Lights... Camera... ACTION!!: A Hollywood Quest

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With these words, it is the destiny of men, women, and directors to write their names in the stars as masters of acting and creating talents for the good of money, talent, and fame.
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Hi Magoose here one of the guys helping Duke.

So we have some bad news.

The quest has been canceled as duke does not want to write it anymore.

I'm going to ask if I can take over for it, because I like this quest, and it would be a shame to kill it
TBF, Mags, you have been doing a lot of the heavylifting for the quest, so this will be in good hands. :)

To be clear to everyone, this is just me burning out on imagination of the quest, since my muse has been hitting me over the head a lot with so many different ideas that I just can't find myself too interested in this.

I'll still hang out here, though, since this still does have a sepcial place in my heart.

I'd like to thank you all for making this a wonderful experience while it lasted.

I'd also like to thank @Magoose, @Fluffy_serpent, and @Martin Noctis for doing so much to help prepare and write this quest. I couldn't have done it without you all. :D

I'll see you all around.

With so many regards, Duke William Of.
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Duke William of

I really need to finish my quests. :V
Hollywood isn't a place, it's a way of life.
-Helene Hanff (1916-1997)




With these words, it is the destiny of men, women, and directors to write their names in the stars as masters of acting and creating talents for the good of money, talent, and fame.

But that is simply one path to fame and fortune in this glamorous hell called the Film Industry. Some good can be done to protect your fellow employees, actors, and cameramen from the vicious studio producers and the powers that be.

This is your story of you... Just one struggling Actor who is trying to make their way into the world, to carve your name into the history of cinema, and beyond.

To become something more. A Legend.

Or just really really rich.

What is your name?:
[]Write in

What is your Gender:

What is your Age when you began your acting Journey:
[]Write in (Can be anywhere between 10, to 21)

What do you look like:
[]Place image.

What Era do you inhabit:

[]The Aftermath: Let the Twenties ROAR to life. Hollywood is on top of the world, it's a dog-eat-dog world in this place, Let's MAKE A MOVIE!! (You begin 1919, The war is over and you have to get off the ground quickly before your studio is destroyed by the sharks in the water of big studios...or go into animation.)

[]The Golden Age of Hollywood: Hays Code, Studio bigwigs wanting a piece of the pie, the Depression and the rise of Stars everywhere, what a time to be alive. (You start in 1934, It's the depression, studio execs are assholes and you are limited...but don't be discouraged, there are ways around the system.)

[]The Studio Collapse: Eventually the Studio's greed caught up to them and things started to break, Animation has entered the dark age. And Things are looking rough.OHH Joe Maccartny got elected into the senate. (The Year is 1952, Hollywood needs a makeover. Don't be a commie. Or don't get caught.)

[]New Hollywood: The Next generation has arrived the Hays code is dead and new horizons are everywhere. (The Year is 1970...New Hollywood and the Era of blockbusters are here.)

[]The Shining Eighties: Anime Craze, Action Films, and Sci-Fi have hit the scene and by golly, we are here to stay. (Its 1980, Synth Music, peppy sounds, and action stars are all the rage.)

[]Nineties Babies: The Eighties have come and gone, with many of the great and over-the-top action movies being thrown to the wayside for more cerebral and... another fare. (It's have SO many choices to go down. Maybe you can make video game movies work this time?)

[]The New Millennium: Ahh a fresh start...a new age is about to begin. Perhaps you can carve out a niche in this great world you are in. (It's 2000, pray that things don't get any worse.)

[]Modern Day: It's been a long time since Edison filmed some people in a warehouse, with Modern cinema, the Giants of industry, and a willing population across the world, let's make something of yourself. (The Year is 2022, Let's make some entertainment.)



Welcome everyone to an Actor Quest, where you're playing as the actor this time, instead of the producer or director. Take control of the MC, and etch your name into Hollywood legend.

There's a lot you can do, everybody, so go wild with this. :)

I, Duke William of, will be your handsome QM this quest, with @Magoose, @Martin Noctis, and @Fluffy_serpent, as my co-conspirators here. If you have any questions, you can @ any one of us.

Fluffy provided the basis of this quest's rules, Magoose is writing these, I'm doing the edits, and Martin is the brainstormer. Also, Magoose Dice may or may not be involved here, so take that any way you will. :V
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Character Sheet
Character Sheet:

Name: Bruce "The Goose" O'Brian
Age: 17
Height: 5'9
Birthdate: September 15th, 1954
Nationality: Irish/American Citizen (Born in New York, Hell Kitchen, Raised in Ireland until you were 6)
Reputation: Unknown (No one knows who you are)

Acting: 20 (You are a green actor, with experience, but otherwise completely new at the craft professionally.)

Screenwriting: 10 (You have talent, and by talent, you mean you can write in the English language proficiently.)

Directing: 5 (Your ability to direct is absolutely shit. You have no training)

Classically Trained Actor: You have always learned how to be a consummate professional, no matter the script, the quality or the movie, or the others. (+5 to all rolls within a job, regardless of quality, budget and costars.)

Connected: Despite everything, you know people that will want you to succeed. (+10 to getting a role)

Irish: You are a son of the Emerald Isle and a child of Britiania. (Certain rolls are open to you which may be restricted to you otherwise if you were an American)

Athletic: You are in incredible shape, and can do things that really help you. (+10 to choreography rolls. -10 to all injury roll)
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Im tempted to go for the studio crash, the dark ages or the new hollywood, modern times is just sad.

On a second thought trough:

[X] It was the best of times
-[X]Name: Kalvin Anderson
-[X] Aparence:

-[X]The Shining Eighties: Anime Craze, Action Films, and Sci-Fi have hit the scene and by golly, we are here to stay. (Its 1980, Synth Music, peppy sounds, and action stars are all the rage.)
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What is your name?:
-[X]Bruce "The Goose" O'Brian
What is your Gender:
What is your Age when you began your acting Journey:
What do you look like:
-[X]New Hollywood: The Next generation has arrived the Hays code is dead and new horizons are everywhere. (The Year is 1970...New Hollywood and the Era of blockbusters are here.)

My plan, and my only plan, is to become Luke Skywalker or Han Solo from Star Wars.

After that, we're set for life baby.
[x] Plan: Future Star
-[x] Name: Nathan Bradshaw
-[x] Gender: Male
-[x] Age at starting year: 14
-[x]The New Millennium: Ahh a fresh start...a new age is about to begin. Perhaps you can carve out a niche in this great world you are in. (It's 2000, pray that things don't get any worse.)
-[x] Image of a person that doesn't exist, generated by AI
How the hell did he get that nickname, of all things? Was he adopted by geese and lived with them for years or something?
Actually, it's based on a funny story I had as a child.

I used to raise waterfowl (Ducks) near clear lake, and I always honked like a goose.

Hence the name, The Goose.

Hell its how I got the name Magoose. Ma- Goose.

Here, I just decided it would be funny that he has a nickname so intrinsic to his life, that everyone who knows him, calls him the goose. But he changes the story every time, so no one knows the truth.
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As a man who has a very keen interest in cinema ever since I can remember, you have gain my interest immediately.


While I don't mind Magoose's final goals, remember that many of the greatest and most renowned motion pictures in the history of Hollywood are made in the 70s. This is one of the best periods to make your mark on history.
[X] Plan Giga-Chad
-[X] Name: Chad Maverick
-[X] Gender: Male
-[X] Age: 15 years old
-[X] Appearance:
-[X] The Shining Eighties: Anime Craze, Action Films, and Sci-Fi have hit the scene and by golly, we are here to stay. (Its 1980, Synth Music, peppy sounds, and action stars are all the rage.)
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While I don't mind Magoose's final goals, remember that many of the greatest and most renowned motion pictures in the history of Hollywood are made in the 70s. This is one of the best periods to make your mark on history.
Hey man, I just want to be part of one of the biggest franchises in the history of Cinima, in Star Wars.

Plus, Star Wars launched Harrison Ford into the god damn stratesphere. Because he was also very good at choosing his roles, something we can do expertly with future knowledge...

if the butterfly effect doesn't fuck us over.
A bit early for this, but over time, we may or may not let you expand into also becoming a director, producer, writer, etc. No promises, though. ;)
To counter that: Sylvester Stallone.

Well Stalone didn't really have his big break until he wrote Rocky. And everyone was taking a big risk in funding him because, he was a first-time screenwriter, a damn near unknown actor and was... kinda not looked at as he is today.

Stallone really took a gamble in not taking the easy paycheck as a writer and demanded he stars in his own film because he believed he was the only one who could play rocky.

The rest, as they say, is history.
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[X] Plan Sort of a crossover
-[X] Name: Sebastián de Villafuente
-[X] Gender: Male
-[X] Age: 18 years old
-[X] Appearance:
-[X]The Golden Age of Hollywood: Hays Code, Studio bigwigs wanting a piece of the pie, the Depression and the rise of Stars everywhere, what a time to be alive. (You start in 1934, It's the depression, studio execs are assholes and you are limited...but don't be discouraged, there are ways around the system.)

Just like its Hollywoods golden age it just so haooens to be the golden age of cinema for our neighbors down south. So yeah was inspired to create a Mexican, maybe Mexican-American character. Just gave him a Hispanic name, I'll leave the details to the imagination and qm if he wins lol.
Just like its Hollywoods golden age it just so haooens to be the golden age of cinema for our neighbors down south. So yeah was inspired to create a Mexican, maybe Mexican-American character. Just gave him a Hispanic name, I'll leave the details to the imagination and qm if he wins lol.
Don't worry, we have a few ideas about some... ideas on how the backgrounds work...

It's fun coming up with stuff.
[X] A Shinning Star

-[X]Name: Hoshi Light (character is half Japanese)

-[X] Female


[X]The Golden Age of Hollywood: Hays Code, Studio bigwigs wanting a piece of the pie, the Depression and the rise of Stars everywhere, what a time to be alive. (You start in 1934, It's the depression, studio execs are assholes and you are limited...but don't be discouraged, there are ways around the system.)

Also want the Mc to be the one to start this meme.

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