New Bases:
Cato Nemodia: While you might be playing the role of a neutral faction in the war the Trade Federation is still grateful enough to you for your past aid to mark a nice mansion on Cato Nemodia for you to buy to "foster better relations." Fact of the matter is that said mansion would be on a planet where the TF has many droid factories and vehicle factories... Cost: 150 Reward: Base on Cato Nemodia
Scipio: Given recent revelations about the planet in question it would definitely be worthwhile to have a base on Scipio to operate from. Cost: 200 Reward: Property on Scipio
Lianna: Raith has pointed out that if you want to truly give a sign of partnership with him you could always establish a Karada corporation branch on Lianna. He's even pointed out a good facility for you to move into. Cost: 200 Reward: Facility on Lianna
Corulag: Alternatively, Raith is willing to set aside some property on Corulag if you're willing to help invest in the more clandestine Advanced Research Division branch of his company. Cost: 200 Reward: Facility on Corulag
Fresia: Thanks to Seti's support the Fresian government has marked a piece of property that is conveniently empty for you to build a base on for hiding away, supporting Incom, or both. Cost: 100 Reward: Base on Fresia
Ord Mantell: You've managed to persuade some ex-Black Sun goons into putting up a compound on the planet for sale, which could come in handy given the planet's ties to the former syndicate and its proximity to other valuable worlds. Cost: 125 Reward: Compound on Ord Mantell
Sullust: Bribbs has helped you find a facility on the planet that you can purchase on behalf of Karada should you wish to invest in SoroSuub or Sullust itself. Cost: 200 Reward: Facility on Sullust
Arkania: The Arkanians have been long-time employees within your organization, you've been investing in the planet for a long while now, and it's just now joined the CNS. Now seems like a good a time as any to move in. Cost: 150 Reward: Facility on Arkania
Dantooine: While you
do already have the Luxus resort and the odd team recovering lightsaber crystals from the caves, it couldn't hurt to set up a proper base here. It would be incredibly cheap anyway given both the planet's isolation and the already present infrastructure. Cost: 50 Reward: Base on Dantooine
[] Write-in (Base 200 Cost, Idea Subject to GM Veto)
Base Upgrades: With how many credits you own it might be an idea to upgrade your bases a bit.
Coruscant Base:
[] Droid Marketing Office: You've been stockpiling B1 droids for ages now and its not like you really need them as much anymore given that your teams are more effective in every conceivable way. Instead why not sell off the surplus people who
aren't going to use them to contribute to the war. Cost: 50 Reward: +25 income so long as droid production goes over cap
[] Karada Expansion: Setting up more specialized branches of Karada would help you get more credits out of the company.
-[] Karada Cybernetics Branch: You've managed to develop a brand of unique cybernetics that are generally more effective than many other brands on the market thanks to Cheriss' designs. Time to really rake in the money from that. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 income from cybernetics branch
-[] Karada Medical Programs: Set up training programs within Karada to teach would-be medics and doctors, which would not only bring in new talent but also would be profitable from tuition fees. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 income from tuition fees
-[] Karada Manufacturing: Your researchers have already developed your own brand of medical gear and equipment. There's a war on -- start making more and selling it! Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Income from medical gear sales
-[] Karada Pharmaceuticals: Your researchers have developed your own variants of common pharmaceuticals, including some medicine specialized for particular species. Start marketing them for sale around the galaxy. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Income from medicine sales
[] Underworld Takeover: Your presence may have expanded across the galaxy but in your experience consolidation always pays. Use your new might and start acquiring new territory in the Coruscant Underworld and consolidate. Cost: 75 Reward: Guardian/Seeker recruitment rate increase, can be taken more than once, potential for further development in owned areas
[] Write in: Stay reasonable
Kaleesh Outpost:
[] Kalee Development Program: Thanks to your stellar relationship with the Kaleesh and the fact that you have Grievous himself in your organization, you have the opportunity to solidify your alliance with the Kaleesh people by setting aside some funds for everything they could ever want from weapons to supplies to prefab buildings. Not only will this generally improve the quality of life on Kalee, but it will allow their people to send even more warriors to you, permanently solidifying your alliance with them. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Cap on Kaleesh warriors removed, Kalee begins improving economically, continued hatred of the Huk (like you care)
[] Simulation Centers: These centers would use data from the various operations you've undertaken over the years to produce simulated battles that could be used for training purposes. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Martial bonus
[] Write in: Stay reasonable
Oracle (Lucrehulk):
[] Sienar Ship Customization: The Oracle is a fine ship, but it could be better; now that you've partnered with Sienar you could let him and his team loose on the ship and see what they can do to upgrade it. Cost: 75 Reward: Increased general performance of Oracle
[] Invisible Hand Refit: While the Invisible Hand is a fine ship, it is also a floating target given that the CIS would very much like to have one of their most prominent ships back. Refitting it would not only help mask its identity but it could also be improved upon in the process by Sienar and Kuat. Cost: 125 Reward: Invisible Hand refit and able to act on own initiative
[] 'Grand Fleet' Initiative: A bold initiative suggested by Thrawn: leveraging your connections with Sienar, Incom, and KDY, give them enough credits to convert your support fleet for the Oracle into a legitimate battlefleet with military-grade hardware across the board. It will be
incredibly expensive, but the results will speak for themselves. Cost: 250 Reward: Oracle Fleet upgraded to military-grade
[] Salvage Fleet: Thanks to Silver Cross, you have access to pretty much every battlefield in the galaxy, and can move in almost as soon as the fighting is done. Set up a scavenger/salvage fleet to take advantage of this -- to sweep in after the fighting's done, looking for high-quality tech or mostly-intact starships to seize. You might even save a few lives and get a PR boost out of it -- have your salvage teams keep an eye out for survivors, and work with Silver Cross to get them medical attention as soon as they're found. Cost: 100 Reward: +75 Income from salvage teams, per-turn roll for other benefits
[] Write in: Stay reasonable
Mandalorian Mansion:
[] Hidden Defenses: The usual protections, better safe than sorry and all. Cost: 50 Reward: Mansion defended against possible attacks
[] Beskar Iron Mine Lease: While the Death Watch have been purged from Concordia the Beskar mines could still use new investors. Having access to those metals might come in handy. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Access to Beskar iron, increase in elite troop armor quailty
[] Kyriemout Investments: Funnel some extra credits into Kyriemout to strengthen the compound as well as earn Skirata's favor. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: Clan Skirata strengthened
[] Karada Facility: Setting up a Karada facility on Mandalore would certainly get you some money, but more importantly it would help you funnel scientists and medical gear to Kyriemout more easily. Cost: 100 Reward: +25 income from Karada sales, medical supplies for Clan Skirata
[] Write in: Stay Reasonable
Lordran, Kiln:
[] Build personal Retreat: Build a personal Retreat/Fortified Mansion on the planet to have a place to escape to in case of trouble in the known parts of the Galaxy. Cost: 200
[] Droid Factory: With the required resources available now you can begin to build your very own Droid Factory on the planet to bolster your troops with new battle droids.
-[] Basic Droid Factory: Cost: 50 Upkeep: 20 Reward: +2 groups of basic battle droids per turn
-[] OOM Droid Factory: Cost: 60 Upkeep: 25 Reward: +2 groups of OOM battle droids per turn
-[] Super Droid Factory: Cost: 75 Upkeep: 35 Reward: +1 group of Super Battle Droids per turn
-[] Commando Droid Factory: Cost: 75 Upkeep: 35 Reward: +1 group of BX Commando droids per turn
-[] Spider Droid Factory: Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: +1 Spider droid group per turn
[] Orbital Shipyards: An
expensive investment to be sure, but building shipyards over Kiln would let you (slowly) build your own ships...or more likely help repair whatever ships you stole this month. Whichever works really. Cost: 200 Upkeep: 100 Reward: Ability to build and repair ships discreetly
[] Military Production Facilities: Your military forces have been expanding dramatically and with that expansion has come additional costs in equipping them. Set up some facilities on Kiln to produce gear in-house and cut back on those expenses. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: 40% decrease in military upkeep
[] Write in: Stay reasonable
La'Sombra (Asteroid Base):
[] Defense Grid: The base might be hard to find but it pays to be sure that it's guarded. Cost: 50 Reward: Defenses for base established
[] Anomalous Materials Research Facilities: The isolated nature of the facility and the already present research equipment make La'Sombra a prime location for setting up facilities dedicated to researching anomalous or rare materials in the galaxy. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: Decreased research times for current/future anomalous/rare materials research
[] Carnivore Containment Facilities: The fact of the matter is that the galaxy is home to a lot of very angry and very dangerous predators that can tear people to shreds in an instant. So why not capture a few for yourself and see if you can tame them? You know, as long as you place several durasteel walls between them and everyone else... Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Containment facilities for aggressive fauna constructed
[] Write in: Stay Reasonable
Nar Shaddaa Property:
[] Blacksite: Much like Kalee, you could build up a facility that would allow you to train up more men. Given that this is Nar Shaddaa, no one would bat an eye at the place anyway. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: Increased recruitment rates for all units
[] Cantina Franchise: Modeled off of the original Diamond Deception cantina, this plan would be to launch a franchise on Nar Shaddaa, catering to the lower class unlike your casino and nightclub. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 cantina income
[] Expanded Smugglers Den: Nar Shaddaa is a 'Smugglers Moon', so it shouldn't be too difficult to invest more heavily in the black market. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Smuggling Income
[] Amateur Bounty Hunters: It would take a lot of effort to set up an official chapter of the Bounty Hunters Guild. However, there's nothing saying your agents can't take advantage of the bounty offices spread across the city, and go hunting to bring some of those bounties in. Cost: 50 Reward: +25 Military Income
[] Undercity Investment: Right beneath your property are factories, shipyards, and who knows what else that could be exploited for the sake of amplifying your profits on the planet. That and investing in actually paying your workers could make you a popular woman on the planet... Cost: 150 Upkeep: 50 Reward: 30% boost to Nar Shaddaa income
[] Write in: Stay Reasonable
Castell Facility:
[] Cantina Franchise: The fact of the matter is that Shu Mai's unpopular rule has left a lot of Gossam bitter and jaded. Giving them a place to unwind would help with that and make you a more popular figure on the planet. This plan would launch of franchise of cantinas, modeled after your original Diamond Deception cantina on Coruscant much like your plans on Nar Shaddaa. Cost: 150 Reward: +75 cantina income, increased popularity on Castell
[] Invest in Mining companies. The Commerce Guild isn't just limited to SoroSuub. Dorvalla Mining, Arcona Mineral Harvest Corporation, Offworld Mining Corporation, Rim Commercial Mining, and the Mining Guild itself are all dues-paying members, and together they control a
staggering number of mines and mineral-rights claims across the galaxy, including throughout Neutral Space. Invest in these companies -- not just for profit, but also to secure their support or at least acquiescence when we oust Shu Mai. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 mining income
[] Gossam Commando Investments/Subversion: Castell has its own military, which Shu Mai has used as her own personal shock-troops. Still, she isn't very popular at the moment, and we are. Perhaps we could work with them to ensure they support us when we oust Shu Mai?
-[] Commando Gear: Offer to provide them with better gear. Cost: 50 Reward: Gossam Commandos more likely to survive, and more likely to support Lady Ciaran
-[] Gossam Militia: establish and recruit a local militia-cum-paramilitary force, who can help out the Commandos with logistics and transport in various operations, and more easily replace Commandos who have died. Of course, it doesn't hurt that the milita would be filled with people loyal to you.... Cost: 75 Reward: Gossam Commandos more likely to support Lady Ciaran, potential increase in Underworld Rumors
-[] Castell Academy: Set up a military academy, officially for the Abyss Watchers, but with an open invitation to the Gossam Commandos to provide them with advanced traiing. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 25 Reward: increased experience for all Abyss Watcher military squads, Gossam Commandos more likely to survive and more likely to support Lady Ciaran
[] Write in: Stay Reasonable
Muunilist Mansion:
[] Large-Scale Wiretaps: Trust, but verify. Cost: 50 Reward: +25 Information income, potential increase to Underworld Rumors
[] Invest in a polar Mine-Spire: Muunilist is dotted with long-extinct volcanic vents that are filled with precious metals, used as a source of wealth, as collateral for bank loans, or as reserve for the bank deposits themselves. Pretty much the only unexploited vault-spires lie in the polar regions. It's a bit more challenging, but definitely worthwhile. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 banking income OR +50 mining income
[] Invest in Plain Family businesses:
Max Plain is the current Senator from Muunilist, and one of the few Banking Clan leaders who was actually neutral rather than using a veneer of neutrality to support the CIS. His family is quite influential, so invest in them to signal our support of their leadership for the IGBC once we've dealt with Rush Clovis. Cost: 50 Reward: +25 investment income
[] Invest in Phlut Design Systems: once a thriving weapons developer, Phlut borrowed a massive amount from the IGBC to get in on the 'battle droid builder' game. Their first and major product (the IG lancer droids) performed decently in the Battle of Muunilist, but with the IGBC defeat, Phlut has had trouble staying solvent. A prime opportunity for investment, especially since they have quite a few droid models that might prove useful to us. Cost: 100 Reward: +25 income, access to IG droid schematics, potential for future upgrades
[] Write in: Stay Reasonable
Vectivus' Home:
[] Defense Grid: Much like La'Sombra, it would be worthwhile to make sure that the Home is properly guarded given its value. Cost: 50 Reward: Defenses for base established
[] Archaeological Facility: The Home is old, and according to Vectivus it was home to another Force-using group long before he ever arrived. It seems like it might be a good place for your Force-sensitive employees to be able to launch missions from and store artifacts at. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 25 Reward: +5 on Lore rolls
[] Write in: Stay Reasonable
Kashyyyk Facility:
[] Tarisian Ale Plant: Ironically despite the name Tarisan Ale is produced from glands native to Kashyyyk itself. Instead of dealing with imports and tariffs and whatnot, you could just build up a processing plant on Kashyyyk. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 income from exporting Tarisian Ale
[] Engineer Recruitment Center: Though they may not look the type at first glance, Wookiees have been some of the best engineers in the galaxy and you could certainly use their help in your endeavors. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: +5 bonus to engineering actions (Learning)
[] House Benelex Expansion: House Benelex is a very young Bounty Hunting Guild chapter that specializes in kidnapping retrieval and anti-slavery/anti-piracy work. Invest and help them expand to Kashyyyk -- the Wookies have long had a problem with Trandoshan slavers, so there's a ready source of income available, and the proximity to Hutt Space should be good for business long-term. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 investment income (OR military income?)
[] Ithorian Botanical Garden and Nursery: the Ithorians are the best ecologists and agriculturalists in the galaxy, especially known for their lush 'herdships' with lush biomes. Kashyyyk is a forest planet covered in highly-adaptable
wroshyr trees that can grow thousands of meters tall. Invite the Ithorians to cultivate native plants, especially wroshyr trees, for off-world export, both for their own use and for sale across the galaxy. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 investment income
[] Invest in KashyCorp: KashyCorp specializes in heavy weapons and vehicles, best suited for the tall and powerful Wookie Warriors. Invest in their business and help them expand production, both to improve Kashyyyk's ability to defend itself but also to gain access to those weapons and vehicles for your own Wookie recruits. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 investment income, upgraded weapons, Wookie Warrior squads more likely to survive combat
[] Invest in Uurbahhahvoovv Joiners & Artisans: this company specializes in small, cheap, high-speed evacuation pods. Given the scale of the Clone Wars, there should be quite a bit of demand for a instantly-usable 'get out of jail free card' to let you escape a war zone. Have Silver Cross invest in the company and help them mass-produce the things for sale around the galaxy. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Silver Cross income
[] Incom/Sienar/Kuat Expansion: if you are interested in hiring Wookie engineers, perhaps the other major starship corporations would feel the same way? Invite them to expand their facilities to the planet, and move more of their work away from Palpatine's sphere of influence in the Core. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 investment income
[] Write in: Stay Reasonable
Taris Property:
[] Sustained Revitalization: Your efforts to ensure Taris was revitalized were nothing short of miraculous! ...But there's only so much a miracle can do; the economy isn't quite stable enough to handle larger-scale investments into things like shipyards and more dramatic ecological recovery efforts. It's going to take a large and constant influx of money, but the payoff should be
well worth it. Cost: 200 Upkeep: 200 Reward: Current economic state sustained, higher-tier upgrades available
[] SoroSuub Landing Reconstruction: A long time ago SoroSuub had a dedicated section of the planet that they had control over, but then the Sith came in and ruined everything. Now that the planet's coming back to life and you have the ear of SoroSuub, why not invite them back and make a profit off of it in the meantime. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 income from SoroSuub investments
[] Machineville Racing Course: According to Tarisians this planet was the home of the swoop bike and swoop racing, but the destruction of the planet put an end to that particular legacy. Help build up one of the more famous racing courses and see if you can start getting some more publicity among sports fans. Cost: 50 Reward: Machineville Racing Course rebuilt
[] Wookiee Trade Guild Expansion: Similarly to SoroSuub, you could invite the Wookiee Trade Guild to expand to the planet. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Wookiee Trade Guild investment income
[] Recruitment Center: The people here love you and would be more than willing to sign on with you full time if you let them. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Increased Guardian/Seeker recruitment rates
[] Trade Port: You might as well officially move in on the planet's trade. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income
[] Large-scale Wiretaps: surely there's something worth listening to in an ecumenopolis? Cost: 50 Reward: +25 Information income, potential increase to Underworld Rumors
[] Kuat Drive Yards Branch: now that you have contact with Kuat, invite them to build a shipyard of their own on Taris, to take advantage of the city's remarkable revitalization. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 investment income
[] Lhosan Industries Swoop-Bike Factory: have Abyss Watchers reincorporate the original Tarisian business that once employed most of the Lower City. While it was officially a mining & manufacturing company, it was best known as the original maker of the swoop-bike; given your interest in Tarisian sports, that's definitely where you should begin. Cost: 100 Reward: +25 investment income
[] Write in: Stay Reasonable
Naboo Mansion:
[] Defense Grid: ...Meh. Cost: 50 Reward: Defenses for base established
[] Luxus Resort Branch: This
is a lovely spot for a resort, so why not put a Luxus Resort nearby and have a nice place to relax? You could even use the chance to drag Padme here more often as an added benefit. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 income from Luxus Resort income.
[] Tradeport Expansion: You've already got a lot of money from this planet but it never hurts to consolidate. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 trade income
[] Plasma Refinery Complex Investments: This complex near Theed's castle helps process considerable amounts of plasma for trading purposes which sounds like a great investment opportunity. But
why does it have catwalks over nigh-on bottomless pits with
no railings? Cost: 150 Reward: +75 income from investing in complex
[] Porso Hill Base Reclamation: Once upon a time Borvo had a base here that not only was able to produce N2 starfighters but served as a base of operations on the planet...before one Lieutenant Sykes came in and wrecked the place. Still, the past is the past, and it would be a very useful location to get a hold of. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Porso Hill reclaimed as a secure location and production site
[] Naboo Moon Mining Guild Investments: The Naboo Moon Mining Guild is an organization that
legitimately sells spices on the market, not to mention that they are in competition with a slaver organization of some kind. It certainly sounds like a useful investment. Cost: 150 Reward: +50 income from Mining Guild investments, good PR against slavers
[] Buy Out Borvo's Black Market (Naboo): Borvo and his Nal Raka Criminal Empire have a much broader reach now than they did when he was still operating in a single sector. Borvo has neither the time nor the inclination to deal with Naboo, not when they still remember him for his actions during the Naboo invasion. Suggest to him that the Abyss Watchers should take over the local black market; your reputation is spotless, and now that you have a base on the planet, it should be easy to coordinate things. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 smuggling income
[] Invest in Borvo's Black Market (Rori): orbiting Naboo is the swamp moon Rori, best known for its kassoti spice mines -- a very mild narcotic with less severe addictive effects, which is why it's legal to trade and distribute. Borvo owns a trade port on the planet, to help facilitate transportation throughout the system. More importantly, Borvo's operation utilizes a private hyperlane, the Old Trade Federation Route, to transport goods on and off world. Invest in the tradeport, and in the black market surrounding it, to gain access to those smuggling lanes. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 smuggling income
[] Gungan Engineering: back when we first visited Naboo, Gulan and our agents encountered a Gungan scout. Nothing came of it, except
Gulan took a recording of the Gungan's equipment, which included some very interesting and versatile energy technology that could be used for offensive weapons as well as personal shields. Now that we have a base on the planet, contact the Gungans and invite them to set up a production facility so they can start to sell their tech off-world. The fact that it would give us a closer look at their shield tech is just a bonus. Cost: 75 Reward: +25 investment/military income, potential research benefits
[] Write in: Stay Reasonable