Answering these before going to bed:
I wonder if the Forge-Clans refuse to help the university due to them not trusting the university with the knowledge. Or if the university refuses their help out of pride/paranoia/principals, etc.
More of a Realpolitik moment here. 3-Point is a long-term existential threat to the Forge-Clans, as their entire power rests upon having access to, being able to handle, and improving upon knowledge that most others don't have.

So the more 3-Point advances, the less the Forge-Clans are able to move in the Empire of Slatnan, the less they will be able to secure themselves the futures they desire.

And while the desecration of the Data-Crystals and the erasure of ancient knowledge hurts from a religious viewpoint, it is quite a lucky break and speed-break from a political one.
karmaoa said:
Strange that they were aware of the effect pain and misery had on reality, and still persecuted fast swats of their population.
Minor Spoiler for that:
The Catalyst was Needless Suffering, not Pain or Misery.
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Should we swap the Orphanage actions to the hospice actions or the soup kitchen actions? They are still worthile persuits.
We don't need to do more Hospices right now. I'm thinking we finish off our Orphanages and the Poor Houses this IC year, and then next year, we can start on Grand Kitchens and Schools.
I don't think is an action we can really quit, and most of all the slander we are suffering really is based on building orphanages. Seems the easier way to deal with it action wise.
There's also the Territorial Hospitals, we only did those once or twice in Ularn iirc.

We also need to build Consensuals in every city, and schools (though those might elicit the same kind of backlash).
There's also the Territorial Hospitals, we only did those once or twice in Ularn iirc.

We also need to build Consensuals in every city, and schools (though those might elicit the same kind of backlash).
Maybe, maybe...

Separate note, does anyone know how many Unit Points we get from re-training with Pump Those Legs?
[X] Plan: Expansion Phase Beta
-[X] [Faith] Begin Preparations For New Region Conversion - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[X] [Faith] Build An Orphanage - (Big) - (Jokvi) - (5/10 Turns Complete)
--[X] (Seek Mutated Help +505 [-5.05 Goodwill]) = +505
-[X] [Diplomacy] School The Diplomat-Corp - (Specialized) - (Forge-Clans) - (1/2 Turns Complete)
--[X] (Ashleaf Tea +15, 6FF) = +21
-[X] [Diplomacy] We Are One People! - (Locals) - (5/6 Successes)
--[X] (Ashleaf Tea +15, Common People +15, Action Bonus +15, 6FF) = +51
-[X] [Subversion] Home of Dusk - (1/5 Turns Complete)
-[X] [Martial] Guards! Guards! - (Airship Component Factory, Aluminum Mine, Minuscule Scientific Complex, Scutter Makers, Tiny Drone-Manufacture)
-[X] [Martial] Pump Those Legs! - (Sunken Guard - Retraining) [-0.5 Goodwill]
--[X] Upgrades: Armor Weight Specialization
--[X] Equipment: Add Gas-Mask "Mk.13a - Nephilim", Rough Rider Scutter x2
-[X] [Martial] Upgrade The CRPS To CREPS - (6/9 Turns Complete)
-[X] [Learning] Coilgun Mystery - (Advanced Electronics/Weaponry) - (12/29 Successes)
--[X] [DoD], [PD], [MSC], [VF], [In the Name of Education], (Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5, Electronics Workshop +30, 1[SC] +12, 4[ENG] +56, 6FF) = +124
--[X] (Rusted Baton +5 to Weapons, Discarded Atlatl +5 to Weapons, 3x Bunker Artifacts +5 to Electronics) = +25
-[X] [Learning] Aerodynamics 101 - (All Physics) - (0/3 Successes)
--[X] (Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5) = +20
--[X] (Uninspired School Science Project +5 to Physics, Flight Paths +20 to Advanced Weapons/Physics, 1x Data On Physical Phenomena +20 to Advanced Physics, 1x "The Death Of A Moon" +50 to Pioneer Physics) = +95
-[X] [Learning] Assemble The Theorists! - (Common Mechanics) - (0/2 Successes)
--[X] (Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5, Soaring Wrenches +50) = +70
-[X] [Learning] Assemble The Theorists! - (Common Programming) - (0/2 Successes)
--[X] (Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5, 1[SC] +12, 1[TSC] +18, Adjudicator +10) = +60
-[X] [Archeology] Prepare an Expedition - (SST-01) - (2 Turns Prep = 4 Turns Exp.) - (House Mirn support: N) - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[X] [Archeology] Loot The First Bunker Floor (Center)
-[X] [Tree of Knowledge] Electronics Manufacture - (4/6 Turns Complete) - [Sandcrete]
-[X] [Tree of Knowledge] Assemble A Logic Bank - (Holdings) - (2/3 Turns Complete) - (WARNING! Last One!)
-[X] [Holdings] Small Sturdy Clothing Manufactury
--[X] Hire Contractors x2
-[X] [Holdings] Organized Airship Manufactory
--[X] Swap the Lines (First Son to Caravaner)
-[X] [Martyris] Shift Your Bureaucracy From (Martial) To (Archeology) [-0.01 Goodwill]
-[X] [Martyris] Too Much To Do (Assemble The Theorists - Common Programming)
-[X] [Aria] Cool Tempers [-30 Goodwill]
--[X] (We Can Do It! +20, Object of Veneration +5, Trauma: Common Person Purge Survivor -5) = +20
-[X] [Merchants] Procure ('Training Consultants' - Progress to Upgrade The CRPS To CREPS)
-[X] [Adventurers] Guardians For Hire - (Orphanage - Tessen)
-[X] [Herbalists] Study Sessions - (0/7 Turns Complete) [-1 Faithful]
-[X] [4S] In The Name Of Education - (Coilgun Mystery) [-3.50 Goodwill]
-[X] [BICL] Donate [1 Medium, 6 Small, and 21 Tiny Shards] of Suspendium
-[X] [Vanar-Feer] Unlimited Specialists Galore
--[X] (1x Engineer) - (5/6 Turns Complete)
--[X] (8x Engineers) - (0/6 Turns Complete) [-8 Faithful]
--[X] (6x Scientists) - (0/6 Turns Complete) [-6 Faithful]
--[X] (2x Forge-Coders) - (0/15 Turns Complete) [-2 Faithful]
-[X] [FoL] We Work As One! (Build An Orphanage)
-[X] [Conclave] Eternal Arts (34/96 Turns Complete)

Goodwill Costs: 5.05 + 0.50 + 0.01 + 30 + 3.50 = 39.06
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-[X] [Martial] Pump Those Legs! - (Sunken Guard - Retraining) [-0.5 Goodwill]
--[X] Upgrades: Stealth Training
--[X] Equipment: Add Gas-Mask "Mk.13a - Nephilim", Rough Rider Scutter
I'm not sure Stealth Training is the best option for the Guard. Sunken Hollows is made up either of forests or ruins, so while the Rough Rider Scutter(they might need 2?) will be useful, I'm not sure if stealth is feasible. Armor Weight Specialization or Reaction Training might be better.

Mortars might be useful in the ruins but could have issues in forests.

-[X] [Learning] Coilgun Mystery - (Advanced Electronics/Weaponry) - (12/29 Successes)
--[X] [PD], [VF], [In the Name of Education], (Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5, Electronics Workshop +30, 1[SC] +12, 2[ENG] +28, 6FF) = +96
--[X] (Rusted Baton +5 to Weapons, Discarded Atlatl +5 to Weapons, 9x Bunker Artifacts +5 to Electronics) = +55
Why only 2 Engineers? I couldn't find the other 2 anywhere in the plan.

-[X] [Learning] Aerodynamics 101 - (All Physics) - (0/3 Successes)
--[X] [DoD], [MSC], (Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5, 6FF) = +26
--[X] (Uninspired School Science Project +5 to Physics, Flight Paths +20 to Advanced Weapons/Physics, 1x Data On Physical Phenomena +20 to Advanced Physics) = +45
Why not a Lost Artefact instead of DoD or MSC? We have 12x Plasma Tools +50 to Pioneer Physics/Metallurgy or 2x "The Death Of A Moon" +50 to Pioneer Physics for pure Physics Artefacts. Either would mean an overall boost of +121, guaranteeing 3 Successes.

-[X] [Aria] Cool Tempers [-30 Goodwill]
--[X] (We Can Do It! +20, Trauma: Common Person Purge Survivor -5) = +15
I think Aria's Object of Veneration Trait should work here too? We are centered on Norqod.

[X] Plan: Expansion Phase Beta
I'm not sure Stealth Training is the best option for the Guard. Sunken Hollows is made up either of forests or ruins, so while the Rough Rider Scutter(they might need 2?) will be useful, I'm not sure if stealth is feasible. Armor Weight Specialization or Reaction Training might be better.

Mortars might be useful in the ruins but could have issues in forests.
Swapped to Armor Weight. Added a 2nd RRS. I suspect that, on balance, mortars may be more of a net encumbrance than a gain considering the terrain.

Why only 2 Engineers? I couldn't find the other 2 anywhere in the plan.
Oh, yeah. I've been operated on the auto-pilot assumption 2 were being upgraded even though I know Faithful are being used instead. I'll fix that.

Why not a Lost Artefact instead of DoD or MSC? We have 12x Plasma Tools +50 to Pioneer Physics/Metallurgy or 2x "The Death Of A Moon" +50 to Pioneer Physics for pure Physics Artefacts. Either would mean an overall boost of +121, guaranteeing 3 Successes.
I'm naturally reticent to blow a Lost-Tech Artifact on smaller stuff like this, but in this case you make a good point. Tweaks made.

I think Aria's Object of Veneration Trait should work here too? We are centered on Norqod.
Not sure if it applies, but I'll make a note and we'll see if HeroCooky says yes.
-[X] [Aria] Cool Tempers [-30 Goodwill]
--[X] (We Can Do It! +20, Object of Veneration +5?, Trauma: Common Person Purge Survivor -5) = +20?
While I know that we really need some piety, it feels like a missed opportunity to not assign Aria to We Are One People. Especially since Aria became extremely famous as a civil rights icon the last time we did so.
It does apply, you can add that without worry.

While I know that we really need some piety, it feels like a missed opportunity to not assign Aria to We Are One People. Especially since Aria became extremely famous as a civil rights icon the last time we did so.
I figure if it doesn't complete this turn, we can assign her to it next turn.

That map looks at the HRE and thinks its a goal to reach.
More like it said, "Hold my beer."
That map looks at the HRE and thinks its a goal to reach.
More like it said, "Hold my beer."
It is even worse when you realize that Regions is basically a synonym for "nation" within the Empire with their own divisions and territories. There are several thousand sub-regions within the country outside of the main ones (the red part that isn't in a full Region, but they don't cover even a tenth of that space), made up of city-states, collections of villages/colonies, un-governed areas with wildcat settlements, unauthorized (but taxed) political entities akin to rogue states (that are, of course, still loyal to the Imperial Family (or else)), and a whole lot more.
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Okay, so Bone Valley is number 6, not that far away from Tessen.

Sunken Hollow in number 11 and south of Bone Valley, so our first chapter can work as waypoint between Sunken Hollow and Tessen.

COE's home turf is number 8 and further east.

@HeroCooky what is the yellow blob in the center of the empire? Impassable desert?
I think it's liquid.

But looking at the map I can see how much a fucking game-changer the advent of airship is for the Throne.

For context the capital is number 72 and is on the north was part of the empire, it not central at all.
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