just keep him underground in a lab, he would likely prefer it that way
I mean, he's really only good for robotics and even then Will Magnus would of been just as good. Better actually, since he was a student of T.O. Morrow and not a morally disgusting person. Seriously, Pamela Isley is amazingly brilliant and driven.
But back to the robotics: Sure it has plenty of uses and applications, such as mechanical labor and drones. Yet Anthony's specialty is Amazo, whose whole thing is Power Copying. Which, yeah, sounds amazing but... that means actually
finding abilities worth copying.
Plus, I'm incredibly wary of us actually making "Full Body Cyborgs" a thing. That's just
asking for some Transhuman Treachery, and it would become a popular method for creating super-soldiers. Given how morally bankrupt DC governments and Supervillains/Criminals can be...
disgusts me there's only two sensible options: Either hoard the Amazo technology, or install kill-switches that could potentially get exploited or removed by smart criminals.
Ultimately, Anthony is only useful for the Amazo tech, and the Amazo tech specifically is only good for mass-applying superpowers... most of which don't have socially useful applications.
Seriously, copying the Canary Cry is only good for making sonic weaponry and copying Super-Strength or Super-Speed is mainly limited to construction & transportation related fields.
Sure, copying the Flash means we could make physics-defying planes and bullet trains that allow people to visit every country in one day... Certainly nothing to sneeze at, but ultimately it just makes things faster to save time.
Hmm... copying Superman
and the Flash would revolutionize space exploration though, even making it feasible for people to visit other planets... Still, while it does have actually ridiculous potential to revolutionize the world (assuming you scan the right targets), we also have to be very careful Amazo tech doesn't get into criminal hands.
... We're going to have to be very careful with Anthony. Whatever, once he invents Amazo, we'll just prevent him from uploading himself. Dude would only use it for supervilliany anyways, like he cares about revolutionizing the world.