Man, I really hope we win that contest. With those materials we could build either the steel foundry or almost two steam engines.
1. 800 years between the first nations and today. That's a long time for Forge-Clans to develop stuff.

2. I wonder if crusading in that area is the tradition or if going on a crusade, in general, is traditional for a new Emperor/Empress. If it's the second, then I'm surprised the Empire hasn't overextended itself yet.

3. I wonder how that got started. If it was some pre-Collapse tech I would expect them to use specialized brain matter with built-in safeguards and restrains, similar to what the Cores had. That they used normal human brains means it's probably a post-Collapse development. But then why did they start using human brains instead of animal brains?

Even if we ignore the moral problems, breeding animals to harvest brains from is much easier and quicker than harvesting human brains.:confused:

4. Huh, it doesn't sound like they used bio-weapons. That's surprising for a Forge-Clan specialized in biological manipulations.

5. I would expect buildings to be designed to be deeper rather than taller. This planet is a death world, so there is always a chance that some flying monstrosity shows up. I guess building up is still easier than down but the extra risks...

6. He doesn't have a translator or some helpers that can do the talking for him? Huh, with a project of that size, I would expect him to have at least a dozen helpers to organize everything.

7. I'm not surprised that horses don't exist on this planet, the lizards are better than horses for most things. But what is the Eyeless Moon? One of the local moons?
1. And a lot of time to forget many things. Or lose them by attrition.
2. Starting a Crusade in general is a tradition for a newly crowned Emperor/Empress. And the Empire has overextended itself thrice already, which made the rebelling/seceded territory a perfect target for the next ruler, or the current one. Thats why the current Emperor founded 5 Chapters in Starlight, they tend to keep the peace. Or painfully enforce it until the propaganda of the InSec starts working.
It was a facility specializing in human brains and the study thereof. The children of the scientists kept doing what their parents did, and never really looked outside. For them, using human brains was easier than animal ones.
4. They were more along the line of Haemonculus of the Drukhari from WH40k. More monstery than plaguey.
5. Thats true for towns and villages, but not cities. They have Bright-Lances, making any flying Mutated think twice before attacking, and subsequently die when they decide to risk it. But underground buildings do exist.
6. He does, but is currently venting.
7. The second moon of Calynth. There are two craters which look like hollow eyes, hence the name.
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The old world is full of wonders of our achievements, but now they lie forgotten and disused, for writing smut is more important apparently.
Holy shit yes, the empire would love trains. Being able to tie your empire together and move things easily like that is an enormous advantage.
With the world being hostile to infrastructure and generally desert the solution is likely going to look a lot more like a tractor pulling several trailers full of people and stuff than a train on tracks. The tractor has traction issues and so can't pull as large of loads nor go particularly fast, but benefits from not having to worry about if an acid mouth mutant wandered through and chewed your rails or if some robot abomination decided to borrow a stretch to perform repairs.

The big thing will be getting transportation dense enough to make it economically viable to guard with Knights. With electric lighting powered by the steam engine you don't need to stop at night. With enough goods and people carried in one concentrated packet you can justify escorting the caravan with knights to drive off threats.
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Yeah, I imagine Slatnan will prefer a heavily armored truck/tractor convoy than a triditional train. The imagery is still cool though.
Less mad max, more farmyard hay ride writ large. 5-10 Mph and a tractor pulling no more than 3 or 4 cars of cargo behind it. Passenger trains may stretch longer, but they likely cram people in like sardines.
Wouldn't it be better to have single car trucks though? That way if one engine's fucked they can pile some of the cargo/passengers in the other cars and keep moving.
Wouldn't it be better to have single car trucks though? That way if one engine's fucked they can pile some of the cargo/passengers in the other cars and keep moving.
I would do several engines pulling multiple strings of cars.

If an engine breaks you can theoretically abandon it and come back to fix it later. You just need to unhook the cargo and hook it to a spare, or even potentially have one of the knights pull it long enough to reach relative safety.

You want to keep each segment short so you have at least some ability to corner. Your engine likely limits that by it's length.
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I imagine the optimal set-up will depend on how fast the steam engine can go compared to a knight. What is the maximun speed that a knight can maintain for long distances? If the engine is way too fast for the knights to keep up they may need a new form of defense.
I imagine the optimal set-up will depend on how fast the steam engine can go compared to a knight. What is the maximun speed that a knight can maintain for long distances? If the engine is way too fast for the knights to keep up they may need a new form of defense.
A steam tractor isn't going to go very fast. If you have ideal ground and no curves, it goes maybe 15 MPH, but it would be putting the wagons at risk if it ran over something like a stone. Most places it would go 5 or so miles an hour. The advantage is how much weight it can haul and that it doesn't need to stop.

A person on foot could likely keep up over short distances. A knight with it's 5-6 foot stride should just be able to walk beside it.
[Canon] - Sins of the Feer
AN: Here is an Omake about Bolt reporting what happened to Bolt after PD told her to F off.

Sins of the Feer​

You return to your room on the 30th floor of the Pilgrim's Tree after that disastrous meeting with Persevering Defiance. Your Vanar Halberdier Bodyguard, Ash, followed you inside before locking the door. As she does her mandatory sweep of the 2 room home for bugs or traps, you collapse to a chair, smack your head on the main room's table, and let out a bone weary groan.

"Come now, don't be like that. Just look at the bright side."

"What bright side?"

"It didn't reach out and squish you."

You lift your head and give a deadpan stare at your bodyguard to let her know that you are not amused by her attempt to lighten the mood. You eventually relent as you know that Ash is immune to your fearsome gaze with a sigh and return to tapping the table with your face. After a few minutes of contemplating why the Goddess sent me here to suffer, Ash finished her sweep of the room and started brewing a cup of Ashleaf tea. It is nice to have access to electricity from the Vanar's solar panels to run all of your tools and equipment without needing to work for it.

You take a sip of the tea and feel your muscles relax, your turbulent mind calming, and your senses get sharper. The two of us spent the time just enjoying the salty drink. With the orange glow of the setting sun streaming in through the window, the cool breeze flowing in from the high altitude, and a cup of Ashleaf tea in your hand you feel at peace. This brief moment of serene calm is a common requirement for me to stay sane after dealing with the Pilgrims.

You look around your home, much smaller than your private quarters at the Vanar Clan compound, but that is the price for living 80 meters on the side of a tree. A corner of the room is the your workbench that your terminal and a deactivated Spider Drone is on top of. One of the results of the union between Vanar and Feer, the Spider is based on the Vanar's rather infamous Terror drone, it is half the size and mostly meant for indoor security. Using advanced Vanar circuits and components with Feer's complex programing, the Spider is a much more sophisticated Drone and is capable of doing more complicated tasks like automated indoor security. It can perch itself on the roof of the house and use its facial recognition program to identify individuals and use a built in transceiver to send an alarm when an intruder entering a restricted area. To defend it self, it can jump onto the intruder's face and deliver a strong electric shock to their face.

Right now there are 4 Spiders guarding you and your bodyguard's rooms, the one on your worktable is currently recharging. You are also planning to upgrade their software to be able to be personal bodyguards for your children that they can carry with them wherever they go due to the small size of the Spider. However it will take time to implement the necessary upgrades to its programming and it will take even more time to make sure that everything will run smoothly. If all goes as planned you can submit the finished program to be inspected by a Master Data-smith and publish your code to the Vanar-Feer Database. For now it is a personal project.

You take another sip of the tea and just let all of your frustration just flow down and out of you. Without you noticing, your cup is empty, the sun is halfway below the horizon and the once cool breeze is now starting to get a bit brisk. The effects of the Ashleaf is still present but it is much less noticeable now. You are thankful you have access to a steady supply of Ashleaf as you doubt you would survive without it.

"So are you calm now?" Ash poured another serving of tea to your cup.

"Yes, thank you." You thanked before taking another sip. "Now I need to report what happened to the Elders and I doubt they will be happy."

"From what I heard from the Knight, your ancestors used a program that would have killed the intelligence rather than free it?" You have never heard of any event that Persevering Defiance mentioned, however it is very likely a shameful secret only told to the Elders of the Feer. No Forge clan wants to be the cause of the death of a Machine-Mind when they revere them as Myra's Divine Emissaries.

"It was probably during the time that the Feer view Waking and Awake Machine-Minds as Emissaries of Myra and would stop at nothing to obtain and free them. Someone most likely created a code to interface with a Machine-Mind but would have killed a Machine-Mind instead. This was likely the reason for the Feer to implement a law to have all code be inspected by multiple Master Data-smiths before it can be approved for clan wide use."

Ash took a sip as she digests what you told her. You have little doubt that she would report to her superiors eventually due to being raised in a Vanar run village. Having this secret be revealed to the Vanar and most likely the Pilgrims would have spread it even more, would severely damage the Feer's reputation. What it'd do to the Feer's standing since we have already signed the union with Vanar is not something you can even guess at since you am a Data-smith not a Noble trained in politics.

You take a big gulps of the tea as you start to feel dread on what will happen in the future. As your whole body felt the buzz from the tea, you thought about people asking questions on why the Knight refused your aid which will eventually lead to the blasphemy of Feer ancestors killing possibly multiple Machine-Minds before that problem was discovered and a law to double check new programs was implemented. You finish your cup before slamming your head to the table and released another groan that would not be out of place coming from a mutated horror.

You just stay there lamenting how your life got this complicated and wondering if this is Myra's punishment for being the descendant of the one who created that damnable program. You hear Ash refilling your cup before taking a sip of her own. You took a much smaller gulp so that you don't get paralyzed from the Ashleaf's muscle relaxant property before returning to resting your head on the table.

With you mind being forced to calm down, you start to think about what you can do. Keeping that shame a secret is next to impossible now, with the Knight having no obligation to keep it secret, the Vanar guards that would likely report to their superiors, and the Pilgrims who are nice enough to not go around spreading this damaging information to other Forge Clans but it is likely that this information would spread among the Pilgrims themselves anyway. So, nothing you can do about that, that leaves doing damage control which involves telling the truth to the elders, let them handle it, and pray for Myra's mercy.

With a course of action decided you finish your cup of tea and then move to the terminal on my workbench and activate the machine. After a few seconds of waiting for it to wake up, it displays a digital lock. You input your personal passcode to unlock it and then wait for the terminal to open the gate as it were. Once the gate is open, you see the background of the screen be that of a family photo of yourself and your children before you are chosen as the liaison between the Vanar-Feer and the Pilgrims. You activate the long distance communication program and wait.

[Establishing Connection with The Vanar-Feer Digital Network. Standby...]

The Vanar-Feer Digital Network, the combination of the Feer Wireless Digital Delivery System and the Vanar Interconnected Information Network. For centuries various Forge Clans develop their own method of networking their compounds. Some, like the Feer rely on the orbital network developed by the ancients to wirelessly deliver information between various Feer compounds with that information being very well protected. All Forge Clans can use the Ancient Orbital Network however every Forge clan is only allotted with 20 minutes for their use. Thus the Feer developed methods to maximize their ability to use the network, like using bursts of transmission to deliver large amounts of data in a short span of time or developing signal boosters to maximize the range of connection to an Orbital Transmitter, allowing 1 Transmitter to cover multiple compounds. Of course anyone with the right equipment could intercept these transmissions and so the Feer developed sophisticated encryption to prevent such a thing from happening.

The Vanar by contrast went in an entirely different direction and use a much more basic system of underground wires to connect their compounds. This is a much more expensive method in terms of materials and maintenance, however the advantage of this method is that it circumvents the use of the Ancient Orbital Network and thus can be put to use indefinitely. They maximize their use of their information network with a variety of programs, from voice and visual communications, 3 dimensional modeling software, and even a digital marketplace used to sell various services. The drawback is that they have weaker wireless capability, but they have the resources to brute force the problem.

When both clans united, the 1st project both clans agree on was to combine both systems. The Vanar provided a variety of programs and their widespread infrastructure while the Feer contributed their encryption security systems and signal booster technology. Now, the proposed Vanar-Feer Diginet is still in development with the families in charge of maintaining their clan networks are working together to make it a reality. However the latest reports say that they are still arguing over whether to use the Vanar OS or the Feer OS as the main system. So for now, both native networks are temporarily linked together with translators in each link so the different Operating Systems can communicate with each other.

[Connection Established]

You open the communicator program and key a call for your Feer Elder, your mother Hexa Feer. She taught you everything you know about Data-smithing and is your assigned handler. She earned her Elder title through creating a diagnostic program to allow Data-smiths to find errors in code much more easily. Of course that is the main reason the clan sent me to that expedition, to use my expertise to find and fix any code that might have degraded over the centuries.

[Establishing Connection with Feer Elder, Hexa Feer. Standby...]

The screen eventually display and old and weathered face of your mother. She is currently reading at something off screen in her study, if the recognizable window and bookshelf you can see in the background is still the same as you remembered.

"Ah Bolt good to see you again. I assume you have just finished analyzing the Pilgrim's Knight."

You avert your eyes nervously as she said that, "Yes, about that.."

You can see her turn her full focus on you once you have said that. "Bolt, dear is something wrong? did something happen to the Knight?"

Whatever you want to say, got stuck in your throat. You are a grown woman with kids of your own, but no one likes to disappoint their parents.

"Come now, it can't be that bad."

You sigh and decide it would be best to get it over with. "Alright so the Knight reactivated itself, mentioned that the Feer almost killed her, and would want nothing to do with us in front of a lot of witnesses."

You see your mother open her mouth and widen her eyes. "Yes, that would be bad." She quickly looks off screen and contacted her secretary, "Vista, set up an emergency Elder's meeting in an hour, tell them that this is important." She returned her focus back to you, "Tell me everything."


So you did, told her exactly what happened and the exact wording the Knight used. When you are done, the both of you stay silent. Ash left the room a while ago, most likely to pick up the kids. Rivet and Spring are currently being taken care of at the Pilgrim's Daycare with Patch, your second guard, watching over them. They should be released from the Daycare by dinner so you'll meet them in the communal dinning area.

"Well, we knew that past is going to haunt us someday. It looks like that day is today."

"What do we do?"

"Right now? apologize profusely to the Knight and pray to Myra it understands that the child is not responsible for the sins of the father."

"What about the Vanar? I doubt they'd be happy with us once this detail reaches them."

"There isn't much we can do, they would probably be more than happy to throw us under a wagon if it meant having a positive relationship with an Awake Machine-Mind. The Elders will deliberate on what to send as a reparation, so in the meantime wait until we have a plan of action set up, that is about all you can do at the moment. I have to go to inform the other Elders what have happened, I'll send you a text on the results of that meeting. Take care Bolt."

"You too, mother."


With the matter settled for now, the transmission disconnected and you are now alone in your dark room. With the sun having set, you can hear the Pilgrims out and about down below, gathering for their communal dinner. You shut down your terminal and start to head down to ground level yourself. Using the water wheel elevator, you share space with other Pilgrims and their families as they too use the elevator to get to the ground.

You ignore their chatter and pull out your pad to start writing a script for an apology to Persevering Defiance on behalf of the Feer Clan. You'll likely need Martyris's or the Pilgrim's chosen pilot to be a mediator but that can be handled later. You may need help with this as you never actually apologized to anyone before, other than when you were a child and usually a short sorry and listening to a stern talking too is usually enough. How do you even make an apology on behalf of a clan for a crime several centuries old? yes you'll likely need help on that department.

When the elevator arrived at ground level, you follow the crowd to the Great Hall, which is a large open building with a long tables and chairs with a large table in the back where the food is served to everyone. Not everyone eats in the hall however, as you can see some youths sitting on the floor enjoying the cool desert air while eating what appears to be Goat Vegetable Stew with sandwheat flatbread being used to absorb the broth. As you near the hall, you smell a myriad of aromas from all of the food being served along with the bard of the night playing what sounds like a string instrument.

You eventually reach the entrance where a Pilgrim attendant pour a jug of herbal water onto your hands while another attendant wiped your hands dry with a cotton cloth. As you enter the Hall itself, you see the usual sight of tables lined up in several parallel lines and being packed with people eating and conversing with each other. The bard started to play a new song with his instrument and various Pilgrims donate a few coins for his performance.

You swivel your view to find your guards and spot them in the corner of the hall with your children and the rest of the room in their view. As you approach them you can see Rivet and Spring eating their stew by using their sandwheat flat bread as spoons while Patch and Ash nod in your direction before continuing their watch whilst eating their meals.

"Welcome back, so Ash filled me in on what happened. What is going to happen now?" Patch asked before pushing a steaming bowl of soup and a plate of flat bread in my direction.

"Well, the Elders seem to have planned contingencies in the event something like this happened. They will likely send someone to represent Vanar and give a diplomatic apology. The Feer will have to provide a gift as a reparation for what our ancestors did. They will likely send a Mobile Workshop to speed up repairs but I won't know what the Workshop specializes in until I meet them."

"Alright, is there anything Patch and I can help you with?"

"I need to talk to Martyris and let him know that a Feer convoy would arrive sometime next year bearing a gift to PD as a reparation for our ancestor's actions. For now, there isn't anything we can do other than loiter around, since Perpetual Defiance wants nothing to do with the Feer. I'll most likely just work on my personal projects in the meantime."

"I have met with Martyris a couple of times when he visits Silvia at the Daycare. I'll let him know when the two of you can meet."

"Thank you Patch." With that matter settled for now, you fill your time between bites by asking your kids how their day went. Rivet spent his free time between lessons learning how to read the children story book you gave him with Patch helping him explain what that word means, while Spring was engaging with the other children in a game of Scavenger Expedition where various items are hidden around the area and the children are told to go team up and find all of the items.


Once their bellies are full of warm stew and bread they start to get drowsy so you and Patch carry them back to the Tree to tuck them into bed. Ash said that Genny and Spark, the Vanar night shift Guards, should be here momentarily, and she will fill them in on what happened. As you leave the Hall, an crowd of people are lined up outside, they most likely have a night shift later. You see Genny and Spark waiting in line and get a nod in passing before continuing to your abode.

As you reach your home, you unlock the door by placing your eye on the peep hole on the door, on the other side is an eye scanner which scans your eye and compares it to its list of approved people and unlocks it when it finds a match. When the door automatically unlocks you get inside and walk toward the back corner of the house and into the bedroom.

On the left, is your section with a closet for your clothes, a charging station for your terminal, and an adult sized bed while on the right is your children's section with bunk beds, a chest for their toys that were gifted to you by your sisters, and a drawer for their clothes. You tuck Rivet on the bottom bunk before letting Patch put Spring in the top bunk.

"Thank you for the help, Patch."

"No worries, it is my job after all. Goodnight ma'am."

With a nod he exited the home and is likely going to bed. As you turn to go to be yourself a small voice stopped you from doing so.


With a sigh you place your portable terminal on their drawer and activate its music setting. As a soft music fills the room you can see your children close their eyes and quickly lulls themselves to sleep after a tiring day. You quickly change out of your work clothes into something a little more comfortable before turning off the lights and getting to bed. Since you are now not obligated to watch over the Pilgrims examine PD, you have an excuse to sleep in. As you lay in bed you slowly drift to sleep as the lullaby music you copied from the Vanar Network does its job.

Hope you enjoyed this omake. Please let me know if there are any mistakes that I missed.
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Some flow and perspective errors, but very enjoyable nonetheless!


Bolt asked Martyris and Aria to help her apologize to PD on behalf of the whole of the Feer-Clan. This apology was accompanied with Bolt saying that the Clan would be willing to foot the bill for a Mobile-Workshop. After great reluctance, and the realization that her harsh reaction to the Feer had much greater consequences than intended, PD agreed to the services of a:

[ ] Armor Workshop (+25 permanent Armor)
[ ] Machinery Workshop (+5 to Initiative for the first 3 Combat-Turns)
[ ] Sensor Workshop (Ambush Damage is rolled with Disadvantage.

Choose your additional Lore:

[ ] Eversun's Knights - Scrap Or Genius?
[ ] The Italica Awakens
[ ] Paladin Mk.2
@HeroCooky I can't decide on what workshop to pick. It doesn't help that I don't know how big of an advantage any of these are. Like how effective is +25 armor compared to normal? How influential is +5 Initiative? How does Disadvantage work when calculating Ambush Damage?

[X] Paladin Mk.2
Come on, this is my baby of course I'm going to pick this :D
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@HeroCooky I can't decide on what workshop to pick. It doesn't help that I don't know how big of an advantage any of these are. Like how effective is +25 armor compared to normal? How influential is +5 Initiative? How does Disadvantage work when calculating Ambush Damage?

[X] Paladin Mk.2
Come on, this is my baby of course I'm going to pick this :^D
PD has 296 Armor, meaning that the 25 would not be much, but could be the difference between getting trashed, and surviving another round against rare level enemies. The +5 would be to the d50 rolled for who attacks first, meaning a 10% increase in the chance to do so. The disadvantage is that the damage is rolled twice when ambushed, then the worst roll is taken, meaning that you could take up to 50 damage less in the extreme case.

Story coming up in a moment.
@HeroCooky what type of Knight is Aria going to be? a Tank, a DPS, or a Guard? If she is defensive I'd pick the armor, If she has good offense then getting a first hit would a big advantage especially for 3 turns, if she is gonna be a Guard running escort missions and acting as support I'd pick sensors.
@HeroCooky what type of Knight is Aria going to be? a Tank, a DPS, or a Guard? If she is defensive I'd pick the armor, If she has good offense then getting a first hit would a big advantage especially for 3 turns, if she is gonna be a Guard running escort missions and acting as support I'd pick sensors.
It will wholly depend on what you will use Aria and PD as. They can do all three roles.
[Canon] - Paladin Mk.2
Many would look at the Paladin and see the epitome, the masterwork, of a generation of work. Most would think that it is the Magnum Opus of their creators, that this Knight will be the tip of the mountain of success for the Vanar. All believe that it will take at least a century for another pattern to be produced that will even stand an equal, as the Paladin-Pattern lines are spooled up.

Everybody is wrong.

The Paladin was never intended to be the end-all-be-all that many have seen it as. It was not designed to eternally prove against what horrors roamed the lands or the dangers of war, nor was it ever intended to stand the test of time. In truth, this revolutionary Pattern, which had catapulted the Vanar to be the equals of all other Great Forge-Clans, was nothing more than step one. It was a prototype, nothing more. All those built, all that was sent out and who died against the Flood, those that have been issued to the Elite of every Chapter, that perished, killed, and inspired, was only a test. A Pattern that existed solely as the pedestal, as the stepping stone for its successor: The Paladin Mk.2.

It would be a Titan amongst Titans, standing 13-meters tall, possible by the knowledge and experience from dozens of Clans, a hundred years of study condensed into a single form, an empire worth of resources, and the full backing of three Emperors and one Empress. With the data gained from the Paladins systems, the final adjustments could be made, the last twists and fixes to the plans, that last bit of work to eke out a single percentage-point of performance. As experts closer to a hundred years than seventy bickered, as their apprentices ran to and fro to deliver the last reports, gigantic machines were readied for the mass-production of this Pattern, their intended production not measured in the dozen a year, but the hundreds. Even as the vast and deep treasury of the Empire strained to provide the resources, as the Master Of Coin of the Emperor's Council barely survived his third heart-attack, their numbers were already being allocated in secret plans.

And while the Paladin would go down in archives as a revolution, the Paladin Mk.2 would enter history with a bang.

It would be the tip of the spear for the Empire against the Eversun.

On the 32.12.1149, they would strike, setting a wrong right, a millennium in the making.

Istilfarn will burn.
@HeroCooky what type of Knight is Aria going to be? a Tank, a DPS, or a Guard? If she is defensive I'd pick the armor, If she has good offense then getting a first hit would a big advantage especially for 3 turns, if she is gonna be a Guard running escort missions and acting as support I'd pick sensors.
Honesltly I think we should turn her into DPS.

We use stealth for defense. A tank is only somewhat useful.

We use scouts for detection. A guard is only somewhat useful.

On the other hand when we find something that needs to die right now 100% it would be nice to have a knight who hits like a tank to drive directly at the target and take it out before retreating back to safety and allowing our scouts to continue exploring in secret.

Tank and guard are proactive uses, but we only have one knight. We can't be proactive everywhere. DPS is an active use. We can have a single DPS unit that goes where it needs to go and kills what it needs to kill.
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@Fouredged Sword, I agree I think the Initiative is the best option. I was mostly on the train of thought that getting the first hit and killing what you hit can change an encounter drastically from my many xcom playthroughs but you also have a point. Being the 1st to act means being able to intercept attacks too so it fulfills her motivation to protect people.

[X] Machinery Workshop (+5 to Initiative for the first 3 Combat-Turns)

Also I have a name saved up for the official designation of the Paladin Mk2. The Seraphim Pattern. What do ya think?
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Research And Development Of The Pilgrims - [Incomplete]
Finished Research
Name: Study The Locals
Description: Understanding how the local culture works is a powerful tool. You will be able to tailor your messages better and understand the local needs to a higher degree.
Artifacts: None.
Effect: Less cultural misunderstandings.

Name: Camouflage?
Description: Being the same color as your surroundings is an effective way of escaping the meaner critters' notice out there. Unfortunately, you often cannot mask yourself to perfection on the move or on-demand at a moment's notice, not speaking of the fact that some creatures can smell humans. Set your scholars to the task of figuring out a method to block both sight and smell or mask them sufficiently.
Artifacts: None.
Effect: Basic understanding of scientific camouflage applied to military matters.

Name: The Study Of Color
Description: While the cloaks are serviceable, they are not satisfying. Or adequate. However, your scholars think they can create a better version by improving upon the color-schemes.
Artifacts: Rolls of Durable Fabrics.
Effect: Standardized Camo-Cloaks.

Name: Stealthy And Durable
Description: Being stealthy and avoiding the enemy is a proven strategy the world over. But what happens when you are caught while sneaking?
Artifacts: None.
Effect: Armored Camo-Cloaks.

Name: Poison And Cures
Description: The poison that will inevitably seep into the water, soil, and air has already killed many, and it is not even at full strength. Finding out what specific poisons are present, failing that, and neutralizing/minimizing their damages should be prioritized. Lifes could very well depend on it.
Artifacts: Preserved Orchid, Animal Skeleton, Old First-Aid-Kit, Tattered Book On Dental-Hygiene.
Effect: Reduced casualties for all poison-based attacks against regions with a Pilgrim presence.

Name: Food; Gotta Have It
Description: Now that you have access to unclaimed land, you should see that the best crops are chosen and planted for the local climate and soil.
Artifacts: None.
Effect: Discovered the best crops to be planted.

Name: Study The Minerals
Description: Iron, Copper, Steel, Gold, Silver, Jewel. On those, the economy runs. On those, you will have to rely on the building, and funding, of the Pilgrims. Let's see if there are not some veins that have been missed by prospectors.
Artifacts: Well kept maps.
Effect: Uncovered ancient mines and deposits.

Name: Firebombs
Description: Someone has burned down the living quarters with flasks filled with burning chemicals. While some may find it distasteful to use them, having a way to lob liquid flame is a potent argument. Luckily, you already have (broken) examples.
Artifacts: Parfume.
Effect: Sticky Molotovs.

Name: Medikits For Cheap
Description: If there is one thing your scouts and volunteers are sorely lacking, it is medikits. Having a simple bag with clean bandages and medical-grade alcohol at hand has saved you more times than you care to admit. Make sure the Pilgrims have something better than that.
Artifacts: None.
Effect: Medikits.

Name: Of Deterrents and Lures
Description: The increasing number of Blightdogs that stream into Tessen is a danger to many people. While you can't hunt them all, you can develop something to prevent attacks on humans. A chemical repellant that keeps Blightdogs away from humans could save many lives. Of course, the Blightdogs still must be hunted, or people will die from the long-term consequences of the Blightdog invasion, so developing a lure would help too.
Artifacts: None.
Effect: Bait for valuable animals.

Name: Flow Like Water
Description: While uncommon, waterwheels are used for industrials purposes besides agriculture. It should be easy to adapt to help with your mines, especially with the Artifact you possess.
Artifacts: Diagramm for a waterwheel.
Effect: Waterwheels and mechanical elevators.

Name: Scientific Theory
Description: There is a big difference between science and doing something stupid: writing it down. Lay down some rules for efficiently doing just that.
Artifacts: None.
Effect: Scientific Theory is now known.

Name: Sandcrete Localized
Description: Sandcrete is a miraculous substance and has one significant advantage that nullifies its glaring weakness: adaptability. Even with your rather barebone facilities, adapting its formula to local needs and supplies is easy and quick! You only need to put in the effort to do so.
Artifacts: None.
Effect: Sandcrete is now cheaper.

Name: Flow As We Demand
Description: Now that you have figured out how to use waterwheels to speed up mining, maybe now would be time to figure out how to improve it further? The most common reason for the abandonment of mines is flooding, after all.
Artifacts: None.
Effect: Greatly improved waterwheels.

Name: Tell Me Your Secrets
Description: Jewel is a curious metal. Or substance. Or chemical. Or a myriad of other things, since none know what it is, only that it is used in Knights, and those that do know, won't tell anyone. Well, you have a deposit of the stuff; why not see for yourself?
Artifacts: None.
Effect: You now possess the knowledge that Jewel is both fluid, a plasma, and a crystal simultaneously.

Name: Lock and Key
Description: Two times, the Tree was infiltrated, and it was only thanks to luck that nobody died. While organizing guards will make your home safer, you can do more. With this Artefact, the Pilgrims can develop ways to make it even more difficult for any enemy to infiltrate their home.
Artifacts: Mechanical Lock.
Effect: Better security, though not as effective due to failure to glean anything of import from the Artifact.

Name: Secret Of The Circuit
Description: While you have a functioning motherboard, you have no idea what it is supposed to do or how it functions. Start unraveling the mystery of circuitry.
Artifacts: Rusted Motherboard, Assorted Lightbulbs, Non-Functional Lightbulb, Drained Battery.
Effect: Very resistant electronics, primitive electricity generators (wind, thermal), and batteries.

Name: Mutated And Their Bodies
Description: Due to the recent surge of Mutated recruits into the Pilgrims ranks, someone asked, "Can they be made use of?" After clarifying, they questioned if there isn't a way the Mutated could use their Mutations to a more significant effect other than lifting heavy things or running fast. There may be something to that, but you would have to make some inquiries to find out what could come of that.
Artifacts: None.
Effect: Categorization and primitive understanding of various Mutations.

Name: Under Pressure
Description: Another Artefact, the Pilgrims, found which analysis would affect a variety of fields. The prevention of mines being flooded, over improvements to the water supply, and even better irrigation of fields. The ability to move large quantities of water without buckets has many uses.
Artifacts: Broken Pump.
Effect: Pipes and Pumps.

Name: Catalog Everything
Description: A Knight is in your camp. A cored, burned out, and heavily damaged Knight, but a Knight nonetheless. Finding out which systems are salvageable and which should be removed is tantamount. As is understanding just what does what.
Artifacts: Black Rectangle, Pump-Connector, Resilient Electric Toy, Fuel Distributor, Actuator.
Effect: Perpetual Defiance.

Name: The Return of the Can Opener
Description: While the Pilgrim already developed an ax for their use, the Bloodletter is most useful against "soft" targets. Melee against a heavily armored enemy should be avoided, but the Pilgrims' scouts never know what they might find in the old ruins. In such cases, having an option to deal with armored enemies would be useful.
Artifacts: None.
Effect: Crying Cresent, AP weapon.

Name: Lock and Key, Part 2
Description: When you fail the first time, try again. Make a new lock, a good one this time.
Artifacts: Clockwork Pieces.
Effect: Clockwork Lock.

Name: Building up Steam
Description: While the Ancients used many kinds of technology to power their inventions and tools, most of them are lost to the people today. This Artefact is part of such a technique, not nearly as advanced as electricity but still beyond the Pilgrims waterwheels. Research into this Artefact could help the Pilgrims develop an understanding of steam-technology, without the risk of explosions, like what happened to some scholars that tried to create it from scratch.
Artifacts: Steam-Valve, Basic Engine, Rusted Block With Missing Circles, Modular Bridge, Soldering Kit, Rusted Cogs, Pulley System, Fuel Nozzle.
Effect: Steam-Engine, highly modular, tool able, and very resilient and requiring less maintenance.

Name: Keeping Cool
Description: Food storage and preservation are, compared to before the Fall, somewhat limited. While salted and dried food exists, those are more useful for long-term storage than day to day use. Research of this Artefact should allow the Pilgrims to preserve and store food that is more useful for daily use and could allow other further-reaching developments.
Artifacts: None.
Effect: Freezers.

Name: Crystal Shard Unlocked
Description: Well, you have a shard of the crystal that floats when electricity hits it, electricity, and a bunch of people brimming at the seams to figure out how to harness that weird effect. Not choosing this could result in a horrific revolt by your scholars... they would mostly write complaints every day. Nagging complaints. Where are they getting that much paper anyway?
Artifacts: None.
Effect: Suspendium Tech-Tree unlocked.

Name: Get To The Point
Description: The best-ranged weapons the Pilgrims can give to their volunteers are currently bows and slings. That's enough for self-defense but not enough for a war. Use the examples of crossbows you have or bought to develop your own.
Artifacts: Destroyed Crossbow.
Effect: Pointed Reply, Crossbow.

Name: To Melt and Pour
Description: Another Artefact that, while not directly useful, can still teach much. In this case, how to make better molds to create tools and weapons. Things built like this won't be as detailed or of high quality as when made by a blacksmith but could help develop simpler parts or mass-produce items.
Artifacts: Molds Of Binoculars, Smelting Guide.
Effect: Advanced Molds now available.

Name: Beyond Mortal Ears
Description: The Pilgrims have probably the highest amount (seen proportionally) of Mutated in their armed ranks. It makes sense even; enhanced hearing, sight, smell, strength, and many more make Mutated a valuable addition to any Unit. Using the hearing part to relay orders would grant the Pilgrims an edge in Combat (as long as the Mutated is alive). As such, developing pipes that humans cannot (or just barely) hear to relay simple orders should be looked into and rudimentary codes.
Artifacts: None.
Effect: Greater Coordination between Pilgrim Units.

Name: That Stone Is Talking
Creating a cloak that makes people miss you on a casual glance takes skill and hard work. Making one that could stand up to multi-second scrutiny, however...
Artifacts: Beaker Set
Effect: Reduced chance to be detected + increased chance to complete all scouting actions, Ghillie replaces Camo-Cloak

Name: Electric Lances
Now that you have electricity, you should do something more destructive with it. Figure out how to electrify your weaponry!
Artifacts: Armor Piercing Ax
Effect: Electric Spear/Maul/Bolt(Crossbow Ammunition))

Name: Heavy Metal - (Super-Heavy)
While the Armored Camo-Cloaks of the Pilgrims are excellent pieces of armor, it is a fact that they don't focus on being armor. Sooner or later, Pilgrims will get into a fight where stealth is not an option, and the basic leather armor won't be enough. Use some of the knowledge the Pilgrims found to develop armor that is better than the basic versions.
Artifacts: Burnt Breastplate-Schematic, Alloy Ingots
Effect: Super Heavy Armor: Obstacle.

Name: Tools of the Trade
Description: While the mining of silver and the farming of Bloodbark gave the Pilgrims options to heal their injuries and others, that are only necessary materials and not proper tools or procedures. This artifact research should improve the Pilgrims' ability to heal various wounds and develop advanced protocols for their customary use.
Artifacts: Surgeons Kit, Hygienic Instructions, Antibiotics
Effect: Improved Medikits, reduced Upkeep for the Medical Wing.

Name: Ailments Of The Mind
Description: As your returned volunteers settle into their lives once more, it has become apparent that something is wrong. Some dislike the close nature of crowds; others are frightened by loud noises or have frequent nightmares. The answer to these changes in behavior may be due to combat stress, but none of the Pilgrims have any idea of what to do to help them. Maybe some inquiries in various libraries and some inspiration from the past may help?
Artifacts: How-To Romance Novel, "Obedience And You - Training People!"
Effect: +1 replenishment per Turn.

Name: Coke
Description: Coke is used ubiquitously within the Empire for all kinds of tasks, but primarily for steel creation. You should figure out how to produce the Coke yourself; it would make Upkeep cheaper for many things.
Artifacts: None.
Effect: Reduced Upkeep for Engine Assembly, Metalsmiths Abode - (Expanded), all Steam Engines, and Steel Foundry, increased Chances for all Steam Engine research.

Name: The Feather Is Mightier Than The Sword, At Least Against Paperwork
Description: Your Scouts found another Artefact in the ruins of the old world. While it may not be as impressive as other Artefacts, the scribes and bookkeepers of the Pilgrims are very interested in finding ways to produce them for themselves. Which wasn't that important to Martyris until Nexa joined them in their demands. Who knew she would develop such a dislike for paperwork? The downside of trying to produce it is that you need some very complicated parts.
Effect: +2 Materials Income.

Name: Catalogue Everything 2: Airship Boogaloo - (Ship Type: Personal Cutters) - (Intact)
Description: Second verse like the first. Before you can get those ships up and running, or flying in this case, you need to understand how their systems interact with each other and how they can be repaired or powered up enough to get back to the Tree.
Artifacts: Flexible Circuitry, 1 Damaged Caretaker Remain, Rust-Free Alloy Samples
Effect: Can recover (Intact Personal Cutters), reduced cost and upkeep for Airship Manufactory, increased Income for Airship Manufactory, increased quality of native Pilgrim produced Airships.

Name: Pneumatic Automatic Generatic
Description: There are few things more unpleasant than mining. And you have been digging into a cliff for years by now. Something needs to be done about that, either by building outside or inventing tools that make mining less tiresome. Someone suggested using pneumatics, and it's not like you have anything to lose by researching this.
Artifacts: "Atracium" Press, Rusted Self-Driven Drill, 1 Damaged Caretaker Remains, Environmentally Sealing Door, Actuator Joint, "Nictaia" Fuser, Compacted RIOT-Weapons, Turbine Coolant System
Effect: -1 Turn per 3 turns for all Tree of Knowledge actions, increased income. In addition, tools require less maintenance and can be mass-produced with greater ease. The pneumatic tools are modular, can be folded into half their size for ease of transportation, and can be used as primitive welders and point-blank heat weapons in a pinch.

Name: Combat Stimms Round 1
Description: The idea and usage of drugs to increase the combat efficiency of soldiers is not a new idea. The book you found promises to negate many of the inherent risks in drug usage, meaning that you could start using them for your units. Well, once you can produce them, at least.
Artifacts: Textbook On Cellular Theory
Effect: Unlocked Combat Drugs: Berserk, Re-Breath, Last Stand.

Name: Keeping Iced
Description: Now that you can keep your food fresh, you should see if you cannot miniaturize the technology and better ways to achieve the same result without massive salt quantities. Or see if there are any other applications, like within your Knight.
Effect: Reduced Upkeep of the Storerooms and the Library, Icebox.

Name: Secret Of The Circuit Pt.2
Description: Now that you have the absolute basics of electronics and how to generate them, it is time to look into much more advanced forms. Maybe even in producing your first usable computer! PD shared some insight here. Your finished Workshop has made this almost insultingly easy. Almost.
Artifacts: Damaged Papyrus Tablet, Industrial Electric Foundry
Effect: Advanced your knowledge on electronics, can now produce shaped electronics with only light difficulty.

Name: Suspendium Bags
Description: Having a method to keep the ship afloat for extended periods is needed should you decide to follow that development path. Getting bags of Suspendium to stay charged for extended periods will be the first step.
Effect: Gain Suspendium Bags, allowing a much higher lift rate at the cost of flammability. See Unique Airships - Components in the Information tab for further information.

Name: Cargo Transporters
Description: With the proof that you can now fly, you now need evidence that airships can move heavy loads around without falling prey to any aerial threats. And with the interest of the Merchant Guild now on this project, a lot of expertise and hands-on knowledge in long-distance travel has been opened to you.
Artifacts: 1 Destroyed Caretaker Remains, Lightweight Alloy, Artificial Critical Success!
Effect: +10 Airhsip Modules, unlocked secret research project, slightly lowered weight for all modules.

Name: Sugar, Spice, And Everything Nice
Description: Humanity lost much knowledge during the Fall, some important like medical or technological knowledge, and some less obvious. Food preservation was the second type. While there are methods known even now, they come nowhere near the months or years of conservation possible before the Fall or aren't usable for every food type. Analyzing the preservatives found could be the first step towards fixing this.
Artifacts: Food Preservatives
Effect: Reduced Storehouse upkeep, extra Income when producing food.

Name: A Shielded Approach
Description: While shields are more of a hindrance to your scouts, the Pilgrims found several pre-Fall examples that could change this or at least allow you to make better shields.
Artifacts: Reinforced Shield, Rusted "RIOT" Shield
Effect: Shield: "Orcist" (+2 Armor per 6/6 Unit/0.3 Armor per Unit Size.)

Name: Learning To Take Census Pt.1
Description: If one problem plagues the advancement of knowledge globally, then it is the scattered nature of said knowledge. Therefore, we should create protocols, training, and other initiatives to start gathering all the scattered pieces of information in one place so that our work to uplift humanity becomes (ever so slightly) more manageable.
Effect: Faster and easier Theory research.

Name: Lend A Hand, Arm, And Leg - Part 1
Description: Unfortunately, many find themselves losing a limb to either accident, disease, or injury. Unfortunately, only those with wealth and connections can go to the Forge-Clans to get a replacement. We found the remains of an ancient prosthetic in the Necropolis; in its current state, it is unusable, but we might be able to glean enough of its design to begin crafting our own. Primitive as these first attempts may be, they will be the first step in easing many people's suffering.
Artifacts: Chainsword, Low-Grade Conductor, Warped Circuits
Effect: Primitive Prosthetics have been researched. Very basic hands/feet can be crafted, no tactile feedback, slightly weaker than human appendages. Still allows one to eat soup or manipulate objects with minimal difficulty. Costly, even for veterans.

Name: Illness Of The Mind
Description: As your returned volunteers settle into their lives once more, it has become apparent that something is wrong. Some dislike the close nature of crowds; others are frightened by loud noises or have frequent nightmares. The answer to these changes has been found, but not the cures. There is talk of a long recovery, challenging and sometimes near impossible, but not entirely. All that is required is dedicating the time and effort needed to understand the intricacies of the human psyche. No problem, right?
Artifacts: Forgotten Diary, "Flight Related Sicknesses And Cures" Manual
Effect: Basic understanding of compulsive and involuntary behaviour, foggy awarness of PTSD and Depression, minor therapies can be applied.

Name: Lend A Hand, Arm, And Leg - Part 1
Description: Unfortunately, many find themselves losing a limb to either accident, disease, or injury. Unfortunately, only those with wealth and connections can go to the Forge-Clans to get a replacement. We found the remains of an ancient prosthetic in the Necropolis; in its current state, it is unusable, but we might be able to glean enough of its design to begin crafting our own. Primitive as these first attempts may be, they will be the first step in easing many people's suffering.
Artifacts: Dilapidated Prosthetic, Chainsword, Low-Grade Conductor, Warped Circuits
Effect: Basis movable limbs can be built. Tools can be attached, like saws, hammers, and screwdrivers, alongside electronic devices like tablets.

Name: The Movement Of Things - Part 1
Description: The Vuur-Engine uses steam to power various applications via mechanical means. Said plainly: it turns a wheel. Sure, you have found some novel ways to use that, but there must be more, shouldn't there? Like driving a cart or something similar?
Effect: Primitive Prototype for a train and tractor.

Name: Fuck That Guy And Everything Around Him - Part 1
Description: Your scavengers found what the Vanar-Feer tell you is an Artifact to launch rockets and other high explosives. While you are aware of what missiles are, you thought them confined to Knights or static emplacements; being able to craft a portable version would net you a powerful weapon on the battlefield. The chemical compositions will require extensive testing, but with some help from recently unearthed Artifacts, the delivery methods are easy to figure out.
Artifacts: Self-Loading Rocket Tube, Mortar Range-Finder, Acid-Canisters, Anti-Riot Gas-Recipes
Effect: Mortar (Primitive), unlocked Varied Payloads research, increased accuracy, and chances for future mortar research.

Name: Payloads May Vary
Description: It is one thing to shoot something up and make it come down where you want it to and shoot various ammunition types across the battlefield. Luckily, with access to many examples, you managed to accrue quite the assortment of possible payloads!
Artifacts: Sleep-Gas Bombs, Hydrochloric Halucinogenic Acid
Effect: 7 new Mortar ammunitions, including Acid Globules, Sleep/Chocking Gas.

Name: Combat Stimms Round 2
Description: While your first batch of combat drugs is potent, they lack the usability of more conventional boosters like caffeine and adrenaline. Refining what you have already created and producing new ones could give a Pilgrim the needed edge where they would have died otherwise in future confrontations.
Artifacts: Autonomous Preservative Injector, Stimulants
Effect: Cheaper drugs, and Stabilizers.

Name: Optical Camouflage
Description: Invisibility is not something that someone without a mutation can achieve. However, by studying patterns, how various Machines and Mutants perceive their environments, and building upon previous successes, the Pilgrims Scholars are confident that they can create the best self-made stealth clothes on this side of the equator. Considering that there is only a few islands down-under, that is a severe boast.
Artifacts: Electric Collars/Shackles/Implants, 1 Baby Gargoyle Skeleton, Feeding Stations, 1 Acidic Globules, Report On Vivisections
Effect: Dread-Ghillie (Military)

Name: Reach Out And Stab Someone
Description: A weapon the Pilgrims found in the Forest that you could study for re-creation. While this would be less useful for scouts, it is a good weapon for guards and other warriors who don't have to be mobile. The extended reach is also helpful if some Mutant tries to eat you, so it's worth researching.
Artifacts: Glaive
Effect: Lillith (Caphractan-Alloy (+3 Acid Damage, +1 Damage for 1 (one) Turn after attacking, tripled damage against Armor and Internal Structure), Two-Handed (Unit cannot equip secondary armaments/shields/consumables), Reach (+5 Initiative), Monster-Slayer (-10 Initiative to Mutants), 9.05 Materials per (6/6) Unit.)

Name: The Means Of Reproduction
Description: One of the things which had bubbled up around the recent B'il debacle was the unavailability of contraceptives. Mind you, even the poorest can still buy them after a week's work, but if you have to choose between eating unflavored sandbread but safe sex and eatable food but unsafe sex, few take the former. Yet, this also has created the view for many that any pregnancy not prevented is a pregnancy wanted. So take a look at how the medicines we have work and make them cheaper aside from growing more.
Effect: Cheaper and Better Contraceptives

Name: Propulsion In The Air
Description: Moving around on the ground is easy; driving around in the air, less so. Relying on sails is good, but what if there is no wind? How do you move around then? Several new avenues have been opened with your recent advances in steam technology.
Artifacts: Gyro Bed, Rusting Water Pipe System
Effect: Decreased Maintenance means increased profits!

Name: Secret Of The Circuit Pt.3
Description: After creating the PCU, several issues propped up immediately. The most pressing issue was that you were straining the very limits of your manufacturing capabilities, meaning that the PCU's will remain niche and only for the rich until that problem is fixed. So, for now, we will focus on making our electronics cheaper and more convenient for mass production, enabling us to license their manufacture to enterprising merchants and industrialists and sell them cheap enough to spread our PCU far and wide.
Artifacts: Thermodynamic Pump, 4x Seeker-Shells, Hardened Tracking System, Rusted Walker Eye Component, Destroyed Sentinel Remains, Holographic Sights, Rusted Swarm Seeker Warheads, 2x Electro-Spool, Damaged Caretaker Remains, 1x Miscellaneous Artifacts, Rationalized Circuits, Low-Grade Jewel Capacitor, Rugged Electrification Kit, Current Converter, 2x Hardened Touchscreen, Damaged Sentinel Remains,
Effect: Massive reduction in DC and Cost to all electronics-related Actions, upgrades Electronics Manufacture, unlocks Base/Learning Action.
Negative Effect: Hardly Understood (Titanic Increase in difficulty and successes needed for follow-up project due to overuse of Artifacts to attain the needed information without understanding them.)

Name: Pressurized Suspendium
Description: Rather than trying to get more Suspendium inside a flammable bag which can be ripped open by anything, why not miniaturize and pressurize the crystals instead? Case in point, doing so may have a slight chance of exploding.
Effect: Gain Pressurized Suspendium, allowing a much higher rate of lift in exchange for instability. 5.000 Kg, -3 Structure, 10% to explode if taking damage.

Name: Gather Structural Information
Description: It should surprise no one that the Daughter is the single most advanced Airship globally, rivaled perhaps only by one Dreadnought. Learning how to build as structurally sound as her creators would allow native airships to better weather any attacks and survive the inevitable crashes when their suspendium is destroyed better. Or enable the crew to endure the touchdown in some manner.
Artifacts: Hexagonal Armor Plate, Unique Lattice Shields, 2x Ablative Armor Platings, Fluid Dynamics, Eversun Scrap-Knight, Calculations On Sandcrete, 1x Miscellaneous Artifacts
Effect: Increased Structural Integrity for all Airship Components, Alloy And Metal Armor.
Quester Submitted Research TBD
High-Rise Monorail, by Fouredged Sword
Needed: Advanced Biology Theory - (Acid Mutants) - (6 Successes), Advanced Chemistry Theory - (Sandcrete) - (9 Successes), Sandcrete Mixer, at least Prototype Trains.
Reward: Safe Monorails Research

Light Shaping, by Leon12431
The Hololithic Cube shows that it is possible to command light itself into shapes and images. It is time to begin to discover how to shape light on our own.
Needed: Holographic technology, Optical Theory - (6 Successes), Gravitational Theory, - (4 Successes), Spacetime Theory - (18 Successes)
Reward: Theory of Holograms, unlock Light manipulation tech tree.

Coherent Energy, by Leon12431
Needs: Pioneer Physics Theory - (16 Successes)
Rewards: Basic Principles behind lasers.

Compressed Energy, by Leon12431
Needs: Coherent Energy, Fusion Theory, Plasma Theory
Rewards: Basic principles of Plasma Applications

Hard Light, by Leon12431
Needs: Light Shaping, Force Projection, Pioneer Physics - (16 Successes), Quantum Computers
Rewards: Forcefield Technology

Civilian Suspendium Use, by Fouredged Sword
Needs; Non-Linear Suspendium Application Theory - (2 Successes)
Special Unlocked Research
Suspendium. Floating rocks that need electricity to float. Hmm.

Name: Energized Dust
Description: Now that you have some insight into the mystery that is Suspendium, Turi has asked to follow that line of research. She is sure that she will only need some time to figure out something genuinely revolutionary. Unfortunately, you have only the dust that remained after the crystal broke down after being mishandled due to your unfamiliarity with it. Turi swears that this will not hinder her in the least, as she had the time to experiment a bit with it, claiming that she 'is on to something.'
Artifacts: Suspendium Dust
Effect: Airship: Proof of Concept

Name: Propulsions In The Air
Description: Moving around on the ground is easy; driving around in the air, less so. Relying on sails is good, but what if there is no wind? How do you move around then?
Artifacts: School Project On Primitive Robots
Effect: Ships are now no longer forced into auto-combat when attacked, much faster to boot, reduced maintenance and required crews for larger airships.
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