So, thinking about it...
- No need to defend the Daily Planet. We get nothing out of it. If anything, we'd like to maximize the collateral damage there, in a way that won't get back to us. Superman will swoop in to save his girlfriend, and she will write it as if he's the only thing that mattered in that fight, whether it's true or not.
I kinda wonder if it would be possible to slip Braniac the info on Kryptonite. Would he already know? It seems reasonable that he might, and if he
does already know, then he's had plenty of time to prep appropriate weapons on his way here, assuming he has a supply of the stuff. If he doesn't have the stuff, but he does know, then we've got publicized ads and everything telling him where to find an easily accessible supply if he wants it - eating a few cars over in Europe should give him more than enough to put together something that would give Superman a particularly bad day.
- We... might not want to spend all that much defending STAR Labs. They're under our influence to a degree, yes, but apparently there's someone else out there holding a majority share or something, making it arbitrarily hard for us to actually take control of the place. Having it get broken by Braniac might turn it into enough of a distressed asset to
really claim for our own. Basically, we need to put enough stuff there that no one's saying that we left it defenseless to get beaten on. At the same time... we kinda want to leave it defenseless to get beaten on a bit.
- We want to think about where people are actually going to be useful. Killer Frost, for example, is quite a lot stronger when she can
touch the enemy. So... where could we send her where that would be reasonably likely to happen? Mari is highly mobile, and very tough, but nonflying, and primarily melee as well. Where is
that most useful?
As a general thing, other than the specifics of the Planet and Star Labs, we don't want to strip any of the natural defenses of Metropolis. The SCU, the Metropolis Police Department, and so forth, should all be protecting the people of the city in general, rather than focusing on the LexCorp Tower. We use internal assets for
that. Indeed, we should probably deploy some of our explicitly LexCorp assets in support of the general populace. I'm not sure
which assets, but we at least want a clear presence out there wearing LexCorp colors, acting in defense of the people.
It's interesting that we have Pamela. I wouldn't have expected it, necessarily, given that she's officially still head of the EPA.
It's only been about thirty years but it's actually quite possible for him to have reached billions because of Brainiacs nature as an AI. Brainiac's got multiple bodies and multiple spaceships. He left Krypton with the resources of basically an entire planet of hyper advanced aliens behind him that he then promptly used to build up more bodies/robots/ships. He could then continue to grow exponentially during that time. Brainiac's only had about thirty years but he can also be in multiple places at once due to his nature as an AI and thus can be way more effective than any normal entity would at these things.
Okay, so... as the moral equivalent of a grey goo plague that operates on a world-eating level... give him anther century, and there won't be any primitive planets left. At the point he's already too distributed to wipe out meaningfully with anything other than a conceptual weapon of some sort. We might be able to kill
this ship, but with the way he's expressing certainty about the billions eaten, he's got some appropriately faster-than-light way to communicate with himself, so all we're doing there is depriving him to an effectively negligible amount of materiel, while letting him get more info on how we work. Sure, we're climbing the power curve pretty quick, and scavenging his stuff will likely help us climb it quicker, but when best-case victory is "he decides it's not worth it after all"? I mean, he
won't, because he has this Thing about Kal-El, but....