, the Huk were actively genociding and being shits, Wesker was trying to KILL ALL LIFE on several levels, and Palpatine is... a Sith Lord in the process of Sithing. Pretty much anyone else started shit with US.
Yes we are, at least compared to Konrad. From what I remember, he makes the Empire look tame.
Ah, yes we are certainly less over the top or gruesome I hadn't meant to contest that. I was more making the point that we are comparable in terms of amount of violence rather than level of violence, of which we most certainly do not begin to approach. (pre-Great Crusade because at that point we can't compete with having tens of thousands of genetically built and psychologically sculpted Super Soldiers in power armour... Yet.)