Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

It really doesn't matter that we didn't get any dirt on Cai.

Ling Qi doesn't care much for getting even as her generosity towards her friends show, and how she doesn't chase after grudges unless she's prompted to. She's trying to be a better person, not someone who takes advantage of people she's allied with like her days as a street rat taught her to.
You can choose to be a better person without suddenly becoming Jesus the martyr who bought all of mankind's sins, or becoming Buddha the enlightened with no worldly attachment.
I get the impression that she's less of a monster than she thinks. Like, if it was as bad as she said it was, she wouldn't think of herself as a monster in the first place.

Is she entirely mentally stable? Maybe not (in fact she might be the least of everyone we know), but I think there is still humanity left in her.
I care less about her being a monster. I care more that she has no conception of what friends are. She has and still has no idea why we want a personal relationship with her. She doesn't get what personal trust is supposed to be.

We can befriend a monster. We have befriended monsters. I would have no issue if she was a literal stick puppet as long as she had a personality we could relate to. We would have to fundamentally change the kind of person Renxiang is before we could become friends.
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God I hate these types of votes :( I just wanted to get to know cai a bit better as a person , you know tea time, some minor stuff , some character interaction not suddenly "TRAUMATIC CHILDHOOD " and now we must vote whether to be honest and fuck ourselves as well as FU over this or keep silent and possibly blackmailed in future or start relationship with a secret.

That gu tai route is reallly looking good right now
[X] Admit to the deception. Apologize, explain, and accept the consequences.
Because it seems like the most interesting option, plus I don't like the status quo.
Jumping in with a quick tally
Adhoc vote count started by Vanguard_D on Feb 10, 2018 at 12:03 PM, finished with 192 posts and 101 votes.
[X] Remain silent, thank her sincerely and speak of yourself as promised.
-[X] Convince Fu Xiang to drop the framing part of the plan, it would be best to avoid further abuses.
Can I just ask what people voting to confess are hoping Cai will do? And what is you preffered outcome here?

Because there seem to be wildly conflicting expectations here. Are you expecting
A) Her to ignore this completely?
B) Her to let us off toally scott free and go after Fu Xiang?
C) Her to give us a light* punishment in private?
D) Her to give us a heavy** punishment in private?
E) Her to give us a light* punishment in public? Which will affect our other relationships to a large degree.
F) Her to give us a heavy** punishment in public? Which will affect our other relationships to a large degree.
E)None of the above?

*Unlikely to significanlty affect our cultivation/tournament placing etc.
**Likely to majorly affect our cultivation/tournament placing etc.
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She has to punish in public though because that is what she is all about. We were a cause of corruption and she has to show that she won't accept corruption even from her council members. She already did it once to Ji Rong so she has to do it again in order to prove to her mom that she is completely against corruption.
I am honestly okay with either option because either way the Cai path is gone because keeping silent will poison the cai path while if we admit to doing it voter sentiment will turn on Cai when she punishes us keep in mind Ji Rong did a minor crime and yet still got imprisoned for over a month, we did far more which in turn necessitates far more punishment.
OK there's obviously no reasoning with you since you think she's the same as freaking Stalin.
If it's your desire to continue replying to my posts anyway as implied by your repeated responses, I would appreciate it if you could respond against my arguments rather than making unproductive comments such as "Ahahahaha you serious?", "there's no helpingyou," or "OK there's obviously no reasoning with you."

I am not saying that she is exactly like Stalin. What I am saying is that we should not ignore her description of herself as a monster willing to follow in her mother's path and "purge the rot", and from my knowledge of prior purges in our world's history (of which Stalin's Great Purge is one of the most famous) it is clear that the slightest hint of disloyalty can result in elimination. People lost everything over minor incidents years in the past which could be viewed as a possible reason to lack loyalty for the ruler.

Admitting this will mark us in her book as someone who did once betray her justice. I don't doubt that she can paper over it in the short term while it is still helpful for her to have powerful followers and her own cultivation is not nearly as well developed as her mother's, but if she could replace us with a more spotless figure later on then I don't see why she wouldn't feel tempted. Personal relationships don't appear to be powerful attachments that could potentially stay her hand given how she views and treats people.
If people feel particularly driven to have a clear conscience regarding our choice in doing the favors, then I would honestly just write in a minor telling Meizhen about it. We already have established that we can talk about difficult and confusing topics with her, and while she might not understand at least she will listen.
[X] Remain silent, thank her sincerely and speak of yourself as promised.

Dropping the subvote since I think it has a decent chance to pass without now.
Can I just ask what people voting to confess are hoping Cai will do? And what is you preffered outcome here?

Because there seem to be wildly conflicting expectations here. Are you expecting
A) Her to ignore this completely?
B) Her to let us off toally scott free and go after Fu Xiang?
C) Her to give us a light* punishment in private?
D) Her to give us a heavy** punishment in private?
E) Her to give us a light* punishment in public? Which will affect our other relationships to a large degree.
F) Her to give us a heavy** punishment in public? Which will affect our other relationships to a large degree.
E)None of the above?

*Unlikely to significanlty affect our cultivation/tournament placing etc.
**Likely to majorly affect our cultivation/tournament placing etc.
She's not gonna ignore it, but anything worse than something between C and D[1] effectively means she no longer wants us as a Vassal. This isn't likely, from what I see.

If she still wants us to seriously consider her as an option she can't severely punish us since it means punishing honesty and owning up to mistakes.

[1] i.e a punishment in private, likely cooling down her and our relationship with Fu Xing, maybe losing White Room access
I care less about her being a monster. I care more that she has no conception of what friends are. She has and still has no idea why we want a personal relationship with her. She doesn't get what personal trust is supposed to be.

We can befriend a monster. We have befriended monsters. I would have no issue if she was a literal stick puppet as long as she had a personality we could relate to. We would have to fundamentally change the kind of person Renxiang is before we could become friends.

I am sure changing her from what her mother made her can't possibly go wrong. There is no way the white cultivator would ever take offense

Onto non crazy talk. What if FX is someone that obey to Cai orders? What if the whole thing is just a character test.

We know that she did a lot of research into us. Is it so out there that Cai is testing us? It make FX action be seen in a completely different light. Him talking about manipulating our liege lord? A test. This? A test.

Which would explain why he needed help to suceed at the prod track despite being able to mass produce escape formation.
As a mental exercise, here is the gamut of negative consequences to spilling the beans to Cai:
-Cai punishment; too many options to easily lay out everything
-Possible loss of White room, gown, and/or pill furnace income/the furnace itself
-Time out?
-If made public, loss of social standing and possible market ban
-Definite loss of social standing among Cai's Council
-Fu Xiang enmity for betraying his trust
-Loss of 200 RSS payment to Fu Xiang, no intel on Yan Renshu
-SuSu likely loses tax exempt status Cai extended as a favor to Ling Qi

I don't see this as an equitable trade for what Cai told us. Let's not forget that we're already in a feud with one sneaky bastard, and that he attempted to poison Zhengui. Now we're supposed to anger a second sneaky bastard, while throwing away our efforts to defend against the first? No way, that is not a tenable situation. We should not be putting our family at risk for the sake of sentimentality towards Cai.

Then there's all the resources we'd be throwing down the drain. If we get put in time out, that's a huge, well, time sink. Fines? Our cultivation and gearing plans rely on our limited resources heavily. Market ban? Well I guess if we get this, we don't need money since it's the only way to spend it on what we need. A friend would not advise that we take these risks; Bai Meizhen would not advise our honesty in this matter. Keep in mind that the affront we would be punished for is stepping on Cai's toes, not truly the harm we caused to others. I don't want any part of a friendship founded on our subordination to their aspirations, at the cost of ourselves and our family.

Ling Qi's actions were dickish, there's no arguing that. What I'm against is revealing it for Cai's sake. Ling Qi has real responsibilities to Zhengui's safety; accepting responsibility for her past actions means swallowing, but not forgetting, her guilt and forging onward, not imperiling him because she is faced with a sympathetic figure.
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Like I said, the chief problem here is that there's too many variables that aren't really knowable to make a reasonable choice... Well, reasonable.

So what we can consider comes down to a characterization vote--for both of us. If she wants us to be her Retainer, she has to take the good with the bad--the good in that we can be discreet and keep her in the loop. The bad in that we lack the resources to be able to afford to just gracefully accept aid given in a time of need.

Yeah, we could try to bury it--it might even work, but this is chinese fantasy land and people bringing out your dirty laundry can't be avoided indefinitely. Like, no matter how perfectly you think you buried a secret--eventually, it'll come out in the open, probably at the worst possible time. It's almost as much a part of the genre as the constant murderhoboing and the supernatural, world shaping powers.

Everything else is just... It's too unknowable. "Will she crush us without mercy? Will she have us make amends discreetly?" We don't know because we've never seen her privately deal with an issue.

She seeks Justice, and Gan Guangli strongly believes it's actual Justice, and not just tyranny. Or he wouldn't be so loyal--after all, if his father being crippled and everything going to pot for him because it was perceived as his "Failure" was somehow made good by Renxiang. And he wasn't comfortable talking about the details--which suggests it was something privately handled.

But we have nothing rock solid on Renxiang herself, which is what makes this such a leap of faith.
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I'd be okay with admitting things... if it wasn't for the fact that it is an absolute dick move towards Fu Xiang. Like, the sabotage was supposed to be a favor for him. If we weren't willing to do that, it would have been one thing... but to him punished? That is a really bad way to repay favors.