A bit too late for me to comment on everything, so this time it's going to be only voting options.

[] Accept The Deal
(All Mines, Ashleaf Nursery, Black Root fields, and Desalination Basins have their dice changed to fixed income. Equal to half +50% of the rolls.)
[] Decline The Deal
(Nothing Happens.)
I'm against this. Yes, more Materials would be useful, but the Merchants already have a big stake in our airship business. Letting them influence, or even control, more of our income could cause trouble.

WHAT THE FUCK B'IL?! Yes, the laws exist, but their spirit was broken by sticking to their letters. Do you think that that wouldn't make some people angry, like, say, the cult with massive soft power in your backyard? Raise a stink, and make that sour the fuckers mood!
(Chance: 15/-55/-95%
Cost: 20 Goodwill
Reward: Pressure High Judge B'il and turn the discussion and news coverage against him and the verdict.)
Worse chances and even more expensive Goodwill-wise. Seems we really should focus on the laws instead.

[ ] Localized Headquarters - (Location)
Having created a shelter, expanding the building to encompass several barracks, a canteen, storage rooms, a medical section, and an administrative body will improve your efficiency within the city!
(Required: Local Base
Cost: 20 Materials, Upkeep: 2.50 Materials
Reward: Local Headquarters, Upkeep of chosen location is reduced by 0.75 Materials.)
Is this like the basic local base? Reducing upkeep by 0.75 Materials per building in that location?

[ ] Build A Humane Primitive Asylum - (Location)
Nothing stands between the creation of an Asylum led by the Pilgrims now. Contact local builders, set Marxcim to design the structure, and call for volunteers to be trained and paid for taking care of the patients. Of course, some will see the giving over of the mentally ill to a religion-led institution as a terrible idea. Still, those voices will cease after some time has passed and, hopefully, recovered patients walk out of the Asylum.
(Cost: 25 Materials, 6 Materials Upkeep, 4 Goodwill
Reward: Humane Primitive Asylum, +0.2 Goodwill per Turn, -1 Piety for the first building.)
Definitely one of our Actions on this.

[ ] Trading Favors
While a favor owed to you by the ruling House of a vital trading Region within the Empire can do much, overturning Ordinance #326b-S and #14-VV7 will need more. To be specific, the support of either House Mirn or Ularn, optimally both. You just need to find out what would convince them to support your petition!
...Yeah, you're going to ask Lady Maranica.
(Cost: Favors with Noble Houses? Artifacts? Expeditions? You won't know until you ask!
Chance: 99%
Reward: Further Support for clarifying/changing the laws. Autosucceeds "Lady Tessen? About Our Favor..." if both actions are taken, and all costs are accepted.)
I would like to do this during this Turn, and the Favor next Turn. That should mean any changes to the laws or actions resulting from that should fall around the time the expedition comes back.

[ ] Gargoyle Problems - (Unit/s)
The attacks of the Gargoyles on villages are highly unusual and downright incredible. Such attacks usually happen because somebody had stolen a Gargoyle juvenile, wounded or killed one, or because the Gargoyle's themselves are starving and diseased. They are herbivore scavengers who are flighty, not aggressive. Yet, despite their unusual behavior, they are attacking people and need to be dealt with by iron and flame if required.
-[ ] Hire Adventurers
(Cost: 3.2 Materials
Reward: +15 to the roll.)
(Chance: 54%
Reward: Unit Experience, 0.01 Goodwill if failed, 0.05 if successful, and the gratitude of Mutated Villages.)
I'm tempted to purely use Adventurers on that, but the Wall could use the experience...

[ ] The Movement Of Things - Part 2 - (Hydraulic/Machinery/Metallurgy)
It is possible, if difficult, to minimize the size of the Vuur to incorporate it into moving carriages, not unlike motorcycles. Yet, the energy efficiency is atrocious; the resources needed to keep them moving are so vast that they nearly cannot transport them themselves, not to mention the costs! So, improve efficiency to allow you to create economically viable engines. Luckily, you have already found a few tricks and snags, which Turi estimates shaved off at least a year of effort.
(Cost: 16 Materials
Chance: -08/-64/-120 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 7
Reward: Can incorporate the Vuur-Engine into large carriages for either transportation or agriculture.)
Ugh, that's going to take Auto-Successes. Could be finished in two Turns with some Artefacts, though.

[ ] Fuck That Guy And Everything Around Him - Part 2 - (Physics/All Chemicals/Advanced Weapons)
You figured out a viable mortar you could use. But that is all that this weapon is, viable. Something like that cannot stand, not while you have the chance to end threats without risking lives! Figure out how to incorporate the advancements you had within the mortar's development into a new version. Improving range, accuracy, payload size, reliability, cost of production, and moveability will be critical to ensure that this weapon can be used and distributed widely among our forces.
(Cost: 56 Materials
Chance: 47/02/-43 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 18
Reward: Static Mortar - Standardized, a powerful weapon with limited range, yet good accuracy, deployed before the battle.)

[ ] Payloads May Vary - (Physics/All Chemicals/Advanced Weapons)
It is one thing to shoot something up and make it come down where you want it to and shoot various ammunition types across the battlefield. Luckily, with access to many examples, you managed to accrue quite the assortment of possible payloads!
(Cost: 24 Materials
Chance: 71/43/21 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes needed: 3
Reward: Payloads; Acid Globules, Sleeping/Choking Gas, Fire Cannisters, Explosive Warheads, Seeker Shells, Flaming Ordinance.)
Part 2 will take a long time, even with Auto-Successes. But the Payload could be finished in time for the expedition.

[X] The Means Of Reproduction - (All Chemicals/Medicine/Biology) - (3/20 Successes)
I think the number of finished Successes is wrong. I think 3 was during the first Turn of research, by now we are around, 9 I think?

[ ] Loot The Bunkers Outer Defenses
Probably should work our way from the outside in. Letting military gear lie around could also be a problem. Maybe a scouting action on the floor, to get an idea of what we have to deal with?

[ ] Meira's Hidden - (1 Action)
-[ ] Commission An Artifice - (Item/Effect)
(Cost: ??? Materials
Reward: Meira's Hidden will fashion an Artifice for the Pilgrims, be that surgical tools, a weapon, armor, or underwear.)
Huh, a second Forge-Clan Action. Not sure what would be a good idea...
>mfw we are wholesome taliban

Kinda but not really, the pilgrims is not some fundamentalist offshoot of another religion used for political power, Its more of a congretion of radical reformists that are self aware enough to call themselves a cult and really put their ideals as something sacred instead of compromise it for political power.
We need to improve our income bady or stuff will not be able to be maintained and repaired or worse yet the emperor's taxmen don't get their taxes and get very angry.
How long until we can try to improve Grieving Echo with Crinkles shed claws?
None. Adding Fractal Claws to Grieving Echo would be a downgrade, as you'd have to purposefully destroy/dull its edge to add the shavings. The thing was created before the Collapse, and as such is much sharper than the product of nature or mutation. Or Forest

If you have anymore questions, I'll answer them in the morning!
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You know, we could actually do Lady Tessen? About Our Favor without having to take a favor from the house. We can just use omake boni to tip the scales.

I want to raise the opnion on mutated first but that's an option now.
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Here is a proto plan I made for this turn, let me know what you think since I haven't made one of these in a while. My reasoning for each choice is listed below.

[] Plan: Raising Income
-[] Localized Headquarters - (Mirn)
-[] Build A Humane Primitive Asylum - (Mirn)
-[X] Infiltrate Part 2 - (The Lost)) - (1/2 Turns Complete)
--[] +6 FF
-[X] Build A Training Field - (Expanded) - (1/4 Turns Completed)
-[] [Martial] Add (Flamethrowers) to (The Wall)
-[] [Martial] Add (Mortars and Payloads) to (The Unbroken)
-[] Payloads May Vary - (Physics/All Chemicals/Advanced Weapons)
--[] 1 SC, Scientific Theory +15, Hydrochloric Halucinogenic Acid +20 to Advanced Weapons/Psychology/Chemicals, Sleep-Gas Bombs +50 to Pioneer Chemicals/Biology/Weapons
-[] BURN IN HOLY FIRE! - Part 1 - (Physics/All Chemicals/Advanced Weapons)
--[] DoD, PD, 1 SC, Scientific Theory +15, Intact Civilian Flamethrower +20 to Advanced Weapons/Chemicals, Fluid Dynamics +5 to Common Physics, Non-Biological Affecting Acids +50 to Pioneer Chemicals/Biology
-[X] The Means Of Reproduction - (All Chemicals/Medicine/Biology) - (9/20 Successes)
-[] Loot The Bunkers Outer Defenses
--[] +6 FF
-[X] Library - (Basic) - (4/6 Turns Complete)
-[] Assemble An Engine - (Ashleaf Nursery) (Sandcrete)
-[X] Expand The Marketplace - Population Focus - (1/3 Turns Complete)
--[] Hire Contractors
-[] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[] Backroom Deals - (Electronics Workshop)
-[X] The Union Of Herbalists - (1 Action Locked)
--[X] Study Sessions - (3/8 Turns Complete)
-[] The Followers Of Light - (1 Action)
--[] We Work As One - (Build A Humane Primitive Asylum)
-[X] Conclave Of Fraya - (1 Action Locked)
--[X] Eternal Arts - (Action) - (2/21)
-[][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Recover Personal Cutters - Intact - (Tech Scouts))
--[] Establish A Trade Route From (Strul) To (Mirn)
--[] +6 FF
-[][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Gargoyle Problems - (PD, Unbroken, The Wall))
--[] +6 FF
-[] [Aria action] Relax - (Play with Silvia Jr. while her parents are busy)

Faith: I picked local headquarters in Mirn since we have the most buildings there and it will reduce their upkeep. I picked the asylum since the Judge action cost too much goodwill and put in Mirn to get the upkeep reduction.

Diplomacy: I had to put infiltrating the Lost since we never actually finished it last turn.

Martial: Same as above.

Learning: Both options unlock new weapons and can be completed in one turn due to all the bonuses. I haven't yet added outfitting the expedition with them because I don't know how much they cost yet.

Archaeology: This option gives us a bunch of military artifacts.

Tree of Knowledge: The first option is currently locked. The second is because I remember the QM saying we can use an engine for our farms, and the Ashleaf nursery is our most profitable. The engine will turn the 10D4 income into 10D12, and with the sandcrete can be finished in one turn.

Holdings: Just using contractors to quickly finish the market.

Support: The electronics workshop was picked since it was one of our highest upkeep building. Followers of Light and the asylum is just to see what happens. The others are all locked in.

Personal: The first choice is because Strul to Mirn is the trade route with the highest average income. The second is to get some combat experience for our expeditionary forces, primarily Aria and the Wall. The third is because Aria and Sylvia haven't interacted on screen yet and I want Aria to be the cool big sister.

Edit: Forgot to put in Means of Reproduction.
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Both options unlock new weapons and can be completed in one turn due to all the bonuses. I haven't yet added outfitting the expedition with them because I don't know how much they cost yet.
The expedition leaves at the end of this turn, so if we want to give the leaving units anything it has to be now.

The first option is currently locked. The second is because I remember the QM saying we can use an engine for our farms, and the Ashleaf nursery is our most profitable. The engine will turn the 10D4 income into 10D12, and with the sandcrete can be finished in one turn.
In that same vein, we should armor the daughter as much as possible before she has to leave for combat.
The expedition leaves at the end of this turn, so if we want to give the leaving units anything it has to be now.
I was already planning on it, I just don't know how to.
In that same vein, we should armor the daughter as much as possible before she has to leave for combat.
I focused on income this turn because we really need it right now, especially if we don't take the deal.
'Journey Never Stopped'

....Hold on to that feeling?

Excerpts of the rules of treatment of the mentally ill of the Empire.

This is nauseating.

And this," Silvia spoke into the room with her classmates, lifting Crinkles, "is my friend Crinkles! He is a Fractal Feline!" She said with a bit of pride, struggling to hold up her friend as he remained stubbornly on the ground, forcing her to stretch him up from the floor, showing his glimmering belly to the class to "ooh's," and "aah's."

Although this is absolutely adorable. I want to hug them both.

"Do you have any idea how difficult it was to contain that leak? To ensure the silence of that many people? If it weren't for her, I'd have ordered a Sweeper-Team to the Tree. Dead mouths tell no tales, as my predecessor always said. Worst of all, I had to allow them to retain the location of that 'Shelter' they dug out of him."


We got a damned pre-fall citizen and we got nothing?

Luckily, the fucker didn't mention anything which could have broken the Wooden Lie.

Right, fuck this, and fuck you Mark. That fucking Wooden Lie is getting cracked wide open.

So, what do we want to loot first, the frame or the entrance?

I actually think we should loot the foyer first. An average of ~31 high grade artifacts ia a massive cash/research infusion, and it should give us an idea of any hidden problems we might find deeper in.

I focused on income this turn because we really need it right now, especially if we don't take the deal.

Nah man, just take a massive loan this turn. Fully armoring the Daughter is absolutely critical, losing her would be devastating.
I say loot the kinifht frame and Boot ^Ä^ in, a second Gundam would help clear the bunker while Arue and PD are doing the military stuff.
Nah man, just take a massive loan this turn. Fully armoring the Daughter is absolutely critical, losing her would be devastating.
We already took a loan last turn, taking another just puts us in more debt, on top of that it's only a short term gain as it does not increase our average income. The Daughter already has some conventional armor along with a complete coating of experimental armor. Also I'm pretty sure that Eversun is going to have very little if any anti-air defenses, considering we're the ones who reintroduced airships.
I say loot the kinifht frame and Boot ^Ä^ in, a second Gundam would help clear the bunker while Arue and PD are doing the military stuff.

Also, remember that we have to spend 3 turns looting it, then repair it, insert Christmas Ornament, recruit a pilot, train the pilot, and then we have a second knight. CO ain't helping us anytime soon.

I dunno, I just have a guy feeling we should take this bunker *really* slow and careful. Starting with the entrance let's us get our toes wet for a still massive reward. (13d4 high-quality artifacts!)
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Also, remember that we have to spend 3 turns looting it, then repair it, insert Christmas Ornament, recruit a pilot, train the pilot, and then we have a second knight. CO ain't helping us anytime soon.
This is why we should loot the frame first. While it will take a while it's a single project we can realistically finish. Whereas we don't know how long any potential tech we unlock from the artefacts will take or if we even start them in the first place.

Better to start on the project we can finish than just add more stuff to our docket that will take a while to get.
I was already planning on it, I just don't know how to.
Add -[] [Martial] Add (Equipment) to (Unit) in your plan. The option costs no action.

We got a damned pre-fall citizen and we got nothing?
You gained the access codes to a Shelter that can contain over 12 million people, with all the sweet loot that comes with that, and the titanic riches stored where the 12 million people should have been.

You're poking at a Necropolis in active decay for Artifacts, now try a near pristine metropolis.
Flamethrowers are another research that could be done in one turn if PD and DoD are assigned to it. If we're willing to spend the money we can equip the expedition with them and mortars.
If the Flamethrowers are anything like the mortars, then that would get us a prototype with several flaws.

If you have anymore questions, I'll answer them in the morning!

1. Could we send our airship/Cutter to take care of the Gargoyle infestation? The crew has the least combat experience of our units, so every bit helps.
2. Could we get War Lessons for our airship/Cutter?
3. Is the Merchant Deal IC motivated or did you just get sick of having to roll so many dice? If it's IC motivated I would be against it because the Merchants already have a lot of influence. If it's OOC bookkeeping I would be fine with it if it makes the QM job easier.
4. Can we use the full number of our doctors, engineers, etc. this Turn, even if some of them leave with the expedition?
5. Do we need to earmark Materials so the units we send on the expeditions get the stuff we finish this Turn, like Payloads May Vary or combat drugs?
6. Is there an upper limit for the usefulness of Artefacts during research? Like, is there a limit on how many traits a project could get from Artefacts used on it(Payloads May Vary)?

You know, we could actually do Lady Tessen? About Our Favor without having to take a favor from the house. We can just use omake boni to tip the scales.
We already talked about that earlier. The Success Chance is for the Emperor to listen; if he does change the laws is a different question. That's the main reason I suggested a Diplomacy Action about talking with the other Houses. One of the Rumor updates also mentioned that it would require House Tessen and another House to petition the Emperor to consider changing the laws.

Tree of Knowledge: The first option is currently locked. The second is because I remember the QM saying we can use an engine for our farms, and the Ashleaf nursery is our most profitable. The engine will turn the 10D4 income into 10D12, and with the sandcrete can be finished in one turn.
Huh, I assumed the engines wouldn't be useful for difficult to mechanize jobs like tree care, the gathering of leaves, etc.

[] Accept The Deal

[] Plan Artefact Overkill
-[][Faith] Build A Humane Primitive Asylum - (Mirn) - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-25 Materials, -4 Goodwill)
-[][Faith] Localized Headquarters - (Mirn) - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-20 Materials)
-[][Diplomacy] Trading Favors - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[][Martial] Build A Training Field - (Expanded) - (1/4 Turns Completed)
--[] [Martial] Add (Mortar (Primitive)) to (The Unbroken) - (-23.75 Materials)
--[] [Martial] Earmark 30 Materials for new equipment for (The Unbroken)
--[] [Martial] Add (Mortar (Primitive)) to (The Wall) - (-23.75 Materials)
--[] [Martial] Earmark 30 Materials for new equipment for (The Wall)
-[][Learning] Payloads May Vary - (Physics/All Chemicals/Advanced Weapons) - (0/3 Successes) - (-24 Materials)
--[] (1 [SC] +12, Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5)=+32
--[] Target Seeking Explosives +50 to Pioneer Weapons/Electronics/Programming, Sleep-Gas Bombs +50 to Pioneer Chemicals/Biology/Weapons, Hydrochloric Halucinogenic Acid +20 to Advanced Weapons/Psychology/Chemicals=+120
-[][Learning] Combat Stimms Round 2 - (Advanced Medicine/Biology/Chemicals) - (0/3 Successes)
--[] [PD], [DoD], (2 [DOC] +24, Scientific Theory +15)=+39
--[] Autonomous Preservative Injector +20 to Advanced Hydraulics/Chemicals, Stimulants +50 to Pioneer Biology=+70
-[][Learning] The Means Of Reproduction - (All Chemicals/Medicine/Biology) - (9/20 Successes)
--[] (Scientific Theory +15,+6FF)=+21
-[][Archeology] Loot The Bunkers Outer Defenses - (0/3 Turns Complete)
--[] (2 [ENG] +28, +6FF)=+34
-[][Tree of Knowledge] Assemble An Engine - (Ashleaf Nursery) (0/2 Turns Complete) - (-25 Materials)
-[][Tree of Knowledge] Library - (Basic) - (4/6 Turns Complete)
-[][Holdings] Expand The Marketplace - Population Focus - (1/3 Turns Complete)
-[][Aria action] Relax - (Explore the Daughter of Dawn) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Gargoyle Problems - (the Wall, the Unbroken)) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Infiltrate Part 2 - (The Lost)) - (1/2 Turns Complete)

-[] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[] Backroom Deals - (Local Base (Mirn))
--[] Repay Loan - (-25 Materials)
-[] The Military - (1 Action)
--[] War Lessons - (The Unbroken) - (-2 Materials)
-[] The Union Of Herbalists - (Choose 1 Action)
--[] Study Sessions - (3/8 Turns Complete) - (-2.50 Material)
-[] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Action)
--[] Suffer Their Arrogance - (0/4 Turns Complete) - (-6 Materials, -1FF)
-[] Conclave Of Fraya - (1 Action)
--[] Eternal Arts - (Norqod) - (2/21 Turns Complete) - (-5 Materials)

Costs: 25 Materials+ 20 Materials+ 23.75 Materials+ 23.75 Materials+ 30 Materials+ 30 Materials+ 24 Materials+ 25 Materials+ 25 Materials+ 2 Materials+ 2.50 Materials+ 6 Materials+ 5 Materials= 242 Materials
Budget: 291.75 Materials
Remaining budget:291.75 Materials - 242 Materials = 49.75 Materials

That should work. I could repay to loan completely this Turn, but I would like to start a big Faith project next Turn so I saved some of those Materials. I'm also not sure why people assume we now suddenly run out of Materials?
Even with the expenses of equipping our units with mortars, it's not that bad. I guess I could blow around 50 Materials more with Sandcrete, For Profit, and Contractors...

Huh, missing the Faithful. Meh, I will add them once the doctors and engineers thing is are clarified.
Edit: Added the Faithful and other personal, changed the target of "War Lessons", earmarked 30 Materials for new equipment for both units.
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1. Could we send our airship/Cutter to take care of the Gargoyle infestation? The crew has the least combat experience of our units, so every bit helps.
Not really, your Personal Cutter has anti-bird protections, but nothing which would seriously harm or deter a determined Gargoyle.

The crew has bows and melee weapons for self-defense, but they wouldn't do any notable damage since they can't drive the fly the ship and shoot accurately at highly mobile targets already spooked and cautious.
2. Could we get War Lessons for our airship/Cutter?
No, as there is no lessons to apply there, airship doctrine is what you come up with, for now.
3. Is the Merchant Deal IC motivated or did you just get sick of having to roll so many dice? If it's IC motivated I would be against it because the Merchants already have a lot of influence. If it's OOC bookkeeping I would be fine with it if it makes the QM job easier.
OOC bookkeeping disguised with IC reasoning.
4. Can we use the full number of our doctors, engineers, etc. this Turn, even if some of them leave with the expedition?
As they leave at the end of the three months, you can.
5. Do we need to earmark Materials so the units we send on the expeditions get the stuff we finish this Turn, like Payloads May Vary or combat drugs?
Yes, you do.
6. Is there an upper limit for the usefulness of Artefacts during research? Like, is there a limit on how many traits a project could get from Artefacts used on it(Payloads May Vary)?
There is no limit at all, but some artifacts will open new research rather than add traits.

Overloading a research will also be reflected in both story and researched item, as there is such a thing as too much good.