Really funny omake, but why "autistic screeching"? I've never heard of autistic people being associated with screeching.
It's a meme, often associated with the sound Palpatine makes when he launches himself across the room at the Jedi. Searching the term in Google will almost assuredly turn up images and videos of Palpatine. It was certainly not meant as an actual dig at autistic people.

Hey, look at that, it's time to update the omake count again! At last count:

Since then we've added 1 new omake, giving us a total of 22 omake bonuses for Turn 26.
You play a dangerous game my friend.
As an omake writer here, here are some handy links for my fellow crack-dealers/authors with respect to Star Wars slang and curses.

In this case, I think fuck could be replaced by kriff or kriffing
I'll edit that when I get the chance. Thanks. It was exactly that, my unfamiliarity with Star Wars profanity.
Made some changes. Didn't end up replacing fuck, but I did change the phrasing. Interestingly, snark and snarking are acceptable replacements though. I won't use them, since I already try to use the word snark where I can and that seems too easy, but it's still interesting.

Removed the references to autistic screeching, not because it was a meme, but because I figured out a way to make the joke better than just a reference.
Turn 25, BBY 20 Second Quarter
Reminder: 24-hour moratorium on voting

BBY 20, Second Quarter

Current Treasury: 771
Current Income: 3684
Current Upkeep: 1713

All of the credits.

Okay, okay, you've got a lot of other things to worry about like Talzin calling in a favor, various anti-Palpatine mesaures, and the like. Still, things are going relatively smoothly right now all things considered, and as mentioned you have all of the credits.

Martial: Xruk has been working overtime to train the newest recruits, and OOM-9 is constantly running simulations to determine whether an attack on Palpatine is feasible.

Pick 2:

[] Black Ops (CIS): The CIS advance has been gearing up again, and while they aren't as effective as they once were they still have an advantage in the war. Send some teams their way and fix that. Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 50 Reward: CIS war effort damaged

[] Black Ops (Republic): Fact of the matter is that the Republic gaining a significant advantage would be just as bad as the Separatists gaining one at this point. Make sure that doesn't happen. Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 50 Reward: Republic war effort damaged

[] Mercenary Work: Jabba's offered to hire on some of your mercenaries for work within Hutt Space should you ever require additional credits to make ends meet. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Income from mercenary contracts

[] Wookieetarian Action: The Wookiees have constantly been facing raids from the Trandoshans for ages and would certainly appreciate help in protecting their homeworlds from their raids. Sending a few teams to patrol the area could go a long way... Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 50 Reward: Anti-Trandoshan patrols set up around Kashyyyk system, ???

[] Let's Vary Piracy, With A Little Burglary: At this point any planet not part of the CNS is one more world that Palpatine can draw resources from. As such there's no reason to restrict yourself to CIS targets-so long as you don't get caught. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 50 Reward: Loot, selected area destabilized and potential recruit for the CNS
-[] Serenno: Since you've recruited most of the major planets near here, this would effectively be nothing more than spiting Dooku.
-[] Skako: A Separatist enclave to be sure, but the most notable part of the area is that its the home of the Techno Union, a rich pro-Sep organization that you never really got along with anyway...
-[] Murkhana: the headquarters and homeworld of the Corporate Alliance, and source/distributor for most Separatist propaganda. Also, within the same sector is the planet of Bal'demnic which is the CIS's primary source for cortosis ore, a product used in anti-lightsaber weapons, which could come in handy...
-[] Write in

[] Hyperspace Lane Pirating: A step beyond just targeting a system or two, this would be launching a series of pirate raids on a hyperspace lane in the galaxy. While both sides are fully aware of how important these lanes are, the loot would be incredibly valuable if you pulled it off. Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 100 Reward: Selected lane heavily pirated, loot
-[] Celanon Spur: The planets of Shaum Hill and Agamar lie on this route that leads directly to the front lines.
-[] Hydian Way: The lane closest to CNS space, this area contains planets such as Celanon and Axxila. At this point you'd shift your focus to planets further down the line since the aforementioned planets are now part of the CNS...
-[] Perlemian Trade Route: A hyperlane at the heart of CIS space in the northern galaxy, launching raids here would be stupidly risky and by extension stupidly profitable.
-[] Write-in

[] Militia Standardization: The fact of the matter is that the CNS military is more of a patchwork of the various members' militaries. Help create a standardized system for equipment and it would help make them more cohesive...and a much stronger fighting force should it become necessary. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: CNS militia forces increase in quality.

[] Becoming A Pirate Queen, One Piece At A Time: While you've been making sure that any pirates in CNS space are swiftly dealt with, it could come in handy to expand upon your current privateer fleets and recruit some of the independents. There's probably a lot more around with the fall of Black Sun... Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: Pirate fleets continuously expanded

[] Indiscriminate Piracy: Since you don't want either the Republic or Separatists to gain an advantage in the war, why not let your pirate fleets loose on a raiding spree, letting them steal what they can from both sides? Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Looting income

[] False-Flag Piracy: Well, you do have all of these pirate fleets floating around, so why not justify CNS military expansion by staging a few raids in CNS space? Why, the CNS would have to strengthen their forces to protect against these terrible raids. Though you'll need to be careful lest you let said raids point back to you. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Justification for increased military expansion in CNS space

[] Anti-Slaver Actions: The fact of the matter is that slavery is one of the most hated institutions in the galaxy outside of Hutt Space. It would certainly earn a lot of goodwill if you were to deal with some of the more prominent organizations (not affiliated with your Hutt allies)...and the loot would certainly make it worthwhile. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Assaults launched on chosen slaver group, loot
-[] Zygerrian Slave Guild: One of the most infamous slaver groups, the Zygerrians have been terrorizing the Northern Rim and conspicuously avoiding CIS space. They would not be missed.
-[] Trandoshan Slavers: They have been attacking the Wookiees, and since you have a number of business arrangements with the Wookiees that makes the Trandoshans a very obvious target.
-[] Senex-Juvex Slavers: Would you look at that, this slave group in Republic space is also home to a number of pro-Palpatine nobles! Launching a raid on them and exposing them to the galaxy would be quite the scandal...

[] Recovering The Chu'unthor (Aggressive Option): Forget any notions of "diplomacy;" the Singing Mountain Clan of Dathomir are in the way of your recovery of the Chu'unthor, simple as that. Deal with them. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Chu'unthor seized by force

[] The Legacy Of Madmen: Your (okay, PR-1's) examinations of the galaxy have led to the discovery of a marvelous vessel: the Arkanian Legacy, the one-time mobile headquarters of Adacorp and a massive research facility as well. The catch is that while this ship is still relatively intact, it's currently drifting in the middle of an asteroid field filled with hostile exogorths. It will be extremely difficult to get in and out with the ship, but a vessel like that would be invaluable. Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Arkanian Legacy recovered

[] Write in
Diplomacy: Most of the galaxy is under Palpatine's control in some fashion and you're short on allies. Time to see how much you can fix those things.

Pick 1 Regular Action, 1 CNS Action:

[] Shards Encased In Iron (CNS): You know that Cheriss is a Shard these days, but according to her there are others like her who are skilled engineers and filled with wanderlust. It might be worth using the CNS to get in contact with the Shard worlds to see if you can get the chance to recruit some of them for yourself...oh and get them to apply to the CNS of course. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Contact with Shard worlds established, potential to recruit Shard engineers

[] Between the Light and Dark: While you have a number of Force users on your staff right now it might be worth looking into getting into contact with other Force using groups in the galaxy that aren't necessarily aligned to the Jedi or Sith and see if you can gain something from contacting them. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Contact with chosen organization established
-[] Corellian Jedi Order: Probably the second largest order of Force users in the galaxy, the Corellian Jedi are a separate group from the main Order that are fiercely protective of their homeworld. Given that you aren't exactly that popular with the main Order these days they might be worth getting in contact with.
-[] Disciples of the Whills: A group of Force worshipers fiercely protective of their home of Jedha, they occupy a planet that is rich in both historical artifacts and valuable Kyber crystals.
-[] Tyia Adepts: A pacifistic philosophy practiced by the Revwiens, it emphasizes the value of all life and acting with honor.
-[] Baran Do: A reclusive order of Kel Doors who spend the majority of their time contemplating the nature of the Force, supposedly awaiting the "proper time" to act.
-[] Fallanasi: A mostly female group of pacifistic Force users that have unique abilities to beguile their foes.
-[] Ysanna: A technologically primitive Force-sensitive community on the planet of Ossus, the Ysanna defend the ruins of Great Jedi Library from intruders. They developed the original 'Blazing Chain' projectile techniques, and never lost the ancient technique of becoming Force ghosts. Talking to them will actually let you study them and the ruins without you getting attacked in the process.
-[] Zeison Sha: A group of Force users that are extremely skilled at telekinesis. The only problem is that they are incredibly isolationist, so studying them further will require direct contact.
-[] Blackguard: An organization of Force users based out of Mustafar; they are similar to the Watchers in that they absorb techniques from other Force sects into their own.
-[] Followers of Palawa: An isolated group of Force users in the far west of the known galaxy, they have developed a number of techniques that are explicitly designed to protect against Force users.
-[] Dagoyan Order: A monastic sect based on Bardotta, they specialize in meditation and strengthening one's connection to the Force.
-[] Write-in (Subject to Veto)

[] CNS Recruitment: There are a number of systems nearby that don't particularly lean one way or the other in the war; maybe you could persuade them to join the CNS instead? Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Recruitment drive in selected area for the CNS
-[] Braxant Run: Home to both valuable trade worlds and rare minerals, the area is a logical expansion for the CNS given recent recruitment in the area.
-[] Muun Space: Consolidating the Muun worlds (aside from the annoyingly stubborn Scipio) would certainly help stabilize the region.
-[] Hydian Way: These are home to some very rich worlds and would let you wrest control of a major hyperlane from the CIS and the Republic if you were successful enough here.
-[] Inner Rim: Now that you know the truth about Palpatine, it might be worth it to send overtures to nearby planets in the Inner Rim like Obroa-skai.
-[] Write in

[] Calling In A Favor: A few years ago one Ferrus Olin left the Jedi Order, telling you that he would help you if needed. Well it is about time to call that favor in; get in contact with him and see if you can get the support of him and anyone he knows outside of the Order for the fight against Palpatine. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Ferrus Olin contacted

[] The Roaming Jedi: Telling the Council about Palpatine's true identity is a recipe for disaster, but there are certainly other Jedi in the galaxy that aren't a part of the Order you could contact for aid. You've always gotten the odd report from your Silver Cross camps about the occasional Jedi stopping by to help refugees, so it wouldn't be too difficult to track some of them down. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Jedi outside of the Order contacted

[] The Resurgent: Jango's oversight has effectively ended at this point, and given how much investment you've put into the man it's definitely worth bringing him in. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Formally recruit Jango Fett

[] Recovering The Chu'unthor (Diplomatic Option): Instead of launching an all out assault to capture the Chu'unthor from the Singing Mountain Clan and running the risk of damaging the vessel during the battle, you could try and negotiate with them to gain access from it. Given their hostility to outsiders though, it likely won't be easy... Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Diplomatically gain access to the Chu'unthor

[] House Of Killers: Given that you're going to be dealing with a lot of high-profile targets in both the Republic and CIS, it might be worthwhile to get some outside help as it were. Use your reputation and funds to establish a bounty hunter chapter of your own so that you can gather these people together for your own ends. Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 150 Reward: Watchers bounty hunter chapter established

[] Pull At The Strings: Fact of the matter is that as effective as the Anti-Palpatine Senators are, there are simply far more under Palpatine's sway right now, not to mention his ring of confidants. Use your more legitimate connections to sway some Senators away from Palpatine's influence so that his opponents can gain ground in the Senate. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Increased influence for Anti-Palpatine Senators

[] Can I See Your Maps, Sir?: One of the most notable aspects about Kashyyyk to the galactic community is the Claatuvac Guild, a group of navigators that have access to archives of hyperlanes kept secret from the rest of the galaxy. The value in that is self-explanatory; just explain that you need them for the Silver Cross and for nothing else. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Claatuvac Guild maps accessed

[] Watching The Watchmen: While you haven't been formally in contact with the Jedi Sentinels as of late due to your issues with the Order, getting back into contact with them at this point would certainly be useful to both sides. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Formal contact with Jedi Sentinels restored

[] For Bothawui's Eyes Only (CNS): Despite Bothawui's outspoken neutrality the planet has yet to formally join the CNS. Given that it's home to one of the most effective intelligence gathering agencies outside of the Watchers themselves, it would definitely be worth it to focus on encouraging them to join, and at the same time use the opportunity to get in touch with the Bothan Spynet. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Bothan Spynet contacted, Bothawui and surrounding systems recruited into CNS

[] Write in
Stewardship: In spite of the recent news, Borvo's been keeping his spirits up; he's pointed out that keeping the finances of the Watchers stable will be vital for the coming times.

Pick 2 Regular Actions, Up to 1 Sienar Action:

[] Sienar Custom Vessel: Now that you've partnered with Sienar you can request customized ships from them for a price. You can either send them a plan of your own, or give their engineers a base concept and let them work out the details. Chance of Success: 90%
-[] "Humanitarian" Transports: A line of ships that could be used to ferry wounded from system to system, the fact that they would also be fitted with experimental stealth systems is purely to make sure that they aren't seen by any pirates or what have you, obviously. Cost: 150 Reward: Humanitarian/Stealth Transports designed/produced
-[] "Rescue" Ships: VTOL-capable ships about the size of the Scimitar, these vessels would be heavily armored rapid response ships that can quickly rescue people from potentially hostile environments. What are the rapid-fire guns for, you ask? Why, you might have to defend yourself from predators or raiders or something! Cost: 100 Reward: Rescue/Assault Gunships designed/produced
-[] "Diplomatic" Ships: The CNS could stand to have more official diplomatic vessels to help them get to negotiations faster. The fact that they would be heavily armed, armored, fast, and contain a shroud to negate tractor beams is because sometimes negotiations can get...aggressive. Cost: 150 Reward: "Diplomatic" Cruiser designed/produced
-[] Personalized Courier Ships: Unlike the rest of the designs you've suggested these are fairly straightforward: extremely fast ships that can be personalized before their completion by their prospective owner. They'd certainly be nice gifts to your high-ranking members. Cost: 150 Reward: Personalized Courier ships designed/selectively produced
-[] Scout Vessel: Another relatively cut and dry suggestion; these would be ships specifically geared toward surveying. For once there's really no other subtext here. Cost: 100 Reward: Advanced Scout Ships designed/produced
-[] Shoni Escort Ships: A...unique design from Grievous named after the spear his people use, this diamond-shaped ship is heavily armored and well-armed, serving as a heavy escort ship...though according to Grievous it could also be used to board ships by ramming it into them and allowing the pilot/boarder to enter the ship that way. Raith is confident that it could work, though he's said that you'd have to be insane or suicidal to try and use the ramming method given how dangerous it could be. Cost: 100 Reward: Shoni Escort Ships designed/produced
-[] Write-in (High concept or other design, subject to veto, cost determined by GM)

[] Contact Ship-builders: If your efforts with Sienar are any indication you might have a bright future available to you in the starship industry; but you're going to need to get in contact with the producers first. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Contact with chosen corporation gained
-[] Hoersch-Kessel Drive: This company helped produce Lucerhulks like the Oracle, but has been suffering from considerable mismanagement and financial losses. Surely they would appreciate an investor like yourself.
-[] SubPro: Despite the fact that they have produced high-quality products like the NovaSword fighter you acquired from Durge, they have been dealing with an unfounded reputation for shoddy workmanship. Sounds like they could use a popular investor.
-[] Write-in

[] Cord of Three Strands: With the recruitment of Muunilist into the CNS and the successes you've had everywhere in revitalizing economies, you've considered the idea of creating an economic partnership between it and Kalee; the Kaleesh could provide warriors to protect the Muun and the Muun could finance economic development of Kalee. All they need is money. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 100 Reward: Increased economic development for Kalee, increased stability for Muunilist and surrounding area

[] Bank of Ciaran: You've already invested in banks on Muunilist but why not take the next step and encourage the IGBC to become more integrated into the CNS economy? It would strengthen them and push more money through areas you control... Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Increased economic strength in CNS

[] The Return of Galactic Sushi: Bringing in the Ithorians means that you have some of the greatest agriculturalists in the galaxy to call on. You also have a number of agriworlds and other farming areas (like Taris) that could use their aid. The solution seems obvious, doesn't it? Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Agricultural output increase in CNS space

[] Silver Cross PR Blitz: Your organization is popular enough, sure, but there's nothing like a massive PR blitz to make sure that donations and sponsors are constantly coming in. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Increased income/decreased upkeep for Silver Cross

[] Write in
Intrigue: As terrified Gulan has been lately, he's been doing everything he can to get every last scrap of information he can find on Palpatine and his plans.

Pick 2:

[] Lots Of Plans, Lots Of Wrenches (CIS): While the CIS has been having issues lately, it might be worthwhile to ensure that they don't get the chance to regain momentum. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 50 Reward: CIS war effort damaged

[] Lots Of Plans, Lots Of Wrenches (Republic): The Republic winning at this point would be just as bad as if the CIS won. Send some agents to help stall GAR offensives and make sure the Republic doesn't get a clear advantage either. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 50 Reward: Republic war effort damaged

[] The Hunt For Ko Sai: Kal's told you that the Omegas and Deltas are trying to hunt down a rogue Kaminoan scientist named Ko Sai in the hopes of using her expertise to find a cure for the clone army's accelerated aging. While he's positive that they can handle the op on their own he certainly wouldn't turn away your help if you offered it. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Ko Sai captured faster

[] Bad Moon Over Coruscant: You've been told that apparently something's going on at a moon of Coruscant involving a Palpatine shell corporation sending money there for something. That's definitely worth looking into. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Palpatine project investigated

[] Grassroots Movements: Rile up protests, sponsor anti-government media, do whatever it takes, but stop Palpatine from getting any more influence any way you can. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Palpatine's influence stymied

[] Rumblings Of A Giant: According to recent reports out of the Senate a major project has been authorized involving a "supercapital ship" of some variety. While the project is apparently going to take a considerable amount of time to complete, that definitely sounds like it's at least worth looking into. Maybe Raith knows more about it given his position? Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Information on Republic secret project gained

[] Legacy Of Damask: Settling in on Muunilist has given you the opportunity to take a closer look at Hego Damask's old properties present on the planet. While Palpatine has moved to ensure that they are not for sale, it shouldn't be too hard to get teams in and see if there's anything left there. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Hego Damask holdings investigated/looted

[] Plucking A Clovis: Rush Clovis has been styming your efforts to fully integrate the IGBC into the CNS, you know for a fact that he's one of Palpatine's stooges, and he's potentially sitting on considerable amounts of credits that Palpatine can use. This cannot stand. Send your teams to figure out how to remove him from the picture by any means necessary. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Rush Clovis no longer a factor on Scipio, other potential benefits

[] The Codebreaker's Frying Pan: The good news from Genian is that Fry is finally over his bout of paranoia and is ready to go through with the final sale of his codebreaker. The bad news is that the Republic is still very interested in getting their hands on it and will move to ensure that they can get it for themselves, and there's a non-zero chance the CIS might find out enough to make a play of their own. All you have to do is figure out a way to get your hands on the codebreaker and make sure no one else figures out you acquired it in the process. Easy, right? Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Fry's codebreaker secured

[] Black Information: If you're going to beat Palpatine, you'll need to deal with his cohorts in both the CIS and the Republic. Thankfully said cohorts are for the most part massively paranoid, and given enough damning information they'd likely quickly turn on each other. That being said this would be extremely difficult to pull off.
-[] CIS: Palpatine's admittedly less subtle minions make up the CIS leadership, to say nothing of Dooku and Sev'rance. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: CIS leadership destabilized
-[] Republic: This is where Palpatine's been concentrating his strength the most; this would be much riskier but much more rewarding. Chance of Success: 30% Reward: Palpatine's inner circle weakened

[] Information For A Price: Since you're now committing yourself to making sure neither the Republic or CIS win any time soon, why not sell some information to both sides and make a profit off of it in the meantime? Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Income from selling information

[] Delicious Bacta: Thyferra has been a very rich planet thanks to keeping a stranglehold on bacta and any product that could potentially compete with it. Given that you're running a medical corporation getting access to those materials and formulae would be very useful, though said information would be heavily guarded. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Data on bacta products stolen from Thyferra

[] Ball Busting: The Coilcoids have proven to be one of the most effective suppliers for the CIS, giving them droidekas, buzz droids, and tri-fighters. Said technology could be very useful in your hands given the right opportunity, though the CIS is hardly going to leave such an important supplier unguarded. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Coilcoid technology stolen, potential to sabotage factories

[] A Simply Mechanical Heist: Mechis III is home to many droid production facilities for the CIS and a number of advanced models are built there...not to mention that it's owned by your friends in the Techno Union. Perhaps taking a look at their production lines and droid models could come in handy, especially since it's slightly less guarded than other targets of opportuniuty. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Mechis III data stolen, potential to sabotage factories

[] "Helping" Old "Friends": Apparently the Techno Union has recently been in the market for cortosis, and is paying people to ship considerable amounts of them undetected. This sounds like it could be the beginnings of a new TU project...and given your relationship with them it also sounds like the chance to begin setting up a heist. Send some fake transports their way and see what information you can come back with. Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 100 Reward: Techno Union project discovered

[] Public Relations Vaccination: While you did manage to deal with the Sith blackmail there's still a possibility that new incriminating information on you could be found. Preempt that by spreading a mix of truth and lies about you before debunking it all, making it that much harder for any actual dirt to be used on you. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Increased defense against any incriminating evidence on you

[] Write in
Lore: Tyro's been much more grim with the recent news, and you've heard that he's been training himself just as much as his pupils.

Pick 1 Regular Action, 1 Archaeological Action:

[] Force research: The Force is interesting and despite claims to the contrary (especially those of the Jedi) it has not been fully understood, most likely not even sufficiently, and there are still tricks to be discovered here and there. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Progress in researching new Tricks and Techniques (Takes 2 turns)

[] Incorporate Luka Sene Techniques: The abilities that you've learned from the Luka Sene aren't exactly flashy, but between their improved ability to use Force vision in combat as well as the more engineering oriented ability for them to see energy fields, there's definitely plenty your Agents can learn from. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Luka Sene abilities taught to all Agents

[] Incorporate Matukai Techniques: Integrating the techniques learned from observing the Makutai would make your Agents that much tougher physically. Being able to make your body tough enough to resist direct damage speaks for itself. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Matukai abilities taught to all Agents

[] Research Alternative Force Schools: While the Jedi and Sith are the most well-known Force users in the galaxy there are certainly others that have mastered more esoteric techniques that could be useful to you. You already have information on them from the datachips so it shouldn't be too difficult. (Choose 1 below) Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Learn techniques from other Force users
-[] Jensaarai: A group of Force users that apparently follow a blend of Jedi and Sith teachings. Their unique ability is "ballistakinesis," which is basically hurling things at enemies at blindingly fast/lethal speeds.
-[] Fallanasi: A mostly female group of pacifistic Force users, their unique abilities are projected illusions and the ability to become practically undetectable.
-[] Nightsisters: You've already got an in with them through Talzin, and they have very unusual abilities that you might be able to use yourself.
-[] Tyia Adepts: A pacifistic group of Force users based on Revyia, they are extremely skilled at healing in general.
-[] Voss Mystics: These Force users have extremely powerful foresight to the point that their visions are regarded as fact.
-[] Write-in (Subject to Veto)

[] Archaeological Expeditions: There are very famous sites in the galaxy that are dying for someone to lead expeditions to...and potentially locate Force-related artifacts. Chance of Success: 70% (80% on planets with a *) Cost: 50 Reward: Expedition to chosen location launched
-[] Korriban: The origin world of the Sith, this planet would contain plenty of artifacts for those that can withstand the wildlife and the immense influence of the Dark Side.
-[] Yavin IV: Home to many different Force temples and was the home base for many famed Sith Lords, the moon would certainly contain plenty of interesting artifacts on its surface.
-[] Tython: A candidate for the ancestral home of the Jedi Order, this planet still has a considerable amount of ruins that are begging to be explored.
-[] Outer Rim (Dxun, Telos (IV))*: A pair of worlds closely associated with the Jedi Civil War era, they are home to Sith and Jedi ruins respectively.
-[] Inner Rim (Obora-Skai, Phateem): Two of the Wonders of the Galaxy, these worlds contain expansive databases that could contain valuable information.
-[] Hutt Space (Manda, Tatooine): These worlds contain various libraries and such that would make for interesting material to steal examine closely.
-[] Duro: The Valley of Royalty is listed as another Wonder of the Galaxy, and contains an incredible (if varied) collection of data & historical artifacts. Sounds like a good place for "research."
-[] Sith Worlds: A generalization of worlds in the Northern Rim that are dotted with Sith ruins, artifacts, and who knows what else. Could be dangerous. Would definitely be profitable.
-[] Lehon/Rakata Prime: The homeworld of the once mighty Rakatan Infinite Empire, recent discoveries by your salvage teams on Coruscant indicate that there could be far more to this world than meets the eye.

[] A Brother's Lament: Talzin has contacted you, requesting your assistance in recovering someone of interest to her. She wanted an in-person meeting to give more details, but from what you understand the "target" is a Force-user that could be a potential asset to the both of you. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Talzin's person of interest recovered

[] Write in
Learning: Var Zheen has been throwing himself into his research with reckless abandon, hoping to develop something that can help you fight off a Sith Lord.

Pick 2, or pick only one Research action and halve its time:

[] Investigate Anomalies: The maps gained from the Expedition into the Unknown Regions you funded noted several unusual anomalies nobody could make any sense of. Perhaps your researchers can figure something out. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 60 Reward: ???

[] The Mysteries of Myrkr: According to some of the Miraluka that have been on CNS trips there is an odd planet on the fringe of CNS space that has displayed oddities with the Force, with "spots" of some kind covering the planet. Given the things that have caused your Force vision to go haywire in the past that's definitely worth looking into further. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Myrkr investigated

[] Develop Improved Medical Gear: The Karada Corporation needs equipment distinct from that of the competition, as few as there might be. Both for personal use and modified to personal preferences and to sell. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 60 Reward: Increase Karada profits, officially produce high-quality gear, increase troop survival rate [Takes 3 turns, locks actions for 2 turns]

[] Develop Improved Medicine: The Karada Corporation needs to develop new types of medicine instead of just producing legal knock-offs of what already exists. Either by providing variants specifically designed for specific species, improving on already existing types of Medicine or similar products. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 80 Reward: Increase Karada profits, officially produce high-quality medicine and medpacs, increase troop survival rate [Takes 3 turns, locks actions for 2 turns]

[] Non-Human Genemods: The Arkanians have developed mods for the Human/Near-Human families, but more research is going to be needed from them if they're going to be able to genemod other species. They have a good start from the mods thus far so research on this shouldn't take too long. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: Genemodding available for non-human species [Takes 2 turns]

[] Personal Shield Technology: It's saddening, but personal shields have become more and more difficult to find and produce in spite of their prevalence in the past. That being said creating an in-house model would mean that you would have a very powerful tool of your own to use, and you have some data on them thanks to HK-47. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 150 Reward: Personal Shields (re-)developed [Takes 3 Turns, Locks action for 1 Turn]

[] Materials Research: There are quite a few odd materials and minerals in the galaxy that you might be able to work with to produce unique weapons and gear for your troops if you looked into them enough. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 50 Reward: Selected material analyzed for usage in weapons/armor [Takes 2 Turns]
-[] Phirk: A malleable metal that is surprisingly extremely durable despite being very light. It's also incredibly expensive for those reasons but you can deal with that after the research is done.
-[] Cortosis: The favorite metal of anyone fighting against lightsaber users since it can cause said weapons to short out, though it's quite brittle on its own. Definitely worth looking into.
-[] Agrocite: A material used to boost turbolaser fire, but you've heard rumors that the Wookiees have used it in their bowcasters to make them even more powerful weapons.
-[] Ionite: As expected by the name this material can be used to neutralize energy fields. Surely there's more that can be done with the material.

[] Anti-Force Research: There are some esoteric creatures and substances in the galaxy that could blunt Force usage but they're difficult to recover and hard to research due to their nature. Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 200 Reward: Anti-Force subject researched [Takes 4 turns, locks action for 2 turns]
-[] Senflax: Apparently this is a neurotoxin of some variety that can be used to damage Force users in particular. If you could develop a decent delivery system you would have a very powerful tool to use...
-[] Taozin: A creature that somehow negates Force vision and precognition, maybe studying could let you figure out how it even does that in the first place?

[] Clone Resources: Skirata has requested that should you have the time and resources that you send a few doctors to help care for the clone deserters and help research their rapid aging in the hopes of finding a cure. In addition, said staff would also work on using the nano-droids to help destroy the chips embedded in the deserters. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: Medical staff for clone deserters recruited, field-testing of nano-droids commenced

[] Analyze Commando Gear: Despite his grumbling Skirata was willing to part with a few sets of clone commando armor and weaponry. Have your research teams look into them and see what they can reverse-engineer from them. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 150 Reward: Commando Gear reverse-engineered [Takes 2 Turns]

[] HK-47 Analysis: It's insane just how effective an assassin droid HK-47 is despite the facts that he is over four millennia old and hasn't been properly repaired since then. Letting your researchers study him in-depth could result in significant boosts to your engineering department. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 50 Reward: HK-47's design studied, potential for droid upgrades

[] Write in
Personal: You have to get stronger.

Pick 2:

[] Physical Training: At this point you're on par with your stronger associates, but you know that you have to keep improving. Chance of Success: 70%
-[] Strategy Lessons: Between Grievous and Thrawn you have some very skilled leaders under your employ, and you could hardly ask for better instructors if you want to learn more about how to properly command troops on the field. Reward: Martial Increase, command training
-[] Piloting 101: Sure you can fly a ship from Point A to Point B, but you aren't really prepared for a real dogfight if the situation calls for it. Asajj is, and while she has been willing to train you could have sworn you saw her grin slightly when you asked. Reward: Martial Increase, pilot training
-[] Form III (Soresu) Training: While Form II has proven to be a useful tool at times, you would certainly appreciate the chance to expand your abilities in lightsaber combat just in case. And wouldn't you know it, you happen to know one of the best users of Form III in the galaxy-one Obi-Wan Kenobi. Annoy him enough like you did Dooku and you might have the chance to pick up some pointers from him. Reward: Martial Increase, Form III training (Takes 2 Turns)
-[] Write in

[] Force Training: Palpatine is going to be incredibly strong in the Force. You're going to need to get much stronger yourself if you want to take him on.
-[] Blazing Chains (Advanced): Now that you actually know how to properly use Blazing Chains, Tyro has offered to put you through the higher-level training of the technique should you so desire. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Advanced-level Blazing Chains techniques learned
-[] Matukai Techniques: Learning these techniques would strengthen your body dramatically, helping you in both combat and elsewhere. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Matukai techniques learned
-[] Nightsister Techniques: Now that Asajj has opened up a bit, she'd be more willing to help you learn some of her people's basic techniques such as controlling beasts with the Force. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Nightsister Techniques learned
-[] Shatterpoint (Conceptual): You have some ideas about how to perceive shatterpoints in events, but it's going to take much more intensive training in that area to properly perceive them. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Conceptual shatterpoint techniques learned
-[] Shatterpoint (Organic(?)): Unquestionably the most difficult thing you could attempt to train on right now; you're still trying to figure out why you can't see shatterpoints on living beings. Unfortunately you have absolutely nothing to go on here aside from speculation so even trying to comprehend this will be that much more difficult. Chance of Success: 30% Reward: ???

[] Ciaran's Conundrums: Looking at the whole Palpatine situation one important detail is clear to you: odds are that Anakin Skywalker is going to be right at the heart of it. While you've talked with him at length on a number of occasions about his status as a Jedi he's still been vacillating on the matter quite a bit and hasn't really committed to any major descisions on the matter. You can't afford to have someone as powerful as him be a wild card; set aside some time to thoroughly speak with him about it and see if you can convince him to do something. Chance of Success: ??? Reward: ???

[] Personal attention/Increased Focus: Sometimes you just have to either keep an eye on your minions to ensure that they don't screw up or prepare more intensively for something that you need to handle personally. Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: Your stats + Force Sight bonus added to a action of your choice

[] Accelerate research: The research at Karada is going way too slowly. Dedicate your free time and some additional resources to speed it all up. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 50 Reward: Research time halved, action lock time halved

[] Write in
Hero Units: You've been gathering a lot of talented individuals under your command, and many of them have ambitions of their own that they may need your help with to succeed.

Optional, Pick Up To 2, Uses Hero Unit's Full Stats:
[] Under The Knife: The Arkanians are now able and very willing to begin genemodding on new volunteers at your facilities should they ask for it. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: Selected Hero Unit genemodded
-[] Choose 1 Hero Unit:
--[] Silencer: No response as usual.
--[] Thrawn: Ambivalent to the idea, but if you want him to go through with it he will.
--[] Ventress: Leery of the Arkanians, it might be a bit difficult to get her to go through with it.
-[] Choose 1 Genemod:
--[] Chiss: Thrawn's species, red-eyed and blue-skinned with above-average night vision and inherently fit bodies. (Martial, Intrigue)
--[] Echani: The progenitors of the Silencer's Thyrsian species, they are fierce fighters who believe in the concept of communication through combat. (Martial, Lore)
--[] Pau'an: Natives of Utapau, they can see well in darkness but their most notable trait is their extremely long lifespans. The Arkanians have noted that this genemod will extend a recipient's life span by about 20 years as opposed to regular genemods. (Intrigue, enhanced lifespan)
--[] Miraluka: Your own species, able to see through the Force despite a lack of eyes. The Arkanians have admitted that they're not entirely sure what will happen if that mod is used due to the species' natural connection with the Force. (Lore, ???)
--[] Zabrak: A tough species that is extremely resistant to physical pain. (Martial)
--[] Zeltron: An incredibly attractive species that uses pheromones to gain an edge in social conversations. (Diplomacy, Intrigue)

[] PR-1: He's Like You But Better: While you were considering new potential upgrades for PR-1, Borvo got in touch with you and pointed out that his men had salvaged a curious droid from the Scimitar that similar to PR-1's 3PO design but more...violent. He had forgotten about the droid until now as he had its memory wiped and the droid was sold off, both to ensure that it could not contact its previous owner and because. At any rate, he's tracked it down again and while its current owner isn't interested in parting with him, given enough credits Borvo could get its blueprints into your hands in the hopes of reverse-engineering its parts for PR-1. (Uses Stewardship Bonuses, PR-1 must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: C-3PX blueprints obtained for PR-1 upgrades

[] Silas Cata: Mind Of A Scoundrel: While Silas has known quite a few other scoundrels throughout his life and your organization has many ties within the underworld, Silas has suggested that you visit a few seedy bars and do some talent hunting. As he put it you would never hear of the best scoundrels and there's no better way of finding them than the old-fashioned ways. (Uses Intrigue Bonuses, Silas Cata must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Potential new employees located, ???

[] Silas Cata: Welcome To The Family: While Oki could be a valuable member of the Watchers given her shapeshifting abilities, she's not exactly well-trained in the arts of impersonation, infiltration, etc, etc. Silas wants the chance to spend some 'family time' with her and help her learn the ropes. (Uses Intrigue Bonuses, Silas Cata must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Oki gains "formal" subterfuge training, ???

[] The Silencer: Legacy of the Moon: While the Silencer's time with the Sun Guard has proven fruitful (the betrayal notwithstanding), Grievous has floated the idea that you also send him to train with the Echani as well in the hopes of giving him a different perspective on his martial arts. At least this time you know the Echani aren't Sith cultists. (Uses Martial Bonuses, The Silencer must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 50% Reward: The Silencer trains with the Echani, ???

[] Cheriss Sair: Continued Frame Development: Cheriss is happy to have a newer body that is more effective than her Torgruta disguise and is more functional overall, but she's convinced that the frame itself can be improved and have potential applications for your droid units. (Uses Learning Bonuses, Cheriss Sair must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 50 Reward: Cheriss continues R&D on her frame, ???

[] Cheriss Sair: The Art Of Droid Design: While you can see the obvious reasons for wanting to examine HK-47 from an engineering standpoint, Cheriss is convinced that given the chance to study him-or at least schematics of him-could dramatically expand her knowledge of droid design in general-all she needs is the time to study it. (Uses Learning Bonuses, Cheriss Sair must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Cheriss expands her knowledge of droid design, ???

[] Thrawn: A Scholar's Passion Project: One of the Wonders of the Galaxy is Space City, a mostly abandoned colossal space station that is not only effectively a floating museum but is rumored to be home to ancient Jedi libraries. Thrawn is more concerned about the 'museum' aspect though, and has politely mentioned that if you could give him time and (admittedly significant) funds he would like to take teams to the city and expand its collections. While there would be a base established there in some capacity, it's rather obvious that Thrawn considers that to be an afterthought. (Uses Stewardship Bonuses. Thrawn must be assigned to this action) Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 200 Reward: Space City reclaimed as both museum and base, ???

[] Grievous: Let the Hunt Begin: While he is certainly happy to work with you Grievous has requested the chance for him and a group of Kaleesh warriors personally chosen by him to go on a hunt. His destination: Vendaxa, a planet home to some of the fiercest predators in the galaxy. He's pointed out that he might be able to capture some of the beasts of the planet for your use, though it's clear that he's using that as an excuse more than anything else... (Uses Martial Bonuses, Grievous must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Grievous hones his skills through his hunts, ???

[] Asajj Ventress: Homecoming Trip: While it's been years since she's been on the planet, Asajj was once the de facto ruler of Rattatak, ruling from the creatively named Castle Ventress. While she's not particularly interested in regaining rule over the planet for various reasons, she has expressed a desire to return there to see if there is anything she has left behind as well as potentially converting the castle into a facility for the Watchers. (Uses Martial Bonuses, Asajj Ventress must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Asajj reclaims her castle, ???

[] HK-47: Returning To Form: Much to his consternation, the four millennia that HK-47 has spent deactivated has caused significant wear and tear on his body. He's made it very clear (by threatening some engineers on occasion) that he would like a tune-up ASAP so he can return to his past glory. (Uses Learning Bonuses, HK-47 must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: HK-47 returned to full functionality, ???

[] HK-47: Beneath Scum And Villany: As it turns out Nar Shaddaa of all worlds is home to a compound that once belonged to Revan himself during the Cold War era, and HK-47 was entrusted with passcodes to said compound. Have him lead a team there to see what remains after all these years. (Uses Learning Bonuses, HK-47 must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Revan's Nar Shaddaa compound accessed, ???

[] HK-47: Revan's Final Legacy: According to HK-47, Revan's greatest legacy was re-purposing a Rakatan space station known as the Foundry to help him produce an army of droids that were to help him destroy the Sith Empire, though he was killed before he could unleash the droids on the galaxy. While HK says that he can access the facility you're not certain what state it would be in after all these millennia or even if it would be safe to enter...but if it kept even a tenth of its original functionality it would be an invaluable asset. (Uses Learning Bonuses, HK-47 must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Foundry accessed, ???
New Bases:

Cato Nemodia: While you might be playing the role of a neutral faction in the war the Trade Federation is still grateful enough to you for your past aid to mark a nice mansion on Cato Nemodia for you to buy to "foster better relations." Fact of the matter is that said mansion would be on a planet where the TF has many droid factories and vehicle factories... Cost: 150 Reward: Base on Cato Nemodia

Scipio: Given recent revelations about the planet in question it would definitely be worthwhile to have a base on Scipio to operate from. Cost: 200 Reward: Property on Scipio

Lianna: Raith has pointed out that if you want to truly give a sign of partnership with him you could always establish a Karada corporation branch on Lianna. He's even pointed out a good facility for you to move into. Cost: 200 Reward: Facility on Lianna

Corulag: Alternatively, Raith is willing to set aside some property on Corulag if you're willing to help invest in the more clandestine Advanced Research Division branch of his company. Cost: 200 Reward: Facility on Corulag

Fresia: Thanks to Seti's support the Fresian government has marked a piece of property that is conveniently empty for you to build a base on for hiding away, supporting Incom, or both. Cost: 100 Reward: Base on Fresia

Ord Mantell: You've managed to persuade some ex-Black Sun goons into putting up a compound on the planet for sale, which could come in handy given the planet's ties to the former syndicate and its proximity to other valuable worlds. Cost: 125 Reward: Compound on Ord Mantell

Sullust: Bribbs has helped you find a facility on the planet that you can purchase on behalf of Karada should you wish to invest in SoroSuub or Sullust itself. Cost: 200 Reward: Facility on Sullust

Arkania: The Arkanians have been long-time employees within your organization, you've been investing in the planet for a long while now, and it's just now joined the CNS. Now seems like a good a time as any to move in. Cost: 150 Reward: Facility on Arkania

Dantooine: While you do already have the Luxus resort and the odd team recovering lightsaber crystals from the caves, it couldn't hurt to set up a proper base here. It would be incredibly cheap anyway given both the planet's isolation and the already present infrastructure. Cost: 50 Reward: Base on Dantooine

[] Write-in (Base 200 Cost, Idea Subject to GM Veto)

Base Upgrades: With how many credits you own it might be an idea to upgrade your bases a bit.

Coruscant Base:

[] Droid Marketing Office: You've been stockpiling B1 droids for ages now and its not like you really need them as much anymore given that your teams are more effective in every conceivable way. Instead why not sell off the surplus people who aren't going to use them to contribute to the war. Cost: 50 Reward: +25 income so long as droid production goes over cap

[] Karada Expansion: Setting up more specialized branches of Karada would help you get more credits out of the company.
-[] Karada Cybernetics Branch: You've managed to develop a brand of unique cybernetics that are generally more effective than many other brands on the market thanks to Cheriss' designs. Time to really rake in the money from that. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 income from cybernetics branch
-[] Karada Medical Programs: Set up training programs within Karada to teach would-be medics and doctors, which would not only bring in new talent but also would be profitable from tuition fees. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 income from tuition fees
-[] Karada Manufacturing: Your researchers have already developed your own brand of medical gear and equipment. There's a war on -- start making more and selling it! Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Income from medical gear sales
-[] Karada Pharmaceuticals: Your researchers have developed your own variants of common pharmaceuticals, including some medicine specialized for particular species. Start marketing them for sale around the galaxy. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Income from medicine sales

[] Underworld Takeover: Your presence may have expanded across the galaxy but in your experience consolidation always pays. Use your new might and start acquiring new territory in the Coruscant Underworld and consolidate. Cost: 75 Reward: Guardian/Seeker recruitment rate increase, can be taken more than once, potential for further development in owned areas

[] Write in: Stay reasonable

Kaleesh Outpost:

[] Kalee Development Program: Thanks to your stellar relationship with the Kaleesh and the fact that you have Grievous himself in your organization, you have the opportunity to solidify your alliance with the Kaleesh people by setting aside some funds for everything they could ever want from weapons to supplies to prefab buildings. Not only will this generally improve the quality of life on Kalee, but it will allow their people to send even more warriors to you, permanently solidifying your alliance with them. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Cap on Kaleesh warriors removed, Kalee begins improving economically, continued hatred of the Huk (like you care)

[] Simulation Centers: These centers would use data from the various operations you've undertaken over the years to produce simulated battles that could be used for training purposes. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Martial bonus

[] Write in: Stay reasonable

Oracle (Lucrehulk):

[] Sienar Ship Customization: The Oracle is a fine ship, but it could be better; now that you've partnered with Sienar you could let him and his team loose on the ship and see what they can do to upgrade it. Cost: 75 Reward: Increased general performance of Oracle

[] Invisible Hand Refit: While the Invisible Hand is a fine ship, it is also a floating target given that the CIS would very much like to have one of their most prominent ships back. Refitting it would not only help mask its identity but it could also be improved upon in the process by Sienar and Kuat. Cost: 125 Reward: Invisible Hand refit and able to act on own initiative

[] 'Grand Fleet' Initiative: A bold initiative suggested by Thrawn: leveraging your connections with Sienar, Incom, and KDY, give them enough credits to convert your support fleet for the Oracle into a legitimate battlefleet with military-grade hardware across the board. It will be incredibly expensive, but the results will speak for themselves. Cost: 250 Reward: Oracle Fleet upgraded to military-grade

[] Salvage Fleet: Thanks to Silver Cross, you have access to pretty much every battlefield in the galaxy, and can move in almost as soon as the fighting is done. Set up a scavenger/salvage fleet to take advantage of this -- to sweep in after the fighting's done, looking for high-quality tech or mostly-intact starships to seize. You might even save a few lives and get a PR boost out of it -- have your salvage teams keep an eye out for survivors, and work with Silver Cross to get them medical attention as soon as they're found. Cost: 100 Reward: +75 Income from salvage teams, per-turn roll for other benefits

[] Write in: Stay reasonable

Mandalorian Mansion:

[] Hidden Defenses: The usual protections, better safe than sorry and all. Cost: 50 Reward: Mansion defended against possible attacks

[] Beskar Iron Mine Lease: While the Death Watch have been purged from Concordia the Beskar mines could still use new investors. Having access to those metals might come in handy. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Access to Beskar iron, increase in elite troop armor quailty

[] Kyriemout Investments: Funnel some extra credits into Kyriemout to strengthen the compound as well as earn Skirata's favor. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: Clan Skirata strengthened

[] Karada Facility: Setting up a Karada facility on Mandalore would certainly get you some money, but more importantly it would help you funnel scientists and medical gear to Kyriemout more easily. Cost: 100 Reward: +25 income from Karada sales, medical supplies for Clan Skirata

[] Write in: Stay Reasonable

Lordran, Kiln:

[] Build personal Retreat: Build a personal Retreat/Fortified Mansion on the planet to have a place to escape to in case of trouble in the known parts of the Galaxy. Cost: 200

[] Droid Factory: With the required resources available now you can begin to build your very own Droid Factory on the planet to bolster your troops with new battle droids.
-[] Basic Droid Factory: Cost: 50 Upkeep: 20 Reward: +2 groups of basic battle droids per turn
-[] OOM Droid Factory: Cost: 60 Upkeep: 25 Reward: +2 groups of OOM battle droids per turn
-[] Super Droid Factory: Cost: 75 Upkeep: 35 Reward: +1 group of Super Battle Droids per turn
-[] Commando Droid Factory: Cost: 75 Upkeep: 35 Reward: +1 group of BX Commando droids per turn
-[] Spider Droid Factory: Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: +1 Spider droid group per turn

[] Orbital Shipyards: An expensive investment to be sure, but building shipyards over Kiln would let you (slowly) build your own ships...or more likely help repair whatever ships you stole this month. Whichever works really. Cost: 200 Upkeep: 100 Reward: Ability to build and repair ships discreetly

[] Military Production Facilities: Your military forces have been expanding dramatically and with that expansion has come additional costs in equipping them. Set up some facilities on Kiln to produce gear in-house and cut back on those expenses. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: 40% decrease in military upkeep

[] Write in: Stay reasonable

La'Sombra (Asteroid Base):

[] Defense Grid: The base might be hard to find but it pays to be sure that it's guarded. Cost: 50 Reward: Defenses for base established

[] Anomalous Materials Research Facilities: The isolated nature of the facility and the already present research equipment make La'Sombra a prime location for setting up facilities dedicated to researching anomalous or rare materials in the galaxy. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: Decreased research times for current/future anomalous/rare materials research

[] Carnivore Containment Facilities: The fact of the matter is that the galaxy is home to a lot of very angry and very dangerous predators that can tear people to shreds in an instant. So why not capture a few for yourself and see if you can tame them? You know, as long as you place several durasteel walls between them and everyone else... Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Containment facilities for aggressive fauna constructed

[] Write in: Stay Reasonable

Nar Shaddaa Property:

[] Blacksite: Much like Kalee, you could build up a facility that would allow you to train up more men. Given that this is Nar Shaddaa, no one would bat an eye at the place anyway. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: Increased recruitment rates for all units

[] Cantina Franchise: Modeled off of the original Diamond Deception cantina, this plan would be to launch a franchise on Nar Shaddaa, catering to the lower class unlike your casino and nightclub. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 cantina income

[] Expanded Smugglers Den: Nar Shaddaa is a 'Smugglers Moon', so it shouldn't be too difficult to invest more heavily in the black market. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Smuggling Income

[] Amateur Bounty Hunters: It would take a lot of effort to set up an official chapter of the Bounty Hunters Guild. However, there's nothing saying your agents can't take advantage of the bounty offices spread across the city, and go hunting to bring some of those bounties in. Cost: 50 Reward: +25 Military Income

[] Undercity Investment: Right beneath your property are factories, shipyards, and who knows what else that could be exploited for the sake of amplifying your profits on the planet. That and investing in actually paying your workers could make you a popular woman on the planet... Cost: 150 Upkeep: 50 Reward: 30% boost to Nar Shaddaa income

[] Write in: Stay Reasonable

Castell Facility:

[] Cantina Franchise: The fact of the matter is that Shu Mai's unpopular rule has left a lot of Gossam bitter and jaded. Giving them a place to unwind would help with that and make you a more popular figure on the planet. This plan would launch of franchise of cantinas, modeled after your original Diamond Deception cantina on Coruscant much like your plans on Nar Shaddaa. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 cantina income, increased popularity on Castell

[] Invest in Mining companies. The Commerce Guild isn't just limited to SoroSuub. Dorvalla Mining, Arcona Mineral Harvest Corporation, Offworld Mining Corporation, Rim Commercial Mining, and the Mining Guild itself are all dues-paying members, and together they control a staggering number of mines and mineral-rights claims across the galaxy, including throughout Neutral Space. Invest in these companies -- not just for profit, but also to secure their support or at least acquiescence when we oust Shu Mai. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 mining income

[] Gossam Commando Investments/Subversion: Castell has its own military, which Shu Mai has used as her own personal shock-troops. Still, she isn't very popular at the moment, and we are. Perhaps we could work with them to ensure they support us when we oust Shu Mai?
-[] Commando Gear: Offer to provide them with better gear. Cost: 50 Reward: Gossam Commandos more likely to survive, and more likely to support Lady Ciaran
-[] Gossam Militia: establish and recruit a local militia-cum-paramilitary force, who can help out the Commandos with logistics and transport in various operations, and more easily replace Commandos who have died. Of course, it doesn't hurt that the milita would be filled with people loyal to you.... Cost: 75 Reward: Gossam Commandos more likely to support Lady Ciaran, potential increase in Underworld Rumors
-[] Castell Academy: Set up a military academy, officially for the Abyss Watchers, but with an open invitation to the Gossam Commandos to provide them with advanced traiing. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 25 Reward: increased experience for all Abyss Watcher military squads, Gossam Commandos more likely to survive and more likely to support Lady Ciaran

[] Write in: Stay Reasonable

Muunilist Mansion:

[] Large-Scale Wiretaps: Trust, but verify. Cost: 50 Reward: +25 Information income, potential increase to Underworld Rumors

[] Invest in a polar Mine-Spire: Muunilist is dotted with long-extinct volcanic vents that are filled with precious metals, used as a source of wealth, as collateral for bank loans, or as reserve for the bank deposits themselves. Pretty much the only unexploited vault-spires lie in the polar regions. It's a bit more challenging, but definitely worthwhile. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 banking income OR +50 mining income

[] Invest in Plain Family businesses: Max Plain is the current Senator from Muunilist, and one of the few Banking Clan leaders who was actually neutral rather than using a veneer of neutrality to support the CIS. His family is quite influential, so invest in them to signal our support of their leadership for the IGBC once we've dealt with Rush Clovis. Cost: 50 Reward: +25 investment income

[] Invest in Phlut Design Systems: once a thriving weapons developer, Phlut borrowed a massive amount from the IGBC to get in on the 'battle droid builder' game. Their first and major product (the IG lancer droids) performed decently in the Battle of Muunilist, but with the IGBC defeat, Phlut has had trouble staying solvent. A prime opportunity for investment, especially since they have quite a few droid models that might prove useful to us. Cost: 100 Reward: +25 income, access to IG droid schematics, potential for future upgrades

[] Write in: Stay Reasonable

Vectivus' Home:

[] Defense Grid: Much like La'Sombra, it would be worthwhile to make sure that the Home is properly guarded given its value. Cost: 50 Reward: Defenses for base established

[] Archaeological Facility: The Home is old, and according to Vectivus it was home to another Force-using group long before he ever arrived. It seems like it might be a good place for your Force-sensitive employees to be able to launch missions from and store artifacts at. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 25 Reward: +5 on Lore rolls

[] Write in: Stay Reasonable

Kashyyyk Facility:

[] Tarisian Ale Plant: Ironically despite the name Tarisan Ale is produced from glands native to Kashyyyk itself. Instead of dealing with imports and tariffs and whatnot, you could just build up a processing plant on Kashyyyk. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 income from exporting Tarisian Ale

[] Engineer Recruitment Center: Though they may not look the type at first glance, Wookiees have been some of the best engineers in the galaxy and you could certainly use their help in your endeavors. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: +5 bonus to engineering actions (Learning)

[] House Benelex Expansion: House Benelex is a very young Bounty Hunting Guild chapter that specializes in kidnapping retrieval and anti-slavery/anti-piracy work. Invest and help them expand to Kashyyyk -- the Wookies have long had a problem with Trandoshan slavers, so there's a ready source of income available, and the proximity to Hutt Space should be good for business long-term. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 investment income (OR military income?)

[] Ithorian Botanical Garden and Nursery: the Ithorians are the best ecologists and agriculturalists in the galaxy, especially known for their lush 'herdships' with lush biomes. Kashyyyk is a forest planet covered in highly-adaptable wroshyr trees that can grow thousands of meters tall. Invite the Ithorians to cultivate native plants, especially wroshyr trees, for off-world export, both for their own use and for sale across the galaxy. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 investment income

[] Invest in KashyCorp: KashyCorp specializes in heavy weapons and vehicles, best suited for the tall and powerful Wookie Warriors. Invest in their business and help them expand production, both to improve Kashyyyk's ability to defend itself but also to gain access to those weapons and vehicles for your own Wookie recruits. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 investment income, upgraded weapons, Wookie Warrior squads more likely to survive combat

[] Invest in Uurbahhahvoovv Joiners & Artisans: this company specializes in small, cheap, high-speed evacuation pods. Given the scale of the Clone Wars, there should be quite a bit of demand for a instantly-usable 'get out of jail free card' to let you escape a war zone. Have Silver Cross invest in the company and help them mass-produce the things for sale around the galaxy. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Silver Cross income

[] Incom/Sienar/Kuat Expansion: if you are interested in hiring Wookie engineers, perhaps the other major starship corporations would feel the same way? Invite them to expand their facilities to the planet, and move more of their work away from Palpatine's sphere of influence in the Core. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 investment income

[] Write in: Stay Reasonable

Taris Property:

[] Sustained Revitalization: Your efforts to ensure Taris was revitalized were nothing short of miraculous! ...But there's only so much a miracle can do; the economy isn't quite stable enough to handle larger-scale investments into things like shipyards and more dramatic ecological recovery efforts. It's going to take a large and constant influx of money, but the payoff should be well worth it. Cost: 200 Upkeep: 200 Reward: Current economic state sustained, higher-tier upgrades available

[] SoroSuub Landing Reconstruction: A long time ago SoroSuub had a dedicated section of the planet that they had control over, but then the Sith came in and ruined everything. Now that the planet's coming back to life and you have the ear of SoroSuub, why not invite them back and make a profit off of it in the meantime. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 income from SoroSuub investments

[] Machineville Racing Course: According to Tarisians this planet was the home of the swoop bike and swoop racing, but the destruction of the planet put an end to that particular legacy. Help build up one of the more famous racing courses and see if you can start getting some more publicity among sports fans. Cost: 50 Reward: Machineville Racing Course rebuilt

[] Wookiee Trade Guild Expansion: Similarly to SoroSuub, you could invite the Wookiee Trade Guild to expand to the planet. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Wookiee Trade Guild investment income

[] Recruitment Center: The people here love you and would be more than willing to sign on with you full time if you let them. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Increased Guardian/Seeker recruitment rates

[] Trade Port: You might as well officially move in on the planet's trade. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income

[] Large-scale Wiretaps: surely there's something worth listening to in an ecumenopolis? Cost: 50 Reward: +25 Information income, potential increase to Underworld Rumors

[] Kuat Drive Yards Branch: now that you have contact with Kuat, invite them to build a shipyard of their own on Taris, to take advantage of the city's remarkable revitalization. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 investment income

[] Lhosan Industries Swoop-Bike Factory: have Abyss Watchers reincorporate the original Tarisian business that once employed most of the Lower City. While it was officially a mining & manufacturing company, it was best known as the original maker of the swoop-bike; given your interest in Tarisian sports, that's definitely where you should begin. Cost: 100 Reward: +25 investment income

[] Write in: Stay Reasonable

Naboo Mansion:

[] Defense Grid: ...Meh. Cost: 50 Reward: Defenses for base established

[] Luxus Resort Branch: This is a lovely spot for a resort, so why not put a Luxus Resort nearby and have a nice place to relax? You could even use the chance to drag Padme here more often as an added benefit. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 income from Luxus Resort income.

[] Tradeport Expansion: You've already got a lot of money from this planet but it never hurts to consolidate. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income

[] Plasma Refinery Complex Investments: This complex near Theed's castle helps process considerable amounts of plasma for trading purposes which sounds like a great investment opportunity. But why does it have catwalks over nigh-on bottomless pits with no railings? Cost: 150 Reward: +75 income from investing in complex

[] Porso Hill Base Reclamation: Once upon a time Borvo had a base here that not only was able to produce N2 starfighters but served as a base of operations on the planet...before one Lieutenant Sykes came in and wrecked the place. Still, the past is the past, and it would be a very useful location to get a hold of. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Porso Hill reclaimed as a secure location and production site

[] Naboo Moon Mining Guild Investments: The Naboo Moon Mining Guild is an organization that legitimately sells spices on the market, not to mention that they are in competition with a slaver organization of some kind. It certainly sounds like a useful investment. Cost: 150 Reward: +50 income from Mining Guild investments, good PR against slavers

[] Buy Out Borvo's Black Market (Naboo): Borvo and his Nal Raka Criminal Empire have a much broader reach now than they did when he was still operating in a single sector. Borvo has neither the time nor the inclination to deal with Naboo, not when they still remember him for his actions during the Naboo invasion. Suggest to him that the Abyss Watchers should take over the local black market; your reputation is spotless, and now that you have a base on the planet, it should be easy to coordinate things. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 smuggling income

[] Invest in Borvo's Black Market (Rori): orbiting Naboo is the swamp moon Rori, best known for its kassoti spice mines -- a very mild narcotic with less severe addictive effects, which is why it's legal to trade and distribute. Borvo owns a trade port on the planet, to help facilitate transportation throughout the system. More importantly, Borvo's operation utilizes a private hyperlane, the Old Trade Federation Route, to transport goods on and off world. Invest in the tradeport, and in the black market surrounding it, to gain access to those smuggling lanes. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 smuggling income

[] Gungan Engineering: back when we first visited Naboo, Gulan and our agents encountered a Gungan scout. Nothing came of it, except Gulan took a recording of the Gungan's equipment, which included some very interesting and versatile energy technology that could be used for offensive weapons as well as personal shields. Now that we have a base on the planet, contact the Gungans and invite them to set up a production facility so they can start to sell their tech off-world. The fact that it would give us a closer look at their shield tech is just a bonus. Cost: 75 Reward: +25 investment/military income, potential research benefits

[] Write in: Stay Reasonable

Free Action:

[] Select any action from list above

Hero Support (applies half the stats to a chosen action):

PR-1: [] Write in
The Silencer: [] Write in
Silas Cata: [] Write in
Cheriss Sair: [] Write in
Thrawn: [] Write in
Grievous: [] Write in
Asajj Ventress: [] Write in
HK-47: [] Write in

Watcher Support (18 teams available, 1 Point per assigned team): [] Write in

AN: Phew! Finally got all of those write-ins statted and written out and stuff, so all of that's ready to go (for the record, the true final word count of this update is over 10k words fucking hell). Not much else to say for the moment besides that honestly, though Castell and Muunilist will require additional write-ins should you desire more upgrades there.

As always a reminder that there is a 24-hour moratorium on voting. Enjoy~
Last edited:
After looking at the list, I have decided that we need more actions.
It will also make the omake limit harder too reach.
As much as we could use more actions, we're already pushing Dr. Snark to the breaking point.

What we need to do is priotitize. Sure, plenty of shiny out there, but what do we need the most. Go after them first. Then work our way down.
This is what happens when you people give me like 20 write-ins.

The good news is that I'm willing to put all of them in (within reason).

The bad news is that all of them get put in.
[] Black Information: If you're going to beat Palpatine, you'll need to deal with his cohorts in both the CIS and the Republic. Thankfully said cohorts are for the most part massively paranoid, and given enough damning information they'd likely quickly turn on each other. That being said this would be extremely difficult to pull off.
-[] CIS: Palpatine's admittedly less subtle minions make up the CIS leadership, to say nothing of Dooku and Sev'rance. Chance of Success: 50%
-[] Republic: This is where Palpatine's been concentrating his strength the most; this would be much riskier but much more rewarding. Chance of Success: 30%
Well, that's interesting. We have both military and Intrigue options for stymieing either Republic or CIS sides, and we do want this war to stretch out so we have more time to prep. That said, I propose a course of action that will not only weaken both sides, but also potentially divert Palpatine's efforts towards our desires as well. We should weaken the Republic militarily, and get rid of Palpatine's stooges in the CIS. This limits the ability of the Republic to win, but also makes Palpatine less likely to want the CIS to win. Ideally, this will divert his attention and delay his personal efforts to bring about his triumph, in addition to the obvious delays to both sides war efforts.

[] Shards in cased in Ice


[] Pulling strings

Seem like the best Diplo actions. If i'm reading correctly we have a CNS action and a regular action. I say we go for these and DD on pulling strings. We need to take away the senate from Palps.

[] Shards in cased in Ice


[] Pulling strings

Seem like the best Diplo actions. If i'm reading correctly we have a CNS action and a regular action. I say we go for these and DD on pulling strings. We need to take away the senate from Palps.
I don´t think so, take the senate from Paps is important, but [] The Resurgent allow us to recruit the Freaking Jango Fett, a guy who has killed Jedi Knights armed with a fucking stone.

And apart from the coolness factor, to get him now would allow us to use his very likely high stats in as bonus for other actions.
HK needs some new parts for the future. Better get that done before he decides to kill someone in frustration.

Maybe we should try to talk to Anakin? The sooner we can get him to our point of view, the better so that a certain Sith Lord won't influence him as much. We might even get him as an ally for when we take on the evil Chancellor. If he killed Palpatine before, why not stick to the stations of canon for a change?
BBY 20, Second Quarter
Glorious. Responses forthcoming.

Current Treasury: 771
Current Income: 3684
Current Upkeep: 1713

All of the credits.
But we also have so many things to spend them on, that our amazing glorious unlimited income really isn't. We're operating on a galactic scale now, so the increase scale of our balance sheet makes sense.

There's a bunch of these that sound cool, but aren't important enough for our attention this turn, given everything else we could be doing. These include: both 'Black Ops' missions, Hutt mercenary work, 'Piracy & Burglary' (except maybe Murkhana, though I suspect it'd be better to wait on that until we can include Talesan Fry in the fun...), Hyperlane Pirating, Militia Standardization, Indiscriminate Piracy, and (probably) 'Pirate Queen'.

I'm also inclined to say that there are a number of actions that are too low-probability for this turn, including: False-Flag Piracy.

At this point, I'm pretty sure my top pick is 'Wookietarian Action' (defend Kashyyyk, meet Chewie!) as high-probability and fairly timely. I really want to claim the Arkanian Legacy, but I'm not sure how much hero support we can add to make it probable, and we definitely can't afford the Personal Attention. We might try the aggressive approach for the Chu'unthor (but I'd much prefer diplomacy) or 'Pirate Queen' , and while there'd be a lot of loot involved with attacking the Zygerrian slavers, raiding Senex-Juvex would be my first fall-back option given the political ties to Palpatine.

[] Wookieetarian Action: The Wookiees have constantly been facing raids from the Trandoshans for ages and would certainly appreciate help in protecting their homeworlds from their raids. Sending a few teams to patrol the area could go a long way... Chance of Success: 75% Cost: 50 Reward: Anti-Trandoshan patrols set up around Kashyyyk system, ???

[] Anti-Slaver Actions: The fact of the matter is that slavery is one of the most hated institutions in the galaxy outside of Hutt Space. It would certainly earn a lot of goodwill if you were to deal with some of the more prominent organizations (not affiliated with your Hutt allies)...and the loot would certainly make it worthwhile. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Assaults launched on chosen slaver group, loot
-[] Zygerrian Slave Guild: One of the most infamous slaver groups, the Zygerrians have been terrorizing the Northern Rim and conspicuously avoiding CIS space. They would not be missed.
-[] Senex-Juvex Slavers: Would you look at that, this slave group in Republic space is also home to a number of pro-Palpatine nobles! Launching a raid on them and exposing them to the galaxy would be quite the scandal...

[] The Legacy Of Madmen: Your (okay, PR-1's) examinations of the galaxy have led to the discovery of a marvelous vessel: the Arkanian Legacy, the one-time mobile headquarters of Adacorp and a massive research facility as well. The catch is that while this ship is still relatively intact, it's currently drifting in the middle of an asteroid field filled with hostile exogorths. It will be extremely difficult to get in and out with the ship, but a vessel like that would be invaluable. Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Arkanian Legacy recovered

Next up, Diplomacy!
Diplomacy: Pick 1 Regular Action, 1 CNS Action:
Gah! Definitely a top-priority for our free action. Given just how many Force sects there are -- and given that the Chu'unthor would give us a way to approach them as a 'Force sect' of our own -- I feel very strongly that we should restore the Chu'unthor this turn.
[] Recovering The Chu'unthor (Diplomatic Option): Instead of launching an all out assault to capture the Chu'unthor from the Singing Mountain Clan and running the risk of damaging the vessel during the battle, you could try and negotiate with them to gain access from it. Given their hostility to outsiders though, it likely won't be easy... Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Diplomatically gain access to the Chu'unthor

However, I feel almost as strongly (especially given how many actions we're looking at) that we should recruit Jango Fett this turn as well, for the extra Hero actions + Hero support
[] The Resurgent: Jango's oversight has effectively ended at this point, and given how much investment you've put into the man it's definitely worth bringing him in. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Formally recruit Jango Fett

Not to mention getting back in contact with the Sentinels to restore that +5 Intrigue default bonus we've been missing for the past two years.
[] Watching The Watchmen: While you haven't been formally in contact with the Jedi Sentinels as of late due to your issues with the Order, getting back into contact with them at this point would certainly be useful to both sides. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Formal contact with Jedi Sentinels restored

Unfortunately, none of those is a CNS action, so we could only pick two even using our Free Action. For the CNS, I'm pretty sure 'Shards Encased in Iron' is our best bet -- Shard engineers are nothing to sneeze at, especially since we can offer the Iron Knights Force-capable cybernetic bodies!
[] Shards Encased In Iron (CNS): You know that Cheriss is a Shard these days, but according to her there are others like her who are skilled engineers and filled with wanderlust. It might be worth using the CNS to get in contact with the Shard worlds to see if you can get the chance to recruit some of them for yourself...oh and get them to apply to the CNS of course. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Contact with Shard worlds established, potential to recruit Shard engineers

Alternately, getting in contact with the Bothan Spynet would be huge -- sure, claiming them for the CNS would be nice, but seriously, they're one of the best spy agency in the galaxy (maybe second only to us), and they would be prime for recruitment (CNS and/or Abyss Watcher, especially if we plant a base there...)
[] For Bothawui's Eyes Only (CNS): Despite Bothawui's outspoken neutrality the planet has yet to formally join the CNS. Given that it's home to one of the most effective intelligence gathering agencies outside of the Watchers themselves, it would definitely be worth it to focus on encouraging them to join, and at the same time use the opportunity to get in touch with the Bothan Spynet. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Bothan Spynet contacted, Bothawui and surrounding systems recruited into CNS

Sadly, all of these leave Ferrus Olin and Thracia Cho Leem and all the other non-Order Jedi out in the dust. :cry: It also means we can't found our Bounty Hunting chapter, or gain the Claatuvac maps yet, though those are obviously less important.

Stewardship: Pick 2 Regular Actions, Up to 1 Sienar Action:
The first choice here is also the easiest. Free Action, Courier Ships for our Hero Units to gain more actions for next turn. Easy peasy.
[] Sienar Custom Vessel: Now that you've partnered with Sienar you can request customized ships from them for a price. You can either send them a plan of your own, or give their engineers a base concept and let them work out the details. Chance of Success: 90%
-[] Personalized Courier Ships: Unlike the rest of the designs you've suggested these are fairly straightforward: extremely fast ships that can be personalized before their completion by their prospective owner. They'd certainly be nice gifts to your high-ranking members. Cost: 150 Reward: Personalized Courier ships designed/selectively produced

As for the rest... Cord of Three Strands is basically locked in. It unlocks the cap on Kalee Warriors, plus whatever the roll gives us for economic development + improved defensiveness in Kalee and Muun Space, :
[] Cord of Three Strands: With the recruitment of Muunilist into the CNS and the successes you've had everywhere in revitalizing economies, you've considered the idea of creating an economic partnership between it and Kalee; the Kaleesh could provide warriors to protect the Muun and the Muun could finance economic development of Kalee. All they need is money. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 100 Reward: Increased economic development for Kalee, increased stability for Muunilist and surrounding area

As for the second, integrating the IGBC is probably our next priority, especially if we follow up on Rush Clovis this turn.
[] Bank of Ciaran: You've already invested in banks on Muunilist but why not take the next step and encourage the IGBC to become more integrated into the CNS economy? It would strengthen them and push more money through areas you control... Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Increased economic strength in CNS

However, that does leave Hoersch-Kessel and SubPro (buying our own starship corp, basically) on the table. 'Galactic Sushi' and 'PR Blitz' are less of a loss -- we don't really do much agriculture stuff, and Silver Cross is pretty small potatoes on our balance sheet.

Another group of strong contenders for our Free Action (dammit...). 'Lots of Wrenches' doesn't do much for us, and 'Ko Sai' will take care of itself. I'm not sure Palpatine's super-ship or cloning moon are urgent -- unless someone has a compelling reason, I'm inclined to stick with what we know and what we're already involved in. That means 'Plucking a Clovis' and 'Frying Pan' -- following up on our two actions from last turn and actually getting the intended benefits out of them.
[] Plucking A Clovis: Rush Clovis has been styming your efforts to fully integrate the IGBC into the CNS, you know for a fact that he's one of Palpatine's stooges, and he's potentially sitting on considerable amounts of credits that Palpatine can use. This cannot stand. Send your teams to figure out how to remove him from the picture by any means necessary. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Rush Clovis no longer a factor on Scipio, other potential benefits

[] The Codebreaker's Frying Pan: The good news from Genian is that Fry is finally over his bout of paranoia and is ready to go through with the final sale of his codebreaker. The bad news is that the Republic is still very interested in getting their hands on it and will move to ensure that they can get it for themselves, and there's a non-zero chance the CIS might find out enough to make a play of their own. All you have to do is figure out a way to get your hands on the codebreaker and make sure no one else figures out you acquired it in the process. Easy, right? Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Fry's codebreaker secured

My biggest concern is that this would leave the Techno Union's recent "cortosis battle droid" program un-discovered, which could be bad (especially since we want those droids...).
[] "Helping" Old "Friends": Apparently the Techno Union has recently been in the market for cortosis, and is paying people to ship considerable amounts of them undetected. This sounds like it could be the beginnings of a new TU project...and given your relationship with them it also sounds like the chance to begin setting up a heist. Send some fake transports their way and see what information you can come back with. Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 100 Reward: Techno Union project discovered

If we want to take care of that, we either need to steal a Free Action from Diplomacy (...yikes) or delay the Clovis action for another turn (since Fry is absolutely time-sensitive). Neither sound good, but I'm willing to be persuaded.

Lore: Pick 1 Regular Action, 1 Archaeological Action:
Okay, so this is definitely where I feel the least sure. On the one hand: I really want to stay away from Darth Maul. On the other: Mother Talzin recovered him on her own in canon, and turned him into a force of nature that basically took over the galactic underworld in a month. So, we might need to 'get in on the ground floor' if we want to not be caught off guard.
[] A Brother's Lament: Talzin has contacted you, requesting your assistance in recovering someone of interest to her. She wanted an in-person meeting to give more details, but from what you understand the "target" is a Force-user that could be a potential asset to the both of you. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Talzin's person of interest recovered

On the other hand, I really want to incorporate Matukai body-reinforcement techniques for our Abyss Agents -- damage-resistance is one thing, but Matukai take it to a whole new level. On another hand... did you see the description for Voss Mystics? Tell me Force vision/precognition of that intensity doesn't sound useful!
[] Incorporate Matukai Techniques: Integrating the techniques learned from observing the Makutai would make your Agents that much tougher physically. Being able to make your body tough enough to resist direct damage speaks for itself. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Matukai abilities taught to all Agents

[] Research Alternative Force Schools: While the Jedi and Sith are the most well-known Force users in the galaxy there are certainly others that have mastered more esoteric techniques that could be useful to you. You already have information on them from the datachips so it shouldn't be too difficult. (Choose 1 below) Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Learn techniques from other Force users
-[] Voss Mystics: These Force users have extremely powerful foresight to the point that their visions are regarded as fact.

Finally, for Archaeology, my initial instinct is to go with the 'Inner Rim', since Obroa-Skai is just so valuable. On the other hand, we did roll a super-critical success for last turn's salvage, that gave us the option of visiting Rakata Prime, so we know where Dr. Snark wants us to go.
[] Archaeological Expeditions: There are very famous sites in the galaxy that are dying for someone to lead expeditions to...and potentially locate Force-related artifacts. Chance of Success: 70% (80% on planets with a *) Cost: 50 Reward: Expedition to chosen location launched
-[] Inner Rim (Obora-Skai, Phateem): Two of the Wonders of the Galaxy, these worlds contain expansive databases that could contain valuable information.
-[] Lehon/Rakata Prime: The homeworld of the once mighty Rakatan Infinite Empire, recent discoveries by your salvage teams on Coruscant indicate that there could be far more to this world than meets the eye.
Basically it boils down to those two, though visiting the Outer Rim (especially for Telos) would be crucial as well, especially we managed to find that Telos Holocron!

Learning: Pick 2, or pick only one Research action and halve its time:
Okay, now for Learning... yeah. There are so many possibilities! My first instinct is to go with 'Personal Shields', since it only locks for one turn and frees us up to research something else next turn. Plus, you know, it's massively useful for our forces, and ties in with our HK-47 stuff.
[] Personal Shield Technology: It's saddening, but personal shields have become more and more difficult to find and produce in spite of their prevalence in the past. That being said creating an in-house model would mean that you would have a very powerful tool of your own to use, and you have some data on them thanks to HK-47. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 150 Reward: Personal Shields (re-)developed [Takes 3 Turns, Locks action for 1 Turn]

I am severely tempted by the materials research (especially phrik, given the HK-47 upgrade possibilties), anti-Force research (especially taozin) and Myrkr.

That said... analyzing HK-47 could give us more ways to upgrading him (and PR-1!) and help our forces learn mechu-daru. Alternately, recruiting scientists/geneticists for Kal Skirata might (might!) persuade him to give us access to those Treasury records, however unlikely.
[] HK-47 Analysis: It's insane just how effective an assassin droid HK-47 is despite the facts that he is over four millennia old and hasn't been properly repaired since then. Letting your researchers study him in-depth could result in significant boosts to your engineering department. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 50 Reward: HK-47's design studied, potential for droid upgrades

[] Clone Resources: Skirata has requested that should you have the time and resources that you send a few doctors to help care for the clone deserters and help research their rapid aging in the hopes of finding a cure. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: Medical staff for clone deserters recruited
Again, this one is pretty up in the air for me, so I'd love to hear others' thoughts & suggestions.

Given the promised boss-battle, our priority should be preparing Ciaran to fight Palpatine. That means Matukai (physical enhancement) is almost a lock-in, with 'Conceptual Shatterpoint' a close second. It also means we probably won't be able to afford the Personal Attention, though it might be worthwhile in an extreme case. (We would need to spend a Personal Attention just to make 'Organic Shatterpoint' a success, so that's definitely a no-go this turn). Soresu might be interesting, but our strength is that we're just so unorthodox, so we should keep that up.
[] Force Training: Palpatine is going to be incredibly strong in the Force. You're going to need to get much stronger yourself if you want to take him on.
-[] Matukai Techniques: Learning these techniques would strengthen your body dramatically, helping you in both combat and elsewhere. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Matukai techniques learned
-[] Shatterpoint (Conceptual): You have some ideas about how to perceive shatterpoints in events, but it's going to take much more intensive training in that area to properly perceive them. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Conceptual shatterpoint techniques learned

On the other hand, WOW am I glad I took a second look, because I almost missed the 'recruit Anakin Skywalker' action.
[] Ciaran's Conundrums: Looking at the whole Palpatine situation one important detail is clear to you: odds are that Anakin Skywalker is going to be right at the heart of it. While you've talked with him at length on a number of occasions about his status as a Jedi he's still been vacillating on the matter quite a bit and hasn't really committed to any major descisions on the matter. You can't afford to have someone as powerful as him be a wild card; set aside some time to thoroughly speak with him about it and see if you can convince him to do something. Chance of Success: ??? Reward: ???
This could backfire badly, so if we do it, we absolutely need to load up the Personal Attention, plus Hero Support and Watcher Teams. I'm not at all sure I trust us with it this turn, given just how busy we and our heroes are. I'm considering it a very high priority for next turn....

Hero Units: Optional, Pick Up To 2, Uses Hero Unit's Full Stats:
Finally, Hero Actions, and wow am I looking forward to those courier ships. In terms of (lack of) urgency, we can pretty safely stratch PR-1, Silas, Silencer and Grievous from the list (C-3PX, scoundrels, Oki, Echani, Vendaxa). Likewise, Thrawn's passion project sounds fun, if expensive, but not nearly as urgent as the rest. Plus, given our Diplomacy-heavy actions this turn, Thrawn will probably be needed elsewhere.

Our top priority this turn is definitely repairing HK-47. Not just to make him happy, but to improve the chance of success on the other related actions (like recovering the Foundry!!!) I'd like to see if we can sync some of our other actions to get him the biggest boost possible -- doubling up on analyzing him (Learning + Cheriss), that sort of thing. So Cheriss's "Art of Droid Design" is also on the list.
[] HK-47: Returning To Form: Much to his consternation, the four millennia that HK-47 has spent deactivated has caused significant wear and tear on his body. He's made it very clear (by threatening some engineers on occasion) that he would like a tune-up ASAP so he can return to his past glory. (Uses Learning Bonuses, HK-47 must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: HK-47 returned to full functionality, ???

[] Cheriss Sair: The Art Of Droid Design: While you can see the obvious reasons for wanting to examine HK-47 from an engineering standpoint, Cheriss is convinced that given the chance to study him-or at least schematics of him-could dramatically expand her knowledge of droid design in general-all she needs is the time to study it. (Uses Learning Bonuses, Cheriss Sair must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Cheriss expands her knowledge of droid design, ???
That does mean that 'continued frame development', and HK-47's visit to Nar Shaddaa are off the list. It would also exclude Asajj from returning to her homeworld, though the chance of success on that made me a bit antsy...
[] Asajj Ventress: Homecoming Trip: While it's been years since she's been on the planet, Asajj was once the de facto ruler of Rattatak, ruling from the creatively named Castle Ventress. While she's not particularly interested in regaining rule over the planet for various reasons, she has expressed a desire to return there to see if there is anything she has left behind as well as potentially converting the castle into a facility for the Watchers. (Uses Martial Bonuses, Asajj Ventress must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Asajj reclaims her castle, ???

Anyway, that's it for Actions. I'll look over the Base purchases and upgrades separately.
Why not post your proposed plan and give your reasoning for your choices? Just don't actually vote for it.

It would help in the discussion.

Alright, after taking out all the X's I give you:

[] Plan Icosahedron Scheme

Because Pyramid Schemes aren't up to the challenge.

[] Militia Standardization
[] The Legacy Of Madmen
-[] Grievous

Strengthening the CNS will allow us to better coordinate military operations without worrying about logistics and give grounds for a true military force. Meanwhile the opportunity of a research him filled with genetic data that brought the galaxy into a bidding war over doomsday weapons is too much to pass up. Our Jedi Super-Ship isn't going anywhere.

[] The Resurgent
[] Pull At The Strings (Free Action)
-[] Thrawn
[] For Bothawui's Eyes Only (CNS)

We waited patiently and now he's here, time to recruit Jango Fett. Growing our support in the Senate to hold up Palpatine's plots will give us time to cause more havoc. Meanwhile, recruiting the Bothans will increase the power of our expansive intelligence network by... I don't have a number, but it's a lot.

[] Sienar Custom Vessel
-[] Personalized Courier Ships
[] Bank of Ciaran
[] Cord of Three Strands

If I remember correctly getting personalised ships would increase the abilities of our heroes (so they could do their missions easier or allowing us to use them more effectively). Meanwhile making the CNS more financially independent should come in handy if things turn hot or the war ends and the Republic realises that it owes debts to a lot of people.

[] Plucking A Clovis
-[] Silencer
[] The Codebreaker's Frying Pan
-[] Silas Cata

Clovis is interfering with our efforts with the IGBC and Scipo and if the rumours are true he's guarding the wealth of Darth Plagueis for Palpatine. Time to help ourselves to that wealth. As for Fry, I don't personally find it that important, but everyone else thinks so.

[] Archaeological Expeditions
-[] Lehon/Rakata Prime
[] A Brother's Lament
-[] Asajj Ventress

Lehon is simple, us following up on last turn and seeing if there's more than meets the eyes. As for Maul, I know some of you have reservations about bringing him back, but there's nobody better who knows Sidious and having information on his personal abilities will make the Endgame smoother. If that doesn't convince you, remember that Maul was trained in all seven forms of lightsaber combat and if we want a private tutor for duelling, there's no better person if we want it remained out of view of Palpatine and the Jedi Council.

There was also the image of Maul and Ventress sharing the same Mother and being half-brother/sister duo. For if there's one thing that got through to Maul and changed him it was family.

[] The Mysteries of Myrkr
[] Clone Resources

Gaining the ultimate anti-force creature, how could I say no. Gaining the loyalty of the Clone Commandos to recruit more Clones to our side, that's tempting as well.

[] Personal attention/Increased Focus
[] Ciaran's Conundrums
-[] Personal Attention

I am taking no chances here. Anakin Skywalker is the most powerful force user in the galaxy and has the ability to decide the fate of the Galaxy. At worse, we need to stack the deck and roll back Palpatine's influence. At best, we convince Anakin to follow his own path and not to listen to others. In ridiculous, we get Ahsoka to join us (because Thrawn's omake mentoring must pay off somehow) as Anakin's liaison as he becomes our spy in the Order.

[] Cheriss Sair: The Art Of Droid Design
[] HK-47: Returning To Form

Building a better assassin... and possibly a New Droid Army.

[] Sienar Ship Customization
[] Invisible Hand Refit
[] 'Grand Fleet' Initiative

Upgrading our fleet into something capable of going into a full-pitched battle.

[] Build personal Retreat
[] Military Production Facilities
-[] PR-1

I have wanted our doom fortress so we could plot better for ages and now that we have the money, I'm not letting go. Meanwhile the chance to reduce our maintenance costs is far too enticing.

[] Sustained Revitalization
[] SoroSuub Landing Reconstruction
[] Machineville Racing Course:
[] Wookiee Trade Guild Expansion
[] Recruitment Center
[] Trade Port

If you can't tell, I like the concept of restoring Taris and making it the CNS capital. Don't deny, you do as well.

[] Luxus Resort Branch

Normally I wouldn't have chosen this... but if it allows us to 'rescue' Padme from the stresses of work more often count me in.

Total Cost: 2050
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My biggest concern is that this would leave the Techno Union's recent "cortosis battle droid" program un-discovered, which could be bad (especially since we want those droids...).
Why don't we just leak that intel to the Jedi so they can handle it? It doesn't get us the droids but at least it stops the program.

My first instinct is to go with 'Personal Shields', since it only locks for one turn and frees us up to research something else next turn. Plus, you know, it's massively useful for our forces, and ties in with our HK-47 stuff.
I'd say do the commando gear first. Their armour has in-built personal shields which will make the Personal Shields action either obsolete, shorter, or more rewarding.

Given the promised boss-battle, our priority should be preparing Ciaran to fight Palpatine.

That means Matukai (physical enhancement) is almost a lock-in, with 'Conceptual Shatterpoint' a close second.
I'd say learning Soresu is more important than Matukai. Again, I'd like to point out Obi-Wan's survival against Darth Vader as proof of its usefulness, and the fact that Ciaran rolled a nat 100 when learning Makashi means she has talent when it comes to learning lightsaber combat.
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Okay, here we go, round two. First, base purchases.

At this point, Ord Mantell is a given. Besides the banking & commercial side of things, it lets us recruit Gurlanin agents! I'm inclined to say Dantooine is also a lock-in, given how cheap it is and what we can do with it.
Ord Mantell: You've managed to persuade some ex-Black Sun goons into putting up a compound on the planet for sale, which could come in handy given the planet's ties to the former syndicate and its proximity to other valuable worlds. Cost: 125 Reward: Compound on Ord Mantell

Dantooine: While you do already have the Luxus resort and the odd team recovering lightsaber crystals from the caves, it couldn't hurt to set up a proper base here. It would be incredibly cheap anyway given both the planet's isolation and the already present infrastructure. Cost: 50 Reward: Base on Dantooine

Second-tier would be Cato Neimoidia: it lets us make use of our vehicle factories there, which would be huge. I'd rank Arkania at the same level, given just how much is on the planet (diamonds, dragons, and a bunch of mad scientists who love us...).
Cato Nemodia: While you might be playing the role of a neutral faction in the war the Trade Federation is still grateful enough to you for your past aid to mark a nice mansion on Cato Nemodia for you to buy to "foster better relations." Fact of the matter is that said mansion would be on a planet where the TF has many droid factories and vehicle factories... Cost: 150 Reward: Base on Cato Nemodia

Arkania: The Arkanians have been long-time employees within your organization, you've been investing in the planet for a long while now, and it's just now joined the CNS. Now seems like a good a time as any to move in. Cost: 150 Reward: Facility on Arkania

Sullust is third-tier: important, but not as much as the others, and more expensive as well. The rest aren't really worth considering, at least at the moment.

As for base upgrades!

Obviously both Karada expansions. Possibly the Droid Marketing office, especially if we don't buy Cato Neimoidia. OTOH, if we do get Cato Neimoidia, those vehicles would let us make use of our droids as a real fighting force (probably boosting their Tier as well as removing the cap), so Droid Marketing is not a shoe-in.

Development Program will be done by action (unless we want to spend quite a bit of money to save one Stewardship action this turn), but the Simulation Centers are a shoe-in.

Sienar Customization is another shoe-in -- let's see what 75 credits of wow will get us. I'm pretty confident I'll pick the Invisible Hand retrofit, mainly for the 'able to act on its own initiative' bit (possible +1 Martial Action!) The Grand Fleet Initiative would be amazing, but (and here's the funny bit) I don't think we can afford it at the moment, not with everything else going on.

Mandalorian Mansion:
Finally! I'm definitely going for those Beskar Mines, along with the Karada facility (low income, but the help for Clan Skirata is a big draw). Kyriemorut is less urgent. I'll probably add Hidden Defenses, now that we're using Mandalore for something, though I'm willing to be persuaded against.

"Finally!" Part 2 -- let's build that Personal Retreat, and see what tech tree we've been missing all quest. I don't think droid factories are urgent. However, the Military Production Facilities definitely are -- we're currently spending 525 credits per turn on Military Upkeep. 40% of that is 210 Credits -- that upgrade would pay for itself in almost a single turn!

The Orbital Shipyards are also a lock -- given the damaged state of the Chu'unthor and Arkanian Legacy (plus the Invisible Hand, frankly), investing in a private shipyard seems obvious, however expensive. Fortunately, we do have those labor droids giving us a discount on Kiln upkeep.

La'Sombra (Asteroid Base):
The AM research facility is expensive, but would save quite a few turns for our Force Research actions, especially if we wanted to use phrik, beskar, or cortosis for things. On the other hand, I'm not sure how much we need those, or how much/how many actions we'd be willing to spend to make them work for us. Back on the original hand... I also suspect this might be the first step in a 'tech tree' to boost our research generally (I did propose 'Material Research Team' as an upgrade, with +1 Learning Action for materials research, and this might enable that...).

I'm willing to be persuaded either way, frankly.

Nar Shaddaa Property:
Cantina is a shoe-in (pays for itself in two turns). I'm strongly tempted to go with the Blacksite as well. Not as confident on this one, though.

Castell Facility:
[] Write in: Stay Reasonable

Muunilist Mansion:
[] Write in: Stay Reasonable
I'll try to come up with something for these two.... (Write-ins suggestion to be posted separately)

I'm not sure why I didn't see it before (maybe I misread it as "Upkeep: 75" instead of "25") but the Archaeological facility is pretty cheap. I still want to make sure we center our work on the Chu'unthor, but that default bonus would still be useful right now.

Tarisian Ale pays for itself in two turns, so that's a given. Engineering Recruitment gives us another Learning default bonus, albeit very expensive and (more concerning), I don't know what we'd use it for. @Dr. Snark: what do you consider an 'engineering action' (to what would the bonus apply)?

I have a few write-in suggestions that I'll post separately for this as well.

All of it. Sustained Revitalization is critical for justifying our ridiculous income from this planet, and the other stuff helps pay for it. Machineville opens the door to a bunch of sports-related actions, which could be sweet.

A question for @Dr. Snark: can we invite Fry Industries to expand to the planet, or will that have to wait for next turn (assuming we follow up with him)?

Luxus, Tradeports, and Refinery pay for themselves in two turns; Moon Mining pays for itself in three. Porso Hill would be interesting, but I'm not sure we need it as a production site (and I'm pretty sure we'd get more out of a base on Cato Neimoidia anyway). I'm willing to be persuaded, though.

And there we go. Write-in suggestions to follow!
I don't think droid factories are urgent.
You're thinking about the droid factories wrong. In an urgent situation, we need a lot of high quality droids, we don't need the beginning of production of high quality droids. We need to build the droid factories in preparation for urgency, not in response to it.

Also, I really want those BX commando droids. You can see them in action here where they slaughter the prepared clone troopers and even dodge lightsaber swings. They are OP and we should have them.
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