Well, okay, I'm not sure where the thread is at right now when it comes to arguments, we're going at a fairly quick clip. What I did notice is that Ash seems to be of a more 'complete' tier - i.e. it has 6 levels, so most likely it starts off at low red, low gold and then each successive level requires a cultivation breakthrough, so it is the sort of art where you take up with you all the way to late yellow and silver. Why don't the rest have 6 levels, I don't know, but given the tier-1 access I think it's quite likely they start at low-red/low-gold end at mid-yellow or mid-silver and hence don't have as nice of a finisher as Ashen Shadow does (good ash constructs being the sort of thing that probably requires late yellow/late silver to access).
On the flipside, it appears that techniques aren't made with a 'this is scrub, and this is uber' in mind, but rather all techniques come with costs. Sun Liling's blood regalia apparently depends on sacrificing HLs for power, while Ling Qi's awesome foot art technique depend on it being dark enough and FVM requires her to have her hands occupied and for her ostensible stealth technique to have... musical accompaniment. From what we can tell, one of Meizhen's water arts depends on there being enough water in the atmosphere and whereas Cai has difficulty turning off her ridiculous lightshow while fighting which is either to fool people into a sense of complacency or an actual drawback to her technique (having a honking big HERE COMES THE GENERAL sign written in neon electric white would probably be a notable disadvantage during mass battle).
With that in mind any art that is focused on a single weapon should be superior to an art which is more general. As the double arm art focused on a single weapon, Falling Stars art should do exactly what it was advertised to do, aka, deal damage and pin people down. As it is half-wind we should be able to grind it to max level pretty easily because we already qualify for its theoretically highest cultivation level (mid-silver). Not that that's a big deal, we also qualify for the 4th level of Ash.
All that we know so far about arts from the first level is Zephyr's Breath and in theory those arts follow the following xp scheme:
10-20-40. (80-160-320?)
Due to our favoring of wind (or was it heart meridians?) though, I think 5 xp was knocked off so instead ZB costed 5-15-35. Neither of our current in the lead arts require heart meridians so they will probably cost 5-10-30-70-150 and finally-310 for the last level of Ash. That's a lot of art xp.
Ash works off a theoretical turtle bonus, an action economy synergy with FVM and the amazing visual of fog that gets deeper and darker like you're travelling underwater and damn, you thought it was dark before but now you in LING QI'S HOUSE AND THERE AIN'T NO GETTING OUT NOW, whereas Falling Star works off Zephyr's Breath, our prodigious bow talent and the fact that we could actually sit on our turtle's back and walk around and be all like : I AM A TANK GIT ON MY LEVEL SCRUBS and when they try to get on our level we'd deploy the smokescreen, get off the tank and start playing sniper as they die.
Honestly couldn't choose.