If we are that close to the line than doing a turn of nothing but income boosting plans might be in order. I still want that knight chassis but its not going anywhere so it can wait a bit.
The things is so we, as voters, want to establish a 60% consistent income with no variation (and maybe ease up in the math for QM), or keep the rolls to make maximum profit while dealing with times of lean.

Nailing down the price makes it easy to plan and monetize our products so it works for both ends. The merchants can finally budget with complete faith and keep their profits by acclimating to this, once fluctuating and random, now stable and consistent variable to plan around.
[Canon] - Veneration Of Exemplars Among Pilgrims, Mystical Or Practical?
There is a certain feel to being among people who decide to dedicate their time, money, sweat, and maybe even blood to the helping of others, never expecting repayment for the same deeds. To be part of something greater than your life, working to create things within months far grander than anything one single person could, even with decades dedicated to the same task. Seeing the living, laughing, loving faces of those you either personally saved with blade or medicine or guard with shelter and food induces a feeling of pride, satisfaction, and accomplishment in anyone.

Yet, even among the Pilgrims, who espouse communal effort and celebration, Exemplars can, have, and will arise among them, becoming beacons of what it means to be a Pilgrim, either in whole or in part. Their roles can be as varied as their stories, from orphans of purges being elevated into Knight-Pilots to stride across battle unopposed, scavengers reaching out a hand of hope to the hopeless, to caretakers raising new generations with ease and gentle hands. Be it character or action, these few among the many arise to the occasion and aid in the creation of miracles where disasters should have happened. For that, they are admired, cheered on, and seen as mortal ideals to strive towards.

Yet, to outsiders and those who neglect to ask, they seem more like paragons and saints of other cults and religions, venerated in the same way. More than the lowly commoners, in thought, action, and morals, better in every way, and revered for these reasons.

But to those within the Pilgrims or those who have asked enough questions, they will soon find that not the person is cheered on, but the action. The raising of a spear in defense of a child when all odds point to running to live another day, the Stichting of a wound, even as the blood is lost at rates that make recovery unlikely. A celebration and reminder found within those who dare to build a better world, that the Pilgrims are, at their very Core, not about compassion, or kindness, or any other simple virtue which anyone could espouse and never act on.

But that the way of the Pilgrims about doing right as you can, when you can, how you can to whoever you can and making no excuses to anyone for anything. And if someone wants to stop you from doing so, they'd better be ready to kill you.
The things is so we, as voters, want to establish a 60% consistent income with no variation (and maybe ease up in the math for QM), or keep the rolls to make maximum profit while dealing with times of lean.
But the thing is the deal seems to come with strings attached. Are those worth the increased profits?

If we are that close to the line than doing a turn of nothing but income boosting plans might be in order. I still want that knight chassis but its not going anywhere so it can wait a bit.
I don't know how close to the line we are, but seeing as we just unlocked a new building that takes upkeep we should definitely turn to increasing profits.
could you clarify what '+50% of the rolls' means? I am interpreting it as gaining material equal to (# of Rolls/2), so if there was 3 rolls we would get 1.5 material, 4 rolls for 2 materials, and so on.
Sorry for the delay, my soup finished cooking.

The math is as follows: Take a die, a d12 here. Half it, so 6. The add 50% of the remaining half to that number, so 3 to 6 = 9. You then have a consitent 9 Materials per turn instead of a 1-12 range.
We Can Do It!:
From a young age, Aria has been deeply empathetic, caring, and driven. Since joining the Pilgrims, she has grown into a relentlessly friendly and optimistic young woman, shaped by her adoptive family's experiences. With her determined personality, she's picked up "a little bit of everything" at a young age by way of enthusiastically volunteering to assist in any and everything. She picked the brains of anyone willing to let her, though the more curmudgeonly among the Pilgrims find her boundless enthusiasm tiresome. But she will give everything she has in all she does, unfortunately, sometimes beyond that.
(+20 to all actions this Hero is assigned to, -10 for every Turn Relax is not chosen. Currently: +/-0.)
Considering that Aria is going to be a part of the Expedition starting next turn, we should probably have her Relax this turn, so this trait is reset.

With this in mind, @HeroCooky can we assign PD to combat actions without Aria? Or are they inseparable? Because I'd like to assign PD and the Unbroken to Gargoyle Problems, since they have the best gear for dealing with Gargoyles, based on the information in the Bestiary. But I also want Aria to Relax for the reasons above.
With this in mind, @HeroCooky can we assign PD to combat actions without Aria? Or are they inseparable?
Unless you have a very, very, very good reason, PD does not want to be sent out to do stuff on her own. It is extremely uncomfortable for her to go against her programming which practically demands her to have a pilot in combat if available. She can do things around Aria if needed, but even so, she would prefer not to do so.
Sorry for the delay, my soup finished cooking.

The math is as follows: Take a die, a d12 here. Half it, so 6. The add 50% of the remaining half to that number, so 3 to 6 = 9. You then have a consitent 9 Materials per turn instead of a 1-12 range.
Oh, that actually might make this deal pretty good material wise. Let me take a moment to do the math of what our income would be.

Income Calculation
33d4: Average Roll = 82.5 vs Deal Amount = 99
12d12: Average Roll = 78 vs Deal Amount = 108
4d8: Average Roll = 18 vs Deal Amount = 24
9d19: Average Roll = 90 vs Deal Amount = 128.25
7d18: Average Roll = 66.5 vs Deal Amount = 94.5

Total Income (With Min, Max, & Average)
Average Income of Rolls: 335 vs Deal Income: 453.75
Min/Max of Rolls: 65 to 605

Additional Calculations
453.75/605= .75
453.75/335= 1.354477

Conclusion and Analysis
So, if I did everything correctly, this deal would give us 75% of our max income consistently every turn. The deal amount is also an increase of our average income by about 35.45%. Based just on the material gain; this is a very good deal for us.

Ignore all of my wasted time and effort; I didn't read some stuff correctly. :cry:
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Uhhhhhhh, back to the drawing board then. Do you know where I can find the dice for each of those income sources?
all of them are inside the folder on the top of the threadmarks under the resource heading with the dice amount and values. I copied them here for your use

1x Extremely Fertile Ashleaf-Nursery - (31/60 Growth) - (10d4)
1x Black Root - (3d4+6)
1x Bloodbark Field - (-1 to all casualty rolls, -0.80 upkeep to all medical buildings)
1x Desalination Basins - Deep Pumps - (2d4+3)
1x Inn - (Eye of the Beholder) - (2d4+4)
2x Brothels 'Consensual' - (7d4-2)
1x Print Shop - (3d4)
1x Iron Mine - (Mined) - (1d4+9)
1x Silver Mine - (Mined, Engine) - (3d12+24)
1x Jewel Deposit - (Mined, Engine) - (3d12+45)
1x Electronics Workshop - (8d8)
1x Engine Assembly - (6d12)
1x Pneumatic Tools - (-1 Turn per 3 turns for all Tree of Knowledge Actions) - (3d4+8)
Ok, i think we need to make a high armor piercing wapeon on a amored framed to deal with the robots in the bunker...
all of them are inside the folder on the top of the threadmarks under the resource heading with the dice amount and values. I copied them here for your use
Thank you! I was having a hard time navigating everything to find this. Time for Calculations Round 2!

Average and Deal Incomes
All Mines: Avg = 119.5 vs. Deal = 135
Ashleaf Nursery: Avg = 25 vs. Deal = 30
Black Root fields: Avg = 13.5 vs. Deal = 15
Desalination Basins: Avg = 8 vs. Deal = 12

Roll Avg, Min, Max vs Deal Income
Average Roll Income = 166 Min/Max Income = 109-223
Deal Income = 192

Additional Calculation
192/223= .86099
192/166= 1.15663

Analysis and Conclusion
The deal gives a fixed income that is about 86.1% of the maximum possible income, but only about 15.66% above average. That means an average increase of 26 material per turn if the deal is taken.

Not great, not terrible.
Ok, i think we need to make a high armor piercing wapeon on a amored framed to deal with the robots in the bunker...
The electric spears we can produce do +3 damage towards machines. The problem is that most of our military is about to leave on an expedition. Better to loot what we can while we wait for them to come back.

That means an average increase of 26 material per turn if the deal is taken.
Yeah, not worth the potential political chickanery.
*gauss-rifles, armor-piercing crossbows, and Bright-Lances laughing in the first row*

Ideally i want those

Is just that they are kind of high tech (except the crossbow) so i dont know how feasible is to give one of thosr to at least every pilgrim militia platoon,i want to be able to provide production and maintainance from our own assets and resources,something cost efficient we could provide in big numbers at low cosr while still having some decent performance

The classic rpgs and anti material rifles are good stop gap between 'medieval' and 'sci fi'

So simple that a local engineering hobbist could produce and maitain them

And so easy to use that a child could shoot them,and for matter of fact they do (yeah this is a lord of war reference)
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*gauss-rifles, armor-piercing crossbows, and Bright-Lances laughing in the first row*
I just find funny the fact that the empire is actualy ok with having a heavily armed cult with radical ideals and massive appeal with the dregs of society, because its actualy the most stablizing e religion around and play nicer with the state religion and the machine people that the other sanctioned religion.
Im sure this wasn't what you had in mind on the start of the quest.