<exhausted wheeze>
And I'm done with
my survey of the Core Worlds. Yeah, Corellia wasn't the only plane to take most of a day to look over -- Coruscant was even worse, and there were plenty of others (Alderaan, Kuat, Demophon, Aargau, plus pretty much
every planet in
L-9 -- Tepasi, Skako, Chandrila, all of it) that took multiple hours apiece. So yeah. Here's the highlights:
Koornacht Cluster subsector (Farlax)
- N'zoth: homeworld of Yevetha race (skeletal warriors, retractable 'dew claw', technologists), capital of Yevethan Protectorate (xenophobic, expansionist), center of 'Tolotan' death cult, headquarters of Nazfar Metalworks (starships, e.g. Aramadia-class thrustships), site of Valley of Rejection
The Yevetha are
bad news. Any combination of 'xenophobic' and 'expansionist' is already asking for trouble, and adding death cults into the mix... yeah. I'm reminded of the
Far Side comic "How Nature Says 'Do Not Touch'".
Salliche sector
- Salliche: agriworld, home of Selnia Harbright [NB: anti-Palpatine Senator], headquarters of Salliche Agricultural Corporation and House Harbright
They control the Salliche Ag Circuit (18 of the biggest agriworlds in the galaxy), and their Senator hates Palpatine! Should be an easy sell for the CNS.
Negs sector
- Ondos: Force-rich planet, one candidate for home planet of Jedi Order predecessor
- Osadia: former center of 'Mandalorian Knights' Force sect (c. 3960 BBY), site of abandoned New Generation Academy (trained Mandalorian Knights)
A couple interesting Force-rich planets, though there are certainly other items higher on our priority list...
Dolomar sector
- Caprioril: sporting planet, home of Serji-X Arrogantus (swoop-bike racer), site of Swo-O'Rim Racing Circuit (swoop-bike course) and Doolis Podrace Arena
- Denevar: home of Janq Paramexor, headquarters of House Paramexor (chapter of Bounty Hunters Guild, produce Paramexor Squire armorer droid)
- Jervo's World: massive space station over Pantolomin, formerly controlled by Lhosan Industries, site of Hall of Champions swoop-dueling arenas
Caprioril and Jervo's World might be relevant for our swoop-bike plans, but House Paramexor makes
armorer droids -- that is, a squire/mechanic/guard droid for any bounty hunter on the go. This makes me happy.
Tanjayan sector
- Bolenia: agriworld, homeworld of hillspinner species (massive creatures, terraform landscape to make hill-homes)
- Darada: home of Jev Sunrider (Jedi Watchman c. 4000 BBY) and Nomi Da-Boda Sunrider (Jedi Grand Master), site of ancestral Sunrider Estate
- Tanjay IV: sector capital, homeworld of Tanjayan race, home of Nemrileo irm-Drocubac (pro-CIS Senator murdered by Shu Mai in 22 BBY)
1) Hillspinners freak me out.
2) Isn't it
interesting that one of the greatest Grand Masters in the history of the Jedi Order was married, with a child, and didn't officially start training until she was well into adulthood? Nomi Sunrider's story is actually fascinating, but it might be good fodder for the conversation with Anakin as well...
3) Tanjay is where Shu Mai ordered the death of a Separatist Senator in order to prove to the rest of the Separatist Council that she was serious about seceding from the Republic. I'm not entirely sure of the logic there.
- Coruscant: ecumenopolis with more than 5,000 levels; [NB: originally named 'Notron']; homeworld of Cthon (troglodytes), Taung (extinct 'Progenitors' of Mandalore), and Zhell (ancestral human!) races; capital of the Galactic Republic
Heh. Coruscant is
big. I'm gonna leave that one for later.
Shawken sector
- Challon: headquarters of Assassins Guild (controlled by 'Elite Circle'), neutral!
Turns out the in-universe Alamut expy is neutral. Go figure.
Rift sector
- Erigorm: sector capital, home of Gopple (Senator, anti-Corporate Alliance), former member of secessionist Rift Alliance (c. 3600 BBY)
If we're going to be targeting the Corporate Alliance, this is one Senator & sector that will probably want to join up...
Alsaka sector
- Alsakan: ecumenopolis, former Killick colony world, former capital of 'Axis Coalition' (limited-government faction, fought Coruscant-led 'Spin Coalition' in seventeen 'Alsakan Conflict' wars, spanning 17,000-3017 BBY), home of Mirkovig Hirken (Corporate Sector 'Viceprex of Security'), site of Alsakan Mosaics ruins (Wonder of the Galaxy), Xenvaer Civic Auditorium, original location of 'Alsakan Tessent' (long-lost artifact) [NB: now in Moddell sector]
There were no indicators of their current politics, but the fact that Alsakan spent 14,000 years fighting against an overbearing central goverment means they're
probably sympathetic to the Separatists. On the other hand, they're
definitely going to be worried about Palpatine's executive overreach, which makes this a major recruitment target for the CNS.
Bormea sector
- Brentaal IV: trade hub on Hydian & Perlemian, home of Sirona Okeefe (high-born smuggler) and Jerrod Maclain (governor), headquarters of Curavao ImpEx (military shipping) and Travis Motors (freighters), site of Trade Hall (guilds), Commerce Academy, Brentaal Fortress (prison), and Votrad Downport
- Chandrila: childhood home of Mon Mothma (anti-Palpatine Senator) and Tanis Mothma (governor of Hanna City), site of Crystal Canyons, Tomb of Third Barsen'thor (Jedi Warden), Hanna Institute of Antiquities (museum), Brionelle Memorial Military Academy, and Gladean State Parks
- Corulag: Coruscant colony, home of Zafiel Snopps (pro-Palpatine Senator), Tavin Korden (anti-Palpatine CEO), [NB: and Juno Eclipse], headquarters of Aether Hypernautics (hyperdrives), Danthe Artifice (droid software), Gwain Spices, Korden Outfitting & Surveying (colony supplies), Mansom Corporation (high-end space stations) and Coreguard Security, site of Corulag Military Academy, Sienar Advanced Research Division, & Tasjon Swoop Racing Course
All of it. Brentaal has smugglers and freighters and traders (oh my!), Candrila has the Mothma family, and Corulag has Seinar, plus Danthe, plus a whole bunch of military tech related things. Also Juno Eclipse, of
Force Unleashed fame.
Darpa sector
- Esseles: sector capital ('Esselian Empire'), home of Gabrial Atanna (Senator, low-profile anti-Palpatine spymaster) and Dezono Qua (rich slaver/serial killer), center of Algaran Faction (terrorists), headquarters of Caldrahlsen Mechanicals (e.g. 'litigation droids'), DynaCorp (mining), Trinkatta Starships (automated factories), and Damorian Manufacturing (e.g. Carrack-class gunships), site of Curamel Intergalactic Spaceport, Togatto Speedway (podracing), Esprix Estate (Senatorial residence & headquarters of 'Esselian Spynet'), Nurumbal Shrine, and Fort Cravus (museum with Old Republic artifacts) [NB: and hidden vault of Old Republic battledroids!]
- Ralltiir: financial center, childhood home of Alexi Garyn (Force-sensitive Vigo of Black Sun, killed by Maul in 33 BBY) and Pharl McQuarrie (Naval captain)[NB: Rebel Alliance general]; former headquarters of Black Sun (galaxy-spanning crime syndicate); headquarters of Regency Spires Republic Trust (bank), Cambriele SolidState Corporation (power cells), The Herd (Ithorian smuggling gang), Kalmec (pro-CIS Wookie spynet), XwiziMarble and Ralltiir Consolidated Marble (quarries); site of Grallia Spaceport, High Ontis mountains (rich in marble), Cambriele Exploration Auditorium (museum), Obohn Gallery, University Faculty Medical Center (research hospital), Bartokk Assassins Guild hive, and abandoned Black Sun Fortress; neutral!
- Rhinnal: medical center, headquarters of Athakam Medtech (biotech & medical supplies), site of Rhire Medical Academy (best medical university in galaxy), Rhire Concourse of History (museum), Zirfan Glacier, and Jedi chapter-house (Jedi MedCorps, academy for Jedi Healers)
Also all of it. (Can you tell that we're in quadrant
L-9?) Esseles has an anti-Palpatine Senator running his own spynet, who's so low-profile not even the other anti-Palpatine gang know about him -- recruit him! Ralltiir has the former Black Sun Fortress -- steal it! Rhinnal has
the best medical university in the galaxy, plus attached Jedi chapterhouse -- co-opt them!
Zug sector
- Aargau: thriving banking world, orbited by Coins of Guaha asteroid belt; headquarters of Bank of Aargau (affiliated with IGBC), Bank of Aargau Security (private army, planetary defense force), BAS Research & Development (security tech, e.g. BAS44 holoscanner), Z-Gomot Ternbuell Guppat Corporation (IGBC vehicles, e.g. TSMEU-6 wheel-bike); center of 'Aargau Home Guard' (security force) and 'Aargau Medical Observer Corps' (neutral war-crimes watchdog group); site of Dawn Pyramid of Aargau (Wonder of the Galaxy, massive structure of indestructible, iridescent plastic, built by Sharu engineers c. 100,000 BBY), Garden of Butterflies and Dragonbird Gardens (conference centers), New Escrow Old Spaceport, Great Databank of Aargau, and IBC Arcology (massive pyramid with seven city-sized levels, site of IGBC regional offices, IGBC droid foundry, and Undercity with thriving Hutt-controlled black market); location of Malastare Senator Aks Moe assassination (22 BBY); neutral!
Hey, look at the nice friendly bank world that's both affiliated with the IGBC
and officially neutral. Easy sell.
Cirius sector
- Caamas: homeworld of Caamasi race (pacifists, memnis memory-sharing ability) and behemoth species, childhood home of Vlenic It'Kla (Jedi Consular), Eeshrin Ot'Hyne (pacifist Senator), and Hespecia Tik'kla (philosopher c. 24,000 BBY, inspired Jedi Code), site of Palace of Memnii and Jedi Enclave, neutral!
Hey, look at all the neutral pacifists who don't like Palpatine's militaristic ways. I wonder if they want to join us...
...Yeah I'm going to leave Alderaan for a separate post.
And Kuat.
Chatos sector
- Palawa: original center of 'Followers of Palawa' and 'Paladins' Force sects (precursors/rivals to Jedi Order), site of abandoned Chatos Academy
O hai Force sect #352
Trellen sector
- Sarapin: lava planet, homeworld of vaapad/juyo species (namesake of lightsaber form), primary energy producer for Republic (provides roughly 80% of power for Core Worlds) with nigh-impenetrable defensive grid, site of Mount Corvast Citadel, geothermal generator-farms, and abandoned Jedi ruins
This one planet provides 80% of the power/energy used by all of the Core Worlds. I repeat: 80. Percent. It's also right next to Humbarine. I want.
Demophon sector
- Demophon: sector capital, primary star due for imminent supernova (50 years away, per 22 BBY measurements by University of Sanbra [NB: occurred 1 BBY...], irradiated surface with industrialized bio-domes, rich in rare ores; home of Elena Ray (researcher) and Rigis Corazon (business magnate); center of G'uotr Network (black market) and 'Jhonterius Park' cult; headquarters of Corazon Industries, Shankti Drive Works (hyperdrive research), TransGalMeg (starships), Tumleh Navigation (hyperspatial astrogation), and Vortex Corporation (weapons); site of Bryneport, Stellar Monitor Station, The Block [NB: Imperial slave market], and Network Shipyard; neutral!
Another neutral world, though this one is about to be fried by a supernova. Still, there's plenty of interesting corporations on site, and given the mass exodus, it'd probably be pretty cheap to build on...
Trantor sector
- Marfa: adopted homeworld of Murakami orchid race (Force-sensitive telepathic plant) [NB: primary ingredient of 'The Sickness' bioweapon developed by Darth Drear and Darth Scabrous on Odacer-Faustin, recipe in Drear Holocron beneath Sith Academy], major agriworld, site of Jedi AgriCorps facilities
...There are so many weird things involved here. A Force-sensitive telepathic sentient plant, cultivated by a Jedi AgriCorps greenhouse (because they can't survive in most environments), that was once used as an ingredient in the most deadly Sith bioweapon ever. (Yeah -- worse than rakghouls).
Corellian sector
- Nubia: home of R2-D2 (best droid), headquarters of Nubian Design Collective (e.g. J-type 327 Nubian Starship), PharmCorp (agriculture & pharmaceuticals, owned by Prall the Hutt), Industrial Automaton (massive droid manufacturer, produces R-series astromech droids), TradeCo (shipping), and Intergalactic Grav-Ball Federation, site of Nubian Palace (resort), Tallera Downs (ronto racing)
Say hello to R2-D2's homeworld!
Five Brothers subsector (Corellian)
- Centerpoint Station: massive space station [NB: built by Celestials over 100,000 years ago], ultra-high energy systems [NB: generate 'hyperspace tractor beam' that artificially constructed the Corellian system], site of Hollowtown (botanical biodome on sphere interior), Glowpoint (artificial sun/energy source), TechSec (high-tech manufacturing & research facilities), and Null Town (smugglers den & criminal underworld, controlled by Baron Benton Kaldo)
Did anyone else know that Centerpoint Station is
occupied? Because that was news to me.
Five Brothers subsector (Corellian)
- Corellia: ...
Heh. Leaving Corellia for a separate post.
Duro sector
- Duro: homeworld of Duros race (gifted pilots), childhood home of Cad Bane (bounty hunter), Felanil Banks (Jedi lightsaber artisan), and Cei Vookto (Jedi elementalist), headquarters of Pri-Andylan Propulsion Systems (repulsorlifts) and Duro Shipwrights Guild (massive string of orbital shipyards), site of Pri-Andylan Shipyards, Tayana Ruins, Valley of Royalty (Wonder of the Galacy), legendary Queen Rana's Vault, Ranadaast ('City of Ashes'), and 20 orbital cities
Besides Cad Bane and the lightsaber artisan on Cularin, another notable Duros in the galaxy is a Jedi elementalist, able to summon a pillar of fire and then a pillar of water in the middle of a battle. So that's a thing. Also the Valley of Royalty, plus a bunch of archaeological dig sites.
Lettow sector
- Columus: homeworld of Columi race (craniopods), childhood home of 'Mama' (Ord Mantell information broker), low-gravity swamp with pillar-cities, automated factories produce GH-7 medical droids (Chiewab) and Columi mental hoverpads, location of cloning facilities (required for reproduction)
- Lettow: former center of 'Legions of Lettow' Force sect (first Jedi schism, c. 24,500 BBY), site of Legionnaire Academy ruins (studied non-Jedi traditions)
O hai Force sect #353. The 'Legions of Lettow' are now extinct, but the Academy ruins still exist, and the history is
fascinating. Basically there once was a Jedi named Xendor, who wanted to study
other Force traditions (le gasp!) The Jedi Order promptly declared him dark and tried to eradicate him and his followers. He tried to bring the battle to unpopulated worlds in the distant Mid Rim, but the Jedi Order kept attacking and burning heavily populated Core Worlds in their drive to eliminate the baddies. Xendor was defeated, but
yikes when the history of this war was recently rediscovered in-universe, it was a nasty blow to the reputation of the Jedi Order
Seyugi sector
- Recopia: homeworld of Seyugi race (extinct nomads), home of Razi Khan (Seyugi Dervish), headquarters of Tuldok Clan (pirates), center of Mallif cult (weird monks) and 'Seyugi Dervish' Force sect (assassins, specialized in tracking & unarmed combat), site of Mallif Cove (Seyugi Devish island fortress) [NB: surviving assassins carbon-frozen in fortress sublevels], Tuldok Ranch (pirate haven), Thoren Spaceport, and Hinder Market (livestock), location of Bandercamp Auctions (rare animals), sulfur planet
O hai Force sect #354. I'm not sure if this group is dark or merely dark gray -- they're characterized as 'assassins', but describes more as bounty hunters. Anyway, they were a fairly recent bunch, but the Jedi Order spent a lot of time trying to eradicate them as well. Turns out they
almost succeeded, but not perfectly -- there's a hundred or so survivors sitting in carbonite blocks waiting to be thawed out by their Mallif monk followers.
Rendili sector
- Bellassa: home of Ferus Olin (former Jedi), [NB: childhood home of Trever Flume] headquarters of Olin/Lands (private witness protection program), [NB: center of 'The Eleven' (anti-Empire revolutionaries)], site of Eclipse (exclusive hotel) and Ussa (capital city with seven lakes)
If we're going by Legends timeline, this is where Ferus Olin has been hanging out lately.
Parmorak sector
- Karvoss II: original center of 'Matukai' Force sect (best martial artists, nomads specializing in physical enhancement)
They don't really hang around here much, but this is where the Matukai Force sect got their start.
Gama sector
- Balosar: homeworld of Balosar race (humanoid, retractable antennae) and balo mushroom species (death sticks), childhood home of Elan Sel'Sabagno ('Sleazebaggano'), heavily polluted industrial ecumenopolis, controlled by criminal underworld (primary producer of death sticks)
- Oligtaz: jungle planet, site of Esraza Temple ruins (Wonder of the Galaxy, original shrine imparted gift of teleportation & foresight? Or hallucinogen...)
"Wanna buy some death sticks?"
"You don't want to sell me death sticks?"
"I don't want to sell you death sticks."
"You want to go home, and rethink your life."
"I'm going to go home, and rethink my life."
Yeah, that guy! Turns out that his 'canon' name (Sleazebaggano) was ret-conned by Legends to make it a nickname. Thank heavens for small mercies.
Oh, and there's also a Wonder of the Galaxy that
might amplify Force powers (include Force visions and
teleportation!)... or might just have a naturally-occurring halucinogenic atmosphere. Flip a coin...
Andaran sector
- Andara: sector capital, home of Berm Tarturi (Senator, rival of Sano Sauro), headquarters of Leadership School (caters to children of Core Worlds elite)
Another anti-Palpatine Senator, from a world that basically controls the political education of most of the rest of the Core...
Tiisheraan sector
- Tiisheraan: sector capital, childhood home of Galen Derlin (anti-Palpatine Senator, friend of Bail Organa) [NB: assassinated post-New Order]
another anti-Palpatine Senator.
Illodia sector
- Illodia: sector capital, ruled by Five Families, childhood home of Doman Beruss (Senator, friend of Bail Organa), site of Illodian Officer Academy, neutral!
another... well, not anti-Palpatine, necessarily, but a close friend of Bail Organa, so same difference. Also neutral.
Atrisian Commonwealth sector
- Atrisia: sector capital, headquarters of Yovshin Swordsmen (dual-wield Jar-Kai dueling sabers), site of Imperial History Library (Uueg Tching's Sayings)
This planet pioneered the dual-wielding Jar-Kai technique. It also published the in-universe equivalent of Machiavelli's
The Prince, which is often cited by Palpatine...
Coruscant, Corellia, and a few others to follow...