Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

I will admit interest in the Fu Xiang and Ji Rong minors, as I think both of those should lead into opportunities to steal some shit.
So! Meizhen, what are we going to do about that. Wait, stalk, or confront? I don't think waiting is going to solve anything at this point and will only hurt both of us, but I don't know if stalking is the appropriate action either. Confrontation will either end well or end badly, I don't think there is a middle ground.
@yrsillar - it makes sense that we didn't get the grove bonus to EPC since we were studying in the library, but we didn't seem to get the 1/5 successes to Qi bonus from FSA either. Is that an error?

Also. It looks like FSA4 doesn't require a third Meridian; is that accurate?
I would really like to try and get the shamans bag open. What if we ask xuan shi to help open it with us by offering him first pick of loot from it?
Don't know if that is possible but it would be cool.
So, sword dot gotten, I'd suggest we go back to knives for now. Pushing them to 4-5 gives us a lot more leeway, since we can actually use them in conjunction with echoes, and we have the dice-pools to make them better than other weapons at the moment.

A bit uncomfortable with how formal Cai's pushing to make everything, setting up authority is one thing but she seems to want to conquer the outer sect now, and we're being pushed into something of a covert ops role here, when, stealth aside, we're best suited to team play. It might be good to head that off, but we should probably check things out.

Han Jian is a bust this week, but becomes very good for exploration next week on.

In the broader arc of things, socially we're not doing to well. We've established a number of weak ties, but while on the outs with Meizhen, we have no real strong ones. Han Jian is very conscious of us as a rival (though this probably fades some if we all get to the inner sect). Xiulan is our best bet to keep actual deeper allies, which is both necessary as a person and beneficial. To that end, I'd suggest following her lead on the conflict angle. Meizhen patching is also a must.

For minor actions (e.g., the important ones) that leaves

EITHER the indirect or direct path here (unless both are allowed?)
[] You want to try and patch things up with Meizhen, but she's still avoiding you, even more than last week, figure out where she's spending her time.
[] Confront Meizhen directly the next time she comes home. You are going to talk to her.

This one
[] Gu Xiulan is itching for conflict, and you wouldn't mind doing something a little dangerous either, have a little girls day out

And then a few that look interesting that are somewhat time sensitive.
[] You've asked for help a few times now, try just chatting with Xuan Shi without seeking help
[] Meet up with Fu Xiang, it can't hurt to hear him out
[] Look into Ji Rong's current circumstances, you are curious despite yourself

If we want to push for more Xuan Shi, it's probably best to make this non-begging for help oriented, or we're just getting a bit rude. OTOH, we can fold this in with an EPC research action, so that's solid.

Here, I'd suggest Fu Xiang with the idea of looking into Ji Rong's situation (and potentially getting a feel for the older years (later). Notably, I'm hesitant to do more than meet with Fu Xiang, but ignoring him could be seen as a snub.

I think people want to break through to late yellow this week potentially, so I'll leave the mechanisms to others, but this leaves a rough plan tentatively looking like
[] Planname
-[] Swap back to knives for training
Major actions
-[] Spend time taking care of and raising Zhengui
-[] Visit the Archive
--[] Research the moon element and the phase spirits(counts as cultivation of EPC)
--[] You've asked for help a few times now, try just chatting with Xuan Shi without seeking help
-[] Training stuff at vent
-[]Training Stuff with Meizhen
-[] Training stuff

-[] Gu Xiulan is itching for conflict, and you wouldn't mind doing something a little dangerous either, have a little girls day out
-[] Meet up with Fu Xiang, it can't hurt to hear him out
-[] Either stalking or confronting Meizhen
I would really like to try and get the shamans bag open. What if we ask xuan shi to help open it with us by offering him first pick of loot from it?
Don't know if that is possible but it would be cool.

That bag probably was given to the Shaman by the Gnawing Ones. They seem like bad news. Bad news I wouldn't mind stealing a part of, but bad news none the less. We're only going to get one try at opening it. Let's cap our Formations first.
gah what can we do with Meizhen, she is slipping way and CRX is taking the opening. :cry:
perhaps. That is not what I got from reading the meeting. To me it seems somewhat preplanned as they are the two strongest cultivators. Most likely they are taking about how they want to put the hurt on Sun when she comes back.

It is a little dangerous. However space is great and allows people the space they need to think. Personally I would like to leave a note or something letting Bai know that if she ever wants to talk about we are willing to and that we respect that she wants some space right now. Maybe offer to go with her hunting for her snake and just try to renormalize our interaction so it always about what she thinks is a mistake.
So, Meizhen. The awkward conflict and tension is hurting us and Meizhen, so we need to do something about that. I just don't know if conflict or stalking is the best solution. However, we probably only have one shot at it.
Thanks for the chapter!

Small mistake with the Spiritual Cultivation, 35 + 6 rerolls + 2 automatic = 43, not 41
-Reduces all environmental penalties to attacks by two.
-Increase maximum range of bows by twenty-five thirty meters
-Adds one point of armor penetration to all bow attacks
-Adds two die to the users pool for all bow attacks

Luminescent Star: o
Cost: 4 qi
Gathers and infuses elemental power into an arrow to be fired, adding two three dice to the offensive clash and adding two additional damage on a successful hit. This additional damage may not be blocked by basic qi absorption.

Disruptive Star: oo
cost: 4 qi
A more complex technique, focusing on the heavenly aspect of the art, the user's arrow crackles with latent electricity and when it strikes home, disrupts the enemy's qi and nerves from the shock. Reduces enemy speed by five for one two turns and forces a three success resolve test. On failure the enemy loses the effects of their lowest ranked persistent technique.

Meteoric Shower: ooo
Cost 6 Qi
A honing of the archers ability to fire quickly, explosively increases the archers speed for handful of moments, allowing them to unleash a blindingly bright volley in the time of a single shot. Allows the archer to fire up to four arrows with a single clash at a penalty of four dice. Arrows must be aimed at separate targets. Targets struck must succeed in a Wits test of two successes or be blinded.
Updates to the new art.

In summary, there aren't too many changes. We get 5 extra meters of range, Luminescent Star gets +1 die, and Disruptive Star applies its speed debuff for two turns instead of one. Nothing impressive really.

Except! We have a new technique! Meteoric Shower: a mass damage/debuff technique. Now, this is a three dot technique that comes at a four die penalty, which means we will effective be at (-1) die from the technique before we apply passives and masteries and whatnot. In return, we get to launch attack against up to FOUR targets instead of just one, with each target having to roll to avoid being blinded. This is basically FSA's answer to being swarmed by lesser cultivators: hit everyone simultaneously. This is a strong compliment to FVM's current debuff capabilities; it means that once we've applied the appropriate negative effects to our enemies we can start dealing major damage to all of them.
I'm all for Meizhen having other friendships, I'm just not for it if it means we can't be friends with her at the same time.
What would people think of getting advice from Cui this turn and going after Meizhen next turn?
[] Your last attempt to talk with Meizhen... did not go well. Seek out Cui for advice on how to best apologize and repair relations.
Nice long update. Good stuff Yrs.

For minors im thinking
[] Gu Xiulan is itching for conflict, and you wouldn't mind doing something a little dangerous either, have a little girls day out
[] Meet up with Fu Xiang, it can't hurt to hear him out

and one of these
[] You want to try and patch things up with Meizhen, but she's still avoiding you, even more than last week, figure out where she's spending her time.
[] Confront Meizhen directly the next time she comes home. You are going to talk to her.

As far as Majors go
[] Spend time taking care of and raising Zhengui
[] Help Cai's people deal with Kang Zihao
-[] Research the moon element and the phase spirits(counts as cultivation of EPC)

No major opinion on the others other than ensuring that we actually cultivate to late/late and get FVM up to snuff so we can meet with Hanyi's mom
So, we are getting Late Yellow this turn. At the demand of @Thor's Twin, This is our 'basic' dice:

Talent 6, Suyin 3, RSS 3, YSS 25, EPC 7, Vent 8, Pills 23. 75 dice This is using Li Suyin as an example, as she is the 'standard', for spiritual cultivation. Moreover, if we use a Darkmoon, the +3 from it replace the +3 from Li Suyin, so it 'fits'. So we have 150 dice + 4 bonus successes. This means an average of 86.5 successes, and we need 93 (@yrsillar miscounted 35+6+2, so it should be 43).

As we will do FVM, if we leave the overflow to spiritual it will then finish it (average of FVM is 35, we need 12 FVM+7 spiritual). However, I much prefer if we can slot it in use a meridian to finish, so FVM is 'sure' to get to FVM, and not spiritual. It's also possible that FVM5 is mid-yellow, so there would be no overflow anyway.

Meridians are:
Talent 6 + Friends 4 + 28 stone + 9 pills + 2 bonus success = 27 success on average, and we need 17, so it would indeed take us there if we assume average rolls.
@yrsillar - given the time lapsed since writing to our mother compared to the first one, were we meant to get a reply to our letter this week? Or is that another time?

Also the last time the sect jobs were updated was week 21.
Okay. Stuff that needs to happen next turn.

Minor Actions
[] Meet up with Fu Xiang, it can't hurt to hear him out
I prefer to play without snubbing anyone unnecessarily. I don't know what he wants, but a the very least we should go talk to him.

[] Confront Meizhen directly the next time she comes home. You are going to talk to her.
We don't even have a training option with Meizhen available. I think waiting clearly isn't going to be working, sos we've got to do something. And trying to sneak after her to find out what she is doing sounds like the wrong something.

None of the other options are strictly necessary, though I am partial towards
[] Gu Xiulan is itching for conflict, and you wouldn't mind doing something a little dangerous either, have a little girls day out
[] You've asked for help a few times now, try just chatting with Xuan Shi without seeking help

Major Actions
[] Spend time taking care of and raising Zhengui

[] Visit the Archive
-[] Research the moon element and the phase spirits(counts as cultivation of EPC)

We should keep pushing for EPC.

[] Train at the vent with Suyin and Su Ling
-[] FVM

Lets also finish up the current level of FVM.

That leaves two action slots. I'm not sure what actions we should take for those. It would be nice to make progress on our spiritual cultivation, we kinda need to take a mission for stones and points, apparently there is team event we could do with Cai's people (which sounds fantastic; I've been wanting to do a nice group combat again), and of course there is still the option to take tutoring with Elder Ying.
Except! We have a new technique! Meteoric Shower: a mass damage/debuff technique. Now, this is a three dot technique that comes at a four die penalty, which means we will effective be at (-1) die from the technique before we apply passives and masteries and whatnot. In return, we get to launch attack against up to FOUR targets instead of just one, with each target having to roll to avoid being blinded. This is basically FSA's answer to being swarmed by lesser cultivators: hit everyone simultaneously. This is a strong compliment to FVM's current debuff capabilities; it means that once we've applied the appropriate negative effects to our enemies we can start dealing major damage to all of them.

At 6 qi a round before reductions, with a bad dice pool against a set number of enemies. We lose the action to swap weapons and the blind is largely redundant with FVM (though a physical means of spreading debuffs is nice). If this was the knives, it would be much more useable, but with no easy means in sight of swapping to the bow without suspending FVM and losing an action, this hurts us some.

Against 2, it's not going to be worth using this over single-target skills (since it isn't that great at its best, and the added damage+no penalty will mean taking one foe out to go 1v1 is probably better if we're using the bow). At much more than 4 enemies it's going to be better to upkeep FVM while focusing on defense.

So the use case of this when fighting maybe 3-5 enemies that we can reliably hurt with weakened attacks, don't mind dropping FVM to hurt (meaning we can finish it fast) and don't mind spending to hurt (meaning future immediate encounters aren't expected, or the risk of a few extra actions is more than the qi we're spending to end things faster). Alternatively, if we have 3-4 enemies we think we can should out ASAP in a larger crowd, or several weaklings supporting a major foe with those flanking penalties for us.

It's not terrible, but it's by no means great for our current build.