This one took me a while to get around to but I managed to get it done. We'll be having the Vertigo event next and then some interludes including Ivo's funeral. I'm excited as things are shaping up to be really interesting and you've got some interesting options on the table. As always feel free to share your thoughts and give feedback or ask questions.
The winning votes from last time are as follows
[ ] [Channel] Oz
[ ] [Media] Handshake
[ ] [LAK] Further pinpointing on the mystery element in Kryptonite
[ ] [LAK] Improved output for Kryptonite batteries
[ ] [LAK] Enchantability of Kryptonite
[ ] [EA] Donate money to Bradley Covington's campaign
[ ] [Bane] Write-in: Turn down Bane's offer gratefully. Try to persuade General Eiling to let his good friend, Oswald Loomis, confront Edge now that Edge is in US government custody.
[ ] [ICU] Let Ivo die
[ ] [Interview] Accept an interview with Lois Lane
Turn 18 Results Part 5
Please keep all votes in plan format. Any vote not in plan format will be discarded. There is a 1 hour moratorium on voting.
Diana's Deals subvote
While consulting with the DOMA, Pamela was approached by Director Prince who had an interesting deal in mind. While the deals proposed aren't perfect they are enough to potentially bind the fledgling organization even closer to you. Please vote for as many options as you would like to from the list below.
[ ] [Deal] In exchange for setting up a center for the education of young metahumans the DOMA will provide staffing for this organization and allow you access to the data gathered at this school
[ ] [Deal] In exchange for a priority contract with the DOMA LexCorp will design a top of the line nonlethal weapon for them to use.
Tornado of Data subvote
The informations you have gleaned from the Red Tornado data the DOMA has given you is absolutely spectacular. With what you have learned you have enough to revolutionize robotics once more. Furthermore you have gleaned some fascinating little bits of data to further follow up on. You have 15 points to spend on any of the options from the list below. Please feel free to vote for as many options as you would like to. Be aware that many of the options available are incredibly powerful if followed up on.
[ ] [Data] Rudimentary Robot Doubles (3 points)
[ ] [Data] Red Tornado tracker (6 point)
[ ] [Data] Location of the Red Volcano schematics (10 points)
[ ] [Data] T. O. Morrow's location (15 points)
[ ] [Data] Were-Bear protocols (1 point)
[ ] [Data] Confirmation of the existence of Vampires (1 point)
[ ] [Data] Location of old Red Shadows records (4 points)
[ ] [Data] A lead as to T. O. Morrow's possible location (1 point)
[ ] [Data] Red Torpedo tracker (2 points)
[ ] [Data] Red Inferno tracker (4 points)
[ ] [Data] Tornado flight systems (7 points)
Rice Renegotiation subvote
Emily Rice has decided to renegotiate the terms of her working with you if she is instead going to be working for you. As such you need to figure out just what you are willing to give her. Please pick as many options as you would like from the list below.
[ ] [Rice] In exchange for tutoring Cassandra Luthor Emily Rice requests a pay raise and public recognition for teaching Cassandra
[ ] [Rice] In exchange for scientific consultation on a freelance basis Emily Rice would like samples of Kryptonite to work on at her universities lab
[ ] [Rice] In exchange for teaching Cassandra year round as opposed to whenever she can make it Emily would want you to pay for her flights so long as they are related to the job you are hiring her for.
[ ] [Rice] In exchange for a minor fee and the setup of a grant Emily Rice could find a student she is willing to recommend to keep being Jinx's tutor in her place
Draper's Daughter subvote
Carl, elated by his newfound promotion, has requested to take his daughter to LexCorp to show her what he does for a living. While it is a potential security hazard to let younger individuals who aren't directly working for LexCorp and thus far more likely to let out crucial information, it is a potential PR coup and could help you gain more workers. Please vote for as many options as you would like to from the list below.
[ ] [DD] Allow Carl to take his daughter to work
[ ] [DD] Offer Carla an internship at LexCorp
[ ] [DD] Offer to fund Carla's college enrollment
[ ] [DD] Allow all workers to take their children to work on a specific day
[ ] [DD] Institute a take your child to work day as a regular event at LexCorp
[ ] [DD] Deny any attempts to take children to work as unsafe and a potential information leak (this option is mutually exclusive with all other options)