Was the cat an omake reward?

This goes against the spirit of the choice so I'm not suggesting we do it but wouldn't it be possible to hand over the prisoner to Maranica and let her work her magic? She isn't a pilgrim so technically our own laws wouldn't be broken.

[ ] Attack TOP-03 - (Choose Unit/s) - (Choose Enemies you will try to draw into fighting)
What would a failure here entail? Being ambushed?
Plans: Proud Supremacy
I think this is the first time 4S plans changed. Is it in reaction to the steam engine?

[] Plan stil unfinished
-[ ] You Growl.
-[ ][Faith] Establish A Poor-House - (Tessen) (0/2 turns)
-[X][Faith] Build A School - (Big) - (Mirn) (2/6 turns)
-[ ][Diplomacy] Kick 'Em While They're Down! - (3 Turns Remaining)
--[] 6FF
-[X][Learning] Catalog Everything - (Advanced Electronics/Hydraulics/Mechanics, Electronics/Hydraulics/Mechanics) - (6/8 Successes)
-[X][Learning] Building up Steam - (Advanced Metallurgy/Advanced Alloys/Advanced Mechanics/Mechanics/Advanced Hydraulics/Hydraulics/Advanced Machinery/Machinery) - (3/8 Successes)
--[] SC, Rusted Block With Missin Circles, Fuel Distributor, Actuator, 1FF
-[ ][Archeology] Prepare an Expedition (TW-01)(3 turns) House Mirn support: N
-[X][Tree] Light It Up! - (1/4 Turns Complete)

-[X][Tree] Salt Refinement - Deep Pumps - (1/3 Turns Complete)
-[ ][Holding] Prepare Quarters
-[X][Personal] Be With Selene
-[ ][Personal] Too Much To Do - (Dig For Information)
--[] 6FF
-[X] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Free Action)
-[X] Suffer Their Arrogance - (2/4 Turns Complete)

Dunno if we should recruit another unit now or wait until we build the training field
We should go on a recruitment drive once we are done kicking the COE out of Tessen. Like an entire year only on recruitment.
I'm trying to remember, and it doesn't seem obvious looking back; what got us the apparent abomination of a Knight? Because going by what we've found so far, it is something truly ridiculous.
1. Was the cat an omake reward?

2. This goes against the spirit of the choice so I'm not suggesting we do it but wouldn't it be possible to hand over the prisoner to Maranica and let her work her magic? She isn't a pilgrim so technically our own laws wouldn't be broken.

3. What would a failure here entail? Being ambushed?

4. I think this is the first time 4S plans changed. Is it in reaction to the steam engine?
1. No, you rolled a 99 while scouting the Crystalgarden. Since that location was not one where you would have found any oocations to scavenge, rolling high would have given you goodies. A 99 gave you the cat.
2. While, yes, you would not break any letter of the law, you would inherently break the spirit of it. Do so, and the same mali apply.
3. You would go into combat with a random number of enemies.
4. It is a general slide for your technological progress. They are elitists, but they acknowledge merit.
I'm trying to remember, and it doesn't seem obvious looking back; what got us the apparent abomination of a Knight? Because going by what we've found so far, it is something truly ridiculous.
Rolls Turn 16, artifacts, 2d2, 84, the DC for a Cored Knight. Various omakes added systems and history to the machine turning it into something unique.
The legs look a little short/weird perspective, but really quite nice! But really, legs generally comprise a lot of a persons height, especially with women, and those really don't look like the right proportions.
Last edited:
So what do we look like
That one is still being drawn.
The legs look a little short/weird perspective, but really quite nice! But really, legs generally comprise a lot of a persons height, especially with women, and those really don't look like the right proportions.
Eh, she is a Mutated after all, her genetic code is fucked to hell and back. Her looking like she does is pretty much the best you can get with Mutations which replace bodyparts.
Materials: 43.76(min. +38.52, max. +89.52 per Turn.)(11.70 Materials owed to The Merchant Guild this, 25.00 Materials owed to The Merchant Guild in 1(one) Turn.)
Thaaaaat's not much.:(

The Emperor
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Granted.
Huh, I wonder what changed?

Forge-Clan Vanar-Feer
Contact: Overseer Hild
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: ???
I'm still curious about what they plan.

-Lady Maranica (Ally (3)/Smug/BABY/Apocalyptic Anger)
Finally something that isn't ??? or !!!.

The Union of Herbalists:
Opinion: Neutral (1)
Plans: Advance Medicine
- Foundation (Neutral (0)/54% Control/Cheaper Actions)
-Healers (Ally (3)/46% Control/Enables Doctoral Training)
Boni: +15 on all Diplomatic rolls
The Healers lost 2%. Sadly, we still have to focus on the COE.

Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science
Leader: Marthen Marthensons
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Proud Supremacy
This changed from "Haughty" to "Proud". Seems like they are happy with our entry into the steam contest.

Hardened Touchscreen - 5.32 - +20 to Advanced Electronics
Fuel Distributor - 6.27 - +20 to Hydraulics
Great! I hope that touchscreen can give our electronics a hardened trait if we use it for Secret Of The Circuit Pt.2.

- Unusual Crystal Shard (Small)
Well, it is a crystal, alright. Now, what secrets does it hide?
(Effect: Unlocks )
It's shiny.

Prosperity: Non-Existent

Mood: Average

Permanent Inhabitants: Virtually None
-Tendency: Stagnant

Security: Non-existent


-Tree Of Knowledge: Pilgrim appointed as Governor
We... somehow got a village? Oh well, at least it will have a use for a large-scale refrigerator.

Noble By Marriage
Well, you have no idea how Lady Maranica managed to do it, but Selene's family is now technically nobility, which means you are nobility by marriage. Technically is the key-word here, as she is a Mutated, Selene cannot hold a noble-title, and she only has it until one of her children or descendants is a human. The title awarded her is that of "Lady," the title, not honorific, and she has been given the village of Norqod as a holding. That is the non-existent village of people living outside the Tree, trading, or visiting. Being commissioned by the Imperial Logistics Bureau, she, and by extension, you, have to build the village within the next five years. Luckily, various laws allow the appointing of a governor, so when she asked the Pilgrims Council, all agreed to govern in exchange for a 95% cut of future Income, all written down in a generational contract, of course. Selene, for her part, stopped dragging you away for stress-relief when her request had been approved, firmly of the opinion that she is not made for nobility.
Ah, so that was what the Emperor was about. This probably happened because of our actions aginst the Butcher and the Plague Engine, but my headcanon is going to be that this happened because of the Fractal kitten. Clearly, cats secretly rule the Empire and they can't have a kitten living with none-nobles.:V

Mutated Wife - Lady Selene Dall
She is... alive. Barely, but alive. Whether that will stay that way is still up in the air, but you can still hold her hand for now. Silvia is too young to understand what is happening, and you hope you will not have to raise her on your own. How could someone do this? Why would someone do this?

Child: Lady Silvia - Mutated Girl - 4-Month-Old
Your first child! She is in every aspect, perfect! Her legs and ears are like her mothers, even if her fur is completely obsidian. She has two horns growing above and swinging around her head in a tiny semi-circle, looking like a regal crown with the spikes atop (even if it makes putting a shirt on a pain), framing her golden hair. She does have a rather long tail, furred like a Sweden forest cat (the fur is obsidian again), which means you need to get a tailor for her pants. Her laughing and smiles just about melt your heart, and she has this cute habit of putting her tail into her mouth like a snow leopard. The only problem is her grey eyes, with which she cannot follow or perceive anything. By now, she should be able to see, right? Just late development, right?!
Selene barely survived the attack and Silvia is probably blind. Ugh...

But the most crucial piece of information uncovered came about when both teams almost completed their roundabout, with Nu and Ölt peeking into a large hallway, at the end of which glowed a multitude of panels. Their excitement almost made them overlook the only danger at the end of the said hallway, with only Ölt's swear and frantic signaling ensuring that Nu only had to shave the burnt hair off his head, and not the whole thing.

But in the end, the Pilgrims now knew what awaited them when they would storm TOP-03, along with the greatest enemy.
And the turret is at the end of a long hallway. So we either need better crossbows with electrified ammunition or go through the floor/ceiling, depending on where the turret exactly is.

Turi looked up from her notes, carefully studying the machine's numbers in front of her, before scribbling them down. Looking at the thermometer to her left, she recorded the decrease in temperature, continuing to do so for half an hour before an assistant came to relieve her from watch-duty.
I first thought this was about the steam-engine but apparently we have a working refrigerator.

"'Thermoelectric Refrigeration,'" she mumbled, "how novel. And how wasteful. What could be changed?" she continued, mind ablaze with diagrams, metals, chemicals, and methods on how she could increase the efficiency and decrease the heat generated.
You don't need to decrease the heat generation if you can use it for something else. It could be useful for a blast furnace, for example, by heating the air before it gets blown into the furnace, assuming there is enough heat of course.

Glancing down, Turi glared at the prosthetic the child, as sixteen was still too young to be called a man in her opinion, wore. She would have to make time to create a better one for him soon.
I wonder if that's something like a modern prosthetic or something more basic like a hook. Anyway, sounds like there is another possible write-in action for Learning, and we even have a Artefact that should be aplicable.

There should be a decrease in wear by almost 23% by the end of the week, and maybe we will be able to completely erase the need to wind up the whole thing once a day once we finish!"
A clockwork lock? Huh, that's interesting.

The entire thing was worsened by the Knight-Pilots refusal to speak of why he, or the Bureau, was even here in the first place. All of which lead to over 300 people standing around, murmuring, and exchanging ideas about what was happening. At the front, the assembled Council of the Pilgrims stood, along with a very confused Martyris carrying a sleeping Silvia, while whispering to Selene if she had any idea about what was happening or any noble who could have arranged this. "Hey look!" someone shouted, pointing to the road on which a carriage came into view, pulled by a work-lizard. Behind the carriage, two additional Knights walked in tandem, arms displayed, and banners of the Bureau attached to their backs, fluttering in the wind.
Ugh, bureaucracy. Anyway, it sounds like the attack on Selene hasn't happened yet, which means this could be another possible cause for it.

"What," came Selene's intelligent remark, causing Maranica to grin. "Well, not really since, you know," she gestured at Selene's legs, "Mutated and such, but! I wrote to the Emperor." The silence had been of the type of confused silence before; now, it was one of shock. "And he agreed that since your hubby lead the effort of killing a Dreadnought and a Behemoth, your family should be awarded. Well, once I pestered him enough," she continued, as people's faces turned white, and an older Pilgrims had to sit down.
She... pestered the Emperor. Why exactly is she listed under Miscellaneous Nobles!? I seriously doubt a random noble would get away with that.

"Crick," it meowed, like a noble commenting about upset commoners, before meowing again, "Ccrrk," and began strutting towards a free blanket, lying down to bask in the warmth slowly seeping out of the fabric. And six people stood confused, wondering how a Fractal could have snuck its way into camp when the only entrance had been watched.
Hmm, maybe Fractal cats can walk through crystals? Or at least shape them?

"Oh, like what?" "Well," Turi said, gesturing at the Torso and pointing at the bulging hodgepodge of machinery within, "we have no idea how it happened, but that is a Core. A very cannibalized, put together, slaughtered, and reassembled Core, but one nonetheless. The critical piece is there; the shell hasn't been cracked, thankfully, but whoever made the Knight decided to add destroyed Core-Pieces to it until they were physically unable to cram in more. No idea how they did it, why the whole thing hasn't caught fire halfway through assembly, or how the Knight even functions with that inside, but it does."
Oh no, it's a gamer Core!

But can it run Crysis?

Crisis Of Faith - Who We Are
Defenitly You Growl. We can always send a assasin after him later, but the fact that he laught at the fact that he will be handed to the guards implies that he expects to be broken out or at least to get protection by someone. If a noble or a organisation does shield him we get more informations about them, if they don't he still dies.

Faith: Destructive, Powerful, Magnificent. Faith has moved mountains, healed wounds deeper than flesh, and reduced nations to ash. Harness it to create something that will outlast you and inspire a thousand generations to come. (Choose 1 Action, 1 Action Locked)
I'm surprised we can have only one Poor-house in Mirn. Anyway we could do another soup kitchen or "Healing For All!" if we have enough Materials.

Diplomacy: The art of speaking many words that mean nothing should not be underestimated. A report in the right ear at the wrong time has toppled many a nation. (Choose 1 Action)
"Dig For Information" has to be a Personal action, with the +35 from that we have a 40% chance. "Kick 'Em While They're Down!" has a 45% so we can do it as a normal Diplomacy action, a bit risky though.

Martial: To live, you need power, for which you need knowledge. Luckily, you have the latter in spares. (Choose 1 Action)
We need more troops before we attack TOP-03 and recruiting would be more effective after we upgraded the trainings field. I think we should either do " Guards! Guards!" or "Make A Man Out Of You!" with the Tech-Scouts. Getting rid of that -5 on their rolls is important.

Learning: Knowledge is Power. (2 Actions Locked)(Artifacts can be attached to one learning action to provide the inherent bonus but are consumed unless unique buildings are present)(Scientists must now be assigned to an action to provide their bonus, similar to Faithful, abbreviated to SC.)
Both actions locked for this turn. But we need much more preparations for the attack on TOP-03 anyway. Better crossbows, electric weapons, drugs, etc.

Archeology: The secrets of the past will illuminate the future; may we learn from their mistakes. (Choose 1 Action)
Probably another expedition. Or we could roll the dice on the Bunker.:V

Tree of Knowledge: Home of the Pilgrims, Bastion of what they stand for, a symbol of hope for the desperate. (2 Actions Locked)
Again, both actions locked. I'm surprised the Crystal-Path doesn't require upkeep though.

Holdings: Norqod practically does not exist, and even then does so barely on paper. A lot of work will be needed if you want to make sure that your commission is fulfilled. While labor-intensive for now, you will be able to 'automate' the village unless you want to create unique buildings. (Choose 1 Action)
That's new. Probably the wall, if only so we don't have to worry about interrupts through wild animals. It wouldn't surprise me if this new village rolls an independent event dice.

Personal: Sometimes, you have to get your own hands dirty. Sometimes you want to relax since leading the Pilgrims rarely leads to a dull moment. (Choose 1 Action, 1 Action Locked)
Only one action, huh. Definitely "Dig For Information".
[Non-Canon] - Potential Work-Lizard Depictions | [Canon] - Potential Scout-Lizard Depictions - (3rd Picture) | [Canon] - Potential War-Lizard Depictions - (2nd Picture)
Oh that reminds me, I was instantly able to visualize the lizards once I read their entry, so I spent a few hours looking for art of them. It was surprisingly hard to find art of Giant Lizards as pack animals/mounts, so they're not perfect. The scale is off in a number of them, but the design fits, or vise versa.




The Emperor
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Crusading/The Who?
The Emperor
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Interesting.
The Emperor
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Hmmm.
The Emperor
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Granted.
So that re-contextualizes The Emperor's Plans for the past number of turns. It was Lady Maranica's progress in convincing him to grant Selene a Noble title.
I'm curious, since it seems that Selene lives at the Tree with us, has Selene formally joined the Pilgrims?
No. Yes? Kinda, its complicated. While she clearly approves of the Pilgrims goals and methods, and works for the diplomat-corps as an advisor for noble matters, she kinda not really is in, yet apart from the Pilgrims.

For most of her life religion has been "pray to the Imperial Family as your saviour or you won't get to eat" and now she is in the heart of one which preaches acceptance and progress, mercy and kindness.

She is going through a whole lot of things internally about her status with the Pilgrims, and probably will for the forseeable future.

And if you are worried about the "Non-Pilgrim living in the Tree," there are many who have wifes/husbands/lovers/other assorted family living with them without any issue.
Just why would a Forge Clan member suffer an aneurism if exposed to the Core and they know about Core science? Is it really that mind meltingly insane for it to function without promptly exploding in your face.

Also how are Fractal cats seen in the empire