Now the question is, are we going Original, GX, 5D's, Zexal, ARC-V, VRAINS, or all of the above in terms of cards and the rules on how to play them? Me, I played Duel Monsters/GX and the 5D's card&rules and then promptly gave up after.
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Original. I've forgotten everything that's happened in GX and haven't watched any of the later stuff. The later stuff has "syncro summoning" (whatever that is) and Card Games On Motorcycles. The more simplistic rules of original should allow it to spread faster throughout the galaxy since it's easier for kids to learn, which translates to more profit.
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Original. I've forgotten everything that's happened in GX and haven't watched any of the later stuff. Furthermore, the later stuff has "syncro summoning" (whatever that is) and Card Games On Motorcycles.

Yeah, Original is best in my opinion. Plus, the Golden Rule of KISS.

Hmmm... which one has the most convoluted rules.

I'd guess VRAINS, simply because it's the last spinoff of Yu-gi-oh!. I've not kept up with anything past 5D's.
I have a better idea. Make a strategy game based on the Great Galactic War.

Also new trailer:

Honestly I'm trying to restrain my hype after the first game, but god damn Theed looks good both gameplay-wise and graphically. Aside from that I'm holding my breath on space combat: it looks fun but I'm naturally wondering how much of that was what actual gameplay will look like.
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Honestly I'm trying to restrain my hype after the first game, but god damn Theed looks good both gameplay-wise and graphically. Aside from that I'm holding my breath on space combat: it looks fun but I'm naturally wondering how much of that was what actual gameplay will look like.
If it helps here is some gameplay footage from a youtuber I follow and yes you can throw a lightsaber at an aircraft to take it down
I believe Randomly in this instance means setting the navigational computer to randomly select a system and then chart a course to it then once it arrives it is to repeat the process effectively making attacking it like finding a needle in a haystack and hitting it before it can hyperspace away.

Possible, but it's a lot like driving randomly on the highway system. It only works if you're faster than your opponent and they can't call ahead for reinforcements. And you eventually run out of gas.

Hmmm... in that vein. If you were fast enough to get out of sensor range you could just drop out of hyperspace part way to somewhere and use your thrusters to fly off the hyperspace lane. You'd need a fair bit of time so it wouldn't work if you were being chased, but if you were just trying to hide something it might be nearly ideal.
@Dr. Snark, since we have Jedi friends, can we ask them why the Sith have made so many superweapons but the Jedi have made not a single super anything? They have the resources of the Republic to back them so it's not like they'd be short on the required funds.
Because when a Jedi makes a superweapon, they by definition become Sith.
I don't mean why don't they make a superweapon, I mean why don't they make a giant Force construct like the Sith do, but that does Light Side stuff instead of Dark Side stuff? Instead of a weapon of war, something that can be used for knowledge, healing, or defence.
Im thinking now on something like a super planetary shield that cannot be penetrated by any mean, ala galactic civilization shield that protected earth from the dregin attack.
I don't mean why don't they make a superweapon, I mean why don't they make a giant Force construct like the Sith do, but that does Light Side stuff instead of Dark Side stuff? Instead of a weapon of war, something that can be used for knowledge, healing, or defence.
The problem with all of those is they can be easily be turned to weapons. Healing is manipulation of biology. So is disease and poison. Defense? Well active defense has to have weapons, and passive would still work as a military base. Knowledge is kind of already covered in the various holocron libraries, and ships that have been lost or destroyed exactly because they were dangerous to the Jedi's enemies. As for in point is Center-point Station. It controlled the black holes that contained Abeloth, but it just as easily could have been used to destroy star systems. Which is exactly what Darth Caedus tried to do. Fundamentally, though, it comes down to how the Jedi are passive, and the Sith are not. Peacekeepers. They may go out of their way to help others on missions, but those missions themselves are pretty solidly focused on resolving conflict. No big pushes in the Senate from the Jedi for humanitarian concerns, or development in sciences and education. It's kind of why I can get the Sith calling Jedi hypocrites. It's evil and selfish to fight or hate, but it's perfectly fine to ignore all the Hutt atrocities and slavery outside the Republic. Gives a sense of self-righteous only when it suits them. Of couy the Sith have plenty of problems themselves, but that's a different story.
Wait, we're going to be a somewhat eccentric rich person with magic powers who hides their eyes creating and promoting a children's card game? Are we literally Pegasus now?