So I'm pretty much all caught up with the quest and it has been a great read so far. I'd thought I would express some thoughts for easy goal we could accomplish with minimal investment next turn. In catching up I've not read the discussion between updates so I don't know if a lot of this has been discussed already.
So next turn we are obligated for a number of things. We have to begin producing STRIPE suits. Carol wants to work on a Ferris Aerospace project. Oswald
demands to produce tv for two turns. Caitlin and Louise stuck with Cold Engine. We have to do the build orphanages option for Selina. So we're down at least 5 actions and 4 heroes.
First questions the the QM. 1)
@King crimson Does the hire private investigator action get us a free source of info/actions sorta like risk management firms or is it more like gaining a hero unit?
2) This turn our risk management firms suggested Stagg Industries wasn't a good bet. Do they think the whole company is going down soon or that its recoverable? I'm wondering because now might be the best time to either buy them out or poach any hero units they have that want to jump ship. Also is there an action to specifically target hero units at another company to hire?
Besides that there are a few actions I want to advocate towards:
-Going off our risk management firms' advice I would like to buy out LL Fashions and get Lana Lang as a hero unit.
-Meet with General Sam Lane. He is already suspicious of superman and if we can help support his projects it might be a good way to do Nemesis actions. Hopefully like with our other general budy he gives us the data from his super projects getting us free research too. Besides that fucking with Lois more is always worth it as shown with her sister.
-Also I find Lex managing a cabal of US generals as pawns against Superman very amusing. All we need is General Denton Synge for a hat trick.
I really do want to meet Harley and the Joker. Mostly to see if we can mess that relationship up. I do not even care if we higher her. I just do not like the relationship and how abusive it was. To me the relationship is too real life in you have a smart attractive woman in a terrible relationship with a horrible person.
Can't really argue with how some one feels, but if that is the main reason for your vote than I don't know how you enjoy quest. Our main character is a CEO that preys on the emotional weaknesses and mental illnesses of his employees to bind them to his company. He is a major participant in the military industrial complex and all the horrible things associated with it. He runs his company with an iron fist were regular employees must soullessly adhere to the company line never allowed to express anything negative to the outside without consequence (obviously hero units are exempt from this to a degree). The things Lex and Lexcorp does are depressingly real if I think about them in translation to IRL. However, being able to make that separation between fiction and reality is what allows enjoyment in things like quests for me personally.
But again if it hits to close home for you its kinda hard to ignore your own feelings so I understand why'd you go with that vote.