I think the "any" is a typo.User and all allies within forty meters have any their armor ratings improved by one
Um.Ten Ring Defense: oo
Cost: 4 Qi (initial)
This user fills themselves with the vital qi of the great forests to protect themselves and their allies from harm. Grants the user a three die bonus to physical defense for five turns. In addition the first two points of damage the user suffers each round is downgraded one stage. Aggravated becomes lethal, lethal becomes nonlethal, nonlethal is negated. In addition the user may expend three qi to negate 1 point of damage, even from attacks which bypass normal negation. This effect may be used on allies within range. If the user is not damaged in a turn in which this art is active, they recover two qi
I think the "any" is a typo.
Also, is this just allies getting +1 Armor, or allies getting +1 Armor if they have 1 or more? Or something else?
Is it just me, or does the new effect mean that when used out of combat this tech can recover as much Qi as we want?
FYI, I added a third point; you might have missed it because it was edited in later. You have Ashfall persisting for "fhree" turns.
Can we have some rules to make this non-cheesable? E.g. you can't go up past the Qi you started with in a give combat, or something? That can be an implicit/narrative rule; that is fine.If the user is not damaged in a turn in which this art is active, they recover two qi. This effect only occurs in combat.