Technically it's one, since we used a Martyris action for Means of Reproduction. Also, didn't we unlock asilums as well?
Ah right, changed that.

Also, you can build asylums now, but must first ring up the BICL to get approval to do so, as those institutions target the, literally, most helpless and vulnerable of society.
Also, you can build asylums now, but must first ring up the BICL to get approval to do so, as those institutions target the, literally, most helpless and vulnerable of society.

That's surprinsingly reasonable and it makes me suspicious.

Also, out time traveler is Russian, and said, "what the heck?" Followed by, "I don't know, I don't know."
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[] Send (Unit/s) + (Personal Cutter) (High Chance for Artifacts, Medium Chance for Unique Loot)
[] Take Note Of Their Achievements (Reward: Interlude Event: To Burn The Sun)
Son of a. Hell to the yes we're doing it. Anything to burn those little bastards out of existence. Why not send our Knight Titan whose name i forget right now
@HeroCooky Say, if we finish somethin like mortars before the expedition sets out do we take some with us automatically or do we have to create a dedicated unit?
Artillery is counted as auxilliary equipment for your Units, so you could earmark about 25 Materials to equip per Unit to have them with you, if you finish researching them.
Son of a. Hell to the yes we're doing it. Anything to burn those little bastards out of existence. Why not send our Knight Titan whose name i forget right now
You have PD as your Knight, and Aria as her Pilot, with ^Ä^ chilling out as a Core, waiting for you to slot him into a Knight.

Yes, you can have another Knight the very second you assign the funds to that.
I remember you saying that there was an island of friendly mutants that Eversun is trying to wipe out, is this the same island?
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PD is a she. And at this point we might need a glossary for all the non-hero Pilgrim characters that are running around.
I'lltry to whip something up tomorrow, but for now, have this:

Martyris Dall - Male, Adjudicator Pilgrim, Prevter Norqod
Selene Dall - Wife of above, Prevter Norqod Title Holder, Mutated
Silvia Dall (younger) - daugther of all above, Mutated (Born: Year 7; Month 2)
Needle - Security, Mutated, Married (informal), Female
Marxcim - Silent - Architect, Male
Aria - Mutated, Knight-Pilot, Female
Turi - Scientist, Female
Wiljem - The Wall Sergeant, Mutated, Male
Chiedi - The Wall, girlfriend of Aria, Female
Greg & Samantha - Scav's, married (informal) (have a kid)
Nexa - Female, Burn Victim, Martyris's friend and assistant
Phan - Female Engineer, married to Savi
Veda - Male Engineer, Mutated
PD - Knight-Core, female
^Ä^ - Knight-Core, talks in emojii only, male
Angels Demise - DoD Core, broken, male

Ori Nepe - Royal Guard Captain, Male
Bolt - Forge-Clan Vanar-Feer Data-Smith, 3 kids, Female
Savi - Forge-Clan Morgenstern Guardian (says Baby to Phan), Female
@HeroCooky, three things.

There appear to be no actions to directly help the survivors - is this just meaning that we're already doing everything they need?

Second and third, REALLY?!!, and Lady Tessen's favour have either kept the same chances or gotten worse. Shouldn't these have gone *up*, at least a bit, now that we have survivor testimony to add weight to our arguments?

Yes, you can have another Knight the very second you assign the funds to that.

Also, wouldn't this still be a knight only Aria and PD can converse with?
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There appear to be no actions to directly help the survivors - is this just meaning that we're already doing everything they need?
You are doing everything you can do. You unlocked three psychology research projects to further help them, but your understanding of the human mind is rudimentary. The Empire doesn't really have much in the way of psychological institutions, aside from the rare and extremely expensive therapists.

If you had started in the Eversun, you'd have identified what they were suffering from already, as well as how to treat them.

Too bad you don't, and don't have a way to take a gander into one of their villages/towns to loot some books about that. :V
Second and third, REALLY?!!, and Lady Tessen's favour have either kept the same chances or gotten worse. Shouldn't these have gone *up*, at least a bit, now that we have survivor testimony to add weight to our arguments?
Yes, the chances did go up, aling with your proclamation.

Then three months passed, giving you a big malus.

People are still angry, but it is fading from everyone's mind and out of the news-cycle, so the chances stayed the same or worsened.
Also, wouldn't this still be a knight only Aria and PD can converse with?
Yes, however, most Knight-Pilots don't really talk with their Knights, or pilot an Awakened Machine Mind around like Aria.

And "this symbol means that" isn't that hard to teach.
Materials: 438.10 (min. -23.36, max. +538.64 per Turn.)
Let's see, 103 Materials for the bunker, maybe another 100 to armor the Daughter. Hmm...

Contact: Sub-General Aiden Gracia
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Continues to run their recruits, rookies, and veterans through harsh drills, with the Umbra Skulls and Dawn Bringer Chapters participating within these wargames. Additionally, approving noises are coming from all ranks about your recent actions.
Information Network: Rank 2.
I really hope they get around to dealing with the Hibernating Mother soon. With our luck, she's going to wake up once the DoD is gone.

The Bureau For Imperial Civilian Logistics
Contact: High Archivar Mahan
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Local Plans: Getting Suspendium.
National Plans: Improved Radiological Technologies (4 Turns) - 470 (1st), 350 (2nd), 290 (3rd) Materials as Reward.
Still 4 Turns? More time to research projects is nice, but I don't think competitions like that should wait for us.

The Lost
Opinion: Friends (2)
Information Network: Rank 1.
Assimilation: 0/10
Plans: Are struggling to support the recent growth of people in their ranks, though they are doing an admirable job with their materials. Nexa suggests to up our support by another 5 Materials and infiltrate them once more to prevent any genuinely horrible deviations from the Pilgrim Faith. So far, they only seek purpose in penance of themselves, but that could change...
Huh, the Assimilation Track is new. So we need to infiltrate them and stock up their budget.

Prosperity: Some (Growing)

Mood: Good (Increasing)

Permanent Inhabitants: ~1.800
-Tendency: Big Uptick
The same as last Turn, except we got 200 new, permanent residents. If it's linear growth we should reach 2.000 next Turn; if exponential a bit over 2.000 next Turn and probably around 2.500 the following Turn.

Mutation: Lamba Volondavenona (11/25):
Hmmm? I wonder why Aria's mutation advanced?

Human Girlfriend - Chiedi - Fresh, Awkward, Confused - (2/11)
Small steps, Aria. Small steps.

Trade is the lifeblood of Calynth, allowing many settlements to flourish within inhospitable environments, barren of life, minerals, or ancient debris, or overflowing with danger, be it manifest in animals, Machines, or Mutants.
True, but a settlement that can't sustain itself and lacks minerals or loot to trade is probably a military outpost, and thus only in a secondary way sustained by trade due to the taxes the empire leverages on trade.

"I'm fine, you worrywart," Eilín shot back, heaving herself up the last rungs of the ladder. "Scoot over," she commanded, making an imperious shooing motion with her free hand, causing Ritu to giggle and blush.

"But my lady-"

"No," Eilín interjected, leveling a frown at her. "We are commoners now, so there is nothing wrong with us lying in the same bed or being in love," she said, shuffling out of her dustcoat and hanging it at a hook while crawling into the too-small cot against her girlfriend, a defiant look in her eyes. A kiss on her forehead by Ritu broke that facade as quickly as she had put it on, replacing it with a furious blush and a glance behind her.
Ah, the noble lady on the run with her maid.

"You have that time now; your family won't find us with the Pilgrims. And with a tan? Nobody will ever recognize you for who they told you to be."
Ugh, that could end up as a political headache.

A dim, flickering, dying light cast dancing shadows and dusk across a room, unable to illuminate even the bed upon which a woman sat. Yet, it did manage to catch the knife, making it glint and glimmer with each turn of the sharp instrument, the blade reflecting light into the room with each slow rotation. The blood dripping down its edge, slowly flowing forth from a pierced and slashed hand, greedily devoured what little light escaped, the sheets long since stained scarlet, filling the room with a familiar scent and her mind with intimate pain.
One of the Flesh victims?
Thaaat sounds like either a memetic virus or the White Forest influencing people.

Their dead eyes, dull, like rough glass, void of life and soul, haunted dreams.
Harbinger would probably enjoy it.*shudder*

"And yes, that are the two little lovebirds who ran away, creating a delicious minor scandal within their families. The ladies for having the audacity to love each other, the boy for being the one to help them run."
Ah, so they were all in on it.

"Also," Maranica added quickly, a feline grin of satisfaction spreading on her face, "he would have to leave his Mutated Bodyguard behind, who rails him every night."
They tried to set up a marriage and successfully selected a man and a woman with similar interests. Too bad that interest was being gay. Successfully failed?:V

Thankfully, the gods are merciful and gracious, as a member of the diplomatic team of the Pilgrims barged onto the balcony, a wild look in their eyes, locking onto Selene in an instant. "We forgot to introduce ourselves to the Emperor! We need your help!" They shouted, intensely waving at the exit.
In my defense, we were rather unimportant until we suddenly found the DoD and Suspendium. Not to mention all the other fallout we had to deal with.

Bolt hummed in response, mentally noting seventeen areas that needed improvement in her immediate vicinity, waving her hand in a so-so gesture. "It is... nice? Quaint?" She hesitantly spoke, looking at a Turi who tried to suppress an eye roll. "I mean, impressive for what you have available, but... eh," she continued, shrugging her shoulders.
I mean, the same could be said about any Forge-Clan lab if compared to pre-Collapse installations?:p

Many could have done without the hangover or the walk of shame the morning after, though.
Could we do it now? Could we mass-produce the ultimate hangover cure?!:o

"Halllia?" Some voice, female, called out, making my head move to the... stone door... in confusion. Was I in a brothel? I didn't have that kind of money... "Lamuk, habarist ul fualid," the voice continued, coming closer. Fuck, did I hit my head? I understood none of th-a mutant walked into the room.
Ah, the pre-Collapse guy from the other bunker. No one else would think of a Mutated as a mutant.

A deep unsettling feeling began to pool within my gut as several scenarios began to assemble themselves within my mind, though how the hell anyone could have kidnapped me from a Shelter stumped me. They were more than 3000km below ground and only accessible through gates!
Hmm, he got mindwiped of everything that happened after he woke up. I wonder why Rotting Moon set this up like that?

The Emperor has called, and the House Dall shall answer. In six months, the Daughter of Dawn will leave for six months, course set for the island whose inhabitants scream for help against the Eversun. Its mission is to collect information on the Eversuns activities, allowing for another crime to be levied against them, supply the natives with supplies, and help beat back the fanatics assaulting those brave enough to stand against evil.
2 Turns and it's against the Eversun, which means they probably have the tech to threaten the DoD.

But should the Pilgrims even send any aid, and if yes, what nature would it take? And how involved would they be?
Of material goods: Bloodbark for medical reasons, Medical Kits too. Maybe some electronics. It sounds like the locals could only help by running a guerilla war, so maybe Camo-Cloaks and various bombs?
Personal: Definitely Aria and PD, it's a good chance for them to gather experience. The scouts too; we have enough locations for expeditions. Maybe some doctors or we hire a Mercenary Company like the Huntsmen.

[ ] From The Brink
Having obtained rudimentary knowledge and understanding of the human psyche beyond that which is commonly available, you now have the chance to slowly pull The Lost back into the fold, saving lives in the process, and preventing them from sliding into a darker mindset than self-punishment. Of course, a deeper understanding of psychology and deeper infiltration could make this process smoother, but you'll have to make do.
(Cost: 10 Materials, 2 Goodwill
Chance: -20/-85%
Reward: +1/3 Assimilation. The Lost become more aligned with the Pilgrims, eventually allowing you to absorb them.)
More psychology research would take too long, either infiltration or we do it as Personal Actions.

[ ] Obtain A Permit For Creating Asylums
Having collected, researched, and collated everything you could get your hands on regarding psychological knowledge, disseminating your findings is currently happening within all channels the Pilgrims can access. Yet, merely getting the word out is not enough, as you need to create institutions to heal and, if required, hold those who are a danger to themselves, others, or unable to cope with life at large. As such an institution is inherently built around restricting the freedom of the most vulnerable, a certain amount of trust is needed toward the individual or group. Luckily, the Pilgrims are known as such a group.
(Cost: 15 Materials, 5 Goodwill
Chance: 85%
Reward: Can legally build: Humane Asylum - (Primitive))
"Primitive" makes me nervous but with the Pilgrim's Tenets, we hopefully avoid the "Primitive" asylums we had in RL.

[ ] Lady Tessen? About Our Favor...
You have a favor owed to you by the ruling House of a vital trading Region within the Empire. So you will use that favor and put it through B'il's fucking decision!
(Cost: 1 Major Favor from House Tessen
Chance: 05% (This will only ensure that the Emperor listens to the request. It won't make it succeed.)
Reward: Put pressure on getting the laws clarified/changed.)
Looks like we need to write-in a Diplomacy Action with the other Houses to boost this project. If we can get House Mirn and House Ulatarn to agree before we talk with House Tessen...

[ ] Lizard Dens
With the space in your armory expanded, you now have the needed area, blacksmiths, and tools to armor Lizards, ensure they are healthy, and keep them in shape.
(Cost: 66 Materials, 12 Materials Upkeep
Turns: 5
Reward: Can add Scout Lizards to Units.)
Interesting; I would be more interested in getting some of the Elemental Cat variants, though.

Learning: Knowledge is Power.
Re-organized, nice. Some of those DCs though.:cry:

[ ] Beverage Spoke
Within this "Spoke" of the Cultural District, shops that cater to those seeking tea and coffee will be rented/sold, allowing patrons and natives to partake in exotic blends. At the same time, familiar tastes are offered for sale. Of course, lively debates will rage within tea and coffee houses as soon as they open their doors, so a few guardhouses need to be built, but these establishments are not known for attracting violent clientele.
(Turns: 3
Cost: 41 Materials
Reward: +13 Materials in Taxes)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Cost: 7 Materials
Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)
There are going to be sooo many bar brawls.

[ ] Cat Alley
Nobody knows why streets with bordellos are named the way they are, but seeing as some "cats," as the local prostitutes are known, seem to like this spoke, they shall get it. Luckily, several have already asked for spots and permits, both for prostitution and gambling, with several others already making plans for outdoor decorations and attractions. Guards need to patrol here almost constantly, so a small barrack needs to be built.
(Turns: 4
Cost: 36 Materials
Reward: +16 Materials in Taxes)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Cost: 7 Materials
Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)
And this will start a war with the Criminals.

[ ] Sin Run
Gambling in all its myriad forms will be found here, ready to entice travelers and locals to ease their purses for the chance to the big strike. From cards to boxing and gladiator fights, all the way over to racing and betting on events. But remember: the House always wins.
(Turns: 3
Cost: 53 Materials
Reward: +24 Materials in Taxes.)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Cost: 7 Materials
Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)
Should probably wait until we got the local hospital.

[ ] Paper Mile - (Tone)
Large Printshops will be situated here, churning out books, leaflets, pamphlets, novellas, posters, and newspapers at all times of the day, supplying the population's ravenous hunger for cheap entertainment and news.
(Turns: 6
Cost: 71 Materials
Reward: +8 Materials in Taxes. Unlocks Norqod Rumor Mill. (Tone indicates the focus of the paper. Examples: sensationalism, facts, satire, investigative, etc.))
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Cost: 7 Materials
Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)
I would really like a satire-focused paper. People already have enough stuff to worry about.

[ ] The Imperial Family - (1 Action)
-[ ] Petition For (Topic)
(Turns: 10/1
Cost: 30 Materials and 10 Goodwill/1 Major Favor owed by an Elite Faction
Reward: Interlude regarding (Topic))
Expensive. Currently, only the law change would be important enough, but if we develop another big technology like the airships...

[ ] Interrogate The Awakened Stranger
The stranger has awakened and, through grueling, slow work, managed to re-/learn how to speak in a known language. What does he know, and what has he seen?
(Reward: ???)
Internal Security is going to snap him up sooo fast.
More psychology research would take too long, either infiltration or we do it as Personal Actions.
Fortunately, Eversun appears to be very advanced in that field, so we might be able to loot stuff to help our own research.

"Primitive" makes me nervous but with the Pilgrim's Tenets, we hopefully avoid the "Primitive" asylums we had in RL.
They are also humane, so I imagine at worst they become a holding facility where while they don't get better, they also can't hurt themselves and others.

I would really like a satire-focused paper. People already have enough stuff to worry about.
I think I would rather do straight comedy/ comic strips rather than satire. But there's also the artist alley which I think will have a cooler impact.
Could we do it now? Could we mass-produce the ultimate hangover cure?!:o
Once you have the next lab-level, I'll give you the option.
Ah, the pre-Collapse guy from the other bunker. No one else would think of a Mutated as a mutant.
Eeeeeh, people can be preeeetty shitty towards Mutated in some Regions. It's a slur some/many use to insult them
Hmm, he got mindwiped of everything that happened after he woke up. I wonder why Rotting Moon set this up like that?
WOG: Rotting Moon was unaware that he even existed until the Executive used the weapon in the fight, and then was more stumped as to what was even happening.
"Primitive" makes me nervous but with the Pilgrim's Tenets, we hopefully avoid the "Primitive" asylums we had in RL.
Primitive as in: we can't really help them recover, but at least make them not suffer.

I added Humane for a reason.
Interesting; I would be more interested in getting some of the Elemental Cat variants, though.
Altered that option!
I just had an idea for Paper Mile: Puzzle magazines.

You know, the type that's nothing but games like word soup, anagram and the like. Though I don't know if the literacy rate is high enough to be a market for something like that.

Though I imagine something like Where's Wally would have a wide appeal.
Yes, the chances did go up, aling with your proclamation.

Then three months passed, giving you a big malus.

People are still angry, but it is fading from everyone's mind and out of the news-cycle, so the chances stayed the same or worsened.

*sigh* So the only way we could feasibly have defended the survivor's rights while the iron was hot was by taking resources from the hunt for the survivors.

*rubs temples* Too much going on right now.

Alright, re: next turn:

[] Send (Unit/s) + (Personal Cutter) (High Chance for Artifacts, Medium Chance for Unique Loot)
[] Take Note Of Their Achievements (Reward: Interlude Event: To Burn The Sun)

If nothing else, I want those sweet, sweet psychology books.


So, this seems to be largely something to do to put pressure on the Emperor. The problem is, devoting resources to it right now is really, really difficult to justify, given how much other stuff we need to do.

[ ] From The Brink

I want so badly to do this, but at -20 we'd need to throw personal actions we don't have at it. Plus, this should get noticeably easier post-island trip if we can loot psych books.

[ ] Obtain A Permit For Creating Asylums

Something we should just straight up do, I think. Good success chances and it'll make other psych actions much easier.

[ ] Lady Tessen? About Our Favor...

I think we need to do this now, before the chance slips any further.

Weirdly, I think if we apply a Martyris personal action, an Aria lead by example, and all faithful, we can actually make this a +92 roll - nearly a guaranteed success. We can probably leverage a large commitment to the raid on the islands for more bonus.

(Am I wrong? I feel nervous about that. I'm never sure what the personal action/lead bonuses are exactly)

[ ] Lend A Hand, Arm, And Leg - Part 2 - (All Mechanics/All Electronics)

Would be a very nice injection of funds and piety right now, but it's a bit too much of a commitment in terms of turns/artifacts.

I think a [ ] Translations For Beginners - (Linguistics) - (1 (one) Artifact) or [ ] Detective Courses For Beginners - (Unknown Artifact) would be our best bet.

[ ] Open The Bunker
-[ ] Pull with the DoD

Y'all know me.

[ ] Laboratory Complex - Rudimentary

I want this badly, but I don't think we can justify the materials right now.

[ ] Armor The Daughter

I mean, we have to, really.

[ ] Electronics Manufacture

*whistles* Oh, that income. Oh my. Too bad about the Faithful requirement,

[ ] Daycare - Expanded

This probably needs to get done, having overcrowded daycare as the Pilgrims is just shameful.

[ ] House Dall Barracks

We've got the basics of Norquod, now we need to make sure that when our airship manufactories get going, they don't get raided.

Also, didn't we make an airship prototype? I can't remember.

[ ] (Martyris) Interrogate The Awakened Stranger
[ ] (Martyris) Too Much To Do - (Lady Tessen? About Our Favor...)
- [] If they are willing, bring survivors to recount their stories. Also be willing to trade if necessary to shift the political calculus
[ ] (Aria) Lead By Example (Lady Tessen? About Our Favor...)
[] (Aria) Relax - Take Chiedi for a ride in PD, tease PD with the possibility of making out in her cockpit. Use all the innuendos.

And something like this is to my mind our most important action to take this turn.

So, I'd put together something like this:

[] Plan: Alea Iacta Est
-[][Faith] A Helping Hand (10 Materials)
-[][Faith] Establish Soup-Kitchens (Bulk)(Tessen)(11 Materials)
-[][Diplomacy] Obtain A Permit For Creating Asylums (15 Materials, 5 Goodwill)
-[] Pump Those Legs! - (The Troubleshooters)(Ghillie Suits, Pointed Reply, Electric Bolts, Crying Crescent, Firebombs, Smokebombs, Medical Kit (Silver), 10.92 Materials)
--[] This unit specializes in assisting The Wall in clearing out occupied artefact grounds. Where The Wall acts as a stalking horse, The Troubleshooters focus on raining death without ever being seen.
-[][Learning] Fuck That Guy And Everything Around Him - Part 1 (Self-Loading Rocket Tube, Calibration-Matrix, Mortar Range-Finder, Electro-Spool)(1 SC, PD, DoD)
--[] Use 25 materials to equip outgoing expedition
-[][Archaeology] Open The Bunker
--[] Pull with the DoD (103 Materials)
-[][Tree] Armor The Daughter (525 Materials)
-[][Tree]Daycare - Expanded (34 Materials)
-[][Holdings] Simple Hospital (17 Materials)
-[][Martyris] Interrogate The Awakened Stranger
-[][Martyris] Too Much To Do - (Lady Tessen? About Our Favor...)
-[] If they are willing, bring survivors to recount their stories. Also be willing to trade if necessary to shift the political calculus
-[][Aria] Lead By Example (Lady Tessen? About Our Favor...)
-[][Support] Merchants
--[] Take Out A Flat Loan (375 Materials)
--[] Sell Businesses Norqod Location Privileges (+9d20 Materials)
-[][Support] The Military
--[] War Lessons (2 Materials)
-[][Support] Criminal Organizations (10 Materials)
--[] And Oh, My! - (Judge B'il)
-[][Support] The Followers Of Light (15 Materials, 3 Goodwill)
--[] For The Nation - (Lady Tessen? About Our Favor...)
-[][Support] Nine Tribes Council
-[] Rare Odds And Ends - (Sociology)(15 Materials)
--[] Search for documentation backing your arguments that the Ordnances mentioned in Judge B'il's decision are damaging the Empire

Alright, by my calculations that should give us a balance of 9 materials at the end of the turn in exchange for getting the Daughter fully armored, our troops trained some cancerous Ordnances overturned, another crack at the Vault, and some backup/payback on dear old B'il.

Let me know if you see any mistakes.
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So, this seems to be largely something to do to put pressure on the Emperor. The problem is, devoting resources to it right now is really, really difficult to justify, given how much other stuff we need to do.
I think we are going to have to let this one go. We just don't have the political capital to do much right now.

I think a [ ] Translations For Beginners - (Linguistics) - (1 (one) Artifact) or [ ] Detective Courses For Beginners - (Unknown Artifact) would be our best bet.
We should do mortars. If we apply the automatic successes plus a couple of artefacts to it we can realistically finish in one turn, meaning we can send artillery support with the expedition.

We've got the basics of Norquod, now we need to make sure that when our airship manufactories get going, they don't get raided.
Do note that the barracks specialises the village, I don't want to have a military influence so early. Better to just do one of the new options open to us.

-[][Support] Adventurer's Guild
--[] Investigate (3 Materials)
---[] Whoever it is that keeps attacking the Consensual.
The gangs are already dealt with.
We should do mortars. If we apply the automatic successes plus a couple of artefacts to it we can realistically finish in one turn, meaning we can send artillery support with the expedition.

Sure, sounds reasonable.

Do note that the barracks specialises the village, I don't want to have a military influence so early. Better to just do one of the new options open to us.

I've missed something again. Do you have a relevant link?

The gangs are already dealt with.

And again. Ah well, easy to remove.