The crossroads are our direct neighbors, and we can dump some power armor squadron soon -ish, we probably need a more military and intrigue minded adjudicator, maybe a retired scout or member of the wall.

Like I said before we really blow the gasket oppen with the phat of endless skies.
what did we do with endless skies again? I'm drawing a blank.
Hmm, I'm now between Broken Crossroads to deal with the gang problem, and Tarnished Glory to establish a fish cannery which would allow us to have a big source of protein next time we have to deal with a famine.

Broken Crossroads or Broken Titan - which could use some help with non-military development. My thinking is that we should focus on regions closer to Tessen to build up a contiguous chain of chapters, enabling interlocking support as they grow and develop.
@HeroCooky is there a way we could help Akane with her legal entaglement? Like, could we send her money for a lawyer to help her find a solution?
It's less legal trouble and more her having to wrangle up a dozen contractors and resource merchants for everything building related. A lawyer wouldn't help with her getting the right estimates for constructing a tower or a farm, or things like that.
You know, I think its time we start sending our two established chapters some more specialists.

Especially I think a Scientist will help them develop further without our intervention.

We should really start pushing for each chapter to have at least one of the three basic specialists.
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We probably need to send Ohmar som shmoozers his chapter actually have an unfavorable reputation.

Akane just need people, people and things. Part of why i want to make seed ships is how much we could just send there.
We probably need to send Ohmar som shmoozers his chapter actually have an unfavorable reputation.
Bone Valley's chapter is unpopular with the nobility, who I remind you caused a famine over a dispute.

So not the kind of people we want to make nice with. The Chapter is actually friendly with the lower classes, so I would say they are fine on that point.
Bone Valley's chapter is unpopular with the nobility, who I remind you caused a famine over a dispute.

So not the kind of people we want to make nice with. The Chapter is actually friendly with the lower classes, so I would say they are fine on that point.
Until you run with a problem pf being branded a criminal if we don't need a shmoozer we need lobbyts because not adressing elite hostility will bite the chapter in the ass.
Until you run with a problem pf being branded a criminal if we don't need a shmoozer we need lobbyts because not adressing elite hostility will bite the chapter in the ass.
They are still at -1, and it shouldn't change unless they manage to seriously step on some toes. So I think they are going to be fine for the foreseeable future.
They are still at -1, and it shouldn't change unless they manage to seriously step on some toes. So I think they are going to be fine for the foreseeable future.
You are the one that said we need to send specialist, right now this is their main problem because otherwise the valley is working like a clockwork
You are the one that said we need to send specialist, right now this is their main problem because otherwise the valley is working like a clockwork
We don't have diplomacy specialists. And I want to send them some so they can develop further. An Engineer will help them build up faster while a Scientist will allow them to research stuff so that they can develop new and wonderfull ways to lift people out of misery.
Aight' I think I've updated the Airships section to be accurate.
If someone is interested in making a new 'ship, please do remember that you are effectively adding +1/2/3 Structure per Module to a Light/Medium/Heavy Airship now due to unlocked tech.
Chesus ducking Krist, I just did the Piety calculation and-no. Nope. I am giving you a Six Turn Grace period on Piety Rolls. You are sitting at +168 and 57% here. This is Crisis Mode levels of Piety loss, and that would basically be 2 Major Heresies to grind that down to a managable level.
Edit: Ideas are welcome
Foe Endless Skies maybe an Academy for pilots, crewmen and mechanics could give some Piety reduction since we are giving people a trade?

Other than that, maybe the Asylums could now provide some Piety reduction, since we are now actually helping people.

Also, 'Cleaning the mess' could provide a chunk of Piety since we are doing a lot of good, and that would help mitigate the cost of many new chapters.
Temple ships can be something big, basically flying charities centers that travel trough big provinces to bring help to everyone.

Philosophy (instead of theology because well humanism) classes on the phat.

Ritualistic inscription of suspendium infused tatoos as a comming of age thing.

Cerimonial clothing for everyday use that are more for the pilgrimage.

Radio cafees where workers can destress and hear the news and progress on pilgrim technological innovations.

And finally do some redux in some already established piety saving actions that would probably give a chunk more of piety saving due renewed coverage.
Yeah, I've already gone over those. (Several times to catch them all.) Hope they are all up to date in the new update! (Watch me gloss over seven of them. :V)
Well, at least we can't go lower than +1 per 25, right?

[X] Chapter
[X] Broken Crossroads
[X] Barric
-[X] Gender: Male
-[X] Mutations: None
-[X] Body: Tall, Fit, Scarred Arms and Face
-[X] Personality: Regretful, Strong-Willed, Passionate
-[X] History: At an early age, Barric was orphaned - and this being a time when the Pilgrims were still relatively young, had no recourse but fell in with a gang, the Black Hounds of Ularn. The communal bond justified to himself the things he did in their membership - mostly. Some small part of himself never could. In time, seeing Pilgrim activities presented him with a model of something better, and he dared to leave the Black Hounds and join the Pilgrimage. None are more passionate than a convert wishing to make up his sins, and this propelled Barric to the position of leading a new Chapter, where he could truly wipe the slate clean and begin for the best.

You know in hindsight this might have made a better Broken Crossroads leader, but I don't have any other ideas.
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