Fortunately, Eversun appears to be very advanced in that field, so we might be able to loot stuff to help our own research.
It's going to be 2 Turns/6 months before the expedition starts and we don't know how long the fighting is going to last. It could easily be a year until we get any loot from that. Feels a bit too long to purely rely on that, especially with the invisi-text during the last update.
Eeeeeh, people can be preeeetty shitty towards Mutated in some Regions. It's a slur some/many use to insult them
Oh, I fully expect it to be used as a slur. But I don't think anyone literally
thinks of Mutated as Mutants, because everyone's first thought upon seeing a Mutant is probably something like "Oh Emperor, it's going to eat me!".
So, this seems to be largely something to do to put pressure on the Emperor. The problem is, devoting resources to it right now is really, really difficult to justify, given how much other stuff we need to do.
We also currently can't do that Action because of the Goodwill cost of 15. We only have 14.41 Goodwill.
[ ] Lady Tessen? About Our Favor...
I think we need to do this now, before the chance slips any further.
We probably should do a write-in Action to talk with the other noble Houses. It was mentioned that a change of the law would need at least a petition by House Tessen and another noble House.
@HeroCooky Could this work as an Action to talk/find out how to bribe the other nobles into supporting a re-working of the laws?
Diplomacy: Trading Favors
While a favor owed to you by the ruling House of a vital trading Region within the Empire can do much, overturning Ordinance #326b-S and #14-VV7 will need more. To be specific, the support of either House Mirn or Ularn, optimally both. You just need to find out what would convince them to support your petition!
...Yeah, you're going to ask Lady Maranica.
(Cost: Favors with Noble Houses?, Artefacts?, etc.
Chance: ???
Reward: Further Support for clarifying/changing the laws. Boosted Chances for "Lady Tessen? About Our Favor..."
Oh, and I have been looking over some of the older projects. Is "A Home away from Home" creating a local base we can upgrade later? The Upkeep reduction of 0.10 Materials is not enough for even one in Mirn to be worth it, so I wondered if it's something we just have to upgrade once we have a base. A local administration center or something to further reduce the upkeep.
And looking into some of the folders(Member/Resource Statistics), it seems the Engine Assembly under Upkeep lacks -0.50 (Due to Backroom Deals).
-[Martial] Sir! The Situation Is As Follows: For the Empire! (6.5 materials)(The Unbroken)
--[] The Pilgrims are about to send their veterans off to war once more, and you'd really like to get them all home again. Pester the forces the Empire has stationed in Norquod to train the Unbroken, so that they might better serve Slatnan in battle.
I think this would fall under the Support Action "The Military - (War Lessons)"?
-[][Aria] Lead By Example (Lady Tessen? About Our Favor...)
-[][Aria] Relax - Take Chiedi for a ride in PD, tease PD with the possibility of making out in her cockpit. Use all the innuendos.
Uhh, Aria gets only one Action per Turn?
[] Send (Aria/PD, The Unbroken, The Wall) + (Personal Cutter) (High Chance for Artifacts, Medium Chance for Unique Loot)
[] Wish The Expedition Good Fortune (No control over their actions, rolls determine the outcome.)
[] Plan First Draft
-[] Boost the Temporary Aid to: The Lost to 15 Materials per Turn
-[][Faith] A Helping Hand - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-10 Materials)
-[][Faith] A Home away from Home - (Mirn) - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-4 Materials)
-[][Diplomacy] Obtain A Permit For Creating Asylums - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-15 Materials, -5 Goodwill)
-[][Martial] Build A Training Field - (Expanded) - (0/4 Turns Complete) - (-18 Materials, -1FF)
-[][Learning] Fuck That Guy And Everything Around Him - Part 1 - (Physics/All Chemicals/Advanced Weapons) - (0/5 Successes) - (-22 Materials)
--[] [PD], [DoD], (Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5)=+20
--[] Self-Loading Rocket Tube +20 to Advanced Weapons/Machinery, Mortar Range-Finder +20 to Advanced Weapons/Electronics, Acid-Canisters +20 to Advanced Weapons/Chemicals/Metallurgy, Anti-Riot Gas-Recipes +20 to Advanced Weapons/Chemicals=+80
-[][Learning] The Movement Of Things - Part 1 - (Hydraulic/Machinery/Metallurgy) - (3/5 Successes)
--[] [In The Name Of Profit], (1 [SC] +12, Scientific Theory +15, 6FF,)=+33
-[][Learning] The Means Of Reproduction - (All Chemicals/Medicine/Biology) - (3/20 Successes)
--[] (2 [DOC] +24, Scientific Theory +15)=+39
-[][Archeology] Open The Bunker (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-103 Materials)
--[] Pull with the DoD
-[][Tree of Knowledge] Daycare - Expanded - (0/2 Turns Complete) - (-34 Materials) - [Sandcrete](-12.5 Materials)
-[][Tree of Knowledge] Library - (Basic) - (3/6 Turns Complete)
-[][Tree of Knowledge: One-Turn] Armor The Daughter - (-200 Materials=300Armor=320/807
(Conventional Armor))
-[][Holdings] Expand The Marketplace - Population Focus - (0/3 Turns Complete) - (-18.15 Materials)
-[][Aria action] Low-End Introduction (Chance: 70% for Locals)- (Meira's Hidden) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[][Martyris action] Interrogate The Awakened Stranger - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Infiltrate Part 2 - (The Lost)) - (0/2 Turns Complete) - (-12 Materials)
-[] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[] Backroom Deals - (Anchorage (Tiny) - (Jokvi))
-[ ] Take Out A Flat Loan - (100 Materials)
-[] The Adventurer Guild - (1 Action)
--[] Hire The Huntsmen for the expedition- (-50Materials)
-[] The Military - (1 Action)
--[] War Lessons - (The Wall) - (-2 Materials)
-[] The Union Of Herbalists - (Choose 1 Action)
--[] Study Sessions - (2/8 Turns Complete) - (-2.50 Material)
-[] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Action)
--[] In The Name Of Profit - (The Movement Of Things) - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-15 Materials)
-[] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (1 Action Locked)
--[] Made To Order: Armor for Aria, something she can wear while piloting PD - (0/??? Turns Complete) - (-5.34 Materials)
-[] Conclave Of Fraya - (1 Action)
--[] Eternal Arts - (Norqod) - (1/18 Turns Complete) - (-5 Materials)
Costs: 5 Materials+ 10 Materials+ 4 Materials+ 15 Materials+ 18 Materials+ 22 Materials+ 103 Materials+ 34 Materials+ 12.5 Materials+ 200 Materials+ 18.15 Materials+ 12 Material+ 50 Materials+ 2 Materials+ 2.50 Materials+ 15 Materials+ 5.34 Materials+ 5 Materials= 533.49 Materials
Budget: 438.10 + 100 Materials= 538.01 Materials
Remaining budget:538.01 Materials - 533.49 Materials = 4.52 Materials
Ok, that would leave me with 2 [ENG] leftover.
@HeroCooky What would it cost us to hire the Huntsmen for the expedition? The last time I asked (Page 113) it was 20 Materials upfront for 25 mercs. So for the 80 Huntsmen around 60 Materials?
And what would be the price for armor made by the Forge-Clans for Aria? Something she can wear while piloting PD.
Edit: Updated the costs and added the last Faith Action. If people want I can make the loan bigger and up-armor the DoD even more.