The Work Begins - The Tessen Speaker
With House Tessen's approval given, the shipwrights of House Dall began their labors with speed and enthusiasm, befitting those laborers to create a symbol of the Region that will shine as its shield and spear. Thousands of orders for various materials have been given to the Merchant Guild, and thousands more are being prepared as we speak by seemingly every specialist in the Region; from furnishings to weaponry, nails to paint, iron to wood, everything is required, and more is demanded. One can only imagine the splendor of the airship once it is revealed to the public in full, rising on its maiden voyage into the skies to show the Region the glory and pride of their home, their people, and their Houses.
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Rumblings Of Armaments And Arms - The Truthful Observers
Though the Pilgrims make no secret out of it, their continued research into more and more weapons, weapon systems, and armor has raised more than one eyebrow among those tasked with keeping a close eye on such developments within religious communities. While most explain this away as simply the reality of the Pilgrims being so tightly woven into airships, suspendium, and the race to keep far ahead of any other nations that would stumble upon suspendium in their own borders, those who do not reach for that conclusion can only wonder why the Pilgrims are suddenly so focused on military matters when, in the past, they were content with utilizing trained and overwhelming force instead of sophisticated weaponry.
(Read more on page 21)
The Sacred Lands Of The Everliving Sun - Recovered? - Rags, Rumors, And Rants
After years of recovery, with their lands holding firm against outside aggression and colonies breaking away as they finally broke free from the yoke of the mainland fanatics, reports have reached us that, though the loss of life is still staggering and has cleaved an ugly tear across their populations, the Everliving Sun has begun to make moves to start shifting their attention from internal matters to external concerns. What those concerns will exactly entail, and which will be dealt with first, and in what manner, are pure speculation at this point in let's begin!
(Read more on pages 23-25)
War Against Weeds - The Norqod Vegetable
With the expansion to the gardens of Norqod underway, House Dall has taken it very seriously to ensure that their duty to protect the people living in their lands is enacted to the utmost letter and spirit they can muster. In that regard, Lady Selene Dall, may her horns ever curve, has declared War! A war against the foulest, most blightsome, most despicable thing in existence:
(Read more on page 4)
Region Report/s
Bone Valley
Nothing new to report. The price of goods dependent on grains went up due to two regular caravans carrying such foodstuff under continual contract being ambushed by Mutants, but that will pass as the same Mutants were slain by the Knight-Chapter Last Light a week ago.
Signed; Omar of Iron.
Sunken Hollows
Hello, this is Akane.
Our Soup-Kitchens and Scavenger Outpost have finished construction, and we have already seen a rise in people convinced of the Paths of the Pilgrimage alongside an increase in income thanks to the Outpost.
Thanks to a rather influential merchant converting last month, we have been given the opportunity to enter the industrial sector, with an eye set on metalworking due to the prevalence of skilled metalsmiths amongst our ranks. We will begin constructing several connected smithies and foundries in the coming weeks.
Shaped metal is always in demand, and there is little that remains left over whenever an out-of-Region caravan comes through our slice of heaven.
With a relieved goodbye,
Broken Crossroads
Thanks to our continued fortification efforts and more fresh blood taking up arms to defend our cause, the need for additional reinforcements has waned somewhat, yet our need remains unchanged. Though the Line Ship that is now proudly shielding our primary holdings, the Gangs are using the sudden unease of every politically relevant faction to skirt around the umbrella of its protection. Both the Houses and the Free City of Zimbasa have taken a rather dim view of our new protection, with less than kind rumors spreading about what we intend to use the Line Ship for. Several invitations by the same to explain its appearance have also been issued yesterday, and soothing ruffle feathers will likely take the better part of a season. In addition, we have begun a voluntary general training program for every person outside our central enclave and have additionally opened it to the public as we can expect interest to be high among the lowest of the Region, not the least thanks to the gang's continued insistence on testing our patience and reach.
Broken Titan
The kitchens, security, and feathers have been constructed, enhanced, and smoothed, all naturally, respectively, and in order of statement.
Yet, I know the next step will un-smooth those very same feathers as trade has begun picking up with more and more airships docking at our trading docks, bringing with them groups of well-earning and hard-working sailors, each eager to seek something other than the company of people they were with in cramped quarters for days and weeks, keen to pay good coin and better bragging to the boys and girls willing to offer relief.
A 'Consensual' will be constructed, and I have already received enough applications to fill it twice over. I do not expect the local communities to see this as a way to reduce the incidents of violence and vice here, but the opposite, and thus, we will begin with an intensified campaign to integrate and ingratiate ourselves with them in turn. It is easy to point fingers at strangers. At friends? You first have heated words.
The Path remains, and so does our conviction.
The Marquess of Tessen is focused on her Flagship.
House Ulatarn is focused on arranging the marriage.
House Mirn is finishing reviewing its holdings.
The Military is raising another unit to keep up with the increasing population.
The Bureau For Imperial Civilian Logistics is focused on their contests.
The Followers of Light are collecting donations for some Regions hit by a minor pandemic.
The Adventurer Guild is swamped by an uptick in minor and annoying problems.
Dirty Daggers are doing business as usual.
The Common People are distracted by the minutia of their lives.
The Mutated are distracted by the minutia of their lives.