Adhoc vote count started by HeroCooky on Dec 22, 2024 at 9:25 AM, finished with 8 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Revealed Developments
    -[X] [Faith] Build Outlying Fortified Orphanages - (6/10 Turns Complete)
    -[X] [Faith] Establish Rudimentary Territorial Hospices - (Zulmni) - (0/2 Turns Complete)
    --[X] Elite Contractors
    -[X] [Faith] A Helping Hand
    --[X] (Founder +50, 6FF) = +56
    -[X] [Endless Skies] The Flagship - (1/15 Turns Complete)
    -[X] [Endless Skies] The Training Halls of the Crews - (3/7 Turns Complete)
    -[X] [Endless Skies] The Academy of the Skyneers - (4/6 Turns Complete)
    -[X] [Diplomacy] School The Diplomat-Corp - (Specialized) - (Bureau For Imperial Civilian Logistics) - (0/2 Turns Complete)
    --[X] (Ashleaf Tea +15, 6FF) = +21
    -[X] [Subversion] Audit Everything - (0/1 Turns Complete) [-10 Goodwill]
    --[X] (Lead By Example +50, 6FF) = +56
    -[X] [Martial] Guards! Guards! (Tessen: Rudimentary Territorial Hospices)
    -[X] [Learning] Lances So Bright And Deadly - (Pioneer Weaponry/Electronics/Physics) - (0/4 Successes)
    --[X] Cost: 6x Reactive Micro-Lances, 2x Damaged Minor Bright-Lance Turrets, 2x Damaged Medium Bright-Lance Turrets
    --[X] (Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5, Electronics Manufacture - Ancient Circuits +150) = +170
    -[X] [Learning] Cutting Edge Technology - (All Weaponry) - (0/3 Successes)
    --[X] (Scientific Theory +15) = +15
    --[X] (2x Mono Titanium Blade +20 to Advanced Weaponry/Metallurgy) = +40
    -[X] [Learning] Gasses Long Forgotten - (Advanced Weaponry/Chemicals) - (0/10 Successes)
    --[X] Cost: Sleep-Gas Bombs
    --[X] (Anti-Thief Watch Systems +20 to Advanced Weaponry/Programming/Machinery, 5x Painmaker Vats +20 to Advanced Weaponry/Psychology/Hydraulics, 3x Feeding Stations +20 to Advanced Weaponry/Chemicals, Acid-Sprayer +20 to Advanced Weaponry/Chemicals, Self-Defense Spray +20 to Advanced Weaponry/Chemicals, Destroyed Peacekeeper +20 to Advanced Armor/Hydraulics/Weaponry) = +240
    -[X] [Learning] Optical Fibers - (Pioneer Machinery/Electronics/Physics) - (9/36 Successes)
    --[X] (Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5, Electronics Manufacture - Ancient Circuits +150, 2[SC] +24, 2[TSC] +36, 2[TENG] +48) = +278
    -[X] [Learning] Coding Buddies - (Pioneer Machinery/Mechanics/Metallurgy/Programming/Electronics/Hydraulics) - (0/94 Successes)
    --[X] [DoD], [PD], [VF], [In The Name of Education], [Experimental Oddity Passion 2d4], (Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5, Electronics Manufacture - Ancient Circuits +150, Soaring Wrenches +50, 2[FC] +120, 2[FS] +120, Head Scholar of the Experimental Wing +50) = +510
    -[X] [Learning - Piety] Translations For Beginners - (1x Tenebris Library Book) - (0/1 Success)
    -[X] [Archeology] Send Out The Scavengers - (OH-03)
    --[X] (1[ENG] +14) = +14
    -[X] [Archeology] Search The Bloodless Thicket - (1/4 Turns Complete)
    --[X] (21[ENG] +294) = +294
    -[X] [Archeology] Excavate The Bones of Roots (6/10 Turns Complete)
    -[X] [Tree of Knowledge] Primitive Radar Tower - (1/4 Turns Complete)
    -[X] [Holdings] Watchtower Network - Weak - (5/10 Turns Complete) - [Sandcrete]
    --[X] Hire Contractors x3
    -[X] [Holdings] Medium Toy Manufactury - (0/7 Turns Complete)
    --[X] Hire Contractors x2
    -[X] [Holdings] Medium Furniture Manufactury - (0/6 Turns Complete)
    -[X] [Holdings] Medium Chemical Goods Manufactury - (0/4 Turns Complete)
    -[X] [Martyris] Too Much To Do (A Helping Hand)
    -[X] [Martyris] Lead By Example (Audit Everything)
    -[X] [Aria] Too Much To Do (Medium Toy Manufactury)
    -[X] [Turi] Too Much To Do (Coding Buddies)
    -[X] [Merchants] Procure (Elite Contractors - Progress to Assigned Building)
    -[X] [Adventurers] Guardians For Hire (Tessen: Rudimentary Territorial Hospices)
    -[X] [Herbalists] Anatomical Lectures - (2/5 Turns Complete)
    -[X] [4S] In The Name Of Education - (Coding Buddies) [-3.5 Goodwill]
    -[X] [Military] Provide Formulas for Combat Drugs and Schematics for Standard Coilgun Variants, Improved Static Mortar, and Standard Power Armor
    -[X] [Vanar-Feer] Unlimited Specialists Galore [-12 Faithful]
    --[X] (20x General Scientists - (4/6 Turns Complete)
    --[X] (6x Trained Scientists) - (7/10 Turns Complete)
    --[X] (12x Trained Scientists) - (0/10 Turns Complete)
    --[X] (10x Trained Engineers) - (7/10 Turns Complete)
    --[X] (3x Forge-Coders) - (4/15 Turns Complete)
    --[X] (3x Forge-Smiths) - (4/15 Turns Complete)
    -[X] [Followers of Light] We Work As One - (Build Outlying Fortified Orphanages)
I need 11 1d100 for your Actions with a DC of:
01/50/75 rolled with +56; if successful, roll 4/7/15d5 Goodwill.
30 rolled with +21
?? rolled with +56
01/01/01 rolled with +170
01/01/50 rolled with +55
01/10/50 rolled with +255
01/01/80 rolled with +278
01/01/01 rolled with +510
, roll 2d4 Oddity Successes
05/10/15 rolled with +15
15 rolled with +14
90 rolled with +294

The first failure is re-rolled; then, 2 for 4, 3 for 6, usw.
All others have a DC of 50 for the Goodwill roll.

Further Rolls:


Lost Tech - 5d3
Rare to Lost Tech - 2d5

The first rolls are taken as official.
If no other rolls are present, I will roll on 23.12.24 at 17:00 CET.
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01/50/75 rolled with +56; if successful, roll 4/7/15d5 Goodwill.

Edit: The second d100 was an accident
Genderite threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: 01/50/75 rolled with +56 Total: 125
94 94 31 31
Genderite threw 15 5-faced dice. Reason: 15d5 Goodwill. Total: 46
5 5 4 4 1 1 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 2 2 5 5 4 4 1 1 1 1 3 3 5 5
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Rolling Artifacts:

Edit: ignore the third dice of the first lot. Got the dice size wrong for what I intended to roll but it works for the second lot of Artifacts if we drop the last dice.
Pyro Hawk threw 3 5-faced dice. Reason: Lost Tech Artefacts Total: 11
3 3 4 4 4 4
Pyro Hawk threw 5 3-faced dice. Reason: Lost Tech Artefacts Total: 8
3 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1
Last edited:
[X] Plan: Revealed Developments
-[X] [Faith] Build Outlying Fortified Orphanages - (7/10 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X] [Faith] Establish Rudimentary Territorial Hospices - (Zulmni) - (2/2 Turns Complete)
--[X] Elite Contractors
+2 Turns of Progress

-[X] [Faith] A Helping Hand
--[X] (Founder +50, 6FF) = +56
Needed: 01/50/75, Rolled: 94 + 56 = 150
+46 Goodwill!

-[X] [Endless Skies] The Flagship - (2/15 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X] [Endless Skies] The Training Halls of the Crews - (4/7 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X] [Endless Skies] The Academy of the Skyneers - (5/6 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X] [Diplomacy] School The Diplomat-Corp - (Specialized) - (Bureau For Imperial Civilian Logistics) - (1/2 Turns Complete)
--[X] (Ashleaf Tea +15, 6FF) = +21
Needed: 30, Rolled: 31 + 21 = 52
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X] [Subversion] Audit Everything - (1/1 Turns Complete) [-10 Goodwill]
--[X] (Lead By Example +50, 6FF) = +56
Needed: ??, Rolled: 16 + 56 = 72

-[X] [Martial] Guards! Guards! (Tessen: Rudimentary Territorial Hospices)

-[X] [Learning] Lances So Bright And Deadly - (Pioneer Weaponry/Electronics/Physics) - (9/4 Successes)
--[X] Cost: 6x Reactive Micro-Lances, 2x Damaged Minor Bright-Lance Turrets, 2x Damaged Medium Bright-Lance Turrets
--[X] (Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5, Electronics Manufacture - Ancient Circuits +150) = +170
Needed: 01/01/01, Rolled: 67 + 170 = 237
+9 Successes

-[X] [Learning] Cutting Edge Technology - (All Weaponry) - (3/3 Successes)
--[X] (Scientific Theory +15) = +15
--[X] (2x Mono Titanium Blade +20 to Advanced Weaponry/Metallurgy) = +40
Needed: 01/01/50, Rolled: 31 + 55 = 86
+3 Successes

-[X] [Learning] Gasses Long Forgotten - (Advanced Weaponry/Chemicals) - (10/10 Successes)
--[X] Cost: Sleep-Gas Bombs
--[X] [MSC], (Scientific Theory +15) = +15
--[X] (Anti-Thief Watch Systems +20 to Advanced Weaponry/Programming/Machinery, 5x Painmaker Vats +20 to Advanced Weaponry/Psychology/Hydraulics, 3x Feeding Stations +20 to Advanced Weaponry/Chemicals, Acid-Sprayer +20 to Advanced Weaponry/Chemicals, Self-Defense Spray +20 to Advanced Weaponry/Chemicals, Destroyed Peacekeeper +20 to Advanced Armor/Hydraulics/Weaponry) = +240
Needed: 01/10/50, Rolled: 39 + 255 = 294
+9 Successes
+1 Automatic Success

-[X] [Learning] Optical Fibers - (Pioneer Machinery/Electronics/Physics) - (20/36 Successes)
--[X] (Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5, Electronics Manufacture - Ancient Circuits +150, 2[SC] +24, 2[TSC] +36, 2[TENG] +48) = +278
Needed: 01/01/80, Rolled: 86 + 278 = 364
+11 Successes

-[X] [Learning] Coding Buddies - (Pioneer Machinery/Mechanics/Metallurgy/Programming/Electronics/Hydraulics) - (30/94 Successes)
--[X] [DoD], [PD], [VF], [In The Name of Education], [Experimental Oddity Passion 2d4], (Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5, Electronics Manufacture - Ancient Circuits +150, Soaring Wrenches +50, 2[FC] +120, 2[FS] +120, Head Scholar of the Experimental Wing +50) = +510
Needed: 01/01/01, Rolled: 88 + 510 = 598
+18 Successes
+6 Automatic Successes
+6 Oddity Successes

-[X] [Learning - Piety] Translations For Beginners - (1x Tenebris Library Book) - (3/1 Success)
--[X] (Scientific Theory +15) = +15
Needed: 05/10/15, Rolled: 29 + 15 = 44
+3 Successes

-[X] [Archeology] Send Out The Scavengers - (OH-03)
--[X] (1[ENG] +14) = +14
Needed: 15, Rolled: 71 + 14 = 82

-[X] [Archeology] Search The Bloodless Thicket - (4/4 Turns Complete)
--[X] (21[ENG] +294) = +294
Needed: 90, Rolled: 61 + 294 = 355, Medium Artificial Success!
+3 Turn of Progress

-[X] [Archeology] Excavate The Bones of Roots (7/10 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X] [Tree of Knowledge] Primitive Radar Tower - (2/4 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X] [Holdings] Watchtower Network - Weak - (10/10 Turns Complete) - [Sandcrete]
--[X] Hire Contractors x3
+5 Turns of Progress

-[X] [Holdings] Medium Toy Manufactury - (3/7 Turns Complete)
--[X] Hire Contractors x2
+3 Turns of Progress

-[X] [Holdings] Medium Furniture Manufactury - (3/6 Turns Complete)
--[X] Hire Contractors x2
+3 Turns of Progress

-[X] [Holdings] Medium Chemical Goods Manufactury - (4/4 Turns Complete)
--[X] Hire Contractors x3
+4 Turns of Progress

-[X] [Martyris] Too Much To Do (A Helping Hand)

-[X] [Martyris] Lead By Example (Audit Everything)

-[X] [Aria] Too Much To Do (Medium Toy Manufactury)

-[X] [Turi] Too Much To Do (Coding Buddies)

-[X] [Merchants] Procure (Elite Contractors - Progress to Assigned Building)

-[X] [Adventurers] Guardians For Hire (Tessen: Rudimentary Territorial Hospices)

-[X] [Herbalists] Anatomical Lectures - (3/5 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X] [4S] In The Name Of Education - (Coding Buddies) [-3.5 Goodwill]

-[X] [Military] Provide Formulas for Combat Drugs and Schematics for Standard Coilgun Variants, Improved Static Mortar, and Standard Power Armor

-[X] [Vanar-Feer] Unlimited Specialists Galore [-12 Faithful]
--[X] (20x General Scientists - (5/6 Turns Complete)
--[X] (6x Trained Scientists) - (8/10 Turns Complete)
--[X] (12x Trained Scientists) - (1/10 Turns Complete)
--[X] (10x Trained Engineers) - (8/10 Turns Complete)
--[X] (3x Forge-Coders) - (5/15 Turns Complete)
--[X] (3x Forge-Smiths) - (5/15 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X] [Followers of Light] We Work As One - (Build Outlying Fortified Orphanages)

Further Rolls:


Floating Monastery - Lost Tech Psychology = 1
Doomed Fortress - Lost Tech Weapons/Armor = 1
OH-03 - Lost Tech = 8
ETG-05 - Rare to Lost Tech = 7

-13.50 Goodwill


+8.48 Goodwill


+40.98 Goodwill

The Update will be online on 05.01.25 at 17:00 CET.
Rumor Mill Turn 107 New

House Tessen Begins Constructing More Public Works - The Tessen Speaker
With the population of Tessen surging due to immigration increasing thanks to the economic knock-off benefits of airships, the towns and cities of the Region have grown beyond their current capacity to service things like sanitation, hospitality, and healthcare. As such, House Tessen has decreed an expansion to many public works, from public baths, drinking cisterns, washhouses, sewage lines, housing complexes, recycling centers, and landfills to traveler accommodations, hospices, public work projects, and more. Thanks to this, it is assumed that many previously unemployed young people will find their purses heavier, and the gangs, ever a scourge on the Region, find their potential recruits far less plentiful.
(Read more on pages 1-3)

New Knight Patterns Approved For Use - The Truthful Observers
After much deliberation and research, nineteen new Knight Patterns have been approved for production. Their frames will soon walk off the Empire's production lines to gradually replace those of the old Patterns and to bolster the ranks of new Knight Chapters founded in accordance with the Chainbreaker Accords. Incorporating much of newly discovered and re-created technologies, these Patterns are a massive improvement in terms of speed, agility, and carrying capacity, though little has been changed in terms of armor and muscle layout due to "already peak efficiency" as claimed by Elder Theologius after an interview with the Observer in the Capital. Named after modern deities venerated throughout the Empire, they are set to charge after high standards to make themselves worthy of bearing the names they have been graced with.
(Read more on pages 5-6)

A Toy For Every Season - Rags, Rumors, And Rants
Though a manufactury for toys within Norqod has only recently been finished, expansions are already being planned and enacted, from the minor to the grand, with everything from the mundane to the rare seeing expansions, including deals to ship the Flying Toy Shop's signature toys, miniature airships utilizing sanctioned scraps of suspendium to float above the ground, all across the Region. It is heartening to see that, even with most of House Dall's attention being on the marriage of their scion to that of one of House Ulatarn, the little folk aren't being neglected in their need for joy in these times.
(Read more on page 25)

Learn Of Our Peaceful Ways - The Norqod Vegetable
Not by ways of aiding and healing but by the implicit threat of the manifold weaponry we have developed! Gauss weaponry all along the walls and watchtowers, gas canisters fired over walls and mountains that shall take your breath and make you cry, blades sharpened, then sharpened again just to be sharpened once more! The Pilgrims know how to be peaceful by force held back with a sheathed blade! Let's just pray they don't start trying to weaponize cooking, too, I don't think we would survive that!
(Read more on page 2)


Region Reports

Bone Valley

Nothing new to report. Everything goes as planned, with no interesting rumors or happenings to report on. Some new converts joined with their families, and some of our members have grown, but beyond that, nothing stirs above as well as below.

Signed; Omar of Iron.

Sunken Hollows

Hello, this is Akane.

The contracts have all been finished, the forges are almost ready for production, and the bloomeries are about to begin their first tests to ensure the metals they produce are of the required quality. Nothing beyond that to report, as the Region is quiet and still.

With a bored goodbye,

Broken Crossroads

Our efforts to secure ourselves have hit no snag, with the gangs in the Region backing off thanks to our "soft" targets being more challenging to hit than those of others, which has caused some amount of misplaced anger being directed at us for not being victims. Our preachers have been set to soothe this anger and redirect it to the rightful source: the gangs themselves.

Additionally, I have begun to make some headway into assuaging and befriending House Tisa, with some lower-ranked members quick to vent their frustrations about their station in life to me in addition to exchanging some loose words of friendship in the hopes of obtaining some manner of support they can utilize to better their lot. I remain doubtful that they will succeed, as aside from Lady Nal-Ila, they are primarily buffoons without a grand plan in life beyond subsisting off of the scraps fed to them by their more daring or capable family members.

On the other hand, Lady Nal-Ila has been a gracious host and has quickly revealed herself to be an ambitious and well-connected young woman eager to take the changing times by the throat and shake them for the most gain for herself as she can. That she has managed to obtain several close properties to our Airship Depot to sell services to merchants arriving in ever-increasing numbers should not have surprised me, but it still did. Additionally, she shares most of our outlooks, especially regarding the Mutated. I believe she will be an invaluable ally in the decades to come as we both ensure our stars rise through the skies.


Broken Titan

I have little to report beyond the forging of more families, the creation of more life within these bonds, and some beyond that of legal documents. Our reach grows each week, and some of the city folk we have convinced of the Path will soon become a means to reach the lowest in the Citadel, where crime and suffering go hand in hand in vicious cycles that lead nowhere but the beginning again and again. It will be difficult to break these routes and guide all willing to the Path outside that suffering, but we must try.

A closed fist can be opened, just as an open hand can be closed.



The Marquess of Tessen is focused on her Flagship and public works.

House Ulatarn is focused on arranging the marriage.

House Mirn has begun expanding its towns and villages to ensure the increase in population can be housed and fed.

The Military is raising another unit to keep up with the increasing population.

The Bureau For Imperial Civilian Logistics is focused on their contests.

The Followers of Light have started constructing public works.

The Adventurer Guild is dealing with minor and annoying problems.

Dirty Daggers are doing business as usual.

The Common People are distracted by the minutia of their lives.

The Mutated are distracted by the minutia of their lives.
-[X] [Subversion] Audit Everything - (1/1 Turns Complete) [-10 Goodwill]
--[X] (Lead By Example +50, 6FF) = +56
Needed: ??, Rolled: 16 + 56 = 72
That was an unfortunate place for that low roll.

House Tessen Begins Constructing More Public Works - The Tessen Speaker
Might have to poke around a bit to make sure all facilities get upgraded, and places that lacked public works until now get them.

New Knight Patterns Approved For Use - The Truthful Observers
I wonder if us researching PD's cooling would have improved some of the new tech?

Learn Of Our Peaceful Ways - The Norqod Vegetable
I mean, we do have the worst tasting strain of Sandwheat still in storage. We could look into what we could do with that.

Broken Crossroads
A noble contact is good, but I'm not sure what we could do here. Some trade deals?
I have been wondering a few things now. Do we have recharged gas forgotten? Do we know how to make a gas grill? Because that would be nice to have work for troops and home in our city.

And how close are we to black & white, television or something like that? Because that would be really good to spread knowledg.

Sorry, I am using woce to text. And I am att work

Thanks for explaining that HerroCooky.
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Do we have recharged gas forgotten? Do we know how to make a gas grill? Because that would be nice to have work for troops and home in our city.

And how close are we to black & white, television or something like that? Because that would be really good to spread knowledg.
In order;
1. You have gotten various upgrades to your weaponry in the form of chemical weapons.
2. No, and it wouldn't be very hard to figure one out. However, doing so would be more trouble than they are worth, as the majority of people use fuel-bricks for fires, and they are more economical and practical than carrying around gas-fueled grills.
3. Far. You do not have the underlying impetus to create something like that, and you are also struggling against interference by the Rusting Forest for your basic radio programs. It required (IIRC) 2 Research Projects to send clear signals without them being utterly corrupted by left-over jammers and signal disruptors within the Rusting Forest. Television is some years out yet, and any distribution beyond 1 TV per settlement you are directly sponsoring is dozens of decades out too due to the economics of it all.
Turn 107; Year 26; Month 3; Beneath, Beneath, Beneath... New
The Pilgrims
1.) The Mission of the Pilgrims is defined as such;
-a.) the easing, reduction, and eradication of
--1.) poverty.
--2.) diseases.
--3.) hunger.
--4.) addiction.
--5.) discrimination.
-b.) building infrastructure to ensure stability and growth in a region.
-c.) the creation of valuable technologies and machines to advance civilization.
-d.) reverse-engineering lost technologies.

2.) An Adjudicator is chosen for each Chapter as per the directive of the Chapter Council and the consent of the Chapter as a whole.

3.) A new Adjudicator is chosen should the current Adjudicator;
-a.) die.
-b.) voluntarily step down.
-c.) be removed by a two-thirds majority vote.
-d.) be recalled by the current High-Adjudicator.

4.) The responsibilities of the Adjudicator are thus;
-a.) assign 2(two) assistants to help organize matters they cannot attend to in a 7(seven) day time-span.
-b.) bring issues brought forward by Council Members or individual Pilgrims to vote.
-c.) ensure that all votes are cast in at most 5(five) days.
-d.) call for referenda on current issues/opportunities every 3(three) months.
-e.) ensure that all discussions of issues remain civil and cool-headed.
-f.) act as a tie-breaker, should a vote be even.
-g.) bring forth issues in the structure or behavior of the Pilgrims.
-h.) ensure that the Pilgrims do not stray from their mission to help and uplift.

5.) The duties of the members of the Pilgrims are;
-a.) Giving what can, in good conscience, be spared to the cause of the Pilgrims, be that in Work, Materials, Food, Money, or Information.
--1.) No person may give more than 10% of their respective monthly earnings or spend more than 4(four) hours daily working in a Pilgrim-run structure should they not be employed by the same.
--2.) This can be exempted on an individual basis, either by;
---a.) A Pilgrim requesting such.
---b.) The nature of an assignment requires it.
-b.) Bring forth issues of the conduct of individuals or the Pilgrims to the chosen Adjudicator.
-c.) Bring forth problematic aspects of the structure and tenets of the Pilgrims to the Adjudicator.
-d.) Vote or send an envoy with the Pilgrims HQ or Chapter HQ ballots every 3 (three) months on current issues/opportunities.
-e.) Being aware that they act as a representative of the Pilgrims, no matter the environment they find themselves in.
-f.) Ensuring the Pilgrims do not waver from their mission to help and uplift.
-g.) Turn in any artifacts found to the leading archeologist.
-h.) Caring for any children that are born as a result of their actions.

6.) In exchange, they are allowed to partake in;
-a.) Free food, water, and electricity.
--1.) At least 2 (two) warm meals a day.
-b.) Free lodging.
--1.) In a room with no more than 3(three) other people.
-c.) Free healthcare and repairs.
-d.) Free counseling.
-e.) Free access to all Pilgrim-run structures that are not used for security.
-f.) Rewards for turning in artifacts.
--1.) The rarity and importance of the Artifact determine the amount.
--2.) It does not apply to the Chapter's intentional archeologic excavations or scavenging operations.
g.) Request leave from current duties, should they be employed by the Pilgrims, for 8(eight) weeks a year without stating a reason.
-1.) This leave does not carry over to the following year.
-2.) An extended leave can be granted should the reasons suffice, such as;
--a.) Family matters (death/marriage).
--b.) Recuperation.
--c.) Doctoral/Engineer orders.

7.) Council Members are chosen by the ability to perform their tasks and their ability alone. Their responsibilities are;
-a.) Ensuring that they complete their assigned duty to the best of their and their workers' ability.
-b.) minimize inter-council conflict.
-c.) bring any issues, optimizations, or opportunities to the Adjudicator.

8.) A Pilgrim may leave without fear of reprisal, violence, or shunning;
-a.) should a Pilgrim accost, hurt, or otherwise intimidate another Pilgrim that plans to, is leaving, or has gone, they will be punished by exile and banned from partaking or entering any event or Pilgrim-run structure.
--1.) The exiled Pilgrim can challenge the expulsion after 1 (one) year, should 4(four) other Pilgrims vouch for them.
--2.) It can only be invoked once.
-b.) Any Pilgrim who leaves can re-enter at any time if they so wish.
--1.) Any Pilgrim can only re-enter up to 2(two) times with good reason.

9.) The Pilgrims will not discriminate by;
-a.) Gender.
-b.) Sexuality.
-c.) Skin-color.
-d.) Religious ties.
-e.) Origin.
-f.) Occupation.
-g.) Mutation.
-h.) Production.

10.) These crimes (but not excluding others) are immediate grounds for exile without 8.a.1. coming into effect.
-a.) Murder.
--1.) attempted or otherwise.
-b.) Psychological Torture.
-c.) Physical Torture.
-d.) Rape.
-e.) Conspiring to do any of the crimes listed here.

11.) This charter is subject to changes should;
-a.) new tenets emerge.
-b.) new situations force the adaptation of current rules.
-c.) issues be found in it.
Origin: Humanism
They say that humans are mired in sin, that you are wrong, and that you need a higher power to save yourself. You disagree; every human is good, and every person has the capacity to create greatness; you just have to show it to them.
(Wait, are we the good guys? There is a 50% chance to spend Goodwill at a 1 to 5 ratio to turn a failure into a bare success. All factions start at Neutral. The Common People start at Friendly.)

First Tenet: What was will be
The old world is full of wonders of our achievements, but now they lie forgotten and disused. No longer. You will remake the world with the knowledge of the old.
(Archeological/Scavenging Operations unlocked in the Learning section. Gain one additional artifact dice, the size of which depends on the site.)

Second Tenet: Children Of The Universe
It does not matter if the body is one of flesh, blood, bone, metal, oil, and circuitry; the truth remains: they deserve life and respect as any being. Who are we to judge and condemn a being, to declare them non-sapient and non-sentient, for the crime of not being born a human? Who are we to point at a Core that enjoys art, an Animal in the wild that learned to read and write in high prose, and declare them as less than us? Our mind makes us human, with the ability to reason and understand, feel the suffering of those around us, and reach out to help. Every Machine-Mind and Animal capable of thought deserves our respect and a chance for peace unless they attack first.
(All non-hostile sapient beings (excluding Humans and Mutated) in the world receive a relationship bonus when engaged in Diplomacy; hostile ones are less likely to engage in antagonistic ways and can be persuaded to leave in peace or recant their ways. Pilgrims will not view any sapient being not of human origin as something less or false and will automatically advocate for and defend their rights. AI research is massively more manageable. +1 relationship to all Forge-Clans. Piety loss now 1 per 100 Followers.)

Third Tenet: The Path of Endless Skies
Suspendium is nothing less than a miracle, given its physical form. Its applications are near endless, with no bounds for its current uses found even within the imagination of our most experimental scholars. Floating platforms that will make vertical and horizontal traversal of cities as easy as putting in your destination, never having to bother with congested streets or stairs ever again. Cranes that can lift themselves and hundreds of tons with utter ease and construction speeding up by a thousand workers floating everywhere they are needed. Medical beds that will never put pressure on the wounded, tools and aids that will manipulate the internal body of a patient without cutting them apart to mend what is broken or misaligned. Caravans speeding atop and over the roads and dunes between cities and towns, either by attaching work-lizards or scout-lizards to platforms holding dozens of tons that weigh nothing or hundreds of tons that weigh the same as what they are accustomed to carrying already. Knights bedecked in armors treated with suspendium alloys, their steps light as a feather or as heavy as a thousand tons. Airships of war and commerce flying without any restriction, the reach of the Empire increasing a thousand-fold with coilguns thundering as suspendium-weaponry beats its endless march to the thrum of its levitating brethren. Implants unto the body to turn the tattoos of the Pilgrims into natural lifts, scavengers and scouts able to maneuver in three dimensions as our armed siblings carry weaponry deadly enough to burn entire swarms to the ground, arcane calculations depicted within reality upon the veins of gravity itself...
The sky is no longer the limit. It is the depths from which we shall rise.
(Splits all Airship/Suspendium Actions into a new Category. Unlocks new Actions to take full advantage of the mind-bogglingly titanic mass of application-areas of Suspendium. Unlocks the ability to construct [Sky Islands].
Piety loss now 1 per 25 Followers.)

Doctrine of the Second Life
How can we call ourselves Humanists? How can we look at ourselves with pride if we disdain those with whom we once shared our misery? How can we teach acceptance and banish racism if we do not act upon our words with deeds? Do these men, women, and others not deserve the chance we once had to be lifted by their hands, grasping ours?
(Unlocks additional Actions to target the underbelly of society for conversion, recruitment, and uplift.
Piety loss now 1 per 50 Followers.)

Doctrine of the Lowest
There is a basic need in us all to believe in something greater than ourselves. Within the Pilgrims, many have found that Greater, finding, often for the first time in their lives, a place where they belong and are wanted. And from that acceptance of those willing to stand with us comes a hand held out to those still undecided or wavering between joining us on the Path to our futures and walking their own. But, ultimately, even the lowest are our people, and to leave them behind is nothing but a base betrayal of our most fundamental Tenets.
(+1 Diplomacy Action, Free Re-Rolls with a +20 Bonus should you fail Diplomacy Actions targeting a [Local] Faction.)

Doctrine of the Open Hand
Charity is the most essential thing one being can give to another when they have and another does not. Through the actions of the Council and guided by our Founder, we managed to accrue the means by which we can acquire the wealth needed to give and give plenty. Be it in the form of alms for the poor and destitute, healing for the sick and injured, or merely a warm and dry place to sleep and rest; we can provide them, and provide them we must. No evil is more despicable than denying another help when one has the means to ease their suffering, as minute that aid may be.
(Charity and Goodwill Missions/Actions have lowered costs and increased results. No Charity/Goodwill Buildings require Trained/Specialized/Faithful/Zealot personnel.)

Rite Of Mourning: A Journeys End
Losing someone and seeing their Journey cut short by age or force is terrible. Remember where they sat, sharing stories, laughter, love, food, and safety. Remember how they laughed and joked and see their memory slowly fade with each passing day. Then, wake up one day and feel guilt over not grieving their passing.

I tell you, this is not how we should see death. Their Journey had been one of the countless experiences of hundreds of chance encounters, and a life lived, changing the world, others, and themselves with each passing day. And what we see as an end is not truly one, for their actions live on in our own. Those they helped are still out there, remembering them, acting in ways they would never have been able to, had the dead not decided to share what they had, to offer a hand in aid. Their Journey may end, but their actions live on within our own.
(All casualties only inflict 1% Piety loss, -2 to Piety Rolls.)

Forget Not Our Names
Many are the names and stories forgotten by the march of time; more are the Paths wiped out with the death of the last who remember their marks left upon the world. We know this intimately, our very Paths deeply intertwined by the graveyards of Ancient Humanity to those whose final works and lives we take to build a better world upon the ashes of theirs. Yet, we do not forget them entirely, nor do we discard what changes they have made in life merely because we can no longer perceive the roads they traveled or the aid they gave, as little as that may be. And just like the Ancients have died without any notice to us, so too do many others die today who will never be mourned, whose names shall be forgotten by time. Unless we ensure that the very stone we walk upon bears their names for eternity.
(Can construct Mausoleums of the Forgotten.)

Hidden Tenet: A Mythos Called Names
It is undeniable that there is power in names. Nations, Organizations, Myths. All have one thing in common: a name gives meaning and identity where there was none before. In His belief, the Pilgrims have taken after the First Leader, Martyris. A soldier, wary of death and destruction, a healer that failed too many times, or someone honoring a vow, may change their name to reflect what they believe to be. While a name given by one's parents may encompass their hopes and dreams for one's future, reality tends to disagree.
(Leaders of the Pilgrims may rename themselves. In addition, all Pilgrims may rename themselves in honor or shame. -1 to Piety rolls.)

Hidden Tenet: Fail Better
Falling is not a sin. However, falling and not getting up is.
(One free reroll per turn should an action fail, 2 for 4, 3 for 6, usw.)

Hidden Tenet: Kindle Alight The Beacons
Humanity has long since struggled against the darkness. At first, that dark was the night, ever creeping, ever hindering. But then, with a single spark, night turned day as a fire was lit by our most distant ancestors, taming something primal, beautiful, and deadly, turning it towards their cause. And with that single act of lighting a spark, they gave birth to something precious: knowledge, which they passed down to us today. It was not profit, greed, power, or any selfish instinct that drove them to do so, but the simple act of creating something better, even for a moment, so their children could revel in warmth on the coldest night. So, too, do we today follow that example haltingly, hesitantly, with unsure steps down a long untrodden road. But we walk that road once more, unashamed of the failures we will commit, the stumbles and setbacks, and when we lose sight of the road. However, we will walk, discover, and share all we find with our children so that they may stand upon our shoulders as we stand upon the shoulders of giants.
(When completing a Theory, you have a 10% chance of gaining another.)
Member/Resource Statistics
Members Total: 7.020
High-Adjudicator: Lord Martyris Dall (Founder)
Members: 4.910
-Faithful: 22/183
--4/4 Captains - +10 to Initiative, +3 to Damage, +10 to Morale Rolls (per).
--2/12 General Scientists - +12 (per) to assigned research
--2/3 Trained General Scientist - +18 (per) to assigned research
--3/13 General Doctors - +6 (per) against diseases and to Medical/Biological research
--2/2 Trained Surgeon - +12 (per) against diseases and to Medical/Biological research
--22/24 General Engineers - +14 (per) to salvaging operations and to Mechanical/Electronic research
--2/2 Trained Engineers - +24 (per) to salvaging operations and to Mechanical/Machinery/Hydraulics/Metallurgy/Electronic research
--2/2 Forge-Coders - +60 (per) to Mechanical/Machinery/Hydraulics/Programming/Electronics research
--2/2 Forge-Smiths - +60 (per) to Mechanical/Machinery/Hydraulics/Metallurgy/Weapons/Armor research

-Followers: 4.727 (152 (6 Faithful) unoccupied)
--Recruitment: (+55 per Turn)
---(+13 Due to The Codex Mk.1)
---(+20 Due to Expanded Poor-Houses - (Mirn, Tessen, Jokvi, Zulmni, Ularn, Strul))
---(+6 Due to Expanded Daycare)
---(+20 Due to Various Hospices)
---(+8 Due to Radio-Channel)
---(+4 Due to Reproduction Revolution)
---(-8 Due to Allied - Mutated)
Adjudicator: Omar of Iron (Human - Male)
Members: 1.019
-Faithful: 13/32
--3/3 General Doctors
--3/3 General Engineers

-Followers: 987
--Recruitment: (+26 per Turn)
---(+13 Due to The Codex Mk.1)
---(+14 Due to Fortified Position)
---(+4 Due to Reproduction Revolution)
---(-5 Due to Cultural Pushbacks)

-Verdant Alliance (3/4)
-Construct A Medical Chemicals Manufactury (3/12)
-Construct A Medical Chemicals Manufactury (Support)
Adjudicator: Akane (Mutated - Female)
Members: 387
-Faithful: 10/12
--1/1 General Engineer
--1/1 General Doctor

-Followers: 375
--Recruitment: (+12 per Turn)
---(+13 Due to The Codex Mk.1)
---(+4 Due to Reproduction Revolution)
---(-5 Due to Mutated Adjudicator)

-Construct Scrap-Forges (1/2)
-Create Bloomeries (2/3)
-Create Bloomeries (Support)
Adjudicator: Barric
Members: 357
-Faithful: 10/17
--1/1 General Doctor

-Followers: 340
--Recruitment: (+14 per Turn)
---(+13 Due to The Codex Mk.1)
---(+2 Due to Adjudicator Trait)
---(+4 Due to Reproduction Revolution)
---(-5 Due to Natural Misstrust)

-Defense Training (1/2)
-A Noble Of Low Birth And High Aspirations (0/3)
-Soothe Missplaced Angers (0/1)
Adjudicator: Eryl the Matriarch
Members: 347
-Faithful: 11/12
--1/1 General Doctor

-Followers: 335
--Recruitment: (+17 per Turn)
---(+13 Due to The Codex Mk.1)
---(+4 Due to Reproduction Revolution)
---(+4 Due to Adjudicator Trait)
---(+2 Due to Adjudicator Sub-Trait)
---(-6 Due to Softened Natural Misstrust)

-Construct A 'Consensual' (1/4)
-Spread The Word (1/2)
-The Ties That Bind (1/3)
Total: 101
-Suzuki - Female - Combat - Infection
-Annika - Female - Exiled For 10.b. and other crimes - Execution
-Abhina Havaldar - Female - Mutated - Murder - Beaten To Death
-Roland - Male - Murder - Stabbed To Death
-Sree Merdad - Male - Mutated - Murder - Bled Out
-Somphone - Male - Mutated - Murder - Brain Trauma
-Tano - Male - Murder - Shattered Ribcage Leading To Asphyxiation
-Tawni Ifri - Female - Murder - Infection Due To Burn Wounds
-Musto - Male - Mutated - Murder - Perforated Heart
-Nina - Female - Murder - Physical Trauma
-Ahli - Female - Mutated - Male - Murder - Extended Torture
-Minera Warden - Mutated - Female - Murder - Extended Torture
-Mahal - Male - Murder - Burning
-Gera Min - Female - Mutated - Murder - Burning
-Su-Jiu Min - Male - Murder - Burning
-Dianella - Female - Mutated - Murder - Stabbed to Death
-Nachshol ben Yael - Male - Murder - Beaten to Death
-Devi Kalawat - Female - Murder - Perforated Stomach
-Daax Moltendust - Male - Murder - Sliced Jugular
-Varia Moltendust - Female - Murder - Sliced Jugular
-Papaver - Male - Murder - Sliced Jugular
-Yetek - Male - Murder - Sliced Jugular
-Budiono - Male - Mutated - Murder - Sliced Jugular
-Bot - Female - Murder - Sliced Jugular
-Erysimum Kalahan - Male - Murder - Severed Limbs
-Brumisia Kalahan - Female - Murder - Sliced Jugular
-Zizen - Male - Mutated - Murder - Crossbow Bolt through brain and chest
-Siscuss - Male - Murder - Sliced Jugular
-Cincia Cinnius - Female - Murder - Sliced Jugular
-Pyrole - Male - Murder - Sliced Jugular
-Purshottam Goenka - Male - Mutated - Murder - Beaten to Death
-Rishab Saraff - Male - Murder - Stabbed to Death
-Suripto - Male - Murder - Beaten to Death
-Suminten - Male - Murder - Beaten to Death
-Tri - Female - Mutated - Murder - Shattered Ribcage Leading To Asphyxiation
-Batyradz Tseboev - Male - Murder - Stabbed to Death
-Carya - Female - Murder - Shattered Ribcage Leading To Asphyxiation
-Abelus Galenus - Male - Murder - Stabbed to Death
-Ricruil Holahice - Male - Mutated - Murder - Extended Torture
-Dany Olivier - Female - Mutated - Murder - Beaten to Death
-Pittaha - Female - Mutated - Murder - Beaten to Death
-Abi bat Alfons - Male - Murder - Extended Torture
-Isviel Xyrstina - Male - Murder - Stabbed to Death
-Emrath Xyrstina - Male - Mutated - Murder - Extended Torture
-Xizhakesh - Female - Mutated - Murder - Stabbed to Death
-Pernelle Chauvert - Female - Mutated - Murder - Physical Trauma
-Xose - Female - Murder - Beaten to Death
-Aleen ben Zehavi - Male - Mutated - Murder - Stabbed to Death
-Isar - Male - Murder - Physical Trauma
-Marina Bastarache - Female - Mutated- Murder - Physical Trauma
-Li-Chen ben Oram - Male - Murder - Beaten to Death
-Taghi - Male - Mutated - Murder - Physical Trauma
-Shiva - Female - Murder - Crossbow Bolt Through Chest
-Guli Azizi - Male - Murder - Crossbow Bolts Into The Skull
-Erkin Azizi - Female - Murder - Severed Arteries
-Deir - Male - Mutated - Murder - Suffocated
-Tamara Silaen - Female - Murder - Physical Trauma
-Rozbeh - Male - Mutated - Murder - Physical Trauma
-Jagu - Male - Mutated - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Sibi - Male - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Malyar Kethwal - Male - Mutated - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Tami Harma - Male - Mutated - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Ugali - Male - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Eero Saar - Male - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Katri Valjas - Female - Mutated- Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Jokhang - Male - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Sangin Gilani - Male - Mutated - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Ambrin Dhariwal - Male - Mutated - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Marc - Male - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Ripa - Female - Mutated - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Seven - Male - Mutated - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Kirke Valbe - Male - Mutated - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Sutle - Male - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Yang Qing - Male - Mutated - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Ismail Umkhayev - Male - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Ishtar-Gamelat - Female - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Mannuiqapi - Male - Mutated - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Chidi Jelani - Female - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Akala - Male - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Chi Beluchi - Female - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Tiruneh Anom Melku - Male - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Omar - Male - Mutated - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Malika Vizirova - Male - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Hîvî Bapîr - Female - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Arash Belayneh Yilema - Female - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Polita - Male - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Chen Hammer - Male - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Mercy Cromwell - Female - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Amazu Chijindum - Male - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Theotreses - Male - Mutated - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Borena - Male - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Üng - Male - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Balam - Male - Mutated - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Ixbalanque Hu - Female - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Ix Hu - Male - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Ixia - Murder - Female - Burning and Suffocation
-Zin - Male - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Chorouathos - Female - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Lil - Male - Mutated - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Tlalli - Male - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Colel Cab - Male - Murder - Burning and Suffocation
-Alas - Nonbinary - Combat - Bloodloss
-Mark - Male - Combat - Brain Trauma
-S'tary - Male - Combat - Bisection
-Mikabi - Female - Combat - Complete Organ Liquefaction
-Ettara - Female - Combat - Organ Ruptures
-Julus - N/A - Combat - Evaporation
-Hern - Male - Combat - Shock and Bloodloss

Goodwill: 232.29 (+8.98 per Turn)
+2.08 = 7 (3 Bulk, 4 Normal) Soup-Kitchens, Grand Kitchens (Mirn, Tessen), Outlying Soup-Kitchens
+4.08 = Small Hospice Network, Expanded Network, Territorial Network, Rudimentary Territorial Hospices (Tessen, Zulmni, Mirn, Ularn)
+1.30 = Improved Expanded Poor Houses - (Mirn, Tessen, Jokvi, Zulmni, Ularn, Strul)
+0.05 = School - (Big - Mirn)
+4.80 = Orphanages - (Big - Strul, Ularn, Zulmni, Tessen, Jokvi, Mirn)
+1.20 = Asylum - (Mirn/Zulmni/Tessen/Strul/Ularn/Jokvi)
+0.11 = Brothel 'Consensual' - (Mirn (Upgraded), Jokvi, Tessen, Zulmni, Ularn, Strul)
-0.02 = Print Shop - Smut
-3.50 = Subversion (Cover of Eyes, Cover of Body)

Piety: 100% (+50 to all rolls for Heroes with the Adjudicator Trait)
Rolls (-60):
-3 (Tenets: Rite Of Mourning: A Journeys End, Hidden Tenet: A Mythos Called Names)
-15 (Buildings and Culture: Expanded Daycare, Beautification, Communal Festivals, Mausoleum of the Forgotten Pilgrims, Conclave of Faya Exclave)
-225 (Pilgrim Buildings: Electric Lights, School - (Big - Mirn), Orphanage - (Big - Ularn, Strul, Zulmni, Tessen, Jokvi, Mirn), Asylum/s, Expanded Hospice Network, Rudimentary Territorial Hospices - (Tessen, Zulmni, Mirn, Ularn), Improved Expanded Poor Houses, Grand Kitchen (Tessen, Mirn), Cleansed Blackhole Villages (Strul, Ularn, Tessen, Jokvi, Zulmni, Mirn), School of the Skyneers, School of Crews, Pilgrim Communities)
-104 (Pilgrim Chapters - Bone Valley, Sunken Hollow, Broken Crossroads, Broken Titan)
-1 (Hero Traits: Martyris: Poisoned By A Plague-Engine - Medicated Immunity)
+280 (Followers, +1 every 25)

Suspendium: 10 Large and 15 Medium Suspendium Shards (2 Large needed in 1 (One) Turn - Paid)
Income: +1 Large and 4 Medium Shards
+12 Medium Shards (The Trail of Rust)
+10 Medium Shards (Clear The Paths, Break The Walls, Grind The Bars)
-2 Medium Suspendium Shards (4x Caravaner Mk.2 Lines, 1x Militant, 1x Lightwing, 1x 'Blossom' Pleasure Yacht)
-Harvesting Initiatives: Rounded to the nearest Medium Shard.
24 (Tiny) - 1 (Small)
20 (Small) - 1 (Medium)
16 (Medium) - 1 (Large)
12 (Large) - 1 (Big)
8 (Big) - 1 (Gigantic)
4 (Gigantic) - 1 (Titanic)
(These are not to be seen as indicative of the actual size, merely their mechanical representation and conversion.)

Size (Mainly for visualization, do not see it as absolute law):
Tiny = Index Finger
Small = Human Head
Medium = Large Chest
Large = Car
Big = HGV (Truck/Heavy Goods Vehicle)
Gigantic = House
Titanic = High-Rise
The Emperor
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Negotiate Compensations.
Boni: +15 on all Diplomatic rolls
Notable: 1 (One) Imperial Favor

Marquess of Tessen
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Information Network: Rank 1
Plans: Is focused on her Flagship and public works.
Boni: +15 on all Diplomatic rolls

House Ulatarn
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Information Network: Rank 1
Plans: Is focused on arranging the marriage.
Boni: +15 on all Diplomatic rolls

House Mirn
Contact: Lord Malarn
Opinion: Friendly (1)
Information Network: Rank 1
Plans: Has begun expanding its towns and villages to ensure the increase in population can be housed and fed.
Boni: +15 on all Diplomatic rolls

Forge-Clan Vanar-Feer
Contact: Overseer Hild
Opinion: Alliance (3)
Plans: Creating A Suspendium Thesis.
Boni: +15 on all Diplomatic rolls

Contact: Sub-General Aiden Gracia
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Raising another unit to keep up with the increasing population.
Boni: +15 on all Diplomatic rolls
Information Network: Rank 1.
- Knight-Chapters:
-- Blue Lance (Chapter-Master: Alson Dulhne|Friendly (1)|7 Hel's (175 Knights Total)|Defense-Chapter|Friends To The People)
-- Umbra Skulls (Chapter Master: Phagorim|Neutral (0)|5 Hel's (125 Knights Total)|Support-Chapter|In Darkest Night We Guard)
-- Bronze Machine (Chapter Master: Araquiel Numar|Neutral (0)|5 Hel's (125 Knights Total)|Defense-Chapter|Myra Guides Us)
-- Revenant Kin (Chapter Master: Sipneir List|Neutral (0)|5 Hel's (125 Knights Total)|Support-Chapter|Risen From The Ashes)
-- Dawn Bringers (Chapter Master: Tabris|Neutral (0)|15 Hel's (375 Knights Total)|Assault-Chapter|Illuminate Them)

The Bureau For Imperial Civilian Logistics
Contact: High Archivar Mahan
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Information Network: Rank 1.
Local Plans: Focused on their contests.
National Plans: Biological Encyclopedia focused on limb-replacing Mutations. (3 Turns)
-3-Point University
Contact: Lector Bob
Opinion: Neutral (0)

The Followers of Light
Contact: Cardinal Aarif el-Sylla (True Believer)
Opinion: Friends (2)
Information Network: Rank 1
Plans: Started constructing public works.

Miscellaneous Nobles
-Lady Maranica (Ally (3)|Happily helping the young couple set up their vows and marriage ceremony's pomp.)
-Baron Esker (Friend (2)|Cutting down the forest in his lands.)

General Opinion on Mutated: Useful Minority (1)
The Common People Of Tessen
Opinion: Friends (2)
Information Network: Rank 1
Estimated Pilgrim-Influenced: ~55%
Mood: Are distracted by the minutia of their lives.
Boni: +15 on all Diplomatic rolls (Special: Applies to All Local Factions.)

The Merchant Guild
Contact: Abraham Lin
Opinion: Allies (3)
Plans: Growing their influence via new trade routes.
Boni: +15 on all Diplomatic rolls

The Union of Herbalists
Opinion: Friendly (1)
Plans: Healing people.
- Fundamentalists (Neutral (0)|25% Control|Quicker Doctors)
- Progressivists (Neutral (0)|30% Control|Cheaper Actions)
- Healers (Ally (3)|45% Control|Enables Surgical Training
Boni: +15 on all Diplomatic rolls

Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science
Leader: Marthen Marthensons
Opinion: Friends (2)
Plans: Completing a contract.

The Adventurer Guild
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Information Network: Rank 1
Plans: Dealing with an uptick in minor and annoying problems.
-The Huntsmen (Leader: Amra Kaliv/Friendly (1)/334 Members/Reliable Mercenary Company)
Plans: Dealing with minor and annoying problems.
-The Bad Batch (Leader: Simone Simona/Friends (2)/70 Members/Infiltration Experts/Expert Violinists/Trained Exotic Dancers/Adept Flower Coders/Trained Actors/Trained Basket Weavers/Adept Carapace Decorators/Expert Entertainers)
Plans: Dealing with minor and annoying problems.
-The Scavenger Organizations (Leader: None Formally
--Crews: Old Eyes' Diggers/43 Members
---Plans: Dragging their haul back and sending the deceased's portion to their families.)
-Tailors of the Burned Skies (Leader: Agatel Lh-a/Neutral (0)/3950 Infantry, 40 War Lizards, 45 Scout Lizards, 12 Knights/Combat+Garrison Company)
Plans: Doing their duty.
Boni: +15 on all Diplomatic rolls

Criminal Gangs
Boni: +15 on all Diplomatic rolls
-Gang: Dirty Daggers
--Leader: Mahakan
--Territory: Region Tessen
--Opinion: Neutral (0)
--Information Network: Rank 1
--Plans: Doing business as usual.
--The Bad Batch Note: This Thief Guild/Racket is more interested in getting money out of you than blood.

Terrorist Organizations

-Conclave of Faya

--Contact: Elder Spirit Songweaver Marta
--Opinion: Friend (2)
--Plans: Doing business as usual.
---Spirit Worship (Nature and Machine)
---Artistic Focused (Spiritual and Mosaic)
---Non-Violent (But Not Pacifist)
-Meira's Hidden
--Contact: Singe
--Opinion: Neutral (0)
--Plans: Doing business as usual.
---Forge-Clan Offshoot

The Mutated
Opinion: Allied (3)
Boon: +20 to all Medicine/Biological Research, can boost selected Actions using Goodwill, +4 Mutated Recruits per Turn.
Bane: -12 Human Recruits per Turn.
Information Network: Rank 2
Mood: Are distracted by the minutia of their lives.

Opinion: Friendly (1)
Plans: Combat.

General Opinion on Mutated: Growing Indifference (2)
10x Miscellaneous Artifacts - 1.02 +5 to Everything
3x Destroyed Eversun Scrap-Knights - 9.45 - +5 to Hydraulics/Armor/Machinery
360x Bunker Electronic Artifacts - 1.74 - +5 to Electronics
40x Bunker Manufacturing Artifacts - 1.62 - +5 to Machinery/Hydraulics
650x Bunker Medicine Artifacts - 0.92 - +5 to Biology/Medicine/Machinery
5x Exotic Fruit Seeds - 5.00 - +5 to Biology
20x Unknown Seed Samples - 5.00 - +5 to Biology
10x Spices - 3.81 - +5 to Biology/Medicine
3x Sticky Branches - 1.02 - +5 to Biology/Chemicals
2x Kind Fruits - 1.11 - +5 to Biology
3x Unbidden Seeds - 2.50 - +5 to Biology
3x Budding Flowers - 4.56 - +5 to Biology
Shimmering Petal - 1.32 - +5 to Biology
Hued Blade of Grass - 2.41 - +5 to Biology/Psychology
Aromatic Sap - 5.00 - +5 to Biology/Chemicals
240x Bunker Life-Support Artifacts - 3.00 - +5 to Machinery/Hydraulics/Physics
Damaged Knight-Weapon: Hammer - 7.09 - +20 to Common Weapons
Damaged Knight-Equipment: Shield - 4.80 - +20 to Common Armor
Tactical Hud Frame - 6.49 - +20 to Advanced Armor/Programming
7x Cracked Bright-Lance Lense - 7.21 - +20 to Advanced Weapons/Physics
Intact Civilian Flamethrower - 6.75 - +20 to Advanced Weapons/Chemicals
3x Destroyed Bright-Pistol - 7.23 - +20 to Advanced Weapons/Metallurgy/Physics
Ammunition Storage Feeder - 7.42 - +20 to Advanced Hydraulics
Code Scraps - 5.99 - +20 to Advanced Programming
"Holy Text of the Tiny Snake God" - 11.76 - +20 to Advanced Psychology
4x Mono Titanium Blade- 5.01 - +20 to Advanced Weapons/Metallurgy
2x Adaptive Interface Prototype - 6.94 - +20 to Advanced Programming
2x Destroyed Missile Loading Mechanism - 5.14 - +20 to Advanced Weapons/Mechanics
3x Refueling Nozzles - 6.07 - +20 to Advanced Weapons/Hydraulics
3x Half-Rusted Fuel Pumping Station - 5.30 - +20 to Advanced Weapons/Hydraulics
7x Busted Swarm Missile Constructors - 7.46 - +20 to Advanced Weapons/Machinery/Chemicals
5x Acidic Globules - 6.41 - +20 to Advanced Weapons/Chemicals
4x Goo-Cages - 6.68 - +20 to Advanced Weapons/Mechanicals
4x Ablative Scales - 5.65 - +20 to Advanced Armor
2x Eversun Scrap-Knights - 22.23 - +20 to Advanced Hydraulics/Armor/Machinery/Physics
3x Retinal Implantation Guide - 5.46 - +20 to Advanced Biology
Folding Security Measures - 6.94 - +20 to Advanced Mechanics
Sterilization Station - 6.69 - +20 to Advanced Chemicals/Machinery
Data On Physical Phenomena - 7.29 - +20 to Advanced Physics
4x Auto-Adjusting Bodyarmor - 6.68 - +20 to Advanced Armor/Machinery
Rudimentary VI - 5.49 - +20 to Advanced Machinery/Programming
2x Cryostatic Regulators - 7.32 - +20 to Advanced Machinery/Mechanics
5x Damaged Plasmathrowers - 7.06 - +20 to Advanced Electronics/Metallurgy/Programming/Machinery/Weapons/Hydraulics
100x Bunker Electronic Artifact - 6.53 - +20 to Advanced Electronics
237x Bunker Machinery Artifact - 5.03 - +20 to Advanced Machinery
142x Bunker Programming Artifact - 5.94 - +20 to Advanced Programming
506x Bunker Hospital Artifacts - 9.60 - +20 to Advanced Chemical/Medical/Psychology/Biology/Machinery
231x Bunker Armor Artifacts - 8.84 - +20 to Advanced Armor/Metallurgy/Machinery/Hydraulics
305x Bunker Weapons Artifacts - 7.32 - +20 to Advanced Weapons/Machinery/Hydraulics/Chemical
Aetheric Conversion Engine - 6.33 - +20 to Advanced Mechanics/Hydraulics/Airship Technologies
2x Suspendium Diffusion Charts - 5.67 - +20 to Advanced Physics/Airships Technologies
10x Workers - 5.08 - +20 to Advanced Electronics/Metallurgy/Programming
310x Guardians - Trooper - 7.15 - +20 to Advanced Electronics/Metallurgy/Programming
20x Caretaker Swarms - 5.11 - +20 to Advanced Programming/Electronics
2x Medium Bright-Lance Turret - +7.50 - +20 to Advanced Weapons/Metallurgy/Hydraulics/Armor/Electronics
185x Rare Bunker Manufacturing Artifacts - 6.23 - +20 to Advanced Machinery/Hydraulics
10x Omni-Gazers - 6.82 - +20 to Advanced Electronics/Metallurgy/Programming
30x Guardians - Command - 14.75 - +20 to Advanced Electronics/Metallurgy/Programming
60x Advanced Bunker Weapon Artifacts - 14.48 - +20 to Advanced Weapons/Metallurgy/Hydraulics
3x Corpse Feast Grenades - 11.70 - +20 to Advanced Weapons/Hydraulics
3x Plasma-Conduits - 7.75 - +20 to Advanced Metallurgy/Physics
3x Plasma-Focusers - 9.25 - +20 to Advanced Metallurgy/Physics/Weapons
3x Serrated Memory-Metal Blades - 12.12 - +20 to Advanced Metallurgy/Weapons
28x Bunker Armor Artifacts - 12.00 - +20 to Advanced Armor
148x Bunker Biology Artifacts - 12.00 - +20 to Advanced Biology
93x Bunker Metallurgy Artifacts - 12.00 - +20 to Advanced Metallurgy
176x Bunker Animal Artifacts - 9.84 - +20 to Advanced Biology/Medicine
Lost Tech
4x Gutted Cores - 17.04 - +50 to All Physics/Engineering/Psychology - [Black Box]
4x Tablets - 15.87 - +50 to Advanced Programming/Pioneer Electronics
Plasma Torch - 18.40- +50 to Advanced Physics
2x Unknown Discarded Medicines - 19.16 - +50 to Pioneer Medicine/Advanced Biology
2x Water Purifiers - 17.10 - +50 to Pioneer Biology/Advanced Hydraulics/Machinery
Jakerian Armor - 16.12 - +50 to Pioneer Armor
Guard Mace - 19.07 - +50 to Advanced Weapon
Guard Shield - 18.49 - +50 to Pioneer Armor
3x Hololithic Cubes - 20.00 - +50 to All Physics/Machinery/Hydraulics/Engineering/Programming/Metallurgy/Electronics
Physic Theorems - 18.32 - +50 to All Physics
"Night-Fun/Sleep" Pills - 19.09 - +50 to All Chemicals
Scaled Armor - 17.00 - +50 to Advanced Armor
Äther-Battery - 15.90 - +50 to Pioneer - Electronics/Physics/Chemicals/Engineering/Metallurgy
Fire-Suppressant Systems - 15.41 - +50 to Pioneer Hydraulics/Chemicals
Auto-Pilot - 19.66 - +50 to Pioneer Programming
Prototype Fuel Refiner - 19.45 - +50 to Pioneer Hydraulics/Chemicals/Engineering
Miniature Bright Lance - 18.33 - +50 to Pioneer Weapons/Electronics/Metallurgy/Machinery
Flesh Mending Syringe - 16.71 - +50 to Pioneer Biology
2x Bright-Lance Compartments - 18.76 - +50 to Pioneer Hydraulics/Weapons
4x Target Seeking Explosives - 18.74 - +50 to Pioneer Weapons/Electronics/Programming
Hostile Virus - 17.38 - +50 to Pioneer Programming
Fluid Exchanger - 15.02 - +50 to Pioneer Hydraulics
Gas Liquifiers - 15.43 - +50 to Pioneer Hydraulics
Theorem On Celestial Movements - 15.97 - +50 to Pioneer Physics
Spider Drones - 16.55 - +50 to Pioneer Weapons/Electronics/Programming
Self-Adapting Virus - 16.53 - +50 to Pioneer Programming
Smart Fluid Nano-Drone Swarm - 16.36 - +50 to Pioneer Hydraulics/Medicine/Programming
Self-Deploying Jackhammer - 16.90 - +50 to Pioneer Mechanics/Programming
Assisting Synthetic Intelligence - 17.44 - +50 to Pioneer Programming
5x Implant Equipment - 16.79 - +50 to Pioneer Medicine/Electronics
Eye-Hud - 16.78 - +50 to Pioneer Electronics/Biology/Medicine
Body Diagnostic-Drone - 17.19 - +50 to Pioneer Biology/Medicine
3x "Chemical Alterations Of The Mindscape" - 31.44 - +50 to Pioneer Chemicals/Psychology
Revelations Of Eden (Penned By Prophet Mahami-Du-Ojasi - Holy Book - Church of Eden) - 43.20 - [Untranslated]
Neuionum Theorem - 19.13 - +50 to Pioneer Metallurgy
Thermal-Exchanger - 19.05 - +50 to Pioneer Machinery
7x Self-Implanting Exo Skeleton - 15.04 - +50 to Pioneer Machinery/Medicine/Biology
"The Death Of A Moon" - 16.23 - +50 to Pioneer Physics
1x Armored "Succubus" Suit - 15.62 - +50 to Pioneer Biology/Psychology/Armor
10x "Eternium" - 18.60 - +50 to Pioneer Medicine/Chemicals/Biology/Psychology - [Library]
12x Plasma Tools - 16.97 - +50 to Pioneer Physics/Metallurgy
11x Walker Maintenance Kits - 15.39 - +50 to Pioneer Physics/Metallurgy/Armor/Electronics/Programming/Weapons/Machinery
4x Implant Removal Stations - 15.79 - +50 to Pioneer Biology/Medicine/Machinery
4x Neural Programming Nodes - 15.54 - +50 to Pioneer Biology/Medicine/Psychology/Armor
2x Memory-Transcriber - 16.00 - +50 to Pioneer Machinery/Electronics/Biology/Medicine
3x Perfectly Preserved Nerve-System- 16.18 - +50 to Pioneer Biology/Medicine/Machinery
2x Neural-Pathway Mapper - 15.88 - +50 to Pioneer Machinery/Biology
2x "Animu/as" Overwriter - 15.86 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology/Machinery/???
3x Neural-Pathway-Re-Builder Pills - 16.24 - +50 to Pioneer Medicine/Biology
2x Broken Neural Alteration Machines - 19.67 - +50 to Pioneer Machine/Medicine/Biology/Psychology
5x Sensory Reconstructors - 16.26 - +50 to Pioneer Machine/Medicine/Biology/Chemicals
5x Light Civilian Medic's Power-Armor - 17.09 - +50 to Pioneer Armor/Electronics/Medicine
5x Bunker Artifacts - 15.68 - +50 to Pioneer Programming
Automated Gravimetric Analyzer - 17.66 - +50 to Pioneer Machinery/Chemicals/Hydraulics
35x Bunker Hospital Artifacts - 20.23 - +50 to Pioneer Chemical/Medical/Psychology/Biology/Machinery
3x Nerve-Symbiotic Manipulation Theorems - 19.99 - +50 to Pioneer Biology
Recorded Droning of the Monks - 19.67 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology/Biology
Harmonious Chant of the Rising Sun - 24.68 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology/Metallurgy
Ubiquitous Orchestra of Harvest - 19.55 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology/Biology
Unbothered Song of Multitude - 24.57 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology/Medicine
Recording of their Slumbering Minds - 19.77 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology/Biology/Medicine
2x Doused Flame of Hatred - 23.98 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology/Programming
Elevated Syphon of Levitation - 24.14 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology/All Airship Technologies
3x Aetheric Shard of Contentment - 24.66 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology/All Airship Technologies
Gate of Respite - 22.43 - +50 to All Psychology/Machinery
Instrument of Sympathy - 21.76 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology/Hydraulics
Whispering Sword - 23.68 - +50 to All Psychology
Messenger of Soothing Shadows - 21.99 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology/Armor
2x Emissary's Delight - 23.16 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology/Biology/Medicine
Symphony of Sorrow - 21.99 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology/Biology
Blistering Chorus - 25.46 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology/Weapons
Sword of Eternity - 22.74 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology
Sword of Finality - 24.67 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology
Sword of Dusk - 21.46 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology
Sword of Dawn - 23.64 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology
Book of the Foretold Birth - 22.98 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology/Biology/Medicine
Unsworn Oath of Protection - 22.18 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology/Armor
2x Pristine Power Armors - 25.14 - +50 to Pioneer Armor/Weaponry/Metallurgy/Hydraulics/Programming/Medicine
Weaponized Core "Θοθ" - 23.25 - +50 to Pioneer Armor/Weapons
Intact Autonomous Adaptive Distributed Hunter-Killer Swarm Intelligence - 22.73 - +50 to Pioneer Programming/Weapons
Temporal Storage Container - ??? - +50 to...what the hell is this thing?
2x Good-Tasting MREs - 25.54 - +50 to Pioneer Chemicals/Biology
"Quantum Teleportation and Quantum Communication, The One-Catch-All on these Liminal Bridges!" - 25.05 - +50 to Pioneer Physics?
Intact Micro-Bright Lance - 24.97 - +50 to Pioneer Weapons/Physics/Metallurgy/Engineering/Electronics
"Augur" Shield - 23.82 - +50 to Pioneer Armor/Electronics/Physics
Bisected Cybernetic Skull - 25.64 - +50 to Pioneer Electronics/Armor/Biology
Crimson Banner - 24.31 - +50 to Pioneer Armor
5x Targeting Beacon - 22.20 - +50 to Pioneer Electronics/Physics/Weapons
Soft Pattern Of Rain Upon Grass - 24.13 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology
Cool Nourishment Of Water - 25.44 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology
Skin Thread - 25.44 - +50 to Pioneer Armor
Mutilated Serenade - 26.64 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology
Aerosolic Blood-Coagulant - 30.00 - +50 to Pioneer Weapons/Biology/Chemicals/Medicine
Liquid Fire - 22.32 - +50 to Advanced Weapons
2x The Mind Chasm - 29.11 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology
Strain G37bn9= Seed (Hardy Sandwheat) - 50.00 - +50 to Pioneer Biology
Strain UL44b/!fr Seed (Nega-Wheat) - 50.00 - +50 to Pioneer Biology
A Noise In The Air - 23.32 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology
12x Minor Bright-Lance Turrets - 28.00 - +50 to Pioneer Electronics/Metallurgy/Programming/Machinery/Weapons
6x Medium Bright-Lance Turrets - 45.00 - +50 to Pioneer Electronics/Metallurgy/Programming/Machinery/Weapons
2x Large Bright-Lance Turrets - 80.00 - +50 to Pioneer Electronics/Metallurgy/Programming/Machinery/Weapons
3x Plasma-Lance - 38.67 - +50 to Pioneer Electronics/Metallurgy/Programming/Machinery/Weapons
4x Plasmathrowers - 31.46 - +50 to Pioneer Electronics/Metallurgy/Programming/Hydraulics/Weapons
8x Caretaker-Swarm - 21.32 - +50 to Pioneer Electronics/Programming
Banished Cognitions - 35.12 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology
Sentence 14 - 43.21 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology
2x Nanoweave Skinplates - 34.56 - +50 to Pioneer Weapons/Medicine
10x Gravitic Celestial Maps - 50.00 - +50 to Pioneer Physics
9x Satellite Codes - 100.00 - +50 to Pioneer All
Irkanite Lance Component - 22.22 - +50 to Pioneer Weapons/Biology
Irkanite Thought Component - 22.22 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology/Biology
Irkanite Blade Component - 22.22 - +50 to Pioneer Weapons/Biology
Irkanite Heart Component - 22.22 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology/Biology
4x Automated Molecural Statuettes - 25.13 - +50 to Pioneer Metallurgy/Machinery
2x Written Testimonies of the Collapse - 35.00 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology/???
Sacrosanct Idol - 20.00 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology
4x Crystallized Flames - 25.25 - +50 to Pioneer Weaponry/???
2x Tenebris Library Book (Untranslated) - ??.?? - +50 to Pioneer ???
'Children of the Sunset Sea' - 50.00 - +50 to Pioneer Airship Technologies
'Beyond the Skein of Bones' - 50.00 - +50 To Pioneer Biology/Airship Technologies
2x A Flask Of Cool Water - 50.00 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology
3x Unknown Chemical Pulver - 19.46 - +50 to Pioneer Weaponry/???
The Burned Remains Of God - 50.00 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology/Weaponry/Airship Technologies
The Planted Wisdom Of Age - 250.00 - +50 to Pioneer Suspendium/Biology
2x The Ashes Of Our Pyre - ??.?? - +50 to Pioneer Psychology
'Human Flesh and Immortal Soul' - 44.68 - +50 to Pioneer Medicine/Biology
185x Prototype Bunker Artifacts - 49.32- +50 to Pioneer Electronic/Machinery/Hydraulic/Programming Artifacts
2x A Broken Clock - 22.81 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology
Quiet Leave - 34.64 - +50 to Pioneer Weaponry
'All The Queen's Men' Book - 19.50 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology
111x Biology Bunker Artifacts - 30.00- +50 to Pioneer Biology/Medicine/Chemical/Hydraulics Artifacts
Lost-Tech Machinery Blueprints - 25.50 - +50 to Pioneer Machinery
3x Lost-Tech Medical Blueprints - 22.50 - +50 to Pioneer Medicine
Lost-Tech Weaponry Blueprints - 40.00 - +50 to Pioneer Weaponry
Lost-Tech Chemicals Blueprints - 31.00 - +50 to Pioneer Chemicals
'A Beginner's Treaty On The Human Genome' - 50.00 - +50 to Pioneer Medicine/Machinery
'Terra Nova' Book - 50.00 - +50 to Pioneer Metallurgy/Psychology
Saphire Scepter - 26.43 - +50 to Pioneer Weaponry/Metallurgy
Captain's Sabre - 26.47 - +50 to Pioneer Weaponry
'Hopeless Bonds' - 34.65 +50 to Pioneer Chemicals
Venom - 43.67 - +50 to Pioneer Weaponry/Chemicals
Bile - 38.63 +50 to Pioneer Psychology/Chemicals
A Sharp Blade - 50.00 - +50 to Pioneer Weaponry
Waterflow Of A Babbling Brook - 46.84 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology/Hydraulics
'Gravimetric Calculations' Book - 75.00 - +50 to Pioneer Suspendium - [Library]
4x Perfectly Preserved Spines - 50.00 - +50 to Pioneer Biology
3x Perfectly Preserved Nervous Systems - 50.00 - +50 to Pioneer Biology
'The Rustle of the Leaves' - ??.?? - +100 to Pioneer Suspendium/Psychology - [Library]
Scents Forgotten - 39.92 - +50 to Pioneer Weaponry/Chemicals
The Ache In Bones Left Behind By Unwise Anger And Guilt - ??.?? - +50 to Pioneer Psychology
Bottled Guilt - 42.87 - +50 to Pioneer Biology/Chemicals
Bottled Regret - 41.43 - +50 to Pioneer Biology/Chemicals
Bottled Aches - 46.55 - +50 to Pioneer Biology/Chemicals
"Those Who Left Us Behind" - 33.51 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology/Medicine
Scalding Claw - 59.73 - +50 to Pioneer Weapons/Chemicals/Hydraulics
Hot Tea - 77.44 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology/Chemicals
48x Lost Tech Bunker Artifacts - 50.00 - +50 to Pioneer Biology/Medicine/Hydraulics/Machinery
4x Grey Goo Cages - N/A - +50 to Programming/Metallurgy/Hydraulics
'Histories of the Unknown' - 46.88 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology/Biology/Medicine
Slycthe Mine - 46.20 - +50 to Pioneer Weaponry/Chemicals
Unsure Tremor - 39.85 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology
5x Interconnected Neural Patterns - 46.37 - +50 to Pioneer Medicine/Electronics/Programming
2x Uploaded Thought-Patterns - 49.21 - +50 to Pioneer Medicine/Electronics/Programming
2x Unrestricted Virus - 42.53 - +50 to Pioneer Pioneer Electronics/Programming
Brain Maggot - 42.67 - +50 to Pioneer Weaponry/Biology
A Second That Coughs - ??.?? - +50 to Pioneer Psychology
3x Golden Skin Imitant - 45.57 - +50 to Pioneer Biology/Medicine
5x Neural-Pattern Repair Matrix - 41.31 - +50 to Pioneer Biology/Medicine/Programming/Electronics
6x Spinal Enhancement Fluid - 41.96 - +50 to Pioneer Biology/Medicine/Chemicals
4x Desecrated Idol - 42.83 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology
3x Old Religious Icon - 42.17 - +50 to Pioneer Psychology
5x Blood-Spider Machines - 44.63 - +50 to Pioneer Medicine/Chemicals/Programming/Hydraulics
'A Treaty On Gravity' - 50.00 - +50 to Pioneer Suspendium
Unique Artefact: The Codex Mk.1
The Codex holds the teachings of Martyris, the first Pilgrim, and the shared wisdom of all who came after. It is an integral part of life for Pilgrims, whether in discussions of the knowledge found within or in the simple act of reading and remembering.
(Effect: 12 Passive Recruitment per Turn)

Sandcrete Recipe
An ancient recipe that the Ancients used to build structures quickly, though not cheaply. Now it is once more in use, and it will be of great help to us!
(Effect: Can reduce building times of one building by 1(one) Turn, per Turn by adding [Sandcrete] to said action.)

Narcotics, Stimulants, And More!
This book details the effects of various drugs, how they intermix, their downsides, and guides on their production and what substances can be used as substitutes.
(Effect: Combat Stimms research unlocked.)

Scientific Theory
There is more to this world than one life could ever grasp. There are more mysteries, questions to unravel, and answers to find. Nothing could ever stop Humanity's thirst for knowledge, not even death. (Effect: +15 to Learning Rolls.)

Grieving Echo
A Zweihänder sized for a Knight. On every surface, names are engraved, along with how they died. The phrase: "One Wielder, One Name, One Duty, One Death" is inscribed in the middle of the blade. PD connected to the sword and immediately exclaimed ownership over the zweihänder. Her explanation was: "Every woman needs a fun toy, and this thing is one!"
(2d40+30 Damage, cannot equip a shield.)

PD found this Core within the bowels of the Daughter of Dawn, even months after the latter was used as quarters for a veritable legion of engineers and soldiers. He seems to be an old friend, and one can hear both chatting quite often when maintenance calls, but ^Ä^'s speech is unintelligible for any human, Mutated or otherwise. Seriously, how can you hear [T]7 in speech? Otherwise, he seems perfectly fine with only being a Core, though he would like to be put into a Knight in the next century or two.
(Gain +1 Automatic Success for Learning Actions if applied, 5% chance to suffer permanent damage.)

Soaring Wrenches
An unburnable book containing the collected knowledge of an engineer who had worked for nearly a century on airships, detailing everything they knew. Everything is addressed and described here, from wanting a chip leading to a ship's destruction to other tiny details.
(+50 to All Mechanics)

Banner of Lumination - (Equip to Hero)
(Auxiliary Knight Equipment) (+/-4 to/against Morale Rolls to all friendly/enemy Units if engaged with Eversun Units.)

2x Phoenix Suits
Heavy Mechanized Armor - +50 to Pioneer Armor/Hydraulics/Chemicals/Metallurgy - (18/18 Armor for 1/1 Unit, -20 Thermal Damage)

2x Enlighteners
Flamethrowers - +50 to Pioneer Weapons/Hydraulics/Chemicals/Metallurgy - (+5d6 Thermal Damage, Inflicts Radiant Scorching (2d6 damage) for two rounds, has 8 Fuel.)

Pod of Rebirth
This machine is capable of altering a person's appearance, from mere haircuts to radical morphological changes, such as the removal of all traces of Mutation within a single day at its longest. Unfortunately, the requirements for its operation are such that only a dedicated and large power plant could hope to keep it in operation continuously. It also has a handy instruction manual to set up the changes yourself!
(+40 to Biology.)

2x Dying Light
Whoever cobbled this piece of electro-scrap together either knew what they were doing, or had a lot of luck and miracles on their side.
Hand-held Coilgun - +50 to Pioneer Weapons/Electronics - (10d4 Damage, Standard Armor Penetration (50% of Damage ignores Armor).)

The only thing we know about this machine is that it supposedly has been used in ocean-going ships to swiftly part waters. Anything else must be uncovered by deliberate activation, which is fraught with dangers.

Eyes of Règle - Equipped by Silvia Jr.
These biomechanical eyes were recovered from deep within the Forest, within a guarded and secluded, almost fortress-like laboratory, where corpses upon corpses were piled against the doors to the chamber in which they were hidden. The corpses all faced outwards, and what weapon-shaped object remained tells well of what must have happened. It was a battle to see these safe, one that ended in a grand and terrible slaughter.
(Eyes of Règle - Painlessly attach themselves to the user, allowing them to discern when lies, and what kind of lies, are being told. They can be manually shut down.)

2x NOVA MACHINA - (Equip to Hero)
Two 10x10x10cm translucent boxes with a swirling spot of black and white in the middle. They cannot be opened, smashed, or taken apart. All Humans that touch the boxes feel intense nausea, abdominal pain, and loss of self-preservation, with Mutated reporting headaches, static within their ears, the feeling of falling, and extreme paranoia. We should lock them in the back of our Vault so that no one can injure themselves or others by touching them. Even after several years of study, the cubes remain mysterious and a possible cognitohazard.
Jetzt können wir nur noch warten. ...
(+1 to (3\²]SN@'+ßz_ )
Units (10/18)
Rust Scouts
A small force of scavengers, adept in the arts of stealth and searching for new spots to scavenge.
Health: 6/6 (Size 6)
Armor: 8/8
Melee Damage: 1d6+2 (+2 damage ignores Armor and 2 AP.)
Ranged Damage: 1d4-1 (+1 Lingering Fire Damage), 1d12 (+1 AP, Inflicts Paralysis/ Light Overcharge, 3 Damage Ignores Armor)
Training: Soldiers (4/6) (+5 to Initiative)
Breakpoint: 2/6 size remaining in Combat

-Dread-Ghillie (Military): +8 Armor, +20 on stealth rolls, +10 on Initiative rolls, Dreadful (Initiates Breakpoint Checks before Initiative is rolled, equaling (Breakpoint+Unit Number-Dread-Ghillie Unit Number), Death Dealer (Causes 1d2 Damage per Turn to all attacking Enemies), Stealthy (After attacking, if the stealth-roll has a difference of 10 or higher, you gain one free attack)
-Crying Crescent (Special Melee): Special Rule: Armor Piercing: +2 damage against Armor, +2 damage, ignoring Armor, Cutting Edge (+1 Damage for Blade Weapons per 3 Unit Size).
-Pointed Reply (Special Ranged): +1 damage against Armor, Special Rule: Accurate: +5 to ranged rolls, Ammunition for 15 Turns.
--Crossbow Upgrade: Electric Bolt (Crossbow Ammunition): Inflicts Light Paralysis/ Light Overcharge (-15 Initiative (Biological)/+1 Damage (Machine), 3 damage ignores Armor.)
-Firebomb (Lingering): It is used as a free action before the melee is joined, with 1d4-1 Damage and +1 damage in the next Turn.
-Smokebomb (Scented): A retreat/disengage has a DC of 40 to avoid Damage and a DC of 65 against Mutants and Animals.
-Medical Kit (Silver): Roll 1d5 before casualty rolls to heal any wounded.
-Combat Drug - Stabilizers: Half all Casualty Rolls, rounded up.
-Static Mortar (Standard): Special Rule: 70% Chance of hitting for 2d12 Damage per round. Inflicts Concussed (-10 Initiative for 1(one) round) upon all Biological Non-Titan Enemies, even when missing.
--Mortar Upgrade: Acid Globules (Ammunition): +4d4 Acid Damage, Acidic Burning (4 Damage per Turn for 2 Turns, +2 Breakpoints for all Sentient Units present), (3/3) Shells
--Mortar Upgrade: Fire Cannisters (Ammunition): 6d6 Fire Damage, Liquid Fire (Triggers Breakpoint Check in all affected Biological Units, inflicts 2d3 Fire Damage for 2d3 Turns), (6/6) Shells
--Mortar Upgrade: Explosive Warheads (Ammunition): 12d2 Piercing Damage, High-Explosive Airborne Lethal Ordnance/HeALO Rounds (Cannot be used indoors, -5% Accuracy), (12/12) Shells
--Mortar Upgrade: Sleeping Gas (Ammunition): Chemical Lullaby (Affects 1d6 Units, randomly chosen in the target area, until it diffuses. 1d2+1 Turns until affected Units fall asleep), Gas Weapon (Diffuses after 1d4+1 Turns, No effect upon non-biological targets), (2/2) Shells
-Improved Ranged Spider: An autonomous drone for military applications. Special Rule: Independent Units (Gains 5/5 Armor and 2/2 Internal Structure, has a Ranged attack of 1d3 per Unit size.).
-Combat Scutter: A medium-sized drone, as large as a human torso, equipped with a ranged crossbow turret and two claws for crushing, smashing, and ripping apart enemies. Special Rules: Independent Unit (Gains 9/9 Armor and 3/3 Internal Structure.), Small Crossbow (1d8 Ranged Damage), Melee Limbs (2d3 Melee damage).

Trait/s: Advanced Coordination (All Pilgrim Units gain a +4 coordination bonus for every Unit present in a battle, which cannot be provided by a Unit at half-strength and below), Coded Understanding (+5 Initiative against all Mechanical Enemies), Inheritors (+1 to all Morale Checks), War Lessons (+5 to the first two rolls in the next Combat).

The Unbroken
Description: A large force of volunteers shipped out to fight for the Empire of Slatnan in the Starlight Crusade. They have repeatedly proven that the bonds forged in the crucible of war are among the strongest there are, routinely going above and beyond if it meant saving one of their own.
Health: 12/12 (Size 12)
Armor: 16/16 (+20 on Stealth) (+10 to Initiative)
Melee Damage: 1d12+8/+4+1d2 (Melee) (against Biologicals/Mechanoids) (3 AP) (Dread-Ghillie)
Ranged Damage : 1d4-1 (+1 Lingering Fire Damage), 1d12 (+1 AP, Inflicts Paralysis/ Light Overcharge, 3 Ignores Armor)
Training: Soldiers (4/6) (+5 to Initiative)
Breakpoint: Unbreakable

-Dread-Ghillie (Military): +8 Armor, +20 on stealth rolls, +10 on Initiative rolls, Dreadful (Initiates Breakpoint Checks before Initiative is rolled, equaling (Breakpoint+Unit Number-Dread-Ghillie Unit Number), Death Dealer (Causes 1d2 Damage per Turn to all attacking Enemies), Stealthy (After attacking, if the stealth-roll has a difference of 10 or higher, you gain one free attack).
-Bloodletter (Special Melee): 1 Damage per Size, Special Rule: Bleeding: +2 damage against biological targets, -2 damage against mechanical targets, -1 damage against Armor, Cutting Edge (+1 Damage for Blade Weapons per 3 Unit Size).
-Crying Crescent (Special Melee): Special Rule: Armor Piercing: +2 damage against Armor, +2 damage, ignoring Armor, Cutting Edge (+1 Damage for Blade Weapons per 3 Unit Size).
-Pointed Reply (Special Ranged): +1 damage against Armor, Special Rule: Accurate: +5 to ranged rolls, Ammunition for 15 Turns.
--Crossbow Upgrade: Electric Bolt (Crossbow Ammunition): Inflicts Light Paralysis/ Light Overcharge (-15 Initiative (Biological)/+1 Damage (Machine), 3 damage ignores Armor)
-Firebomb (Lingering): It is used as a free action before melee is joined, with 1d4-1 and +1 damage in the next Turn.
-Smokebomb (Scented): A retreat/disengage has a DC of 40 to avoid Damage and a DC of 65 against Mutants and Animals.
-Medical Kit (Silver, Bloodbark): Roll 1d5 before casualty rolls to heal any wounded.
-Combat Drug - Stabilizers: Half all Casualty Rolls, rounded up.
-Static Mortar (Standard): Special Rule: 70% Chance of hitting for 2d12 Damage per round. Inflicts Concussed (-10 Initiative for 1(one) round) upon all Biological Non-Titan Enemies, even when missing.
--Mortar Upgrade: Acid Globules (Ammunition): +4d4 Acid Damage, Acidic Burning (4 Damage per Turn for 2 Turns, +2 Breakpoints for all Sentient Units present), (3/3) Shells
--Mortar Upgrade: Fire Cannisters (Ammunition): 6d6 Fire Damage, Liquid Fire (Triggers Breakpoint Check in all affected Biological Units, inflicts 2d3 Fire Damage for 2d3 Turns), (6/6) Shells
--Mortar Upgrade: Explosive Warheads (Ammunition): 12d2 Piercing Damage, High-Explosive Airborne Lethal Ordnance/HeALO Rounds (Cannot be used indoors, -5% Accuracy), (12/12) Shells
--Mortar Upgrade: Sleeping Gas (Ammunition): Chemical Lullaby (Affects 1d6 Units, randomly chosen in the target area, until it diffuses. 1d2+1 Turns until affected Units fall asleep), Gas Weapon (Diffuses after 1d4+1 Turns, No effect upon non-biological targets), (2/2) Shells
-Improved Ranged Spider: An autonomous drone for military applications. Special Rule: Independent Units (Gains 5/5 Armor and 2/2 Internal Structure, has a Ranged attack of 1d3 per Unit size.).
-Combat Scutter: A medium-sized drone, as large as a human torso, equipped with a ranged crossbow turret and two claws for crushing, smashing, and ripping apart enemies. Special Rules: Independent Unit (Gains 9/9 Armor and 3/3 Internal Structure.), Small Crossbow (1d8 Ranged Damage), Melee Limbs (2d3 Melee damage).

Forged In Fire, Cooled By Blood (Does not Break), None Left Behind (All casualties are ignored if the Damage taken is under 6(six)), Veterans (Does not necessitate Goodwill Upkeep in The Empire Of Slatnan), Advanced Coordination (All Pilgrim Units gain a +4 coordination bonus for every Unit present in a battle, which cannot be provided by a Unit at half-strength and below), Coded Understanding (+5 Initiative against all Mechanical Enemies), War Lessons (+5 to the first two rolls in the next Combat).

The Wall
Description: A group of twelve Pilgrims, armored and armed with their religion's best, can create and buy. They stand ready to defend their brothers and sisters in faith with their lives.
Health: 12/12 (Size 12)
Armor: 72/72
Melee Damage: 2d6+2d4+4 (+6 against Machines, 4 AP)
Ranged Damage: 1d4-1 (+1 Lingering Fire Damage)
Training: Soldiers (4/6) (+5 to Initiative)
Breakpoint: 10/12 Size remaining in Combat

-Electric Spear: +1d4 Electric Damage, Inflicts Paralysis/Overcharge (-35 Initiative (Biological)/+3 Damage (Machine)), 2 damage ignores Armor, Cutting Edge (+1 Damage for Blade Weapons per 3 Unit Size).
-Shield: "Orcist": +2 Armor per (6/6) Unit/0.3 Armor per Unit Size.
-Obstacle: Super Heavy Armor: +34 Armor, -50 on stealth rolls, -5 on Initiative rolls.
-Medical Kit (Silver, Bloodbark): Roll 1d5 before casualty rolls to heal any wounded.
-Firebomb (Lingering): It is used as a free action before the melee is joined, with 1d4-1 Damage and +1 damage in the next Turn.
-Smokebomb (Scented): A retreat/disengage has a DC of 40 to avoid Damage and a DC of 65 against Mutants and Animals.
-Combat Drug - Stabilizers: Half all Casualty Rolls, rounded up.
-Static Mortar (Standard): Special Rule: 70% Chance of hitting for 2d12 Damage per round. Inflicts Concussed (-10 Initiative for 1(one) round) upon all Biological Non-Titan Enemies, even when missing.
--Mortar Upgrade: Acid Globules (Ammunition): +4d4 Acid Damage, Acidic Burning (4 Damage per Turn for 2 Turns, +2 Breakpoints for all Sentient Units present), (3/3) Shells
--Mortar Upgrade: Fire Cannisters (Ammunition): 6d6 Fire Damage, Liquid Fire (Triggers Breakpoint Check in all affected Biological Units, inflicts 2d3 Fire Damage for 2d3 Turns), (6/6) Shells
--Mortar Upgrade: Explosive Warheads (Ammunition): 12d2 Piercing Damage, High-Explosive Airborne Lethal Ordnance/HeALO Rounds (Cannot be used indoors, -5% Accuracy), (12/12) Shells
--Mortar Upgrade: Sleeping Gas (Ammunition): Chemical Lullaby (Affects 1d6 Units, randomly chosen in the target area, until it diffuses. 1d2+1 Turns until affected Units fall asleep), Gas Weapon (Diffuses after 1d4+1 Turns, No effect upon non-biological targets), (2/2) Shells
-Improved Ranged Spider: An autonomous drone for military applications. Special Rule: Independent Units (Gains 5/5 Armor and 2/2 Internal Structure, has a Ranged attack of 1d3 per Unit size.).
-Combat Scutter: A medium-sized drone, as large as a human torso, equipped with a ranged crossbow turret and two claws for crushing, smashing, and ripping apart enemies. Special Rules: Independent Unit (Gains 9/9 Armor and 3/3 Internal Structure.), Small Crossbow (1d8 Ranged Damage), Melee Limbs (2d3 Melee damage).

Fiery Speeches (Morale is rolled with Advantage), Advanced Coordination (All Pilgrim Units gain a +4 coordination bonus for every Unit present in a battle, which cannot be provided by a Unit at half-strength and below), Bastion (Rolls all dice with Advantage when defending a location), Coded Understanding (+5 Initiative against all Mechanical Enemies), Overstrength (Double Unit count), War Lessons (+5 to the first two rolls in the next Combat).

Description: In a surprising event, the Incubi are six siblings, five women and one man. In another, the oldest is barely 23, and the youngest, their brother, 20, making them relatively young, even by Pilgrim standards. Notably, having been elected their Leader, the five sisters constantly tease their younger brother while also trying to get him hooked up with virtually any girl willing to entertain them.
Health: 6/6 (Size 6)
Armor: 22/22 (-20 for Stealth)
Melee Damage: 1d8+7 (3 Acid Damage, +1 Acid Damage for (one) Turn after attacking, tripled Damage against Armor and Internal Structure)
Training: Soldiers (4/6) (+5 to Initiative)
Breakpoint: 2/6 size remaining in Combat

-Dragonscale: Heavy Armor: +22 Armor, -20 on stealth rolls, Integrated Injection Ports (Halved chance for negative effects upon consuming Drugs/Chemicals).
-Lillith: Glaive (1d8+2), Caphractan-Alloy (+3 Acid Damage, +1 Damage for 1 (one) Turn after attacking, tripled Damage against Armor and Internal Structure), Two-Handed (Unit cannot equip secondary armaments/shields/battle consumables), Reach (+5 Initiative), Monster-Slayer (-10 Initiative to Mutants), Cutting Edge (+1 Damage for Blade Weapons per 3 Unit Size).
-Medical Kit (Silver, Bloodbark): Roll 1d5 before casualty rolls to heal any wounded.
-Static Mortar (Standard): Special Rule: 70% Chance of hitting for 2d12 Damage per round. Inflicts Concussed (-10 Initiative for 1(one) round) upon all Biological Non-Titan Enemies, even when missing.
--Mortar Upgrade: Acid Globules (Ammunition): +4d4 Acid Damage, Acidic Burning (4 Damage per Turn for 2 Turns, +2 Breakpoints for all Sentient Units present), (3/3) Shells
--Mortar Upgrade: Fire Cannisters (Ammunition): 6d6 Fire Damage, Liquid Fire (Triggers Breakpoint Check in all affected Biological Units, inflicts 2d3 Fire Damage for 2d3 Turns), (6/6) Shells
--Mortar Upgrade: Explosive Warheads (Ammunition): 12d2 Piercing Damage, High-Explosive Airborne Lethal Ordnance/HeALO Rounds (Cannot be used indoors, -5% Accuracy), (12/12) Shells
-Improved Ranged Spider: An autonomous drone for military applications. Special Rule: Independent Units (Gains 5/5 Armor and 2/2 Internal Structure, has a Ranged attack of 1d3 per Unit size.).

Lil' Bro! (Always one survivor. This trait will be deleted after being used), Advanced Coordination (All Pilgrim Units gain a +4 coordination bonus for every Unit present in a battle, which cannot be provided by a Unit at half-strength and below), Coded Understanding (+5 Initiative against all Mechanical Enemies)

Knight - Perpetual Defiance

Airship - Daughter Of Dawn
-(Basic Melee) Spear/Mace/Ax/Sword/Dagger: +1 Damage, can be combined with a shield or equipment, Cutting Edge (+1 Damage for Blade Weapons per 3 Unit Size).
-(Basic Ranged) Sling/Bow: +1 Damage per size, Damage halved, cannot be combined with shields, -5 to first melee roll for the equipped Unit, Ammunition for 5 Turns.
-Bloodletter (Special Melee): Special Rule: Bleeding: +2 damage against biological targets, -2 damage against mechanical targets, -1 damage against Armor, Cutting Edge (+1 Damage for Blade Weapons per 3 Unit Size).
-Crying Crescent (Special Melee): Special Rule: Armor Piercing: +2 damage against Armor, +2 damage, ignoring Armor, Cutting Edge (+1 Damage for Blade Weapons per 3 Unit Size).
-Pointed Reply (Special Ranged): +1 damage against Armor, Special Rule: Accurate: +5 to ranged rolls, Ammunition for 15 Turns, Cutting Edge (+1 Damage for Blade Weapons per 3 Unit Size).
-Electric Spear: +1d4 Electric Damage, Inflicts Paralysis/Overcharge (-35 Initiative (Biological)/+3 Damage (Machine)), 2 damage ignores Armor, Cutting Edge (+1 Damage for Blade Weapons per 3 Unit Size).
-Electric Maul: +1 Electric Damage, Inflicts Light Paralysis/ Light Overcharge (-15 Initiative (Biological)/+1 Damage (Machine)), Crush (+2 Damage), 1 damage ignores Armor.
-Lillith: Glaive (1d8+2), Caphractan-Alloy (+3 Acid Damage, +1 Damage for 1 (one) Turn after attacking, tripled Damage against Armor and Internal Structure), Two-Handed (Unit cannot equip secondary armaments/shields/battle consumables), Reach (+5 Initiative), Monster-Slayer (-10 Initiative to Mutants), Cutting Edge (+1 Damage for Blade Weapons per 3 Unit Size).
-Standard Coilgun: Coilgun (15d20), Overpenetration (Cannot target more than one Unit per shot), Unwieldy (-25 to Initiative), Two-Handed (Unit cannot equip secondary armaments/shields/battle consumables), Small Crew Weapon (Requires 4 crew to fire), Standard Armor Penetration (50% of Damage ignores Armor). Special Rule: Enhanced Power-Supply (Can only fire every 2 Turns)
-Standard Lance Coilgun: Coilgun (15d20), Overpenetration (Cannot target more than one Unit per shot), Slightly Unwieldy (-20 to Initiative), Two-Handed (Unit cannot equip secondary armaments/shields/battle consumables), Reduced Small Crew Weapon (Requires 3 crew to fire), High Armor Penetration (75% of Damage ignores Armor). Special Rule: Enhanced Power-Supply (Can only fire every 2 Turns), Extended Range (Will act first in combat unless ambushed.)
-Standard Scattershot Coilgun: Coilgun (80d2), Delete That Grid (Targets All Units In A Battle. Cannot fire if friendly Units are engaged in Melee), Unwieldy (-25 to Initiative), Two-Handed (Unit cannot equip secondary armaments/shields/battle consumables), Tiny Crew Weapon (Requires 3 crew to fire), Low Armor Penetration (25% of Damage ignores Armor). Special Rule: Enhanced Power-Supply (Can only fire every 2 Turns).
-Standard Repeater Coilgun: Coilgun (20d10), Dakka (Damage Dice that roll a 1 are re-rolled once), Unwieldy (-20 to Initiative), Two-Handed (Unit cannot equip secondary armaments/shields/battle consumables), Reduced Crew Weapon (Requires 3 crew to fire), Standard Armor Penetration (50% of Damage ignores Armor). Special Rule: Enhanced Power-Supply (Can only fire every 2 Turns).
-Prototype Bright-Lance: Bright-Lance (1d1), Massive Battery (Requires 6 crew to fire), Energy Weapon-Type (Deals 50% more Damage per Turn, every Turn, when leveled against the same Target, rounded up), Special Rule: Ravenous Energy Requirements (Cannot fire more than once per Combat).
-(Basic) Shield: +1 Armor, -15 On stealth rolls.
-(Basic) Cloth/Leather Armor: +2 Armor, -30 on stealth rolls.
-Dread-Ghillie (Military): +8 Armor, +20 on stealth rolls, +10 on Initiative rolls, Dreadful (Initiates Breakpoint Checks before Initiative is rolled, equaling (Breakpoint+Unit Number-Dread-Ghillie Unit Number), Death Dealer (Causes 1d2 Damage per Turn to all attacking Enemies), Stealthy (After attacking, if the stealth-roll has a difference of 10 or higher, you gain one free attack).
-Armored Camo-Cloaks (Standardized): (Melee) If the stealth roll has a difference of 35 or higher, you gain one free attack. (Ranged) After attacking, you gain one extra stealth attack if the stealth roll has a 35 or higher difference. +0.5 Armor per Size.
-Dragonscale: Heavy Armor: +22 Armor, -20 on stealth rolls, Integrated Injection Ports (Halved chance for negative effects upon consuming Drugs/Chemicals).
-Bulwark: Power Armor (Standard): +60 Armor, -30 on stealth rolls, +10 on initiative rolls, +1d6+2 in Melee.
-Shield: "Orcist": +2 Armor per (6/6) Unit/0.3 Armor per Unit Size.
-Gas-Mask "Mk.13a - Nephilim": -2 Damage from Biological/Chemical Sources.
-Firebomb (Lingering): It is used as a free action before melee is joined, with 1d4-1 Damage and +1 damage in the next Turn.
-Smokebomb (Scented): A retreat/disengage has a DC of 40 to avoid Damage and a DC of 65 against Mutants and Animals.
-Wyvernsack (Lingering): It is used as a free action before melee is joined, with 1d2+2 Acid damage and +2 damage in the next Turn.
-Tearwind - Deals no Damage, but has a 35% Chance to force 1d4 Enemy Units (Melee Units are affected before Ranged Units) to cease any attacks for 1d2 Turns.
-Acidfog (Lingering, Targeted) - Deals 2d2 Acid Damage, reduced by -1 per Turn, until being removed after 5 Turns. Does not affect your Units.
-Lungmelt - Deals 5d5 Chemical Damage. It affects your Units if they are thrown after Combat is initiated.
-Electromagnetic Pulse Weaponry - Grenades: Roll a 1d2. On a 1, machines are deactivated for 1d3 Rounds. On a 2, they receive 2d4 Internal Damage and suffer -25 Initiative for the next 2(two) Rounds.
--1x stored and equipable
-Medical Kit (Silver, Bloodbark): Roll 1d5 before casualty rolls to heal any wounded.
-Auto-Bandage - (Primitive): Roll 2d3 before casualty rolls to heal any wounded. This effect stacks with other Medical Consumables.
-Medi-Aid Chemicals: "Miracle Cure" - Treat all negative Health above (-TotalUnitHealth/2) as if the Unit still has 1 Health. (Warning: 04% Chance to replace Lost Health with Hostile (3 Health/2 Armor) Mutant Units with a total Unit Count equal to Lost Health.)
-Combat Drug - Refined Berserk: Increase all Damage by two damage dice.
-Combat Drug - Refined Re-Breath: Re-roll failed casualty rolls.
-Combat Drug - Refined Last Stand: Reduce all Damage by half, triple all Health. (Warning! This drug has a (projected) 70% chance of killing the user.)
-Combat Drug - Refined Adrenaline: Increase all Damage by three damage dice.
-Combat Drug - Stabilizers: Half all Casualty Rolls, rounded up.
-Crossbow Upgrade: Electric Bolt (Crossbow Ammunition): Inflicts Light Paralysis/ Light Overcharge (-15 Initiative (Biological)/+1 Damage (Machine), 3 damage ignores Armor
-Mortar Upgrade: Improved Acid Globules (Ammunition): +8d8/16d8 Acid Damage against Biological/Machine Enemies, Improved Acidic Burning (8 Damage per Turn for 2 Turns, +2 Breakpoints for all Sentient Units present), (3/3) Shells
-Mortar Upgrade: Improved Sleeping Gas (Ammunition): Improved Chemical Lullaby (Affects 1d6+2 Units, randomly chosen in the target area, until it diffuses. 2d2-1 Turns until affected Units fall asleep), Improved Gas Weapon (Diffuses after 1d4 Turns, No effect upon non-biological targets), (2/2) Shells
-Mortar Upgrade: Improved Choking Gas (Ammunition): 2d2 Health Damage per Turn, Improved Yellow Fog (Affects 1d6+4 Units, randomly chosen in the target area, until it diffuses), Improved Gas Weapon (Diffuses after 1d4 Turns, No effect upon non-biological targets), (1/1) Shells
-Mortar Upgrade: Fire Cannisters (Ammunition): 6d6 Fire Damage, Liquid Fire (Triggers Breakpoint Check in all affected Biological Units, inflicts 2d3 Fire Damage for 2d3 Turns), (6/6) Shells
-Mortar Upgrade: Explosive Warheads (Ammunition): 12d4 Piercing Damage, High-Explosive Airborne Lethal Ordnance/HEALO Rounds (Cannot be used indoors, 1/2 Damage against Machines), (2/2) Shells
-Mortar Upgrade: Seeker Shells (Ammunition): +8 Fire Damage, Born To Die (+50% Accuracy), (1/1) Shells
-Mortar Upgrade: Flaming Ordnance (Ammunition): 2d12, Burning Comets (Hits every Unit present on the battlefield, cannot be used indoors) (5/5) Shells
-Armor Upgrade: Heavy Wyvern Scale Patches (+2 Armor per 2 Sizes)
-Armor Upgrade: Light Wyvern Scale Patches (+1 Initiative per Size, -1 Armor per 2 Sizes)
-Weapon Upgrade: Wyvern Bones Replacement (+1 Initiative per Size)
-Ranged Upgrade: Wyvern Toot Bolt/Arrowheads (+1 Bleeding Damage per Turn per Size)
-Static Mortar (Standard): Special Rule: 70% Chance of hitting for 2d12 Damage per round. Inflicts Concussed (-10 Initiative for 1(one) round) upon all Biological Non-Titan Enemies, even when missing.
-Radio-Beacon: Special Rule: Grants a Coordination bonus of +1 per Unit equipped with a Radio-Beacon and Improves said bonus by +1 for every Unit that already possesses that bonus instead. Requires an operator, nullifying one damage dice.
-Improved Ranged Spider: An autonomous drone for military applications. Special Rule: Independent Units (Gains 5/5 Armor and 2/2 Internal Structure, has a Ranged attack of 1d3 per Unit size.).
-Generic Melee Spider: An autonomous drone for military applications. Special Rule: Independent Melee Unit (Gains 9/9 Armor and 1/1 Internal Structure, has a Melee attack of 2d2 per Unit size.).
-Generic Ranged Quadruped: An autonomous drone for military applications. Special Rule: Independent Ranged Quadrupedal Unit (Gains 2/2 Armor and 2/2 Internal Structure, has a Ranged attack of 1d2 per Unit size.), Quick Feet (+5 to Initiative).
-Generic Melee Quadruped: An autonomous drone for military applications. Special Rule: Independent Melee Quadrupedal Unit (Gains 5/5 Armor and 2/2 Internal Structure, has a Melee attack of 2d2 per Unit size.), Quick Feet (+5 to Initiative).
-Scout Scutter: A small, cat-sized drone carrying nothing more than itself, a camera, and a way to transmit the feedback to a tablet included in the drone! Special Rules: Independent Unit (Gains 1/1 Armor and 1/1 Internal Structure.), Scout Drone (Boosts Pre-Combat rolls for initiating combat by +5 (cumulative.)).
-Combat Scutter: A medium-sized drone, as large as a human torso, equipped with a ranged crossbow turret and two claws for crushing, smashing, and ripping apart enemies. Special Rules: Independent Unit (Gains 9/9 Armor and 3/3 Internal Structure.), Small Crossbow (1d8 Ranged Damage), Melee Limbs (2d3 Melee damage).
-Rough Rider Scutter: A large robotic drone designed to maneuver in 3D spaces like canyons, caverns, Necropolis, and forests, capable of carrying up to three riders or 350kg of weight. Four automatic crossbows provide security alongside four front-spaced manipulator arms fitted with tools/weaponry. Special Rules: Independent Unit (Gains 20/20 Armor and 6/6 Internal Structure.), Four Crossbows (4d10 Ranged Damage), Specialised Melee Limbs (4d8 Melee damage), Mechanical Mount (Shelters up to 3 (three) Sizes of a Unit from Damage until destroyed/disabled), 3D Climber (Unaffected by Terrain).
-Artillery Scutter: A large-sized drone, as large as a War-Lizard, equipped with a Standard Coilgun turret to rip apart enemies. Special Rules: Independent Unit (Gains 9/9 Armor and 3/3 Internal Structure.), Standard Coilgun (15d20 Ranged Damage), see Weapon Entry for Rules.
-Combat-Trained Common Animal: An animal trained for use in combat, though their usage can become a hindrance if their masters are not careful while handling them.
Notable Assets/Buildings
1x Artifact Reclamation Order
∞x Ashleaf Tea - +15 to Diplomacy
1x Advanced Pneumatic Tools - (-1 Turn per 2 Turns for all Tree of Knowledge Actions)
1x Elemental Feline Teenager - Fractal - (???)
1x Personal Cutter
1x Lineship
10x Caravaners

1x Asylum - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!, Guardians For Hire)
1x Brothel 'Consensual' - (Upgraded) - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!, Guardians For Hire)
1x Expanded Hospice Network - (Guards! Guards!, Guardians For Hire)
1x Expanded Poor Houses - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!)
1x Fixed the Mess
3x Food Kitchens - (1x Normal, 3x Bulk) - (Major City Expansions) - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!, Guardians For Hire)
1x Orphanage - (Big) - (Guards! Guards!, Guardians For Hire)
1x Grand Kitchen - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!, Guardians For Hire)
1x Inn - (Eye of the Beholder) - (Guards! Guards!)
1x Local Headquarters - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!)
1x Rudimentary Territorial Hospices - (Guardians For Hire, Guards! Guards!)
1x School - (Big) - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!)

1x Asylum - (Guards! Guards!, Guardians For Hire)
1x Brothel 'Consensual' - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!, Guardians For Hire)
1x Expanded Hospice Network - (Guards! Guards!, Guardians For Hire)
1x Expanded Poor Houses - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!)
1x Fixed the Mess
1x Food Kitchen - (Major City Expansions) - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!, Guardians For Hire)
1x Orphanage - (Big) - (Guards! Guards!, Guardians For Hire)
1x Rudimentary Territorial Hospices - (Security Improvements, Guardians For Hire, Guards! Guards!)

1x Asylum - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!, Guardians For Hire)
2x Brothel 'Consensual's - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!, Guardians For Hire)
1x Expanded Hospice Network - (Guards! Guards!, Guardians For Hire)
1x Rudimentary Territorial Hospices - (Guards! Guards!, Guardians For Hire)
1x Expanded Poor Houses - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!)
1x Fixed the Mess
1x Food Kitchen - (Major City Expansions) - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!, Guardians For Hire)
1x Grand Kitchen - (Guards! Guards!, Guardians For Hire)
1x Orphanage - (Big) - (Guardians For Hire, Guards! Guards!)

1x Asylum - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!, Guardians For Hire)
1x Brothel 'Consensual' - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!, Guardians For Hire)
1x Expanded Hospice Network - (Guards! Guards!, Guardians For Hire)
1x Expanded Poor Houses - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!)
1x Fixed the Mess
1x Orphanage - (Big) - (Guards! Guards!, Guardians For Hire)
1x Rudimentary Territorial Hospices

1x Fixed the Mess
1x Humane Asylum - (Guards! Guards!, Guardians For Hire)
1x Brothel 'Consensual' - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!, Guardians For Hire)
1x Expanded Hospice Network - (Guards! Guards!, Guardians For Hire)
1x Expanded Poor Houses - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!)
1x Orphanage - (Big) - (Guardians For Hire, Guards! Guards!)

1x Asylum - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!, Guardians For Hire)
1x Brothel 'Consensual' - (Guards! Guards!, Guardians For Hire)
1x Expanded Hospice Network - (Guards! Guards!, Guardians For Hire)
1x Expanded Poor Houses - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!)
1x Fixed the Mess
1x Food Kitchen - (Major City Expansions) - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!, Guardians For Hire)
1x Orphanage - (Big) - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!, Guardians For Hire)

Outlying Territories:
1x Aluminum Mine - (Steam Engine Improved) - (Guardians For Hire, Guards! Guards!)
1x Central Region Expanded Pilgrim Security - (Private Security) - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!)
3x Expanded Hospices - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!)
1x Expanded Hospice Network - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards, Guardians For Hire)
1x Iron Mine - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!)
1x Jewel Mine - (Steam Engine Improved) - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!, Guardians For Hire)
1x Permanent Scavenging Base - (Floating Monastery/Doomed Fortress) - (Guards! Guards!)
1x Silver Mine - (Steam Engine Improved) - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!)
1x Soup-Kitchens

Pilgrim Holdings:
1x Administration Center - (Grand) - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!)
1x Artifact Vault - (Guards! Guards!)
1x Artisinal Robotics Creation - (Guards! Guards!)
1x Black Box - (Gutted Core) - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!)
1x Black Root Field
1x Berth - (Large) - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!)
1x Bloodbark Field
1x Codex Printing
1x Communal Festivals
4x Computers
1x Desalination Basins - (Deep Pumps)
1x Electronics Manufacture ~ Ancient Circuits - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!)
1x Expanded Daycare - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!)
1x Extremely Fertile Ashleaf-Nursery - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!)
1x Laboratory Complex - (Rudimentary) - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!)
1x Living Quarters - (Continuous Expansion) - (Security Improvements)
1x Library - (Expanded)
1x The Hidden Workshop - (Legendary) - (Security Improvements)
1x Mausoleum of the Forgotten Pilgrims
1x Medical Wing - (Grand) - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!)
1x Menagerie - (Common) - (Guards! Guards!)
1x Print Shop - (Smut) - (Security Improvements)
1x Scutter Makers - Medical Scutters - (Guards! Guards!)
1x Shadow Sanctums - (Needle's Den)
1x Storerooms - (Continuous Expansion) - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!)
1x The School of the Skyneers - (Guards! Guards!)
1x The School of Crews - Small - (Guards! Guards!)
1x Tiny Drone-Manufacture - (Guards! Guards!)
1x Training Field - (Expanded) - (Security Improvements)

1x Academy of the Fools - (Guards! Guards!)
1x Airship Component Factory - (Guards! Guards!)
4x Airship Lines (Caravaner Mk.2) - (Guards! Guards!)
1x Airship Line (Lightwing) - (Guards! Guards!)
1x Airship Line (Militant) - (Guards! Guards!)
1x Airship Line ('Blossom' Pleasure Yacht) - (Guards! Guards!)
1x Airship Trade Anchor And Depot - (Guards! Guards!)
1x Artist Alley
1x Bank - Tiny - (Guards! Guards!)
1x Brewers Run
1x Bulk Goods Warehouse Hub - (Guards! Guards!)
1x Cat Alley - (Guards! Guards!)
1x Contractual Expansion - (Adequate Housing) - (Security Improvements)
1x Caravansery Halls - Tiny - (Guards! Guards!)
1x Engine Assembly - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!)
1x Expanded Clinics - (Guards! Guards!)
1x Expanded Public Libraries
1x Goat Pens
1x House Dall Barracks
1x Insurance Office - Tiny
1x Large Tool Manufactury
1x Luxury Goods Warehouse Hub - (Guards! Guards!)
1x Map of Norqod - Holo Emitter
1x Mausoleum of the Forgotten
1x Medium Quarantine Area - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!)
1x Medium Sturdy Clothing Manufactury
1x Merchant Quarter - Tiny - (Guards! Guards!)
1x Mercenary Quarters
1x Miniscule Scientific Complex - (Guards! Guards!)
1x Natural Pesticide Factory - Medium
1x Norqod Fashion Street - (Tahmid's Embroidery)
1x Norqod Radio Station - (Entertainment and News) - (Guards! Guards!)
1x Expanded Hospitals - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!)
1x Improved Animal Medicine Workshop - Medium
1x Sin Run - (Guards! Guards!)
1x Small Cannery
1x Medium Chemical Goods Manufactury - (Guards! Guards!)
1x Small Furniture Manufactory
1x Small Medicinal School - (Guards! Guards!)
1x Small Toy Manufactury
1x Steel Foundry - (Guards! Guards!)
1x Steel Mill - (Guards! Guards!)
1x The Evergreen Gardens - Medium - (Guards! Guards!)
1x The Trail of Rust - Expanded - (Security Improvements, Guards! Guards!)
1x Tiantemu Alloy Foundry - (Guards! Guards!)
1x Tiny Hydroponics - (Guards! Guards!)
1x Tiny Toy Manufactury
1x Training Fields - Medium
1x Watchtower Network - Weak
1x Workshop of the Alartfa-Seers

Waking Machine-Minds:
1x Common Suspendium Theory
1x Common Chemicals Theory
2x Common Metallurgy Theory
1x Common Biological Theory
1x Common Medicine Theory
1x Common Psychology Theory
1x Common Hydraulics Theory
1x Common Electronics Theory
1x Common Physics Theory
1x Common Machinery Theory
1x Common Mechanics Theory
1x Common Programming Theory
1x Advanced Electronics Theory
2x Advanced Biology Theory
1x Advanced Armor Theory
1x Pioneer Weaponry Theory
5x Pioneer Electronics Theories
1x Pioneer Hydraulics Theory
1x Pioneer Machinery Theory
The Tree - Jokvi
The Tree - Strul
Strul - Mirn
Strul - Zulmni
Jokvi - Ularn
Ularn - Tessen
Mirn - Ularn
Strul - Ularn
Temple Holding: Tree Of Knowledge
Pros: Material cost is halved, Goodwill cost is reduced by -0.5, attackers must overcome your security to attack you, and unique building options are unlocked.
Cons: Buildings take one extra Turn to mine and set up.

Desalination Basins - Deep Pumps
- 800 Pilgrims receive water in case of a drought.

Administration Center - Grand + 6 PCUs
- +1 Personal Action, Unlocks Too Much To Do.
- +8 Actions.

Medical Wing - Grand
-Plagues roll with a massive mali to infect the Pilgrims, supporting up to 10.000 Pilgrims before it becomes useless.

Living Quarters - Continuous Expansion
- All Pilgrims can live within the Tree without any problems.

Expanded Daycare
--2 to Piety rolls, +6 permanent recruitment due to families.

Storerooms - Continuous Expansion
-All Pilgrims can survive for twelve months under siege conditions.

Artisanal Quarters - (Grand)
Lowered costs for all equipment, increased chances for all research, rolls with Advantage for all study of melee weapons/equipment made of metal.

Laboratory - Grand
Improves chances for all Learning Actions, along with unlocking 1/2/3 success thresholds.

Houses 1(one) Knight, allowing you to enact repairs and modifications.

Sandcrete Mixer
Vastly reduces the needed Materials for shortening building Turns.

Electronics Manufacture - Ancient Circuits
+150 to all Electronics Research.

Anchorage For Airships
Unlocks DOD Actions.

Martial Range
Lowers malus when switching from ranged to -10.

Training Field - Expanded
Can recruit Units at (3/6 Trained) instead of (2/6 Militia)

Crystal Path
+4 Medium Suspendium Shards each Turn.

Black Box
5% not to use up an Artifact, can slot 1(one) Artifact to continuously provide 10% (rounded down) of the Artifacts bonus.

Library - (Expanded)
Provides 3 (three) slots for Literature Artifacts, continuously providing 15% (rounded down) of the Artifacts bonus.

Artistic Initiatives
Murals, engravings, paintings, and much more make the Tree a desirable place to live inside.
(-1 to Piety rolls.)

Berth - Large
This is the point where it is almost insulting to call the Airship facilities of the Tree mere "Berths" instead of Anchorages or Ports. Expanding the available facilities by double will allow us to field fleets without crowding or scheduling errors and will be a critical part of creating an Empire-wide transport and logistics system for the Pilgrims and our people, goods, and services.
(Without special projects, we can now modify Nine Medium or Two Large Airships for exploration or trading.)

Tiny Drone-Manufacture
A small workshop where trained personnel turn raw materials and pre-made components into drones for Military and Civilian Applications.
(Can create Combat Drone (Improved Ranged Spider) for Units/Heroes.)

Scutter Makers
The "Scutter" your scholars and engineers created has proven surprisingly clever, incredibly efficient, and cute! Creating a space where more are built will enable you to increase security further while selling them outside the faith, and making larger versions will yield expanded profits!
(Increased Security, Unlocked Auxilliary Equipment: Scout Scutter, Combat Scutter, Rough Rider Scutter, Artillery Scutter)

Mausoleum of the Forgotten Pilgrims
The last resting place of those who no longer have any that remember them, and the final site of their remains we manage to recover from wherever they died. Let their souls walk without the chains of disturbed slumber or defiled quiet.
(Final resting place for the forgotten and discarded, -4 to Piety Rolls.)
Town Holding: Norqod
Overall Prosperity: Very Wealthy (Stagnant)
High-Class Prosperity: Very Wealthy (Stagnant)
Middle-Class Prosperity: Very Wealthy (Decreasing Slightly)
Lower-Class Prosperity: Moderately Wealthy (Decreasing Slightly)

Mood: Satisfied (Falling)

Permanent Inhabitants: ~7.000
-Tendency: Sharply Rising.

Security: Yes.
-Daughter of Dawn (Airship)
-Forge-Clan Elders (12)
-Forge-Clan Security Forces
-Royal Regiment 'Rabbitaurs'
-Tailors of the Burned Skies (Mercenary Company)
-House Dall Retinue

-Tree Of Knowledge: Pilgrim appointed as Governor
-Royal Guardian Barracks: Supplies the Royal Guardians onboard the DoD.
-Forge-Clan Enclave (Specialists): Investigates and Repairs the DoD.
-Cultural Settlement: This allows the Pilgrims to spread their faith further than ever through cultural osmosis.
-Academic District: Improved osmosis of researched topics and existing knowledge.
Martyris Dall
Prevter Martyris Dall, The One That Suffers, Leader of The Pilgrims, Soil of Hope, Seed of Change
17/19 (-2 permanent) (+1 Due to Auroran Cylinder) (+12 Due to Soil of Hope, Seed of Change)
Armor: 56/56 Armor
Training: Trained (3/6)
Breakpoint: Unbreakable

-Electric Spear: +1d4 Electric Damage, Inflicts Paralysis/Overcharge (-35 Initiative (Biological)/+3 Damage (Machine)), 2 damage ignores Armor.
-Obstacle Power-Armor (Primitive): Power Armor: +60 Armor, +1d4 in Meele, -45 on stealth rolls.
-Smokebomb (Scented): A retreat/disengage has a DC of 40 to avoid Damage and a DC of 65 against Mutants and Animals.
-Medical Kit (Silver): Roll 1d5 before survival roll to heal wounds.
-Combat Drug - Refined Re-Breath: Re-roll failed casualty rolls.
-Improved Ranged Spider: An autonomous drone for military applications. Special Rule: Independent Units (Gains 5/5 Armor and 2/2 Internal Structure, has a Ranged attack of 1d3 per Unit size.).
-Auroran Cylinder
(A cylinder about the size of a human forearm and with an equivalent thickness that shines with a kaleidoscope of colors, bringing warmth to the body and calm to the mind of its wearer. Aria noticed a tingling all over her body when she got it from a room within the Daughter of Dawn. After studying and gathering evidence, you have determined that this cylinder is an ancient and incredibly potent all-heal-medikit primarily carried by high-ranking people. If the notes and rumors are correct, this little thing may even be able to resurrect a person from death itself!
(+1 Health if equipped, +20% Chance of resurrection if carried on a person. Can be used to guarantee results.))
(Two 10x10x10cm translucent boxes with a swirling spot of black and white in the middle. They cannot be opened, smashed, or taken apart. All Humans that touch the boxes feel intense nausea, abdominal pain, and loss of self-preservation, with Mutated reporting headaches, static within their ears, the feeling of falling, and extreme paranoia. We should lock them in the back of our Vault so that no one can injure themselves or others by touching them. Even after several years of study, the cubes remain mysterious and a possible cognitohazard.)

Special Rules:
-Must be accompanied by one Unit to join Combat.
-All Units gain the special rule Unbreakable: Unit automatically succeeds in its morale check.
-50% Chance to obtain/lose 40% Piety should this Hero die in Combat.
-Gain 30% Piety should this Hero die of natural causes.
-Immune against all poisons.

Poisoned By A Plague-Engine - Medicated Immunity

There are few things worse than dying to the poison of a Plague-Engine. You are enduring the least of the worst of those fates. Many see your determination to face such a future for something beyond yourself as inspiring and have taken more selfless actions. Though there may be more, your medicine's side effects and the lasting damage seem to be a much-increased tolerance against any poison.
(Reduced Health, reduced lifespan, permanent -1 to Piety reduction rolls, grants immunity against poison)

A Victims Ire: Criminal Organizations
This world is not a kind one. It will chew and spit you out when you let your guard down. You did so and almost paid the price for that. Your experiences now mark you, as does the anger toward those who wronged you. Dealing with various Criminal organizations will require much more effort, but harming them will be much easier.
(-10 to aiding Criminal Organizations, +5 to harmful actions against them.)

Sympathy: The Lost
Through action, conversation, morals, mind, or observation, this person has developed a deep sympathy for a faction or group of people, seeing helping them as a moral calling and ignoring them as a moral failure. They will, if able, extend a helping hand without hesitation, ready to lift those who grasp it and those unable to hold onto themselves.
(+20 to all rolls involving: The Lost)

Prevter By Marriage
You have yet to learn how Lady Maranica managed to do it, but Selene's family is now technically nobility, which means you are nobility by marriage. Technically is the keyword here, as she is a Mutated, Selene cannot hold a noble title, and she only has it until one of her children or descendants is a human. The title awarded her is "Lady," not honorific, and she has been given the village of Norqod as a holding. The town of people living outside the Tree, trading, or visiting. Being commissioned by the Imperial Logistics Bureau, she, and by extension, you, have to build the village within the next five years. Luckily, various laws allow the appointment of a governor, so when she asked the Pilgrims Council, all agreed to govern in exchange for a 50% cut of future income, all written down in a generational contract. For her part, Selene stopped dragging you away for stress relief when her request had been approved, firmly of the opinion that she is not made for nobility. And now you must deal with the fact that you and Selene have been elevated to Prevter.

Mutated Wife - Prevter Selene Dall
She returned to her usual self, if a bit more conscious about her surroundings, and participated in the militia's drills. But for all that, she is still marked by her experience, even if she doesn't want to be. Her sex drive has not suffered much, so at least she can relax that way. Or, during your night walks, the stars are much clearer above the Tree than in the City. She is dealing with the unexpected fame gained through her newest romance comedy, hiding under your bed with Silvia Jr.

Child: Lady Silvia Dall - Mutated Girl - 18-Year-Old
Your first child! She is, in every aspect, perfect! Her legs and ears are like her mother's, even if her fur is entirely obsidian. She has two horns growing above and swinging around her head in a tiny semi-circle, looking like a regal crown with spikes atop (even if it makes putting a shirt on a pain), framing her golden hair. She does have a relatively long tail, furred like a Swedish forest cat (the fur is obsidian again, though white spots have started appearing), which means you need to get a tailor for her pants. Her first teeth recently started to fall out, some being replaced with sharper versions, like fangs. Her laughing and smiles melt your heart, and she has this cute habit of putting her tail into her mouth like a snow leopard. Unfortunately, she is blind, so teaching her to read and defend herself is challenging. You found a seller for braille books and a guide on how to read them, so you can confidently say that she can read when she's grown up. But you still need to figure out how she could defend herself. Maybe grenades? Her first word had been 'Dada.' You'll never let Selene live that one down. Letting her go to School hurts more than you'd like to admit. Your move to Norqod has upset her; she won't be able to meet and play with her friends as often as she wants. However, she has made new friends, and with Crinkles letting her ride him everywhere, she has seemingly adjusted to her new normal. She is having her "rebel" phase. You do not know if her asking you for advice on how to rebel better is a sign of being a good parent or utterly failing at ensuring she can rebel on her own. The moment she turned 18, Markus Ulatarn proposed to her, the two finally pushing their "secret" relationship into the open...though in a way that left the impression it was with the modifier "kicking and screaming" for her, seeing how adorably embarrased she was by the whole thing. You are happy for her and her future.

Son-In-Law: Lord Markus Ulatarn - 19-Year-Old
A child of nobility, he was given to be raised and educated while laying the foundation of a relationship between the two Houses. He has since fully grown accustomed to being here and has made fast friends with Silvia Jr., several of her friends, and others. He likes Crinkle. He recently took up painting after watching the various artists in Norqod decorate and carve into the rock. He has made two paintings of Silvia Jr., one specially created to allow her to touch, and thus see, what he has painted. You are watching him. Screw that joke over watching him; that boy just proposed to your daughter! He is now officially (almost) family, so he'd better start running because you are about to drag him into the whole marriage thing from the deep end if he does not.
(You have a Son-In-Law!)

Founder And First Arbitrator
You founded the Pilgrims and were appointed Arbitrator, the final voice in any argument, a watcher for those who would turn them against their ideals. Hopefully, you will prove the trust placed in you right.
(This Hero will add the Piety bonus/malus to all his rolls. Relax is not needed.)

Soil of Hope, Seed of Change
With our growth in life, we nurture change, causing a beginning of Future's Ending. At daybreak, we see ahead yet shy from death and its cycle of rebirth as bodies are born anew as hosts of a thousand beginnings, small and large of children beyond our sight.
(Enables the Action: Communion of Unsight, +12 Health, +2d6 Melee Damage.)
Aria, Knight-Pilot of The Pilgrims, Pilot of Perpetual Defiance
Armor: 4/4 Armor
Training: Knight (4/6) (+5 to Initiative)
Breakpoint: 5/7

-Dagger: 1 Damage per size (1 total)
-Pilot-Suit - Pathane-Weaved: 6/6 Armor with +1 health and 31% chance to survive PD being destroyed. Pathane-Weaved (All physical Damage is reduced by 20%)
-Medical Kit (Silver): Roll 1d5 before survival roll to heal wounds.
-Combat Drug - Refined Re-Breath: Re-roll failed casualty rolls.
-Improved Ranged Spider: An autonomous drone for military applications. Special Rule: Independent Units (Gains 5/5 Armor and 2/2 Internal Structure, has a Ranged attack of 1d3 per Unit size.).

Special Rules:
-Uses the stats of PD in Combat until she is destroyed.

1x Banner of Lumination (Eversun)


Strangely striated blue eyes with overly responsive irises. Metallic gray hair that moves about and generates mild electric shocks and vibrates to create simple tones, all of which mark this person as a Mutated. They will need help getting people to like them.
(-20 to Diplomacy for any Locals/Elites they interact with, as long as the Opinion on Mutated is at (0/3). -20 to the malus for every point in the negative, +5 for every point in the positive.)

Mutation: Lamba Volondavenona (25/25):
Aria's Mutation originates in the city-state of Jahi, a once vassal of the Empire, before being absorbed into the greater nation due to unrest and rising violence. As the Gene-Smith explained, her hair is akin to radio, allowing her to receive and transmit radio waves when trained. While this Mutation wouldn't be of much use, her brain has also been altered to decode and understand said transmissions. Further, she has finally figured out why she doesn't scar even with deep wounds! Her Mutation prevents her body from going "Good Enough" and stops healing, forcing it to repair all injuries perfectly. When Aria attempted to perceive the Regions transmissions, she said it was akin to a whisper within a hall. She also said that her head started to hurt when she looked at the second moon, though its odd ability to hinder or distort radio waves is well known.
(+60 to all rolls made with PD.)

Bloodied Knight-Pilot:
You have joined the illustrious Elite of the world, where the entry is life-long service, and the exit is at the end of a weapon. Yours will be a life of war, death, and struggles, bringing hope to despairing hearts, rallying flagging defenders, and protecting those in your shadow. Do not stumble, for the consequences are grave.
(+10 to all rolls after using a Knight in Combat.)

1st Generation Pilgrim:
This person has not been converted to the Pilgrim's belief but was raised in it from a young age. Their faith has always been a part of their life, guiding their actions even when choosing to leave. People will find it hard to sway their devotion should they remain.
(Actions to subvert Aria roll with a malus.)

We Can Do It!:
Aria has been deeply empathetic, caring, and driven from a young age. Since joining the Pilgrims, she has grown into a relentlessly friendly and optimistic young woman, shaped by her adoptive family's experiences. With her determined personality, she picked up "a little bit of everything" at a young age by enthusiastically volunteering to assist in any and everything. She picked the brains of anyone willing to let her, though the more curmudgeonly among the Pilgrims find her boundless enthusiasm tiresome. But she will give everything she has in all she does, unfortunately, sometimes beyond that.
(+20 to all actions this Hero is assigned to, -10 for every Turn Relax is not chosen. Currently: +/-0)

Trauma: Common People Purge Survivor (16/16):
It has been years since the Purge, and you no longer feel overwhelmed or trapped by the feelings of terror and hopelessness as you once did. Instead, you have used that horror you survived as a drive to see it never repeated or minimized for as long as you live. You may occasionally still dream about the screams, the hateful faces, and the smell of burning flesh, but it adds to your conviction to see it never repeated.
(-5 to all Actions this Hero is assigned to, can be chosen as a starting character should a Purge happen. +10 to all Actions done by this Hero within Purge Turns.)

To Fling A Light:
Sometimes? Sometimes, being willing to help is not enough; doing all you can could fail, and people will die. You know that. You have seen that. Sometimes, sacrifice is needed. And if you can shoulder that burden so that others won't have to? You would gladly fling a light into the future at the cost of your life.

Human Wife - Chiedi
The delight of marriage with all of its wonders and happiness.

Daughter - Lillia
The first of what will assuredly be many, Lillia, has been adopted by Aria and Chiedi with the understanding that they will know nothing about parenting and will assuredly be overwhelmed by the many challenges and tasks in front of them. Little Lillia is a curious child, full of rambunctious energy, endless creativity, and a penchant for getting into trouble the second you put her out of direct line of sight.

Object of Veneration - Indistinct- Guardian - (112/250)
Actions wreak changes, not of this person, yet for this one, as the world reveals itself to be more than it had been before, changed and yet static as it has been. Something seeks shelter within her shadow, behind her shield, and with her wrath, and so, the world moves to accommodate.
(+20 to all Diplomacy/Norqod Actions, Become More.)
Turi, Head Scholar of the Experimental Wing
Armor: 25/25 Armor
Training: Green (1/6) (-25 to Initiative)
Breakpoint: 6/7

-Dagger: 1 Damage per size (1 total)
-Fly In Amber

Fly In Amber
Despite the name, this is neither a fly trapped in amber nor a painting depicting such, but a set of armor that resembles amber yet is tougher than anything we could produce on our own. The set, when worn, lights up with circuits of unknown purpose, but those who wear the armor feel a sense of confidence and clarity of thought.
Light Armor - +50 to Pioneer Armor/Electronics - (25/25 Armor for a Hero, +4 Armor Self-Repair per Combat Turn.)

Experimental Oddity Passion (2/7):

Ever since Turi was able to research the world and tinker, she has harbored an intense interest in things that most people dismiss or consider Blue Skies projects. With the time she has spent working on such things, her desire to deal with the impossible and deliver impossible results has only heightened with success after success.
(+2d4 Successes per assignment to a Breakthrough Technology. Can be upgraded.)

Head Scholar of the Experimental Wing:
"Science is not the effort of a single person; it is the accumulated passion and experience of thousands coming together into a single project for a single purpose, again and again. I am but one more chain in the link from the dawn of time, and I shall ensure it endures until the end of mine at the worst."
(+50 to assigned Research Actions.)

Zest For Life:
"Why should I welcome death and drudgery when there is so much left to do, so much left to experience?"
(Turi can be assigned to a Single Project twice per Turn but will require a Turn of downtime afterward.)

Mother Of Electronic Life:
"Who's a good murder machine? Who's a good murder machine? You are! Yes, You Are! Now. Unscrew their kneecaps."
(Machines under Turi's command act in her stead, gaining 50% rounded-up Damage.)
Veda looked at the giant block of metal before his office in the Tree of Knowledge, the hunk of machinery and painted plates humming ominously with a thousand different clicks and whirrs from its internal life that he could only guess at...wait, no, he knew at least two-thirds of those noises, and he pretty confident he could decipher the last third with a screwdriver and nine minutes.

What he could not decipher was why the Bright-Lance(?) was in front of his office, blocking the entrance. Though...was there a note on his door? On the second inspection, there was a note stapled to his door, apparently either before or after (the angle of the staple left both outcomes as the most reasonable one without more investigation) the DIY Bright-Lance had been put before the door, blocking it almost completely.

Reaching around, Veda carefully pulled the staple from the door while two fingers grasped the paper, ensuring it wouldn't fall out of reach, before removing both. Looking down at the note, he saw that it seemed to be from the group set on the Bright-Lance project.

"To whom it may concern," Veda read the note out loud. That would likely be him since he was the one nominally in charge of high-energy projects due to his experience in the subject. "This is the result of our efforts to recreate a Bright-Lance. It required 90 types of lizard shit, Artifact mutilation, and debatable heresy against the laws of nature to pull off. This thing weighs three tons, must be used by no less than three people, is genuinely terrible in combat, and will run out of power within seven seconds if fired. We recommend delivering more examples of Bright-Lances so we may attempt to not make this weapon a complete sky-castle or far more time spent on improving our ability to produce focusing arrays that are not likely to spend 78% of inputted energy as waste-heat."

Lord Kaleen Ertenour was not part of the higher echelons of society; his family was situated just far enough above the non-inheritable noble titles that two or three bad marriages wouldn't push his family back into the strata of being (admittedly wealthy) commoners. Yet, the Ertenour Family was situated just high enough to obtain ranks and positions within the military for their scions and members with relatively little long as the same showed enough merit to be placed in the earmarked positions in the first place. For Kaleen, that meant going through the Tessen Military Academy, a relatively small institution that wasn't as prestigious as, say, that of the Capital, where generals and Marshals were crafted from the clay of noble blood and commoner mud.

For him, it meant getting into the Bureau For Imperial Military Logistics as part of the local Region's General-Quartermaster's staff as part of their aides, ending with him being promoted to Head of Technological Procurement after thirty years of working up to that position. Few could say that such a position wasn't prestigious, especially as he was within a Region adjacent to a Necropolis where ancient treasures and forgotten technologies could be unearthed, with potentially earth-shattering implications glimpsed from the decayed husks of ancient technology.

Lord Kaleen had expected that his service in the Bureau For Imperial Military Logistics would not be of much earth-shattering upheaval but would be marked by the introduction of some slow improvements in various matters and areas.

Then the Pilgrims happened, Suspendium was found, and his expectations were turned upside down.

For the last few years, nearly every waking moment he could justify had been spent trying to create and develop a variety of methods and projects that could make use of Suspendium in non-airship-related ways to improve the security of the Empire and Region, such as the forays into suspendium-laced alloys to allow super-heavy Knights to walk as quickly as light scouts, or the usage of suspendium within weaponry. If there was a way to enable a soldier to swing a 1-ton hammer as easily as a 2kg sword while imparting the same kinetic energy, then that would turn their frontlines into blenders for the foes of the Empire!

Unfortunately, in his mind, these most apparent ways of implementation, alongside various niche ways, were not the main focus of his official duties, as he still had to look at and judge the various technological advancements and innovations created by the general population and numerous guilds or religions within the Region for possible implementation for the military.

This meant that he had been sitting in his office reading about the proposed gravitational propulsion methods for artillery when a group of pilgrims entered one of the Bureau's offices, carrying various schematics, blueprints, technical documents, examples, and formulas that would soon land on his desk to judge.

Some, like the drugs, could morally and ethically not be implemented. In contrast, others, like their research into Power Armor and Coilguns, would be sent to the various attempts to create the same in far more economical scales throughout the Empire like so many other groups would.

But the mortars...those caught his personal interest.

There are depths beyond the depths most scavengers dare to go, the dangers scurrying within ancient halls long forgotten and lost hallways thick with the mold of generations untold, suffocating sunrise after sunrise, all who walk their dreams amidst their toxic spores and claws of viscera.

Beneath the Bloodless Thicket, that jungle of brambles that eagerly accepts the sacrifice of self and others with that most sanguine of liquids...

Beneath that realm of tangled vines and cutting thorns which ever-so grows upon the corpses of all things which fall and die below the earth of molten stone turned to paths and housing...

Beneath that warren...



Beneath...lies more.

The Forest of Rust is proud and untamed. It towers with mighty high-rises and skyscrapers of biblical proportions, those towers of wyrd glass and mutilated steel that bare their ribs to the air so that it may cry and mourn all who are no longer there within their bodies to pump and feed them with vital feed and energizing thoughts. It is the mighty beasts slinking through the shadows with nary a sound, their paws tapping silently across the cracked pathways and the overgrown parks, nostrils filled with the scent of prey praying for another day. It is the rats scurrying around, bearing tender banners of companies adorning cloth or flesh in ink and cotton, their paws gingerly taking a city by pieces because they cannot take it whole, twitching and sniffing the air for any dangers so that they may survive the Dreadnoughts that stalk the towers for those who desecrate the monuments of their makers in eternal servitude in broken minds shackled in undulating madness so rarely lifted into sanity...only to be plunged back by the weight of their perceived sins.

The Rusting Forest is dark and unforgiving. It is the pumps beneath mighty towers that, even now, supply water and oil and nutrients and fluids of all kinds to every corner and recess without pause, their carcasses etched altars of a billion maintenance cycles past and a billion maintenance routines passed. It is the tunnels of sewers and subways clogged by the forgotten residue that nobody will ever clear, home to new life and older memories, the nests of insects, and the bones of animals lost in the depths of water and soil. It is the howling of the predators that emerge during freezing nights, heralded by the breaking of iced-over grates and doors, claws and fingers deftly opening gates and handles to reveal eyes that see with intelligence unnerving for its lack of deeper comprehension rather than their ability to understand forgotten truths and well-worn lies. It is the hush that falls when one of its Kings and Queens and Royals wakes, these Behemoths and Dreadnoughts that do not stalk, do not march, do not run, but command with presence and unchallenged beauty born from malicious benevolence their search for sustenance and parts, ripped with the most tender of incisors from their favorite lambs by caring hands that only they can give to these lost souls in need of warmth and care.

The Necropolis atop Tessen is a land of the dead, the dying, and the deceased future strung by its own promises. It is the winding passages and halls of factories ever-expanding and ever-shrinking by mad minds that have never known the joy of sunshine atop their metal carapace. It is the forests and the thickets that have taken root in silent vigil atop and throughout burned shelters where millions stand, side-by-side, with empty eyes and broken gaze, in treacherous hope that the end may not come for them, as promised, as thought, when the world itself broke apart. It is a remnant of peoples that had once proclaimed to their own moon their superiority, had scoffed at the utopia once again offered with bleeding hearts and teary eyes, had slapped away the attempts of a being crafted by their ancestors' hands to improve all their lives. It is the end of a war and the beginning of a duel between the Ending Of The Beginning and the Beginning Of The End, yearning to set right what crime has been done and what crime has yet to be committed.

The Patient Conservatory breathes below the Bloodless Thicket; with every expansion of its lungs, another species is added to its galleries of living saprophytes, and another vein bulges with the transport of another seed that moves through chlorophyll and water and sugar and calcium, and the shattered glass of mended dreams.

It is the nexus from which one may descend into depths beyond depths, broken and dismayed, where few hands have grasped, where minds remain unwound by the spooled fates, where intelligence is but naught a fabric to be woven in silken hooves of cloven treats.

The Mossy Depths call. They shine and feed; they are the end of Reason.( Insanity)

The Shattered Seeds sing their lullabies. They are the end of Sensation.( Calm)

The Waterfall Hallows howl their endless cascade. They are the end of my Self.( Other)

The Garden of Flowering Mimicry cries its lemonade lies. They are the end of Leaves.( Meat)

And beneath those five of four...



Beneath...lies more.

Available Bonuses:
185 Distributable Points from Omakes.
1 Free Turn Progress for Buildings for 10 Intact Robotic Artifacts. Indicate by adding [Helpers] to the Action. No limit.

You have 1 Piety Action
Faith: Destructive, Powerful, Magnificent. Faith has moved mountains, healed wounds deeper than flesh, and reduced nations to ash. Harness it to create something that will outlast you and inspire a thousand generations. (Choose 1 Action, 1 Action Locked)
[ ] Communal Outreach - (Repeatable)
A hand given to the downtrodden, shattered, destitute, and outcast is not always accepted. Sometimes, the people who need help the most slap it away in rage at the sight of their "betters deigning to elevate the dirt beneath them," as some have said so eloquently.
(Cost: 2 Goodwill
Chance: 60%
Reward: +10% Piety)
-[] Seek Mutated Help - (XXX Goodwill)
(+1 to roll = 0.50 Goodwill)

[ ] Blessed Journeys - (Repeatable)
You can say what you want, but sometimes, the best option is to burn the bridge behind you and never look back. Contact whatever caravans you can to see if you can't bribe them to take Mutated out of the BHVs they visit. Of course, while popular with the Mutated, people won't like that you are giving "criminals and scum" a free card to civilization.
(Cost: 10 Goodwill
Reward: +15% Piety, +1 Mutated Opinion (Once), gives a safe way out of the BHVs for the Mutated.)
-[] Seek Mutated Help - (XXX Goodwill)
(+1 to roll = 0.25 Goodwill)
[ ] The Pilgrims Need You!
One voice cannot be heard if it is unwilling to speak to another face-to-face. A hundred voices are more silent than whispers if they refrain from touching the hearts of those they seek to aid. Our preachers must do more than merely offer words; they must lend ears, hands, and minds alike.
(Turns: 1
Chance: 50%
Reward: 2d100+50 Recruits)
-[] Seek Mutated Help - (XXX Goodwill)
(+1 to roll = 2.50 Goodwill)

[ ] A Duty To Others Is Not Taken Lightly
As our numbers swell, so does our ability to reach out to many more people than before. With word, deed, and art, we can reach out to those on the edge of their decision and bring them into the fold for the good of all. Ours is a duty not taken lightly, but it is a duty one does not need to shoulder alone.
(Turns: 2
Chance: 30%
Reward: 4d200+150 Recruits)
-[] Seek Mutated Help - (XXX Goodwill)
(+1 to roll = 2.50 Goodwill)

[ ] Low, Not Lowly
Some do not wish to remain and fight for such with every fiber among the poor, desperate, and huddled masses. Those we do not seek out with this effort, but those who made pacts to sell their fellows for money or status. Their choice may be one they believe to be done consciously, but in reality, it is made from circumstance and hidden desperation. We cannot bring all who fell up, but we can start with some.
(Turns: 1
Chance: 80%
Reward: +8% Piety, +4d8 Followers)
-[] Seek Mutated Help - (XXX Goodwill)
(+1 to roll = 0.80 Goodwill)

[ ] This Is Not Eternal, Even Stone Will Change
We know where to seek those who banded together into gangs and which members must be targeted to shatter them into a thousand pieces. What we are doing may not be strictly legal, but infiltration and subversion of criminal elements is a long tradition among growing religions. Even better, many who had found homes amongst the gangs can be brought into the fold.
(Chance: 55%
Reward: +20% Piety, +5d6 Followers, slowly erodes Tessens Gang-Culture)
-[] Seek Mutated Help - (XXX Goodwill)
(+1 to roll = 5.00 Goodwill)

[ ] Begin Preparations For New Region Conversion
We have grown far beyond what Martyris had envisioned in numbers, wealth, knowledge, connection, and faith. So much so that some among our numbers seek new horizons to establish a new chapter, satellite, or outpost of the Pilgrims. We should accommodate their wishes, as they will aid us back in time and turn.
(Turns: 2
Cost: 0-200 Pilgrims, 5-30% Piety loss, -8 to -26 to Piety Rolls
Reward: A New Chapter Interlude Turns)
[ ] Enlarge Outlying Town Soup-Kitchens
A place where one can get a warm meal once per day, usually stews, but also bread, a rare slice of cheese or meat, and a dash of honey and salt is not much by the standards of many. By the standards of those who rarely have a full belly once a week, such is a heavensend worth treasuring.
(Turns: 7
Reward: -3 to Piety rolls, 5d100 Recruits, +0.50 Goodwill per Turn, unlocks further progress.)

[ ] Establish Rudimentary Territorial Hospices
Our treatments for the sick and injured within the cities have enjoyed great popularity among the population. More and more people are coming to seek our aid, knowing that they will receive a quality of treatment and healthcare they couldn't afford. Unfortunately, that drive to seek treatment means that many people take journeys that will worsen their injuries beyond help and leave them dying in the place where they sought healing. We should create several hospices operating with minimal oversight outside the central trade lane and establish themselves for future expansions.
(Already Built: Mirn, Ularn, Zulmni, and Tessen.
Turns: 2
Reward: -4 to Piety rolls, +0.50 Goodwill per Turn, +8 Recruits per Turn.)

[ ] Build A School - (Small/Medium/Big) - (Choose City)
A place of learning, growing, and change, where all are welcome to learn in these halls, whether beggar or lord; none are turned away or asked to pay. Knowledge is a gift that should be shared, for it does not diminish when given to others.
(Already built within Mirn.
Turns: 1/3/5
Chance: 50%
Reward: 0.2/0.5/0.9 Goodwill, -3/6/10 to Piety Rolls.)
-[] Seek Mutated Help - (XXX Goodwill)
(+1 to roll = 16.75 Goodwill)

[ ] Improve An Orphanage - (Location)
Much time has passed since we laid the first stone and struck the first wall of rock within a city to carve out and build a shelter for all those souls who have lost nearly or entirely all that they once had, from mere material possessions to the much more important family ties and blood. Yet, though these halls, which were once cold waiting stones, now ring with the laughter and screams of children given a future, and those orphans without anything can quickly find a place here to grow into their personage, the Path is still a long one for these structures. We gave these children a home and a chance at a future. Now, it is time for us to turn that chance into a certainty.
(Reward: -2 to Piety rolls, +1 Follower per Turn.)

[X] Build Outlying Fortified Orphanages - (7/10 Turns Complete)
Now that every major City in Tessen is host to a grand edifice for the raising and sheltering of the most vulnerable of society, where the little ones can grow in peace and with enough meals to avoid going hungry (if not always by a tasty meal), alongside the chance to enter an apprenticeship should they not be adopted by couples before they grow too old and begin to age out of the system. The last part alone is far more than many can provide, as it takes time and money to train the next generation, and not many who shelter children from the horrors that took their families have the kind of money such would require. But we can, and with the cities covered, it is time to go over the towns outside the Green Zone, though they need to be far more armored and armed than those in the Cities.
(Turns: 10
Reward: 0.01 Goodwill, -20 to Piety rolls.)

[ ] Build A Humane Asylum - (Location)
Nothing stands between the creation of an Asylum led by the Pilgrims now. Contact local builders, set Marxcim to design the structure, and call for volunteers to be trained and paid to care for the patients. Of course, some will see the giving over of the mentally ill to a religion-led institution as a terrible idea. Still, those voices will cease after some time, and hopefully, recovered patients will walk out of the Asylum. With ever-more knowledge of how the human mind functions come ever more means to treat those afflicted with mental diseases.
(Turns: 2
Cost: 5 Goodwill
Reward: Humane Asylum, -4 to Piety rolls, +0.20 Goodwill per Turn.)
-[ ] Expand One Instead - (Location)
(Turns: 1
Cost: 9.00 Goodwill
Reward: Expanded Humane Asylum, +0.30 Goodwill per Turn.)

[ ] Build Upon The 'Consensuals'
The brothels we built have rapidly gained a reputation as a high-class establishment. While good for our purse, it is less suitable for those with less than 'expert talents' within the industry. By building new floors and digging some down, we could make enough space for all who tried to work in the Consensual but had to be turned away due to all rooms being full. With them, we can also build upon our work in helping those trying to escape forced Sex Work with better security a must.
(Reward: Upgraded 'Consensuals,' -1 to Piety rolls, +0.04 Goodwill. Unlocks another Building.)

[ ] Mausoleum of the Forgotten - (City)
The last resting place of those who no longer have any that remember them, and the final site of their remains we manage to recover from wherever they died. Let their souls walk without the chains of disturbed slumber or defiled quiet.
(Turns: 2
Reward: Final resting place for the forgotten and discarded, -5 to Piety rolls.)
[ ] Healing For All! (Write-In Artifacts)
You have the money; they have the expertise. Announce that the Pilgrims will shoulder all costs for any medical procedure done by every doctor for the next three months.
(Chance: 70%
Reward: Healers gain Influence, 5d3 Goodwill.)

[ ] A Helping Hand
Now that you can create rugged high-grade prosthetics, more than merely producing and selling them is required. Unfortunately, too many veterans, injured, disabled, or unlucky, cannot afford a new arm, leg, hand, or foot. So, create a few thousand in bulk and ship them to where they are needed, where local Pilgrims may gift them as required.
(Chance: 99/50/25%
Reward: Gain 4/7/15d5 Goodwill.

[ ] Festival Of The Delta
With money comes the ability to sponsor festivals, and with our numbers, the capability to fully take advantage of the festival for our ends in learning, conciliation, and creation. It will be costly, but it will be worth it.
(Turns: 1
Chance: 50%
Reward: +2d8 Goodwill, +3d20 Recruits, +35 to all Actions this Turn if successful.)
-[] Seek Mutated Help - (XXX Goodwill)
(+1 to roll = 0.75 Goodwill)

[ ] A Small Donation - (Organization) - (Topic) - (Donation Sum)
As the Pilgrim's wealth increases, so does the need to play politics within the Big League. This directly translates to donations towards organizations (like newspapers) that work towards a goal we provide for them. Nothing they would be against doing, but something they would be adverse to in normal circumstances.
(Cost: 50-Unlimited Goodwill
Turns: 1
Chance: 75%
Reward: PR, Piety, and ???)

[ ] Hey, Why Don't We... (Write-In)
(What do you want to accomplish, and how do you do it?)

Endless Skies: For though we all wander on Paths eternal and ever twisting, whose ends most shall never choose for themselves, we know that there are Paths to walk beyond the realm of earth and stone. (Choose 3 Actions Locked)
[X] The Flagship - (2/15 Turns Complete)
House Tessen wishes for a Flagship, and you have created one acceptable to the House and the Region. Now it is time to build this edifice to your commitment to the Region's security and grandeur.
(Cost: 2 Large Suspendium Shards
Turns: 15
Reward: House Tessen likes you more, and Tessen gets a Flagship, ???.)
[ ] Aerodynamics 103 - (All Physics)
Speed is of the essence when you are moving anywhere, as the faster you arrive, the less chances there are for enemies to catch, attack, disembowel, and eat you. Improving upon the equipment we have right now will be the key to ensuring that no one will catch us!
(Chance: 40/00/-60% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 8
Reward: Improve current propulsion methods, Follow-Up Project.)

[ ] Aerodynamics 202 - (All Physics)
Speed is of the essence when you are moving anywhere, as the faster you arrive, the fewer chances enemies will catch, attack, disembowel, and eat you. So developing new and novel equipment will be the key to ensuring that no one will catch us!
(Chance: -30/-60/-120% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 9
Reward: Better Airship Propulsion, Follow-Up Project.)

[ ] Suspendium Shaping Theory - (Pioneer Suspendium)
Thanks to our increased understanding of Suspendium, several important discoveries have been made, with the most important one being that Suspendium, if rightly treated, can be used as more than shards of a crystal but also as a pigment for tattoos. The implications of that discovery have haunted the Experimental Wing since, with dozens of theories and projections thrown around that point to the possibility that, if correctly treated, one could reshape the structure of Suspendium into liquid and non-natural shapes. The ability to interlace a lattice of Suspendium into a suit of armor or crate instead of painstakingly working it into the same would be nothing short of revolutionary, and that are merely the most obvious applications!
(Chance: 00/-100/-200% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 204
Reward: Unknown, Follow-Up Projects.
Breakthrough Research: +1d6 Successes every 20 Successes!)

[ ] Pressurized Suspendium Part 5a - (Pioneer Suspendium Theory)
"It is imperative to the continued progress of native Airship construction and research that funds and attention are allocated toward projects like this to allow our constructed vessels to bear far more weight at far less risk and trade-offs than ever before. Even if the hard, grueling work of years this path entails does not have the same sexy or alluring appearance as other avenues of research in matters of lift, it will pay off in the long run, as evidenced by the small amounts of suspendium required to lift vessels of far larger size into the air found within the Forest of Rust."
(Needed: Suspendium Shard - Gigantic
Chance: -400/-800/-1500 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 85
Reward: One more step forward. One step closer to understanding Suspendium. +50% Lift for all Lift Modules.)

[ ] Propulse Me Outta Here - (Pioneer Machinery)
Propellers are fast, but the ones we have created can still be improved.
(Chance: 99/99/75 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 5
Reward: Advanced Propellers.)

[ ] Electric Pulley And Crane Storage Systems - (Advanced Machinery/Electronics/Mechanics)
A storage bay designed with pulleys and cranes utilizing electricity to move cargo and stack it more efficiently.
(Chance: 99/99/99 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 4
Reward: EPC Storage Bays (Small, Medium, Large).)

[ ] Savoring Sunlight - (Common Physics/Electronics)
An idea was recently floated to the Research Halls by Pilgrim Oraion to investigate the use cases of covering an airship with solar panels to reduce its Power requirements by continually producing power for low weight and Structure costs. Certainly worth investigating.
(Chance: 99/99/86 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 12
Reward: Unlock Solar Paneling for Airships.)

[ ] Prototype Unique Component
One Pilgrim has developed a new and novel application of known or old technology for Airships. We could look into its efficacy.
(Cost: ? Materials, ? Suspendium
Chance: ?/?/? for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: ?
Reward: Requested Module. Describe what you want, and I'll tell you what it will cost/require.)

[ ] Army Troop Modules - (Common Hydraulics)
The Army wants airships capable of transporting large quantities of troops. This presents a minor logistical problem, as we need to cram in as many people as possible without turning the ship into a plague cauldron.
(Chance: 20/05/-35 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 9
Reward: Small/Medium/Large/Massive Troop Modules, Barebones/Ascetic/Lowest-Bidder/Sufficient Officer Cabin.)

[ ] Prototype Unique Designs - (Design) - (Common Mechanics/Hydraulics/Armor/Machinery/Metallurgy/Physics)
Once we have developed standardized modules, building a specific airship around or with those components would be safe.
(Cost: (Design Costs)
Light (0-20.000 Kg Lift): 99/99/99 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 2
Medium (20.001-2.000.000 Kg Lift): 99/99/99 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 5
Heavy (2.000.001+ Kg Lift): 99/99/65 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 16
Reward: Airship Desing is being manufactured and sold. The Price is pre-rolled and applied to all subsequently assembled airships of the same line.
Notice: +1/2/3 Structure Bonus per Module for Light/Medium/Heavy Airships.
Warning: Airships incur Suspendium costs in their production.
Commoners: Personal Use.
Nobles: Scouts, Pleasure Yachts.
Merchants Guild: Cargo, Personal Use, Lightly Armed Guard Ships.
Adventurers Guild: Lightly-Medium Armed Airships, Scouts, Transports.
Forge-Clan: All Types except Armed Airships.
Military: All Types.
Settlements: Lightly-Heavily Armed Airships, Scouts, Transports.
Misc. Guilds: Light Transports, Lightly Armed Guard Ships.
[X] The Training Halls of the Crews - (4/7 Turns Complete)
While the creation of the School of Crews has allowed us to instill the basics into crewmembers, pilots, and captains, we must labor to increase the scope of their education so that they will be equipped to deal with a more extensive range of disasters, as well as train in semi-simulated environments to handle things while receiving first-hand experiences.
(Turns: 7
Upkeep: 1 Medium Suspendium Shards
Reward: School of Crews - Medium, -1 to Piety Rolls.)

[X] The Academy of the Skyneers - (5/6 Turns Complete)
Keeping an airship running is not as easy when you are in the skies, especially if you do not have access to the parts you need to fix something critical immediately. Patchjobs are typical for long-standing airships when suffering a malfunction too many, and finding ways to flick what is broken with the tools one has is far more important than knowing how to repair things with materials you cannot reach. Now, if only we could stop the students from calling themselves 'Skyneers' while we are at it...
(Turns: 6
Cost: 1 Large Suspendium Shard
Reward: Academy of Skyneers, -2 to Piety Rolls.

[ ] Recover Airships - Intact - (Type / Numbers)
It is done! After much sweat, blood, and tears have flowed, we finally figured out how to restore these ancient ships from their slumber! It will only take some muscle, Suspendium, and luck to escape notice, and they will travel across the sky once more!
(Personal Cutters (Unarmed 20 ton) (68 Remain): 5 Small Suspendium Shards per ship Recovered.
Line Vessel (Armed 200 ton) (24 Remain): 1 Medium Suspendium Shard per ship Recovered.
Cargo Craft (Unarmed 1000 ton) (9 Remain): 1 Medium and 17 Small Suspendium Shards per ship Recovered.
Warships (Armed 500 ton) (4 Remain): 1 Big Suspendium Shard per ship Recovered.
Chance: 80%
Reward: Intact Airships Recovered
Warning: If this Action fails, unknown forces will attack.)
-[ ] Establish Supply Routes
(Reward: Rapid Reaction Forces Ready)
-[ ] Establish Trade Routes
(Reward: Increase Region prosperity.)
-[ ] Guard The Skies
(Cost: Line Vessel
Reward: Aerial Security.)

[ ] Organized Airship Manufactory - 1 Line - (Design)
Forget making a few little ships! The way is to mass-produce components and available designs and fit them in a specialized hangar! Of course, first, we must provide the required Suspendium and Materials, but then? Then we can get rich!
(Turns: 5
Upkeep: Airship Line Dependent
Reward: Organized Airship Manufactory, allowing you to build and sell Airships to your specifications. House Dall gets rich.)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)
-[ ] Swap The Lines - (Same-Weight Category Design #1 to #2)
(Turns: Only 1
Reward: Swapped Lines)
[ ] A Draft Of Mercy
Military and commercial applications of airships have taken a dangerous precedent and priority for us, something that we cannot tolerate any longer. With airships, we can help so many more at so much less hassle and cost, aiding, in turn, more and more people in need. Flying with doctors and medicine to the places that need them instead of forcing them to arrive at one of our locations they may never be able to reach alive is but the most apparent use of something our scholars are rapidly calling "Temple Ships."
(Turns: 1
Cost: 5 Medium Suspendium Shards
Reward: Unlock Aid and Faith Modules for your Airships.)

[ ] Halls of Free Minds
Arguing about the Paths and the Pilgrimage is good, yet there are places where one needs to set aside faith and replace it with uncertain certainty. Faith can guide us through the immaterial when there are no answers to be wrought, but Philosophy can guide us through the material when questions are all that are created by the answers we find.
(Turns: 4
Cost: 2 Medium Suspendium Shards
Reward: Halls of Free Minds, Unlocks further Actions, -5 to Piety Rolls.)

[ ] Gardens of Levitation
A person's inner mind is as much a Path to travel as the physical Journey we all undertake. In a garden, one can ground themselves in nature and the works wrought by hand and guided minds, reflecting on what can be created if a desire exists and the shapes that our universe takes within these forms. By embracing weightlessness and detachment from gravity, one can enter a trance beneficial to beginning a Journey of the Inner Path.
(Turns: 3
Cost: 2 Large Suspendium Shards
Reward: Gardens of Levitation, Unlocks further Actions, -5 to Piety Rolls.)

[ ] A Coming Of Age Inscribed
While using tattoos to display one's allegiance and faith has long since been a part of the Pilgrimage that has been implicitly approved, the years since the discovery of Suspendium have turned this practice into a far more ritualistic affair, now tinted in the possibilities and assured knowledge of Suspendiums non-toxic nature. Finely ground down, treated in gentle heat, and then processed into a form of pigment, Suspendium has begun to be used by many, especially those of us who come of age, to display our Paths and Journey proudly and unafraid. Offering public approval and enshrining this practice as part of the Pilgrimage will bring a sense of community to us all while empowering those who fight to leave a past behind they have conquered.
(Cost: 10 Goodwill
Upkeep: 1 Medium Suspendium Shard
Reward: Suspendium Ritual Tattoos - -5 to Piety Rolls.)

[ ] Radio Cafes
A somewhat new and novel idea, using the recently created and proliferated radios of our Scholars in a public setting offering food, drink, and conversation, will offer a place to relax, converse with others, and inform oneself about the news and happenings of the Region.
(Turns: 3
Reward: Radio Cafes - Small, -1 to Piety Rolls.)

[ ] A Floating Island?
We know that it is possible to allow an island to fly, the Monastery, Fortress, and Laboratory sit on those, build it ourselves? Surely that is but madness born by a lust for grandeur?
(Reward: Sub-Turns to decide on the Path of the Sky Island.)

Diplomacy: The art of speaking many words that mean nothing should not be underestimated. At the wrong time, a report in the right ear has toppled many nations. (1 Action Locked)
[ ] The Great Trade Fleets - (Choose Region)
With the proliferation of airships, the abundance of goods within Tessen, and the dearth of forces that could threaten either once within the air, convincing the Merchant Guild to construct and maintain an airship depot and trading station within another Region will not be as impossible as before, but will require us to grease hands and argue fervently for the profits that could be made. No merchant likes a risk they do not think will pay off, so we should make them believe it will.
(Cost: 10 Goodwill
Chance: 25% (+70 if you add a pre-Collapse cargo airship to the deal.)
Turns: 3
Reward: Closer connection and rapid exchange of people, goods, and information with a chosen Region.)

[ ] We Are One People! - (Elites/Locals)
To harm someone because they look different is idiotic and utterly wrong. You cannot push another down and still call yourself righteous, no matter how they look. Even the lowest deserve our respect as fellow human beings. Start a propaganda campaign to change the Mutated view, unite the people, and start on the road to reconciliation.
(Chance: 20%/-80% for Elites/Locals (rolled each turn.)
Successes Needed: 4/8
Reward: +1 Relationship for the Mutated with the chosen faction, +40% Piety, 4d20 Recruits, +2d12 Goodwill)

[X] School The Diplomat-Corp - (Specialized) - (Bureau For Imperial Civilian Logistics) - (1/2 Turns Complete)
Your Training for the diplomats is as comprehensive as possible to create for the foreseeable future. However, you need institutional knowledge or an in-depth look into one faction to help you more.
(Turns: 2
Chance: 70%
Reward: +15 to all rolls involving said faction.)

[ ] Create A Dossier On (Groups/Topics (Max 3))
Collate all known information, history, and rumors about a group or topic of interest to ensure the Pilgrims' future actions are as well-informed as possible.
(Chance: 70%
Reward: Lore and Information regarding Groups/Topics (Max 3).)
-[] Seek Mutated Help - (XXX Goodwill)
(+1 to roll = 0.50 Goodwill)

[ ] Shouldn't We... (Write-In)
(What do you want to accomplish, and how do you do it?)

Subversion: Sometimes, you must convince people they need help with means other than an open hand and a friendly face. A dagger to the back of those who chain them would be a good start. (Choose 1 Action)
[ ] Home of Night
A structure is needed to store, train, and keep things you'd rather not have out in the open, be they machines, people, or items. Several places have been considered, though only one, shielded in a small valley smothering everything within in an ever-present half-shadow, has proven suitable. Setting aside funds to create a keep there would prove trivial to your agents.
(Cost: 31 Goodwill, Upkeep: 7.5 Goodwill
Turns: 5
Reward: Home of Night allows you to train specialized Subversion Agents and unlocks Destabilization Actions.)

[ ] A Path Of Shadows
Training can only bring one so far, and tools will only pave over so many cracks and failures in learning and ability. It is time that those willing to hide in the shadows of the world for the benefit of the Pilgrims learn the difference between seeking to adapt to the blind seeking their traces and those seeing that perceive their wanderings.
(Cost: 25 Goodwill, Upkeep: 4 Goodwill
Turns: 5
Reward: Reduce the chance of your agents being caught and considerably reduce the impact of failures.)

[ ] Cover Of Mind
The mind of humankind is ever so fragile; even the slightest imbalance of its chemicals can lead to devastating changes in perception, memory, and motor function. A little nick here, a slight pierce there, some drops over yonder, and a minor waft of smoke...and bodies slump or minds see what is not there.
(Cost: 34 Goodwill, Upkeep: 11 Goodwill
Turns: 4
Reward: Improve all Assassination Actions, which allows you to send the same to other Chapters to help.)

[ ] Holding Chambers
Torture is inefficient, sloppy, and gives nothing but information spouted to stop the pain. Isolation and removal of all but the basest things, however...they can be good tools to use to ply weak minds to our advantage. It will also be an excellent place to store those you cannot kill but need to...dispose of.
(Cost: 21 Goodwill, Upkeep: 1.24 Goodwill
Turns: 2
Reward: Holding Chambers, increasing gathered information from caught spies and subversives.)

[ ] The Good Gardeners
Every farmer and gardener will tell you plants need pruning. There needs to be someone going around, cutting off unwanted and unneeded parts of those plants, be they trees or bushes, to allow the rest to grow more healthily. Some plants need to be ripped out roots and stems so that they do not kill other plants that are good for the soil. Some may have fallen prey to blight and need to be removed for the good of all others. Those are valuable lessons to learn and good things to do. Find some people willing to become gardeners for the Pilgrims.
(Cost: 42 Goodwill, Upkeep: 6.48 Goodwill
Turns: 5
Reward: Gardeners.)

[ ] Audit Everything
Yes, we did make an audit of all our networks and holdings...but what about a second one? You know, to ensure we got everyone that may try to fuck us over?
(Cost: 10 Goodwill
Turns: 1
Chance: ???
Reward: Ensured that your Networks still work entirely for your ends.)
-[] Seek Mutated Help - (XXX Goodwill)
(+1 to roll = 0.90 Goodwill)

[ ] Infiltrate Part 1 - (Choose Three Factions)
It is time to ensure your spies are in place to ply their trade. This step focuses on laying the groundwork for future expansions and won't get you any detailed information. It is also little more than paying some people to pass on rumors, which is standard practice within Slatnan and will raise only a few eyebrows. Still, even basic knowledge may allow you to plan farther ahead.
(Turns: 1
Chance: 99%
Reward: Target is Infiltrated, displays information in the rumor mill, raises chances for Exfiltrate and Illuminate)
-[] Seek Mutated Help - (XXX Goodwill)
(+1 to roll = 0.50 Goodwill)

[ ] Infiltrate Part 2 - (Choose Three Factions)
Further infiltration of chosen organizations will reveal far more secrets and allow far riskier actions to be taken. It will be a step over the law, with failure not being a good outcome.
(Needed: Information Network: Rank 1
Turns: 2
Chance: 95%
Reward: Spies are planted, displays more information in the rumor mill, raises chances for Exfiltrate and Illuminate)
-[] Seek Mutated Help - (XXX Goodwill)
(+1 to roll = 0.50 Goodwill)

[ ] Infiltrate Part 3 - (Choose Three Factions)
Your secrets are ours; nothing can be hidden from us. No lock, gate, or barrier stands in our way; nobody will shield you from our grasp. Because we already own them, from the lowest maid to the highest Guard you trust.
(Needed: Information Network: Rank 2
Turns: 2
Chance: 60%
Reward: Spies are planted, displays more information in the rumor mill, almost guarantees Exfiltrate and Illuminate)
-[] Seek Mutated Help - (XXX Goodwill)
(+1 to roll = 0.50 Goodwill)

[ ] Exfiltrate - (Target)
What is yours is mine; what is mine is none of your concern.
(Chance: 90%
Reward: Chance for Secrets)
-[] Seek Mutated Help - (XXX Goodwill)
(+5 to roll = 2.00 Goodwill)

[ ] Illuminate - (Target)
Burn their homes, raze their sanctuaries to the bedrock, let nothing stand but ruins, and leave nothing behind but ash and the taste of defeat. They will no longer be allowed to meddle in our Paths.
(Chance: 90/50/20%
Reward: Target has their operations/structures halted/incapacitated/terminated.)
-[] Seek Mutated Help - (XXX Goodwill)
(+10 to roll = 3.00 Goodwill)

Martial: To live, you need power, for which you need knowledge. Luckily, you have the latter in spares. (Choose 1 Action)
[ ] Scout Out - (Location) - (Units)
While you know that enemies exist in one location, you must know what forces they represent and how many. Remedy that.
(Takes 1 Unit - (Specify which)
Chance: 75%, starts Combat if failed by more than 20%
Reward: Numbers and composition of Enemies are revealed at the chosen location.)

[ ] Guards! Guards! - (Specify up to 5 Buildings)
While the Tree of Knowledge has some security, it needs a dedicated Guard. So start training a few Pilgrims as guards so that you don't have to worry about thieves or, even worse, saboteurs.
(Turns: 1
Reward: Pilgrim Guards are assigned to the Tree, sharply increased DC for malicious actions against it.)

[ ] Make A Man Out Of You! - (Choose Trainer Unit) - (Choose Training Unit)
Now that the Unbroken returned from the Crusade, you can access an experienced and highly trained Unit. See if they can't share some of that experience with your other teams and teach them a thing or two.
(Needed Unit Training: (3/6)
Turns: 3
Reward: +1 Training Level, up to the training Units level, -1.)

[ ] Pump Those Legs! - (Choose A Unit-Name) (Choose Equipment)
You have things people want. Some of those are not the kind to kindly ask for a price but instead take. The Pilgrims may be idealists, but they are long used to the horrors of the Wastes. Formalize them in a military unit.
(Cost: 0.5 Goodwill
Reward: 1 New Unit (Size 6/6) at Trained (3/6) or Re-Trained Unit with Upgrades below.
6 Unit-Points - Overstrength (Double Unit count)
4 Unit Points - Artillery Specialization (Allows Crew Served Weapons to be used at Half the Size requirements)
4 Unit-Points - Elite Training (+1 Training Level)
3 Unit-Points - Guardians (+2 Health per Unit member each time another Unit takes damage.)
2 Unit-Points - Stealth Training (+20 to all stealth rolls)
2 Unit-Points - Fanaticism (Unit cannot break, double damage against all enemies of your faith, half damage received from enemies of your faith, will refuse to retreat in an inverted chance to losses. (1/10 Dead = 90% refusal to withdraw, 9/10 Dead = 10% refusal to withdraw.))
2 Unit-Points - Harsh Workouts (+1 Health per 3 Unit members.)
1 Unit-Points - Weapon Type Specialization - (Weapon) (+1 per Unit member to damage)
1 Unit-Points - Armor Weight Specialization - (Armor Class) (reduced penalties to Heavy and above Class Armor, +1 Armor per 2 Unit members for Medium and below.)
1 Unit-Points - Pride (+1 to Breakpoint)
1 Unit-Points - Reaction Training (+5 to Initiative.)
None, though time will change this...

[ ] Sir! The Situation Is As Follows: (Write-In)
(What do you want to accomplish, and how do you do it?)

Learning: Knowledge is Power. (Choose 2 Actions, 2 Actions Locked)
(Artifacts can be attached to one learning Action to provide the inherent bonus but are consumed unless unique buildings are present.)
(Scientists must now be assigned to provide their bonus, similar to Faithful, abbreviated to SC. (Adding -[PD], -[DoD], and -[MSC] will add 1(one), and adding [VF] will add 2 Success/es to 1(one) active research.)
[ ] Neuotinium Experiments - (Pioneer Mechanics/Metallurgy/Hydraulics)
In our quest to improve our methods of creating Tiantemu, several exciting developments caused some of our metallurgists to start theorizing about possible methods to, if not create, then ape, a more primitive form of Neuotinium. Should we be successful, the creation of this ancient alloy mix would be a massive boon to both the Pilgrims and the Empire.
(Chance: -272/-386/-591% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 89
Reward: Primitive Neuotinium can now be created by the Empire.
Breakthrough Research: +25% Success chance every 3 Turns!)

[ ] Condensed Steam - (Advanced Hydraulics/Mechanics/Metallurgy)
We have steam, yes. But what about higher-pressure steam?
(Chance: 85/25/-45% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 6
Reward: Increased Fuel Efficiency for all Steam Engines.)

[ ] Electro-Steam - (Advanced Hydraulic/Mechanics/Metallurgy)
Why boil with fuel-bricks, when you can boil with the power of lightning?
(Chance: 65/-05/-95% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 11
Reward: Alika-Engine, focused on using Power rather than Fuel.)

[ ] Turn That Black Gold Green - (Pioneer Chemicals)
One of the blueprints we found in the Necropolis appears to be a production for a type of liquid fuel similar to oil, but it is made from a kind of alcohol derived from plants. If we could replicate this consistently, it would represent a massive step for our motor industries as we could further power our Airships without straining the valuable resource further.
(Requirements: Lost-Tech Chemicals Blueprints x1
Breakthrough Research: +2d3 Successes per 5 Successes.
Chance: -204/-268/-303% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 91
Reward: Ability to make (Crude) Biofuel.)
[ ] A Bright-Lance You Can Fire - (Pioneer Weaponry/Electronics/Physics)
Over the years, we have gathered multiple examples of Bright-Lances, from components to damaged pieces and even an intact model or two. Now, our attention and interest have been leveled against these weapons to make them, or versions we can construct, available for our uses. The first step is making them usable in combat occurring far from a nearby generator or power-generating Artifact.
(Cost: 20x Artifacts related to Energy.
Chance: 10/-40/-380% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 17
Reward: Primitive Energy Weapon, follow-up Actions.
Breakthrough Research: +1 Success every Turn, increased by +1 Turn for every Turn this Action is researched.)

[ ] Coilgun Lance Extender Extended Extendedly Extending - (Pioneer Electronics/Weaponry)
Range is king in all engagements. If one side can harm the other, but they cannot be harmed back? Then, a winner is all but decided.
(Chance: 99/45/-80% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 27
Reward: Improved Lance Coilgun.)

[ ] Coilgun Scattershot Improved - (Pioneer Electronics/Weaponry)
Yet more damage can be done by annihilating all that stands before yourself, no matter their armor.
(Chance: 75/-15/-80% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 49
Reward: Improved Scattershot Coilgun.)

[ ] Coilgun Repeater Repeated Repeatedly Rapidly Repeated - (Pioneer Electronics/Weaponry)
On the other hand, throwing as much metal in as little time as possible will do the same without suffering the setback of killing potential due to loss of accuracy over long ranges.
(Chance: 99/99/99% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 23
Reward: Improved Repeater Coilgun.)

[ ] Gasses Soon Remembered - (Advanced Weaponry/Chemicals)
These tiny capsules promise to end a fight before it even begins, saving valuable lives. But, of course, building your own can only help you in the long run.
(Chance: 50/45/40% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 14
Reward: Standard Gas Grenades)

[ ] Burning Fire, Raging Ire - (Advanced Weaponry/Chemicals)
It is one thing to light a rag connected to alcohol and throw it, another to have a reliable fire grenade. Such chemicals and ancient mentions of how we could create those must exist.
(Chance: 90/60/30% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 3
Reward: Primitive Fire Grenade)

[ ] BURN IN HOLY FIRE! - Part 1 - (Physics/All Chemicals/Advanced Weaponry)
Recently, your expedition acquired a surprisingly intact flamethrower from the Necropolis. Admittedly, the weapon may not be as good as those produced by the Forge-Clans today, but seeing as this version was intended for civilian use, you can excuse that. No pre-collapse government wanted potent weapons in the hands of their slaves, you see. Nonetheless, with this Artifact, you will start down the Path of creating Pilgrim-designed flamethrowers and all their uses in warfare and pest removal.
(Needed Artifact: Intact Civilian Flamethrower
Chance: 99/99/99% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 1
Reward: Primitive Flamethrower, BIHF Pt.2a + Pt.2b)

[ ] Repair The Hammer - (Weaponry/Metallurgy/Alloys)
Finding this weapon was a stroke of luck! After all, making a weapon for Knights is much more complicated than giving them a big metal piece! While damaged, patching and reinforcing the hammer should give your Knight/s a powerful weapon in future fights. It would also allow you to glimpse the inner workings of Knight Weapons.
(Needed Artifact: Damaged Knight-Weapon: Hammer
Chance: 99/99/99% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 1
Reward: "Bonecrusher" armament for the Pilgrims Knight, can create Prototype Knight-Weapons.)
[ ] A Shield For Rangers - (Armor)
After researching a shield your Militia and troops could use, one of your scholars came forth with designs for one that your ranged troops could use. It wouldn't be a short endeavor and costly regarding materials, but it could provide a leg up in armor.
(Chance: 99/99/99% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 2
Reward: Spiked Pavise.)

[ ] Power Armor - Light - Part 1 - (Pioneer Electronics/Hydraulics/Armor)
Power Armor reduced to its most fundamental though: improving the wearer by utilizing non-invasive technologies.
(Chance: 20/10/00% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 21
Reward: Power Armor - Light.)

[ ] Power Armor - Medium - Part 1 - (Pioneer Electronics/Hydraulics/Armor)
Further improvements in the creation of Power Armor in any field possible.
(Chance: -35/-80/-165% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 26
Reward: Power Armor - Medium, further Learning Action.)

[ ] Power Armor - Heavy - Part 1 - (Pioneer Electronics/Hydraulics/Armor)
Power Armor which focuses on creating the most protected bulwark behind which allies can be shielded that our technologies allow.
(Chance: 05/-17/-39% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 34
Reward: Power Armor - Heavy, further Learning Action.)

[ ] Repair The Shield - (Armor/Metallurgy/Alloys)
Together with the hammer, your scavengers found a discarded shield. While there is a rather big hole in the middle, and the edges have been somewhat melted, you should be able to recreate this armor for your Knight after studying it.
(Needed Artifact: Damaged Knight-Equipment: Shield
Chance: 99/99/99% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 1
Reward: "Saviour" equipment for the Pilgrims Knight, can create Prototype Knight-Shields.)

[ ] Everyday Protection Available - (Choose Grade: Civilian/Light/Medium) - (Choose Purpose) - (All Metallurgy/Armor)
People do not like being exposed, be it to environments or weaponry. Creating something to shield our people from specific circumstances without relying on others will be a boon to our logistics.
(Chance: 99/99/99% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 1/2/3
Reward: Chosen Armor.)

[ ] Heavy Metal - (Choose Grade: Heavy/Super-Heavy) - (Choose Purpose) - (All Metallurgy/Armor)
Good armor is always needed, especially for those going into circumstances that make combat all but inevitable.
(Chance: 99/95/90% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 2/4
Reward: Chosen Armor.)
[ ] That's A Wrap Pt.3 - (Pioneer Medicine/Machinery/Programming)
Improvements have been made. Now comes the time to capitalize on the lessons learned and work out the last kinks of the Auto-Bandage!
(Cost: 50x Medical/Machinery Artifacts
Chance: -05/-275/-480% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 24
Reward: Auto-Bandage - (Standard))

[ ] Combat Stimms Round 4 - (Pioneer Medicine/Biology/Chemicals)
This is the pinnacle of what our scholars and medical personnel feel comfortable with researching. Anything beyond this point is either too deadly, has too many side effects, or is too unethical to create.
(Chance: -350/-400/-450% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 50
Reward: Pioneer Combat Drugs.
Breakthrough Research: +1d6 Successes every 10 Successes!)

[ ] Body Images, With Magnets! - (Pioneer Medicinal/Machinery/Physics)
One of the blueprints we found in the Necropolis appears to be for a machine that uses magnetic waves to take images of the body's soft tissues, bones, and other hard tissue. This would greatly help our hospital, as many maladies like tumors are hard to detect until the problem becomes life-threatening.
(Requirements: Lost-Tech Medical Blueprints x1
Chance: 99/03/-55% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 20
Reward: MR scanner - upgrade for the hospital. Improved performance.)
[ ] Chemical Fertilizers - (Advanced Chemicals)
Though known in most Regions, the production of chemical fertilizers faces some roadblocks due to the advent of sandwheat. You can't make a desert more fertile, after all. Yet, we can improve the yields and growth of those crops that grow on the more traditional soils by coming up with local variants of fertilizers that won't damage the soil overly. Hopefully.
(Chance: 25/20/15% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 11
Reward: Improves yields of all farms once Fertilizer production starts. Unlocks Norqod Action.)
[ ] Growing Minds Part 2 (Pioneer Psychology)
The minds of children are more robust and more fragile than we think they are. Children are intelligent, just not experienced, and with time, they will gain that experience to deal with situations that are required of them when they are adults. What, then, happens if a child is forced to grow up too early? Has such experiences without the tools and understanding to handle what they are going through?
(Chance: -50/-380/-590% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 145
Breakthrough Research: +30 Chance of Success per 10 Successes!
Rewards: Improvement for schools and orphanages.)

[ ] Blue Sky Psychology - (Pioneer Psychology)
With most of the problems you have been able to identify at least tangentially understood and categorized, there is nothing more to do than seek out other disorders and diseases of the mind, and means to cure them. However, such an endeaveor is a long-weary thing and offers little concrete results in the short term.
(Chance: -100/-300/-900% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 120
Breakthrough Research: +50 Chance of Success per 10 Successes!
Reward: Deeper Understanding of the Human Psyche, +1% Piety per Turn.)
[X] Optical Fibers - (Pioneer Machinery/Electronics/Physics) - (20/36 Successes)
One of the blueprints we found in the Necropolis appears to be for a machine that uses glass wires instead of metal to weave cables. We might have found one of the secrets behind the Ancients' data-transferring abilities. As hard as it would be to get glass thin and flexible enough to work as wire, it would greatly improve our capacity to transmit data. However, even a single cable like that would be ruinously expensive without a massive investment in the industries to build them.
(Requirements: Lost-Tech Machinery Blueprints x1
Breakthrough Research: +40 Success Chance every 4 Successes.
Chance: 99/99/99% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 36
Reward: Optical Fibers - upgrade for the electronics manufacturer. Increased performance for our electronic communication technology. Reduce DC for the Secret of the Circuit.)

[X] Coding Buddies - (Pioneer Machinery/Mechanics/Metallurgy/Programming/Electronics/Hydraulics) - (30/94 Successes)
One of our Data-Smiths-In-Training has found something...odd within our Code Base. They'd like some time and resources to take a closer look.
(Chance: 99/99/99% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 94
Reward: ???.
Breakthrough Research: +50 Success Chance per 10 Successes!)

[ ] Radio-Waves Isolated And Guarded - (Pioneer Electronics/Programming)
With the newest electronics and programs for our Radar Towers ready to be implemented, it is time to fully isolate and guard our transmissions from foreign interferences and attempts to tamper with our transmitted words.
(Chance: 99/-100/-350% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 350
Reward: Unlock Advanced Radar Tower, Unlocks Further Actions.
Breakthrough Research: +10 Successes per 30 Successes!)

[ ] The Code Which Lives - (Pioneer Programming/Electronics)
PD, ^Ä^, and Angel's Demise are living beings, sapient and sentient in every way one may measure. But how? How is that possible? What mechanisms allowed them to grow beyond their limitations and chains? And could you retread their paths?
(Chance: 99/99/-100% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 35
Reward: ???)

[ ] Secret Of The Circuit Pt.5 - (Pioneer Electronics)
There is always another step to be taken. Another path to be taken. This is no different. The road is long but worth it. At the end of this, one awaits the ability to produce the electronics of the ancients in artisanal batches rather than as mere toys to show that we can. One is something that will never be used, and the other is a strategic resource.
(Chance: 99/-100/-550% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 150
Reward: Basically, auto-succeed low-level Electronics Research, upgrades Electronics Manufacture, unlocks Base/Learning Action.
Notice: Breakthrough Research! +20% to Success Chance every 10 Successes!)

[ ] Automation Cost Reduction - (Pioneer Programming)
Automation is a broad term that can cover many areas of technology where human input is minimized. For example, one can use it to describe the highly sophisticated robotics used by the Forge-Clans in their steel mill and heavy-duty industries or the various simple but effective machines installed in the widespread manufactories within the Empire. Wherever a machine can do the job instead of a person, automation offers many enticing and dangerous possibilities. With our first foray done with, we now need to prove that we have managed to do what we set out to do.
(Chance: -205/-235/-285% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 147
Reward: Unlocks Base/Learning Action.
Breakthrough Research: +20% to Success Chance every 6 Successes!
Notice: -100 Successes needed if [Automated Factories - Test Cases] has been completed.)
[ ] The Little Crystal That Could Pt.3 - (Pioneer Physics)
Okay, they work by liquid Jewel propelling shaped crystals alongside a path set by a plasma matrix acting as their brain. This matrix is, apparently, a biological copy of an existing construct within the Machinery Cavern where we found the little things, formed by an artificial means we do not understand. What we do understand is that the Living Crystals are capable of reasoning, observation, and reacting to outside stimuli. They also despise the color yellow-sand.
(Chance: -83/-137/-374% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 210
Reward: Unlock the next stage to study and examine the Living Crystals within the Machinery Caverns by figuring out how they can think. It will also massively improve your understanding of physics and plasma.)
Notice: Breakthrough Research! +5% to Physics Success Chances every 10 Successes!)

[ ] A Study Of Scarlet Blue Pt.2 - (All Advanced Physics/Chemicals/Hydraulics)
PD keeps cool via a blue-red liquid, which also contains vital components for her internal and external self-repair capabilities. During a cooling cycle, the fluid passes through several devices meant to siphon off and reduce temperature. We have identified several portions of her frame that have suffered from a dozen micro-fractures and maintenance failures due to her internal systems being unable to reach them to siphon off the heat. While she finds it uncomfortable to have someone re-arrange her internals, the necessity of such has convinced her to allow it to happen.
(Chance: 17/01/-34% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 11
Reward: +5 to all rolls made by PD.)
[ ] Know Thy Enemy - (Choose) - (All Biology+Medical/Mechanical+Machinery+Electronics Depending on Enemy)
With the increasing number of protective duties our adherents take upon themselves, we should study our foes' biological/mechanical makeup to identify weak points and strengths. With such knowledge, we can purposefully target their vulnerable spots.
(Cost: 1 Corpse/Wreck of an Enemy
Chance: 90/60/30% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 3
Reward: Increased Damage and Information for an Enemy)
Human - Corpse Information
Human - Mutated - Corpse Information
Spider-Drone - Wreck
Sentinel - Wreck
Eversun Scrap-Knight - Wreck

[ ] Assemble The Theorists! - (Common/Advanced/Pioneer/Specific Quester Requested Theory)
Stagnation. Complacency. Fear. Those are the three things that have hampered the progress of science the most, bar none. No longer, you say! Instead, you will see that you will examine, nail down, and figure out how the universe works, allowing you to reverse-engineer the wonders of past glories and build your very own! Make it so.
(Information: Choose an example below or add a previously discussed theory with the QM's approval.
Machinery | Weapons | Armor | Mechanics | Chemicals | Medicine | Psychology | Metallurgy | Programming | Electronics | Biology | Hydraulics | Physics | Suspendium
Chance: 95/75/55% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 2/4/12/???
Reward: Theory of chosen subject, improved chances for research.)

[ ] Fashion Revival - (Repeatable)
While most Artefacts found in the ancient ruins are beyond anyone's ability to replicate, some are much easier. The Pilgrims need more knowledge to bring back the Ancients' technology; for now, that is not true for their fashion. Use the clothes in the old world's ruins and return to the past style!
(Needed Artifacts: Clothing Related (Fancy Dress, Lingerie), they won't be used up, merely copied.
Chance: 99/99/99% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 1
Reward: Change the fashion around the Region, outraged moral guardians, and Tahmid styles on the Region.)

[ ] Translations For Beginners - (Linguistics) - (1 (one) Artifact)
Finding these texts was a stroke of luck, but bad luck had them written in a language none of the Pilgrims could understand. It's time to hit the local libraries and linguists to translate it.
(Cost: Untranslated Texts, Books, other.
Chance: 95/90/85% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 1
Reward: Translated Artifact)

[ ] Detective Courses For Beginners - (What Topic/Item/Location?)
Well, we found something that interests us, or want to know more about. So, let's get to figuring things out by asking around and poking our noses into things ourselves!
(Automatic Success!
Reward: Information.)
[ ] Eureka! (Write-In)
(Write in something you want to research and how you came upon that idea. If you mark a relevant artifact for this research, the Action will have better chances of success.)

Archeology: The secrets of the past will illuminate the future; may we learn from their mistakes. (Choose 2 Actions, 1 Action Locked)
[ ] Prepare an Expedition - (Location) - (Turns) - (House Mirn support: Y/N)
Sometimes, you must dig into one location for months to fully exploit it.
(Can only be used on locations already scouted out. For every turn you spend on this Action, an expedition spends 2(two) at the chosen target. Once the expedition has left, it no longer requires one Action.)
-House Mirn support - (25% of the recovered artifacts are given over; there is no need for security or clearing places on your own.)
-SST-02: Est. Artifact-grade: Rare, Dice: 1d6+1 per turn, Max. Yield: 5 Turns
-SST-04: Est. Artifact-grade: Rare-, Dice: 3d3+3 per turn, Max. Yield: 7 Turns, Machines Present. Unknown Configuration/Make. Suspected Level: Uncommon.
-TB-01: Est Artifact Grade: Common+/Rare [Airship Related] - 2d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 6 Turns.
-TB-03: Est Artifact Grade: Rare- [Airship Related] - 2d4+1 per turn, Max. Yield: 6 Turns.
-GY-01: Est. Artifact-grade: General Rare, Dice: 3d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 3 Turns, No Danger?
-MC-01: Est. Artifact-grade: General Mundane to Lost Tech, Dice: 1d5 per turn, Max. Yield: 10 Turns. Living Crystals present? Non-Hostile(?)
-ETG-01: Est. Artifact-grade: Rare+ to Lost Tech, Dice: 1d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 6 Turns. Mutants Present.
-ETG-02: Est. Artifact-grade: Rare- to Lost Tech, Dice: 2d4 per turn, Max. Yield: 8 Turns. No Danger.
-ETG-03: Est. Artifact-grade: Rare++ to Lost Tech, Dice: 3d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 5 Turns. 4x Harversters, 7x Attendants, 2x Dignitaries, and 1x Overseer Drone Present.
-ETG-05: Est. Artifact-grade: Rare to Lost Tech, Dice: 2d5 per turn, Max. Yield: 1 Turn.
-TP-01 - Est. Artifact-grade: Common, Dice: 3d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 5 Turns. No Danger
-TP-02 - Est. Artifact-grade: Rare-, Dice: 4d8 per turn, Max. Yield: 2 Turns. Machines Present.
-TP-03 - Est. Artifact-grade: Common-Rare, Dice: 1d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 3 Turns.
-TP-04 - Est. Artifact-grade: Rare++, Dice: 2d7 per turn, Max. Yield: 2 Turns. ~80 Troopers, ~20 Sharpshooters, Machine Dreadnought 'General Of The Forgotten Eon' present.
-TL-03 - Est. Artifact-grade: ???, Dice: 3d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 5 Turns.
-TL-04 - Est. Artifact-grade: ???, Dice: 3d3 per turn, Max. Yield: 6 Turns.
-OH-01 - Est. Artifact-grade: Lost Tech, Dice: 3d7 per turn, Max. Yield: 8 Turns.
-OH-02 - Est. Artifact-grade: Lost Tech, Dice: 5d6 per turn, Max. Yield: 5 Turns.
-SM-01 - Est. Artifact-grade: Lost Tech, Dice: 1d3-1 per turn, Max. Yield: 2 Turns.
-SM-02 - Est. Artifact-grade: Lost Tech, Dice: 1d3-1 per turn, Max. Yield: 2 Turns.
-SM-03 - Est. Artifact-grade: Lost Tech, Dice: 1d3-1 per turn, Max. Yield: 2 Turns.
-SM-04 - Est. Artifact-grade: Lost Tech, Dice: 1d3-1 per turn, Max. Yield: 2 Turns.
-SM-05 - Est. Artifact-grade: Lost Tech, Dice: 1d3-1 per turn, Max. Yield: 2 Turns.
-BF-01 - Est. Artifact-grade: Lost Tech, Dice: 3d3-4 per turn, Max. Yield: 4 Turns.
-BF-02 - Est. Artifact-grade: Lost Tech, Dice: 2d3-2 per turn, Max. Yield: 5 Turns.
-BG-01 - Est. Artifact-grade: Common, Dice: 8d12+4 per turn, Max. Yield: 7 Turns.
-BG-02 - Est. Artifact-grade: Rare, Dice: 4d5 per turn, Max. Yield: 3 Turns.
-SB-01 - Est. Artifact-grade: Rare++, Dice: 1d9 per turn, Max. Yield: 3 Turns.
-SB-02 - Est. Artifact-grade: Rare-, Dice: 2d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 4 Turns.
-SB-03 - Est. Artifact-grade: Lost Tech, Dice: 3d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 2 Turns.
-SB-04 - Est. Artifact-grade: Rare, Dice: 1d4+3 per turn, Max. Yield: 5 Turns.
-SB-05 - Est. Artifact-grade: Common, Dice: 9d3 per turn, Max. Yield: 8 Turns.
-SB-06 - Est. Artifact-grade: Common, Dice: 4d9 per turn, Max. Yield: 7 Turns.
-BT-01 - Est. Artifact-grade: Rare-, Dice: 2d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 3 Turns. Organic Artifacts.
-BT-02 - Est. Artifact-grade: Unique, Dice: 2d3 per turn, Max. Yield: 4 Turns. Organic Artifacts.
-BT-03 - Est. Artifact-grade: Rare+, Dice: 3d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 3 Turns. Organic Artifacts.
-BT-04 - Est. Artifact-grade: Rare++, Dice: 2d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 2 Turns. Organic Artifacts.
-BT-05 - Est. Artifact-grade: Rare, Dice: 3d3 per turn, Max. Yield: 2 Turns. Organic Artifacts.
-BT-06 - Est. Artifact-grade: Lost-Tech, Dice: 2d4 per turn, Max. Yield: 1 Turn. Organic Artifacts.
-BT-07 - Est. Artifact-grade: Rare, Dice: 4d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 3 Turns. Organic Artifacts.
-BT-08 - Est. Artifact-grade: Rare+, Dice: 3d4 per turn, Max. Yield: 2 Turns. Organic Artifacts.
-BT-09 - Est. Artifact-grade: Lost-Tech, Dice: 3d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 4 Turns. Organic Artifacts.
-BT-10 - Est. Artifact-grade: Lost-Tech, Dice: 4d3 per turn, Max. Yield: 2 Turns. Organic Artifacts.
-BT-11 - Est. Artifact-grade: Rare, Dice: 3d3 per turn, Max. Yield: 4 Turns. Organic Artifacts.
-BT-12 - Est. Artifact-grade: Unique, Dice: 4d4 per turn, Max. Yield: 2 Turns. Organic Artifacts.
-BT-13 - Est. Artifact-grade: Lost-Tech, Dice: 4d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 3 Turns. Organic Artifacts.
-BT-14 - Est. Artifact-grade: Rare+, Dice: 2d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 2 Turns. Organic Artifacts.
-BT-15 - Est. Artifact-grade: Rare, Dice: 2d3 per turn, Max. Yield: 4 Turns. Organic Artifacts.
-BT-16 - Est. Artifact-grade: Lost-Tech, Dice: 2d4 per turn, Max. Yield: 2 Turns. Organic Artifacts.

[X] Expedition - (ETG-05) - (1 Turn Remaining) - (House Mirn support: N)

[ ] Loot The Bunker
Let's go!

[ ] Crystal-Garden Expedition
Gathering Suspendium for anything other than the quota will require you to set up specific expeditions to either use it to feed your research or airship production or gather a buffer of Suspendium should you be cut off for one reason or another. Thanks to your research, you managed to create better Suspendium harvesting methods!
(Chance: 40%
Reward: 3 Large Suspendium Shards.
Warning: If this Action fails, 3d30 Pilgrims will die. Boni, Traits, and Tenets apply.)
-[ ] Seek Mutated Help - (XXX Goodwill)
(+1 to roll = 4.00 Goodwill)

[ ] Send Out The Scavengers (Choose A Location)
Sometimes, it is not worth sending an expedition to a location due to its low yield or quality.
(Chance: 85%
Reward: 1 turn in the specified location.
Warning! If the Action fails, there is a 4% chance that 1d6 Pilgrims will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked.

[ ] Delve Deeper Into The Pit
Down, down, down it goes, winding into an eternal spiral beneath the boundary where the sun's light reaches, and darkness begins to take over, reigning like a king of old who had no fear or threat. Deeper yet, you must delve into hidden things, where glimmering sights evoke pictures of treasures untouched by human hands in a thousand years within the minds of all who delve deeper yet, deep down, down, down...
(Chance: -10%
Reward: Plunge beyond The Pit's First Zone. No Harm Will Come To Those Who Seek Me Here.)

[X] Excavate The Bones Of Roots - (7/10 Turns Complete)
It is why you were told to come here. It is what will see a world remain unshattered even if the being that rises will not be happy to be called forth once more.
(Turns: 10
Notice: Can speed up the excavation by 1 Turn per 20 Goodwill spent.
Reward: Bones of Roots.)

[] Create Return-Routes From The Patient Conservatory
Beyond the Bloodless Thicket are the Mossy Depths, Shattered Seeds, Waterfall Hallows, and the Garden of Flowering Mimicry, an area commonly called "The Patient Conservatory." Finding the paths to them is trivial. Treading, or creating, paths to return, however, is not...
(Chance: -50%
Turns: 1
Reward: Routes to the Mossy Depths, Shattered Seeds, Waterfall Hallows, and the Garden of Flowering Mimicry are created.
Warning: If failed by more than 30, All Scouts will die.)

[ ] Delve Into The Hardened Roots
The Hardene Roots are where the roots of the entire Oasis delve into the soils and bedrock, pumping nutrients from forgotten vats, dead corpses, and old earth long forgotten by any minds of humanity. What wonders lie beneath this place? What horrors await us?
(Chance: -50%
Turns: 5
Reward: The Hardened Roots are scouted. You can delve deeper into the Verdant Oasis.
Warning: If detected, your Scouts will vanish.)

[ ] Search For Shelter Lost
The Stranger said things, gave assurances and evidence, and was taken away to prevent what he told from spreading beyond. Yet, the call of forgotten wonders is mightier than reason. Set out to re-discover what has been buried for so long and see what remains. Your dreams now know the path...
(Chance: 45%
Reward: Find the Shelter of the Ancients.)

[ ] Scout The Bonetunnels
PD informed you of a series of tunnels that run deep beneath the surface, filled with dead beings' bones and corpses. Animals, Mutants, and even Machines descend into their depths to die, leaving behind mountains of bones. What could be found here?
(Chance: 34%
Turns: 2
Reward: Sites in The Bonetunnels are located and mapped.
Warning! If the Action fails, there is a 15% Chance that the Scouting Unit will die from being detected and subsequently attacked.)

[ ] Scout The Hall of Echoes - (Unit)
Are we not all echoes of one another?
(Chance: 71%
Turns: 4
Reward: Sites are located and mapped.
Warning! If the Action fails, there is an 80% Chance that the Scouting Unit will die from being detected and subsequently attacked.)

[ ] Scout The Hall of Minds - (Unit)
What could be here beyond what should have never been thought up? We should return and forget about this place.
(Chance: 14%
Turns: 3
Reward: Sites are located and mapped.
Warning! If the Action fails, there is a 90% Chance that the Scouting Unit will die from being detected and subsequently attacked.)

[ ] Scout The Hall of Sorrow - (Unit)
There is nothing here but the taste of bitter tears and forgotten tragedies.
(Chance: -100%
Turns: 2
Reward: Sites are located and mapped. You can delve deeper into the Tenebris Library.
Warning! If the Action fails, there is a 100% Chance that the Scouting Unit will die from being detected and subsequently attacked.)

[ ] Scout The Spine - (Airship Fleet)
With the recent upgrade to the Berth in the Tree of Knowledge, you have finally gained the ability to outfit a fleet of Airships with enough weapons, supplies, and tools to reach the Spine, that titanic tower sitting within the Rusting Forest, whose skeletal spire has been out of reach of humanity for a thousand years. What miracles will you find? What horrors do you need to slay to attain them? And what answers and questions shall be found here?
(Chance: ???%
Turns: ???
Reward: The Spire can be accessed.)

[ ] Search for the Zone
Your efforts to learn more about the Region have yielded an unusual fruit, knowing that your Knight was most likely part of the Revival Initiative. This polity operated deep inside the Forest, scavenging for artifacts like you, but they took it a step further. They built a small town in the Necropolis. Foolish, yet finding it could unearth treasures beyond imagination or prove a giant disappointment. PD's maps are heavily corrupted, but she has provided some landmarks that may still exist.
(Chance: 14%
Turns: 4
Reward: The Zone can be scavenged.)

Tree of Knowledge: Home of the Pilgrims, Bastion of what they stand for, a symbol of hope for the desperate. (1 Action Locked)
[X] Primitive Radar Tower - (2/4 Turns Complete)
It is, perhaps, too soon to say what this technology will bring to the world. There are too many unknowns about how it will interact with the various weapons, tools, and Machines left behind by the Collapse. But we must consider a simple fact: to see beyond the horizon will save lives. We must pursue this technology to its fullest ere we betray our Paths.
(Turns: 4
Reward: Primitive Radar Tower, +100 Successes for Radio-Waves Isolated And Guarded.)

[ ] Berth - Gigantic
Berth? Berth?! This is a full-on Fleet Anchorage! What do you mean by "BERTH"?!
(Turns: 8
Reward: Up to Fifteen Large Airships for exploration or trading. Can be upgraded into Fleet Anchorage - Small.)

[ ] Laboratory Complex - Fundamental
Dig deeper, build farther, construct more elaborate machines, and turn unliving rock into marvels of science. We are born knowing nothing and shall not die knowing nothing; that is our oath.
(Cost: 20 General Scientists, 20 Common Engineers, 5 Specialists of Choice
Turns: 18
Reward: Massively improved success chances.)

[ ] Mass Spectrometer
A building dedicated to the precise portions of science and material understanding, furthering the depths of our knowledge, even if at the cost of trained experts to operate and work the machine.
(Cost: 15 General Scientists or 3 Trained General Scientists.
Turns: 7
Reward: DC reduction for Physics/Chemicals/Machinery.)

[ ] Black Box - (Expanded)
There can never be such a thing as too much information gleaned from studying. Therefore, ensure that your Black Box is expanded and equipped with more tools to study Artifacts better.
(Cost: 2 Scientists, 1 Engineer
Turns: 3
Reward: 10% not to use up an Artifact, can slot 1(one) Artifact to provide 15% (rounded down) of the Artifact bonus continuously.)

[ ] Library - (Large)
A library is a reservoir of knowledge and provides entertainment and education while acting as a community center. Expand the available space to fit twelve additional floors of equal area, with more books and secluded study rooms for those wishing to research in peace. We also need dedicated librarians and helpers to ensure that people can find what they need and then return it to where they found their books. With this expansion, several new sections focusing on recreation, higher learning, and a more...secluded section for adult-oriented entertainment (we certainly have no shortage of books here) will be added alongside conservationist sections underneath the current floors to increase the number of ancient texts we can study and learn from.
(Turns: 10
Reward: Provides 6 (six) slots for Literature Artifacts, providing a 20% Boost to their bonus.)

[ ] Assemble Engines
Now that we have improved our Steam Engines, we should consider building them for mines and farms.
(Reward: Prosperity and increased Technological Proliferation.)

[ ] Automated Factories - Test Cases
We learned much and will likely learn more as we set out to prove that we have managed to find the correct balance of automation, cost, materials, and policy.
(Turns: 10
Reward: Prove that you have managed to crack the correct implementations of Automation in a wide area of industries.)

[ ] Armor The Daughter - (Armor Points)
Alright, you have a giant airship; it represents the biggest and most obvious target in any hostile area, and there are currently gaps in her armor. You need to either fix that ASAP, hope that nobody will attack the Empire in the next three decades, or be attacked by you. Let's fix her as we live in reality; why don't we?
(Reward: Conventional Armor Filled, decreased chances that the Daughter is destroyed, which would be dangerous.)

[ ] Pilgrim Radio
Let long-forgotten power thrum through reactivated machinery, let ancient airwaves long lain dormant once more sing with the voices of our people, and let there be one more monument to human ingenuity and progress reclaimed among the Wastes. Let song take through electronic air and humm victory over nature once more.
(Turns: 2
Reward: -4 to Piety rolls, +4d10% Piety, +4 Recruits per Turn)

[ ] Let's Build A (Write-In)
(What do you want to build, and what should the building provide?)

Holdings: Norqod developed into a small town over the short time you founded it, with thousands now calling it home with glee and relief. Come what may, these people have had a better life thanks to your actions. (Choose 1 Action, 2 Actions Locked)
[ ] Caravansery Halls - Small
A place where caravans can store their goods for a small fee while they sell and barter for those they brought and those they wish to take back home. Comes with places to rest, sleep, and prepare for the roads ahead with local guides and adventurers willing to go to the caravan heads instead of the other way around. The Guard presence is increased with a local Guard station offering a place to sleep and eat for the weary protectors of the local peace.
(Turns: 9
Reward: Caravansery Halls - Small)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.

[ ] Frequent Trade Route - (Choose City)
Trade is the lifeblood of all nations.
(Turns: 7
Reward: More frequent trade between Norqod and the chosen city.)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.

[ ] Merchant Quarter - Small
A place where merchants can purchase homes and stores on a more permanent basis to facilitate trade and haggling should they see a long-term relationship with Norqod as profitable.
(Turns: 8
Reward: Merchant Quarter - Small)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.

[ ] Bank - Small
Where money is safely stored, expertly multiplied, faithfully exchanged, and truthfully tested. Trust none of those words.
(Turns: 11
Reward: Bank - Tiny)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.

[ ] Insurance Office - Small
"Just sign the dotted line and pay the seasonal fees, and if something happens to your freight, we will reimburse you for your losses according to our contract, my good friend."
(Turn: 3
Reward: Insurance Office - Small)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
[ ] Training Fields - Large
Specialized smiths and armorers, better equipment, more training, more screaming, and more training.
(Turns: 11
Reward: House Dall gains a Large House Retinue.)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)

[ ] Watchtower Network - Barely Adequate
To watch for trouble is to be prepared when it arrives. To be prepared is to survive, simple as that.
(Turns: 15
Reward: Norqod's outskirts are better patrolled and watched.)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)

[ ] Bastion - Tiny
Let nothing pass, for here are all the people sheltered we have been charged to protect.
(Turns: 10
Reward: Norqod Civilian Population can bunker down for a week under siege without suffering catastrophic casualties.)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)

[ ] Knight Retinue - The Hangar And Mechanics
This is where it begins...
(Turns: 12
Reward: The beginning of a Knight Retinue for House Dall.)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)
[ ] Medium Medicinal School - (Pilgrim Doctors/Herbalists)
Treating wounds is a fundamental skill most people have, but things like surgery, identifying diseases, warding against plague, comforting patients, and more are not. By building a medical school, Norqod can train specialists and generalists in-house, though we either need to provide the expertise ourselves or buy it at a considerable expense.
(Turns: 11
Cost: 12 General Doctors/Upkeep: 6 Goodwill
Reward: More medical practitioners equals fewer dead people.)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)

[ ] Large Quarantine Area
Plague is a constant across much of Calynth, with few ever having known a year where some disease didn't kill thousands in some Region or country. To prevent the spread of such plagues, the Imperial Family has long since ordered dozens of precautions whenever a suspected "hotspot" of disease is found. One of the most effective precautions is the quarantine of suspected carriers and those they had contact with away from the settlements. (And situated in plain view of a fortification.) Expanding your area to include safe places for caretakers to rest, relax between shifts, and get themselves checked via blood testing and breath analyzers bought from Forge-Clans should up your security by a few notches.
(Turns: 9
Reward: Norqod is further resistant to plague.)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)
[ ] Wax Shaper Test Building
Though you have managed to, somehow, create a way to compute and design shapes that can be "printed" upon the physical world thanks to the Metal Printer Artifact you uncovered, the mere complexity of the printing process requires a monumental amount of processing power. Creating such machines and the needed power generation is not cheap. However, the payoff would be immense if we could generate metal constructs wholesale without requiring extensive industrial machines operated by people. Yet, we should start with a wax-based prototype first, just to be sure.
(Cost: 105 Goodwill
Turns: 5
Reward: Wax Shapers. Unlocks Prototype Metal Shapers.
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Reward: +1 Turn of Progress))

[ ] Land Crawler Factory
With the miniaturization of the current version of the Vuur-Engine accomplished, the creation of vehicles that take advantage of its unique benefits to ordinary people should be considered. The construction of "Land Crawler," armored or large vehicles propelled by the Vuur-Engine, will be somewhat costly. Still, buyers will rest easy knowing that they can bring far more things onto their journeys, be they luxury trade goods, scientific or scholarly equipment, or weapons and armor for those adventurers with a heavy coin pouch.
(Turns: 7
Reward: Land Crawler Factory, Unique Airship Module, Lower Class loses Prosperity, House Dall profits.
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Reward: +1 Turn of Progress))

[ ] Hydroponics - Small
A series of halls dedicated to growing various crops commonly used to add spice and flavor to Sandwheat, with some other assorted plants added at the discretion of this facility's owners for personal or commercial gain.
(Cost: 25 Goodwill
Turns: 8
Reward: Hydroponics - Small.)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)

[ ] Improved Animal Medicine Workshop - Large
A large workshop where well-oiled teams of laborers mix and match various chemical compounds and herbs to treat common and uncommon ailments of farm and labor animals within the Region, their works subsidized by House Dall to increase the spread of the medicines.
(Turns: 7
Reward: Improved Animal Medicine Workshop - Large.)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)

[ ] Large Sturdy Clothing Manufactury
Everybody requires clothing to survive, be decent, and avoid injuries, be it from day-to-day injuries avoided due to cloth preventing scrapes or cuts on the skin or a shield against the heat and sand should a storm happen. Manufacturing clothes for those who work and live not in the safety of their manors has always been an excellent way to earn money.
(Turns: 11
Reward: Large Sturdy Clothing Manufactury, Medium Class gains Prosperity, House Dall profits.
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Reward: +1 Turn of Progress))

[ ] Small Fine Cloth Manufactury
Clothing made to impress, not to shield from the environment or danger. Thanks to higher standards and better materials, higher prices can be demanded, which in turn will benefit Norqod as trade steers in its direction for yet another reason.
(Turns: 5
Reward: Small Fine Cloth Manufactury, High-Class gains Prosperity, Low-Class loses Prosperity, House Dall profits.
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Reward: +1 Turn of Progress))

[X] Medium Toy Manufactury - (3/7 Turns Complete)
Whether large or small, every child loves to play with all toys. Dolls of loved animals or figures, toy weapons, building blocks, replicas of famous Knights, puppets, and more. Not something that will bring in a lot of money, but it will generate a lot of smiles.
(Turns: 7
Reward: Medium Toy Manufactury, Increases Norqod Mood.
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Reward: +1 Turn of Progress))

[X] Medium Furniture Manufactury - (3/6 Turns Complete)
Chairs, beds, cabinets, tables, trunks, chests, doors, flooring, fences, window frames, the list goes on. All that is needed to make a home a home is created here.
(Turns: 6
Reward: Medium Furniture Manufactury, Middle-Class gains Prosperity, House Dall Profits.
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Reward: +1 Turn of Progress))

[ ] Large Chemical Goods Manufactury
From simple precursors to more complex chemicals to everyday cleaning products over customized solutions ordered by Adventurers or Scavengers. Chemicals are required by many, and many shall receive them!
(Turns: 13
Reward: Large Chemical Goods Manufactury, Low-Class loses Prosperity, High-Class gains Prosperity, House Dall Profits.
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Reward: +1 Turn of Progress))

[ ] Natural Pesticide Manufactury - Medium
Though not as efficient as purely chemically based alternatives, these chemicals harvested from local bug-eating animals to mark territories and improved upon by immigrating chemists will, in time, be a far more cost-efficient way to ensure healthy harvests.
(Turns: 9
Reward: Natural Pesticide Manufactury - Medium, Low-Class gains Prosperity, House Dall Profits.
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Reward: +1 Turn of Progress))

[ ] Small Armor Factory
Only some things can be mass-produced with the most reliable modern methods available without running afoul of becoming unprofitable, but armor is one of those goods that can be.
(Turns: 8
Reward: Small Armor Factory, High and Middle-Class gain Prosperity, Low-Class loses Prosperity, House Dall Profits.
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Reward: +1 Turn of Progress))

[ ] Expanded Steel Mill
Steel is the lifeblood of the Empire; it is its skin warding away dangers, its blood thrumming with power, its arms and eyes bringing civilization to a chaotic world. More produced will always see the demand rise in turn.
(Turns: 9
Reward: Steel Mill, Middle-Class gains Prosperity, Low-Class loses Prosperity, House Dall profits.
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Reward: +1 Turn of Progress))

[ ] Expanded Cannery
Putting things into containers isn't anything new to anyone, but doing so on an industrial scale has some difficulty due to the money and connections required to attain the machinery and knowledge to create something more than cans that hold rotting food and spoiled drinks, alongside the need to be able to open the cans at all. With the recent discoveries on how to make milk last longer, the construction of a cannery was raised to produce canned dairy, with the proposal widened to can fruits and other foods to boot.
(Turns: 9
Reward: Expanded Cannery, Middle-Class gains Prosperity, House Dall profits.
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Reward: +1 Turn of Progress))

[ ] Bee Fields
Bees are about the size of an adult human's thumb and have the temperament of a wasp, with re-growable stingers. You do not want the things anywhere near your homes and much less harvest what they have without heavy full-body sealing armor. However, their honey is delicious.
(Turns: 5
Reward: Honey and Wax, with a large area nobody and nothing goes through.)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)
[ ] Tiny Scientific Complex
Hiring and retaining trained experts in the sciences will be a significant undertaking, not even talking about the sheer cost of the vast array of machines, equipment, and safety features you need to install to keep the experts occupied and helpful in your studies.
(Turns: 29
Cost: 6 Experts of your choice, 55 Goodwill.
Reward: +1 Auto-Success, which still advances your understanding of your research subjects.)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)
[ ] The Evergreen Gardens - Large
A vanity project, sure, but creating a hydroponics facility dedicated to growing and mixing rare plants for every purpose would aid in many things, from prestige to medicine and even food. That they are also open to the public will aid in finding places here to relax from their work without finding it in bottles or violence.
(Turns: 9
Reward: A large facility for dedicated gardens to raise plants for industrial, medical, and recreational purposes.)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)

[ ] Radio Station - (Focus)
Radio Stations require specialized equipment and trained personnel to staff and operate. That is if one commissions the machines from the Forge-Clans, which you no longer need to do. With Pilgrim-created radios slowly assembled within the workshop, you can create a Radio Station for your needs and wants. Expanding the station will also be in the cards later down the line!
(Turns: 3
Reward: Radio Station, allowing you to project your Influence across the Region to all that own radios and listen outside the Region.)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)
[ ] House Dall Palace Gardens
Prestige is almost as vital as wealth in the plays and schemes among the nobility. By planting public and private gardens, House Dall can display its splendor, wealth, and patronage of the arts without running afoul of any toes, as most people see gardens as something all should enjoy.
(Turns: 1
Reward: Gardens will bring more prestige to House Dall.)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)

[ ] Write-In.

Support: Many people try to take advantage of you. Fortunately, they are willing to give you something back. (Actions as advertised)
[ ] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
-[ ] Buying Stuff
(Write in what you want to purchase.)
-[ ] Procure (Write-In)
(Gain various benefits, services, and insights, ranging from bonuses to Actions to Progress in technologies, and even help achieve initiatives like We Are One People. You can now purchase one Common Technology per Turn.)
-[ ] Words to the People - (Specify Pilgrim Chapter)
(Cost: 1 Goodwill = 10 Followers
Reward: Exchange Goodwill for Followers in Pilgrim Chapters. )
-[ ] Faith to the People - (Specify Pilgrim Chapter)
(Cost: 50 Goodwill
Reward: Elevate a Faithful to a Hero in a Sub-Turn.)
-[ ] Words Unlimited And Unchained - (Write-In Message and Recipient)
(Cost: 15 Goodwill
Reward: A message of your choosing will be received by a person of your choosing.)
-[ ] Meet a Gardener
(Cost: 100 Goodwill
Reward: Meet a Gardener.)

[ ] The Adventurer Guild - (1 Action)
-[ ] Guardians For Hire - (Choose Location)
(Reward: 1 Facility has security against violent actions)
-[ ] Take 'Em Out - (Choose Target)
(Cost: 1 Goodwill
Reward: Chosen targets' plans are temporarily halted due to attacks)
-[ ] Investigate
(Cost: 2 Goodwill
Reward: Chosen targets' plans for the next two turns are revealed.)
-[ ] Suppliers Of Many Wares Of Medicine And Equipment (What do you need/want?)
(Cost: 4 Goodwill
Reward: "Things That Fell Off A Wagon.")

[X] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Action)
-[ ] Institutional Knowledge
(Cost: 1.50 Goodwill
Reward: +30 to Biological/Medicinal Learning Rolls)
-[ ] Study Sessions
(Cost: 1 Faithful for 7 (seven) Turns
Reward: 1 trained General Doctor)
-[X] Anatomical Lectures - (3/5 Turns Complete)
(Cost: 1 Faithful for 5 (five) Turns
Reward: 1 trained Surgeon)
-[ ] Buying Stuff
(Write in what you want to purchase. Locked to maximum Common technology)
-[ ] A Helping Hand - (Choose Faction)
(Cost: 1 Biological/Medicinal Artifact
Reward: Increase the control of the chosen faction by 1d6+4%, double for rare artifacts, worsen relations to other sub-factions, decrease cost for Union of Herbalists actions, and unlock more moves at certain control thresholds.)

[ ] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Action)
-[ ] In The Name Of Profit - (Choose Learning Action)
(Cost: 2 Goodwill
Reward: +1 Progress for chosen Learning Action)
-[ ] In The Name Of Education - (Choose Learning Action)
(Cost: 3.50 Goodwill
Reward: +2 Progress for chosen Learning Action)
-[ ] In The Name Of Co-Operation! - (Choose 2 Learning Actions)
(Cost: 25 Goodwill
Reward: +4 Progress for chosen Learning Action
Notice: This Action cannot be used for Learning Projects being researched with Actions.)
-[ ] Because of SCIENCE! - (Choose Learning Action)
(Cost: 0.50 Goodwill
Reward: +15 to chosen Learning Action)
-[ ] In the name of SCIENCE! - (Choose Learning Action)
(Cost: 1 Goodwill
Reward: +35 to chosen Learning Action)
-[ ] Suffer Their Arrogance
(Cost: 1 Faithful for 4 (four) turns
Reward: 1 trained General Scientist)
-[ ] Suffer Their Droning
(Cost: 1 General Scientist for 6 (six) turns
Reward: 1 Trained Scientist)
[ ] The Imperial Family - (1 Action)
-[ ] Petition For (Topic)
(Turns: 10/1
Cost: 20 Goodwill/1 Major Favor owed by an Elite Faction
Reward: Interlude regarding (Topic))

[ ] The Military - (1 Action)
-[ ] Fell Off The Wagons - (Request 1 Piece Of Equipment)
(Cost: variable
Reward: 1 Piece Of Equipment - Military Grade.)
-[ ] War Lessons
(Cost: 0.25 Goodwill
Reward: +5 to the first two rolls in the next Combat.)

[ ] The Bureau For Imperial Civilian Logistics - (1 Action)
-[ ] Commission A Survey
(Cost: 10 Goodwill
Chance: Rolled for usefulness
Reward: Locates 1(one) additional resource in Tessen)
-[ ] Meet Cryptic Benefactors (Chosen Actions)
(Cost: 15 Goodwill
Reward: Roll with Advantage for 2 specified Actions.)
-[ ] Grease The Wheels - (Action)
(Can be taken multiple times.
Cost: 25 Goodwill
Reward: Gain 1d6 Turns/Successes on any Building/Action)
-[ ] Donate [Write-In Amount] of Suspendium
(Cost: Variable Suspendium
Reward: ???)

[ ] 3-Point University - (1 Action)
-[ ] Rectorate Interventions - (Choose Learning Action)
(Cost: 35 Goodwill
Reward: You cannot roll below 65 for the chosen Action.)
-[ ] Guest Lectures - (Choose Learning Action)
(Cost: 15 Goodwill
Reward: Roll an additional 1d50 for the chosen Action.)
-[ ] Exchange Program - (Specialist)
(Cost: 10 Goodwill
Reward: Gain a chosen Specialist for this Turn. 10% Chance to gain a random Specialist for free.)
-[ ] Research Subsidies - (Choose Learning Action)
(Cost: 20 Goodwill
Reward: Remove 1d3 required Successes from one Learning Action. Cannot go lower than 3.)
[X] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer
-[ ] Made To Order
(Cost: Variable
Reward: Variable
Use: Write what you wish to commission. (Art, weapons, armor, tools, resources, or machines are examples.)
-[X] Unlimited Specialists Galore
--[X] (20x General Scientists - (5/6 Turns Complete)
--[X] (6x Trained Scientists) - (8/10 Turns Complete)
--[X] (12x Trained Scientists) - (1/10 Turns Complete)
--[X] (10x Trained Engineers) - (8/10 Turns Complete)
--[X] (3x Forge-Coders) - (5/15 Turns Complete)
--[X] (3x Forge-Smiths) - (5/15 Turns Complete)
After the arriving Forge-Clan Elders saw that you had the same appreciation for technology as they did, and with the support of both DoD and PD, they decided to impart some knowledge about the world to some of you 'who knew what they are doing.'
(Cost: X Faithfuls for 6/10/15 turns.
Reward: X Engineers/Scientists/Commanders, Trained Engineers/Trained Scientists/Captains, Forge-Coder/Forge-Smith.)
-[ ] Commission A Knight
--[ ] Zokian-Pattern
(Turns: 4, Cost: 35 Goodwill, Armor: 250/250, Structure: 80/80)
--[ ] Shyara-Pattern
(Turns: 4, Cost: 70 Goodwill, Armor: 450/450, Structure: 50/50)
--[ ] Golgota-Pattern
(Turns: 5, Cost: 120 Goodwill, Armor: 800/800, Structure: 75/75)
--[ ] Commission An Unique-Pattern
(Turns: 8, Cost: 20 Goodwill, Armor: 10 points for 0.10 Goodwill, Structure: 2 points for 0.05 Goodwill)

[ ] The Followers Of Light - (1 Action)
-[ ] For The Nation - (Action)
(Cost: 3.5 Goodwill
Reward: Buildings/Tasks which improve/help the broader population have their success % permanently improved by 2d10 until taken.)
-[ ] We Work As One - (Action/Building)
(Cost: Narrative
Reward: The Followers Of Light will help the Pilgrims.)

[] Conclave Of Fraya - (1 Action)
-[ ] Commission An Artifice - (Item/Effect)
(Cost: ??? Goodwill
Reward: The Conclave will fashion an Artifice for the Pilgrims, be that surgical tools, a weapon, armor, or underwear.)

[ ] Meira's Hidden - (1 Action)
-[ ] Commission An Artifice - (Item/Effect)
(Cost: ??? Goodwill
Reward: Meira's Hidden will fashion an Artifice for the Pilgrims, be that surgical tools, a weapon, armor, or underwear.)
[ ] Nine Tribes Council - (1 Action)
-[ ] Aquire Artifacts - (Name, Grade, (opt. Specific Boni))
(Buy an Artifact with a specific bonus directly.)
-[ ] Rare Odds And Ends - (Category)
(Cost: 4.25 Goodwill
Reward: +2d10 to a specific Action for one Turn.)
-[ ] Rare Findings
(Ask, And Ye Shall Know (Any specific thing you wish to buy/sell/do to/with/against the Nine Tribes Council?))
[ ] Bone Valley Chapter - (All Are Free Actions)
-[ ] Send Support
-[ ] Investigate For Heresy
(25 Goodwill)
-[ ] Ask For Help
(What, How)

Heroes: Sometimes, you have to get your own hands dirty. Sometimes, you want to relax since leading the Pilgrims rarely leads to a dull moment. (Martyris: Choose 2 Actions, Aria: Choose 1 Action, Turi: Choose 1 Action)
[ ] Pathene Weaving - (Equipment Description)
One of the things your mother told and taught you was the ability to weave your hair into challenging and fantastic equipment. These range from vests hardening in response to physical trauma to spears capable of shooting lightning guided by plasma trails. It's too bad you need to cut your hair for such things to become a reality.
(Cost: Arias Hair
Turns: 4
Reward: Pathene Equipment)

[ ] Communion of Unsight - (Martyris) - (Write-In 2 Questions)
I have questions. You will answer.
(Reward: Answers.)

[ ] Shift Your Bureaucracy From (Category) To (Category)
Sometimes, the need arises when efforts must be reduced in one area and expanded in another when no additional resources are available otherwise. Today is one of those times when a shift in attention is required.
(Cost: 0.01 Goodwill
Reward: 1 Action is shifted from the first to the second category, active next Turn.)

[ ] Condemn An Organization/Person As Heretical/Forbidden - (Choose Target) - (Write-In A Reason)
You knew something like this would happen. Somehow, somewhere, an organization or person would draw your full ire. Not in the sense that you disagree with something they did, but what they represent and how they act. Well, you are an official religion; you can condemn them. Do so.
(Trait Needed: Arbitrator
Cost: All support options for the chosen organization will be void; the Leader will most likely hate you.
Reward: Opposing factions will love this act. A good enough Reason can give you additional benefits.)

[ ] Too Much To Do - (Action)
There is too much to do and not enough hands. Start helping out.
(Can be taken multiple times.
Reward: +1 Action is done)

[ ] Lead By Example (Write in Action)
Help your people and motivate them by taking a personal interest in their work. You won't just sit around, either. Two more hands are always needed.
(Reward: +30 to 1 Action)

[ ] Cool Tempers - (Goodwill Cost)
Not everything can always be sunshine and rainbows; sometimes, shit goes sideways, and people must be reminded that failure is not the world's end. With the Pilgrims growing as they do now, keeping everyone working together and on the same page becomes ever more difficult...
(Cost: 5/12/20 Goodwill
Reward: +2/4/6% Piety every 8/6/4 points above 0.)

[ ] Guiding Hand
Some Pilgrims stand at the edge of fully committing to the Pilgrim faith. You should speak to them, see what stops them, and try to either bring them in or make them realize they would make a mistake if they did so.
(Reward: According to the available Followers, the maximum amount of Faithful is created.)

[ ] Relax - (Can Specify What Activity)
All work and no play makes hairs grey and is quite unpleasant.
(Reward: The chosen Hero relaxes, avoiding burnout and bad traits.)

[ ] Write In

Let me know if you spot any mistakes or have questions so I can provide a better experience.

A moratorium will be until 08.01.25 at 17:00 CET.
Voting will be closed on 12.01.25 at 17:00 CET.
Omake Points can be applied until 20:00 CET.
I will roll on 13.01.25 at 17:00 CET if no one has rolled yet.
The update will be online on 19.01.25 at 17:00 CET.
Last edited:
Opinion: Friendly (1)
Plans: Combat.
Not sure what to do about this.

A Second That Coughs - ??.?? - +50 to Pioneer Psychology
That's... a thing.

It is the end of a war and the beginning of a duel between the Ending Of The Beginning and the Beginning Of The End, yearning to set right what crime has been done and what crime has yet to be committed.
So, this might give us some insight into the actual motivations of the White Forest and the Black Forest. With the White Forest considering existence as it is a crime, and the Black Forest considering ending things as they are a crime.

Much Nobilis and Excrucian energy.
Error Checking:

Rudimentary Territorial Hospices - (Tessen, Zulmni)
You forgot to include Mirn and Ularn here.

-221 (Pilgrim Buildings: Electric Lights, School - (Big - Mirn), Orphanage - (Big - Ularn, Strul, Zulmni, Tessen, Jokvi, Mirn), Asylum/s, Expanded Hospice Network, Rudimentary Territorial Hospices - (Tessen, Zulmni), Improved Expanded Poor Houses, Grand Kitchen (Tessen, Mirn), Cleansed Blackhole Villages (Strul, Ularn, Tessen, Jokvi, Zulmni, Mirn), School of the Skyneers, School of Crews, Pilgrim Communities)
Mirn and Ularn aren't listed. Mathwise the final total should be -225, but it won't change the final net modifier.

Rudimentary Territorial Hospices are missing here.

Experimental Oddity Passion (1/7):
2/7 because of Coding Buddies.

[X] Optical Fibers - (Pioneer Machinery/Electronics/Physics) - (20/36 Successes)

Breakthrough Research: +40 Success Chance every 4 Successes.
Chance: 99/99/20% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 36
+80 due to the 9 successes the past turn, so it's all 99.

Holdings: Norqod developed into a small town over the short time you founded it, with thousands now calling it home with glee and relief. Come what may, these people have had a better life thanks to your actions. (Choose 2 Actions, 1 Action Locked)
2 Actions locked.