Once again Emily Rice shows that she struggles in dealing with a student who fundamentally does not want to learn from her. While she has gotten far better at cajoling and working around Jinx, the girl's dislike of her and disinterest in subjects that are not literature or writing play against that heavily. Emily hopes to get Jinx to the point where she could pass a GED test but states that it will take quite a while for her to get to that level. On the bright side Jinx has definitively learned Algebra and so is at least making progress in that direction even if it is rather slow.
Results: Jinx learned basic algebra and the beginning of how exponents work.
Ugh, yeah. If she's grudgingly attaining only barely that level, it's gonna be a while before she can pass state tests in Maryland. This is
specifically my area of expertise, and Jinx is about four grade levels south of where she needs to be.
Then again, she's what,
Bradford Sackett
[ ] Take a short walk off a tall building
DC 0
In response to all of the pressure and the desire to investigate himself it has seemed that Bradford Sackett has cracked ended up committing suicide to escape the pressure. He ended up jumping off of the roof of the capitol building in broad daylight. However there are a few things that seem fishy about his suicide especially considering all of the papers in his office were then found missing. Still Bradford Sackett is definitively out of the way
Results: Bradford Sackett is deceased. The option to investigate Sackett's death will be available next turn
Investigate Sackett's death, eh?
This needs doing. We know for a fact that there's an invisible man on the loose because one tried to strangle Lois Lane. And frankly Lois Lane is a lot more of a badass than Bradford Sackett. It's entirely possible that Blindspot, or his employer, is systematically gaming Metropolis politics.
This is an important conclusion.
SOMEONE, some unknown player, is interfering in Metropolis politics. They had enough leverage over the mayor to make him pass a rather ill-conceived gun control law that would cause him more trouble than it's worth. They had the means to either coerce Sackett into committing suicide, or assassinate him in a way that would look like suicide (again, Blindspot could do this pretty easily).
And they're
not Lex, and they're not Whale, and we have no idea who they are. The principle of parsimony suggests that Blindspot
probably works for them, though he might have been pursuing an entirely independent grudge.
The US Government
[ ] Launch Mars mission
DC 100
Roll 140
Major success
The US government has finally begun to launch the work you had consulted with NASA on. With the backdoors you installed into the device you are sure to begin receiving a steady stream of data on the red planet without anyone else being aware of it. The US government for its part has another feather in its cap and there are talks of potentially sending a manned mission to Mars if everything goes well.
Results: Satellite launched
OK. 6-18 months (2-6 turns) before it arrives, if it's following a normal transfer orbit.
Also. ALSO!
Kryptonite power supply for ion thrusters! We can use that for deep-space exploration, though it's grossly inferior to the potential of the alien tech once we work on
[Seriously, there are an insane number of applications for a relatively compact power supply capable of generating double-digit kilowatt power from a glowing green rock that lasts for years]
[ ] Wage War on Santa Prisca
DC 156
Roll 401 (with hero bonuses factored in)
Absolutely incredible success
The United States government has finally mobilized its forces to begin taking on Santa Prisca. The small South American country is currently no match for the US armed forces and is rapidly losing ground. Furthermore the US is able to arm small groups of insurgents to cause even more problems for the Santa Priscan government and send them into the line of fire. So fare the war is going very well.
Results: US is solidly beating Santa Prisca in the war and are effectively arming insurgent groups to further destabilize the country and cut down its supply lines. At the current projected rate the Santa Priscan government is likely to capitulate within a year.
...I am honestly surprised they're even lasting a year. Unless that includes the time it takes to dig the last government-in-exile guys out of hidden bunkers in the mountain-jungles of the interior. Sort of like how Iraq collapsed within a month or two in 2003, but it took a while after that to find Saddam Hussein.
[ ] Reveal Ignition's confession to the world
DC 0
Roll 84
Critical and influential success
Upon resigning himself to US custody Ignition has revealed some very important secrets. As it turns out Ignition is a man who ducked out of the "Rocket Red" program in Russia and stole a prototype suit. He then went on to reveal that Russia has even more of these suits available to use. These suits are developed using the work of T.O. Morrow and are arguably even more dangerous than the suit Ignition has. The US government has since disseminated this knowledge and played on old Cold War fears turning the rest of the world against Russia for its secret construction of dangerous superweapons while also quietly attempting to jumpstart its own super-soldier programs.
Results: Rocket Red program revealed to the world. World turns against Russia. US government begins giving increased funding to super-soldier projects to ensure they remain competitive with Russia
OK, so everything is basically as I suspected
except that the Russians' advanced power armor tech is more sophisticated than I had believed.
The good news is, this means the US government is going to be wanting power armor of their own. And since this is DCQU and not MQU, that means they're going to go shopping for Lex Luthor to provide them with it. Which in turn means we've got a guaranteed market for arbitrarily advanced kryptonite-powered battlesuits.
Also, this probably does indeed tie into Avruskin's grand plan. The plan is to basically restart the Cold War by making the Russians look like a big threat, using Ignition to demonstrate just how scary the Red Rocket Brigade*
*(sorry, but I can
believe the USSR having a "Red Rocket Brigade," "Rocket Red" just sounds like a dumb name some 70s comic book writer would make up for a Soviet military super).
Tobias Whale
[ ] Send a message to Lex Luthor
DC 109
Roll 141 (with hero bonuses factored in)
Significant success
Tobias Whale is not doing well ever since you hired Lady Vic to kill him. The former kingpin of Metropolis crime has been fleeing the city and burying his tracks. However he still has managed to make use of his resources to send a pointed threat to you. If you do not call off the assassin you sent to kill him. Tobias Whale will release all the evidence he has of your own wrongdoings. To show he is serious about this he included a tape in the package he sent that contains a recording of his conversation with Pamela when you agreed to make a deal with him and states that he has more. This his turned out to be a mess but the fact that Tobias Whale is playing a card as devastating as this now shows that you've made him desperate.
Results: Down with the Ship subvote
He may be bluffing about having more, but then again, he may not. I'm prepared to take the chance. I was hoping that we could go for a decapitation strike that would put him out of commission before he could pull something like this, but that didn't pan out and Whale was prepared.
I say we agree to call off Lady Vic on the condition that Whale stay out of Metropolis; he's gotten too big for his britches. We can try to find some other way to neutralize his preparations to blackmail us later, but for now he's got a pretty good counter-weapon against us.
Unknown Individual
[ ] Tap into the Lex-Phone Network
DC 356
Roll 364 (with hero bonuses factored in)
Bare success
Some unknown individual has managed to tap into your network in order to listen in on peoples conversations. You have no idea who it is or how they have achieved such a feat but you are aware that they were not skilled enough to hide their presence from you. You now are at a crossroads. Either you can immediately track down this individual or you can gather more information on them or you can increase your networks security. It is up to you how things go from here.
Results: Someone taps into the L-Phone network to listen in on peoples conversations. Tracking the Tapper subvote.
Hm. I want to find this person. I strongly suspect we're up against one of the following:
1) An Oracle-tier hacker, be they 'white hat' hero or 'black hat' villain.
2) The US federal government (the NSA, probably, but I'm surprised they didn't just show up at our front door and
ask for access to the network).
3) An artificial intelligence of Earthly origin, that is trying to gather information for a patron or controller.
4) An independent AI of Earthly origin, trying to gather information for its own reasons.
4) Brainiac
Also, we should release a new model of phone with entirely different backdoors, in addition to any other security changes we make- "Improve phones" somewhere in the next turn or two.
Daphne Dean
[ ] Direct a movie
DC 47
Roll 68 + 16 (Daphne stewardship stat) = 84
Significant success
Daphne Dean has used the resources of Lightyear Entertainment to begin her directorial debut. With it she has created the movie titled "The Curse of the Atomic Skull". This movie stars a character who would appear as the villain in any other movie, fighting a battle against a villain who looks closer to the traditional male lead and is empowered with super-strength, speed and flight. The movie is relatively campy but has some interesting themes and ideas to explore. Test audiences seemed to enjoy the movie. Now all that remains is to decide what to do with it.
Results: The Curse of the Atomic Skull created. Releasing movies subvote.
All in favor of increasing the Security of the Lex-Phone network until the DC to tap it is at least 1000?
I'm in favor. On the other hand, shit like this happens in real life probably. If we're going to secure our phones better (against everyone who isn't, well,
us), then we need to start by figuring out who this person is and how they did it. It may well be that this took the entire NSA, or Brainiac, to hack our phones, because a 364 on the die roll strongly suggests either a concerted effort by a collaboration of hacker hero units, or absurdly lucky dice for a single individual.
So we need to know what level of threat it took to break our security, who did it, and how.
Huh, why did we vote to assassinate him again? I only check the results so it slips my mind.
Because he was asking for more,
quite a bit more, more than we thought we could get away with giving him, from his side of our bargain. Killing him would have tied up a loose end.
Unfortunately, Lady Vic's attempt to assassinate him with a bazooka only wounded him, and his bodyguard detachment included enough tough customers to fight a rearguard action and stop her from finishing him off.
Person tapping into our phones could be Batman. We should probably start our investigation non-violently until we find out who it is.
I mean, by default our investigation is going to involve a lot of computer stuff and detective work. We can't investigate violently until we know who to use the violence
Remember that it's entirely possible that the trail of breadcrumbs will lead back to, say, the NSA- someone we'd be very unwise to attack.
Also we should probably send bigger guns after Whale.
Ehhhh. If he has a blackmail dossier on us that would reveal us to have been conspiring with him, we might want to consider a truce. He can damage us with that. On the other hand, he has an incentive
NOT to try to use the blackmail information to force too many concessions out of us. Because we can probably survive the hit from the blackmail dossier unless it includes stuff worse than what he's already shared, but if he gives us a reason to send assassins after him again, he may not survive the experience.
Put Smoak on it. Meanwhile, we need more manpower
We can always use more resources.
The big thing I want to point out is that it's not necessarily a good use of our resources to stack up infinitely high security on the L-Phones. We could use the Felicity actions that would take to start new Internet businesses that will make us hundreds of millions of dollars, if not billions.
More security, sure. Close the specific loopholes used by the mystery hacker, sure. But that's not an unlimited commitment, anymore than we should be spending an action every turn fortifying our tower.
Well, technically we already did. I think we should just have our magic users buff Lady Vic with "Blessings of the Hunt" type spells or just have Cerise Scry Whale for her.
Again, the problem is that Whale has already probably set up a 'dead man's switch' system whereby if he dies, his blackmail material goes public. He has to know we could try to assassinate him with more force than we used last time. Now that he's had time to prepare a countermeasure, that countermeasure will probably go into action as a 'fuck Lex Luthor anyway' move even if we succeed in blowing through his physical security.
It comes down to a question of how much we want him dead, as opposed to how much we want him out of our nonexistent hair and leaving us alone.