Lex Luthor Meets Dormammu
Fair enough and glad you enjoyed the other ones.I actually really enjoyed this picture for a somewhat ironic reason. The image in question draws heavily from the Young Justice version of Ivo which is not how Ivo looked in quest at all (he was way more hideous and obviously visibly diseased). Still though as a statue in universe it makes sense to have this be the image Lex presents as "Ivo" since his appearance wasn't well known to many people who would contradict Lex and its much easier to make someone who looks good be marketable as opposed to someone who looks like Ivo did. As such this picture by being inaccurate to what Ivo looked like in life is accurate to what a statue or memorial to Ivo might look like in quest and I find that kind of amusing.
You've earned 400 exp.
I'm torn but I think this is the first time I have to go and tell someone that the fanart doesn't qualify for exp (and I feel bad that I'm doing this as I don't mean to devalue any effort you put into making this but I do think I need to draw a line somewhere). This piece is ultimately too low in connection to the quest and not quite at the level I would generally like for manipulated pictures (Lex Luthor is horribly pixilated and it feels a bit like one picture was cut out and pasted atop another one without the overall look being intended to come out that way). I appreciate the attempt here but I do think that I won't be giving exp for this one.
This image I find is the better photoshop of the two. I'm probably a bit of an egomaniac and a hypocrite for this but I enjoyed this picture a lot and found it funny.
This one earns 400 exp
Rose is a teenager who appeared to blow out his brains in a psychotic fit that could have gone very wrong. The issue is less "you're to blame for putting down the shooter" and more "you're to blame for creating a situation in which a teenaged girl had to kill a man in front of hundreds of witnesses". It's considered a failure on your part because of how divisive it is that someone had to be put into that situation who wasn't supposed to do it because of the failures of the security which you arranged
1 hour moratorium
Does this count better?