5d6 Goodwill, 3d8 Piety, 2d10 For The Nation, and 2d2 + 2d3 Artifacts remain to be rolled.
Ok combing through it.
MrRobot threw 5 6-faced dice. Reason: Goodwill Total: 11
2 2 1 1 3 3 2 2 3 3
MrRobot threw 3 8-faced dice. Reason: Goodwill Total: 14
3 3 4 4 7 7
MrRobot threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Nation Total: 12
4 4 8 8
MrRobot threw 2 2-faced dice. Reason: Artifai Total: 4
2 2 2 2
MrRobot threw 2 3-faced dice. Reason: Artifai Total: 2
1 1 1 1
[X] Plan: Holding the Jaws Open
-[X] [Faith] Feed The Masses (Tessen) - (6/6 Turns Complete) - [Sandcrete]
+2 Turns of Progress

-[X] [Faith] Begin Preparations For New Region Conversion - (2/2 Turns Complete)
--[X] Logistical & Administrative Support
+2 Turns of Progress

-[X] [Faith] Begin Preparations For New Region Conversion - (1/2 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X] [Diplomacy] The Great Debate - (2/4 Turns Complete) - [Martyris Locked]
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X] [Diplomacy] Create A Dossier On (The 3-Point Coilgun Competition, The Twisted Factory, The Imperial Convention)
--[X] (Ashleaf Tea +15, 6FF) = +21
Needed: 30, Rolled: 23 + 21 = 44

-[X] [Subversion] Cover of Body - (5/8 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X] [Martial] Menagerie - (Common) - (5/8 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X] [Martial] Scout Out - (ETG-03) - (Rust Scouts)
--[X] (6FF) = +6
Needed: 25, Rolled: 93 + 6 = 99
4x Harversters, 7x Attendants, 2x Dignitaries, and 1x Overseer Drone Present.

-[X] [Learning] Coilguns Serviced By Non-Artifice Crews - (Pioneer Electronics/Weaponry/Machinery) - (45/45 Successes)
Can you feel the shadows of the leaves dance across your skin?

-[X] [Learning] Seizing The Means Of Reproduction - (Pioneer Chemicals/Medicine/Biology) - (21/40 Successes)
--[X] [PD], [MSC], [VF], [In The Name Of Education], [Interest in Experimental Oddities 2d3], (Scientific Theory +15, Library +5, Mutated: Allied +20, Head Scholar of the Experimental Wing +50, 1[DOC] +6, 2[SUR] +24) = +120
--[X] (50x Bunker Medicine Artifacts +5 to Biology/Medicine/Machinery) = +250
Needed: 20/35/60, Rolled: 15 + 370 = 385
+6 Automatic Successes
+3 Oddity Successes
+12 Successes

-[X] [Learning] Clear Up The Airwaves - (Pioneer Programming) - (3/3 Successes)
--[X] [DoD], (Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5, 2[SC] +24, 1[TSC] +18) = +62
Needed: 50/60/70, Rolled: 04 + 62 = 68
+1 Automatic Success
+2 Successes

-[X] [Learning] Translations For Beginners - (1x Tenebris Library Book) - (3/1 Success)
--[X] (Scientific Theory +15) = +15
Needed: 05/10/15, Rolled: 60 + 15 = 75
+3 Successes
'Beyond the Skein of Bones' Translated!
A...book talking about metaphysical phenomena occurring within bones?

-[X] [Archeology] Loot The Second Bunker Floor (3rd Level Barracks)
+41 Corpses and Biological/Psychological/Machine Artifacts

-[X] [Archeology] Search The Deep Oasis - (The Overgrown Hydroponics) - (3/3 Turns Complete)
--[X] (6[ENG] +84, 6FF) = +90
Needed: 90, Rolled: 12 + 90 = 102
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X] [Archeology] Search The Deep Oasis - (The Subsumed Machines) - (2/3 Turns Complete)
--[X] (5[ENG] +70, Rare Odds and Ends +2d10, 6FF) = +76+2d10
Needed: 90, Rolled: 56 + 76 + 8 = 140
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X] [Tree of Knowledge] Berth - Large - (6/7 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X] [Tree of Knowledge] Medical Wing - Grand - (5/5 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X] [Holdings] Training Fields - Medium - (4/7 Turns Complete)
--[X] Hire Contractors x3
+4 Turn of Progress

-[X] [Holdings] Small Medicinal School - (Pilgrim Doctors/Herbalists) - (7/11 Turns Complete)
--[X] Hire Contractors x3
+4 Turns of Progress

-[X] [Holdings] Hydroponics - Tiny - (7/7 Turns Complete)
--[X] Hire Contractors x2
+3 Turnx of Progress

-[X] [Martyris] LOCKED

-[X] [Martyris] LOCKED

-[X] [Aria] Too Much To Do (Begin Preparations For New Region Conversion #2)

-[X] [Turi] Too Much To Do (Seizing The Means Of Reproduction)

-[X] [Merchants] Procure (Logistical & Administrative Support - Progress to Begin Preparations For New Region Conversion #1)

-[X] [Adventurers] Guardians For Hire (Ularn - Rudimentary Territorial Hospices)

-[X] [Herbalists] Study Sessions - (6/7 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X] [4S] In The Name Of Education - (Seizing The Means Of Reproduction) [-3.5 Goodwill]

-[X] [Vanar-Feer] Unlimited Specialists Galore
--[X] (4x Common Engineers) - (2/6 Turns Complete)
--[X] (10x Common Engineers) - (4/6 Turns Complete)
--[X] (1x Trained Scientist) - (7/10 Turns Complete)
--[X] (2x Trained Engineers) - (7/10 Turns Complete)
--[X] (4x Captains) - (4/10 Turns Complete)
--[X] (2x Forge-Coders) - (13/15 Turns Complete)
--[X] (2x Forge-Smiths) - (7/15 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X] [Followers of Light] For The Nation - (Build Outlying Fortified Orphanages) [-3.5 Goodwill]
+12 Success Chance

-[X] [Conclave] Eternal Arts - (47/165 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of Progr-Ah, SCREW THIS!
New Conclave Action Unlocked.

-[X] [Nine Tribes] Rare Odds and Ends (The Subsumed Machines) [-4.25 Goodwill]

Further Rolls:


Floating Monastery - Lost Tech Psychology = 1
Doomed Fortress - Lost Tech Weapons/Armor = 1
TL-02 - ??? = 4
VO-01 - Common = 2



-11.25 Goodwill


+6.98 Goodwill
+11 Goodwill


+6.73 Goodwill

The update will be online on the 02.06.24 at 17:00 CET.
Last edited:
Rumor Mill Turn 96

The Bough And Sickle Mercenary Company On The March - The Tessen Speaker
Long since mired in controversy after controversy, the Bough and Sickle Company has been spotted marching onto Tessen, rumors suggesting a Contract has lured them here by local nobles seeking their expertise in siege, sapping, and tunneling warfare. However, who would offer them such a contract remains a mystery, as their well-known dislike of Noble employers has stuck to them like a bad after-taste, with more than one Region actively banning them from entering their lands. Speculations abound.
(Read more on page 16)

Expansion, Exodus, or Encroachment - The Truthful Observers
It seems that, once again, Tessen has grown too small for the Pilgrims as they seek to set out once more to other Regions of the Empire and convert people to their cause and religion. For some, this move is an occasion to rejoice as they seek to set out with their family and friends of Pilgrims eager to set out in a large caravan to a new home and life. For others, it is a time of tearful goodbyes, children separating from parents as they seek their own Paths, friends raising a last glass to their brethren, and sworn families by the blood of battle and the sweat of labor. For many, it is a goodbye to those who helped them at their lowest with no demands for repayment or who gave with no thought on what could be offered in return. For the rest, it is a time when those who cause trouble go away, and peace returns in some form as sanity once more takes hold of the youth and the impressionable. One thing remains certain, though; the Empire is about to have one more group of do-gooders willing to labor for their version of its betterment.
(Read more on page 22)

The Pilgrims Set Out Once More - Rags, Rumors, And Rants
Let us raise a glass in honor of the Pilgrims who we shall never see aid the wounded, who shall never aid our elderly in their day-to-day, to the ones that offered labor and wise words for room and food, the ones that took up weapons against the night in lockstep with us, and all the ones that set mind, soul, body, and heart against what ailments assail the innocents! Today, the Pilgrims once more set out into the Empire, their caravans joined by double their number in hangers-on of family, friends, and crafty merchants or travelers. Tomorrow, they might be dead, yet they shall walk the Path they set out on regardless, no danger too large for them to deny what aid can be given. Let us raise that glass, and let us drink deeply in their honor!
(Read more on page 9)


Region Report/s

Bone Valley

We have finished the construction of the Scavenging Outposts, with a dozen teams already dispatched to scour the immediate surroundings of the Outpost and Elevator for anything that may be valuable, be it Artifacts, materials, or information like maps and ancient data-storage devices. A ton of work has also gone into the construction of the Airship Depot, with some of our people here, especially those newly converted, working with the zeal of the willing. Can't say I blame them; the idea of sending entire floating fleets over the dangers and difficulties of the world has ignited a flame of passion within our Chapter here that has caused more than one person to take up writing stories and songs to...mixed results.

Signed; Omar of Iron.

Sunken Hollows

Hello, this is Akane.

It was about an ancient feud over trading rights for leather.

The reason why I have to go through several dozen channels instead of being able to post a request to the Merchant Guild and have them deal with it internally before coming back to me with offers is because some idiot got a polearm in their ass three centuries ago and blew the entire Region up in a Trade War. Meaning that they haven't gotten their shit together for three centuries, and I now have to spend four hours a day arguing with a dozen people one after another with more paperwork in hand than I had to handle in a year before coming here.

I am officially looking into a way to resurrect the dead so that I can scream at a fool.

With pissed-off farewells,



The Marquess of Tessen is busy in the Capital.

House Ulatarn is busy in the Capital.

House Mirn is busy in the Capital.

The Military is busy protecting the Region.

The Bureau For Imperial Civilian Logistics is starting an Inquiry into several manufacturers for military-related logistics.

The Followers of Light are mostly happy about the way things are going.

The Adventurer Guild is bored.

Dirty Daggers are continuing on with their life.

The Common People are taking some minor interest in your current research.

The Mutated are taking some minor interest in your current research.
A Path Once Walked
The Scale of the Expansion:
[] Satellite

Though the Expansion is laden with materials, only a few have joined the call to venture outside Tessen, most feeling that their work here is still at the stage where they can expand. This has led to a more diminutive scale of ambition; the fervor of those leaving more than makes up for their smaller numbers.
(Size: 50 Pilgrims
Piety Roll: -8
Piety Cohesion Loss: 10%
Chance of Heresy: Minor
Control: Holding-Level (Gain another action category))

[] Outpost
The Expedition is laden with materials, food, guards, and many that have joined the call to venture outside Tessen, most feeling that their work here is in good hands, capable of being done even while they are away. They are sure that they can create an outpost for the Pilgrimage without stumbling across any danger too great to overcome.
(Size: 100 Pilgrims
Piety Roll: -15
Piety Cohesion Loss: 20%
Chance of Heresy: Small
Control: Directives Only (Focus on XYZ))

[] Chapter
The Expedition is nearly crushing the work-lizards underneath the materials, food, guards, and knickknacks you provided them with. However, the animals bear the burden with admirable stoicism. The hundreds who have joined the call to venture outside Tessen feel that their work lies in faraway locations and feel pride in spreading the word and help you managed to provide to those living within Tessen.
(Size: 200 Pilgrims
Piety Roll: -26
Piety Cohesion Loss: 35%
Chance of Heresy: Medium
Control: Additional Rumor Section: Chapter News)

The Target of the Expansion:
[] (Write-In)
(Choose from the Regions of Slatnan Threadmark or request information about a new one from the Map.)

The Leader of the Expansion:
[] (Adjudicator Vote)

Name (What are they called?)
Gender (The pronouns used for them.)
Body (General shape, height, scars, amputations, etc.)
Personality (Humble, Wrathful, etc.)
History (Who were they before they became a Pilgrim? Who were they when they were one? What do they hope to be?)
Hmm, I'm kind of thinking Broken Crossroads to help deal with the gang problem.

Otherwise, I don't know. @HeroCooky is there an area that looks particularly bad from a humanitarian perspective?
None that you particularly know about beyond the Capital's slums.

We probably will not be able to able to deal with that for now, it will probably need a special option of a really heavy effort.

On another note this talk about trade make me wonder what would be the regulations to comercial skyships, limiting them by lift amount may be an interesting idea, also the minimum and maximum height they are permited to fly. It would encourage to keep the desing fast with just enough armor and guns to defend it's cargo.

Militarized desings for public trade probably will have some caps on weaponry and armor but the most key aspect would be something that make them dependant of a logistic base controled by the empire.

And finally proper military ships would need, well, a license to produce and a license to be bought, this is probably where the nobles and forge clans itself would fight over more.
4x Harversters, 7x Attendants, 2x Dignitaries, and 1x Overseer Drone Present.
Huh, new bunch of machines.

'Beyond the Skein of Bones' Translated!
A...book talking about metaphysical phenomena occurring within bones?
Weird AF.

-[X] [Tree of Knowledge] Berth - Large - (5/7 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of Progress
Error. We started the turn at 5/7, so it should be 6/7.

-[X] [Conclave] Eternal Arts - (47/165 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of Progr-Ah, SCREW THIS!
New Conclave Action Unlocked.
Yeah, this isn't really working.

The Bough And Sickle Mercenary Company On The March - The Tessen Speaker
Long since mired in controversy after controversy, the Bough and Sickle Company has been spotted marching onto Tessen, rumors suggesting a Contract has lured them here by local nobles seeking their expertise in siege, sapping, and tunneling warfare. However, who would offer them such a contract remains a mystery, as their well-known dislike of Noble employers has stuck to them like a bad after-taste, with more than one Region actively banning them from entering their lands. Speculations abound.
(Read more on page 16)
The only thing I can think of is that Baron Esker got permission from IntSec for them to deal with his Forest issue.

Expansion, Exodus, or Encroachment - The Truthful Observers
It seems that, once again, Tessen has grown too small for the Pilgrims as they seek to set out once more to other Regions of the Empire and convert people to their cause and religion. For some, this move is an occasion to rejoice as they seek to set out with their family and friends of Pilgrims eager to set out in a large caravan to a new home and life. For others, it is a time of tearful goodbyes, children separating from parents as they seek their own Paths, friends raising a last glass to their brethren, and sworn families by the blood of battle and the sweat of labor. For many, it is a goodbye to those who helped them at their lowest with no demands for repayment or who gave with no thought on what could be offered in return. For the rest, it is a time when those who cause trouble go away, and peace returns in some form as sanity once more takes hold of the youth and the impressionable. One thing remains certain, though; the Empire is about to have one more group of do-gooders willing to labor for their version of its betterment.
(Read more on page 22)

The Pilgrims Set Out Once More - Rags, Rumors, And Rants
Let us raise a glass in honor of the Pilgrims who we shall never see aid the wounded, who shall never aid our elderly in their day-to-day, to the ones that offered labor and wise words for room and food, the ones that took up weapons against the night in lockstep with us, and all the ones that set mind, soul, body, and heart against what ailments assail the innocents! Today, the Pilgrims once more set out into the Empire, their caravans joined by double their number in hangers-on of family, friends, and crafty merchants or travelers. Tomorrow, they might be dead, yet they shall walk the Path they set out on regardless, no danger too large for them to deny what aid can be given. Let us raise that glass, and let us drink deeply in their honor!
(Read more on page 9)
It's good to be appreciated.

Sunken Hollows
Hello, this is Akane.

It was about an ancient feud over trading rights for leather.

The reason why I have to go through several dozen channels instead of being able to post a request to the Merchant Guild and have them deal with it internally before coming back to me with offers is because some idiot got a polearm in their ass three centuries ago and blew the entire Region up in a Trade War. Meaning that they haven't gotten their shit together for three centuries, and I now have to spend four hours a day arguing with a dozen people one after another with more paperwork in hand than I had to handle in a year before coming here.

I am officially looking into a way to resurrect the dead so that I can scream at a fool.

With pissed-off farewells,
Akane needs a hug. This is just plain stupid.
@HeroCooky could I get more info on Lagoon of the Moon, Eternal Fountain, Lake Sina, Drowned Fortress and the road reagion that's in the area, Fallen Tombs?

Want to get some more option to pick from.
Im skimmed trough the options but im quite ambivalent as for right now we probably want a chapter that is closer, when we have the big seed ships it would less a issue but as for right now we probably want to be able to reach the chapters.
Also on another note looking on the phat of the endless skies I noticed something "fun™" we can make magical tatoos now. That it's actually very cool as faar as unit limited upgrades goes, also suspendium plating can be huge for power armor systems.
The Bough And Sickle Mercenary Company On The March - The Tessen Speaker
Long since mired in controversy after controversy, the Bough and Sickle Company has been spotted marching onto Tessen, rumors suggesting a Contract has lured them here by local nobles seeking their expertise in siege, sapping, and tunneling warfare. However, who would offer them such a contract remains a mystery, as their well-known dislike of Noble employers has stuck to them like a bad after-taste, with more than one Region actively banning them from entering their lands. Speculations abound.
(Read more on page 16)
Could be Baron Esker, like MrRageQuit suggested. Could also be someone else wanting something out of the Forest, or someone planning to attack our Tree.

Those poetry and story attempts will be interesting, once we get the radio capacity to have our local artists look at them.

I'm baffled that during those 3 centuries no one tried to step into that niche or got set up as middle man to the Merchant Guild.
Regions of Slatnan - 3
Lagoon of the Moon

Population: ~2.2 Million
Settlements: The Reaf, Margan's Dockyard, Coral Crescent
Elite Factions: The Coral Guild, The Wood Carvers Guild, House Margan
Local Factions: The Adventurers Guild, The Merchants Guild, The Reaf Constructers
Industry: Coral Extraction, Medicine Production, Wood Industries
Environment/s: Cliffs, Lagoons, Jungles
Eternal Fountain

Population: ~1 Million
Settlement: Fountain
Elite Factions: House Chi
Local Factions: The Merchants Guild, The Miners Guild
Industry: Metal Extraction and Refinement
Environment/s: Underground River, Mines, Lush Caves
Lake Sina

Population: ~1.7 Million
Settlements: Nakar, Lakeside, Delvers Delve, Per-Mino, Karika, Lamuna, H14
Elite Factions: College of Cartography
Local Factions: House Per-Mino, Houe Lamuna, Forge-Clan H14
Industry: Scavenging, Mapping, Navigation Equipment Manufacturing
Environment/s: Underground Necropolis, Mountains, Lake
Drowned Fortress

Population: ~800 Thousand
Settlements: Jabilla
Elite Factions: House Jabilla
Local Factions: The Merchants Guild, The Adventurers Guild, Servants of Nashur
Industry: Mineral Trade, Precious Stones, Artwork
Environment/s: Desert, Rocky Mesas, Badlands, Oasi
Fallen Tombs

Population: ~4 Million
Settlements: Fallen Tomb
Elite Factions: House Alusterun, House Nikatin, House Sunspoken
Local Factions: The Merchants Guild, The Miners Guild, Liakas Disciples
Industry: Animal Husbandry, Metal Extraction and Refinement, Luxury Trade
Environment/s: Underground City, Tunnels, Mines
Hmm, I'm now between Broken Crossroads to deal with the gang problem, and Tarnished Glory to establish a fish cannery which would allow us to have a big source of protein next time we have to deal with a famine.

The crossroads are our direct neighbors, and we can dump some power armor squadron soon -ish, we probably need a more military and intrigue minded adjudicator, maybe a retired scout or member of the wall.

Like I said before we really blow the gasket oppen with the phat of endless skies.