Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

So, do we vote now?

[X] Because she brought order when it was needed. Because the world she seeks to forge is the best for me and mine.
I think you were good up until the last part. It's a little too strong on the ideal, and it's missing a declaration of the loyalty which is one of the virtues Ling Qi actually does have in spades.

This is the framework I'm looking at right now:

[] Cai Renxiang has trusted me with authority as her vassal, given me the chance to greatly better my family in her service, and showed me that she is a noble leader with admirable ideals. I will repay her faith, generosity, and virtue with loyalty, dedication, and integrity.
Second part of the sentence is both too arrogant and simply false, so let's not add it. Ling Qi is currently not having virtue or loyalty or integrity when it comes to her service to CRX. She might want to aim for it, but she can't say she will have it in front of Shenhua given we are currently betraying her.
Remember how we first met.

[] Because she brought order when it was needed. Because the world she seeks to forge is the best for me and mine.

It doesn't matter if we believe her ideals. It DOES matter that what she's trying to do benefits us regardless of ultimate feasibility, because she tries.
We met her long before that- we first met her, or rather noticed her, during Zhou's second test just before we got the bye.
I'll note for vote makers: Shenhua doesn't want to hear our life story. She doesn't want all the little reasons or the nuance. She knows that there are many reasons.

Shenhua wants one thought. She's giving us five seconds of attention and we can only give one answer, which is best if it encapsulates a single idea. Just one. No matter that we have a half dozen reasons or that we can give an entire balance scale of nuance. That's all irrelevant. One thought, five seconds of attention. If you have a list, cut it. If your "and" is adding a second idea, cut it.
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Okay, if the moratorium is over, then with this in mind,

Unless I feel that the vote captures Ling Qi's voice I'll end up tweaking it, a guideline would be fine, if your more comfortable formatting it that way.

I will try to make a vote that's more guideline than exact words.

[X] Ling Qi follows Cai Renxiang because
-[X] Absolute material advantage granting growth, security, influence, etc (up to yrs how much to elaborate on this)
--[X] Integrity of Renxiang's character meaning she can be trusted to look after her minions
---[X] Interest in being a better person and seeing if Renxiang's ideal world is even possible to build in real life.

I'd rather leave Meizhen out of our expressed reasons because holy shit, revealing emotional vulnerabilities to this woman is probably the worst idea ever.

EDITED: Hopefully it can be seen in tally now.
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Yeah, I think that's an adequate summary of what I feel we should try to get across. Let's not get too fancy and overthink this.

[X] Kai Merah
[ ] THE TRUTH: "Cai's ideals are worth pursuing, and even if I don't have faith in them, I have hope that I am wrong in their impossiblty. If she can bring peace and fairness, and I help her with that, I get to stare at Gan's abs"
- [ ] "srsly tho, dos abs. And biceps. And abs."
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For now,
[X] Kai Merah

Good summary of why Ling Qi believes she wants to follow CRX without trying to push a particular phrasing that will bite us in the arse. It even has the better phrasing of "Ling Qi is interested to see the influence CRX would have on herself" rather than the cudgel of "We want what CRX wants" which forgets Ling Qi is looking for personal character growth too.
Okay, if the moratorium is over, then with this in mind,

I will try to make a vote that's more guideline than exact words.

[X] Ling Qi follows Cai Renxiang because
1) Absolute material advantage granting growth, security, influence, etc (up to yrs how much to elaborate on this)
2) Integrity of Renxiang's character meaning she can be trusted to look after her minions
3) Interest in being a better person and seeing if Renxiang's ideal world is even possible to build in real life.

I'd rather leave Meizhen out of our expressed reasons because holy shit, revealing emotional vulnerabilities to this woman is probably the worst idea ever.
I basically agree with these reasons. Heck, even down to the order of importance, if I had to list em. I'd add to #1 that it's also an absolute political advantage though; Ling Qi gets to dodge a whole bunch of bullshit squabbling and suppression by being a Cai house vassal even separate from the matter of wealth. The "influence" bit mentions it, but derives from the material advantage in this formulation, whereas in reality they're parallel intertwined factors.

Also this vote doesn't show up in the tally like you intend it to.
Okay, if the moratorium is over, then with this in mind,

I will try to make a vote that's more guideline than exact words.

[X] Ling Qi follows Cai Renxiang because
1) Absolute material advantage granting growth, security, influence, etc (up to yrs how much to elaborate on this)
2) Integrity of Renxiang's character meaning she can be trusted to look after her minions
3) Interest in being a better person and seeing if Renxiang's ideal world is even possible to build in real life.

I'd rather leave Meizhen out of our expressed reasons because holy shit, revealing emotional vulnerabilities to this woman is probably the worst idea ever.
I like the reasons, and feel they're accurate, but this is far too many ideas. Even leaving the phrasing up to Yrs, there is no way Ling Qi can communicate all that in a few seconds of speech. I don't think such a nuanced answer is possible, and it might even be breaking the spirit of the limits we're under here.
I like the reasons, and feel they're accurate, but this is far too many ideas.

#2 and #3 could maybe be merged into CRX's integrity and ideals, good qualities as a leader. I think that implies everything from #2, and the growing as a person in #3 is pretty speculative and ancillary in any case.

I also agree that it needs to be fixed so it's visible to the tally, either all on one line or a plan with subvotes for extra lines.
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I like the reasons, and feel they're accurate, but this is far too many ideas. Even leaving the phrasing up to Yrs, there is no way Ling Qi can communicate all that in a few seconds of speech. I don't think such a nuanced answer is possible, and it might even be breaking the spirit of the limits we're under here.

The only limit is 3 sentences. Heck, my first write in was basically expressing this in 3 sentences.

She gave the best offer. I trust her to be a good liege. I'm interested in seeing if the world she desires to create is even possible.

That's the bare bones of why I think Ling Qi follows Renxiang. I'm sure yrsillar can elaborate or cut it down as needed.
My big concern with "[] She told me that she would earn my loyalty" is that implies she does not have it yet and indirectly states LQ is not yet a loyal vassal. However true that is, it's sort of an in-your-face statement of it.
[X] I am following her for the advantages in establishing my house and because I believe in her integrity as a leader who won't squander what I create... and to guide my own growth in such a role.

I'm basically ripping off @Kai Merah haha. The major difference is the reference to Renxiang's ideal world is folded into implication via the hierarchical nature of the Empire's society. Seeking fair treatment from her superiors and expressing a desire to be taught in the same towards her own subordinates encapsulates the spirit of Renxiang's ideal world order without being an explicit endorsement of it in its totality. This phrasing doesn't cede Ling Qi's own Path to Renxiang, but it does acknowledge the great worth of the girl's world view.

Also I tried to phrase it in a Ling Qi-ish way.
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You're taking that too literally. There limit exists to keep the write in simple, hence why it can be rejected for having many clauses. I also maintain, irrespective of limit, that we are being asked both IC and OOC for one single answer and no more.

We don't have just one single reason for following Renxiang though. We are not as straightforward as Guangli. I think the 3 reasons I included are the main essence of why Ling Qi follows Renxiang and should not be further simplified.

Absolute material advantage granting security and etc is probably our main reason. But trust in Renxiang as a person is why we trust her to give us all this and look after us and our family. Why we wouldn't just abandon ship to someone else giving us a better offer.

And lastly, of course, we're aware of our moral flaws, but we're interested in being better, and also seeing if the world can be better than what we've seen of it in our life so far.
Adhoc vote count started by Kai Merah on Jun 8, 2018 at 3:07 AM, finished with 187 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Ling Qi follows Cai Renxiang because
    -[X] Absolute material advantage granting growth, security, influence, etc (up to yrs how much to elaborate on this)
    --[X] Integrity of Renxiang's character meaning she can be trusted to look after her minions
    ---[X] Interest in being a better person and seeing if Renxiang's ideal world is even possible to build in real life.
    [X] She told me that she would earn my loyalty.
    [X] I am following her for the advantages in establishing my house and because I believe in her integrity as a leader who won't squander what I create... and guide my own growth in such a role.
    [x] "It seemed like the most interesting option available."
    [x] It does not bother me to lie, cheat, steal and similar.
    [X] Because she brought order when it was needed. Because the world she seeks to forge is the best for me and mine.
    [X] I want to support her in creating the just world she sees.
Ok, I like this more as it as a simple one-sentence phrasing, and it focus on how much CRX can help Ling Qi grow as a person.

[X] I am following her for the advantages in establishing my house and because I believe in her integrity as a leader who won't squander what I create... and to guide my own growth in such a role.
[X] Lady Cai's offer was the one that offered us the greatest potential for growth. She offered us a home where we could extend our roots, opportunities that would let us advance as a cultivator, an ideal that would help us grow as a person.
[x] Because through action and reputation, she has proven herself deserving of respect. Moreover, I see Lady Cai's path as the best way to create something of my own; as well for my personal growth as both a cultivator and person. Though I still question the feasibility of your daughter's vision of a better world, it is a worthy goal.
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