Plan: Forceful Personalities
BBY 21, Fourth Quarter
Current Treasury: 1077
Current Income: 2005
Current Upkeep: 1413
Despite everything that's happened in the past quarter, there's a palpable sense of tension in every branch of the Abyss Watchers. The inhibitor chip research is about to finish, more information on Sidious' potential identity has come up, Jango's return has been causing a lot of political much has been happening or is about to happen.
You get the sense that this is the calm before a storm. Hopefully you'll be able to weather it...
Martial: You'd think that having Thrawn and Grievous around would reassure your military advisors, except now they're worried that you're going to be doing even more audacious things to profit from the war.
Pick 2:
[x] Senatorial Protection Detail: It's clear from the events related to Seti and Bail that Palpatine is going to try and eliminate his political rivals by any means necessary. Supporting anti-Palpatine senators directly would be too obvious, but setting up a protection detail for Senators
in general would not only give you the chance to protect the more vulnerable members but make you some money on the side. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Security detail for Senators established through security company, additional income
[x] An End To The Nightmare: You know where Wesker is. You know what he can throw at you. You've stopped his latest plague. It's time to end him once and for all so that he can never bring ruin to the Northern Rim again. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Assault on Wesker's base planned and launched
Diplomacy: While Jango being declared the new Mandalore is certainly a great benefit to you, it has come with its fair share of diplomatic issues.
Pick 1 Regular Action, 1 CNS Action:
[x] CNS Integration Bureau: You and Satine can only visit so many planets at once, and the CNS is becoming increasingly popular. It might be a good idea to formalize a system of application to the CNS that could handle those requests themselves. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 50 Reward: Application system formalized, per-turn roll for sympathetic systems to join CNS
[x] Shadow Meeting: Seti has pointed out that his comrades in the Senate who stand against Palpatine aren't truly aware of what he's capable of, and has suggested that you set up a covert meeting to help rally some of the more prominent figures like Bail Organa or Garm Bel Iblis. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Anti-Palpatine faction's major members meet with you and Seti
Stewardship: Borvo has been ecstatic since he's been given control of Ziro's assets and the finances of the Abyss Watchers have started to stabilize. It helps that now he has his own palace to spend time in.
Pick 2:
[x] Taris Refugee Initiative: Taris was once a thriving city-planet much like Coruscant before it was devastated during the Jedi Civil War. While the planet has begun to recover, it has remained mostly empty in comparison to your present state. This provides you with an opportunity to use it as a center for refugees to live on while the war plays out, and rebuilding Taris can only help you and the CNS. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: Taris designated as refugee-friendly planet, other potential benefits
[x] Incom Incentives: The fact of the matter is that Incom is deep in Core space where Palpatine has the most influence. Perhaps it might be a good idea to give them the funds so that they can build new facilities elsewhere in the galaxy and give them a chance to move their more sensitive materials elsewhere given your new relationship... Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: Incom begins constructing new facilities at designated planet
-[x] Taris
Intrigue: Gulan has been getting nervous with recent information gains, at it's becoming increasingly clear that Sidious is going to be a very big problem in the future...
Pick 2:
[x] Explosions From The Past: Some of your teams have gotten word that a Nemodian excavation team has inadvertently activated what sounds like some kind of assassin droid that was stored in an ancient Hammerhead cruiser, and despite its age it's proven to be very effective at blasting its way through the Nemoidian outpost. If you could capture it before the Nemodians do, you might have a very valuable piece of technology available to you... Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Advanced assassin droid recovered
[x] Write-In: Becoming a Pirate Queen, One Piece at a Time: There are a limitless number of pirates, smugglers, and just general vagabonds prowling the backspace of the galaxy. We've destroyed the pirates whenever they've tried to prey upon the CNS, and we've smashed the Black Sun into oblivion. Now lets take control of the remnants. Using the pirate fleet we already own, lets recruit and consolidate as many pirating groups as we can under our Aegis. They're likely to have plenty of bases and knowledge that we can use, and if they don't want to cooperate, well, pirates usually carry bounties, don't they?
Lore: Tyro's been baffled at the idea of declaring Vectivus' phantom to be a new 'advisor,' though he's admittedly fascinated that you were able to actually speak with him.
Pick 1:
[x] Force research: The Force is interesting and despite claims to the contrary (especially those of the Jedi) it has not been fully understood, most likely not even sufficiently, and there are still tricks to be discovered here and there. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Progress in researching new Tricks and Techniques (Takes 2 turns)
Learning: Var Zheen is busy, busy, buuuussssyyyyyy! Too much havoc happening in the galaxy, too much to do as result! Meanwhile Cheriss' personal research is beginning to give you the chance to explore new ground...
Pick 2, or pick only one Research action and halve its time:
[X] Research Inhibitor Chips: Highly encrypted, extremely advanced, and definitely dangerous, the inhibitor chips you recovered from Kamino are one of the biggest mysteries in the entire war. It's an important project, but it will take a considerable amount of time and effort to break through engineering like this. Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 150 Reward: Learn details about inhibitor chips (1 Turn Remaining)
[x] Write in: Cloned Flesh Transplants: Cloning is the crux of the Republic's military now. But why is it that only one planet actually uses it significantly? Lets combine cloning technology with our genetics research to create bio-augments. Instead of cybernetics, lets give sapients the option of keeping their bodies wholly organic after traumatic injuries. And its not like anyone else would be capable of providing that kind of service. And who knows? Maybe it won't mess up Force Users as much as cybernetics.
Personal: Well, what to do with your free time?
Pick 2:
[x] Force Training: At this point from what you can tell your own personal training isn't going to be enough if you really want to get better at Force manipulation. You're either going to need outside help or in-depth recordings to really get anywhere new. Chance of Success: 70%
-[x] General Training: Ventress is admittedly a far better Force user than you and you could stand to learn from her. When you asked she was willing to help but she has also stated that said training will be "very painful." Well, it's a step up from "excruciatingly painful," right? Reward: Lore Increase
-[x] Blazing Chains (Basic): Tyro's been around for what seems like ages now but you've never actually learned the Blazing Chains techniques from him. It might be about time to fix that. Reward: Lore Increase, Blazing Chains Style Learned
Hero Units: You've been gathering a lot of talented individuals under your command, and many of them have ambitions of their own that they may need your help with to succeed.
Optional, Pick Up To 2, Uses Hero Unit's Full Stats:
[x] Silas Cata: Hell Hath No Fury: Silas has gotten a message from one of his many other grandchildren indicating that she has been enslaved by a Hutt, though he doesn't have a precise lead on her location. He's made it very clear that you're either helping him or he's going to start tearing a warpath through Hutt Space until he finds her-an option you're not keen on given your current relationship with the Hutts. (Uses Intrigue Bonuses, Silas Cata must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Silas' grandchild located/rescued without causing an incident, ???
[x] Grievous: Let the Hunt Begin: While he is certainly happy to work with you Grievous has requested the chance for him and a group of Kaleesh warriors personally chosen by him to go on a hunt. His destination: Vendaxa, a planet home to some of the fiercest predators in the galaxy. Well, if he thinks it's a good idea... (Uses Martial Bonuses, Grievous must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Grievous hones his skills through his hunts, ???
New Bases:
[x] Write-in: Taris
Base Upgrades: With how many credits you own it might be an idea to upgrade your bases a bit.
Coruscant Base:
[x] Underworld Takeover: Your presence may have expanded across the galaxy but in your experience consolidation always pays. Use your new might and start acquiring new territory in the Coruscant Underworld and consolidate. Cost: 75 Reward: Guardian/Seeker recruitment rate increase, can be taken more than once, potential for further development in owned areas
Oracle (Lucrehulk):
[x] Sienar Ship Customization: The Oracle is a fine ship, but it could be better; now that you've partnered with Sienar you could let him and his team loose on the ship and see what they can do to upgrade it. Cost: 75 Reward: Increased general performance of Oracle
Mandalorian Mansion:
[x] Beskar Iron Mine Lease: While the Death Watch are still being purged from Concordia there have been a number of iron mines already freed from them and the Mandalorian government is looking for investors. Having access to those metals might come in handy. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 50 Reward: Access to Beskar iron, increase in elite troop armor quailty
Lordran, Kiln:
[x] Build personal Retreat: Build a personal Retreat/Fortified Mansion on the planet to have a place to escape to in case of trouble in the known parts of the Galaxy. Cost: 200 (Takes 2 turns)
[x] Write in: Force Library: As we research and develop knowledge of the various sects of Force Users, we're going to need a centralized place to keep and sort the information as well as store any and all artifacts we gather. While the Oracle fulfills that purpose for now, it would probably be best if we have a more... stable location established.
La'Sombra (Asteroid Base):
[x] Defense Grid: The base might be hard to find but it pays to be sure that it's guarded. Cost: 50 Reward: Defenses for base established
Nar Shaddaa Property:
[x] Nightclub: Another "charming" feature of Nar Shaddaa is that many of its people are willing to spend a lot of credits on hookers and blow. There's definitely plenty of money to be made there. Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Nightclub income
Castell Facility:
[x] Trading Port: Castell is a major center of trade, and it would definitely be worthwhile to get in on that action. Cost: 75 Reward: +75 trade income
[x] Centralize Assets: You already have a significant number of assets on the planet, and with proper funding and planning you're sure you could centralize them and make even more money from them. Cost: 50 Reward: +50 Income
Free Action:
[x] Force research: The Force is interesting and despite claims to the contrary (especially those of the Jedi) it has not been fully understood, most likely not even sufficiently, and there are still tricks to be discovered here and there. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Progress in researching new Tricks and Techniques (Takes 2 turns)
Hero Support (applies half the stats to a chosen action):
PR-1: [x] Taris Refugee Initiative
The Silencer: [x] An End To The Nightmare
Cheriss Sair: [x] Research Inhibitor Chips
Thrawn: [x] Explosions From The Past
Asajj Ventress: [x] Force research
Costs Total: 50+100+150+75+75+100+200+50+100+75+50=1025
Now, I know that means we'll be practically bankrupt going into a dangerous era per QM word. BUT, most of that cost is a one off investment that will instead result in higher income. Also, much of this plan involves preparing our organization and ourselves for whats coming. Actually obtaining new skills and deployable resources, as well as laying out the groundwork for future investments of the same intent. We Need Force abilities, and We need to make ourselves needed for more than 'soft' influence. Which is why I'm pushing so much write-ins and Taris. Taris, we can turn into our own personal manufacturing arm in the galaxy. Make it a shipyard planet for the CNS (and Abyss Watchers), while establishing whole new trading lanes. Lets make our Medical Corp actually unique in a why that will practically make it indispensable immediately for the Republic, and maybe Jedi. Hell, being able to repair our own agents without losing their effectiveness in the Force is worth the try in my mind.
Dr. Snark , Could you veto or label the costs for my write-ins, that I may readjust what I'd want to invest in?