Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

Now, say we have 3 bonus damage on LS. In practice, that's going to be most of the damage we do, since the rest will be blocked by armor. If an enemy has 12 health, that's 4 turns. Except that if they're a peer their defense is probably on par with our attack, so we really only hit them half the time. So we'd expect ~8 rounds...

The dps gains really aren't as much as you might hope. Elegy is actually pretty strong.
The correct calculation is what happens when you spend two turns of FVM+Elegey and THEN start FSA.

Elegy is worth, IF it hits, 1 unblockable damage per turn, in terms of qi. 3 qi is what it cost to use TRF against unblockable. FSA is 3 unblockable, plus regular, and they have poor defense pools due to debuffing. Doing both burns them down much faster and we get attacked less.
Yeah. Elegy really shines when we have a lot of opponents since it'll sap all of them constantly at the same time. It's not a super great way to take someone down one on one. Even if it is consistent.
My suspicion is that we should never be fighting anyone one on one.

Truthfully, I suspect our eventual strategy will be
1. 'Exhale acidic mist of DARK EVILNESS using AE and simultaneously summon horrible tentacled gribbly things'
2. 'Begin despair and madness-inducing pipe fluting to ensure NO ESCAPE'.
3. 'Buff, Debuff, Buff, Debuff while music continues to play and TURTLE OF DOOM attacks along with the horrorterrors'.

FVM and AE are just too perfect a combo not to use all day every day. The damage of FVM is almost incidental to the debuffs and ability to restrict movement to within thirty meters or so. Things like FSA will be useful if people go off script like opening with sniper fire or escaping the mist. The anti-mook capability is kind of nice, but frankly anyone with decent cultivation arts can probably down an army of mooks with minimal qi expenditure. We just do it with style.
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Another important thing to note... we have a spirit ally now, and he's about to tier up. That makes the buff/debuff plan that much stronger, as we have another damage source on the field who isn't us, but who benefits from our augments.

We aren't a music specialist, but we could pretty easily become one, with another art or two. Once we get to the point where we can consistently beat the spirtual defenses of the peopel we're dealing with, a *lot* of things suddenly get easier, especially if we can stack music buffs on music buffs.
So I don't think we need arts to switch focus to pure damage, nor do I think splitting our focus would give us enough dice to overcome our peers' defences. I do think we could do with additions to our build though.

Stealth, we're pretty awesome at. Liling is a monster. Liling is a speed focussed monster. Liling is a speed focussed monster that changed her kit specifically to come after us and we still managed to get away. Admittedly we had help but considering how quickly we closed the gap, we can't say our efforts have been lacklustre.

It would be helpful to add to our dice, which is where a spiritual buff/musical art would come in handy. The passives with either should be helpful but there's also the question of self buffs vs group buffs. We have the specialty in group buffs but it's a reasonable assumption that self buffs would provide stronger personal effects.

Group buffs, however, improve the stats of spirits and summons. Once AE's been levelled we should really start noticing how effective the build is and hopefully it'll help Zhengui to at least stand a chance against Dhratiri or Cui, etc. But if we really want to challenge the top, we might want to consider really taking advantage of our group buffs and getting a second spirit. Not something I think we should worry too much about until after breakthrough but it would make the most of the support arts as well as counter spirits that will likely be more powerful than Zhengui in the tournament.
Yup, the qi tax for spirits is insignificant compared to the learning bonuses. We could really, really use a spirit that grants bonuses to learning darkness-based arts.

We've capped on SCS and FVM now, but we're gonna want them at max level and AE is darkness too. Our ideal mentor, Elder Jiao, also seems specialized in darkness.

Wind would also be great, just because we've already got some native bonuses to wind.
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That we are even talking about Luminescent Star and Starlight Elegy in vaguely competitive terms really demonstrates the point: SE is a three dot technique on a level five art that we got from the Moon. Luminescent Star is a one dot technique on a level three art that we got from the archive's first floor, and it's the very first technique in the art. Any lack of performance is due to its being low level right now, not any weakness in the concept of "damage art".
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Do we need another art to fill out our schedule for eightfold week? Heading to the second level of the archive to find a spirit dice self buff art when we're rocking max learning bonuses doesn't seem like a terrible idea.
...I wouldn't say no to the last Argent Art but I think we've got it covered.

'Heaven, lake, fire, thunder, wind, water, mountain, and earth' are the Eightfold elements.

We're already capped on lake and mountain with Argent Mirror and capped in water with FVM.

That leaves heaven, fire, thunder, wind, and earth.

We've got Falling Star for heaven and wind, Argent Current for fire, Abyssal Exhaltation for earth, Argent Storm for thunder and wind. We're good. AE is probably going to be a bitch to level, but worth it.
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...I wouldn't say no to the last Argent Art but I think we've got it covered.

'Heaven, lake, fire, thunder, wind, water, mountain, and earth' are the Eightfold elements.

We're already capped on lake and mountain with Argent Mirror and capped in water with FVM.

That leaves heaven, fire, thunder, wind, and earth.

We've got Falling Star for heaven and wind, Argent Current for fire, Abyssal Exhaltation for earth, Argent Storm for thunder and wind. We're good. AE is probably going to be a bitch to level, but worth it.
Argent Current also has water, which is nice. The last Argent Art would reinforce Heaven and add some more Earth, which is one we're lagging in. I think I'd sink 3 actions into finding the Art, if needed.
Sun Liling Attacks
Dex+Spear+Equip/Passive+Scarlet Devil Armament+Flower Goddess' Dance. 35 dice. +4 cultivation auto

8 7 9 2 3 2 4 10 3 1 6 9 2 4 7 7 10 7 5 8 4 8 10 10 5 9 5 7 10 1 5 7 9 3 1. 18 successes. 22 total

Second attack
10 9 8 6 9 6 5 5 4 4 9 8 4 1 6 8 6 4 9 9 5 5 2 2 5 3 5 4 4 8 2 5 6 10 10. 12 successes. 16 total

Third Attack
3 2 3 2 1 8 7 10 2 3 1 4 8 2 6 5 8 7 4 3 8 1 3 5 2 8 8 10 7 4 2 10 6 6 1. 16 total.

Ling Qi defends
Dex 6 + Dodge 6 + Robe 4 + TRF 3 + CG 6 +TRD 3+Activation 2 = 30 Dice
1 6 9 1 4 7 6 6 7 8 10 10 7 10 1 8 9 8 2 4 7 4 4 9 3 10 10 10 10 3. 17 successes.

Well. These rolls were a divine blessing.

Our dodge roll here was a 4.81% chance. Even with that, Lilings attacks had a 56% chance to hit; All in all she had around a 98% chance to land at least two attacks, which would have knocked us out.
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I wonder if consistent contact with Zeqing will eventually lead to an "Ice" Specialty.

We'd need to use some kind of Ice-based art, and we are rather packed schedule wise, though if we come across one via fortune, we could probably find a way to fit it in, assuming it appeals to the player base. Maybe some kind of Wind/Water art with ice flavor?
"You keep going on about the Bai being traitors… but no matter how I look at it, doesn't that match your family better?" Ling Qi replied blithely. Even if it cost her initially, riling her enemy up was better than letting Sun keep a cool head. "Though I guess it doesn't count since you got rewarded for it."

Sun Liling's easy going expression darkened, her lips drawing up into a sneer. "We won the greatest victory the Empire has seen since the first dynasty," she responded coldly. "We did the job that cowardly trash shoulda done ten thousand years or more ago. Ain't nothin traitorous about that, or are you second guessing the emperor?" She asked lightly, before shaking her head. "You know, I don't even care. Take your attack or I'm putting you down now."
That got to her even if she acts like it didn't. On the other hand she's probably going to go the extra mile to hurt Ling QI now.

And if I'm not mistaken her opinion is that victory justifies everything there?

It engulfed Sun Liling and the entire clearing they stood in within moments, but Ling Qi couldn't help but grimace as the qi washed over Sun Liling without taking hold. The only sign of her resistance a slight hazy aura around her head and flare of bright yellow in the depths of her pupils.
Need more Power. The mist alone isn't nearly enough.

She heard Liling shout something behind her, but she was too focused to care, slipping from one shadow to the next as she escaped through a cleft in the cliff side. She flowed over the rocky ground as fast as she could manage, activating her formless shade technique to slip through paths too narrow for her human body to take, everything she could do to throw the girl behind her off the trail.
Thats a handy advantage. Even if we weren't faster(which I'm pretty sure we are), we just take less time to cross a given terrain...well Sun can fly so that's less helpful than otherwise.

A muffled boom from above as her only warning as a scarlet bolt struck from above. She had a moment to take in her opponent, now clothed in glistened, fluted scarlet armor. Sun Liling's narrowed eyes stared at her from inside the snarling demonic maw of her helmet, and two additional armored limbs clutched cruel, jagged blades. Bloody mist leaked from vents in the elbows and calves of the armor, making a trail to the sky above.
That'd be senketsu.

Form of Asura?
Then the monster in front of her moved, and all thought vanished. Ling Qi drew vital qi outward, desperately layering herself in dark green qi even as she dodged desperately through the three pronged storm of blades that drove her back against the wall. She pushed herself further than she had thought possible, weaving through dozens of strikes that would have ended the fight in an instant, but she simply wasn't fast enough. Cuts appeared on her arms and face, rips formed in her gown, and the shell of qi she had enveloped herself in flared, drawing deeply from her dantian. So sharp and fast was the drop that it felt like being punched in the gut, but it was better than the alternative.

She could see the surprise and frustration in her opponent's eyes and that was what gave her the strength to keep going.
Dodgetank mode on. *Graze noises*
Never so happy to have Thousand Ling Fortress going on. We deny most of the extra damage from being good at dodge, and then ablate the rest on the Fortress.

And not taking Agg is good.

She could feel Liling behind her though, whatever technique had concealed her qi not holding up under the pressure of the girls effort. Sun Liling's qi was a bloodthirsty miasma of wood, water, and wind, mingled with a thread of something else which she couldn't identify, but reminded her unsettlingly of the run through the jungle in Elder Jiao's test.
So she's actually exerting herself now. Wood, Water and Wind sounds like a combination that'd fit her attitudes.
And she has an exotic element. Blood perhaps?

"Do you know how she's tracking me?" Her qi was suppressed, and she left no sign of her passage.

"Your heartbeat and the flow of your blood I imagine," he responded dryly in her thoughts.
That's some Perception art. Not much we can do about it. Like, nothing blocks Music, I suspect Blood bypasses the normal conditions on tracking when in a Perception art, but at the same time it's range specific, if you simply exceed her tracking range

Also willing to bet it tracks based on damage done to you, hence why she opened with a powerful alpha strike but tapered off to smaller hits after. Normal logic says you want the big strike later on, because they're expensive and you want their defenses tested first.

"While I may not be capable of your flavor of direct intervention, I am not entirely without resources." His 'voice' trailed off and Ling Qi felt an odd twinge in the air and qi around her, a harsh buzzing filled her ears and the qi she could feel scrambled, warping weirdly. "Ugh, the drain at this distance… I do hope you appreciate this."

"I'll owe you a favor,"
Ling Qi replied tersely. She could feel the princess hesitating behind her, as if suddenly unsure of the trail, and that was enough for her, she took a sharp right at the next split and bounded up the cliff face at the dead end, her partially corporeal feet running up the side of the cliff as easily as she would a field.
...and a long distance support stealth art?, this is a jammer art. It doesn't hide, it spams white noise.

Sun Liling hadn;t stopped chasing her, and there was another presence now, a thing that felt like blood soaked earth shot through with a multitude of hungry roots. They were gaining on her again, her smile quickly died.
And as predicted, the moment Sun feels like she's not winning she pops the Sunflower Dryad.
That'd be Wood, and Blood element I guess. Possibly Earth, but Sun herself isn't using any significant Earth.

"...I have a bolthole in that region," Fu Xiang's voice was contemplative. "It has a single use transportation formation. No more than five hundred meters or so I am afraid, but that should serve your purposes."

...that is a bullshit cool trick. A teleporter pad!
Ling Qi narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "Why the sudden generosity?"

"Someone set the bar rather high for usefulness,"
he responded archly. "Use it or don't. I will need to end this call if I am to have any qi left for other things today."
Basically everyone else is working overtime to match Ling Qi going Plus Ultra on her performance huh?
"Thanks," she responded, she did her best to ignore the smug edge to the boys tone as he gave her hasty directions to his apparent 'bolthole'. It wasn't a bad idea she supposed, setting up retreat points scattered around the mountain. Maybe she should consider spending some of her pill furnace income doing the same.
Maybe if we find some spare time. A hidey hole to use would be nice, and it seems everyone else's got some kind of secret base.

Ling Qi felt a little reluctant to trust the boy still, his demeanor pushed all sorts of alarms in her mind, but she didn't really have a choice.
Probably triggering all kinds of sexual predator alarms I think?

Zeqing inclined her head slightly. "That is agreeable," she replied easily. "But…" her next word was sharper, but still not unkind. "I am not your shield. You are not Hannyi, you are not [Mine]," she chided, even as her final word reverberated strangely in Ling Qi's ears. "There are compacts which I must follow, and I do not appreciate being made to skirt them."
Oh dear. Well, that was part of the risk.

The emotions held in check by adrenaline bubbled to the surface and Ling Qi clenched her fists in the snow at the memory of cutting, whirling red blades, and fleeing like a frightened rabbit from a hunter.
On the other hand this would probably make good inspiration for music?
The feel of the chase, of the hunted.

Maybe we can work this into FVM, being pursued within the mists.
"Hannyi is lucky, you know. I wish I had someone like you to rely on." The words were a thoughtless musing, slipping out without intent.

The temperature dropped in the wake of her words, and she looked up in alarm at Zeqing's back. "Be cautious with your words mortal child. I do not think you have considered them carefully," the spirit looked back over her shoulder as she spoke, her voice quiet. "It is best not to offer such enticements."

Ling Qi hastily nodded, but some tiny part of her wondered what would happen if she reaffirmed her statement.

She's a Yuki-onna. Getting Taken Home is very likely if we say that again. She's being unusually restrained in fact.

Sure enough an assault had been mounted on Sun Liling's fortress, doing heavy damage, even with Bai Meizhen chasing after the princess herself. Cai Renxiang didn't press the attack to the point of destruction, for whatever reason, but they lost people and supplies.

She hoped the red haired bitch regretted haring off after her now.
Heh, knew it.
We wasted a critical hour of Sun's time where she lost even MORE Face chasing Ling Qi leaving her rear open to be assaulted.

She spent the whole damned time chasing Ling Qi who was doing loony tunes tricks like entering random tunnels to emerge from unrelated tunnels, smoke bombs, running up, across and down walls...

She's going to be so bloody mad. She's not going to even pretend to be polite next time. Her blood is going to be so on fire she's going to spontaneously gain a Fire meridian.

And now to see about the rest of the discussion
...Holy fuck. You know, I spent last night dreaming I'd read the update? My version had Ling Qi getting away from Liling in some unspecified manner, dropping in some kind of sewer territory for some reason, and while in the sewer territory, uplifting some kind of cat to be her familiar, which gave her bonuses in sneaking. The cat absolutely refused to be thrown into combat, but was fine with being used as a scout and utility sneaker. I woke up groggy this morning and had the vague impression I'd woken up slightly earlier and read the update on my phone. But then I thought it was really unlikely for Ling Qi to have gotten another familiar while baby bro Zhengui was asleep, and besides, the thread would probably have blown up over that choice, and I definitely didn't remember reading that.

So I made myself actually reach over and check my phone, even though I thought I vaguely remembered already doing that and reading the update, and hallelujah. Actual update which is way cooler than what I imagined. This was definitely the best case scenario of getting away injured, but otherwise intact. I never imagined Not!Kabuto would actually help us out. Actually, it seemed like Sun had launched some kind of attack on Cai territory while personally going after us, given Not!Kabuto talking about some kind of "ruckus" that made him decide to check on us. Man, if Sun hadn't attacked on two fronts, our allies wouldn't have even thought about checking on us, and we'd have been massively screwed.

Hmm. Minor for Not!Kabuto will probably show up for next week. Maybe we can take that, ask him what favour he wants from us, and also see if he had any idea where we might acquire the 4th Argent Art. Still want that, for completionist sake, and I think we're safe enough from ambush for a while. Poor Ling Qi getting her self-esteem kicked in, but it should at least make her way warier for the next few weeks. Ganbatte Ling Qi! Just hold steady to your course and you'll be a monster too eventually!
I wonder if consistent contact with Zeqing will eventually lead to an "Ice" Specialty.
Well, we have seen that ice can be formed from a combination of water and wind, at least on the first floor.

However, that doesn't mean that there are more advanced level of "ice" later on and I would be surprised if there wasn't.
We'd need to use some kind of Ice-based art, and we are rather packed schedule wise, though if we come across one via fortune, we could probably find a way to fit it in, assuming it appeals to the player base. Maybe some kind of Wind/Water art with ice flavor?
Darkness/Water seems like the Yukionna package, what with the covetousness. Wind would be good if we could find a triple element art. Such an art seems like it might eventually have ice meridians.
I don't think we need to change our speciality. We have seen high level fight with ogodei and we know that the empire has a army. What this mean is that in opposite to the sect, fight against the barbarian or the empire will be against a large amount of cultivators.

This mean that a build like ours is perfectly viable as we could solo the ennemy army and then use our own to beat down the ennemy general.

This is not your normal xianxia setting. Solo facepunching isn't the most important skill ever.

On a side note, respeccing will take time and might offend our patron (as we would consider her art subpar)
Support arts are great for our long term plans. Unfortunately, we've got a one on one (with bound spirit beasts, probably) tournament coming up in a few months. We might need to at least temporarily respec to one on one fighting. Unless we can somehow get extra familiars. Unless we can bind a herd of Moon Rabbits or Hannyi's.
*Announcer Voice*

It's Time to Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrumble!

Sun Liling vs Ling Qi!

The Battle of Destiny!

I decided to dissect the dice log today to see what was what.

First up!

Ling Qi
Manipulation 5 + Expression 6 + Flute 2 + Pin 2 + tech 2+First Strike 5+specialty 1. 23 dice
2 4 10 8 10 5 6 8 3 1 3 3 8 8 7 10 9 2 1 3 1 9 3. 10 successes

Sun Liling
Resolve+Resilience+Equip/Passive+Sahasrara, Ama-Kala. 30 dice
1 6 9 8 10 5 3 7 10 8 10 6 8 6 3 4 3 7 10 6 6 2 10 3 7 9 9 2 9 9. 16 successes

Le sigh. Looking at it Sun actually rolled really well, and we rolled a bit better than "ehh" or average. Assuming Sun has Resolve and Resilience both up to 6 then her Equips, Passives and Technique total up to 18 dice. Which is actually about the size of our Equip/Passive/Technique fraction of dice for spiritual. (Thank you Erebeal)

Resolve 4 + Resiliance 4 + Gown 4 + AE 2 + CG 6 + Serene Reflection 3 + Tech 2 = 25
If we're countering we can get Resolve 4 + Resiliance 4 + Gown 4 + AE 2 + CG 6 + Serene Reflection 3 + Tranquil Rebuke 3 + Tech 3 = 29

So just base we have 17 dice from Equips/Passives/Techs when not countering. When we counter we have 21 dice. This is interesting to see. For all that her defensive pools are higher than ours, her techniques/passives/equips are not giving as large a fraction as ours are. Getting Resolve and Resilience to 6 would mean that our base is 29 and counter is 33 spiritual defense. Just a little better than she is right now. More than likely, like almost certainly, the reason this is occurring is that Sun was not fighting us with her full combat suite. Her having defense for both forms in the 35+ range makes sense to me, just squeezing out a little more as it were though spiritual will probably be less and may well actually be hanging around 30 if her full combat suite focuses on physical more. It's also interesting that this is us as a Late/Late vs her as a Early Green/Bronze 2.

And those numbers we have for spiritual defense are before we breakthrough and start purchasing better talismans and the like. I would say our spiritual defense is pretty on target to be relevant against the Monsters.

Our bonus from Passives/Equip/Tech on the attack was only 12, which is pretty painful compared to her fraction of at least 18. I'll get into this later, we need to see how Liling does her attacks first.


Sun Liling

Dex+Spear+Equip/Passive+Red Thorn Heartseeker-mist. 32 dice +4 cultivation auto
3 3 5 2 10 9 2 9 5 9 4 3 2 8 5 5 8 7 7 9 1 7 4 8 9 3 1 9 3 2 5 5. 13 successes. 17 total

Ling Qi
Dex 6 + Dodge 6 + Robe 4 + TRF 3 + CG 6 + Activation 3+Projectile 3 = 31 Dice
8 5 6 7 2 10 4 7 2 2 4 9 10 3 2 7 5 9 8 6 4 4 9 8 9 10 7 8 4 7 2. 16 successes

1 damage dealt, additional four damage due to technique. Armor Piercing negates armor. 2 damage is perfect, two damage ignores qi negation. Physical Defense Penalized by three, Speed penalized by 2.

Ahh, the joys of down punching. *grumble grumble* *Hugs Ling Qi* *It'll be okay*
More seriously we have excellent dice here and rolled rather well(if we were Green/Bronze we would have dodged this). The real killers were the auto successes which account for about 10 extra dice, except more powerful since they are guaranteed. But it puts it into some perspective, being able to say she was "basically throwing 42 dice at our 31, post mist debuff of 3 dice".
So her physical attack with this technique is 35 dice. Assuming her Dex and Spear are both at 6 then that means her Equips/Passives/Techs are giving her 23 dice. Talk about synergy.

On our side our physical defense is going at 12(Stats/Masteries) + 19(from Equip/Passives/Techs). A bit lower than the Equip/Passive/Tech fraction she was throwing around, but then again not all of the arts in application here are fully leveled for this stage. More like Mid Yellow if I don't miss my guess. And looking at her spiritual it is comparative, though being a bruiser blood rocket she probably has better physical Equip/Passive/Tech.

Wrapping back to our spiritual attack it is pretty darn apparent here that there is a hole we can eventually fix here, as a lot of people have been bringing up.

Its a little iffy to compare since its physical being compared to spiritual, but I am kinda okay with it since we are going for a spiritual specialty for the most part and she is doing physical, so I feel alright comparing specialties. Looking at the Equip/Passive/Tech of our spiritual attack vs her Equip/Passive/Tech for her physical attack we get 12 vs a likely 23. That seems more than just something from equipment. That's a part of it, since we can assume she just has better gear than us except for the gown. The big thing seems to be in her passives and Techs(mostly instant techs I think). It seems like she has something giving her a Crescent's Grace like effect on offensive clashes, kinda like CG does for defensive clashes. And she has more than one art giving out passives. I don't think its more than two separate arts though, or maybe one with some bullshit passives.

Anyway to fix our issue and get our E/P/T dice to 20+ we can get better talismans. I don't expect much more than possibly +3 all told over what we have now from them though, and it will be expensive. Finding a Personal Spiritual Buff Art would do pretty nice, since that is at least +3 dice to passives based on other stuff we've seen(like FZ). Getting autosuccesses while in certain conditions would be amazing but incredibly unlikely so I won't include it going forward. Then assuming the Spirit UP Art has an instant tech which grants +4 to spiritual clashes. That means our 12 is now 22. Much better. And then once we get to green that means we now have 1 autosuccess on all the other Early Greens when throwing FVM around. Still leaves AE a bit hanging until we get Power up, but for right now its sort of acting as a booster to FVM. Picking up this Spirit UP art thus buttons everything up and ties it all together.

Final comment: I nearly forgot, but some of this might be from Sun getting bonuses to her stuff via her cultivation art like we get bonuses from EPC.


Ling Qi Attempts to stealth
Dex 6 + Stealth 6 + EPC 2 + Robe 2 + Slipper 2+OwS+Mist 2. 23 dice
8 8 9 6 2 7 9 8 3 10 5 9 10 6 2 8 1 7 9 5 9 7 9. 15 successes


Sun Liling Perception
Wits+Composure+Passive+Sahasrara, Ama-Kala+Blood. 25 dice. +2 auto
10 3 7 3 1 10 3 3 4 2 6 2 3 8 5 7 6 7 1 5 9 8 1 10 8. 10 successes. 12 total

Ling Qi escaping
Dex 6 + Stealth 6 + EPC 2 + Robe 2 + Slipper 2+OwS+Environment 2. 23 dice +2 auto(SCS)+1 auto(Lazy Minx)
1 4 6 1 10 8 5 2 5 3 2 2 1 1 5 7 7 9 9 8 8 10 5. 9 successes. 12 total

Sun Liling Searching
Wits+Survival+Passive+Sahasrara, Ama-Kala+Blood+Pulse Tracking-SCS. 27 dice. +2 auto
7 8 2 5 9 4 2 5 8 8 6 8 9 7 9 5 7 7 4 9 1 1 7 3 6 7 5. 14 successes. 16 total

Rerolling failed stealth
6 6 5 5 1 6 7 1 8 10 3 2 6 10 3 6 10 8 7 8 7 3 8. 10 successes. 13 total

50/60 qi (CG+OwS+FS)

Sun Liling Attacks
Dex+Spear+Equip/Passive+Scarlet Devil Armament+Flower Goddess' Dance. 35 dice. +4 cultivation auto

8 7 9 2 3 2 4 10 3 1 6 9 2 4 7 7 10 7 5 8 4 8 10 10 5 9 5 7 10 1 5 7 9 3 1. 18 successes. 22 total

Second attack
10 9 8 6 9 6 5 5 4 4 9 8 4 1 6 8 6 4 9 9 5 5 2 2 5 3 5 4 4 8 2 5 6 10 10. 12 successes. 16 total

Third Attack
3 2 3 2 1 8 7 10 2 3 1 4 8 2 6 5 8 7 4 3 8 1 3 5 2 8 8 10 7 4 2 10 6 6 1. 16 total.

Ling Qi defends
Dex 6 + Dodge 6 + Robe 4 + TRF 3 + CG 6 +TRD 3+Activation 2 = 30 Dice
1 6 9 1 4 7 6 6 7 8 10 10 7 10 1 8 9 8 2 4 7 4 4 9 3 10 10 10 10 3. 17 successes.

First Attack connects. 5 damage +2 additional perfect damage. Piercing negates armor. Formless Shade negates one perfect damage. 15 qi from TRD negates remaining damage. Aggravated damage downgraded to lethal by TRD.

35/60 qi
[*][*][X][X][X][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

Ling Qi activates OtW
31/60 Qi
Help arrives
Dex 6 + Stealth 6 + EPC 2 + Robe 2 + Slipper 2+OwS+Environment 2+Ally 3. 26 dice +2 auto(SCS)
9 4 4 10 3 4 3 10 7 6 8 8 9 5 5 7 1 6 4 4 9 4 2 10 10 3. 11 successes+2 auto

Sun Liling Tracking
Wits+Survival+Passive+Sahasrara, Ama-Kala+Blood+Pulse Tracking-SCS. 27 dice. +2 auto
2 3 6 4 5 2 4 7 10 7 7 7 4 1 8 5 1 6 2 2 5 6 3 1 7 6 8. 8 successes. 10 total

Reactivating art suite
Use wellspring pill

Ling Qi continues escape
Reactivting CG and OwS
28/60 Qi

Uses one wellspring pill 38/60 qi
Dex 6 + Stealth 6 + EPC 2 + Robe 2 + Slipper 2+OwS+Environment 2+Ally 3. 26 dice +2 auto(SCS)
3 7 10 5 7 7 8 7 3 1 6 7 2 7 1 1 9 1 2 1 8 5 5 9 8 9. 13 successes. 15 total

Sun Liling Tracking
Wits+Survival+Passive+Sahasrara, Ama-Kala+Blood+Pulse Tracking-SCS-distance. 25 dice. +2 auto
9 1 7 10 7 9 5 9 4 10 6 6 7 1 5 1 2 6 2 5 3 5 4 5 7. 9 successes. 11 total.

Dhartiri Tracking
Wits+Survival+Passive+Threads of Life+Blood so Sweet-SCS. 30 dice. +2 cultivation auto.
8 1 1 3 4 5 3 10 9 7 2 10 9 5 3 6 9 2 5 8 8 8 9 7 9 3 6 3 3 6. 13 success. 15 total

Oooo interesting. Sun's Sahasrara, Ama-Kala seems to work a bit like Argent Mirror in that it has both a defensive and offensive component. Also Dhartiri has a technique with a fucking Life Fiber name expy lol. (Mildly interesting/terrifying that Dhartiri was not penalized by distance while Sun was. Spirits be bullshit yo)

Anyway we have 11 E/P/T dice for stealthing right in front of her face. She seems to be throwing similar but slightly better E/P/T perception dice. I don't think her Composure is maxed. Her Wits probably is. The terrifying part is that it some how gave her autosuccesses since we were wounded. But even with that she still lost us until we tried to escape. When she switched to Survival(which I am sure she has maxed, because Death Jungle) though she managed to catch us out and begin the Looney Toons chase.

Then her Dance attack(cough) threw the same number of dice as her Heartseeker attack. This inclines me to think that the technique bonuses for Heartseeker are higher than the ones for Dance, which makes some sense considering its a ranged single attack vs a multi-attack tech. also the +4 suck.

Our stealth is *okay*. Sun was rolling really well there though. Then it went immediately into the Dance attack. Then Fu showed up in the astral way and we did okay. Then we did okay on the following rolls. For stealth it seems like being several dice over your opponent is pretty critical. So, a stealth art would be pretty cool. I'm not sure if we need a whole new one, since we have SCS and potentially AS. If AS does not pan out then I want one after green breakthrough.

Overall, our spiritual and physical defenses are on par with the top Monster of our year. This is extremely heartening.
Our Spiritual attack is lacking, which is pretty bad when its our attacking vector/specialty. We need to fix this.
Our Stealth could be improved, but is not quite urgent yet.

Other than that, I don't have many other comments, other than that we were doing okayish on Qi there. She only got us down to 28 of 60. And TRF, you are now definitely one of my favorite arts. TRD is bullarky, of the good kind.
While discussing Art setups for the (hypothetically*) 1vs1 Tournament is nice and all, we still need to reach said tournament.
Ling Qi needs at least a Stealth Art so she can dodge ambushes like the one we just survived. Losing a couple actions on getting and raising said Art is a LOT less expensive than failing at a single ambush.

*Because the Argent Arts suggest group fighting is actually important to the Sect.