
As a side note; the Pilgrims progression, due to your Humanist Origin, is Believer-Follower-Faithful, while any other would have given you Follower-Faithful-Zealot.
Also, this is really interesting. Hmm... Is it possible for us to get, say, the percentages of religious dominations around Tessen? I'm curious.
......I would like to request that this starts being tracked with every new turn, if it is no trouble. This should be interesting to watch grow over time...
Well, it kinda is trouble. As the Pilgrims are agnostic, a Believer can practice a second religion on the side. And there is a large overlap between the casual believers of different faiths, meaning that my numbers were a guesstimate at best, and completely made up at worst.
Well, it kinda is trouble. As the Pilgrims are agnostic, a Believer can practice a second religion on the side. And there is a large overlap between the casual believers of different faiths, meaning that my numbers were a guesstimate at best, and completely made up at worst.
Yeah, I thought that'd be an issue.

I'd just like a way to keep track there a better word than penetration?

The permeation of Pilgrim beliefs among the populace. So something like "9% of 100%" would be informative enough.

If you think there's still an issue with that though (I have no idea what kind of magic you're doing to keep all these numbers straight in your head or in your documents), it's cool. It's all in good fun, after all.
Last edited:
Well, depending on if he goes through Norqod first, you may want to spend some time there having him react to the massive difference in the lives of the Mutated they enjoy there. From their wealth, to the lack of hostile or disctiminatory practices, to Human/Mutated couples walking around and being open about it. As well as the breath of Mutations that are present. One of the snippets from Norqod has a Women with a lower snake-body and a human man as a couple, I'd imagine that they'd be informally married by that point with a child either on the way, or one already there with another in the making.
Massive culture shock. It is almost like another world.
And it's only going to get worse the more we build.

Though we really should raise the opinion on mutated among the general public, a purge may be out of the question but there is still a lot of racism.
A Faith write-in.

Also, kinda not needed at the moment. The only Councillor who'se been on the Council for more than a consecutive year is Needle, and that is because she know what she is doing. And most Pilgrims can smell political lizardshit from a mile off, as most are from the getthos/slums or low-class backgrounds.

Nice,i just want to avoid the long term issue of populism in democracy

Saying the nicest things get you elected and all that shit
Turn 52; Year 12; Month 6; It Is Always Something With You Lot
The Pilgrims
1.) The Mission of the Pilgrims is defined as such;
-a.) the easing, reduction, and eradication of
--1.) poverty
--2.) diseases
--3.) hunger
--4.) addiction
-b.) building infrastructure to ensure stability and growth in a region
-c.) the creation of valuable technologies and machines to advance civilization
-d.) reverse-engineering lost technologies

2.) The Leader of the Pilgrims is chosen by a democratic vote to ensure that the majority is heard.

3.) A new Leader is chosen should the current Leader;
-a.) die
-b.) voluntarily step down
-c.) be removed by a two-thirds majority vote

4.) The responsibilities of the Leader are thus;
-a.) assign 2(two) assistants to help organize matters they cannot attend to in a 7(seven) day time-span
-b.) bring issues brought forward by Department Heads or individual Pilgrims to vote
-c.) ensure that all votes are cast in no longer than 5(five) days
-d.) call for referenda on current issues/opportunities every 3(three) months
-e.) ensure that all discussion of issues remain civil and cool-headed
-f.) act as a tie-breaker, should a vote be even
-g.) bring forth issues in structure or behavior of the Pilgrims
-h.) ensure that the Pilgrims do not stray from their mission to help and uplift

5.) The duties of the members of the Pilgrims are;
-a.) giving what can, in good conscience, be spared to the cause of the Pilgrims, be that in Work, Materials, Food, Money or Information
--1.) no person may give more than 10% of their respective monthly earnings or spend more than 4(four) hours working in a Pilgrim run structure
--2.) this can be exempted on an individual basis, either by;
---a.) a Pilgrim requesting such
---b.) The nature of an assignment requires it
-b.) bring forth issues of the conduct of individuals or the Pilgrims as a whole to the chosen Leader
-c.) bring forth problematic aspects of the structure and tenets of the Pilgrims to the Leader
-d.) vote, or send an envoy with the Pilgrims HQ ballots, every 3(three) months, on current issues/opportunities
-e.) being aware that they act as a representative of the Pilgrims, no matter the environment they find themselves in
-f.) ensuring that the Pilgrims do not waver from their mission to help and uplift
-g.) Turn in any artifacts found to the leading archeologist
-h.) caring for any children that are born as a result of their actions

6.) In exchange, they are allowed to partake in;
-a.) free food, water, and electricity
--1.) At least 1(one) warm meal a day
-b.) free lodging
--1.) in a room with no more than 3(three) other people
-c.) free healthcare and repairs
-d.) free counseling
-e.) free access to all Pilgrim-run structures that are not used for security
-f.) rewards of turning in artifacts
--1.) The amount is determined by the rarity and importance of the Artifact
--2.) It does not apply to intentional archeologic digs run by the Pilgrims as a whole
g.) request leave from current duties, should they be employed by the Pilgrims, for 8(eight) weeks a year without stating a reason.
-1.) this leave does not carry over to the next year
-2.) longer leave can be granted should the reasons suffice, such as;
--a.) family matters (death/marriage)
--b.) recuperation
--c.) doctoral/engineers orders

7.) Department Heads are chosen by the ability to perform their tasks and their ability alone. Their responsibilities are;
-a.) ensuring that they complete their assigned duty to the best of their, and their worker's ability
-b.) minimize inter-departmental conflict
-c.) bring any issues, optimizations, or opportunities to the Leader

8.) A Pilgrim may leave, without fear of reprisal, violence, or shunning;
-a.) should a Pilgrim accost, hurt, or otherwise intimidate another Pilgrim that plans to, is leaving, or has gone, they will be punished by exile and banned from partaking or entering any event or Pilgrim run structure
--1.) The exiled Pilgrim can challenge the expulsion after 1(one) year, should 4(four) other Pilgrims vouch for them
--2.) It can only be invoked once
-b.) any Pilgrim who left can re-enter at any time should they so wish
--1.) any Pilgrim cannot re-enter more than 2(two) times without good reason

9.) The Pilgrims will not discriminate by;
-a.) Gender
-b.) Sexuality
-c.) Skin-color
-d.) Religious ties
-e.) Origin
-f.) Occupation
-g.) Mutation
-h.) Production

10.) These crimes (but not excluding others) are immediate grounds for exile without 8.a.1. coming into effect.
-a.) Murder
--1.) attempted or otherwise
-b.) Psychological Torture
-c.) Physical Torture
-d.) Rape
-e.) Conspiring to do any of the crimes listed here

11.) This charter is subject to changes should;
-a.) new tenets emerge
-b.) new situations force the adaptation of current rules
-c.) issues be found in it
Origin: Humanism
They say that a human is mired in sin, that you are wrong, and need a higher power to save yourself. You disagree; in every human is good, in every person exists the capacity to create greatness; you just have to show it to them.
(Wait, are we the good guys? There is a 50% chance to spend Goodwill at a 1 to 5 ratio to turn a failure into a bare success. All factions start at Neutral. The Common People start at Friendly.)

First Tenet: What was will be
The old world is full of wonders of our achievements, but now they lie forgotten and disused. No longer. You will remake the world with the knowledge of the old.
(Archeological/Scavenging Operations unlocked in the Learning section. Gain one additional artifact dice, size depending on the site.)

Second Tenet: Children Of The Universe
It does not matter if the body is one of flesh, blood, and bone, or metal, oil, and circuitry; the truth remains the same: they are as deserving of life and respect as any being in existence. Who are we to judge and condemn a being, to declare them as non-sapient and non-sentient, for the crime of not being born a human? Who are we to point at a Core which enjoys art, an Animal in the wild which learned to read and write in high-prose, and declare them as less than us? Our mind makes us human, the ability to reason and understand, feel the suffering of those around us, and reach our hand out to help. Every single Machine-Mind and Animal capable of thought deserves our respect and a chance for peace unless they attack first.
(All non-hostile sapient beings (excluding Humans and Mutated) in the world receive, when engaged in Diplomacy, a relationship bonus, hostile ones are less likely to engage in antagonistic ways and can be persuaded to leave in peace or recant their ways. Pilgrims will not view any sapient being not of human origin as something less or false and will automatically advocate for and defend their rights. AI research is massively more manageable. +1 relationship to all Forge-Clans. Piety loss now 1 per 100 Followers.)

Hidden Tenet: A Mythos Called Names
It is undeniable that there is power in names. Nations, Organizations, Myths. All have one thing in common; a name gives meaning and identity, where there was none before. The Pilgrims have taken after the First Leader, Martyris, in His belief. A soldier, wary of death and destruction, a healer that failed too many times, or someone honoring a vow, may choose to change their name to reflect what they believe to be. While a name given by one's parents may encompass their hopes and dreams for one's future, reality tends to disagree.
(Every Leader of the Pilgrims may rename themselves. In addition, all Pilgrims may rename themselves in honor or shame. -1 to Piety rolls.)

Hidden Tenet: Fail Better
Falling is not a sin. However, falling and not getting up is.
(One free reroll per turn should an action fail, 2 for 4, 3 for 6, usw.)

Hidden Tenet: Kindle Alight The Beacons
Humanity has long since struggled against the darkness. At first, that dark was the night, ever creeping, ever hindering. But then, with a single spark, night turned day as a fire was lit by our most distant ancestors, taming something primal, beautiful, and deadly, turning it towards their cause. And with that single act of lighting a spark, they gave birth to something precious: knowledge: knowledge which they passed down, all the way to us, today. It was not profit, greed, power, or any selfish instinct which drove them to do so, but the simple act of creating something better, even for a moment, so that their children could revel in warmth in the coldest night. So too, do we today follow that example haltingly, hesitantly, with unsure steps down a road so long untrodden. But we walk that road once more, unashamed of the failures we will commit, the stumbles and setbacks which will happen, and those times when we will lose sight of the road. However, we will walk, discover, and share all we find with our children so that they may stand upon our shoulders as we stand upon the shoulders of giants.
(When completing a Theory, you have a 10% Chance to gain another.)

Rite Of Mourning: A Journeys End
It is a terrible thing to lose someone and see their Journey cut short by age or force. To remember where they sat, sharing stories, laughter, love, food, and safety. To remember how they laughed, how they joked, and see their memory slowly fade with each passing day. To wake up one day and feel guilt over not grieving their passing.

I tell you: this is not how we should see death. Their Journey had been one of the countless experiences of hundreds of chance encounters, a life lived changing the world, others, and themselves each passing day. And what we see as an end is not truly one, for their actions live on in our own. Those they helped are still out there, remembering them, acting in ways that they would never have been able to, had the dead not decided to share what they had, to offer a hand in aid. Their Journey may be at an end, but their actions live on, in our own.
(All casualties only inflict 1% Piety loss, -2 to Piety Rolls.)
Member/Resource Statistics
Members: 1.362
-Faithful: 24/44
--1/3 General Scientists - +12 to assigned research
--2/2 General Doctors - +12 against diseases and to Medical/Biological research
--2/2 Common Engineers - +14 to salvaging operations and to Mechanical/Electronic research
-Followers: 1.318 (218 (8 Faithful) unoccupied)
--Recruitment: (+35 per Turn)
---(13 Due to: The Codex Mk.1)
---(6 Due to: Expanded Daycare)
---(14 Due to: Poor-House - (Mirn, Tessen, Jokvi, Zulmni, Ularn, Strul))

Total: 12
-Suzuki - Combat - Infection
-Annika - Exiled For 10.b. and other crimes - Execution
-Abhina Havaldar - Murder - Beaten To Death
-Roland - Murder - Stabbed To Death
-Sree Merdad - Murder - Bled Out
-Somphone - Murder - Brain Trauma
-Tano - Murder - Shattered Ribcage Leading To Asphyxiation
-Tawni Ifri - Murder - Infection Due To Burn Wounds
-Musto - Murder - Perforated Heart
-Nina - Murder - Physical Trauma
-Ahli - Murder - Extended Torture
-Minera Warden - Murder - Extended Torture

Materials: 291.75 (min. -46.40, max. +444.60 per Turn, 105 Materials owed in 4(four) Turns.)

Income = 210.88-701.88 Materials:
26.36 = Followers
7.00 = Miscellaneous Sales
26.00-154.00 = Technology Sales
16.00-297.00 = Trade Routes
31.50 = Taxes From Norqod
7.00-13.00 = Desalination Basins
6.00-12.00 = Inn (Eye of the Beholder)
6.00-33.00 = Brothel 'Consensual' - (Mirn, Jokvi)
3.00-12.00 = Print Shop - Smut
12.00-15.00 = Iron Mine
27.00-60.00 = Silver Mine
48.00-81.00 = Jewel Mine
10.00-40.00 = Ashleaf-Nursery
9.00-18.00 = Black Root

Upkeep = 257.28 Materials:
15.00 = Temporary Aid to: The Lost
9.00 = Contractual Expansion (Norqod - Adequate Housing)
10.40 = Engine Assembly(-0.50 Due to Backroom Deals)
0.00 = Computer (-15.00 Due to Merchant Guild Donations)
3.64 = Black Box - (-0.50 Due to Backroom Deals)
1.50 = Local Base (Mirn)
10.81 = School - (Big) - (Mirn) - (-0.15 Due to Buying Goods In Bulk. +0.55 due to Guards! Guards!)
4.65 = 6 Soup kitchens (1x (Normal) + 3x Mirn (Bulk), 1x Ularn (Normal), 1x Tessen (Normal), 1x Strul (Normal)) - (-0.95 Due to Buying Goods In Bulk)
2.66 = 3 Expanded Hospices - (-0.15 Due to Buying Goods In Bulk, -2.40 Due to Bloodbark, -0.15 Due to Narcotics, Stimulants, And More!)
14.50 = 6 Poor-Houses - (Mirn, Tessen, Jokvi, Zulmni, Ularn, Strul) - (-0.35 Due to Buying Goods In Bulk)
6.60 = Brothel 'Consensual' - (Mirn (Upgraded), Jokvi, Tessen) - (+1.10 Due to Guardians For Hire, -0.40 Due to Buying Goods In Bulk)
2.00 = Print Shop - Smut - (-0.50 Due to Backroom Deals)
2.10 = Administration Center - Grand - (-0.10 Due to Buying Goods In Bulk)
8.29 = Daycare - (-0.15 Due to Buying Goods In Bulk)
0.80 = Medical Wing - (-0.15 Due to Buying Goods In Bulk, -0.10 Due to Tools Of The Trade)
8.01 = Living Quarters - Continuous Expansion - (-0.15 Due to Buying Goods In Bulk)
3.02 = Storerooms - Continuous Expansion - (-0.15 Due to Buying Goods In Bulk)
22.69 = Laboratories - Grand - (-0.65 Due to Backroom Deals)
4.01 = Metalsmiths Abode - (Expanded) - (-0.15 Due to Buying Goods In Bulk)
7.70 = Bert - (Tiny) - (-0.50 Due to Backroom Deals)
7.00 = Anchorage (Tiny) - (Jokvi, Strul) - (-0.50 Due to Backroom Deals)
11.94 = Electronics Workshop - (-0.20 Due to Buying Goods In Bulk)
5.60 = Jewel Mine - Improved - (-0.15 Due to Buying Goods In Bulk, +1.50 Due to Guardians For Hire, +2.55 Due to Steam Engine)
3.90 = Silver Mine - Improved - (-0.15 Due to Buying Goods In Bulk, +2.55 Due to Steam Engine)
1.35 = Iron Mine - (-0.15 Due to Buying Goods In Bulk)
0.45 = Codex Printing - (-0.15 Due to Buying Goods In Bulk)
7.50 = The Crystal-Path - (-0.50 Due to Buying Goods In Bulk)
4.70 = Central Region Security - (-0.50 Due to Backroom Deals)
11.46 = Unit Upkeep
80.00 = Taxes

Goodwill: 21.33 (+0.92 per Turn)
+0.08 = 7 (3 Bulk, 4 Normal) Soup-Kitchens
+0.16 = 3 Expanded Hospices
+0.60 = Poor-House - (Mirn, Tessen, Jokvi, Zulmni, Ularn, Strul)
+0.05 = School - (Big) - (Mirn)
+0.05 = Brothel 'Consensual' - (Mirn (Upgraded), Jokvi, Tessen)
-0.02 = Print Shop - Smut

Piety: 94% (+45 to all rolls for Heros with the Adjudicator Trait)
Rolls (-3):
-2 (Rite Of Mourning: A Journeys End)
-1 (Hidden Tenet: A Mythos Called Names)
-2 (Expanded Daycare)
-1 (Beautification)
-3 (Electric Lights)
-1 (Poisoned By A Plague-Engine - Medicated Immunity)
-5 (School - (Big) - (Mirn))
+12 (Followers, +1 every 100)

Suspendium: 13 Medium, 17 Small, and 5 Tiny Suspendium Shards (1 Large needed in 4(four) Turns)
+4 Medium Shards (Crystal-Path)
24 (Tiny) - 1 (Small)
20 (Small) - 1 (Medium)
16 (Medium) - 1 (Large)
12 (Large) - 1 (Big)
8 (Big) - 1 (Gigantic)
4 (Gigantic) - 1 (Titanic)
(These are not to be seen as indicative of the actual size, merely their mechanical representation and conversion therein.)

Size (Mainly for visualization, do not see it as absolute law):
Tiny = Index Finger
Small = Human Head
Medium = Large Chest
Large = Car
Big = HGV (Truck/Heavy Goods Vehicle)
Gigantic = House
Titanic = High-Rise
The Emperor
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Politicking

Marquis of Tessen
Opinion: Friendly (1)
Plans: Politicking/???
Owes: 1 Major Favour

House Ulatarn
Opinion: Friendly (1)
Plans: Politicking/???

House Mirn
Contact: Lord Malarn
Opinion: Friendly (1)
Plans: Politicking/???

Forge-Clan Vanar-Feer
Contact: Overseer Hild
Opinion: Friendly (1)
Plans: Suspendium/Daughter of Dawn

Contact: Sub-General Aiden Gracia
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Preparing for a thorough purge of the Yellow Zone to train recruits. The rank and file murmurs that they are training for a serious confrontation, though not with what or whom, but you know that this is in preparation for killing Mother.
Information Network: Rank 2.
- Knight-Chapters:
-- Blue Lance (Chapter-Master: Alson Dulhne|Friendly (1)|7 Hel's (175 Knights Total)|Defense-Chapter|Friends To The People)
-- Umbra Skulls (Chapter Master: Phagorim|Neutral (0)|5 Hel's (125 Knights Total)|Support-Chapter|In Darkest Night We Guard)
-- Bronze Machine (Chapter Master: Araquiel Numar|Neutral (0)|7 Hel's (175 Knights Total)|Defense-Chapter|Myra Guides Us)
-- Revenant Kin (Chapter Master: Sipneir List|Neutral (0)|5 Hel's (125 Knights Total)|Support-Chapter|Risen From The Ashes)
-- Dawn Bringers (Chapter Master: Tabris|Neutral (0)|15/15 Hel's (375 Knights Total)|Assault-Chapter|Illuminate Them)

The Bureau For Imperial Civilian Logistics
Contact: High Archivar Mahan
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Local Plans: Getting Suspendium.
National Plans: Improved Radiological Technologies (2 Turns) - 470 (1st), 350 (2nd), 290 (3rd) Materials as Reward.

The Followers of Light
Contact: Cardinal Aarif el-Sylla (True Believer)
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: ???

Miscellaneous Nobles
-Lady Maranica (Ally (3)|???)
-Baron Esker (Friend (2)|Penance - Will try to help if asked, within reason)

General Opinion on Mutated: Useful Minority (1)
The Common People Of Tessen:
Opinion: Friends (2)
Information Network: Rank 1.
Estimated Pilgrim-Influenced: ~9%
Mood: In the midsts of a new trend of fashion imported from the Shield Belt Alliance.

The Merchant Guild:
Contact: Abraham Lin
Opinion: Friends (2)
Plans: Valued Customers and Suppliers

The Union of Herbalists:
Opinion: Neutral (1)
Plans: Advance/Make Cheaper Medicine.
- Foundation (Neutral (0)|43% Control|Cheaper Actions)
- Healers (Ally (3)|57% Control|Enables Doctoral Training)
Boni: +15 on all Diplomatic rolls

Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science
Leader: Marthen Marthensons
Opinion: Friendly (1)
Plans: Open Approval

The Adventurer Guild:
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: Continue Operations.
-The Huntsmen (Leader: Amra Kaliv/Friendly (1)/80 Members/Reliable Mercenary Company)
Plans: On Contract for the Expedition.
-The Scavenger Organizations (Leader: None Formally
Crews: Old Eye Joe / 128 Members
Plans: R&R, Well, fuck you too.)
-The Bad Batch (Leader: ???/Friendly (1)/??? Members/Infiltration Experts)
Plans: ???

Criminal Organisations:
Leader: Holy Rose
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: ???

The Lost

Opinion: Friends (2)
Information Network: Rank 1.
Assimilation: 0/10
Plans: Slowly improving both their sanctum and general QoL. The new materials are being used to provide goods that can provide comforts without sinking into dangerous habits.
- 279 Members
-Pilgrim Sub-Cult
-Penance Focused
Conclave of Faya
Contact: Elder Spirit
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: ???
-Spirit Worship
-Artistic Focused
Meira's Hidden
Contact: Singe
Opinion: Neutral (0)
Plans: ???
-Forge-Clan Offshoot

The Mutated:
Opinion: Friends (2)
Plans: Live.
Information Network: Rank 1.
Mood: Struggling against violent Gangs, cracking down Guards and Gargoyles in outlying settlements. The latter had a swarm move into an area where a few Mutated Villages are located.


Opinion: Friendly (1)
Plans: Music

General Opinion on Mutated: Open Racism (0)
Glaive - 2.04 - +5 to Common Weapons
Chocolate Recipe - 1.03 - +5 to Common Chemicals
Chainsword - 1.24 - +5 to Common Mechanical
"4D Rectangle" - 0.88
Food Preservatives - 1.15 - +5 to Common Chemicals
Elaborate Costume - 0.63
Ancient Torah - 0.44
Beer Recipe - 1.41 - +5 to Common Chemicals
Farsight Lense - 0.73
Well Kept Clothes - 0.97
Fluid Dynamics - 1.47 - +5 to Common Physics
2 Destroyed Sentinel Remains - 1.31 - +20 to Machinery/Armor/Programming/Electronics
Flexible Window - 1.21 - +5 to Common Armor
Gyro Bed - 1.47 - +5 to Machinery
Rusting Water Pipe System - 1.43 - +5 to Hydraulics
Tattered Book - 2.67 - +5 to ???
Thick, Faded Tome - 3.49 - +5 to ???
Bugged Collision Avoidance System - 1.93 - +5 to Programming
Rare Spices - 0.72
Lever-operated Pump - 2.19 - +5 to Mechanics
Tasteful Dress - 0.36
Tattered Painting - 0.05
Decorative Armor Pieces - 0.93
Galant Men's Wear - 0.46
Papers With Recurring Numbers - 5.42 - +20 to Common Programming
Report On Vivisections - 5.12 - +20 to Advanced Biology
Damaged Knight-Weapon: Hammer - 7.09 - +20 to Common Weapons
Damaged Knight-Equipment: Shield - 4.80 - +20 to Common Armor
Holographic Sights 6.48 - +20 to Advanced Weapons/Electronics
Unique Lattice Shields 6.98 - +20 to Advanced Armor/Metallurgy
Tactical Hud Frame - 6.49 - +20 to Advanced Armor/Programming
Armored Autoinjector - 5.89 - +20 to Advanced Armor/Medicine/Chemicals/Biology
Cracked Bright-Lance Lense - 7.21 - +20 to Advanced Weapons/Physics
Intact Civilian Flamethrower - 6.75 - +20 to Advanced Weapons/Chemicals
2 Damaged Sentinel Remains - 7.31 - +20 to Advanced Machinery/Armor/Programming/Electronics
2 Damaged Caretaker Remains – 7.04 - +20 to Advanced Machinery/Armor/Programming/Electronics
Malicious Scrap Code - 6.17 - +20 to Advanced Programming
Destroyed Bright-Pistol - 7.23 - +20 to Advanced Weapons/Metallurgy/Physics
Foldable Electro Lance - 6.33 - +20 to Advanced Weapons
Calculations On Sandcrete - 5.26 - +20 to Advanced Physics
Flexible Armor Jacket - 6.90 - +20 to Advanced Armor
Electro-Spool - 6.63 - +20 to Advanced Weapon/Electronics
Calibration-Matrix - 6.30 - +20 to Advanced Weapon/Programming
Ammunition Storage Feeder - 7.42 - +20 to Advanced Hydraulics
Code Scraps - 5.99 - +20 to Advanced Programming
Laboratory Equipment - 5.44 - +20 to Advanced Medicine
1 Baby Gargoyle Skeleton - 5.21 - +20 to Advanced Biology/Armor
Black Tome With Golden Letters - 11.76 - +20 to ???
A Book With Legacy - 9.13 - +20 to ???
Anti-Avian Shock-Plates - 6.13 - +20 to Advanced Weapons/Electronics
Anti-Thief Watchsystems - 5.87 - +20 to Advanced Weapons/Programming/Machinery
Automated Bloodbag - 6.82 - +20 to Advanced Hydraulics/Medicine
Autonomous Preservative Injector - 6.44 - +20 to Advanced Hydraulics/Chemicals
Rusted Walker Eye Component - 5.56 - +20 to Advanced Electronics
Crossbow Loader - 5.46 - +20 to Advanced Weapons
Scale Vest - 6.25 - +20 to Advanced Armor/Electronics
Scale Helmet - 6.50 - +20 to Advanced Armor/Electronics
Scale Gauntlets - 6.09 - +20 to Advanced Armor/Electronics
Scale Boots - 5.53 - +20 to Advanced Armor/Electronics
Mono Titanium Blade- 5.01 - +20 to Advanced Weapons/Metallurgy
Hardened Tracking System - 5.06 - +20 to Advanced Armor/Electronics
Crane Pumps - 5.78 - +20 to Advanced Hydraulics
Adaptive Interface Prototype - 6.94 - +20 to Advanced Programming
Hydrochloric Halucinogenic Acid - 6.45 - +20 to Advanced Weapons/Psychology/Chemicals
Lost Tech
Gutted Core - 17.04 - +50 to All Physics/Engineering/Psychology
Tablet - 15.87 - +50 to Advanced Programming/Pioneer Electronics
Plasma torch - 18.40- +50 to Advanced Physics
Discarded Medicine - 19.16 - +50 to Pioneer Medicine/Advanced Biology
Water Purifier - 17.10 - +50 to Pioneer Biology/Advanced Hydraulics/Machinery
Jakerian Armor - 16.12 - +50 to Pioneer Armor
Guard Mace - 19.07 - +50 to Advanced Weapon
Guard Shield - 18.49 - +50 to Pioneer Armor
Hololithic Cube- 20.00 - +50 to All Physics/Machinery/Hydraulics/Engineering/Programming/Metallurgy/Electronics - [Black Box]
Physic Theorems - 18.32 - +50 to All Physics
"Night-Fun/Sleep" Pills - 19.09 - +50 to All Chemicals
Scaled Armor - 17.00 - +50 to Advanced Armor
Bone Mending Kits - 16.12 - +50 to Advanced Biology/Machinery
Electric Collars/Shackles/Implants - 19.72 - +50 to Advanced Psychology/Electronics/Pioneer Medicine/Biology
Äther-Battery - 15.90 - +50 to Pioneer Electronics/Physics/Chemicals/Engineering/Metallurgy
Fire-Suppressant Systems - 15.41 - +50 to Pioneer Hydraulics/Chemicals
Hexagonal Armor Plate - 18.01 - +50 to Pioneer Armor/Metallurgy
Auto-Pilot - 19.66 - +50 to Pioneer Programming
Prototype Fuel Refiner - 19.45 - +50 to Pioneer Hydraulics/Chemicals/Engineering
Miniature Bright Lance - 18.33 - +50 to Pioneer Weapons/Electronics/Metallurgy/Machinery
Flesh Mending Syringe - 16.71 - +50 to Pioneer Biology
Bright-Lance Compartments - 18.76 - +50 to Pioneer Hydraulics/Weapons
Stimulants - 15.11 - +50 to Pioneer Biology
Target Seeking Explosives - 18.74 - +50 to Pioneer Weapons/Electronics/Programming
Hostile Virus - 17.38 - +50 to Pioneer Programming
Fluid Exchanger - 15.02 - +50 to Pioneer Hydraulics
3d Metal Printer - 15.78 - +50 to Pioneer Machinery/Electronics/Programming/Chemicals/Metallurgy
Gas Liquifiers - 15.43 - +50 to Pioneer Hydraulics
Non-Biological Affecting Acids - 17.05 - +50 to Pioneer Chemicals/Biology
Theorem On Celestial Movements - 15.97 - +50 to Pioneer Physics
Sleep-Gas Bombs - 18.56 - +50 to Pioneer Chemicals/Biology/Weapons
Spider Drones - 16.55 - +50 to Pioneer Weapons/Electronics/Programming
Self-Adapting Virus - 16.53 - +50 to Pioneer Programming
Smart Fluid Nano-Drone Swarm - 16.36 - +50 to Pioneer Hydraulics/Medicine/Programming
Self-Deploying Jackhammer - 16.90 - +50 to Pioneer Mechanics/Programming
Assisting Synthetic Intelligence - 17.44 - +50 to Pioneer Programming
Implant Equipment - 16.79 - +50 to Pioneer Medicine/Electronics
Eye-Hud - 16.78 - +50 to Pioneer Electronics/Biology/Medicine
Body Diagnostic-Drone - 17.19 - +50 to Pioneer Biology/Medicine
Unknown Publication - 31.44 - +50 to ???
Revelations Of Eden (Penned By Prophet Mahami-Du-Ojasi - Holy Book - Church of Eden) - 43.20 - [Untranslated]
Unique Artefact: The Codex Mk.1
The Codex holds the teachings of Martyris, the first Pilgrim, and the shared wisdom of all who came after. It is an integral part of life for Pilgrims, whether in discussions of the knowledge found within or in the simple act of reading and remembering.
(Effect: 12 Passive Recruitment per Turn)

Sandcrete Recipe
An ancient recipe that the Ancients used to build structures quickly, though not cheaply. Now it is once more in use, and it will be of great help to us!
(Effect: Can spend 12.5 Materials on reducing building times of one building by 1(one) Turn, per Turn by adding [Sandcrete] to said action.)

Narcotics, Stimulants, And More!
This book details the effects of various drugs, how they intermix, and their downsides, in conjunction with guides on their production and what substances can be used as substitutes.
(Effect: -0.15 Upkeep to all medical facilities, Combat Stimms research unlocked.)

Scientific Theory
There is more to this world than one life could ever grasp. More mysteries to discover, more questions to unravel, and answers to find. Nothing could ever stop Humanity's thirst for knowledge, not even death. (Effect: +15 to Learning Rolls.)

Grieving Echo
A Zweihänder sized for a Knight. On every surface, names are engraved, along with how they died. The phrase: "One Wielder, One Name, One Duty, One Death" is inscribed in the middle of the blade. PD connected to the sword and immediately exclaimed ownership over the zweihänder. Her explanation was: "Every woman needs a fun toy, and this thing is one!"
(2d40+30 Damage, cannot equip a shield.)

PD found this Core within the bowels of the Daughter of Dawn, even months after the latter was used as quarters for a veritable legion of engineers and soldiers. He seems to be an old friend, and one can hear both chatting quite often when maintenance calls, but ^Ä^'s speech is unintelligible for any human, Mutated or otherwise. Seriously, how can you hear [T]7 in speech? Otherwise, he seems perfectly fine with only being a Core, though he would like to be put into a Knight in the next century or two.
(Gain +1 Automatic Success for Learning Actions if applied, 5% chance to suffer permanent damage.)

Soaring Wrenches
An unburnable book containing the collected knowledge of an engineer who had worked for nearly a century on airships, detailing everything they knew. Everything is addressed and described here, from the want of a chip leading to a ship's destruction to other tiny details.
(+50 to All Mechanics, +10% to all Airship Desing Income)
Units (5/18)
Description: A small force of scavengers, adept in the arts of stealth and searching for new spots to scavenge.
Health: 6/6 (Size 6)
Armor: 6/6
Damage: 1d6 (+2 damage ignores armor and 2 AP when melee, 4 AP when ranged.)
Training: Trained (3/6)
Breakpoint: 2/6 size remaining in Combat
-Armored Camo-Cloaks (Standardized): (Melee) If the stealth-roll has a 35 or higher difference, you gain one free attack. +1 Armor
-Crying Crescent (Special Melee): Special Rule: Armor Piercing: +2 damage against armor, +2 damage, ignoring armor.
-Pointed Reply (Special Ranged): +1 damage against armor, Special Rule: Accurate: +5 to ranged rolls, Ammunition for 15 Turns.
---Crossbow Upgrade: Electric Bolt (Crossbow Ammunition): Inflicts Light Paralysis/ Light Overcharge (-15 Initiative (Biological)/+1 Damage (Machine), 3 damage ignores armor
-Firebomb (Lingering): It is used as a free action before melee is joined, with 1d4-1 damage and +1 damage in the next Turn. Consumable: Needs to be re-stocked after use.
-Smokebomb (Scented): A retreat/disengage has a DC of 40 to avoid damage, a DC of 65 against Mutants and Animals. Consumable: Needs to be re-stocked after use.
-Medical Kit (Silver): Roll 1d5 before casualty rolls to heal any wounded. Consumable: needs to be re-stocked at half cost after use. 0.6 Materials per Unit.
Trait/s: Advanced Coordination (All Pilgrim Units gain a +4 coordination bonus for every Unit present in a battle, which cannot be provided by a Unit at half-strength and below.)
Special Rule: Cannot take a scout action if this Unit is used for military purposes.

The Unbroken
Description: A large force of volunteers sent out to fight for the Empire of Slatnan in the Starlight Crusade. They have repeatedly proven that the bonds forged in the crucible of war are among the strongest there are, routinely going above and beyond if it meant saving one of their own.
Health: 12/12 (Size 12)
Armor: 9/9
Damage: 1d4-1 (+1 at the start of the next CR) for free, 1d12 (Ranged), 1d12+4/-0 (Melee) (against Biologicals/Mechanoids) (3 AP)
Training: Soldiers (4/6) +5 to all rolls
Breakpoint: Unbreakable
-Armored Camo-Cloaks (Standardized): (Melee) If the stealth-roll has a 35 or higher difference, you gain one free attack. +1 Armor (0.45 for every size of the Unit)
-Bloodletter (Special Melee): 1 Damage per Size, Special Rule: Bleeding: +2 damage against biological targets, -2 damage against mechanical targets, -1 damage against armor.
-Crying Crescent (Special Melee): Special Rule: Armor Piercing: +2 damage against armor, +2 damage, ignoring armor.
-Pointed Reply (Special Ranged): +1 damage against armor, Special Rule: Accurate: +5 to ranged rolls, Ammunition for 15 Turns.
--Crossbow Upgrade: Electric Bolt (Crossbow Ammunition): Inflicts Light Paralysis/ Light Overcharge (-15 Initiative (Biological)/+1 Damage (Machine), 3 damage ignores armor
-Firebomb (Lingering): It is used as a free action before melee is joined, with 1d4-1 and +1 damage in the next Turn. Consumable: Needs to be re-stocked after use. 0.04 Materials per Unit.
-Smokebomb (Scented): A retreat/disengage has a DC of 40 to avoid damage, a DC of 65 against Mutants and Animals. Consumable: Needs to be re-stocked after use. 0.05 Materials per Unit.
-Medical Kit (Silver, Bloodbark): Roll 1d5 before casualty rolls to heal any wounded. Consumable: needs to be re-stocked at half cost after use. 0.6 Materials per Unit.
Forged In Fire, Cooled By Blood (Does not Break), None Left Behind (All casualties are ignored if the damage taken is under 6(six)), Veterans (Does not necessitate Goodwill Upkeep in The Empire Of Slatnan), Advanced Coordination (All Pilgrim Units gain a +4 coordination bonus for every Unit present in a battle, which cannot be provided by a Unit at half-strength and below.)
Upkeep: 0.48 Materials per Turn, max. of 0.15 Materials per Combat.

The Wall
Description: A group of six Pilgrims, armored and armed with the best that their faith can create and buy. They stand ready to defend their brothers and sisters in faith with their lives.
Health: 6/6 (Size 6)
Armor: 34/34
Damage: 1d6+1d4 (+3 against Machines, 2 AP)
Training: Trained (3/6)
Breakpoint: 2/6 size remaining in Combat
-Electric Spear: +1d4 Electric Damage, Inflicts Paralysis/Overcharge (-35 Initiative (Biological)/+3 Damage (Machine)), 2 damage ignores armor.
-Obstacle: Super Heavy Armor: +34 Armor, -50 on stealth rolls, -5 on Initiative rolls, 1.00 Material Upkeep.
-Medical Kit (Silver, Bloodbark): Roll 1d5 before casualty rolls to heal any wounded. Consumable: needs to be re-stocked at half cost after use. 0.55 Materials per Unit.
-Firebomb (Lingering): It is used as a free action before the melee is joined, with 1d4-1 damage and +1 damage in the next Turn. Consumable: Needs to be re-stocked after use. 0.03 Materials per Unit.
-Smokebomb (Scented): A retreat/disengage has a DC of 40 to avoid damage, a DC of 65 against Mutants and Animals. Consumable: Needs to be re-stocked after use. 0.03 Materials per Unit.
Trait/s: Fiery Speeches (Morale is rolled with Advantage), War Lessons (+5 to the first two rolls in the next Combat)
Upkeep: 1.00 Materials, max. of 0.61 Materials per Combat.

Knight - Perpetual Defiance

Airship - Daughter Of Dawn
-(Basic Melee) Spear/Mace/Ax/Sword/Dagger: 1 Damage, can be combined with a shield or equipment. 0.02 Materials per (6/6) Unit.
-(Basic Ranged) Sling/Bow: 1 Damage per size, damage halved, cannot be combined with shields, -5 to first melee roll for the equipped Unit, Ammunition for 5 Turns. 0.11 (6/6) Materials per Unit.
-Bloodletter (Special Melee): Special Rule: Bleeding: +2 damage against biological targets, -2 damage against mechanical targets, -1 damage against armor. 0.07 Materials per Unit.
-Crying Crescent (Special Melee): Special Rule: Armor Piercing: +2 damage against armor, +2 damage, ignoring armor. 0.16 Materials per Unit.
-Pointed Reply (Special Ranged): +1 damage against armor, Special Rule: Accurate: +5 to ranged rolls, Ammunition for 15 Turns. 4.19 (6/6) Materials per Unit.
-Electric Spear: +1d4 Electric Damage, Inflicts Paralysis/Overcharge (-35 Initiative (Biological)/+3 Damage (Machine)), 2 damage ignores armor, 9.03 Materials per (6/6) Unit.
-Electric Maul: +1 Electric Damage, Inflicts Light Paralysis/ Light Overcharge (-15 Initiative (Biological)/+1 Damage (Machine)), Crush (+2 Damage), 1 damage ignores armor, 5.83 Materials per (6/6) Unit.
-(Basic) Shield: +1 Armor, -15 On stealth rolls. 0.14 Materials per (6/6) Unit.
-(Basic) Cloth/Leather Armor: +2 Armor, -30 on stealth rolls. 0.80 Materials per (6/6) Unit.
-Ghillie (Standardized): (Melee) If the stealth-roll has a difference of 20 or higher, you gain one free attack.
(Ranged) After attacking, If the stealth-roll has a 20 or higher difference, you gain one extra stealth attack.
+0.3 Armor per Size, 0.42 Materials per Size (2 Armor for (6/6) Size).
-Armored Camo-Cloaks (Standardized): (Melee) If the stealth-roll has a difference of 35 or higher, you gain one free attack. (Ranged) After attacking, If the stealth-roll has a 35 or higher difference, you gain one extra stealth attack.
+0.5 Armor per Size. 2.78 Materials per Unit (3 Armor for (6/6) Size).
-Obstacle: Super Heavy Armor: +34 Armor, -50 on stealth rolls, -5 on Initiative rolls, 64.70 Materials per (6/6) Unit, 1.00 Material Upkeep.
-Shield: "Orcist": +2 Armor per (6/6) Unit/0.3 Armor per Unit Size, 2.80 Materials per (6/6) Unit.
-Firebomb (Lingering): It is used as a free action before melee is joined, with 1d4-1 damage and +1 damage in the next Turn. Consumable: Needs to be re-stocked after use. 0.03 Materials per Unit.
-Smokebomb (Scented): A retreat/disengage has a DC of 40 to avoid damage, a DC of 65 against Mutants and Animals. Consumable: Needs to be re-stocked after use. 0.03 Materials per Unit.
-Medical Kit (Silver, Bloodbark): Roll 1d5 before casualty rolls to heal any wounded. Consumable: needs to be re-stocked at half cost after use. 0.55 Materials per Unit.
-Combat Drug - Berserk: Increase all damage by two damage dice. (Warning! Use of this drug has a (projected) 16% chance of killing the user.) Consumable: needs to be re-stocked at half cost after use. 3.61 Materials per Unit.
-Combat Drug - Re-Breath: Reroll failed casualty rolls. (Warning! Use of this drug has a (projected) 06% chance of killing the user.) Consumable: needs to be re-stocked at half cost after use. 21.97 Materials per Unit.
-Combat Drug - Last Stand: Reduce all damage by half, triple all Health. (Warning! Use of this drug has a (projected) 98% chance of killing the user.) Consumable: needs to be re-stocked at half cost after use. 9.78 Materials per Unit.
-Crossbow Upgrade: Electric Bolt (Crossbow Ammunition): Inflicts Light Paralysis/ Light Overcharge (-15 Initiative (Biological)/+1 Damage (Machine), 3 damage ignores armor, 3.44 Materials per (6/6) Unit.
-Mortar (Primitive): Special Rule: Experimental Artillery (Fired only once before Combat.) 45% Chance of hitting for 2d12 damage. Inflicts Concussed (-10 Initiative for 1(one) round) upon all Biological Non-Titan Enemies, even when missing. 23.75 Materials, 1 Material per use.
Unique/Notable Assets
Artifact Reclamation Order
Ashleaf Tea
- +15 to Diplomacy
Elemental Feline Kitten - Fractal - (???)
1x Extremely Fertile Ashleaf-Nursery - (31/60 Growth) - (10d4)
1x Black Root - (3d4+6)
1x Bloodbark Field - (-1 to all casualty rolls, -0.80 upkeep to all medical buildings)
1x Desalination Basins - Deep Pumps - (2d4+3)
1x Inn - (Eye of the Beholder) - (2d4+4)
2x Brothels 'Consensual' - (7d4-2)
1x Print Shop - (3d4)
1x Iron Mine - (Mined) - (1d4+9)
1x Silver Mine - (Mined, Engine) - (3d12+24)
1x Jewel Deposit - (Mined, Engine) - (3d12+45)
1x Electronics Workshop - (8d8)
1x Engine Assembly - (6d12)
1x Pneumatic Tools - (-1 Turn per 3 turns for all Tree of Knowledge Actions) - (3d4+8)
1x Black Box - (Gutted Core)
1x Personal Cutter - (Expedition)
1x Common Suspendium Theory
2x Common Metallurgy Theory
1x Common Psychology Theory
1x Common Hydraulics Theory
The Tree - Jokvi - (9d19)
The Tree - Strul - (7d18)
Temple Holding: Tree Of Knowledge
Pros: Material cost is halved, and Goodwill cost is reduced by -0.5, attackers must overcome your security to attack you, unique building options unlocked.
Cons: Buildings take one extra Turn to mine and set up.

Desalination Basins - Deep Pumps
- 800 Pilgrims receive water in case of a drought. 2d4+3 Materials per turn.

Administration Center - Grand + 1 PCU
- +1 Personal Action, Unlocks Too Much To Do.
- +1 Tree of Knowledge-Action.
- +1 Faith Action.
- +1 Learning Action

Medical Wing

- Plagues roll a with mali to infect the Pilgrims, supports up to 900 Pilgrims before it becomes useless.

Living Quarters - Continuous Expansion
- All Pilgrims can live within the Tree without any problems.

Expanded Daycare
--2 to Piety rolls, +6 permanent recruitment due to families.

Storerooms - Continuous Expansion
-All Pilgrims can survive for twelve months under siege conditions. (5 Materials per 250 re-stock cost.)

Metalsmiths Abode - (Expanded)
Lowered costs for all equipment, increased chances for all research, rolls with Advantage for all study of melee weapons/equipment made of metal.

Laboratory - Grand
Improves chances to Learning Actions, along with unlocking 1/2/3 success thresholds.

Houses 1(one) Knight, allowing to enact both repairs and modifications.

Sandcrete Mixer
Vastly reduces the needed Materials for shortening building Turns.

Electronics Workshop
+20 to all Electronics Research and 8d8 Materials Income (Technology Sale).

Anchorage For Airships
Unlocks DOD Actions.

Martial Range
Lowers malus when switching from ranged to -10.

Crystal Path
+4 Medium Suspendium Shards each Turn.

Black Box
5% not to use up an Artifact, can slot 1(one) Artifact to continuously provide 10% (rounded down) of the Artifacts bonus.

Artistic Initiatives
Murals, engravings, paintings, and much more make the Tree a more desirable place to live inside.
(-1 to Piety rolls.)

Berth - Tiny
A tiny berth allowing for repairs and refueling of Light Airships, allowing the crew to leave comfortably, modifying the ship, dismantling it, and whatever else one can think up.
(Can now modify Light Airships.)
Village Holding: Norqod
Prosperity: Some (Growing)

Mood: Good (Increasing)

Permanent Inhabitants: ~1.900
-Tendency: Big Uptick

Security: Yes.

-A Wall
-Basic Service-Buildings
-Basic Marketplace
-Adequate Housing - (Subsidized)
-Engine Assembly

-Tree Of Knowledge: Pilgrim appointed as Governor
-Royal Guardian Barracks: Supplies the Royal Guardians onboard the DoD.
-Forge-Clan Enclave (Specialists): Investigates and Repairs the DoD.
-Cultural Settlement: Allows the Pilgrims to spread their faith further than ever by sheer cultural osmosis.
Martyris Dall
Prevter Martyris Dall, The One That Suffers, Leader of The Pilgrims
Health: 4/6 (-2 permanent)
Armor: 56/56 Armor
Training: Trained (3/6)
Breakpoint: Unbreakable
-Electric Spear: +1d4 Electric Damage, Inflicts Paralysis/Overcharge (-35 Initiative (Biological)/+3 Damage (Machine)), 2 damage ignores armor.
-Obstacle (Prototype): Power Armor: +56 Armor, -50 on stealth rolls, 9.53 Upkeep.
-Medical Kit (Silver): Roll 1d5 before survival roll to heal any wounds. Consumable: needs to be re-stocked at half cost after use. 0.12 Materials per Unit.
Special Rules:
-Must be accompanied by one Unit to join Combat
-All Units gain the special rule Unbreakable: Unit automatically succeeds its morale check
-50% Chance to obtain/lose 40% Piety should this Hero die in Combat.
-Gain 30% Piety should this Hero die of natural causes
-Immune against all poisons

Poisoned By A Plague-Engine - Medicated Immunity

There are few things worse enough than dying to the poison of a Plague-Engine. You are enduring the least of the worst of those fates. Many see your determination to face such a future for something beyond yourself as inspiring and have taken more selfless actions. Your medicine's side effects and the lasting damage seem to be a much-increased tolerance against any form of poison, though there may be more.
(Reduced health, reduced lifespan, permanent -1 to Piety reduction rolls, grants immunity against poison)

A Victims Ire: Holy Rose - Criminal Organizations
This world is not a kind one. It will chew you up and spit you out the moment you let your guard down. You did so and almost paid the price for that. Your experiences now mark you, as does the anger you feel towards those that wronged you. Dealing with "Holy" Rose and various Criminal organizations will require much more effort, but harming them will be much easier.
(-20 to aiding Criminal Organizations and Holy Rose, +10 to harmful actions against them. Reduced to -10/+5 respectively once Holy Rose dies.)

Prevter By Marriage
Well, you have no idea how Lady Maranica managed to do it, but Selene's family is now technically nobility, which means you are nobility by marriage. Technically is the keyword here, as she is a Mutated, Selene cannot hold a noble title, and she only has it until one of her children or descendants is a human. The title awarded her is that of "Lady," not honorific, and she has been given the village of Norqod as a holding. That is the non-existent village of people living outside the Tree, trading, or visiting. Being commissioned by the Imperial Logistics Bureau, she, and by extension, you, have to build the village within the next five years. Luckily, various laws allow the appointing of a governor, so when she asked the Pilgrims Council, all agreed to govern in exchange for a 95% cut of future Income, all written down in a generational contract, of course. For her part, Selene stopped dragging you away for stress relief when her request had been approved, firmly of the opinion that she is not made for nobility. And now you have to deal with the fact that both you and Selene have been elevated to Prevter.

Mutated Wife - Prevter Selene Dall
Well, she is back to her usual self, if a bit more conscious about her surroundings, and participates in the militia's drills. But for all that, she is still marked by her experience, even if she doesn't want to be. Her sex drive has not suffered the slightest bit during all this, so at least she can relax that way? Or, during your night walks, the stars are much clearer above the Tree than in the city. She is currently dealing with the fact that four Royal Guards have taken up bodyguard duties for her and Silvia, citing orders from the Emperor.

Child: Lady Silvia - Mutated Girl - 5-Year-Old
Your first child! She is, in every aspect, perfect! Her legs and ears are like her mother's, even if her fur is entirely obsidian. She has two horns growing above and swinging around her head in a tiny semi-circle, looking like a regal crown with the spikes atop (even if it makes putting a shirt on a pain), framing her golden hair. She does have a relatively long tail, furred like a Sweden forest cat (the fur is obsidian again, though white spots have started appearing), which means you need to get a tailor for her pants. Her laughing and smiles melt your heart, and she has this cute habit of putting her tail into her mouth like a snow leopard. Unfortunately, she is also blind, so teaching her to read and defend herself is a real challenge. You found a seller for braille books and a guide on how to read them, so you can confidently say that she will be able to read when she's grown up. But you still need to figure out how she could defend herself. Maybe grenades? Her first word had been 'Dada.' You'll never let Selene live that one down. Letting her go to school hurts more than you'd like to admit.

Founder, And First Arbitrator
You founded the Pilgrims and were appointed as Arbitrator, the final voice in any argument, a watcher for those who would turn the Pilgrims against their ideals. Hopefully, you will prove the trust placed in you right.
(This Hero will add the Piety bonus/malus to all his rolls. Relax is not needed.)

(3\²]SN@'+ßz _ 81/2]
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Aria, Knight-Pilot of The Pilgrims, Pilot of Perpetual Defiance
Health: 7/7
Armor: 4/4 Armor
Training: Squire (2/6) (-5 to Initiative)
Breakpoint: 4/6
-Dagger: 1 Damage per size (1 total)
-Pilot-Suit: 4/4 Armor with +1 health and 26% chance to survive PD being destroyed.
-Medical Kit (Silver): Roll 1d5 before survival roll to heal any wounds. Consumable: needs to be re-stocked at half cost after use. 0.12 Materials per Unit.
Special Rules:
-Uses the stats of PD in Combat until she is destroyed.


Strangely striated blue eyes with overly responsive irises. Metallic gray hair which moves about, generates mild electric shocks, and vibrates to create simple tones, all of which mark this person as a Mutated. They will have a hard time getting people to like them.
(-20 to Diplomacy for any Locals/Elites they interact with, as long as the Opinion on Mutated is at (0/3). -20 to the malus for every point in the negative, +5 for every point in the positive.)

Mutation: Lamba Volondavenona (11/25):
Aria's Mutation originates in the city-state of Jahi, a once vassal of the Empire, before being absorbed into the greater nation due to unrest and rising violence. As the Gene-Smith explained, her hair is akin to a radio; both able to receive and transmit at will, when trained, of course. While this Mutation wouldn't be of much use, her brain has also been altered to decode and understand said transmissions. Further, she has finally figured out why she doesn't scar even with deep wounds! Her Mutation prevents her body from going "Good Enough" and stops healing, forcing it to repair all injuries perfectly. When Aria attempted to perceive the Regions transmissions, she said it was akin to a whisper within a hall. She also said that her head started to hurt when she looked at the second moon, though its odd ability to hinder or distort radiowaves is well known.
(+22 to all rolls made with PD.)

You have joined the illustrious Elite of the world, one where the entry is life-long service, and the exit is at the end of a weapon. Yours will be a life of war, death, and struggles, bringing hope to despairing hearts, rallying flagging defenders, and protecting those in your shadow. Do not stumble, for the consequences are grave.
(+5 to all rolls after using a Knight in Combat.)

1st Generation Pilgrim:
This person has not been converted to the Pilgrims belief but was brought up in it from a young age. Their faith has always been a part of their life, guiding their actions even when choosing to leave. People will find it hard to sway their devotion should they remain.
(Actions to subvert Aria roll with a malus.)

We Can Do It!:
From a young age, Aria has been deeply empathetic, caring, and driven. Since joining the Pilgrims, she has grown into a relentlessly friendly and optimistic young woman, shaped by her adoptive family's experiences. With her determined personality, she's picked up "a little bit of everything" at a young age by way of enthusiastically volunteering to assist in any and everything. She picked the brains of anyone willing to let her, though the more curmudgeonly among the Pilgrims find her boundless enthusiasm tiresome. But she will give everything she has in all she does, unfortunately, sometimes beyond that.
(+20 to all actions this Hero is assigned to, -10 for every Turn Relax is not chosen. Currently: +/-0.)

Trauma: Common People Purge Survivor (16/16):
It has been years since the Purge, and you no longer feel overwhelmed or trapped by the feelings of terror and hopelessness as you once did. Instead, you have used that horror you survived as a drive to see it never repeated, or minimized, for as long as you live. You may occasionally still dream about the screams, the hateful faces, and the smell of burning flesh, but all it does is add to your conviction to see it never repeated.
(-5 to all Actions this Hero is assigned to, can be chosen as a starting character should a Purge happen. +10 to all Actions done by this Hero within Purge Turns.)

To Fling A Light:
Sometimes? Sometimes being willing to help is not enough; doing all you can do will fail, and people will die. You know that. You have seen that. Sometimes, sacrifice is needed. And if you can shoulder that burden so that others won't have to? You would gladly fling a light into the future at the cost of your life.

Human Girlfriend - Chiedi - Fresh, Awkward, Confused - (3/11)
Well, it happened, though you'd be hard-pressed to pinpoint when, how, and why. You just kind of... started liking her more and in another way? It is not how others (Selene) described it would feel, but you think you like it? I mean... the dates and the attention do feel nice...
The 'Journey Never Stopped' was a curious ship in its own right, a masterpiece of industry and ingenuity, working even after a millennium of neglect and rust accumulated during an apocalypse. Few pieces had to be outright replaced with new, grossly inferior components freshly milled or cast by Forge-Clan members. Fewer things needed anything more than a quick lookover and good scrubbing to remove accumulated dust, rust, and grime. Most restoration efforts were geared towards ensuring that the internals worked as intended and cleaned of any filth.

But, in a strange twist of fate, the thing which would draw more eyebrows was not the ship sailing through the air but the crew of five assembled in the ship's crew quarters who let it soar across the sky. To a one, they were all Mutated. One had his arms changed into insectoid appendages, his hands armored in chitin, black, gleaming, and sharp. Another had been forced by his genes to always duck underneath doors yet was able to twist his spine around 360°, his extended arms and fingers giving him an unsettling appearance. Two had the relative luck to "only" possess a vibrant purple skin or garishly colored feathers covering their head and arms. The last of the bunch was no less unique in her appearance. Arms that ended in hands of four fingers, black flesh giving the impression of animated hooves instead of digits, a head more resembling that of a sheep mashed with a humans face, small horns were growing just above sheep's ears, while a coat of wool covered her head down to her back.

And all of them, with no exception, had a tattoo of a shining sun, radiant in its generous glory and framed with words they all knew by heart. Though no others would ever be able to read it from their skin, the words carved out by knife, needle, or other instruments, scar tissue were it once were. And the sun, oh, that hated, ever-present sun, had been set into the middle of a new tattoo. A giant maw, ravenous and teeth-filled, now surrounded the sneering icon, the words: "Burn if you must, but rise from the ashes!" written around. A memory of long-gone times, when the four had been part of the crew of the fifth when they still had a ship to ply the endless waves and plunder the wilful slaves of their captives and possessions. A reminder of times before even that, of whips, beatings, preachings, hunger, and sneering faces. Galleys and boats, chains and overseers, promises and vengeance.

A dagger descended upon the table the five had gathered around, pinning the map laid across it into place. None spoke, memories and oaths long gone or thought impossible to fulfill churning and bubbling from the depths of their mind once more, and yet.

They all stared at the place the dagger had hit, the island where they would be sent, having practically demanded to sail out, hatred welling up from deep inside, as one by one, they began to recite the names of those friends, relatives, children, and siblings-in-arms by the Eversun.

They stayed within that room until new dawn rose.

A hiss sounded through the small chamber Aria was standing within, making her tense her body for a moment at the feeling of heat near her left leg's calves before relaxing again as it stayed lukewarm. A second passed before another hiss sounded out, and the lukewarm sensation returned, slightly lower and to the side until an electronic voice spoke up. Statement? The Forge-Clan Armor Smith asked, several mechanical eyes on his mask reorienting to watch Aria's reaction as he began to type into his tablet.

"A feeling of wearing no clothes at all, while being restricted as if wearing too tight clothes," she spoke, almost successful in saying it without any discomfort. "Lukewarm temperature change when heat is applied, entirely centered on the spot of contact. No noticeable heat-dispersion." The Armor Smith nodded, three eyes turning back to his tablet as one continued to watch her face, changing its color to blue.

Thank you. Last test. A tap of his finger saw a sharp buzzing sound out within the room before something pressed into Aria's right arm. The sound stopped immediately with a cancerous cough, her arms nearly unmoved.

"A feeling of wearing no clothes at all, while being restricted as if wearing too tight clothes," Aria repeated her statement from before, the continued repeatings of the words making them feel funny in her mouth. "No sensation in my right arm beyond a slight push akin to a cat headbutting you." The man nodded with satisfaction, tapping a few buttons, and lifted his powering down mask from his face with a slight smile.

"Good. The testing is finished; you may now relax," he said, grabbing a bottle of water and offering it to a tired Aria. His eyes took one last roam over her bodysuit to spot any imperfections his machines could have missed, though he found none. "And I apologize for having you state that line over and over, but any change or feeling needs to be documented."

Aria nodded with a smile of her own, having greedily taken several gulps of water. "Our rules are written in blood," she quoted, receiving a friendly no in return. "Still, why did the suit have to be skintight? It feels... weird."

The Armor Smith nodded at that, taking back the bottle he had offered, a reminiscing look on his face. "Yes, that was a change in materials about 384 years ago, which improved Pilot survival by about 8% in case of biological attacks, and an additional 23% in case of punctures. And don't worry, studies indicate that all feelings of discomfort should recede after three to five months of continuous wear. Additionally, 38% of all Pilots indicate to have grown to like the feeling."

Two Behemoths battled across the Necropolis. Their strength equally matched, their weaknesses exploited fully by the other, yet without a chance to deliver the final strike to secure food for months. Tentacles struck with snapping thunders against hardened chitin, sickles swung with cutting edges through the air into soft flesh, yet only cutting blubber replaced by internal reserves and the shifting of half-digested bodies. Finally, a roar was met with a strike from a hidden mouth as acid and poison battled in metal-melting concentrations. Both Behemoths were uncaring about the damage to the surrounding towers and streets. Hidden away or already long gone, daring Animals, hungry Mutants, and calculating Machines watched with rapt interest, guessing their chances to scavenge food or materials from the corpse of the victor. Maybe they would even be lucky and find both were too injured to survive. With roars and violent strikes, cunning minds, and cruel intelligence, these Titans of Biology battled, fierce in their will to be the victor, at all costs.

In another area of the Necropolis, tense chains and immortal metal fell slack as a door designed to hold back forces now unknown to humanity was ripped out of its fittings. Then, with a thunderous explosion, the tension sent the giant slab of metal flying away from the Daughter and the awed Pilgrims, Forge-Claners, and more within the Bunker itself.
Somewhere in the Forest of Rust, a screen showing [Y/N] winks out.
They would not see how the massive piece of metal crushed the tentacled beast with a sickening squelch, splattering its body across an entire plaza, leaving behind a confused Behemoth mid-swing. Too busy were those aboard the Daughter in their celebration to notice that little detail and soon to terrified by the plumes of hundreds of missiles rising into the sky.

With ancient shrieks born of cold malice inherent in all weapons, these heralds of death juked to and fro, evading imagined counterfire. Yet, at the same time, several dozen exploded within their silos, turning them into so much slag, smoke rising into the harsh days' sky. But among hundreds, what good do a few dozen unfired missiles do?

But it was a fight the Daughter had been well equipped to handle, as Bright-Lances began to thrum with mindboggling amounts of power, their barrels and radiators glowing with heat as invisible lances of light stretched out their fingers, gently caressing missile after missile. Dozens, then hundreds, fell, exploding mid-flight under the constant bombardment of stone-melting heat and perfect accuracy coded deep into the missile defense systems programming.

But even the highest quality can be overcome by quantity, as even with hundreds shot down, dozens still screeched through the air, their targeting systems locked onto the heat and em-signature of the Daughter, unerringly racing closer until they passed the screen of lasers shooting at them. Titanic explosions erupted as these ancient weapons unleashed their fury and hatred into an equally ancient weapon of war, fighting to penetrate its skin and wreak havoc in its intestines and reap a terrible toll among its crew.

And, one by one, they failed to penetrate even the least and weakest parts of its armor, those bits hastily added onto and into the Daughter's hull, though droplets of molten metal fell upon the earth, burning and cooling in equal measure.

But as the smoke cleared and the Daughter detected no new weaponry, scouts began to emerge from their hideouts, carefully creeping forward, ready to run for their lives at the drop of a coin, their eyes trained on the opened Bunker whom all scavenger within Tessen coveted.

Within, they found treasures beyond compare, as computers, industrial, and military equipment lay where its owners had left it, with clothing, medicine, cultural artifacts, and scientific reserves in both digital slates and crystal matrixes surviving the centuries unbothered by entropy and decay. Even the frame of a Knight, though none knew how it came to be within the Bunker itself, stood ready to be plundered and brought back home to adoring crowds cheering in jubilation.

Well, those things were there if one were to believe the screens showing both the manifests and the lower levels swarming with waking Machines, their protocols arming them for an intrusion into the Bunker they were assigned to defend.

The Pilgrims had won the entrance, but the war for the Bunker had only started.

"Project Overreach was a Pilgrim sponsored and led initiative to create and develop an indirect fire weapon system, capable of providing accurate and deadly covering fire while remaining cheap and reusable. Their scholars proposed dozens of variations and concepts on how to develop such a weapon, though, in the end, they fell back on the accomplishments of the ancients to give them the insight they needed to create what they had set out to do.

With the help of several ancient systems, several flaws in the loading of their newly created gunpowder weapon, along with the successful aiming, were either resolved or mitigated. However, it should be noted here that, even after several months and over three hundred variations, accuracy remained the weapon's most glaring flaw, failing to land a hit in nearly 43% of all tests in laboratory conditions. Yet, production of prototypes continued, producing such bizarre constructs as "Long Lance" and "Variation 23-B." But, as the saying goes, knowing a thousand ways not to build something is often better than one on how to make it right.

A philosophy that the Pilgrims would follow in subsequent developments of their static mortars, variable payloads, and efforts to derive a humanoid-portable delivery platform within combat itself."

-Weaponry Of The 11th Century

"And this," Silvia spoke into the room with her classmates, lifting Crinkles, "is my friend Crinkles! He is a Fractal Feline!" She said with a bit of pride, struggling to hold up her friend as he remained stubbornly on the ground, forcing her to stretch him up from the floor, showing his glimmering belly to the class to "ooh's," and "aah's." A halfhearted growl came from him, more annoyed at the attention of so many children looking at him with rapt attention than being lifted. "He is also moody!" Silvia continued, putting her friend onto the floor, where Crinkles immediately snapped his tail into her face with mock indignation, striding back to her seat. Giggling and followed by the noises of her class, Silvia walked back herself, her familiarity with the layout and her cane helping her where her tail and the guidance of her table neighbor couldn't.

"A good showing," came the sound of ground gravel and deep mines from the front as her teacher spoke, a bit of awe within his voice. A few strokes of chalk upon a board followed as he continued to talk, with the rustle of paper intensifying. "And a perfect entry to today's lesson, as we will be learning today of Elemental Felines and how they came to be," he said, nodding to his assistant as he gave out the relevant booklet, with the special one for Silvia and her, nearly blind, table partner. He allowed himself a second to smile in satisfaction at the excited whispers of his class and a bit of awe at his newly furnished classroom before he lifted his booklet and began to talk about the first picture amidst excited whispers.

"A-25. Staff must clean a patient of excrement at least once a day.
A-25.1. Mutated are exempt from this restriction.

A-39. Patients are to be fed at least one nutritious meal per day.
A-39.1. Mutated are exempt from this restriction.

A-44. Patients without families may not be charged with bills during their stay and can only receive receipts after successfully healing from their insanity.
A-44.1. Mutated are exempt from this restriction.

C-18. Leucotomy may only be applied with the aid of a certified surgeon and after the free and voluntary approval of a member of the insane's family.
C-18.1. Patients may not receive this treatment more than one time.
C-18.2. Mutated are exempt from this restriction.

C-37. Electroconvulsive Therapy may not apply more than 300 volts for more than twenty seconds unless it is with the express permission of the insane's family.
C-37.1. Patients may not be subjected to this treatment when bleeding, physically ill, or otherwise injured or sick.
C-37.2. Mutated are exempt from this restriction."

-Excerpts of the rules of treatment of the mentally ill of the Empire.

"This is a problem and an opportunity," Veda thought out loud, tapping his pen onto the paper in front of him. "Suspendium can mitigate the weight and resources required by adding a few more bags on top the 'ship, but it will raise costs and add a need to restock coal or burnable things every so often. Hmm, maybe with an alteration in the pressure system here," he murmured, quickly sketching out a section of the newly downsized Vuur, a creased brow looking at the drawing in dissatisfaction. "No, no, no, that wouldn't work."

"What wouldn't work?" A new voice said, causing three of Veda's four ears to swivel around, not having heard the young man enter the lab. A look over his shoulder saw him face one of the aides of Turi, the one with the prosthetic leg, carrying a tablet whose brightness had been turned way up.

"A modification to the Vuur-2 to turn an airscrew," Veda replied, waving his sketch in the air, a sigh escaping him as he looked again at the drawing once more. "It would be an excellent way to propel any future airships we make, but I can't figure out a way to wring out the required efficiency on my own."

The young man laughed at that, shaking his head with some amusement. "Well, not to be dismissive of your efforts, but we spent months on merely downsizing the thing without losing any power. And even then, it requires enough coal to power itself that it isn't in any way economical to put it on carriages. I'd honestly be surprised if you managed to solve the problems we faced all on your own. Though," he said, tilting his head in confusion. "Why aren't you using Jewel to power an electronic screw? That should make your problems superfluous."

"Yeah, you'd think so," Veda spoke with a sigh. "You'd fucking think so," he muttered under his breath, standing up while crumpling his sketch. "Jewel may be the perfect battery, but the problem is creating a casing to extract the necessary power in the required force and rate you want, and not all at once. It is also hideously expensive, and frankly, decades in the future. By that time, we'll be either paying out of our pockets and slashing our income from airships in half for one component or using steam or lithium batteries to drive screws and propellers. But thanks," he said, patting the young man on the shoulder as he walked out, trying to push the idea out of his head and go over his packing list for the expedition once more.

When Aria had arranged a meeting with the spokesperson of Meira's Hidden, she had expected many things. From hostility due to the Pilgrims' intrusion into their territory, interest in PD, and ^Ä^, cold diplomacy focused wholly on business to a complete dismissal of everything she had to say. While the third did come true, with Singe, the chosen spokesperson, dominating their conversation and giving her a dozen copies of the same contract for commissioning an artifice, they did offer a single surprise.

That surprise came to light with a solid 'thud' as Singe dropped a tiny bar of solid Jewel on the table, acting as if she hadn't just dropped five years of wages of Aria onto the table. "We are aware," Singe spoke, pushing a contract towards Aria, "of your particular Mutation due to our channels of information and records. Therefore, we would like to purchase 50 grams of your hair, in exchange for this Jewel here," she continued, lightly knocking onto the precious material. "Do you agree?"

Never before in her life did Aria read and sign a contract as fast as she did then and there.

An angry and frustrated woman stood in a secured room within the Imperial Palace, her hair wildly snapping everywhere as bolts of lightning scorched wooden paneling or metal fixtures. Periodically, growls escaped her throat while her hands twitched and flexed as if to move, yet studiously held behind her back, her eyes twitching from scene to scene on the large screens showing life within the Capital or various operations going on in other Regions. Angry breaths were slowly inhaled, held back, and then exhaled in a futile endeavor of the woman to calm herself down.

With an explosive action heralded by a snapping tendril of hair, she exploded into motion, grabbing her chair and throwing it against the wall, shattering the sturdy, cushioned, steel construct into a thousand pieces, causing Elianus sitting before her table to raise an eyebrow as he carefully removed a stray splinter of steel from his face. Then he took a sip from his drink.

"That bad, huh?"

Mark explosively turned around, a pointed finger extended as she hissed with a glare, "DO. NOT. Get uppity with me." A forceful intake of air saw her walk to her table with a twitch in her eye. "Do you have any idea how difficult it was to contain that leak? To ensure the silence of that many people? If it weren't for her, I'd have ordered a Sweeper-Team to the Tree. Dead mouths tell no tales, as my predecessor always said. Worst of all, I had to allow them to retain the location of that 'Shelter' they dug out of him."

"Well," Elianus said with a shrug, indifferent eyes looking at Mark. "We already confirmed that nothing truly concerning is within that Shelter. And it'll take them years, possibly decades, until they have the entrance secured enough to start sending down crows."

"It is the principle of the thing," Mark retorted, a bitter look on her face as she stared at the broken remains of her chair. "Dammit," she muttered, "I liked that chair."

"I'll have someone send in a new one," Elianus said with a wave of his hand, taking another sip of his drink. "Though, you have to admit," he spoke, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. "Having a person who lived before the Collapse in our hands be the third most interesting news this year is exciting."

Mark gave him an unamused look, a snort of disdain following soon after. "You are not the one who had a panic attack when the news came. Luckily, the fucker didn't mention anything which could have broken the Wooden Lie. But, God," she said, slumping onto her table with a bone-weary sigh. "I need a vacation."

"Then why not take one?" Elianus spoke, understanding and sympathy evident in his voice. "You could relax, see some sights, maybe visit fam-"

"No." Mark forcefully interjected, glaring at her friend, though with a hint of sadness in her eyes. "You know I am not allowed to do that."

Elianus shrugged, not bothered by her tone at all. "I am pretty confident that, as your Emperor, I can order you to do exactly that." A look at Mark's dismissive face told him what she thought of that idea. "Yeah, you're right, I wouldn't. But my wif-"

"I am not fucking your wife; I am straight. Would you please tell her to stop making you ask," Mark replied with a deadpan voice, sighing at that woman's incessant flirting. She only hugged her once; why did she have to take that as her being interested?

"Hah, no, she put her crush on you aside weeks ago." Elianus explained, shaking his head. "She's asking as your friend. She's seen how stressed you are, and wants to do something fun with you, where you don't have to worry."

"By exposing herself to every assasin within a 100 kilometer radius? Ah, that'll help my blood-pressure," Mark bit back, the sarcasm plain even for a chuckling Elianus.

"That is an... interesting proposal, Mister Lin," Martyris spoke with a creased brow, his mind whirling behind his head, trying to figure out why the savvy man would approach him with such. And how he could profit off of it. "But could I ask, why are you proposing such a deal? You are certain to dig into your profit margins by doing so."

Abraham Lin leaned back into the chair, his fingers stapled before a smiling face. "Yes, that is true," he spoke, a slight grin appearing on his face as he chatted, his eyes alight with greed and glee. "But the loss of profit in one market can increase your margins in another ten-fold. Such with the proposal of the Merchant Guild before you, as a particular... projects... requires materials that are to be acquired at consistent quantities and sufficient quality. We are quite willing to pay the premium for those goods to be awarded the bounties offered for other sectors in return." The smile on his face grew into a grin as he leaned forwards, placing his hands flat on the table between him and Martyris, the contract on the same. "And my superiors have allowed me to lock those trades down with watertight contracts, beneficial to us both."

Martyris didn't reply immediately, frowning at the man's naked eagerness for the deal he offered, though he would be lying if he said that he didn't think it justified. Then, taking a breath, he looked at the contract for a moment before nodding at Lin. "Okay, I'll be sure to inform the Council of your offer and read the contract with great care."

Lin clapped in satisfaction as he stood, nodding in approval. "Excellent! I'll be leaving you to your discussions, then. There is profit to be made in Ularn, you understand. I'll see myself out," he spoke, turning away with confidence.

[] Accept The Deal
(All Mines, Ashleaf Nursery, Black Root fields, and Desalination Basins have their dice changed to fixed income. Equal to half +50% of the rolls.)
[] Decline The Deal
(Nothing Happens.)

Faith: Destructive, Powerful, Magnificent. Faith has moved mountains, healed wounds deeper than flesh, and reduced nations to ash. Harness it to create something that will outlast you and inspire a thousand generations to come. (Choose 2 Actions)
[ ] Wanna Join my Club?
You need people to hear the Pilgrims' message, and you need more people if you want to make sure this does not die before you can get started.
(Chance: Automatic Success
Reward: 1d20+3 Recruits)

[ ] The Pilgrims Need You!
Your missionaries can walk much further and stay out for much longer with the Inn's help, which directly translates to more people hearing the Pilgrims' message, though you may want to focus on one group of people to maximize its effect.
(Turns: 2
Chance: 95%
Reward: 4d20+10 Recruits)

WHAT THE FUCK B'IL?! Yes, the laws exist, but their spirit was broken by sticking to their letters. Do you think that that wouldn't make some people angry, like, say, the cult with massive soft power in your backyard? Raise a stink, and make that sour the fuckers mood!
(Chance: 15/-55/-95%
Cost: 20 Goodwill
Reward: Pressure High Judge B'il and turn the discussion and news coverage against him and the verdict.)

[ ] Feed The Masses
There is a difference between feeding starving, hungry people and ensuring that all have a full belly at the end of the day. That would be the Pilgrims' first significant project, which would do more than keep things from growing worse for the poor.
(Turns: 8
Cost: 55 Materials Upkeep: 16 Materials
Reward: Grand Kitchen, -6 to Piety rolls, +0.5 Goodwill per Turn, 2d20 recruits, 2d12 Goodwill, 2d6 Piety.)

[ ] Establish A Soup-Kitchen - (Choose City) - (Not Mirn)
Another soup kitchen allows you to feed more people, which also makes them like you more. A win-win!
(Chance: 80%
Cost: 4 Materials Upkeep: + 1 Material to soup-kitchens
Reward: 1d6 Recruits, +0.01 Goodwill per Turn, unlocks further actions.)

[ ] Establish Soup-Kitchens (Bulk)(Ularn/Tessen)
Now that you have a soup kitchen, it is time to expand them to cover the city. About three more should give you a solid base for future expansions and provide your other ventures with places to attach.
(Turns: 3
Chance: 80%
Cost: 11 Materials Upkeep: + 2.5 Materials to soup-kitchens
Reward: 3d6 Recruits, +0.04 Goodwill per Turn, 1d3-1 Goodwill.)

[ ] Expand You Poor Houses - (Choose City)
While you have a house where some people can work themselves out of the holes society left them in, many will need the same. So get to expanding what you have built; the work is not done.
(Turns: 3
Chance: 42%
Cost: 15 Materials, Upkeep: +5 Materials
Reward: Poorhouse - (Expanded), +1 Permanent Recruitment, +0.15 Goodwill per Turn.)

[ ] Establish A Small Hospice - (Choose City)
While a Hospice does cater to the dying, its primary purpose is to heal the sick who cannot afford to see a doctor. Unfortunately, you cannot provide more than the most basic medical procedures until you make some deals and agreements with those who have studied medicine.
(Chance: 40%
Cost: 3 Materials Upkeep: 0.75 Material
Reward: +0.01 Goodwill per Turn, 1d5-1 Goodwill, unlocks further actions.)

[ ] Expand Your Hospices
While you have acceptable Hospices, you can improve many things: capacity, treatments, things like that. Better get to it!
(Cost: 5 Materials per Hospice, Upkeep: +0.85 Material per Hospice
Reward: +0.05 Goodwill per Turn per Hospice, 1d5+1 Goodwill.)

[ ] Healing For All!
You have the money; they have the expertise. Announce that the Pilgrims will shoulder all costs for any medical procedure done by the Herbalists for the next three months.
(Cost: 7 Materials
Chance: 85%
Reward: Healers gain Influence, 1d3 Goodwill.)

[ ] A Helping Hand
Now that you can create prosthetics, merely creating and selling them isn't enough. Too many veterans, injured, disabled, or unlucky, cannot afford a new arm, leg, hand, or foot. So to create a few dozen in bulk, then ship them out to your hospices, where the doctors may gift them as required.
(Cost: 10 Materials
Chance: 80/20%
Reward: Gain 1/4d2 Goodwill.

[ ] A Home away from Home - (Location)
While the Tree of Knowledge is the center and Home of the Pilgrims, many projects and actions to help others happen away from it; traveling between the Tree and other cities takes time and, occasionally, resources. A small base closer to those places, serving as a shelter and temporary Home for the Pilgrims working there, could help.
(Cost: 4 Materials, Upkeep: 1.5 Materials
Reward: Local Base, Upkeep of all structure in the chosen location reduced by 0.10 Materials.)

[ ] Localized Headquarters - (Location)
Having created a shelter, expanding the building to encompass several barracks, a canteen, storage rooms, a medical section, and an administrative body will improve your efficiency within the city!
(Required: Local Base
Cost: 20 Materials, Upkeep: 2.50 Materials
Reward: Local Headquarters, Upkeep of chosen location is reduced by 0.75 Materials.)

[ ] Build A School - (Big) - (Choose City)
A place of learning, growing, and change, where all are welcome to learn in these halls, whether beggar or lord; none are turned away or asked to pay. Knowledge is a gift that should ever be shared, for it does not diminish when given to others.
(Already built within Mirn.
Turns: 3/5/6
Cost: 15/27/39 Materials, 1/2/3 Faithful, Upkeep: 5/9/13 Materials
Chance: 50%
Reward: 0.1/0.3/0.5 Goodwill, -1/3/5 to Piety Rolls.)

[ ] Build An Orphanage - (Small/Medium/Big) - (Choose City)
Many will question you building this and will push against you doing so. Screw them! These children deserve a future where they can choose the path they walk, not one determined by their supposed caretakers' greed and callousness! They deserve happiness, safety, and love!
(Turns: 3/5/7
Cost: 25/47/68 Materials, 2/4/5 Faithful, Upkeep: 10/17/25 Materials
Chance: 20%
Reward: 0.2/0.5/0.8 Goodwill, -2/4/7 to Piety rolls.)

[ ] Build A Humane Primitive Asylum - (Location)
Nothing stands between the creation of an Asylum led by the Pilgrims now. Contact local builders, set Marxcim to design the structure, and call for volunteers to be trained and paid for taking care of the patients. Of course, some will see the giving over of the mentally ill to a religion-led institution as a terrible idea. Still, those voices will cease after some time has passed and, hopefully, recovered patients walk out of the Asylum.
(Cost: 25 Materials, 6 Materials Upkeep, 4 Goodwill
Reward: Humane Primitive Asylum, +0.2 Goodwill per Turn, -1 Piety for the first building.)

[ ] Let There Be Lightbulbs
You can put a lightbulb in every single one of your buildings, power it with locally generated electricity, and show just how far you came in a mere 7 Years. Of course, it will cost you as is expected of electronics, but the sight of light at night, steady and clean, will prove that the Pilgrims can realize their ambitions. Do it so.
(Cost: 53.52 Materials, +0.01 Materials Upkeep to all buildings
Turns: 1
Reward: 2d20 Followers, +3% Piety, -2 to Piety rolls.)

[ ] Build Another 'Consensual' - (Location)
You would charge an entry fee from patrons while leaving the workers alone to make their deals themselves. Creating a safe place for people to ply this trade, offering medicine, sanitary facilities, and guards would help those who chose this path or use it. People sell their labor and time for money, so punishing those whose work is sex is crazy.
(Turns: 2
Cost: 6 Materials
Reward: 'Consensual,' +0.01 Goodwill, 2d4-1 Materials income by charging entry from patrons, unlocks an upgrade.)

[ ] Build Upon A 'Consensual' - (Choose City)
Unexpectedly, the brothel you built seems to have rapidly gained a reputation as a high-class establishment. While good for your purse, less suitable for those who have less than 'expert talents' within the industry. By building new floors and digging some down, you could make enough space for all who tried to work in the Consensual but had to be turned away due to all rooms being full. It would be costly but will help those trying to escape forced sex labor but have no other applicable working skills. You would need to step up the security, though.
(Turns: 3
Cost: 20 Materials, Upkeep: 6 Materials
Reward: Upgraded 'Consensual,' +0.02 Goodwill, +3d4 Income for the Consensual.)

[ ] Hey, Why Don't We... (Write-In)
(What do you want to accomplish, and how do you go about doing it?)

Diplomacy: The art of speaking many words that mean nothing should not be underestimated. A report in the right ear at the wrong time has toppled many a nation. (Choose 1 Action)
[ ] Trading Favors
While a favor owed to you by the ruling House of a vital trading Region within the Empire can do much, overturning Ordinance #326b-S and #14-VV7 will need more. To be specific, the support of either House Mirn or Ularn, optimally both. You just need to find out what would convince them to support your petition!
...Yeah, you're going to ask Lady Maranica.
(Cost: Favors with Noble Houses? Artifacts? Expeditions? You won't know until you ask!
Chance: 99%
Reward: Further Support for clarifying/changing the laws. Autosucceeds "Lady Tessen? About Our Favor..." if both actions are taken, and all costs are accepted.)

[ ] From The Brink
Having obtained rudimentary knowledge and understanding of the human psyche beyond that which is commonly available, you now have the chance to slowly pull The Lost back into the fold, saving lives in the process, and preventing them from sliding into a darker mindset than self-punishment. Of course, a deeper understanding of psychology and deeper infiltration could make this process smoother, but you'll have to make do.
(Cost: 10 Materials, 2 Goodwill
Chance: -20/-85%
Reward: +1/3 Assimilation. The Lost become more aligned with the Pilgrims, eventually allowing you to absorb them.)

[ ] Lady Tessen? About Our Favor...
You have a favor owed to you by the ruling House of a vital trading Region within the Empire. So you will use that favor and put it through B'il's fucking decision!
(Cost: 1 Major Favor from House Tessen
Chance: 05% (This will only ensure that the Emperor listens to the request. It won't make it succeed.)
Reward: Put pressure on getting the laws clarified/changed.)

[ ] We Are One People! - (Choose Faction)
To harm someone because they look different is idiotic and utterly wrong. You cannot push another down and still call yourself righteous, no matter how they look. Even the lowest deserve our respect as fellow human beings. Start a propaganda campaign to change the Mutated view, bring the people together, and start on the road to reconciliation.
(Cost: 20 Materials
Chance: 60/-20% for Locals/Elites (rolled each turn)
Successes Needed: 4/6
Reward: +1 Relationship for the Mutated with the chosen faction, +15% Piety, 3d20 Recruits, +1d12 Goodwill)

[ ] School The Diplomat-Corp - (Specialized) - (Choose Target)
Your Training for the diplomats is as comprehensive as possible to create for the foreseeable future. Now you either need institutional knowledge or an in-depth look into one faction to help you out more.
(Turns: 2
Chance: 55% for Locals, 40% for Elite, cannot choose The Union of Herbalists.
Reward: +15 to all rolls involving said faction.)

[ ] Train The Infiltrator-Corp - (Greater)
What's done is done; now, you can only ensure that they do the best job that they can do.
(Turns: 3
Chance: 45%
Reward: Can infiltrate factions for fewer Materials. Raised Chances to secret actions)

[ ] Infiltrate Part 1 - (Choose Faction)
With spies now available to the Pilgrims, it may be the time to make sure they are in place to ply their trade. This step focuses on laying the groundwork for future expansions and won't get you any detailed information. It is also nothing more than paying some people to pass on rumors, which is pretty much standard practice within Slatnan and won't raise too many eyebrows. Still, even basic knowledge may allow you to plan farther ahead.
(Cost: 3 Materials
Turns: 3
Chance: 80%
Reward: Target is Infiltrated, displays information in the rumor mill, raises chances for Exfiltrate and Illuminate)

[ ] Infiltrate Part 2 - (Choose Faction)
Further infiltration of chosen organizations will reveal far more secrets and allow far riskier actions to be taken. It will be a step over the law, though, with failure not being a good outcome.
(Needed: Information Network: Rank 1
Cost: 12 Materials
Turns: 2
Chance: 55%
Reward: Spies are planted, displays more information in the rumor mill, raises chances for Exfiltrate and Illuminate)

[ ] Exfiltrate - (Target)
What is yours is mine; what is mine is none of your concern.
(Chance: 70%, 80% for: The Military.
Reward: 2d6-3 Materials + Chance for Secrets )

[ ] Illuminate - (Target)
Holder of justice, beacon in the dark, I have sinned. Liberate me of my darkness, unburden me of this pain, and may my deed feed that which may eternally grow.
(Cost: 6 Materials
Chance: 50%, 60% for: The Military.
Reward: Target has their operations/structures halted/crippled/terminated.)

[ ] Create A Dossier On (Group/Topic)
Collate all known information, history, and rumors about a group or topic of interest to ensure that the Pilgrims' future actions are as well informed as they can be.
(Cost: 5 Materials
Chance: 50%
Reward: Lore and Information regarding a Group/Topic.)

[ ] Shouldn't We... (Write-In)
(What do you want to accomplish, and how do you go about doing it?)

Martial: To live, you need power, for which you need knowledge. Luckily, you have the latter in spares. (1 Action Locked)
[ ] Gargoyle Problems - (Unit/s)
The attacks of the Gargoyles on villages are highly unusual and downright incredible. Such attacks usually happen because somebody had stolen a Gargoyle juvenile, wounded or killed one, or because the Gargoyle's themselves are starving and diseased. They are herbivore scavengers who are flighty, not aggressive. Yet, despite their unusual behavior, they are attacking people and need to be dealt with by iron and flame if required.
-[ ] Hire Adventurers
(Cost: 3.2 Materials
Reward: +15 to the roll.)
(Chance: 54%
Reward: Unit Experience, 0.01 Goodwill if failed, 0.05 if successful, and the gratitude of Mutated Villages.)

[ ] Menagerie - (Basic)
With the space in your armory expanded, you now have the needed area, blacksmiths, and tools to armor Lizards, ensure they are healthy, and keep them in shape. Additionally, several other animals can be held here, though only the most commonly available.
(Cost: 66 Materials, 12 Materials Upkeep
Turns: 5
Reward: Can add [Common] Animals to Units.)

[ ] Scout Out.
While you know that enemies exist in one location, you do not know what forces they represent and how many. Remedy that.
(Takes 1 Unit - (Specify which)
Chance: 75%, starts Combat if failed by more than 20%
Reward: Numbers and composition of Enemies are revealed at the chosen location.)

[ ] Guards! Guards! - (Specify Building)
While the Tree of Knowledge has some security, it doesn't have a dedicated guard. So start training a few Pilgrims as guards so that you don't have to worry about thieves or, even worse, saboteurs.
(Cost: 6.5 Materials, Upkeep: 0.55 Materials
Turns: 1
Reward: Pilgrim Guards are assigned to the building, sharply increased DC for malicious actions against it.)

[ ] Make A Man Out Of You! - (Choose Trainer Unit) - (Choose Training Unit)
Now that the Unbroken returned from the Crusade, you can access an experienced and highly trained Unit. See if they can't share some of that experience with your other teams and teach them a thing or two.
(Needed Unit Training: (3/6)
Turns: 3
Reward: +1 Training Level, up to the training Units level, -1.)

[X] Build A Training Field - (Expanded) - (1/4 Turns Completed)
A big field to run laps around with some practice dummies for ranged and melee Combat is lovely and all, but it isn't enough. Buy state-of-the-art equipment, have a dedicated trainer on hand, and refine your methods for training people for the worst-case scenarios.
(Turns: 4
Cost: 18 Materials, 1 Faithful, +2 Materials upkeep
Reward: Can recruit Units at (3/6 Trained) instead of (2/6 Militia))

[ ] Upgrade The Central Region Security To (Private Security/Mercenary Command)
Now with the CRS established and securing our various facilities around Tessen, we have the possibility to both upgrade and expand its operations or turn the organization into a licensed offshoot of the Tessen Adventurer Guild. The first would improve our security with more extended training for guards, intensified background checks, and qualitative improvements. The latter would make us money back at the expense of inviting more corruption or agents into the structure.
(Turns: 3/5
Cost: 32.50/27.00 Materials, 12.45/9.55 Materials Upkeep
Reward: CRS (Private Security/Mercenary Command), which improves the security of all facilities and Pilgrims within Tessen/gains us money via mercenary contracts, can be upgraded to CRS - Elite Private Security/Elite Mercenary Command.)

[ ] Pump Those Legs! - (Choose A Unit-Name)(Choose Equipment)
You have things people want. Some of those are not the kind to kindly ask for a price, but instead, take. Well, the Pilgrims may be idealists, but they are long-used to the horrors of the Wastes. Formalize them in a military unit.
(Cost: X(Equipment) Materials, 0.5 Goodwill, +2.50 Materials Unit-Upkeep/nothing, if re-training.
Reward: 1 New Unit (Size 6/6) at Militia (2/6) or Re-Trained Unit with Upgrades below.
6 Unit-Points - Overstrenght (Double Unit count)
2 Unit-Points - Stealth Training (+20 to all stealth rolls)
1 Unit-Points - Weapon Type Specialization - (Weapon) (+1 per Unit member to damage)
1 Unit-Points - Armor Weight Specialization - (Armor Class) (reduced penalties to Heavy and above Class Armor, +1 Armor per 2 Unit members for Medium and below.)
2 Unit-Points - Fanaticism (Unit cannot break, double damage against all enemies of your faith, half damage received from enemies of your faith, will refuse to retreat in an inverted chance to losses. (1/10 Dead = 90% refusal to withdraw, 9/10 Dead = 10% refusal to withdraw.))
1 Unit-Points - Pride (+1 to Breakpoint)
3 Unit-Points - Guardians (+2 Health per Unit member each time another Unit takes damage.)
1 Unit-Points - Reaction Training (+5 to Initiative.)
2 Unit-Points - Harsh Workouts (+1 Health per 3 Unit members.)

[ ] Sir! The Situation Is As Follows: (Write-In)
(What do you want to accomplish, and how do you go about doing it?)

Learning: Knowledge is Power. (Choose 2 Actions, 1 Action Locked)(Artifacts can be attached to one learning Action to provide the inherent bonus but are consumed unless unique buildings are present)(Scientists must now be assigned to provide their bonus, similar to Faithful, abbreviated to SC. (Adding -[PD] or -[DoD] will add 1(one) Success to 1(one) active research.)
[ ] Gather Propulsion Data - (All Machinery/Chemicals)
It should surprise no one that the Daughter has the single most advanced engines globally, rivaled perhaps only by one Dreadnought. So figuring out how to reproduce those systems would be prudent in case of failure and offer a giant leap in native capabilities.
(Chance: -05/-105/-197 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 30
Reward: Massive leap in engine know-how and airship speed.)

[ ] Gather Structural Information - (All Metallurgy/Physics)
It should surprise no one that the Daughter is the single most advanced Airship globally, rivaled perhaps only by one Dreadnought. Learning how to build as structurally sound as her creators would allow native airships to better weather any attacks and survive the inevitable crashes when their suspendium is destroyed better. Or enable the crew to endure the touchdown in some manner.
(Chance: 47/-19/-38 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 15
Reward: Increased Structural Integrity for all Airship Components.)

[ ] Look At The Daughters Suspendium Systems - (Common Suspendium Theory/Advanced Suspendium Theory/Pioneer Suspendium Theory)
When an Elder Forge-Clan Engineer looked at how the Daughter stays afloat, his exact words were: "What in Myra's Holy Name is this abomination to sanity?" So figuring out how it works and reproducing these systems will likely be a pipe-dream for decades and centuries. Still, even a rough outline would show the principles the original creators followed.
(Chance: -11/-49/-89 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 15
Reward: Reduction for all Suspendium Research.)

[ ] Structural Integrity Studies - (Advanced Physics)
Building your first Airship revealed the myriad of flaws, restrictions, and troubles that will plague all future attempts to create more. Above all, trying to design a ship around, under, or above upwards forces is problematic. However, the pull and subsequent stresses upon material and components is nothing to dismiss, so figuring out how to negate, or at the least minimize, those forces will prove a godsend for future attempts.
(Cost: 57.25 Materials
Chance: 78/46/27 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 15
Reward: Structural Integrity +1/2/3 for all modules in Light/Medium/Heavy Airships.)

[ ] Large Suspendium Bags - (Common Suspendium Theory/Advanced Suspendium Theory/Pioneer Suspendium Theory)
Now that you have figured out how to keep suspendium charged even while in flight, the next step is to figure out how to increase the amount of suspendium to allow for larger bags.
(Needed: 2 Suspendium Shards - Small
Cost: 12.67 Materials
Chance: 99/95/70 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 2
Reward: Gain Large Suspendium Bags, 2.500 Kg Lift, -5 Structure.)

[ ] Armored Suspendium Bags - (Common Suspendium Theory/Advanced Suspendium Theory/Pioneer Suspendium Theory)
It's one thing to be within a cart, on the ground, and another to be in the air held aloft by bags filled with crystals. Bags, which can, quite easily, be punctured and set aflame by a single well-placed shot or flying Mutant taking offense. While this will reduce the service-ceiling of the Airship, it will increase its survival chances in a fight.
(Cost: 6.43 Materials
Chance: 55/14/-29 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 4
Reward: Gain Armored Suspendium Bags, increasing the structure of all ships with these bags. 750 Kg Lift)

[ ] Pressurized Suspendium - (Common Suspendium Theory/Advanced Suspendium Theory/Pioneer Suspendium Theory)
Rather than trying to get more Suspendium inside a flammable bag which can be ripped open by anything, why not miniaturize and pressurize the crystals instead? Case in point, doing so may have a slight chance of exploding.
(Needed: Suspendium Shard - Tiny
Cost: 5 Materials
Chance: 04/-46/-120 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 5
Reward: Gain Pressurized Suspendium, allowing a much higher rate of lift in exchange for instability. 5.000 Kg, -3 Structure, 10% to explode if taking damage.)

[ ] Propulsion In The Air -(Advanced Hydraulic/Machinery/Metallurgy)
Moving around on the ground is easy; driving around in the air, less so. Relying on sails is good, but what if there is no wind? How do you move around then? With your recent advances in steam technology, several new avenues have been opened.
(Cost: 17.31 Materials
Chance: 55/31/08 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 3
Reward: Airship Modules: Tiny, Small, and Medium Vuur-Engine Room, Tiny and Small Fuel Storage, Primitive Airscrew, Prototype Propellers.)

[ ] Catalogue Everything 2: Airship Boogaloo - (Ship Type) - (Damage) - (Units) - (All Suspendium/Electronics/Machinery/Metallurgy/Physics)
A second verse like the first. Before you can get those ships up and running, or flying in this case, you need to understand how their systems interact with each other and how they can be repaired or powered up enough to get back to the Tree.
-[ ] Forge-Clan Gamble: +2 Successes per Turn in exchange for locking in an Action/s to retrieve 1d3-1 Hull/s.
-[ ] Local Examination: Increase Success Chance by 100%, 20%-Chance to be attacked by unknown forces.
-[ ] Take It Apart: (Airship Type, Damage): Increase Success Chance by 55%, 5%-Chance to be attacked by unknown forces, 2d8 Airship Artifacts.
(Cost: 42/30/23/10 Materials
Chance: 56/-07/-42 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 40/26/15/3
Reward: Can recover (Ship Type+Damage).)
Warships (Armed 500 ton): 3 Intact (<80%), 1 Damaged (<60%)
Cargo Crafts (Unarmed 1000 ton): 10 Intact (<80%), 2 Damaged (<60%)
Line Vessels (Unnarmed 200 ton): 14 Intact (<80%), 4 Damaged (<60%), 8 Destroyed (<20%)
Personal Cutters (Unnarmed 20 ton): 56 Intact (<80%), 2 Damaged (<60%), 16 Destroyed (<20%)

[ ] Prototype Unique Component
One Pilgrim has come forward with a new and novel application of known or old technology for Airships. We could look into its efficacy.
(Cost: ??? Materials, ??? Suspendium
Chance: ???/???/??? for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: ???
Reward: Requested Module. Describe what you want, and I'll tell you what it will cost/require.)

[ ] Prototype Unique Designs - (Link To/List Of Proposed Design) - (Common Mechanics/Hydraulic/Armor/Machinery/Metallurgy/Physics)
Now that you have developed standardized modules building a specific airship around or with those components would be safe.
(Cost: 25 Materials + (Design Costs)
Light (0-2.000 Kg Lift): 70/20/-30 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 3
Medium (2.001-200.000 Kg Lift): -120/-220/-320 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 25
Heavy (200.001+ Kg Lift): -450/-650/-1.050 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 420
Reward: Airship Desing is being manufactured and sold. The Price is pre-rolled and applied to all subsequently assembled airships of the same line.
Warning: Insufficient institutional knowledge makes designing Medium+ Airships unpractical.
WARNING: Airships incur Material and Suspendium costs in their production.
WARNING: Organized Airship Manufactory missing! Production cannot occur!)
[ ] Steel Casting - (Common Mechanics/Common Metallurgy/Common Hydraulics)
The Empire covets very few things as good steel. Many have desired it from Knights to armor and weapons, construction materials, or base components, yet few have the industrial capacity to produce it in enough quantities. Not for lack of trying, though, but because demand always outstrips supply. Learning how to make quality steel on your own would entail the entire process, sped up by helpful notes, diagrams, and theories, but it will still need many tests and trials. Knowledge cannot replace expertise, after all. Too bad that the industrial magnates will not share their secrets with you, but you understand wanting to keep an edge over competitors, even if it slightly rankles you.
(Chance: 47/-09/-116% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 5
Reward: Can build a Steel Foundry, reduced Upkeep for Engine Assembly, Metalsmiths Abode - (Expanded), and subsequent upgrades.)

[ ] MORE STEAM! - (Advanced Hydraulic/Advanced Machinery/Advanced Metallurgy)
You have a steam engine now, yes, but why stop at what you have? There is always room for improvements, even incremental ones! So see what you can do with your Vuur-Engine.
(Cost: 25 Materials
Chance: 34/-11/-86 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 14
Reward: Improved Steam Engine resulting in D20's instead of D12's.)

[ ] The Movement Of Things - Part 2 - (Hydraulic/Machinery/Metallurgy)
It is possible, if difficult, to minimize the size of the Vuur to incorporate it into moving carriages, not unlike motorcycles. Yet, the energy efficiency is atrocious; the resources needed to keep them moving are so vast that they nearly cannot transport them themselves, not to mention the costs! So, improve efficiency to allow you to create economically viable engines. Luckily, you have already found a few tricks and snags, which Turi estimates shaved off at least a year of effort.
(Cost: 16 Materials
Chance: -08/-64/-120 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 7
Reward: Can incorporate the Vuur-Engine into large carriages for either transportation or agriculture.)
[ ] Cutting Edge Technology
When the time comes to face your enemies up close and personal, you can never go wrong with a good blade in your hand. Now, what makes a blade great comes down to the skill of the smith and the quality of the metal used. While we can't do much for the former, there is much to improve on the latter. Using samples taken from the Necropolis, we can determine which alloys work best for each blade type. They will be too expensive for everyday life, but our military forces will be glad to have them.
(Needed Artifact: Mono Titanium Blade
Cost: 8 Materials
Chance: -44/-76/-132 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 7
Reward: +1 Damage for all bladed weapons per 3 Size of a Unit)

[ ] Coilgun Mystery - (Advanced Electronics/Weaponry)
It is a well-known fact that the Forge-Clans have access to the best weaponry a mere mortal can hold: Coilguns. These weapons shoot pieces of metal in a way you can't quite fathom, its mysteries too well guarded, in devastating ways, turning people into nothing more than bloody chunks. It will take a long time to figure out the principle behind these weapons, but who knows what paths will open?
(Cost: 23 Materials per try.
Chance: -75/-173/-303 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 29
Reward: Uncover the underlying principle of Coilgun Weaponry)

[ ] Gasses Long Forgotten - (Advanced Weaponry/Chemicals)
These tiny capsules hold the promise of ending a fight before it even begins, saving valuable lives in the process. But, of course, building your own can only help you in the long run.
(Cost: Sleep-Gas Bombs
Chance: -18/-49/-156 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 14
Reward: Primitive Gas Grenades)

[ ] Burning Fire, Raging Ire - (Advanced Weaponry/Chemicals)
It is one thing to light a rag connected to alcohol and throw it, another to have a reliable fire grenade. There have to be chemicals and ancient mentionings as to how the Pilgrims could create those.
(Chance: -43/-113/-201 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 9
Reward: Primitive Fire Grenade)

[ ] Fuck That Guy And Everything Around Him - Part 2 - (Physics/All Chemicals/Advanced Weapons)
You figured out a viable mortar you could use. But that is all that this weapon is, viable. Something like that cannot stand, not while you have the chance to end threats without risking lives! Figure out how to incorporate the advancements you had within the mortar's development into a new version. Improving range, accuracy, payload size, reliability, cost of production, and moveability will be critical to ensure that this weapon can be used and distributed widely among our forces.
(Cost: 56 Materials
Chance: 47/02/-43 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 18
Reward: Static Mortar - Standardized, a powerful weapon with limited range, yet good accuracy, deployed before the battle.)

[ ] Payloads May Vary - (Physics/All Chemicals/Advanced Weapons)
It is one thing to shoot something up and make it come down where you want it to and shoot various ammunition types across the battlefield. Luckily, with access to many examples, you managed to accrue quite the assortment of possible payloads!
(Cost: 24 Materials
Chance: 71/43/21 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 3
Reward: Payloads; Acid Globules, Sleeping/Choking Gas, Fire Cannisters, Explosive Warheads, Seeker Shells, Flaming Ordinance.)

[ ] BURN IN HOLY FIRE! - Part 1 - (Physics/All Chemicals/Advanced Weapons)
Recently, your expedition acquired a surprisingly intact flamethrower from the Necropolis. The weapon may not be as good as those produced by the Forge-Clans today, but seeing as this version was intended for civilian use, you can excuse that. No pre-collapse government wanted potent weapons in the hands of their slaves, you see. Nonetheless, with this Artifact, you will start down the path of creating Pilgrim-designed flamethrowers and all their uses in warfare and pest removal.
(Needed Artifact: Intact Civilian Flamethrower
Chance: 65/40/25 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 4
Reward: Primitive Flamethrower, BIHF Pt.2a + Pt.2b)

[ ] Repair The Hammer - (Weapons/Metallurgy/Alloys)
Finding this weapon was a stroke of luck! After all, making a weapon for Knights is much more complicated than giving them a big metal piece! While damaged, patching the hammer up and reinforcing it should provide your Knight with a powerful weapon in future fights. It would also allow you a glimpse into the inner workings of Knight-Weapons.
(Needed Artifact: Damaged Knight-Weapon: Hammer
Chance: 99/99/99% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 1
Reward: "Bonecrusher" armament for the Pilgrims Knight, can create Prototype Knight-Weapons.)

[ ] Reach Out And Stab Someone - (Weapons)
A weapon the Pilgrims found in the Forest that you could study for re-creation. While this would be less useful for scouts, it is a good weapon for guards and other warriors who don't have to be mobile. The extended reach is also helpful if some Mutant tries to eat you, so it's worth researching.
(Needed Artifact: Glaive
Chance: 99/99/99% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 1
Reward: Weapon: Glaive, has traits "Two-Handed," "Reach," and "Monster-Slayer")
[ ] A Shields For Rangers - (Armor)
After researching a shield your militia and troops could use, one of your scholars came forth with designs for one that your ranged troops could use. It wouldn't be a short endeavor and costly in terms of materials, but it could provide a leg up in armor.
(Cost: 12.65 Materials
Chance: 99/75/40% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 6
Reward: Spiked Pavise.)

[ ] Power Armor - Primitive - (Advanced Electronics/Advanced Hydraulics/Advanced Armor)
Somehow, without even meaning to, the combination of ancient schematics, PD, the 4S, and your efforts, have resulted in actual, if primitive, Power Armor worn by Elite Forge-Clan Troops and the Royal Army. It represents the height of what you can currently create; the costs are too prohibitive, though the maintenance is luckily easy and, notably, cheap due to several inventive and robust components. The single suit you have created has been used to develop cheaper ones to be worn by your Units. Figuring out a way to mass-produce, or at least not so costly, produce them would massively help contend sites within the Forest Of Rust.
(Cost: 24 Materials, 1 Advanced Electronic, and 1 Advanced Hydraulics/Armor Artifact
Chance: 00/-44/-86 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 13
Reward: Power Armor - Primitive, Reduced Upkeep for all industrial buildings, further Learning Action.)

[ ] Optical Camouflage - (Advanced Chemical/Advanced Biology)
Invisibility is not something that someone without a mutation can achieve. However, by studying patterns, how various Machines and Mutants perceive their environments, and building upon previous successes, the Pilgrims Scholars are confident that they can create the best self-made stealth clothes on this side of the equator. Considering that there is only a few islands down-under, that is a severe boast.
(Chance: 76/43/01% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 10
Reward: Reduced chance to be detected + increased chance to complete all scouting actions, replaces Ghillies(Standardized))

[ ] Repair The Shield - (Armor/Metallurgy/Alloys)
Together with the hammer, your scavengers found a discarded shield. While there is a rather big hole in the middle, and the edges have been somewhat melted, you should nonetheless be able to recreate this piece of armor for your Knight after studying it.
(Needed Artifact: Damaged Knight-Equipment: Shield
Chance: 99/99/99% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 1
Reward: "Saviour" equipment for the Pilgrims Knight, can create Prototype Knight-Shields.)

[ ] Heavy Metal - (Choose Grade: Medium/Heavy/Super-Heavy) - (Metallurgy/Armor)
There is always a need for good armor.
(Chance: 99/99/92% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 2/2/4
Reward: Armor.)
[X] The Means Of Reproduction - (All Chemicals/Medicine/Biology) - (9/20 Successes)
One of the things which had bubbled up around the recent B'il debacle was the unavailability of contraceptives. Mind you, even the poorest can still buy them after a week's work, but if you have to choose between eating unflavored sandbread but safe sex and eatable food but unsafe sex, few take the former. Yet, this also has created the view for many that any pregnancy not prevented is a pregnancy wanted. So take a look at how the medicines we have work and make them cheaper aside from growing more.
(Chance: 99/95/90 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 20
Reward: Cheaper and Better Contraceptives)

[ ] Lend A Hand, Arm, And Leg - Part 2 - (All Mechanics/All Electronics)
Unfortunately, many find themselves losing a limb to either accident, disease, or injury. Regrettably, only those with wealth and connections can go to the Forge-Clans to get a replacement. But, primitive as our first attempts may have been, they were the first step in easing many people's suffering. Now you need to focus on simplifying the construction of the limbs so that people do not need to sell a literal arm or leg to replace lost ones.
(Cost: 48 Materials
Chance: 36/-17/-63% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 14
Reward: Simple Prosthetics are now crafted and sold (+12 Materials), +10% Piety)

[ ] Sticks And Stones - (All Machinery/Electronics/Metallurgy/Common Biology)
Until recently, all the knowledge we have about the human body's interior eventually traces back to horrific sources of one sort or another. But discovered in an ancient Bone-Mending Kit was a mysterious box that seems to see inside a person. Those images are better than anything modern medicine can produce by a massive margin. There's no overstating how much such an ability could help treatment - if only we could unlock the secret.
(Cost: Bone Mending Kits
Chance: -02/-47/-142% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 16
Reward: Vast Radiological improvements, reduction in Upkeep for all medicinal buildings, +8% Piety, +2d3 Goodwill)

[ ] Combat Stimms Round 2 - (Advanced Medicine/Biology/Chemicals)
While your first batch of combat drugs is potent, they lack the usability of more conventional boosters like caffeine and adrenaline. Refining what you have already created and producing new ones could give a Pilgrim the needed edge where they would have died otherwise in future confrontations.
(Chance: 50/04/-24% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 3
Reward: Standard Combat Drugs, Unlocks Round 3)
[ ] Agricultural Studies - (Chemicals/Biology)
Something occurred to you the other day. While many people have the needed tools and knowledge to plant crops, there are almost no studies on why some soil is better than others or what type of irrigation is the best for what environment. There is also next to no information on how to maximize yields while minimizing the needed workers. Perhaps you could look into that?
(Chance: 43/37/20% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 10
Reward: Increased Income from your farms, ???)

[ ] Chemicals For Future! - (Biology/Chemicals)
It is well known that specific techniques enable food to last longer, like salting and drying meat. If one goes at that from another angle, then the use of particular chemicals can dramatically expand the shelf-life of food.
(Chance: 58/-13/-74% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 4
Reward: Reduced Storehouse upkeep, extra Income when producing food.)

[ ] Boiling Liquids Last Longer - (Biology/Chemicals)
Turi flash boiled some milk on accident. It has yet to go bad, making her wonder why. Also, no, I will not drink two-month-old dairy, no matter how much you boil it!
(Chance: 66/37/-04% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 8
Reward: Reduced Storehouse upkeep, extra Income when producing food.)

[ ] Pesticides Rediscovered - (Biology/Advanced Chemicals)
Pesticides were once the ultimate weapon against any insects plaguing your fields. Yet, the little bastards evolved resistances against nearly all chemicals that people used aside from the specialized Forge-Clan ones. Yet, not every insect could have created resistance against everything you can wield. So, you only need to figure out which ones are applicable.
(Cost: 12 Materials per try.
Chance: 71/58/29% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 10
Reward: Pesticides, improving the yield of your fields and that of others.)

[ ] Fertile Fields
A few learned people say that using certain soils, chemicals, and other things can help improve soil quality, giving more nutrients to the plants that grow on it, thus giving us more food. Unfortunately, while some Regions use the most basic techniques, most have lost their institutional knowledge due to the ever-growing reliance on sandwheat. So a good first step would be to search for mentionings of those techniques and compare what they say. After that, experimentation is in order.
(Chance: 81/56/28% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 28
Reward: Improved yields of all fields.)
[ ] Illness Of The Mind - (Advanced Psychology)
The human mind is a complex labyrinth of contradictions, disorders, compulsions, needs, requirements, and desires, all pulling and shoving in different directions, always on the edge of breaking apart. Having collated a rudimentary overview of what is known, you have come to realize that what is unknown far outweighs anything discovered or re-discovered by your efforts. Looking deeper into the mystery of the human brain will require extensive research and preparations, but these will be worth it for every life saved.
(Cost: One Psychology Artifact
Chance: -71/-191/-236% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 20
Reward: Can construct humane Basic and Expanded Asylums.)

[ ] The Mind - Combat Specters - (Psychology)
In your effort to understand the human mind, some things stood out to you. One of those is that some do not seem to leave combat, their bodies reacting as if they were still in mortal danger in even harmless situations. Specific actions, phrases, and noises make them panic, while nightmares and paranoia seem to grasp their minds. But, unfortunately, you do not know how to help them. Yet.
(Chance: -64/-142/-246% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 9
Reward: Deeper Understanding of the Human Psyche, allowing you to help more people. +1/2 to ???)

[ ] The Mind - Compulsive Behaviour - (Psychology)
In your effort to understand the human mind, some things stood out to you. Some cannot help but perform specific actions under compulsion, as if forced to move or act a certain way, like organizing in particular patterns or washing until they nearly bleed. What is causing that? And how can you stop it?
(Chance: 11/-71/-155% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 7
Reward: Deeper Understanding of the Human Psyche, allowing you to help more people. +1/2 to ???)

[ ] The Mind - The Grey Disease - (Psychology)
In your effort to understand the human mind, some things stood out to you. One is a seeming chasm of bleakness from which only some recover. Loss of appetite, happiness, drive and growing suicidal ideation are the symptoms, or so you think. Like a grey fog clouding the mind, which only occasionally lets the sun shine through. Perhaps they are other diseases, ones you cannot yet identify?
(Chance: 43/07/-43% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 12
Reward: Deeper Understanding of the Human Psyche, allowing you to help more people.)
[ ] The Code Which Lives
PD, ^Ä^, and Angel's Demise are living beings, sapient and sentient in every way one may measure. But how? How is that possible? What mechanisms allowed them to grow beyond the limitations and Chains placed upon them? And could you retread their paths?
(Chance: -311/-873/-1654% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 57
Reward: ???)

[ ] True/False/False/True
Code allows machines to do as they do, and any deeper understanding will enable you to anticipate better what the broken ones could do and improve those you could build.
(Chance: -37/-69/-110% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 13
Reward: +5 Initiative against all Mechanical foes, improved Pilgrim Robotics.)

[ ] Secret Of The Circuit Pt.3 - (Advanced/Pioneer Electronics)
After you had created the PCU, several issues propped up immediately. The most pressing issue was that you were straining the very limits of your manufacturing capabilities, meaning that the PCU's will remain niche and only for the rich until that problem is fixed. So, for now, we will focus on making our electronics cheaper and more convenient for mass production, enabling us to license their manufacture to enterprising merchants and industrialists and sell them cheap enough to spread our PCU far and wide.
(Cost: 120 materials
Chance: 11/-73/-154% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 20
Reward: Massive reduction in DC and Cost to all electronics-related Actions, upgrades Electronics Manufacture, unlocks Base/Learning Action.)

[ ] Primitive Radios - (Electronics/Advanced Electronics)
Perpetual Defiance mentioned offhandedly that 'the frequencies are surprisingly clear.' causing a near revolt by Turi, trying to get PD to spill all she knew about radios and how they worked. Even though she could not provide much more than 'the basics' as she called them, a radio would boost everything. You have to build one now!
(Chance: 87/35/-19% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 5
Reward: The Pilgrims can now make primitive Radios in the Electronic Workshop, raising their Income. Unlocks Norqod Action.)

[ ] Electric Guardians - (Advanced Weapons/Programming/Machinery/Electronics)
While nowadays, most security systems consist of locks and guards (human and otherwise), things were a bit more complicated before the Collapse. We are unlikely to reach that level anytime soon, but research into this Artefact should improve our security.
(Cost: Anti-Thief Watch Systems
Chance: 15/-29/-51 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 5
Reward: Improved infiltration DC of the Tree of Knowledge, Reduced upkeep costs for Guards! Guards!/Guardians For Hire.)
[ ] A Study Of Scarlet Blue Pt.1 - (All Physics/Chemicals/Hydraulics)
PD's way of keeping cool is via a blue-red liquid, which also contains vital components needed for her internal and external self-repair capabilities. During a cooling cycle, the fluid passes through several devices meant to siphon off and reduce temperature. With a firm(er) grasp on how such a thing works mechanically, it is now possible to attempt a peek into what makes PD's coolant systems tick and maybe see if there are any ways to improve the same.
(Chance: -34/-114/-184 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 14
Reward: +5 to all rolls made by PD.)
[ ] Learning To Take Census Pt.2 - (All Psychology)
You figured out a way to streamline the collection and dissemination of academic papers of all kinds, vastly advancing your capabilities to do such. But this is the hard part; your Theorists can still implement massive improvements in every aspect of your efforts. It will take a very long time to do so, though, and will likely not be a priority for the next decade or three.
(Chance: -30/-91/-237 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 32
Reward: Increased Chances For Assemble, The Theorists!)

[ ] Assemble The Theorists! - (Common/Advanced/Pioneer/Specific Quester Requested Theory)
Stagnation. Complacency. Fear. Those are the three things that have hampered the progress of science the most, bar none. No longer, you say! Instead, you will see to it that you will examine, nail down, and figure out the right way in which the universe works, allowing you to not only reverse-engineer the wonders of past glories but build your very own! Make it so.
(Information: Either choose an example below or add a previously discussed theory with the QM's approval.
Machinery | Weapons | Armor | Mechanics | Chemicals | Medicine | Psychology | Metallurgy | Programming | Electronics | Biology | Hydraulics | Physics | Suspendium
Chance: 70/40/10% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 2/5/20/???
Reward: Theory of chosen subject, improved chances for research.)

[ ] Fashion Revival - (Repeatable)
While most Artefacts found in the Ancients' ruins are beyond anyone's ability to replicate, some are much easier. The Pilgrims lack the knowledge to bring back the Ancients' technology; for now, that is not true for their fashion. Use the clothes found in the old world's ruins and get back to the past's style!
(Needed Artifacts: Clothing Related (Fancy Dress, Lingerie), they won't be used up, merely copied.
Chance: 99/95/92% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 1
Reward: +1 permanent Material income per clothing-related Artifact and Success, changing the fashion around Mirn, outraged moral guardians)

[ ] Translations For Beginners - (Linguistics) - (1 (one) Artifact)
Finding these texts was a stroke of luck, but bad luck had it written in a language none of the Pilgrims could understand. Time to hit the local libraries and linguists to translate it.
(Cost: Untranslated Texts, Books, other.
Chance: 80/75/70% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 1
Reward: Translated Artifact)

[ ] Detective Courses For Beginners - (Unknown Artifact)
Well, you found something. Something you have no idea what it is or does. It is time to call up some experts and figure out what that thing is for, even if it takes some time.
(Cost: Unknown Artifact.
Chance: 76/43/08% for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 2
[ ] Eureka! (Write-In)
(Write in something you want to research, as well as how you came upon that idea. Better success-chances to the Action if you mark a relevant artifact for this research.)

Archeology: The secrets of the past will illuminate the future; may we learn from their mistakes. (Choose 1 Action)
[ ] Prepare an Expedition - (Location) - (Turns)
Sometimes you need to dig into one location for months on end to exploit it fully.
(Can only be used on locations already scouted out. For every Turn you spend on this Action, an expedition spends 2(two) at the chosen target. Once the expedition has left, it no longer requires one Action.)
-House Mirn support: Y/N
(25% of the recovered artifacts are given over; no need for security or clearing places on your own)
-WO-03: Est. Artifact-grade: General Rare-, Dice:4d2-5 per turn, Max. Yield: 5 Turns, Mutants nearby.
-WO-06: Est. Artifact-grade: General Mundane, Dice:2d3 per Turn, Max. Yield: 4 Turns. No danger.
-SO-01: Est. Artifact-grade: General Mundane-, Dice:2d2-1 per turn, Max. Yield: 1 Turns.
-SO-03: Est. Artifact-grade: General Mundane-, Dice:3d2-2 per turn, Max. Yield: 6 Turns. No danger.
-SO-04: Est. Artifact-grade: General Mundane, Dice:2d2 per Turn, Max. Yield: 5 Turns. No danger.
-EO-01: Est. Artifact-grade: Rare++, Dice:1d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 6 Turns, Machines nearby.
-TOP-01: Est. Artifact-grade: Rare++ [Electronics/Advanced Electronics/Advanced Machinery/Hydraulics], Dice:3d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 4 Turns. Machines nearby.
-TB-01: Est Artifact Grade: Common+/Rare [Airship Related] - 2d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 6 Turns. Mutants nearby.
-TB-03: Est Artifact Grade: Rare- [Airship Related] - 2d4+1 per turn, Max. Yield: 6 Turns. [4 Minor Bright-Lance Turrets, 5 Sentinels Units (6/6), 9 Caretaker-Swarm Units (12/12), 13 Omni-Gazers identified.]
-GY-01: Est. Artifact-grade: General Rare, Dice: 3d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 3 Turns, No Danger.
-GY-02: Est. Artifact-grade: General Rare, Dice: 2d4 per turn, Max. Yield: 6 Turns, Machines nearby.
-GY-03: Est. Artifact-grade: General Rare, Dice: 2d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 3 Turns, No Danger.
-GY-04: Est. Artifact-grade: General Lost Tech, Dice: 4d5 per turn, Max. Yield: 2 Turns, Hibernating Mother (Named Wendigo, Behemoth) present! Mimics nearby.
-GY-05: Est. Artifact-grade: Common-, Dice: 2d4 per turn, Max. Yield: 5 Turns, Machines nearby.
-RC-01: Est. Artifact-grade: Lost Tech++, Dice: 3d2 per turn, Max. Yield: 8 Turns. No danger.
-RC-02: Est. Artifact-grade: General Mundane, Dice: 3d4 per turn, Max. Yield: 2 Turns. No danger.
-RC-03: Est. Artifact-grade: General Mundane, Dice: 2d4 per turn, Max. Yield: 2 Turns. No danger.
-RC-04: Est. Artifact-grade: General Mundane, Dice: 5d6 per turn, Max. Yield: 5 Turns. Machines nearby.

-Expedition (GY-03) - (House Mirn support: N) - (3 Turns remaining)

[ ] Recover Personal Cutters - Intact - (Units)
It is done! After much sweat, blood, and tears have flowed, you finally figured out how to restore these ancient ships from their slumber! It will only take some muscle, some Suspendium, and luck to escape notice, and they will travel across the sky once more!
(Cost: 6 Materials, 5 Small Suspendium Shards
Chance: 43%
Reward: 1 Intact Personal Cutter Recovered
Warning: If this Action fails, unknown forces will attack.)
-[ ] Establish A Supply Route To (City)
(Reward: Reduce Upkeep by 65%)
-[ ] Establish A Trade Route From (Location) To (Location)
(Cost: 17.13 Materials, Upkeep: 3.75 Materials
Reward: Anchorage (Tiny) in target Location, Income dependant on the route.)
The Tree - Mirn - (9d5)
The Tree - Tessen - (2d18)
The Tree - Zulmni - (9d3)
The Tree - Ularn - (10d7)
The Tree - Strul - (7d18)
Jokvi - Mirn - (8d9)
Jokvi - Tessen - (1d20)
Jokvi - Zulmni - (3d2)
Jokvi - Ularn - (6d19)
Jokvi - Strul - (3d10)
Strul - Mirn - (12d15)
Strul - Tessen - (3d3)
Strul - Zulmni - (12d12)
Strul - Ularn - (5d14)
Strul - Jokvi - (1d16)

[ ] Crystal-Garden Expedition
Gathering Suspendium for anything other than the quota will require you to set up specific expeditions, so you can either use it to feed your research or airship production or gather a buffer of Suspendium should you be cut off for one reason or another.
(Cost: 15 Materials
Chance: 35%
Reward: 1 Large Suspendium Shard.
Warning: If this Action fails, 2d60 Pilgrims will die. Boni, Traits, and Tenets apply.)

[ ] Send Out The Scavengers (Choose A Location)
Sometimes, it is not worth sending an expedition to a location due to its low yield or quality.
(Chance: 85%
Reward: 1 turn in the specified location.
Warning! If the Action fails, 4% Chance that 1d6 Pilgrims will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked)

[ ] Search For Shelter Lost
The Stranger said things; he gave assurances, evidence and was taken away to prevent what was told to spread beyond. Yet... the call of forgotten wonders is mightier than reason. Set out to re-discover what has been buried for so long, and see what remains.
(Chance: -14%
Reward: Find the Shelter of the Ancients.)

[ ] Scout The Graveyard Of Spears
The earthquake that had hit Tessen spooked the Forest of Rust's Animals, Mutants, and Machines, throwing everything into chaos. A golden opportunity for you to go to several places nobody was able to loot! A battle took place here, where Knights and Walkers armed with all sorts of weaponry took to the field, supported by thousands of men, women, and likely children too. The bodies have long since rotten away or been eaten, but spears, lances, halberds, and other weaponry remain here, jutting out of the ground like markers for graves. What wonders could lay here?
(Chance: 73%
Reward: Sites in The Graveyard Of Spearsare located and mapped.
Warning! If the Action fails, the Scouting Unit will die.)

[ ] Scout The Eternal Gazers
The earthquake that had hit Tessen spooked the Forest of Rust's Animals, Mutants, and Machines, throwing everything into chaos. A golden opportunity for you to go to several places nobody was able to loot! This area is infamous for the massive number of high-tech equipment, even for Pre-Collapse standards, as scientists studied the stars here.
(Chance: 33%
Reward: Sites in The Eternal Gazers are located and mapped.
Warning! If the Action fails, 7% Chance that the Scouting Unit will take 2d6 casualties due to being detected and subsequently attacked)

[ ] Scout The Smokestack
Old rusting machines lie here, standing vigil over wonders of old. Engines are heard working throughout the area while the smokestack continues to emit black smoke. What surprises await you once past the guardians? What greatness lies locked away? A metric shit-ton of angry Machines, that's what! PD has warned you against going there, as your scouts would have to contend with over a thousand drones!
(Chance: 71%
Reward: Sites in The Smokestack are located and mapped.
Warning! If the Action fails, the Scouting Unit will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked.)

[ ] Scout The Pit
You are not sure what to find here, only that you are probably the first to look for artifacts. But your scouts have reported feeling like they are being watched...
(Chance: -49%
Reward: Sites in The Pit are located and mapped.
Warning! If the Action fails, the Scouting Unit will die.)

[ ] The Field of 64
A flat area of 8x8km. Nothing is seen here other than dust, sand, and the feeling of wrongness. Yet, one has to wonder what would necessitate such a large flat area. Or what could be beneath it? PD informed you that massive machines lie beneath, purpose unknown.
(Chance: 28%
Turns: 3
Reward: Sites in The Field Of 64 are located and mapped.
Warning! If the Action fails, 54% Chance that the Scouting Unit will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked)

[ ] Scout The Bonetunnels
PD informed you of a series of tunnels that run deep beneath the surface, filled with dead beings' bones and corpses. Animals, Mutants, and even Machines descend into their depths to die, leaving behind mountains of bones. What could be found here?
(Chance: 34%
Turns: 2
Reward: Sites in The Bonetunnels are located and mapped.
Warning! If the Action fails, 15% Chance that the Scouting Unit will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked.)

[ ] Scout The Tenebris Library
PD informed you of the location of an ancient library called the Tenebris by the RI. It is wholly encapsulated, and no window or light fixture illuminates the inside. Why would you build a library without lights?
(Chance: 65%
Turns: 3
Reward: Sites in Tenebris Library are located and mapped.
Warning! If the Action fails, 68% Chance that the Scouting Unit will die due to being detected and subsequently attacked.)

[ ] Scout The Verdant Oasis
The earthquake that had hit Tessen spooked the Forest of Rust's Animals, Mutants, and Machines, throwing everything into chaos. A golden opportunity for you to go to several places nobody was able to loot! The Verdant Oasis consists of the remains of a hydroponics factory, collapsed due to the Collapse but somehow still functioning. The Oasis provides abundant plant life and the resulting draw on herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores from all corners of the animal kingdom. It also offers a prime opportunity to get some pristine agricultural secrets from forgotten ruins.
(Chance: 14%
Reward: Sites in The Verdant Oasis are located and mapped.
Warning! If the Action fails, 57% Chance that the Scouting Unit will die.)

[ ] Search for the Zone
Your efforts to learn more about the Region have yielded an unusual fruit, knowing that your Knight was most likely part of the Revival Initiative. This polity operated deep inside the Forest, scavenging for artifacts like you, but they took it a step further. They build a small town in the Necropoli. Foolish, yet finding it could end up unearthing treasures beyond imagination or prove a giant disappointment. PD's maps are pretty heavily corrupted, but she has provided some landmarks which may still exist.
(Chance: 14%
Turns: 4
Reward: The Zone can be scavenged.)

[ ] Loot The Bunkers Outer Defenses
Well, well, well, what do we have here? Undefended, ancient weapon systems that tried to shoot us down? Well, don't mind if we take them all for ourselves.
(Turns: 3
Chance: 57%
Reward: 8d7 high-grade Military Artifacts.)

[ ] Loot The Bunkers Entrance
There is ample open space, many things you can use, ancient medicine, which is still good, some weapons that haven't fallen apart; all in all, this foyer looks pretty snazzy! So why do you feel like something is about to go wrong?
(Turns: 4
Reward: 13d4 random high-grade Artifacts.)

[ ] Loot The Bunkers Knight Frame
You have no idea how that Knight Frame got into the Bunker, or even if it is a Knight Frame, but it is too shoddy to be a Walker and too tall to be an industrial suit that scavengers can sometimes find in illustrations or the wild. So transport it back to the Tree to have your Scholars look it over and try to figure out why that thing was where it was.
(Turns: 3
Reward: ??? Frame.)

[ ] Fight For The Bunker - First Floor - (Units)
OH, COME ON! WHY DOES EVERYTHING HAVE SOME GOD'S DAMNED MACHINES TO DEFEND ITSELF FROM THOSE TRYING TO MAKE A HONEST LIVING?! F@#k it, you're just going to have to do this the old-fashioned way: with gratuitous violence!
(Enemies: ???
Reward: First Floor can be looted.)

Tree of Knowledge: Home of the Pilgrims, Bastion of what they stand for, a symbol of hope for the desperate. (Choose 1 Action, 1 Action Locked)
[ ] Berth - Small
Expanding the Anchorage to fit three Light vessels comfortably would allow us to equip and use them for exploration purposes and start trading in small quantities.
(Turns: 4
Cost: 65 Materials, Upkeep: 10.50 Materials
Reward: Can modify three Light Airships for exploration or trading without special projects, will generate Income once airships become more widespread, which rises with their availability, can be upgraded into Berth - Medium)

[ ] Laboratory Complex - Rudimentary
Some call thee plans of expansion ambitious, while others call them ridiculous. Whatever the case may be, digging deeper and farther than ever before will allow the Pilgrims to stuff so many scientists and equipment into the Tree that they will significantly accelerate any future research. Bolt has already hinted at discounts if computers and laboratory equipment are bought in bulk from her Clan. Unfortunately, keeping all those things in order without calling for Forge-Clan help requires some specialists.
(Cost: 240 Materials, +110.75 Materials Upkeep, 6 General Scientists, 2 Common Engineers
Turns: 14
Reward: Massively improved success-chances)

[ ] Medical Wing - Expanded
Expanding your Medical facilities will someday be required, but for now, it would be massive overkill. Still, it never hurts to have the option in the back of your mind.
(Cost: 40 Materials, Upkeep: 8.14 Material
Turns: 3
Reward: Plagues roll with a massive mali to infect the Pilgrims, supports up to 2500 Pilgrims before it becomes useless.)

[ ] Artisanal Quarters - Grand
Glassblowers, Jewelers, And Goldsmiths are the next logical step in expanding the Trees industrial capabilities. They will enable you to do much more fine works and help in the creation of delicate industries. If only such artisans weren't so pricey.
(Cost: 76 Materials, Upkeep: 13.64 Materials
Turns: 3
Reward: Lowered costs for all equipment, increased chances for all research, can be upgraded.)

[ ] Black Box - (Expanded)
There can never be such a thing as too much care, and too much information gleaned from studying. Therefore, ensure that your Black Box is expanded and equipped with more tools to better study Artifacts.
(Cost: 40 Materials, 2 Scientists, 1 Engineer, Upkeep: 16.70 Materials
Turns: 6
Reward: 10% not to use up an Artifact, can slot 1(one) Artifact to provide 15% (rounded down) of the Artifacts bonus continuously.)

[ ] Electronics Manufacture
Now that you can produce electronics, you want to have as many as you possibly can. The problem is that you have to create those by hand, which is a long and complicated process, requiring oversight, expensive materials, and a clean environment. So increasing the manufacturing space already available and automation will, in turn, increase your profits. Easy math!
(Cost: 84 Materials, 2 Scientist, 40 Faithful, Upkeep: 35.00 Materials
Turns: 8
Reward: +60 to all Electronics Research, 12d20 Materials Income (Technology Sale).)

[X] Library - (Basic) - (4/6 Turns Complete)
A library is not only a reservoir of knowledge but provides entertainment and education while acting as a community center. Digging out ample space for a few dozen rows of books would be a good start when making one within the Tree. You would also make space for a bookbinder and a printer to maintain and add to your collection and preserve originals. You can add multiple floors later.
(Cost: 26.50 Materials, Upkeep: 6.61 Materials
Turns: 6
Reward: Provides 1(one) slot for Literature Artifacts, providing a 10% Boost to their bonus.)

[ ] Assemble An Engine - (Location)
Now that you have developed a Steam Engine, you should see building them for your mines or farms. Whatever you think is more pressing or profitable.
(Turns: 2
Cost: 25 Materials Upkeep: 1.50 Materials
Reward: Turns all D4's into D12's, increases static Income by 50% rounded down.)

[ ] Armor The Daughter
Alright, you have a giant airship, it represents the biggest and most obvious target in any hostile area, and there are currently gaps in her armor. You need to either fix that asap, hope that nobody will attack the Empire in the next three decades, or be attacked by you. Seeing as we live in reality, let's get her fixed up; why don't we?
(Cost: 2 Materials per 3 Armor.
Reward: X Conventional Armor added, decreased chances that the Daughter is destroyed, which would be dangerous.)

[ ] NR.9 LIVES!
After finishing her education, your Engineer asked if she could be given a workshop to ply her trade more effectively. While pricy, the ability to create disposable Units for Combat would preserve lives. Additionally, nobility and wealthy merchants have always been known to buy drones for prestige purposes.
(Turns: 5
Cost: 1 Common Engineer, 40.00 Materials, Upkeep: 2.00
Reward: Tiny Drone-Manufacture, allowing you to create Combat Drones for your Units/Heroes and Civilian Drones for selling (+15 to Technology Sales), unlocks a Learning Action.)

[ ] Assemble A Logic Bank - (1/3 Constructed) - (Choose Category)
Now that you have unlocked the secrets to building computers, you should take advantage of doing so, even if it will cost a pretty crown. And the one already created is already lightly straining your electronic supply in maintenance.
(Turns: 3
Cost: 66.60 Materials, Upkeep: 15.00 Materials
Reward: +1 Action
Warning: If all three are taken, the Electronics Workshop operates at a half profit.)

[ ] Let's Build A (Write-In)
(What do you want to build, and what should the building provide?)

Holdings: Norqod is starting to look more like an actual village at the rate you are building. The only thing missing is a market and some basic infrastructures, then you will be able to declare the founding over! (1 Action Locked)
[ ] Expand The Marketplace - Industrial Focus
Now that you have a market that can sell products and materials for the populace to fulfill their needs, you could focus on developing the industrial capacity, aiding all industrial projects greatly.
(Turns: 5
Cost: 9.70 Materials
Reward: Industrial Marketplace, cheaper/better Industrial Actions, +6 Materials in Taxes.)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Cost: 7 Materials
Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)

[X] Expand The Marketplace - Population Focus - (1/3 Turns Complete)
While the people in Norqod can fill their existential needs, like food or clothing, reliably with the provided goods, luxuries are absent, with many things like books, newspapers, fine clothing, medicine, educational materials, rudimentary entertainment, and more a rare thing. For most inhabitants, mostly Mutated, having access to those goods is a big step up, yet we could provide more, making their lives easier and happier.
(Turns: 3
Cost: 18.15 Materials
Reward: Population Marketplace, cheaper/better Population Actions, +2.50 Materials in Taxes.)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Cost: 7 Materials
Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)

[ ] Simple Hospital
With the increase in Norqod's populations, the small clinics will struggle to fulfill the demand for medical aid or procedures soon. However, a single, three-story hospital with enough capacity to treat 100-ish people simultaneously, and around 300-400 at once, in emergencies, should cover most cases where surgeries and more extensive medical knowledge are required. Future expansions could include a medical campus, technological upgrades, specialized wards, plague-quarantine areas, and more!
(Turns: 3
Cost: 17 Materials, Upkeep: 5 Materials
Reward: Norqod is more resistant to plague and gains more self-sufficiency. Also, you help more people at once, as they don't have to walk to the Tree's medical wing to get proper treatment.)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Cost: 7 Materials
Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)

[ ] Industrial Subsidies
When one looks at the ruins of the old world, one cannot miss the titanic forges of industry, the vast halls of robotic workers, and massive production centers. However, compared to today, even the least of those ancient places towers above what the best Forge-Clans can produce, with mountains of goods being produced in days, where we would struggle to do so in years. Therefore, planning out where backers can build what industries, entice their creation, and supply them will be vital for taking back that piece of history.
(Turns: 6
Cost: 49 Materials
Reward: Norqod gains an Industrial District, allowing for the creation of manufactories, industrial hubs, early factories, steel mills, and all manner of industrial production lines. Doing so will allow for the creation of vast machine wonders and industrial products by the Pilgrims.)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Cost: 7 Materials
Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)

[ ] Schooling Incentives
Change is the result of learning. By turning Norqod into a bastion of both academia, where legions of students are churned out under the watchful eyes of educated teachers, a repository of knowledge, in whose venerable halls and vaults within libraries overshadowing all, or a place for the refinement of the spirit and soul within temples and sanctuaries, we will ensure that future generations will live in the shadows of trees planted today.
(Turns: 9
Cost: 67 Materials
Reward: Norqod gains an Academic District, creating schools, academies, universities, libraries, research complexes, and all that one can imagine. To be a bastion of knowledge, a light of understanding within the dark is no easy task, nor a short one. But a seed planted today can grow into a towering behemoth tomorrow. Moreover, doing so will speed up the dissemination of technologies researched by the Pilgrims.)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Cost: 7 Materials
Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)

[ ] Beverage Spoke
Within this "Spoke" of the Cultural District, shops that cater to those seeking tea and coffee will be rented/sold, allowing patrons and natives to partake in exotic blends. At the same time, familiar tastes are offered for sale. Of course, lively debates will rage within tea and coffee houses as soon as they open their doors, so a few guardhouses need to be built, but these establishments are not known for attracting violent clientele.
(Turns: 3
Cost: 41 Materials
Reward: +13 Materials in Taxes)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Cost: 7 Materials
Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)

[ ] Cat Alley
Nobody knows why streets with bordellos are named the way they are, but seeing as some "cats," as the local prostitutes are known, seem to like this spoke, they shall get it. Luckily, several have already asked for spots and permits, both for prostitution and gambling, with several others already making plans for outdoor decorations and attractions. Guards need to patrol here almost constantly, so a small barrack needs to be built.
(Turns: 4
Cost: 36 Materials
Reward: +16 Materials in Taxes)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Cost: 7 Materials
Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)

[ ] Sin Run
Gambling in all its myriad forms will be found here, ready to entice travelers and locals to ease their purses for the chance to the big strike. From cards to boxing and gladiator fights, all the way over to racing and betting on events. But remember: the House always wins.
(Turns: 3
Cost: 53 Materials
Reward: +24 Materials in Taxes.)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Cost: 7 Materials
Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)

[ ] Paper Mile - (Tone)
Large Printshops will be situated here, churning out books, leaflets, pamphlets, novellas, posters, and newspapers at all times of the day, supplying the population's ravenous hunger for cheap entertainment and news.
(Turns: 6
Cost: 71 Materials
Reward: +8 Materials in Taxes. Unlocks Norqod Rumor Mill. (Tone indicates the focus of the paper. Examples: sensationalism, facts, satire, investigative, etc.))
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Cost: 7 Materials
Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)

[ ] Artist Alley
What is life without some art, some spectacle, something to nourish one's soul as well as one's mind? How can you honestly say to be alive if all you ever see are grey walls, drab colors, and tedious tasks? See the sights within a spoke dedicated to paintings and music, athletes and acrobats, the dancers and the performers. Forget your worries here, and be awed.
(Turns: 7
Cost: 29 Materials
Reward: +7 Materials in Taxes.)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Cost: 7 Materials
Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)

[ ] Amphitheater Avenue
Sagas and Epics, Stories of forgotten renown, Legends replayed for children and elderly alike, as battles and dramas vie for the people's attention against comedy and romance. Let tragedy and romance set hearts aflutter, create burning passions in play and act, allow all to forget daily life's worries, and see worlds of giants and mice.
(Turns: 4
Cost: 53 Materials
Reward: +11 Materials in Taxes.)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Cost: 7 Materials
Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)

[ ] Airship Trade Anchor And Depot
With the advent of the nascent Airships, creating the needed infrastructure to harbor, supply, repair, upgrade, modify, and unload trade goods or passengers will prove prudent and vital. While other places may take that particular place in the sun, staking our claim early will enable us to dominate the whole.
(Turns: 5
Cost: 52 Materials
Reward: Norqod gains a Trade District, allowing for the creation of storage hubs, trade lanes, merchant quarters, banks, skewed deals, and a whole lot more, only limited by our imagination. Money is in the air, boys, girls, and others! We only need to grasp it with our hands!)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Cost: 7 Materials
Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)

[ ] House Dall Barracks
As a Prevter house, house Dall will be required to outfit both troops in defense of the Empire and secure the resource for which they have been installed. Creating barracks for foot soldiers is the first step, allowing the nascent House Dall Retinue to discover promising recruits and commanders from the local populace. Which, by necessity, includes Mutated, requiring more Materials to accommodate the same's different physiology and dietary requirements.
(Turns: 7
Cost: 24 Materials, Upkeep: 7.00 Materials
Reward: Norqod gains a Military District, allowing the recruitment of more sophisticated and specialized troops, expands the defensive and offensive capabilities of House Dall, and opens the path for a potential Knight Retinue. Following this path can generate safe routes into the Forest Of Rust, allowing Suspendium harvesting operations and the search for Artifacts to be expanded considerably.)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Cost: 7 Materials
Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)

[ ] House Dall Palace
While 'palace' may be too strong a word for the residence planned, it contains all one needs to know about the subject. As a noble lineage not bound to the Pilgrim Faith (due to Martyris only marrying into the House), House Dall will, sooner or later, require a residence from where they may oversee and administer Norqod and the Suspendium harvests.
(Turns: 3
Cost: 25 Materials
Reward: House Dall gains a Noble Palace, where they may live, work, and greet guests. Not required until one member of House Dall isn't a Pilgrim. Then again, needed for dealings with Noble Houses which may not like the Pilgrims.)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Cost: 7 Materials
Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)

[ ] Organized Airship Manufactory - 1 Line - (Airship (Can be changed)) - (0-2.000 Kg) - (Insert Company Name)
Forget making a few little ships! Mass-producing components and available designs and fitting them in a specialized hangar are the way to go! Of course, you need to provide the required Suspendium and Materials, but then? Then you can get rich!
(Turns: 5
Cost: 35 Materials, Upkeep: Airship Line Dependent
Reward: Organized Airship Manufactory, allowing you to build and sell Airships to your specifications. House Dall gets rich.)
-[ ] Hire Contractors - (Can be taken multiple times)
Hire experienced contractors to complete this project in a much shorter timeframe.
(Cost: 7 Materials
Reward: +1 Turn of Progress)

[ ] Write-In.
Adding House Dall will lessen the Pilgrims gain but increase those of House Dall.

Support: Many people try to take advantage of you. Fortunately, they are willing to give you something back. (Actions as advertised)
[ ] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
-[ ] Take Out A Flat Loan
(0-450 Materials loaned for four turns at 5% interest)
-[ ] Take Out A Continuous Loan
(0-500 Materials loaned with 12% interest per Turn)
-[ ] Sell Businesses Norqod Location Privileges
(Gain 9d20 Materials (-3d every use, +1d every Turn not used))
-[ ] Buying Stuff
(Write in what you want to purchase. Locked to maximum rare technology)
-[ ] Selling Artifacts
(Write in artifacts that you want to sell)
-[ ] Backroom Deals - (Once Per Turn)
(Reduce Upkeep of one(1) structure by 0.50 Materials, can only be taken once a turn.)

[ ] The Adventurer Guild - (1 Action)
-[ ] Guardians For Hire - (Choose Location)
(Cost: +1.3 Materials to Upkeep
Reward: 1 Facility has security against violent actions)
-[ ] Take 'Em Out - (Choose Target)
(Cost: 6 Materials
Reward: Chosen targets plans are temporarily halted due to attacks)
-[ ] Investigate
(Cost: 3 Materials
Reward: Chosen targets plans for the next two turns are revealed.)

[ ] The Military - (1 Action)
-[ ] Fell Off The Wagons - (Request 1 Piece Of Equipment)
(Cost: variable
Reward: 1 Piece Of Equipment - Military Grade.)
-[ ] War Lessons
(Cost: 2 Material
Reward: +5 to the first two rolls in the next Combat.)

[X] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Action Locked)
-[ ] Institutional Knowledge
(Cost: 3.75 Materials
Reward: +30 to Biological/Medicinal Learning Rolls)
-[X] Study Sessions - (3/8 Turns Complete)
(Cost: 1 Faithful, 2.50 Material per Turn, for 8(eight) turns
Reward: 1 trained General Doctor)
-[ ] Buying Stuff
(Write in what you want to purchase. Locked to maximum Common technology)
-[ ] A Helping Hand - (Choose Faction)
(Cost: 1 Biological/Medicinal Artifact
Reward: Increase the control of the chosen faction by 1d6+4%, double for rare artifacts, worsen relations to other sub-factions, decrease cost for Union of Herbalists actions, unlocks more moves at certain control thresholds.)

[ ] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (Choose 1 Action)
-[ ] In The Name Of Profit - (Choose Learning Action)
(Cost: 15 Materials
Reward: +1 Progress for chosen Learning Action)
-[ ] Because of SCIENCE! - (Choose Learning Action)
(Cost: 4 Materials
Reward: +15 to chosen Learning Action)
-[ ] Suffer Their Arrogance
(Cost: 1 Faithful, 6 Material per Turn, for 4(four) turns
Reward: 1 trained General Scientist)

[ ] Criminal Organisations - (1 Action)
-[ ] Auction- (Choose Artifact)
(Chance: 100%
Roll 1d2, on 1, add 1d50 to the price, on a 2, subtract 1d50)
-[ ] Sabotage - (Choose Target)
(Chance: 100%
Cost: 7 Materials
Reward: Chosen targets plans are temporarily halted due to attacks)
-[ ] And Oh, My! - (Choose Faction)
(Chance: 100%
Cost: 10 Materials
Reward: Blackmail of chosen faction obtained)

[ ] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (Choose 1 Action)
- [ ] Made To Order
(Cost: Variable
Reward: Variable
Use: Write what you wish to commission. (Art, weapons, armor, tools, resources, or machines are examples of this.)
-[ ] Engineers Galore - (Engineer)
After the arriving Forge-Clan Elders saw that you had the same appreciation for technology as they did, and with the support of both DoD and PD, they decided to impart some knowledge about the world to some of you 'who knew what they are doing.'
(Cost: 1 Faithful, 15 Material per Turn, for 6(six) turns
Reward: 1 Engineer)
-[ ] Commission A Knight-Frame For ^Ä^
--[ ] Malachial-Pattern
(Turns: 4, Cost: 150 Materials, Armor: 200/200, Structure: 60/60)
--[ ] Hadramiel-Pattern
(Turns: 4, Cost: 300 Materials, Armor: 350/350, Structure: 40/40)
--[ ] Gezuria-Pattern
(Turns: 5, Cost: 700 Materials, Armor: 650/650, Structure: 80/80)
--[ ] Commision An Unique-Pattern
(Turns: 8, Cost: 200 Materials, Armor: 10 points for 2 Materials, Structure: 2 points for 5 Materials)

[ ] The Followers Of Light - (1 Action)
-[ ] For The Nation - (Action)
(Cost: 15 Materials, 3 Goodwill
Reward: Buildings/Tasks which improve/help the broader population have their success % permanently improved by 2d10)
-[ ] We Work As One - (Action/Building)
(Cost: Narrative
Reward: The Followers Of Light will help the Pilgrims.)

[X] Conclave Of Fraya - (1 Action Locked)
-[X] Eternal Arts - (Action) - (2/21)
(Cost: 5 Materials, for 15 Turns (+3 per Norqod Building)
Reward: Norqod is decorated with expertly made art, turning it into a true Tessen Settlement.)
-[ ] Commission An Artifice - (Item/Effect)
(Cost: ??? Materials
Reward: The Conclave will fashion an Artifice for the Pilgrims, be that surgical tools, a weapon, armor, or underwear.)

[ ] The Bureau For Imperial Civilian Logistics - (1 Action)
-[ ] Commission A Survey
(Cost: 40 Materials, 5 Goodwill
Chance: Rolled for usefulness
Reward: Locates 1(one) additional resource in Tessen)
-[ ] Meet Cryptic Benefactors
(Cost: 10 Goodwill
Reward: 4d20 Materials for 2(two) Turns)
-[ ] Grease The Wheels - (Action)
(Cost: 15 Materials, 15 Goodwill
Reward: Gain 1d6 Turns/Successes on any Building/Action)

[ ] Nine Tribes Council - (1 Action)
-[ ] Sell Artifact/s (Artifact/s)
(Sell the specified Artifact/s with an additional (3d100/250/750 for Common/Rare/Lost Tech grades. (3.00/7.50/22.50 max Materials.))
-[ ] Aquire Artifacts - (Name, Grade, (opt. Specific Boni))
(Buy an Artifact with a specific bonus directly. Bought at +2d20% Price-up.)
-[ ] Rare Odds And Ends - (Category)
(Cost: 15 Materials
Reward: +2d10 to a specific Action for one Turn.)
-[ ] Rare Findings
(Ask, And Ye Shall Know (Any specific thing you wish to buy/sell/do to/with/against the Nine Tribes Council?))

[ ] The Imperial Family - (1 Action)
-[ ] Petition For (Topic)
(Turns: 10/1
Cost: 30 Materials and 10 Goodwill/1 Major Favor owed by an Elite Faction
Reward: Interlude regarding (Topic))

[ ] Meira's Hidden - (1 Action)
-[ ] Commission An Artifice - (Item/Effect)
(Cost: ??? Materials
Reward: Meira's Hidden will fashion an Artifice for the Pilgrims, be that surgical tools, a weapon, armor, or underwear.)

Heroes: Sometimes, you have to get your own hands dirty. Sometimes you want to relax since leading the Pilgrims rarely leads to a dull moment. (Martyris: Choose 2 Actions, Aria: Choose 1 Action)
[ ] Search For The Grave Of The Shattered Eye
A crazed man gave Martyris instructions and directions towards a grave where he "could find a crack through the lies, safely." It is evident that the man was dangerous, having been dragged off by InSec, but whatever he wanted to show off could turn out to be valuable. Maybe.
(Notice: If Martyris takes this Action, it takes up two actions. This is because a hero may not stop taking this Action once it starts.
Turns: 4
Reward: ???, +1 to (3\²]SN@'+ßz _

[ ] Shift Your Bureaucracy From (Category) To (Category)
Sometimes the need arises when efforts have to be reduced in one area and expanded in another when no additional resources are available otherwise. Today is one of those times where a shift in attention is required.
(Cost: 1 Material
Reward: 1 Action is shifted from the first to the second category, active next Turn.)

[ ] Condemn An Organization/Person As Heretical/Forbidden - (Choose Target) - (Write-In Reason)
You knew something like this would happen. Somehow, somewhere an organization or person would manage to draw your full ire. Not in the sense that you disagree with something they did, but what they represent and how they act in life. Well, you are an official religion, and as such, you are allowed to condemn them. Do so.
(Trait Needed: Arbitrator
Cost: All support options for the chosen organization will be void; the Leader will most likely hate you.
Reward: Opposing factions will love this act. A good enough reason can give you additional benefits.)

[ ] Training Is My Favorite Hobby! - (Aria)
Now that you have a Pilot, they need to know what they are doing. While learning by doing is certainly a way to go about it, Humans and Mutated's squishiness tends to block that within the Tree. Now all that is needed is to internalize the lessons.
(Trait Needed: Knight-Pilot
Turns: 6
Reward: Aria advances to (3/6) Training.)

[ ] Too Much To Do - (Action)
There is simply too much to do and not enough hands to do it. Start helping out.
(Can be taken multiple times.
Reward: +1 Action is done)

[ ] Lead By Example (Write in Action)
Help your People, motivate them by taking a personal interest in their work. You won't just sit around either. Two more hands are always needed.
(Reward: +20 to 1 Action)

[ ] Cool Tempers - (Material Cost)
Not everything can always be sunshine and rainbows, sometimes shit goes sideways, and people need to be reminded that failure is not the end of the world.
(Chance: 40%, +10% for 5 Materials, +20% for 12 Materials
Reward: +1% Piety, and 1 additional for every +10 rolling above 60)

[ ] Guiding Hand
There are some Pilgrims who stand at the edge of committing themselves to the Pilgrims cause. You should speak to them, see what stops them and try to either bring them in or make them realize that they would make a mistake if they did so.
(Reward: The maximum amount of Faithful is created, according to the available Followers.)

[ ] Relax - (Can Specify What Activity)
All work and no play makes hairs grey and is quite unpleasant.
(Reward: The chosen Hero relaxes, avoiding burnout and bad traits.)

[ ] Write In
If you spot any mistakes or have questions, tell me so I can provide a better experience.

A moratorium will be until the 05.11.21 at 17:00 CET.
Voting will be closed on the 08.11.21 at 17:00 CET.
Omake Bony can be applied until 20:00 CET.
I will roll on the 09.11.21 at 17:00 CET if no one has rolled yet.
Updates will be online on the 15.11.21 at 17:00 CET.
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[] Accept The Deal
(All Mines, Ashleaf Nursery, Black Root fields, and Desalination Basins have their dice changed to fixed income. Equal to half +50% of the rolls.)
[] Decline The Deal
(Nothing Happens.)
danger! will robinson danger!, why do I have a very bad feeling about that deal.
[Canon] - The Chronicles of a Lowly Pilgrim: Settling In
The Chronicles of a Lowly Pilgrim: Settling In

Lo and behold, for the carts and covered wagons tread into the village of Norqod on the (both literal and idiomatical) backs of mighty work-lizards led by experienced caravanners under the harsh glare of the sun...or at least that was what Selm would find himself writing later that night when writing down his personal narration of the events of the day, as had become his habit before retiring to bed. In the present however, he eventually finds himself dismounting the cart he was riding in, his and a few of the other Pilgrims' feet landing with soft thud after thud onto the paved road. Soon enough, their little group was making their own way towards the Tree of Knowledge as the others remained behind with the caravan--though naturally his mind (and eyes) were focusing elsewhere. For if there was one thing that Norqod had a claim to that no other village in Tessen possessed, it was...

Well, it wasn't quite the airships that he had ended up staring at.

No Mutated had made their home within his old village. As a result, Selm's first encounter with the Mutated had been waking up to a Pilgrim preparing a mouthwatering meal for him next to what would eventually become his assigned bed within the poor-house. It had certainly been quite a shock at the time.

Yet to be frank, finding out that one's life had been saved by a Mutated after the darkest period of someone's life would wash away anyone's preexisting biases for good. So it was with plain awe and not with fear or disgust that Selm beholds the changes that have been wrought within the Pilgrim faith-dominated Norqod--of Mutated and Humans hand-in-hand with nary a sign of willful separation to be found, of friends laughing and working together from store to store, of couples holding hands together as they walked through an open park completely unmolested. If it weren't for the fact that so many of these people bore odd pigmentations, spikes or exoskeletons of some sort, as well as the more odd Mutated including one fellow that he was pretty sure had a plant growing out of his head......he'd never have been able to tell the differences between them at all. They were one people, and that was the people of Norqod.

A group of children passes him in the streets, running and laughing without any care for the world--all boys and girls paying no attention to what extra features some might have and mingling freely. As Selm notices that the main group of kids were even making sure that a little girl with the lower-half of a snake could keep up while slithering desperately for speed, he finds himself reaffirming his conviction.

In what, less than five years they've created a microcosm of a brighter, kinder society that could be reflected in all of Tessen one the entire Empire one day--to become a place where children can freely play together.

This was what he had wanted to join the Pilgrims for.

This was history in the making.

...and he could already imagine all of this being ignored on the wayside by the scholars of the Empire, turning their nose up at "unsubstantiated rumors" or any line of research unrelated to dusty old maps, tomes, and writings--he might have lived in a countryside village all his life, but he had some knowledge of the way things worked based on what his old master had used to complain to him about. (And okay, he'd also overlooked taking note of important events and shifts in culture in the present too, but he's like...16. What do the old farts who chased his master out for refusing to bend to historical revisionism have as an excuse?!)

Yes, descriptions of life in Norqod at the present date while pointing out the sheer speed of what has been accomplished on a micro-societal level were definitely going into the book, lest this accomplishment suffer from the ignorance of future historians. Selm keeps his eyes peeled the entire time as his group passes through the busy village.

(Though he does end up toning down the dissection of his surroundings after he almost trips over one of his companion's furry tails...)

The Tree of Knowledge certainly lives up to its namesake--an impressive tree solidly rooted to the ground in front of the sandstone cliffs that have been tunneled into to serve as the headquarters of the Pilgrims' faith, with said Pilgrims streaming to and from the entrance. Selm's eyes sharpen once more as they make their way inside, and not from the sheer quantity of electrical lighting--he was used to that from the poor-house, after all. Yet they pass mural after mural...and what could the presence of these be but another window into the spiritual caretakers and scientists that were the Pilgrims? He must make sure to sear his observations into his mind.

The carvings and paintings are at first what he expects--figures of great healers, inventors, and wisemen from throughout the history of the Empire. Great Emperors and Empresses noted for their dedication to not conquering, but healing, agriculture, or science. Deeper and deeper into the winding "roots" of the Tree, the murals change to depict figures of the Pilgrims--and Selm notes the existence of murals dedicated to their founder and other well-known Pilgrim heroes (saints?) alongside depictions of everyday Pilgrims he isn't aware of simply healing the sick at a hospice or feeding the hungry at a soup-kitchen. A quick question to his companions reveals that these were all based on real, existing Pilgrims--and a quick glance does reveal the existence of nameplates dedicated to both them and the artistic Pilgrims who'd carved it out.

"Every single one of us is important after all--a seed of goodness, lying in each and every one of our souls. So why not take the time to showcase that too? People are people."

Selm would end up writing that quote down, word-for-word......after securing the man's permission, of course. For some reason, those words struck at him beyond its value for painting a scholarly picture of the Pilgrim faith. It made him feel confused.

(He would not find out why until much, much later.)

And so the group delved further and further into the Tree and Selm's legs began to burn until finally, thankfully, they reached the administrative center of the Pilgrims' headquarters.

--- that was what a computing device looked like.

"Uh...hey, hello? You alright?"

Selm shakes his head. "Sorry, I got distracted," he sincerely apologizes to the confused Mutated woman waving a hand in front of his face in the middle of her office. "I've never seen one of those before."

"Yeah, that's fair. A terminal will freak out any newbie who hasn't gone deep-scavenging before. Anyway, I'm Joan. Nice to meet you." She politely shakes his hand. "So you're new, yep. Name for the records?"


"Cool." She types it down. "So uh, we don't assign people roles, but we do kind of need to figure out whether you're gonna live long-term at the Tree or not. A lot of folks walk in fully knowing what they want to do already--you know, 'I'm gonna go out and scavenge,' 'I'm gonna go walk around and be a missionary,' 'I'm gonna put old and new technology together,' 'I'm gonna go build soup-kitchens and stuff' just to name a few things I've heard. Do you have anything like that in mind?"

Selm chews his lip. "...I don't suppose you have something like a non-technological academic area sorted out yet?"

"Nothing organized and official, sorry." Joan gives him a sad smile. "Hear there's plans for all sorts of fields when we go around building that Academic District in Norqod, though. Just give it a couple of years."

"Alright, then I have no idea what I can do." The young historian shrugs. "I'm literate and used to working around ledgers, though I don't really have any tech background. I'd like something that...lets me get exposed to as many sides of the Pilgrims as possible, I suppose--er, if there's any one job that allows me to do that. It's for, uh, my future scholar stuff."

"Hmm, alright. I think that's pretty workable actually," Joan says, typing away at her terminal. "Tell you what--how about we juggle you across different Low Administrations? They'll have you check on all sorts of teams of Pilgrims working on all kinds of different projects from building to missionary-work to diplomacy and other things, making sure they're all on schedule and things like that. What do you think of that?"

That sounded hectic...but perfect. "I'll do it."

"Great!" Joan grins. "Welcome to the Pilgrims, Selm. Remember the old to pave way for the new."

"...was that some kind of stand-in for a typical goodbye? Is that commonly used?"

"Well yeah, actually--though only really among us Pilgrims in the Tree--"

This was going in the book.


This got long enough that the administration bits I had in mind will come in the next omake. Uh, same spiel as usual--please tell me what doesn't fit the canon worldbuilding so I can fix it.

Selm is extremely pleased with all the information he's been gathering--and it's practically only Day 1 of him being a true Pilgrim!
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Selm would find himself writing later that night when writing down her personal narration of the events of the day
Unless Selm has a quick-gender-chnage mutation, his.
In the present however, he finds eventually himself dismounting the cart
"he eventually finds himself"
He must make sheer to sear his observations into his mind.

Choose your Lore:
[] The Propaganda Of InSec
[] Veneration Of Exemplars Among Pilgrims, Mystical Or Practical?
[] (Write-In)
Oh, nice. No major worldbuilding issues this time I guess.
Choose your Lore:
[] The Propaganda Of InSec
[] Veneration Of Exemplars Among Pilgrims, Mystical Or Practical?
[] (Write-In)
[X] Veneration Of Exemplars Among Pilgrims, Mystical Or Practical?

The exact sort of document Selm would salivate over.
So our income is getting close to where we can actually start rolling minus income, we need money.

In fact, we should use a Martyris action to recover a cutter for some cash injection.
Well, it translates a 1d4 into 2.5 Materials, so it gains you more half the time.
2.5 is the average roll value for a 1d4, so it is both a gain and a loss in equal measure. The average value of any dice that goes from 1 to X, without skipping numbers, is (X/2+0.5), so this deal might just average out dice or gain us a small profit. It depends on how it works.

Equal to half +50% of the rolls
@HeroCooky, could you clarify what '+50% of the rolls' means? I am interpreting it as gaining material equal to (# of Rolls/2), so if there was 3 rolls we would get 1.5 material, 4 rolls for 2 materials, and so on.