- Location
- Present
From now on really did imply that you weren't counting the current turn though.
That is what we're trying to clarify: Is the current turn the first of those four?
Yes, we're clear. Right now, we have completed 1/4 of the required research actions. Thank you for clarifying.
My apologies if it came across that way. I was under the impression that you sincerely believed you were helping us out, without realizing the actual effects of the turn would penalize us more than usual. I'm really glad it was just a misunderstanding.But for future reference, assuming that I was intentionally trying to fuck you guys over was not cool. I made a mistake and I apologize for that, but I'd appreciate a bit more civility and trust in these kinds of matters. Is that understood?
Fascinating approach to Anakin's feelings and character back in the talk with Ciaran.
I have...faith in you, for lack of a better term. Though I have only been here for a relatively short time, I have learned a lot about you through your organization and the people you surround yourself with. You recognize the benefits of peace and the realities of war in equal measure. You are prepared to sully your hands to achieve your goals no matter what they may be. You have ambitions far beyond those of normal beings and the will to see them through. I am here because I can tell that you and I are...kindred spirits as it were, and our efforts would be magnified immensely were we to work together." Thrawn matched Ciaran's gaze. "And while our reasons may be different, our goals are the same-a truly united galaxy. Is that a sufficient answer?"
How would one describe Ciaran's character? So much stuff has been happening it becomes a little difficult to pin down, especially morally.
How would one describe Ciaran's character? So much stuff has been happening it becomes a little difficult to pin down, especially morally.
Her morality is highly dependent on the situation as you would expect though she does have lines in the sand she refuses to cross. It's why she respects Vectivus' teachings so much; she understands that being a merciless, cruel leader will often result in you getting stabbed in the back sooner or later. However because of that it's often difficult to determine whether her unwillingness to participate in much more controversial affairs like the slave trade is due to some sense of sympathy from her time in the slums or simply understanding that her reputation would be tarnished by her mere involvement in it, but at the same time she's certainly willing to use fairly illegal methods to get what she wants. The fact of the matter is that when the galaxy is at peace and the Jedi are the main Force-users around she's much better off for it, so-perhaps fittingly-it's hard for anyone to really determine how "light" or "dark" she is.
Wow, he really respect Ciaran that much, that actually kind of heartwarming. If she wasn't an information broker/thief/CEO with a loose moral compass[X] A Grievous Introduction: General Grievous has owed you damn near everything from the time of the first Huk War to bringing him under the protective envelope of the CNS. Maybe now it's time to cash in those favors and bring him in as a full-time associate. Given how he perceives you at this point the only way things could possibly go wrong is if you royally screw up somehow. Chance of Success: 90% Reward: Gain Hero Unit General Grievous
Her motivation was basic survival not anything large like Peace or Power. Instead of looking for Power over others she sought Control over her own life. Power over others is useful as a tool to gain said control but she never allowed Power to supplant her first desire. Control, control, control.
Wow, he's really respect Ciaran that much, that actually kind of heartwarming. If she wasn't an information broker/thief/CEO with a loose moral compass
I totally agree with the control angle; I've noticed that in general both in canon and the omakes she tends to lose her cool whenever she loses control of a situation. But what's interesting to me (and I honestly think that it's my favorite part about Ciaran) is that even in her interactions with others she never forces them to be under her control or convince them that they should simply be more cynical. You'd think that after her experiences she'd be telling people like Padme to go drown in their ideals and die, but instead she simply tells them that the galaxy isn't as forgiving towards those ideals but they're still attainable. By all rights she should be a cynic, but I get the sense that even after her experiences she's a lot more idealistic than one would give her credit for. Her ideal is that anyone-even a woman like her born to an unremarkable family, raised by a scoundrel, and abandoned by the galaxy-can become anything if they have the will to see it through.
I put that down to all of us that play the quest growing up fairly comfortable and with fairly benevolent ideals even if we ourselves aren't idealistic. The early players also didn't turn this into a villain quest but it did start with us being a criminal. It's just the general feeling the quest grew to have and then the general feeling grew into the quest itself via Teron's turns and the Players' stories. It also helps that the early turns had good dice pay offs when it mattered. I blame the trolling and general feel-good characteristics of the quest on the good rolls and the general hilarity the early voters found from that.
Her motivation was basic survival not anything large like Peace or Power. Instead of looking for Power over others she sought Control over her own life. Power over others is useful as a tool to gain said control but she never allowed Power to supplant her first desire. Control, control, control. Furthermore, Peace and Harmony wouldn't let her gain Control of her life and so she used Chaos.
Enjoy~ And expect a little extra from Teron sometime in the near future...
I wish could give this both a Like and a Funny rating.
*stares at nobody reacting to the teasers of how things are going to take another turn towards complete insanity*