(I have left SV)
I'm pretty sure that particular issue, in the case of the modern Jedi, was caused by the Senate and/or the Republic. If I recall correctly, the Senate forbade the Jedi from having positions of power and leadership, because they feared the whole Jedi Lord thing, and they sabotaged the Jedi's efforts to do anything about it. As generations went by and the Jedi failed to regain that power, as the Senate became more and more corrupt and self-focused, the Jedi gave up, because they made no progress, and were not willing to do what every Sith has tried in the past - that being starting a war for nothing but power. So, as they had no positions of power, and could own no personal wealth, they had no reason to keep their leadership and stewardship skills up to scratch. Instead, they were used as peacekeepers, agents, healers, diplomats and warriors. Those things, they still excelled at.
Then Palpatine got some scraps of power and proved once again why Sith are sick, by orchestrating a war, sabotaging any efforts to stop it peacefully, and then pushing the nearly completely blindsided Jedi into positions of power and leadership. Some time after they finally gave up on the two skills they'd need to do the job effectively. And he did it knowingly, specifically to cripple the Order and make it look incompetent. Well, if I specialised in healing and personal combat, and was suddenly forced to lead fleets and armies in a galactic war, I'd fuck up as well.
Hell, for all we know, the Jedi's canon agreement to do so may have actually been not only a seeming necessity to prevent the Order from losing much of their credibility, but also an attempt to reconnect with the galaxy, now that they got a perfect opening.
The Jedi Council agreed to it. The Ruusan Reformation happened after multiple centuries of Jedi Supreme Chancellors, and then Vallorum took power.
The Republic did very little to sabotage the Jedi's inner workings, which is the primary point I was making.
The Council being passive is a constant and recurring theme in the Republic's History, it happened in Revan's time, the survivors got even more passive in Meetra's Exile, the Ruusan Reformation Council were passive, and the Prequel Council vacillated between 'very passive' and 'overthrow the Chancellor...What do you mean he is a Sith?'