Ciaran's probably gotten several counts of murder (both premeditated and not) from her Undercity days, then after that there's illegal salvaging ("humanitarian fleets" going into warzones and salvaging things), illegal ship ownership (the Chu'unthor), violating historical sites (always be looting), several war crimes (false flag operations, looting an invaded planet and then carpetbagging like no tomorrow, subverting a neutral medical organization, the list goes on), subversion of Grand Army of the Republic Personnel (Kal and Anakin), sedition, and to be honest if everything she did was fully exposed new laws would probably be created just so she couldn't do what she did legally.
In his defence, being a Sith isn't illegal in the Republic. Plunging the Galaxy into Civl War, yes. But Windu's trying to arrest him on charges of having a different religious belief to the Jedi Order and not ending the State of Emergency, when the war is obviously far from over, what with the Droid Army still rampaging across the Galaxy.
Naboo. We kind of stole everything of value during the Trade Federation Invasion and then used the credits we got to finance their reconstruction, so we could gain political influence with the planet and the rest of the Republic.
In his defence, being a Sith isn't illegal in the Republic. Plunging the Galaxy into Civl War, yes. But Windu's trying to arrest him on charges of having a different religious belief to the Jedi Order and not ending the State of Emergency, when the war is obviously far from over, what with the Droid Army still rampaging across the Galaxy.
Actually at that point what was the state of the war assuming Palps hadn't done Order 66 and the order to shut down the Droids Dooku and Grevious were dead and Ventress was gone.
If any Sith actually came under arrest for that he could refer to Freedom of Religion or Philosophy. Unless the judge is Jedi-controlled he wouldn't give anything soley for that.
The issue with being Sith is that it usually comes with various crimes attached.
I'd think funding and supporting the Seperatists would be a nice crime to get him for. If we had evidence for the Sith-issue the connection to Dooku would be obvious and from there it should be possible to accuse him as high-ranking Seppi.
Will propably never come to that, but it's a nice idea. Especially since Ciaran did the same crime in the early days of the Seppi-movement.
The last actual Sith Empire was 2,000 years ago under Darth Ruin. To the public The Sith Order was wiped out 1,000 years ago. I doubt people would have the ability to tell the difference between a Sith and a Dark Jedi, which is not illegal in the view of the Republic's Courts as why the Jedi have to deal with those situations personally.
I'd think funding and supporting the Seperatists would be a nice crime to get him for. If we had evidence for the Sith-issue the connection to Dooku would be obvious and from there it should be possible to accuse him as high-ranking Seppi.
Will propably never come to that, but it's a nice idea. Especially since Ciaran did the same crime in the early days of the Seppi-movement.
It's one of those difficult problems in that the only way to get that evidence is to get Dooku's cooperation. And we kind of have a long line of people who want to kill him.
It's one of those difficult problems in that the only way to get that evidence is to get Dooku to testify against Palpatine (which the Courts would never allow) and I doubt he'd be seen as a truthful witness.
I think a few talks between the two might be on record somewhere?
I definitly remember an EU book where Republic Intelligence guys came pretty close to Palpatine's work with Dooku before getting found out and killed in turn.
Definition of carpetbagger. outsider; especially : a nonresident or new resident who seeks private gain from an area often by meddling in its business or politics.
Definition of carpetbagger. outsider; especially : a nonresident or new resident who seeks private gain from an area often by meddling in its business or politics.
Stole from them, offered charitable aid as a cover to buy out the local economy, then exploited the good will generated from our 'charity' to befriend the then Queen and current Senator and use our friendship to sway her vote and open up doors to gain more influence in the Senate. Yeah, this is one of those crimes we'll never admit to.
Stole from them, offered charitable aid as a cover to buy out the local economy, then exploited the good will generated from our 'charity' to befriend the then Queen and current Senator and use our friendship to sway her vote and open up doors to gain more influence in the Senate. Yeah, this is one of those crimes we'll never admit to.
Well Naboo pales in seriousness to our greatness Crime. I mean what we did to the IGBC is the equivalent of buying out the Federal Reserve (admittedly they were corrupt, but still that's scary).
Speaking of the Banking Clan, I think we're still technically employed by them as a Consultant for diplomancing clients. I mean we never got fired, we just stopped turning up to work.
Oh, new omake idea. Ciaran still gets her monthly pay check from the IGBC and has no idea why they haven't stopped. Cut to amusing explanation.
We stopped getting jobs through the IGBC around the time Hego Damask mysteriously died, I think his assistant had something to do with us but Force knows where he is.
As another little bit, a possible side-note to what might have happened when Ciaran held the literal embodiment of the Dark Side hostage and then terrified it into fleeing for its life.
EDIT: Made a few changes so that this now more closely matches Dr. Snark's post about how this Canonically occurred.
Within the penetrating silence of the Jedi Temple's meditation chambers Grandmaster Yoda continued attempting to pierce the veil of the dark side that always seemed to cloud the future which had often seemed to clear before.
And like a knife plunging into flesh, the veil seemed to be torn away for a split-second and a vision swallowed his mind.
A pit had formed at the heart of a city, black and infinite, ever hungering, ever deepening, ever beckoning. It was small for a time.
In his private residence, Sheev Palpatine gasped for breath as he felt a pricking sensation beneath his jaw and felt the cloud of Dark Side energy that he had saturated the Force with surge and his mind was pulled into the clouds.
The pit whispered and goaded to the people of the city, but only a few listened for what little they possessed had already fallen into the pit. It offered riches and power, if only it would be fed. An endless hunger, it admitted to having, but not one that couldn't appreciate what it had been given and those who gave it. So the people of the city who listened to the pit grew mighty indeed, and with their newfound might they took the city to cheers and crys of adulation. They ordered dug long trenches across the the country that would lead to the pit so it could be fed the wealth of far off lands.
Floating between the realms of life and death, the phantom known as Vectivus felt his form and soul tremble and shiver as, for but a moment, he felt the infinitude of the Dark Side of the Force lessen in magnitude by a hairs breadth before surging forth once more to its natural state.
One day the pit grew so deep it had reached the far side of the world and the riches that were fed to it would, at its whim, reach the other side and the people of the other side called the pit a font, a font of miracles and blessings. The people of the far side prospered and grew until they reached the city of the mighty people who gave homage to the pit. The people of the font sang praises and told tales far and wide of their source of unimaginable wealth and prosperity, and the people of the pit realized the connection of the pit and the font.
Wind blew across a battlefield as bodies of men and woman and droids and beasts lay broken and sundered save for a single one who stood at the center covered in ash, sweat, and blood. Kygeetu san Torgh reveled in her successful mission, covering and distracting the forces of this world so that the Republic forces could unwittingly carry out Lady Ciaran's mission without revealing more than the Lady desired.
As she stood amidst the wreckage of meat and machines, Kygeetu felt the familiar ghosting touch of the Lady tremble through the Force and so through her entire being. As the sensation coursed through her, Kygeetu fell to her knees, placed her head and hands on the ground, and began to delve into the fading touch.
Unwilling to tell the people of the font of the power that could be gained by feeding the pit rather than taking from it, the pit remained a secret for ages and eras. Offerings were made, now drawn from the vast fields and mines of the people of the font for they had grown far above and beyond the people of the pit, but nowhere near as mighty.
The sound of air traffic screaming by did nothing pleasant for Danira, her 'forceover' still pounding in her head. Turning over and burying her head under her pillow she allowed herself to drift back to sleep and to the weird dream she had been having.
And one day, they discovered an ancient weapon from a time before the pit. So dangerous and terrifying that the people of the pit and the people of the font agreed to hide it forever, and so did the people of the pit cast the weapon into the place that they could never take from and watched the weapon disappear into the abyss that was the heart of their civilization.
Aboard the Chu'unthor's library wandered a lone Gurlanin through the empty halls searching for anything that might have been left behind or overlooked. Snuffling along and occasionally becoming taller or shorter in order to check the corners and halls of the various rooms she passed through.
Perking her nose up she suddenly could smell the constant sound of chimes change in pitch as the crystals within them began to sway, not to a breeze, but to a near imperceptible disturbance in the Force. Sitting on her haunches she sank back to her natural state, closed her eyes, and opened her mind to the Force.
Rhymana a'Lathel blacked out at what she heardsmelt before she could even begin to comprehend the full meaning of the words "Traya" and "Mother".
The whole of their people wailed and mourned, for as the weapon vanished a massive eye appeared and a dictate passed down from the mouth of the pit to the vaults of the sky.
Cheriss sat in her workshop with her true form exposed as it had not been in a long time. The room was silent save for the background humming of generators and with no light save for the constant spark of her thoughts.
Blind to the world, Cheriss reached out once more to try and enter the trance she had experienced while working on HK-47 but as she touched the Force it seemed to grab hold and her consciousness was dragged down to the depths.
A pit had formed at the heart of a city, black and infinite, ever hungering, ever deepening, ever beckoning. It was small for a time.
Looking out at his assembled students Tyro Tywin recalled, as he often did, teaching the newest recruits of the Fleet. Now in a much finer facility, with better materials, and greater support than ever he couldn't help but think that something of the Blazing Chains had been lost with the exuberance and the style's adaptation under Lady Ciaran's Abyss Watchers.
Shaking his head to stop his wool-gathering, Tyro opened his mind to the Force and commanded the prospective Agents to do the same.
The assembled class was sent stumbling in the surge that seemed to overtake them. Tyro's vision swam and he found realized that he was leaning against a wall as he felt the Force overcome his own thoughts and finally it pulled his mind and focus deeper than he'd ever gone.
The pit whispered and goaded to the people of the city, but only a few listened for what little they possessed had already fallen into the pit. It offered riches and power, if only it would be fed. An endless hunger, it admitted to having, but not one that couldn't appreciate what it had been given and those who gave it. So the people of the city who listened to the pit grew mighty indeed, and with their newfound might they took the city to cheers and cries of adulation. They ordered dug long trenches across the country that would lead to the pit so it could be fed the wealth of far off lands.
Floating between the realms of life and death, the phantom known as Vectivus felt his form and soul tremble and shiver as, for but a moment, he felt the infinitude of the Dark Side of the Force lessen in magnitude by a hairs breadth before surging forth once more to its natural state.
With a growing concern, the Sith Lord began to mumble a mantra and assumed a meditative pose as he allowed the roiling eddies of the Force to sweep around him and carry him to where they were leading.
One day the pit grew so deep it had reached the far side of the world and the riches that were fed to it would, at its whim, reach the other side and the people of the other side called the pit a font, a font of miracles and blessings. The people of the far side prospered and grew until they reached the city of the mighty people who gave homage to the pit. The people of the font sang praises and told tales far and wide of their source of unimaginable wealth and prosperity, and the people of the pit realized the connection of the pit and the font.
Wind blew across a battlefield as bodies of men and woman and droids and beasts lay broken and sundered save for a single one who stood at the center covered in ash, sweat, and blood. Kygeetu san Torgh reveled in her successful mission, covering and distracting the forces of this world so that the Republic forces could unwittingly carry out Lady Ciaran's mission without revealing more than the Lady desired.
As she stood amidst the wreckage of meat and machines, Kygeetu felt the familiar ghosting touch of the Lady tremble through the Force and through her entire being. As the sensation coursed through her, Kygeetu fell trembling to her knees, placed her head and hands on the ground, and began to delve into the fading touch.
Unwilling to tell the people of the font of the power that could be gained by feeding the pit rather than taking from it, the pit remained a secret for ages and eras. Offerings were made, now drawn from the vast fields and mines of the people of the font for they had grown far above and beyond the people of the pit, but nowhere near as mighty.
The sound of air traffic screaming by did nothing pleasant for Danira, her 'forceover' still pounding in her head. Rolling over in her seat and burying her head under her pillow she allowed herself to drift back to sleep and to the weird dream she had been having.
And one day, they discovered an ancient weapon from a time before the pit. So dangerous and terrifying that the people of the pit and the people of the font agreed to hide it forever, and so did the people of the pit cast the weapon into the place that they could never take from and watched the weapon disappear into the abyss that was the heart of their civilization.
Aboard the Chu'unthor's library wandered a lone Gurlanin through the empty halls searching for anything that might have been left behind or overlooked. Snuffling along and occasionally becoming taller or shorter in order to check the corners and halls of the various rooms she passed through.
Perking her nose up she suddenly could smell the constant sound of chimes change in pitch as the crystals within them began to sway, not to a breeze, but to a near imperceptible disturbance in the Force. Sitting on her haunches she sank back to her natural state, closed her eyes, and opened her mind to the Force.
Rhymana a'Lathel blacked out at what she heardsmelt before she could even begin to comprehend the full meaning of the words "Traya" and "Mother".
The whole of their people wailed and mourned, for as the weapon vanished a massive eye appeared and a dictate passed down from the mouth of the pit to the vaults of the sky.
On a brand new ship hurtling towards a planet that had become nothing more than a dumping ground for the 'civilized' and a scavenging ground for the opportunistic scum of the galaxy a Dathomiri sat in her meditation chamber waiting for the ship to drop out of hyperspace.
A familiar feeling began to build inside her, like a tether within the Force itself, before suddenly flaring to life with a surge of dark side energy before the calm ocean of the Force around her seemed to writhe with sheer unadulterated fear and pride.
Dipping her mind into the Force and taking in this seemingly live wire of emotion and the disturbance that seemed to only settle around her rather than continuing to ripple outwards the Nightsister realized how this all felt so familiar. This mixture of Fear out measured only by sheer Pride was something she had long since identified with a single individual.
Steadying her thoughts amidst the storm of energy that was building around her, Asajj allowed the hurricane of images and sensations to coalesce into a single coherent story, and as the vision came to an end shape Asajj clenched her teeth and wondered, 'Ciaran?'
AN: The vision was fun to imagine, as Ciaran is both an ever hungering maw that demands more money, more planets, more control, more knowledge while still being a person who offers power and a share in her realm to those that help her get what she wants. All at the same time as giving back fractions of what she takes to those she is collecting/harvesting from and getting them to thank her for it. The Force-Vision that echoed across the Galaxy isn't actually as clear and is coached in much more visual and individual cultural symbolism than what I can present here but needless to say it's the sort of thing that is going to be keeping many of the none Abyss Watchers who felt it up at night for months as they try to determine what it all means.
The last couple of stanzas represent the general direction I imagine the Abyss Watchers going down; collecting the various ancient relics and weapons and turning them over to Ciaran who decides whether to keep them, use them, hide them, or destroy them.
Rhymana a'Lathel is a character I think I'll continue developing as someone who basically joined the Abyss Watchers because she found Qiilura too small for her sense of adventure, rampant curiousity, and penchant for sticking her nose/ears into several things that she really shouldn't. Lady Ciaran is both a heroine to the Gurlanin's as well as someone who offers a package that scratches all of Rhymana's itches on top of a spanking salary and benefits package. Rhymana volunteered to go on the mission to recover the Chu'unthor as a lone Abyss Agent attaché because the pure temptation of all that sweet sweet knowledge was far too much for her to resist. She has a bad habit of trying to remember or write down everything she thinks will be interesting and is very interested in one day possibly becoming the personal biographer of Lady Ciaran herself.
Another metaphor for how I look and presented Ciaran in the vision is the same general theme that was used in the "Tea-time with Yoda" omake a while back. Ciaran is like a Farmer who cultivate an orchard. The Farmer collects far more from the Orchard than the Orchard gets from the Farmer but both are happy with the arrangement even while as the Orchard expands it becomes more and more dependant on the Farmer while the Farmer occasionally cuts down the trees that do not produce more than he gives them and removes everything that the Farmer does not think valuable to the Orchard.
As another little bit, a possible side-note to what might have happened when Ciaran held the literal embodiment of the Dark Side hostage and then terrified it into fleeing for its life.
Within the penetrating silence of the Jedi Temple's meditation chambers Grandmaster Yoda continued attempting to pierce the veil of the dark side that always seemed to cloud the future which had often seemed to clear before.
And like a knife plunging into flesh, the veil seemed to be torn away for a split-second and a vision swallowed his mind.
A pit had formed at the heart of a city, black and infinite, ever hungering, ever deepening, ever beckoning. It was small for a time.
In his private residence, Sheev Palpatine gasped for breath as he felt a pricking sensation beneath his jaw and felt the cloud of Dark Side energy that he had saturated the Force with surge and his mind was pulled into the clouds.
The pit whispered and goaded to the people of the city, but only a few listened for what little they possessed had already fallen into the pit. It offered riches and power, if only it would be fed. An endless hunger, it admitted to having, but not one that couldn't appreciate what it had been given and those who gave it. So the people of the city who listened to the pit grew mighty indeed, and with their newfound might they took the city to cheers and crys of adulation. They ordered dug long trenches across the the country that would lead to the pit so it could be fed the wealth of far off lands.
Floating between the realms of life and death, the phantom known as Vectivus felt his form and soul tremble and shiver as, for but a moment, he felt the infinitude of the Dark Side of the Force lessen in magnitude by a hairs breadth before surging forth once more to its natural state.
One day the pit grew so deep it had reached the far side of the world and the riches that were fed to it would, at its whim, reach the other side and the people of the other side called the pit a font, a font of miracles and blessings. The people of the far side prospered and grew until they reached the city of the mighty people who gave homage to the pit. The people of the font sang praises and told tales far and wide of their source of unimaginable wealth and prosperity, and the people of the pit realized the connection of the pit and the font.
Wind blew across a battlefield as bodies of men and woman and droids and beasts lay broken and sundered save for a single one who stood at the center covered in ash, sweat, and blood. Kygeetu san Torgh reveled in her successful mission, covering and distracting the forces of this world so that Ahsoka Tano could help carry out Lady Ciaran's mission without revealing more than the Lady desired.
As she stood amidst the wreckage of meat and machines, Kygeetu felt the familiar ghosting touch of the Lady tremble through the Force and so through her entire being. As the sensation coursed through her, Kygeetu fell to her knees, placed her head and hands on the ground, and began to delve into the fading touch.
Unwilling to tell the people of the font of the power that could be gained by feeding the pit rather than taking from it, the pit remained a secret for ages and eras. Offerings were made, now drawn from the vast fields and mines of the people of the font for they had grown far above and beyond the people of the pit, but nowhere near as mighty.
The sound of air traffic screaming by did nothing pleasant for Danira, her 'forceover' still pounding in her head. Turning over and burying her head under her pillow she allowed herself to drift back to sleep and to the weird dream she had been having.
And one day, they discovered an ancient weapon from a time before the pit. So dangerous and terrifying that the people of the pit and the people of the font agreed to hide it forever, and so did the people of the pit cast the weapon into the place that they could never take from and watched the weapon disappear into the abyss that was the heart of their civilization.
Aboard the Chu'unthor's library wandered a lone Gurlanin through the empty halls searching for anything that might have been left behind or overlooked. Snuffling along and occasionally becoming taller or shorter in order to check the corners and halls of the various rooms she passed through.
Perking her nose up she suddenly could smell the constant sound of chimes change in pitch as the crystals within them began to sway, not to a breeze, but to a near imperceptible disturbance in the Force. Sitting on her haunches she sank back to her natural state, closed her eyes, and opened her mind to the Force.
Rhymana a'Lathel blacked out at what she heardsmelt before she could even begin to comprehend the full meaning of the words "Traya" and "Mother".
The whole of their people wailed and mourned, for as the weapon vanished a massive eye appeared and a dictate passed down from the mouth of the pit to the vaults of the sky.
AN: The vision was fun to imagine, as Ciaran is both an ever hungering maw that demands more money, more planets, more control, more knowledge while still being a person who offers power and a share in her realm to those that help her get what she wants. All at the same time as giving back fractions of what she takes to those she is collecting/harvesting from and getting them to thank her for it. The Force-Vision that echoed across the Galaxy isn't actually as clear and is coached in much more visual and individual cultural symbolism than what I can present here but needless to say it's the sort of thing that is going to be keeping many of the none Abyss Watchers who felt it up at night for months as they try to determine what it all means.
The last couple of stanzas represent the general direction I imagine the Abyss Watchers going down; collecting the various ancient relics and weapons and turning them over to Ciaran who decides whether to keep them, use them, hide them, or destroy them.
Rhymana a'Lathel is a character I think I'll continue developing as someone who basically joined the Abyss Watchers because she found Qiilura too small for her sense of adventure, rampant curiousity, and penchant for sticking her nose/ears into several things that she really shouldn't. Lady Ciaran is both a heroine to the Gurlanin's as well as someone who offers a package that scratches all of Rhymana's itches on top of a spanking salary and benefits package. Rhymana volunteered to go on the mission to recover the Chu'unthor as a lone Abyss Agent attaché because the pure temptation of all that sweet sweet knowledge was far too much for her to resist. She has a bad habit of trying to remember or write down everything she thinks will be interesting and is very interested in one day possibly becoming the personal biographer of Lady Ciaran herself.
Another metaphor for how I look and presented Ciaran in the vision is the same general theme that was used in the "Tea-time with Yoda" omake a while back. Ciaran is like a Farmer who cultivate an orchard. The Farmer collects far more from the Orchard than the Orchard gets from the Farmer but both are happy with the arrangement even while as the Orchard expands it becomes more and more defendant on the Farmer while the Farmer occasionally cuts down the trees that do not produce more than he gives them and removes everything that the Farmer does not think valuable to the Orchard.
In fact, you have a considerable headache and even your eyes are stinging enough that you idly consider stabbing them out of your head. Being completely blind in a mundane sense due to being far more Miralukan than human makes your eyes utterly useless anyway