Does this mean GC still doesn't apply it's dot for the clash it is activated on (not the 3 turns)?
A thousand times this. It's really grating that we are going shopping when we could be making sure Li Suyin and Lu Sing aren't dead (I have confidence in Bai Meizhen).
As for the boytwin, I have confidence
@yrsillar would have Qi Ling noticing if he was in danger and try to help him.
You are making
very good points that I will answer, but first I want to point out that
@AbeoLogos was making a post about systemic issues between dodging and reactive defence, as well as between attacking and defending. Crescent Gale and Gale Shield were used as examples of those issues, and not as the arts having the issues.
Basically, every attack arts get it's dot dice added to it, while only reactive defensive ones do. This provide a perverse incentive where not only attack is much easier to stack than defence, but where dodging-centric defence not only means that if you get caught you are in a world of pain, but that
you are worse at dodging than someone who stands still with armour arts.
Take, for example, an hypothetical 5 dot defence skill that gives +5 dodge for 10 turns, and an hypothetical 5 dot defence skill that gives +2 damage reduction for 10 turns. The latter one, as it's a reactive skill, will also add +5 to defence during those 10 turns, making the supposedly dodge technique strictly worse.
Now, as for the actual great points you made: I completely agree that SCS is supposed to be a thieving and disengaging ability. I am very much hoping it will be good for thieving and disengaging for the level it's at (E.G, currently we have 'completed it' for the Red/gold level).
In fact, I strongly believe Crescent Grace will continue to improve as it levels, and I am somewhat hopeful that it will become good compared to powerful techniques for the things Crescent Grace focus on in. It's not the current case, though.
The current Crescent Grace, that is, not the one it will become, beside not being available in daylight, doesn't give stealth. It gives mediocre movement speed compared to significantly weaker techniques that are movement based. It gives mediocre defence compared to techniques that are not defence-heavy. It doesn't give significant movement utility so far if it's supposed to be about stealing (no wall running yet). It's extremely expensive Qi wise. It's supposedly 3 dots but is more in line with mediocre 2 dots techniques: It's not good at disengaging nor at movement nor at defence while it has large drawbacks (and doesn't have stealth yet).
Now, do I believe it will stay that way? no. What I am worried about, however, is that it will always stay a "Is not good compared to techniques of that same stage and has more disadvantage".
That was why I wanted Head Meridian, but I am now expecting FVM to need those
Bai Meizhan was talking about Cai's mom who got to white in 50 years. The bit about 600 years for the late emperor was given out of story.