[X] Tell Skirata about the chips and use that as leverage to convince him and Jango to assist you.
-[x] Ensure Jango stays quiet by saying the Abyss Watchers will owe him favors to be collected at any time.

I think this is better than just paying him because then 1) No chance of someone noticing the money trail and realising "OMG, Ciaran hired a notorious bounty hunter!!" and 2) it's a lot more likely for Jango to come back to us in the future and give us a chance to sink our hooks in.
[X] Tell Skirata about the chips and use that as leverage to convince him and Jango to assist you.
-[x] Ensure Jango stays quiet by saying the Abyss Watchers will owe him favors to be collected at any time.
[X] Tell Skirata about the chips and use that as leverage to convince him and Jango to assist you.
-[x] Ensure Jango stays quiet by saying the Abyss Watchers will owe him favors to be collected at any time.
I think we're running a real danger here, of letting Jango know about the Inhibitor Chips. Skirata is fine -- I had to look him up on Wookiepedia, but Thrawn's intuition is basically spot-on, and Skirata's big objective is to protect "his boys" (the clones). Jango... is another story.

Remember that he's still taking orders from a Sith, possibly Sidious, almost certainly Tyrannus. That makes him dangerous, especially if he happens to mention this information to someone else, or pursues it using his own (CIS-based) black market contacts. However, you cut it, telling Jango could easily lead to the information on the Inhibitor Chips getting back to the Sith.

Possibility #1: we negotiate with Skirata & Jango separately, so the "right hand does not know what the left hand is doing". We persuade Skirata with the info on the chips, we persuade Jango with money/favors.

On the other hand, if we do let Jango in on the secret, there is a time limit -- we will be 'decoding' those Chips over the next three turns. We need to ensure Jango's silence until our research is complete -- at that point, we'll be able to act on the information.

So, bribing Jango with 25 Credits per turn for the next four turns actually seems rather promising. If we wanted to ensure that Jango would keep the secret, we could spice up the deal by offering both regular payments of cash and a single favor at the end of the year.

Incidentally, I agree that 'buying off' Jango with the promises of unspecified "favors" in the future is a neat plot hook for Dr. Snark. However, it also means we must perform those favors for Jango on penalty of letting the secret get out. That means the real cost of the "favors" option would be at least 1 Action per turn for the next year.

That is considerably more expensive than a mere 100 Credits.
[X] Tell Skirata about the chips and use that as leverage to convince him and Jango to assist you.
-[X] Ensure Jango stays quiet by paying him off over time. (Costs 25 per turn over 4 turns)
[X] Tell Skirata about the chips and use that as leverage to convince him and Jango to assist you.
-[X] Ensure Jango stays quiet by paying him off over time. (Costs 25 per turn over 4 turns)
[X] Tell Skirata about the chips and use that as leverage to convince him and Jango to assist you.
-[X] Ensure Jango stays quiet by paying him off over time. (Costs 25 per turn over 4 turns)
[X] Tell Skirata about the chips and use that as leverage to convince him and Jango to assist you.
-[X] Ensure Jango stays quiet by paying him off over time. (Costs 25 per turn over 4 turns)

I want to do a write-in, but I'm tired. And I don't want to think too much, so I'll just go for Publicola's option.
[X] Tell Skirata about the chips and use that as leverage to convince him and Jango to assist you.
-[X] Ensure Jango stays quiet by paying him off over time. (Costs 25 per turn over 4 turns)
[X] Tell Skirata about the chips and use that as leverage to convince him and Jango to assist you.
-[X] Ensure Jango stays quiet by paying him off over time. (Costs 25 per turn over 4 turns)
I would rather prefer Jango not know about the inhibitor chips at all, since it could easily get back to Dooku and Sidious. Still, unless there is a proposed alternative, I default to:

[X] Tell Skirata about the chips and use that as leverage to convince him and Jango to assist you.
-[X] Ensure Jango stays quiet by paying him off over time. (Costs 25 per turn over 4 turns)
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[X] Tell Skirata about the chips and use that as leverage to convince him and Jango to assist you.
-[x] Ensure Jango stays quiet by saying the Abyss Watchers will owe him favors to be collected at any time.
[X] Tell Skirata about the chips and use that as leverage to convince him and Jango to assist you.
-[X] Ensure Jango stays quiet by paying him off over time. (Costs 25 per turn over 4 turns)
[X] Tell Skirata about the chips and use that as leverage to convince him and Jango to assist you.
-[x] Ensure Jango stays quiet by saying the Abyss Watchers will owe him favors to be collected at any time.

I'm not super-worried about Jango learning about the chips. With a Republic patriot onboard he's unlikely to destroy the clone factories, and even if he decides to do so it'll be in a pragmatic way- likely with our help.
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I rather doubt QM will be mean enough to call several favors at once, and I'm prepared to sacrifice occasional action to pursue Jango story.

After all, this is how we get hero units :V
[x] Tell Skirata about the chips and use that as leverage to convince him and Jango to assist you.
-[x] Ensure Jango stays quiet by paying him off over time. (Costs 25 per turn over 4 turns)

Ehhy! Jango!
No really, I am partly for those favours, but knowing his employers and their basic mindset..., AND clones for this bounty hunter are "just business". He's a partial cynic. We can play "good guy" or whatever, but Jango is a pro. He's also a loner, his Code of Honour is nigh-inflexible, has some trust issues, especially after Montross' betrayal...
I'll wait for a good write in (4 that I thought of would Fail, yes, 'Fail' with Capital), but for now I'll default to this (realism in stead of optimism).

Guys/gals for the battle:
• while our "Primary objective" is ex-filtrating Ventrss, it needs to be done in a way that:
a) won't attract attention to Ciaran (or CNS {let 'neutrals' be 'neutrals'})​
b) persuade Ventress to at least listen to reason and that in the least Sev'rance Tann !Dooku! targeted her :)???: so, last minute rescue that will mask her apparent "death" and leave her no choice, but Ciaran??)​
c) will make the enemy think their mission is a success (aka 'Ventress is killed')​
d) Kamino sustains "relatively little" damage (clone production is not interrupted {well, Bio-chip factory can be broken in crossfire :rolleyes: :p})​

• the "Secondary/other objectives"(most are optional) should include:
– enemy crippling (suggest mainly CIS {and a little bit Republic} to "promote" ending the war and "peace talks")​
– some "video-documents" to show the carnage (especially to show that CIS military attack anyplace just for it ad disturb CIS civilians against the "big tycoons")​
– if possible based on
CIS: [Redacted], [Redacted] (Estimated troop-strength: Enormous.)
Republic: [Redacted], [Redacted], [Redacted], [Redacted], [Redacted], [Redacted], RC-1138, RC-1140, RC-1207, RC-1262 (Estimated troop-strength: Everything they can muster.)​
Abyss Watchers: [Redacted], [Redacted], [Redacted], [Redacted] (Estimated troop-strength: Hopefully enough.)​
and that this is Kamino we're talking about, some of CIS best military leaders will be there (like miss Tann and, possibly, Trench). Opportunity? chance of shortening their numbers?​

After all that character talk I, for reasons unknown, had this (out of character? forgone conclusion? need better rest):

*Galaxy wide, all media, Public News broadcast ; Date: Unknown*
Ciaran: "... and many others. I know that most think of me as benevolent, as someone that protects peace and justice, but the simple truth is... I am a selfish person.
When I see a planet devastated by conflict, I ensure it heals and rebuilds. When I see someone in need of help, I offer the help​
they need. When I see an injustice done I ensure truth is known.
In the end, I want them to get better, I want them to rise again and I want 'peace'. And I'm not the only one: many, even​
among you here, want something for all of us, something better for our future. Wanting something better.. that is what we stride for....."
[X] Tell Skirata about the chips and use that as leverage to convince him and Jango to assist you.
- [X] Ensure Jango stays quiet by saying the Abyss Watchers will owe him favors to be collected at any time.
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[X] Tell Skirata about the chips and use that as leverage to convince him and Jango to assist you.
-[X] Ensure Jango stays quiet by paying him off over time. (Costs 25 per turn over 4 turns)
[X] Tell Skirata about the chips and use that as leverage to convince him and Jango to assist you.
-[x] Ensure Jango stays quiet by saying the Abyss Watchers will owe him favors to be collected at any time.

From the way I see it, anyone can give credits, but if it's favours Jango needs us alive to cash in and thus would be less likely to betray us.
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[X] Tell Skirata about the chips and use that as leverage to convince him and Jango to assist you.
-[x] Ensure Jango stays quiet by saying the Abyss Watchers will owe him favors to be collected at any time.
[X] Tell Skirata about the chips and use that as leverage to convince him and Jango to assist you.
-[x] Ensure Jango stays quiet by saying the Abyss Watchers will owe him favors to be collected at any time.
[X] Tell Skirata about the chips and use that as leverage to convince him and Jango to assist you.
-[X] Ensure Jango stays quiet by saying the Abyss Watchers will owe him favors to be collected at any time.

If Jango decides to do something about the chips he may go through us.
Though, I wonder if there are more precise favors that can be promised immediately. A line of credit to free medical checkups for him and Boba? Perhaps he's now wondering whether Boba might have been tampered with too. (Wait, is Boba even around in this setting?)

Oh yeah, he is. Boba wasn't around for the Death Watch arc (and by extension this one) because Jango really didn't want him to get involved in a duel to the death with his mortal enemies. He's in the magical land of "Offsceen Until The Plot Requires His Presence" right now.