Give me a minute.
EyeOfSauron threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: 53/77/97 (+80) Total: 11
11 11
EyeOfSauron threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: 30/60/90 (+33) Total: 65
65 65
EyeOfSauron threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: 01/05/10 (+30) Total: 98
98 98
EyeOfSauron threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: DC 86 Total: 82
82 82
EyeOfSauron threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: DC 30 (+11) Total: 86
86 86
EyeOfSauron threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: DC 20 (+65) Total: 62
62 62
EyeOfSauron threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: DC 86 Reroll Total: 54
54 54
EyeOfSauron threw 4 2-faced dice. Reason: Goodwill Total: 6
2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1
EyeOfSauron threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: Black Box Total: 285
88 88 61 61 84 84 52 52
EyeOfSauron threw 2 2-faced dice. Reason: Artifacts Total: 3
1 1 2 2
EyeOfSauron threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Faithful Total: 27
27 27
EyeOfSauron threw 12 4-faced dice. Reason: Income Part 1 Total: 31
2 2 4 4 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 4 4 2 2 4 4 1 1 1 1
EyeOfSauron threw 12 4-faced dice. Reason: Income Part 2 Total: 31
4 4 4 4 2 2 4 4 1 1 1 1 4 4 3 3 1 1 2 2 4 4 1 1
EyeOfSauron threw 8 4-faced dice. Reason: Income Part 3 Total: 22
4 4 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 4 4 3 3
EyeOfSauron threw 12 12-faced dice. Reason: Income Part 4 Total: 67
10 10 10 10 8 8 1 1 3 3 8 8 2 2 9 9 5 5 1 1 9 9 1 1
EyeOfSauron threw 4 8-faced dice. Reason: Income Part 5 Total: 21
7 7 5 5 3 3 6 6
EyeOfSauron threw 9 19-faced dice. Reason: Income Part 6 Total: 108
16 16 17 17 15 15 9 9 10 10 3 3 12 12 19 19 7 7
EyeOfSauron threw 7 18-faced dice. Reason: Income Part 7 Total: 70
2 2 14 14 15 15 15 15 5 5 4 4 15 15
EyeOfSauron threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Piety (-3) Total: 3
3 3
[X] Plan Meetings and Interrogations
-[X] Boost the Temporary Aid to The Lost to 15 Materials per Turn

-[X][Faith] A Helping Hand - (1/1 Turns Complete) - (-10 Materials)
Needed: 20/80, Rolled: 86
Goodwill: 6

-[X][Faith] A Home away from Home - (Mirn) - (1/1 Turns Complete) - (-4 Materials)
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X][Diplomacy] Obtain A Permit For Creating Asylums - (1/1 Turns Complete) - (-15 Materials, -5 Goodwill)
Needed: 15, Rolled: 50 + 21 = 71

-[X][Martial] Build A Training Field - (Expanded) - (1/4 Turns Complete) - (-18 Materials, -1FF)
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X][Learning] Fuck That Guy And Everything Around Him - Part 1 - (Physics/All Chemicals/Advanced Weapons) - (5/5 Successes) - (-22 Materials)
--[X] [PD], [DoD], (Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5)=+20
--[X] Self-Loading Rocket Tube +20 to Advanced Weapons/Machinery, Mortar Range-Finder +20 to Advanced Weapons/Electronics, Acid-Canisters +20 to Advanced Weapons/Chemicals/Metallurgy, Anti-Riot Gas-Recipes +20 to Advanced Weapons/Chemicals=+80
Needed: 53/77/97, for 1/2/3 Successes, Rolled: 11 + 100 = 111
+2 Automatic Successes
+3 Successes

-[X][Learning] The Movement Of Things - Part 1 - (Hydraulic/Machinery/Metallurgy) - (7/5 Successes)
--[X] [In The Name Of Profit], (1 [SC] +12, Scientific Theory +15, 6FF +6)=+33
Needed: 30/60/90, for 1/2/3 Successes, Rolled: 65 + 33 = 98
+1 Automatic Success
+3 Successes

-[X][Learning] The Means Of Reproduction - (All Chemicals/Medicine/Biology) - (9/20 Successes)
--[X] (1 [DOC] +12, Scientific Theory +15, +3FF)=+30
Needed: 01/05/10, for 1/2/3 Successes, Rolled: 98 + 30 = 128 Artificial Critical Roll!
+3 Successes
+3 Successes due to Artificial Critical Roll

-[X][Archeology] Open The Bunker (1/1 Turns Complete) - (-103 Materials)
--[X] Pull with the DoD
Needed: 86, Rolled: 82, Re-Roll: 86
Exact Success!
*Victorious Trumpet Sounds*

!!!Automated Security System Activates!!!
Firing 52 Ancient Missile Swarms!
8 explode due to lack of maintenance!
DoD defends itself!
40 are succesfully shot out of the sky!
DoD takes 95 Conventional Hull Damage from Ancient Missile Swarm #1, #6, #24, #33

-[X][Tree of Knowledge] Daycare - Expanded - (2/2 Turns Complete) - (-34 Materials) - [Sandcrete](-12.5 Materials)
+2 Turns of Progress

-[X][Tree of Knowledge] Library - (Basic) - (4/6 Turns Complete)
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X][Tree of Knowledge: One-Turn] Armor The Daughter - (-200 Materials=300Armor=320/807 (Conventional Armor))

-[X][Holdings] Expand The Marketplace - Population Focus - (1/3 Turns Complete) - (-18.15 Materials)
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X][Aria action] Low-End Introduction (Chance: 70% for Locals)- (Meira's Hidden) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
Needed: 30, Rolled: 62 + 11 = 73

-[X][Martyris action] Interrogate The Awakened Stranger - (1/1 Turns Complete)

-[X][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Infiltrate Part 2 - (The Lost)) - (1/2 Turns Complete) - (-12 Materials)
Needed: 20, Rolled: 54 + 65 = 119
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[X] Backroom Deals - (Anchorage (Tiny) - (Jokvi))

--[X] Take Out A Flat Loan - (100 Materials)

-[X] The Adventurer Guild - (1 Action)
--[X] Hire The Huntsmen for the expedition- (-50Materials)

-[X] The Military - (1 Action)
--[X] War Lessons - (The Wall) - (-2 Materials)

-[X] The Union Of Herbalists - (Choose 1 Action)
--[X] Study Sessions - (3/8 Turns Complete) - (-2.50 Material)
+1 Turn of Progress

-[X] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Action)
--[X] In The Name Of Profit - (The Movement Of Things) - (1/1 Turns Complete) - (-15 Materials)

-[X] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (1 Action Locked)
--[X] Made To Order: Armor for Aria, something she can wear while piloting PD - (1/1 Turns Complete) - (-5.34 Materials)

-[X] Conclave Of Fraya - (1 Action)
--[X] Eternal Arts - (Norqod) - (2/21 Turns Complete) - (-5 Materials)
+1 Turn of Progress

Further Rolls:

Black Box:

Self-Loading Rocket Tube = 88, Fail
Mortar Range-Finder = 61, Fail
Acid-Canisters = 84, Fail
Anti-Riot Gas-Recipes = 52, Fail

2d2 = 3

1d6-2 = 3 - 2 = 1% Piety reduction

1st: Needed: None, Rolled: Irrelevant
2nd: Needed: None, Rolled: Irrelevant
3rd: Needed: 59, Rolled: 27, Fail

33d4+12d12+4d8+9d19+7d18+161.32 = 350 + 161.32 = 511.32 Materials!


244.18 Materials


533.49 Materials


-246.35 Materials

The update will be online on the 03.11.21 at 17:00 CET.
Last edited:
Rumor Mill Turn 52

Combat Exercises To Be Followed By Cleaning Of Yellow Zones - The Tessen Speaker
In a press conference, Sub-General Aiden Gracia announced that "In our efforts to raise the quality of our newly expanded troops, we will initiate a Cleansing of Tessen's Yellow Zone's for six months within one season." It is a bold, dangerous statement, as the resulting combat could harm the fresh recruits more than they could gain in experience. Nonetheless, with all Knight Chapters having already pledged themselves to this campaign and with three months of preparation, we await with close interest the effects, casualties, and gains resulting from this campaign. At the very least, colonization efforts within the Yellow Zone are sure to be accelerated due to the mass-killing of Mutants, Dangerous Animals, Bandit Hideouts, and the rare Machine wandering around.
(Read more on pages 1-3.)

Gang War Amidst Round-Ups - The Truthful Observers
As the recent round-ups of criminal activity in Mirn started to draw down, violence began to erupt within the Mutated Districts and slums, as armed gangs of criminals began to kill and maim each other for unknown reasons. This series of incidents didn't remain isolated within the illustrious city of towers but seemed to spread all over the Region! Thousands of guards were mobilized everywhere to contain the tide of criminality, violence, and anarchy, ensuring that everyday life could continue for honest citizens of the Empire. For whatever reason, all the various gangs harbored by the Mutated and Criminals have started brawling for dominance, something which hadn't happened since the Civil War!
(Read more on page 4.)

Pilgrim Knight-Pilot Spotted In Outrageous Outfit, Parents Shocked - Rags, Rumors, And Rants
Truly, what is the world coming to when even those who have been given the most glorious honor there is, piloting a Knight, succumb to debauchery? Alas, even with such high honors generously given to her, the Knight-Pilot of the Pilgrims seemed to spiral down into a tale of drugs, sex, evil music, deviancy, and public lasciviousness; with no regard for any children who could be nearby!
[A Picture is shown with Aria wearing her new Pilot-Armor, the black material covers her legs, arms, and hands. Well, those visible under her somewhat prudish clothes. She is kicking a ball back to several cheering children.]
(Read more on pages 6-25.)



The Military is preparing for a thorough purge of the Yellow Zone to train recruits. The rank and file murmurs that they are training for a serious confrontation, though not with what or whom, but you know that this is in preparation for killing Mother.

The Lost are slowly improving both their sanctum and general QoL. The new materials are being used to provide goods that can provide comforts without sinking into dangerous habits.

The Common People are in the midsts of a new trend of fashion imported from the Shield Belt Alliance.

The Mutated are struggling against violent Gangs, cracking down Guards and Gargoyles in outlying settlements. The latter had a swarm move into an area where a few Mutated Villages are located.
-[X][Faith] A Helping Hand - (1/1 Turns Complete) - (-10 Materials)
Needed: 20/80, Rolled: 86
Goodwill: 6
That should give us enough Goodwill to start going after B'il. Except if the asylums have a high Goodwill cost too, of course.

-[X][Diplomacy] Obtain A Permit For Creating Asylums - (1/1 Turns Complete) - (-15 Materials, -5 Goodwill)
Needed: 15, Rolled: 50 + 21 = 71
Definitely an Action on this next Turn. Probably Faith?

-[X][Learning] Fuck That Guy And Everything Around Him - Part 1 - (Physics/All Chemicals/Advanced Weapons) - (4/5 Successes) - (-22 Materials)
--[X] [PD], [DoD], (Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5)=+20
--[X] Self-Loading Rocket Tube +20 to Advanced Weapons/Machinery, Mortar Range-Finder +20 to Advanced Weapons/Electronics, Acid-Canisters +20 to Advanced Weapons/Chemicals/Metallurgy, Anti-Riot Gas-Recipes +20 to Advanced Weapons/Chemicals=+80
Needed: 53/77/97, for 1/2/3 Successes, Rolled: 11 + 80 = 91
+2 Automatic Successes
+2 Successes
Uhh, @HeroCooky you do know this should have 3 Successes, right? The bonus on the dice was +100, +80 from Artefacts, and +20 from Scientific Theory and the Black Box. You literally copied that even.

-[X][Learning] The Movement Of Things - Part 1 - (Hydraulic/Machinery/Metallurgy) - (7/5 Successes)
--[X] [In The Name Of Profit], (1 [SC] +12, Scientific Theory +15, 6FF +6)=+33
Needed: 30/60/90, for 1/2/3 Successes, Rolled: 65 + 33 = 98
+1 Automatic Success
+3 Successes
That overflow could go towards some interesting vehicles.

-[X][Learning] The Means Of Reproduction - (All Chemicals/Medicine/Biology) - (9/20 Successes)
--[X] (1 [DOC] +12, Scientific Theory +15, +3FF)=+30
Needed: 01/05/10, for 1/2/3 Successes, Rolled: 98 + 30 = 128 Artificial Critical Roll!
+3 Successes
+3 Successes due to Artificial Critical Roll
Huh, nearly halfway finished after only 2 Turns.

-[X][Archeology] Open The Bunker (1/1 Turns Complete) - (-103 Materials)
--[X] Pull with the DoD
Needed: 86, Rolled: 82, Re-Roll: 86
Exact Success!
*Victorious Trumpet Sounds*
Wow, we got really lucky.

!!!Automated Security System Activates!!!
Firing 52 Ancient Missile Swarms!
8 explode due to lack of maintenance!
DoD defends itself!
40 are succesfully shot out of the sky!
DoD takes 95 Convention Hull Damage from Ancient Missile Swarm #1, #6, #24, #33
Good that we armored the DoD to 320 conventional armor. If we had used the drill team and looted those missiles, though...

-[X][Aria action] Low-End Introduction (Chance: 70% for Locals)- (Meira's Hidden) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
Needed: 30, Rolled: 62 + 11 = 73
I'm really curious how they will react to Aria. On one hand, isolationists. On the other hand, Aria is a Mutated with a technology-focused, rare mutation.

-[X][Martyris action] Interrogate The Awakened Stranger - (1/1 Turns Complete)
Oh, hey. Haven't seen those guys in some time. This time it's not even over a book!

Black Box:
Self-Loading Rocket Tube = 88, Fail
Mortar Range-Finder = 61, Fail
Acid-Canisters = 84, Fail
Anti-Riot Gas-Recipes = 52, Fail
Too bad. Should make for an interesting mortar at least.

Combat Exercises To Be Followed By Cleaning Of Yellow Zones - The Tessen Speaker
In a press conference, Sub-General Aiden Gracia announced that "In our efforts to raise the quality of our newly expanded troops, we will initiate a Cleansing of Tessen's Yellow Zone's for six months within one season." It is a bold, dangerous statement, as the resulting combat could harm the fresh recruits more than they could gain in experience. Nonetheless, with all Knight Chapters having already pledged themselves to this campaign and with three months of preparation, we await with close interest the effects, casualties, and gains resulting from this campaign. At the very least, colonization efforts within the Yellow Zone are sure to be accelerated due to the mass-killing of Mutants, Dangerous Animals, Bandit Hideouts, and the rare Machine wandering around.
(Read more on pages 1-3.)
I wonder if politics caused by the expedition played into this.

Gang War Amidst Round-Ups - The Truthful Observers
As the recent round-ups of criminal activity in Mirn started to draw down, violence began to erupt within the Mutated Districts and slums, as armed gangs of criminals began to kill and maim each other for unknown reasons. This series of incidents didn't remain isolated within the illustrious city of towers but seemed to spread all over the Region! Thousands of guards were mobilized everywhere to contain the tide of criminality, violence, and anarchy, ensuring that everyday life could continue for honest citizens of the Empire. For whatever reason, all the various gangs harbored by the Mutated and Criminals have started brawling for dominance, something which hadn't happened since the Civil War!
(Read more on page 4.)
Huh, Internal Security took everything over not too long ago. I wonder if they saw this coming and let it happen?

Pilgrim Knight-Pilot Spotted In Outrageous Outfit, Parents Shocked - Rags, Rumors, And Rants
Truly, what is the world coming to when even those who have been given the most glorious honor there is, piloting a Knight, succumb to debauchery? Alas, even with such high honors generously given to her, the Knight-Pilot of the Pilgrims seemed to spiral down into a tale of drugs, sex, evil music, deviancy, and public lasciviousness; with no regard for any children who could be nearby!
[A Picture is shown with Aria wearing her new Pilot-Armor, the black material covers her legs, arms, and hands. Well, those visible under her somewhat prudish clothes. She is kicking a ball back to several cheering children.]
(Read more on pages 6-25.)
Now I really want to do the fashion Learning Action.

The Military is preparing for a thorough purge of the Yellow Zone to train recruits. The rank and file murmurs that they are training for a serious confrontation, though not with what or whom, but you know that this is in preparation for killing Mother.
Let's hope it doesn't wake up before they are ready or while the DoD is gone.

The Common People are in the midsts of a new trend of fashion imported from the Shield Belt Alliance.
Clearly, we need to counter that with our own fashion.

The Mutated are struggling against violent Gangs, cracking down Guards and Gargoyles in outlying settlements. The latter had a swarm move into an area where a few Mutated Villages are located.
We could send some of our own guys, could risk them not going on the expedition though. Maybe hire some Adventurers?