-[X][Diplomacy] Kick 'Em While They're Down! - (4 Turns Remaining)
Needed: 40 Rolled: 55+15 = 70
COE Damage: 194
We got really lucky here, that was a near-perfect dice roll.

-[X][Martial] Scout Out. - TOP-03 use: The Unbroken
Needed: 30 Rolled: 68+5 = 73
6 Caretakers, 4 Sentinels, 1 Bright-Lance Turret revealed.
The Bestiary Updated with Caretaker, Sentinel, Minor Bright-Lance Turret.
So at least 10 robots. Let's see, Caretakers and Sentinels are Uncommon. The Caretakers can repair others and are the most numerous, the Sentinels are close-combat fighters with an initiative boost and the lovely trait No Survivors. And finally, the Minor Bright-Lance Turret, which shoots lasers through walls.

-[X][Learning] Catalog Everything - (Advanced Electronics/Hydraulics/Mechanics, Electronics/Hydraulics/Mechanics) - (6/8 Successes) Use: Pump-Connector, Resilient Electric Toy
--[X] 6 FF
Needed: 53/67/94% for 1/2/3 Successes, Rolled: 24+73 = 97
+3 Successes
3 Successes but the dice roll was horrible.

-[X][Learning] Lock and Key, Part 2 - (Mechanics) - (0/1 Successes) Use: Clockwork Pieces
Needed: 10/30/45% for 1/2/3 Successes, Rolled: 83+32 = 115
+3 Successes
Success Overflow!
From a crit fail to success with overflow. Thanks to the Clockwork Pieces, there is a good chance we get modern locks.

-[X][Archeology] The Crystalgarden - (2/2 Turns remaining)
Needed: 34 Rolled: 99
-Unusual Crystal Shard (Small)
-1(One) Elemental Feline Kitten - Fractal

Oh, and we got some strange rocks.

-[X][Personal] Too Much To Do - (Keeping Cool - (Electrical/Mechanical) (3/2 Successes)
Needed: 60/65/70% for 1/2/3 Successes, Rolled: 71+62 = 133
+3 Successes
Success Overflow!
Huh, one success more than what we needed. I wonder what follows on that research. Cool packs, maybe?

Threat Delayed: Haha, NOPE!
Great, here comes the next Butcher. Or maybe the Forge-Clans did wake something up?

17d4+39 = 50+40 = 90 Materials!
Yeah, we're going to need that for the next catastrophe.

Pilgrims Enter Steam Engine-Contest With A Fury
Among the nation's engineers, the Steam Engine-Contest is widely regarded as a significant step forwards to reclaiming many old technologies, bettering the lives of many, and changing the world in ways not seen in the lifetimes of even the oldest Eterna-Mutated. With the Pilgrims having taken up the challenge seemingly as an afterthought, with most of them unaware that the challenge even existed, our sources indicate that most of their progress comes from an ancient engine. What insights or breakthroughs they have managed to uncover, develop, or rediscover is unknown. Still, rumor has it that they managed to create a functional prototype that worked to function with some degree of efficiency. We are certainly eager to hear more of their progress!
-The Thinker's Journal
Well, we have 3 out of 8 Success, so let's hope for the best. Definitely have to introduce ourselves to the Emperor before this is over though.

Broken Ax Tribe Expands Their Purchases, Leaving Many Manufacturers Scrambling For More Employes To Fulfill Orders
Continuing with their unexpected focus on weapons and medicine, the Broken Ax has once more bought as much their tribe could afford. Seeing as they have traversed the Wastes for generations, finding and uncovering the treasures within, this is a considerable amount. Their mass-purchases have had the side effect of many manufacturers having to ramp up production. Several posting notices promising increased pay for working the ever unpopular night-shifts increased further should the employe have previous experience using the machines. And while the merchants are happy for selling merchandise, the average adventurer is starting to grumble about the rising prices for items necessary to ply their trade. Meanwhile, the nobles have begun to apply gentle pressure on the tribe's traders to determine why they need that many armaments, though they continue to be tight-lipped about the whole affair. Worrying.
It sounds like they wage a minor war. That they don't want to talk about it is also worrying. I guess they found something ancient and woke it up, and now fear they get blamed.

Pope Gart Sends Investigative Delegation
After failing to reign in the unrest for over six months, Pope Gart has sent an investigative delegation to ensure that the priesthood of Tessen is actually concerned with the quelling of anger and betrayal felt by many of their followers. A team of investigators which, upon arrival in the region, promptly began to insult local traditions, clothing, and had tried to beat a Mutated Pilgrim giving out bread to the hungry. Furthermore, the delegation has not even attempted to determine if there are any faults in the priests, instead investigating their followers for "Heretical Mindsets," offending many. What they thought this would accomplish, and how they even conceived such an idiotic plan, is up to speculation. So far, they only have managed to give new targets, themselves, for the people's animosity.
That backfired spectacularly. I wonder if those investigators have and dirty secrets?

Attack On The Pilgrims!
The Pilgrims are known wide and far as generally peaceful unless you overly fuck with them or try to harm the innocent in their presence. Now it seems as if someone had decided to see what it will look like when they go nuclear, as an assassin managed to sneak into the Tree of Knowledge and stab the wife of Martyris, Selene, seven times before they were overwhelmed by bystanders. Who, and more importantly, why, someone has tried to do such action is up in the air, with speculations abounding. Did the person act alone, on behalf of someone else, or something much more nebulous? Let us all hope that whatever happened won't be the beginning of a shadow war, dragging the Pilgrims away from their path of helping people.
Luckily, we have the Medical Wing already built and a doctor.

But who organized this? Holy Rose? The Church of Eden? Selene's ex-boyfriend!?
I think now would be a good time to develop civilian body armor. Better than nothing and if it is cheap enough to make, could be a new source of income.
Attack On The Pilgrims!
The Pilgrims are known wide and far as generally peaceful unless you overly fuck with them or try to harm the innocent in their presence. Now it seems as if someone had decided to see what it will look like when they go nuclear, as an assassin managed to sneak into the Tree of Knowledge and stab the wife of Martyris, Selene, seven times before they were overwhelmed by bystanders. Who, and more importantly, why, someone has tried to do such action is up in the air, with speculations abounding. Did the person act alone, on behalf of someone else, or something much more nebulous? Let us all hope that whatever happened won't be the beginning of a shadow war, dragging the Pilgrims away from their path of helping people.
Wasn't Selene pregnant at this time?
Say, are adventurers doing private eye work? We should hire them to beat up investigate the lead from the assassin that was caught.
Traits: MAINTENANCE! (Can Repair Structure and Armor of allied units by 1d4 per turn, but cannot attack.)

Does it repair destroyed units as well (0 structure)? If yes does the repaired unit act in the same turn it was repaired? How long does it take for a unit to reach melee range? 1 turn? Does it attack as soon as reach close range or does it take another turn?
Traits: MAINTENANCE! (Can Repair Structure and Armor of allied units by 1d4 per turn, but cannot attack.)

Does it repair destroyed units as well (0 structure)? If yes does the repaired unit act in the same turn it was repaired? How long does it take for a unit to reach melee range? 1 turn? Does it attack as soon as reach close range or does it take another turn?
Destroyed Units cannot be repaired, Unless you manage to create a plan which obstructs attacking Units, melee is joined after the Ranged phase is over. Once melee is joined, initiative decides who gets to attack first.
Destroyed Units cannot be repaired, Unless you manage to create a plan which obstructs attacking Units, melee is joined after the Ranged phase is over. Once melee is joined, initiative decides who gets to attack first.
That's a relief, those caretakers won't be as big of an issue as I expected and we'll need less preparations. We may be ready to win the first battle of TOP-03 in a year unless more bad things that need our attention happen.
That's a relief, those caretakers won't be as big of an issue as I expected and we'll need less preparations. We may be ready to win the first battle of TOP-03 in a year unless more bad things that need our attention happen.
And seeing as you have a chance to bait out a specific amount of the present Machines, you can tailor your forces to combat them specifically! The 11 machines are all that there are, in case it wasn't clear.
I thought there were more sets of battles since it said 3 turns to clear. Anyway the turret has to go first since it can shoot through walls and tracking trait gives an extra attack if we try hit-and-run tactics.
That was for the eventuality when you decided to let mercenaries or House Mirn clear the site. You could, of course, try to take everything on in one battle, but you will most likely look at three battles by yourself. Which should also take three turns.
That was for the eventuality when you decided to let mercenaries or House Mirn clear the site. You could, of course, try to take everything on in one battle, but you will most likely look at three battles by yourself. Which should also take three turns.
What I had in mind was to send 3 squads equipped with crossbows, electric bolts, AP axes and firebombs. If all 3 manage to shoot from stealth it shouldn't be hard to clear everything with minimal damage.
[Non-Canon] - Achievements Unlocked
You are Pabil, 23-year old Mutated, Orphan, and proud Pilgrim. The last two years have, without a doubt, been the best of your life. No more hunger, uncertainty about where you will sleep, and no fear of being attacked when walking in the city or being short-changed when working a day job. All those things are now firmly in your past, and you do not regret listening to the old man who gave you that bread. Since joining, there was a weird sort of energy in you, a drive to work, a feeling of truly changing the world, as you put up beams and laid down bricks for the School, the Poor-House, or any other project which required a strong back. You felt happy, knowing that what you built today would help children born tomorrow, even if you wouldn't see it.

Then you awoke. Not with a start, not slowly like you do, or being woken by someone, but with clear clarity, as you had never slept to begin with, fully aware. It takes you a moment to realize this, but you look up from your cot once you do.

Only to stare at the frozen form of Fay, her arm extended to shake you awake, mouth hanging open as if she tried to say something but couldn't.

The next hour is spent in pure terror, as you go from person to person, shaking them, hoping that whatever happened has not affected them too, only to have your hopes dashed each time, as they refuse even to be budged. You scream your throat raw in the hope that someone, anything, will answer you, to no avail. Panic grips you as you tumble out of the Tree, staring at a man throwing a bottle of wine into the air, trying to catch it, but unable to as it remains frozen, like him, like his friends, like everyone else.

Desperate for any sign of movement, you run to the Ashtree, frantically looking around.

Then, you see IT.

IT hangs in the air, unmoving and static, looking like a tear in reality, a drop of creation unused, like heresy, made manifest upon the creation of an all-powerful god of being. Terrified out of your mind, you stare before something prompts you to go near, to see it closer, to touch IT.

And so you do, against your will, pushed by something so far above malevolence and benevolence as to mock the very concepts. Something which only wishes for you to touch IT, no matter what sweet lies you need to hear.

Swallowing your fear, you extend a trembling hand, lightly touching the unreality floating in the air.

A chime echoes around the world, and the tear expands.

Arc 1, Finished
Successfully finished Arc 1: A Crows Feast.

The Land Of War And Mountains
Start within the Empire Of Slatnan

Accidentally create a religion.

Seize The Means Of Reproduction
Have the founder of your religion make a child.

Big Damn Hero
The leader of your religion did something pretty stupid but survived.

The Bigger They Are...
Participate in the effort to kill a Titan-Level enemy.

...The Harder They Fall
Participate in the effort to kill two Titan-Level enemies.

Duty Undeterred
Lose fewer than 5(five) volunteers in the Starlight-Crusade.

Duty Outstanding
Only lost 1(one) or fewer volunteers in the Starlight-Crusade.

Friend To Many
Have 3+ factions at (1/3) relationship by the end of the Arc.

Friends In High Places
Have all Houses at (1/3) relationship by the end of the Arc.

Enemies? What Are Those?
Have no faction at (-2/-3) relationship by the end of the Arc.

It's An Effort...
Raise the Opinion Of Mutated by the Common People to (0/3) by the end of the Arc.

It's Always Sunny In Slatnan
Spend more time a +60% Piety than not.

Raise Piety to 100%.

Our Deeds Speak For Themselves
Have 50% of your recruitment be done passively.

Words Move Men; Actions Move Mountains
Have 90% of your recruitment be done passively.

Acquire or recover a Knight.

Avoid the Broken Matrix.

History Lost And Forgotten
Miss the Displaced.

Drums In The Deep
Dodge the Siren-Caller

Fire off Arc 2: A Broken Seal prematurely.
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Smoketack boss/guardian?
History Lost And Forgotten
Gallery boss/guardian?
Glad we didn't explore the pit, that one sounds bad.
That's the workshop isn't it?
Yeah going after the plague-engine wasn't very smart.
So, I am in need of some help, as this update will introduce a soft-test for future mechanics for when the Pilgrims expand beyond Tessen. The problem is that I remain unconvinced that I have added and explained it in such a manner as to be not jarring for you to read. If somebody would be so kind as to help me in figuring out how to change/re-word the introduction/explanation, I would be very grateful.

Minor spoilers apply for those of you which want to help.
Avoid the Broken Matrix.
Whatever repaired the Butcher. Probably a broken AI or an unrestrained Core.

History Lost And Forgotten
Miss the Displaced.
It sounds like someone was in cryostasis. Not sure how "Miss" applies; could be that there is a cryo-pod in the Zone?

Drums In The Deep
Dodge the Siren-Caller
Whatever lives down in the Pit and attracted the Plague-Engine.

Fire off Arc 2: A Broken Seal prematurely.
Oooohhh, that sounds bad.
We triggered it? I'm not sure how, our only Archaeology action this turn was The Crystalgarden. Maybe it's about the Workshop or the Tower?
To be honest: you needed to clear a multitude of different criteria for the whole thing to start early, along with one unlucky roll. I never really thought you would ever get half of these things even at the end of Arc 3, let alone Arc 1.

Edit: And your archadology did not trigger it.
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