Not really.
He does Xiulan a last little boon...
But he is careful to be sure it does not impact his house meaningfully.
And he was cultivating us as a potential asset - first as a retainer, than as an ally.
And it worked- that they have a shot at the Argent Way is the work of Ling Qi, since she traded one Art directly and delivered the other one by taking Xiulan to a trial. We gave him the tools to get into the inner sect next year.
This said, yes, it was nice of him to help a sorry mortal.
He is a nice guy.
Just a politician.
Giving up the tournament for someone is not a small little thing.
I can't believe I have to defend that. Would anyone be okay with giving up our own tournament place? Of course not because that's fucking huge.
Edit: I know he got boy cooties, but seriously, giving up a chance to impress the elders by taking a place in the tournament when he was given the explicit order by his familly to impress them is not insignificant.
We literally had meizhen refuse to do a silly ritual because her grandfather would disapprove. Compare this to what he is doing right now. Going against the explicit orders of his patriarch to help a friend/love interest. And you dare tell me that he is a politician for doing so? Fuck this.
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